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Chapter 15 - Section A - Mathcad Solutions

15.1 Initial state: Liquid water at 70 degF.

H1  38.05˜ S1  0.0745˜ (Table F.3)
lbm lbm˜ rankine
Final state: Ice at 32 degF.

H2  (0.02  143.3)˜
S2  ¨ 0.0 
143.3 ·
lbm © 491.67 ¹ lbm˜ rankine

TV  (70  459.67)rankine


Point A: sat. vapor at 32 degF.

Point C: sat. liquid at 70 degF. P = 85.79(psia).

Point D: Mix of sat. liq. & sat. vapor at 32 degF with the enthalpy of Point C.

Point B: Superheated vapor at 85.79(psia) and the entropy of Point A.

Data for Points A, C, & D from Table 9.1. Data for Point B from Fig. G.2.

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Wideal  H2  H1  TV ˜ S2  S1

BTU lbm
Wideal 12.466
lbm mdot  1˜
Wdotideal  mdot˜ Wideal Wdotideal 13.15 kW Ans.

(b) For the Carnot heat pump, heat equal to the enthalpy change of the
water is extracted from a cold reservoir at 32 degF, with heat
rejection to the surroundings at 70 degF.

TC  491.67˜ rankine TH  TV QC  H2  H1 QC 181.37
§ TH  TC · BTU
Work  QC ˜ ¨ Work 14.018
© TC ¹ lbm

Wdot  mdot˜ Work Wdot 14.79 kW Ans.

Kt  Kt 0.889 Ans.

The only irreversibility is the transfer of heat from the water as it cools
from 70 to 32 degF to the cold reservoir of the Carnot heat pump at 70

(c) Conventional refrigeration cycle under ideal conditions of operation:

Isentropic compression, infinite flow rate of cooling water, &
minimum temp. difference for heat transfer = 0.
For sat. liquid and vapor at 32 degF, by interpolation in the table:
HA  107.60˜ SA  0.2223˜
lbm lbm˜ rankine

For sat. liquid at 70 degF:

HC  34.58˜ HD  HC
For superheated vapor at 85.79(psia) and S = 0.2223:
HB  114˜

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Refrigerent circulation rate:

 H2  H1 ˜ 1˜
sec lbm
mdot  mdot 2.484
HA  HD sec

Wdot  mdot˜ HB  HA Wdot 16.77 kW Ans.

Kt  Kt 0.784 Ans.

The irreversibilities are in the throttling process and in heat transfer in

both the condenser and evaporator, where there are finite temperature

(d) Practical cycle. K  0.75

Point A: Sat. vapor at 24 degF.

Point B: Superheated vapor at 134.75(psia).

Point D: Mix of sat. liq. and sat. vapor at 24 degF with H of point C,

Point C: Sat. Liquid at 98 degF.

(Note that minimum temp. diff. is not at end of condenser, but it is not
practical to base design on 8-degF temp. diff. at pinch. See sketch.)

For sat. liquid and vapor at 24 degF:

Hliq  19.58˜ Hvap  106.48˜ HA  Hvap
lbm lbm

Sliq  0.0433˜ Svap  0.2229˜ SA  Svap
lbm˜ rankine lbm˜ rankine

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For sat. liquid at 98 degF, P=134.75(psia):
HC  44.24˜ SC  0.0902˜
lbm lbm˜ rankine

For isentropic compression, the entropy of Point B is 0.2229 at

P=134.75(psia). From Fig. G.2,

H'B  118˜ HB  HA 
lbm K

BTU The entropy at this H is

HB 121.84
lbm read from Fig. G.2 at

BTU HD  Hliq
SB  0.228˜ HD  HC xD  xD 0.284
lbm˜ rankine Hvap  Hliq

SD  Sliq  xD˜ Svap  Sliq SD 0.094
lbm˜ rankine

Refrigerent circulation rate:

 H2  H1 ˜ 1˜
sec lbm
mdot  mdot 2.914
HA  HD sec

Wdot  mdot˜ HB  HA Wdot 47.22 kW Ans.

