To My Future Me

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To my great friend Javi Guatemala, 2026

Hello from 2020! From this point of our your life you are a great
man, with beautiful quality and values. A man who reaches his
dreams and his goals, that is you, and it is probably that you
have finished your career, the great graphic designer. How are
your dreams? How are your goals? Have you traveled around
the world and there beautiful places? Do you have a
relationship? How are you emotionally? 

Javi, let's back to six years before, where your way was starting
when you started to build your future, here when I am (2020) the
things are different, you had a different mentality of the world
and of your future. Here you are younger, an excellent student,
and have wonderful dreams, you are excited to apply for the
university, and to visit the wonderful SCAD, the most important
school of design. Here, when you have seventeen years, you
dream to know your favorite artists, visited one of their shows.
Your are planning and excited to travel around the world, to
visited your favorite places, France and Venice.  Let's  remember
that you are searching for your own house, your own space. Javi,
I hope you have some different hobbies, like painting, baking, or
practicing any sport. 

To achieve your goals and dreams, you need to keep them in

mind, you need to remember why they are significant to you. My
friend, I hope that you improve your self-pressure, have more
control over your emotions. Remember, all the things are not
going to happen as you wish, not everything is perfect and will
not be.
Do not forget to work hard, giving your best in every activity you
do, make your mark on others, help everyone, think of others
before you do, and that will bring you many good things
throughout your life. You are a nice person, with amazing values
and skills, do not forget to thank God, for your life and your
dreams. Do not forget to have time for your family and friends,
they are special for you, tell them how much you love them, give
them gifts, and above all give them a lot of love. 

Finally, do not forget how much you worth as a human being

and that no matter who you are and who you love, it will always
be a light in other people. Never forget that God loves you and
is always very close to you, for it is thanks to Him that every
dream and goal you propose can come true. Be an inspiration
to others about the good things you do.

I hope you are all right.

Your creative friend of 2020

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember,

you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion
to reach for the stars to change the world.”
– Harriet Tubman

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