Lesson 1 Rubric

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Earth’s Motion Digital Flipbook

Total Points= ________/100

Use of Technology Presentation software: 5 points

_______/5 : used PowerPoint or Google Slides to create digital notebook

Variety of Slides: 10 points

_______/10 : varies the information on the slides, including images, text, videos, etc.

Spelling and Grammar: 5 points

_______/5 : used correct spelling and grammar on project

Earth and the Sun: 20 points

_______/5 : includes information about the Sun

_______/5 : includes how Earth orbits around the Sun

_______/5 : includes how the Sun’s gravitational pull affects the Earth

_______/5 : includes details on Earth’s rotation

Temperature and Latitude: 10 points

_______/5 : explains how Earth’s tilted surface affects the temperature

_______/5 : explains why Earth is warmer at the equator and colder at the poles

Seasons: 20 points

_______/10 : explains why Earth has seasons

_______/5 : shows how spring and summer occurs in the northern hemisphere

_______/5 : shows how fall and winter occurs in the northern hemisphere

Solstices and Equinoxes: 20 points

_______/2.5: defines a solstice

_______/2.5 : defines an equinox

_______/15 : creates a graphic that shows the equinoxes and solstices and includes details about each

Sources: 10 points

_______/5 : includes research within notebook

_______/5 : includes sources where information was found

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