Kt  Kt 0.279 Ans.

THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS TV  (70  459.67)rankine


Wdotlost.compressor  mdot˜ TV ˜ SB  SA

Qdotcondenser  mdot˜ HC  HB

Wdotlost.condenser  mdot˜ TV ˜ SC  SB  Qdotcondenser

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Wdotlost.throttle  mdot˜ TV ˜ SD  SC

Wdotlost.evaporator  TV ˜ ª mdot˜ SA  SD  º

« lbm »
«  1˜ ˜ S2  S1 »
¬ sec ¼

Wdotideal 13.152 kW 27.85%

Wdotlost.compressor 8.305 kW 17.59%

Wdotlost.condenser 14.178 kW 30.02%

Wdotlost.throttle 6.621 kW 14.02%

Wdotlost.evaporator 4.968 kW 10.52%

The percent values above express each quantity as a percentage of the

actual work, to which the quantities sum.

15.2 Assume ideal gases. Data from Table C.4

'H298  282984˜ J 'G298  257190˜ J

'H298  'G298 J
'S298  'S298 86.513
298.15˜ K K

BASIS: 1 mol CO and 1/2 mol O2 entering with

accompanying N2=(1/2)(79/21)=1.881 mol
nCO  1˜ mol nair  2.381˜ mol nCO2  1˜ mol nN2  1.881˜ mol

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(a) Isothermal process at 298.15 K:

Since the enthalpy change of mixing for ideal gases is zero, the overall
enthalpy change for the process is
'H  'H298 For unmixing the air, define

y1  y1 0.79 y2  1  y1

By Eq. (12.35) with no minus sign:

'Sunmixing  nair˜ R˜ y1˜ ln y1  y2˜ ln y2

'Sunmixing 10.174
For mixing the products of reaction, define
y1  y1 0.347 y2  1  y1
nN2  nCO2

'Smixing   nCO2  nN2 ˜ R˜ y1˜ ln y1  y2˜ ln y2 'Smixing 15.465

'S  'Sunmixing ''S298  Smixing 'S 81.223

TV  300˜ K Wideal  'H  TV ˜ 'S Wideal 259 kJ Ans.

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(b) Adiabatic combustion:

Heat-capacity data for the product gases from Table C.1:

nCO2˜ 5.457  nN2˜ 3.280

A A 11.627
nCO2˜ 1.045  nN2˜ 0.593 3 3
B ˜ 10 B 2.16 u 10

nCO2˜ 1.157  nN2˜ 0.040 5 5

D ˜ 10 D 1.082 u 10

´ C
'HP = R˜ µ
For the products, dT T0  298.15˜ K
µ R

The integral is given by Eq. (4.7). Moreover, by an energy balance,

'H298  'HP = 0 .
2.160˜ 10 5 2
Guess W 2 A  11.627 B D  1.082˜ 10 ˜ K
'H298 = R˜ mol˜ « A˜WT0˜  1 
˜W T0 ˜
2 2  1 
D § W  1· º
˜¨ »
¬ 2 T0 © W ¹ ¼

W  Find W W 8.796 T  T0˜ W T 2622.603 K

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it without permission.
For the cooling process from this temperature to the final temperature of
298.15 K, the entropy change is calculated by

ICPS 2622.6  298.15  11.627  2.160˜ 10
 0.0  1.082˜ 10
= 29.701
ICPS  29.701 'S  R˜ mol˜ ICPS 'S 246.934
'H  'H298 Wideal.cooling  'H  TV ˜ 'S
'H 2.83 u 10 J Wideal.cooling 208904 J Ans.

Kt  Kt 0.8078 Ans.

The surroundings increase in entropy in the amount:


QV   'H298  Wideal.cooling 'SV 
'SV 246.93

The irreversibility is in the combustion reaction. Ans.


