Past Simple Tense: Tobe Other Verbs

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Past Simple Tense

წარსული მარტივი დრო


Subject + was/ were + …

(I/ he/ she/ it + was)
(They/ we/ you + were) Subject + Past simple
I was sick yesterday. She went shopping last month.
Positive They were sick last week. We got up late yesterday.

Subject + was/ were + not + …

Was not = wasn’t Subject + did not + Bare infinitive
Were not = weren’t Did not = didn’t
I wasn’t sick yesterday. She didn’t go shopping last month.
Negative They weren’t sick last week. We didn’t get up late yesterday.

Were/ was + Subject + …? Did + Subject + Bare infinitive?

Were you sick yesterday? Did she go shopping last month?
Question Were they sick last week? Did you get up late yesterday?

მოქმედება მოხდა და დასრულდა წარსულში. ინგლისურშუი გვაქვს წესიერი და არა
წესიერი ზმნები. არა წესიერები ფორმას იცვლიან წარსულში (go-went), ხოლო
წესიერები იმატებენ -ed (work-worked) დაბოლოებას.
კითხვითი და უარყოფითი ფორმები იწარმოება Did /didn’t მეშვეობით, რომლის
დროსაც საუღლებელი ზმნა უბრუნდება საწყის ფორმას.

  to talk about actions finished in the past

 I met him last week.

 to talk about a series of actions completed in the past

 I woke up, had breakfast and went to school.
Signal words:
Yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last Christmas, in 2017, ago

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