For the sat. steam at 2700 kPa, Table F.2:

kJ kJ
H1  2801.7˜ S1  6.2244˜
kg kg˜ K

For the sat. steam at 275 kPa, Table F.2:

kJ kJ
H2  2720.7˜ S2  7.0201˜
kg kg˜ K

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For sat. liquid and vapor at 1000 kPa, Table F.2:
kJ kJ
Hliq  762.6˜ Sliq  2.1382˜
kg kg˜ K

kJ kJ
Hvap  2776.2 Svap  6.5828 Tsat  453.03K
kg kg˜ K
(a) Assume no heat losses, no shaft work, and negligible changes in kinetic
and potential energy. Then by Eqs. (2.30) and (5.22) for a completely
reversible process:

' fs (H˜ mdot)= 0 ' fs (S˜ mdot)= 0

We can also write a material balance, a quantity requirement, and relation
between H3 and S3 which assumes wet steam at point 3.
The five equations (in 5 unknowns) are as follows:

Guesses: mdot1  0.1˜ mdot2  mdot1 mdot3  mdot1  mdot2
H1  H2 H3  Hliq
H3  S3  Sliq 
2 Tsat

H3˜ mdot3  H1˜ mdot1  H2˜ mdot2 = 0
S3˜ mdot3  S1˜ mdot1  S2˜ mdot2 = 0
s˜ K
mdot3 = mdot1  mdot2 H3  Hliq ˜ mdot3 = 300 s
H3  Hliq
S3 = Sliq 

§ mdot1 ·
¨ mdot2 ¸
¨ mdot3 ¸  Find mdot  mdot  mdot  H  S
1 2 3 3 3
¨ ¸
¨ H3 ¸
© S3 ¹
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kg kg kg
mdot1 0.086 mdot2 0.064 mdot3 0.15
s s s

3 kJ kJ
H3 2.767 u 10 S3 6.563 Ans.
kg kg˜ K

Steam at Point 3 is indeed wet.

(b) Turbine: Constant-S expansion of steam from Point 1 to 1000 kPa

results in wet steam of quality

S1  Sliq
x'turb  H'turb  Hliq  x'turb˜ Hvap  Hliq
Svap  Sliq
3 kJ
H'turb 2.614 u 10
x'turb 0.919 kg

K turb  0.78 Hturb  H1  K turb˜ H'turb  H1

3 kJ
Hturb 2.655 u 10

Hturb  Hliq
xturb  Sturb  Sliq  xturb ˜ Svap  Sliq
Hvap  Hliq
xturb 0.94 Sturb 6.316
kg˜ K

Compressor: Constant-S compression of steam from Point 2 to 1000 kPa

results in superheated steam. Interpolation in Table F.2 yields
H'comp  2993.5 K comp  0.75

§ H'comp  H2 · kJ
Hcomp  H2  ¨ Hcomp 3084.4
© K comp ¹ kg

By interpolation: Scomp  7.1803
kg˜ K

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The energy balance, mass balance, and quantity requirement equations of
Part (a) are still valid. In addition, The work output of the turbine equals
the work input of the compressor. Thus we have 4 equations (in 4
kg kg
Guesses: mdot1  0.086 mdot2  0.064
s s

kg kJ
mdot3  0.15 H3  2770.
s kg

Hcomp  H2 ˜ mdot2 =  Hturb  H1 ˜ mdot1

H3˜ mdot3  H1˜ mdot1  H2˜ mdot2 = 0
mdot3 = mdot1  mdot2 H3  Hliq ˜ mdot3 = 300 s
§ mdot1 ·
¨ mdot2 ¸
¨ ¸  Find mdot1  mdot2  mdot3  H3
¨ mdot 3 ¸
¨ H3
© ¹

kg kg
mdot1 0.10608 mdot2 0.04274
s s
kg 3 kJ
mdot3 0.14882 H3 2.77844 u 10
s kg

Steam at Point 3 is slightly superheated.

By interpolation, S3  6.5876
kg˜ K


By Eq. (5.25), with the enthalpy term equal to zero:

Wdotideal  TV ˜ mdot3˜ S3  mdot1˜ S1  mdot2˜ S2

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Wdotideal 6.014 kW

Wdotlost.turb  TV ˜ mdot1˜ Sturb  S1

Wdotlost.comp  TV ˜ mdot2˜ Scomp  S2

Wdotlost.mixing  TV ˜ ª¬ mdot3˜ S3  mdot1˜ Sturb  mdot2˜ Scompº¼

Wdotlost.turb 2.9034 kW 48.2815%

Wdotlost.comp 2.054 kW 34.1565%

Wdotlost.mixing 1.0561 kW 17.5620%

The percent values above express each quantity as a percentage of the

absolute value of the ideal work, to which the quantities sum.

15.4 Some property values with reference to Fig. 9.1 are given in Example 9.1.
Others come from Table 9.1 or Fig. G.2.
For sat. liquid and vapor at the evaporator temperature of 0 degF:
Hliq  12.090 BTU
lbm Hvap  103.015˜

Svap  0.22525˜ Sliq  0.02744
lbm˜ rankine lbm˜ rankine

For sat. liquid at the condenser outlet temperature of 80 degF:

H4  37.978˜ S4  0.07892˜
lbm lbm˜ rankine

H2  Hvap S2  Svap H1  H4

H1  Hliq
x1  S1  Sliq  x1˜ Svap  Sliq
Hvap  Hliq
x1 0.285 S1 0.084
lbm˜ rankine

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From Example 9.1(b) for the compression step:
'H  17.48˜ H3  H2  'H H3 120.5
lbm lbm

From Fig. G.2 at H3 and P = 101.37(psia):

BTU lbm
S3  0.231˜ mdot  1845.1˜
lbm˜ rankine hr

Wdot  mdot˜ 'H Wdot 3.225 u 10

The purpose of the condenser is to transfer heat to the surroundings. Thus

the heat transferred in the condenser is Q in the sense of Chapter 15; i.e.,
it is heat transfer to the SURROUNDINGS, taken here to be at a
temperature of 70 degF.
Internal heat transfer (within the system) is not Q. The heat transferred in
the evaporator comes from a space maintained at 10 degF, which is part of
the system, and is treated as an internal heat reservoir.
The ideal work of the process is that of a Carnot engine operating between
the temperature of the refrigerated space and the temperature of the
TV  (70  459.67)rankine
˜ TH  TV

QdotC  120000 TC  (10  459.67)rankine

Wdotideal  QdotC ˜ Wdotideal 1.533 u 10
TC hr

Wdotlost.comp  TV ˜ mdot˜ S3  S2

Qdot  H4  H3 ˜ mdot Qdot 1.523 u 10

Wdotlost.cond  TV ˜ mdot˜ S4  S3  Qdot

Wdotlost.throttle  TV ˜ mdot˜ S1  S4

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Wdotlost.evap  TV ˜ mdot˜ S2  S1 
H1  H2
 TV ˜ ˜ mdot
The final term accounts for the entropy change of the refrigerated space (an
internal heat reservoir).

Wdotideal 15329.9 47.53%

Wdotlost.comp 5619.4 17.42%
Wdotlost.cond 3625.2 11.24%

Wdotlost.throttle 4730.2 14.67%

Wdotlost.evap 2947.6 9.14%
The percent values above express each quantity as a percentage of the
actual work, to which they sum:

Wdot 32252.3

15.5 The discussion at the top of the second page of the solution to the
preceding problem applies equally here. In each case,
TV  ( 70  459.67) ˜ rankine TH  TV
The following vectors refer to Parts (a)-(e):

§ 40 · § 600 ·
¨ 30 ¨ 500
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ BTU
tC  ¨ 20 ¸ QdotC  ¨ 400 ¸ ˜
¨ 10 ¸ ¨ 300 ¸ sec
¨ ¨
©0¹ © 200 ¹

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§ TH  TC ·
TC  tC  459.67 ˜ rankine Wdotideal  ¨ QdotC ˜
© TC ¹

For sat. liquid and vapor at the evaporator temperature, Table 9.1:

§ 21.486 · § 107.320 ·
¨ 18.318 ¨ 105.907
¨ ¸ BTU ¨ ¸ BTU
Hliq  ¨ 15.187 ¸ ˜ Hvap  ¨ 104.471 ¸ ˜ H2  Hvap
¨ 12.090 ¸ lbm ¨ 103.015 ¸ lbm
¨ ¨
© 9.026 ¹ © 101.542 ¹
§ 0.04715 · § 0.22244 ·
¨ 0.04065 ¨ 0.22325
¨ ¸ BTU ¨ ¸ BTU
Sliq  ¨ 0.03408 ¸ ˜ Svap  ¨ 0.22418 ¸ ˜ S2  Svap
lb ˜ rankine lb ˜ rankine
¨ 0.02744 ¸ m ¨ 0.22525 ¸ m
¨ ¨
© 0.02073 ¹ © 0.22647 ¹
For sat. liquid at the condenser temperature:
H4  37.978˜ S4  0.07892˜ H1  H4
lbm lbm˜ rankine
H1  Hliq  o
x1  S1  ¬ª Sliq  x1˜ Svap  Sliq º¼
Hvap  Hliq

From the results of Pb. 9.9, we find:

§ 117.7 · From these values we must find the

¨ 118.9 corresponding entropies from Fig. G.2.
¨ ¸ BTU They are read at the vapor pressure for
H3  ¨ 120.1 ¸ ˜ 80 degF of 101.37 kPa. The flow rates
¨ 121.7 ¸ lbm come from Problem 9.9:
© 123.4 ¹

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§ 0.227 · § 8.653 ·
¨ 0.229 ¨ 7.361
¨ ¸ BTU ¨ ¸ lbm
S3  ¨ 0.231 ¸ ˜ mdot  ¨ 6.016 ¸ ˜
¨ 0.234 ¸ lbm˜ rankine ¨ 4.613 ¸ sec
¨ ¨
© 0.237 ¹ © 3.146 ¹
Wdotlost.comp  ª¬TV ˜ mdot˜ S3  S2 º¼
Qdot  ª¬ H4  H3 ˜ mdotº¼

Wdotlost.cond  ¬ªTV ˜ mdot˜ S4  S3 º¼  Qdot

Wdotlost.throttle  ª¬TV ˜ mdot˜ S1  S4 º¼

Wdotlost.evap  ¬ªTV ˜ mdot˜ S2  S1 º¼ 
ª§ H 1  H 2· º
 «¨ TV ˜ ˜ mdot»
¬© TC ¹ ¼
The final term accounts for the entropy change of the refrigerated space (an
internal heat reservoir).
Wdot  ¬ªmdot˜ H3  H2 º¼

§ 36.024 · § 20.9 ·
¨ 40.844 ¨ 22.419
¨ ¸ BTU ¨ ¸ BTU
Wdotideal ¨ 41.695 ¸ Wdotlost.comp ¨ 21.732 ¸
¨ 38.325 ¸ sec ¨ 21.379 ¸ sec
¨ ¨
© 30.457 ¹ © 17.547 ¹

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§ 11.149 · § 8.754 ·
¨ 10.52 ¨ 10.589
¨ ¸ BTU ¨ ¸ BTU
Wdotlost.cond ¨ 9.444 ¸ Wdotlost.throttle ¨ 11.744 ¸
¨ 7.292 ¸ sec ¨ 11.826 ¸ sec
¨ ¨
© 5.322 ¹ © 10.322 ¹
§ 12.991 · § 89.818 ·
¨ 11.268 ¨ 95.641
¨ ¸ BTU ¨ ¸ BTU
Wdotlost.evap ¨ 9.406 ¸ Wdot ¨ 94.024 ¸
¨ 7.369 ¸ sec ¨ 86.194 ¸ sec
¨ ¨
© 5.122 ¹ © 68.765 ¹
In each case the ideal work and the lost work terms sum to give the actual
work, and each term may be expressed as a percentage of the actual work.

15.6 The discussion at the top of the second page of the solution to Problem
15.4 applies equally here.
TV  (70  459.67)rankine
˜ TH  TV
TC  (30  459.67)rankine
˜ QdotC  2000˜

§ TH  TC · BTU
Wdotideal  ¨ QdotC ˜ Wdotideal 163.375
© TC ¹ sec

For sat. liquid and vapor at the evaporator temperature, Table 9.1:
Hliq  18.318˜ Sliq  0.04065˜
lbm lbm˜ rankine

Hvap  105.907˜ Svap  0.22325˜
lbm lbm˜ rankine

H2  Hvap S2  Svap

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For sat. liquid at the condenser temperature:
H4  37.978˜ S4  0.07892˜
lbm lbm˜ rankine

From Problem 9.12,

BTU S2A  0.2435˜
H2A  116.˜ lbm˜ rankine

H3  H2A  14.667˜ H3 130.67
lbm lbm

From Fig. G.2 at this enthalpy and 33.11(psia):

S3  0.2475˜
lbm˜ rankine

Energy balance on heat exchanger:

H1  H4  H2A  H2 H1 27.885
H1  Hliq
x1  S1  Sliq  x1˜ Svap  Sliq
Hvap  Hliq
S1 0.061
x1 0.109 lbm˜ rankine

Upstream from the throttle (Point 4A) the state is subcooled liquid with
the enthalpy:

H4A  H1
The entropy at this point is essentially that of sat. liquid with this
enthalpy; by interpolation in Table 9.1:
S4A  0.05986˜
lbm˜ rankine

From Problem 9.12: mdot  25.634˜

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Wdotlost.comp  TV ˜ mdot˜ S3  S2A

Qdot  H4  H3 ˜ mdot
Wdotlost.cond  TV ˜ mdot˜ S4  S3  Qdot

Wdotlost.throttle  TV ˜ mdot˜ S1  S4A

Wdotlost.evap  TV ˜ mdot˜ S2  S1 

§ H1  H2 ·
 ¨ TV ˜ ˜ mdot
© TC ¹
The final term accounts for the entropy change of the refrigerated space (an
internal heat reservoir).
Wdotlost.exchanger  TV ˜ mdot˜ S2A  S2  S4A  S4

Wdot  mdot˜ H3  H2A

Wdotideal 163.38 43.45%

Wdotlost.comp 54.31 14.45%

Wdotlost.cond 87.08 23.16%

Wdotlost.throttle 9.98 2.65%

Wdotlost.evap 45.07 11.99%

Wdotlost.exchanger 16.16 4.30%

BTU The figures on the right are percentages of the

Wdot 375.97
sec actual work, to which the terms sum.

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Compression to a pressure at which condensation in coils occurs at

110 degC. Table F.1 gives this sat. pressure as 143.27 kPa
K comp  0.75

kJ kJ
H1  419.1˜ S1  1.3069˜ (sat. liquid)
kg kg˜ K

kJ kJ
H2  2676.0˜ S2  7.3554˜ (sat. vapor)
kg kg˜ K

For isentropic compression to 143.27 kPa, we find by double interpolation in

Table F.2:
kJ H'3  H2 kJ
H'3  2737.0˜ H3  H2  H3 2757.3
kg K comp kg
By more double interpolation in Table F.2 at 143.27 kPa,
S3  7.4048˜
kg˜ K
By an energy balance, assuming the slurry passes through unchanged,
H4  H1  H3  H2 H4 500.4

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This enthalpy is a bit larger than that of sat. liquid at 110 degC; find quality
and then the entropy:
kJ kJ kJ
Hliq  461.3˜ Hlv  2230.0˜ Sliq  1.4185˜
kg kg kg˜ K

kJ H4  Hliq
Slv  5.8203˜ x4  x4 0.018
kg˜ K Hlv

kJ kg
S4  Sliq  x4˜ Slv S4 1.5206 mdot  0.5˜
kg˜ K sec
TV  300˜ K

Wdotideal  mdot˜ ¬ª H4  H1  TV ˜ S4  S1 º¼

Wdotlost.evap  mdot˜ TV ˜ S4  S3  S2  S1

Wdotlost.comp  mdot˜ TV ˜ S3  S2

Wdot  mdot˜ H3  H2

Wdotideal 8.606 kW 21.16%

Wdotlost.evap 24.651 kW 60.62%

Wdotlost.comp 7.41 kW 18.22%

The figures on the right are percentages of the

Wdot 40.667 kW
actual work, to which the terms sum.

15.8 A thermodynamic analysis requires an exact definition of the overall

process considered, and in this case we must therefore specify the source
of the heat transferred to the boiler.
Since steam leaves the boiler at 900 degF, the heat source may be
considered a heat reservoir at some higher temperature. We assume in
the following that this temperature is 950 degF.
The assumption of a different temperature would provide a variation in the

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it without permission.
The ideal work of the process in this case is given by a Carnot engine
operating between this temperature and that of the surroundings, here
specified to be 80 degF.

We take as a basis 1 lbm of H2O passing through the boiler. Required

property values come from Pb. 8.8.
TH  (459.67  950)rankine
˜ TC  (459.67  80)rankine
˜ TV  TC
Subscripts below correspond to points on figure of Pb. 8.7.

§ H1 · § 257.6 · § S1 · § 0.3970 ·
¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
¨ H2 ¸ ¨ 1461.2 ¸ ¨ S2 ¸ ¨ 1.6671 ¸
¨H ¸ ¨ ¸ ¨S ¸ ¨ ¸
¨ 3 ¸  ¨ 1242.2 ¸ ˜ BTU ¨ 3 ¸  ¨ 1.7431 ¸ ˜ BTU
¨ H4 ¸ ¨ 1047.8 ¸ lbm ¨ S4 ¸ ¨ 1.8748 ¸ lbm˜ rankine
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
¨ H5 ¸ ¨ 69.7 ¨ S5 ¸ ¨ 0.1326
¨H ¨S
© 7¹ ©
250.2 ¹
© 7¹ ©
0.4112 ¹

§ TC ·
QH  H2  H1 ˜ 1˜ lbm Wideal  QH˜ ¨ 1 
© TH ¹
For purposes of thermodynamic analysis, we consider the following 4 parts
of the process:
The boiler/heat reservoir combination
The turbine
The condenser and throttle valve
The pump and feedwater heater

ª QH º
Wlost.boiler.reservoir  TV ˜ « S2  S1 ˜ 1˜ lbm  »
¬ TH ¼

m  0.18688˜ lbm (From Pb. 8.8)

Wlost.turbine  TV ˜ ª¬ m˜ S3  S2  1˜ lbm  m ˜ S4  S2 º¼
The purpose of the condenser is to transfer heat to the surroundings. The
amount of heat is
Q  1˜ lbm˜ H5  1˜ lbm  m ˜ H4  m˜ H7
Q 829.045 BTU

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only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using
it without permission.
Wlost.cond.valve  TV ˜ ª¬1˜ lbm˜ S5  1˜ lbm  m ˜ S4  m˜ S7º¼  Q

Wlost.pump.heater  TV ˜ ª¬ 1˜ lbm˜ S1  S5  m˜ S7  S3 º¼

The absolute value of the actual work comes from Pb. 8.8:

Wabs.value = 374.61˜ BTU 50.43%

Wlost.boiler.reservoir 224.66 BTU 30.24%

Wlost.turbine 98.81 BTU 13.30%

Wlost.cond.valve 36.44 BTU 4.90%

Wlost.pump.heater 8.36 BTU 1.13%

Wideal 742.82 BTU The numbers on the right are percentages of the
absolute value of the ideal work, to which they
(absolute value) sum.

15.9 Refer to Figure 9.7, page 330 The analysis presented here is for
the liquefaction section to the right of the dashed line. Enthalpy and
entropy values are those given in Ex. 9.3 plus additional values from
the reference cited on page 331 at conditions given in Ex. 9.3.
Property values:

kJ kJ
H4  1140.0˜ S4  9.359˜
kg kg˜ K

kJ kJ
H5  1009.7˜ S5  8.894˜
kg kg˜ K

kJ kJ
H7  719.8˜ S7  7.544˜
kg kg˜ K

kJ kJ
H9  285.4˜ S9  4.928˜
kg kg˜ K

kJ kJ
H10  796.9˜ S10  9.521˜
kg kg˜ K

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted
only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using
it without permission.
kJ kJ
H14  1042.1˜ S14  11.015˜
kg kg˜ K

kJ kJ
H15  1188.9˜ S15  11.589˜
kg kg˜ K

H6  H5 S6  S5 H11  H5 S11  S5

H12  H10 S12  S10 H13  H10 S13  S10

TV  295K

The basis for all calculations is 1 kg of methane entering at point 4. All

work quantities are in kJ. Results given in Ex. 9.3 on this basis are:
Fraction of entering methane that is liquefied:
Fraction of entering methane passing through the expander:
On this basis also Eq. (5.26) for Ideal Work, Eq. (5.33) for Entropy
Generation,and Eq. (5.34) for Lost Work can be written:
z  0.113 x  0.25
Wideal = ' (H˜ m)fs  TV ˜ ' (S˜ m)fs SG = ' (S˜ m)fs 
Wlost = TV ˜ SG

Wideal  ª¬H15˜ (1  z) H9˜ z  H4º¼  TV ˜ ª¬S15˜ (1  z) S9˜ z  S4º¼

Wideal 489.001
Wout  H12  H11 ˜ x Wout 

(a) Heat Exchanger I: SG.a  ª¬ S5  S4  S15  S14 ˜ (1  z)º¼

kJ kJ
SG.a 0.044 Wlost.a  TV ˜ SG.a Wlost.a 13.021
kg˜ K kg

(b) Heat Exchanger II: SG.b  ¬ª S7  S6 ˜ (1  x) S14  S13 ˜ (1  z)º¼

kJ kJ
SG.b 0.313 Wlost.b  TV ˜ SG.b Wlost.b 92.24
kg˜ K kg

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted
only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using
it without permission.
(c) Expander: SG.c  S12  S11 ˜ x
kJ kJ
SG.c 0.157 Wlost.c  TV ˜ SG.c Wlost.c 46.241
kg˜ K kg

(d) Throttle: SG.d  ¬ª S9˜ z  S10˜ (1  z  x) S7˜ (1  x)º¼

kJ kJ
SG.d 0.964 Wlost.d  TV ˜ SG.d Wlost.d 284.304
kg˜ K kg

Entropy-generation analysis:

kJ/kg-K Percent of 6

S_Ga 0.044 2.98%

S_Gb 0.313 21.18%

S_Gc 0.157 10.62%

S_Gd 0.964 65.22%

6 1.478 100.00%

Work analysis, Eq. (15.3):

kJ/kg Percent of 6

Wout 53.20 10.88%

Wlost.a 13.02 2.66%

Wlost.b 92.24 18.86%

Wlost.c 46.24 9.46%

Wlost.d 284.30 58.14%

6 489.00 100.00%

Note that: 6 = Wideal

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted
only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using
it without permission.

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