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Summary of Baatein

“Baatein” a short film by Adeeb Rais tells us that communication is essential to human existence. When
we try to pent up our feelings and hide them inside us. When we don't talk about our pain or
discomfort. It eventually becomes toxic and unbearable. The unsaid discomfort multiplies inside their
minds until they can take it no more and decide to end their lives. Baatein talks about cases of teenage
suicides and expresses the ardent need of communication. The story starts with a young filmmaker
visiting the house of Mrs Deshpande, a woman whose son Milind committed suicide. The filmmaker is
introduced as a friend of Milind's and they have a brief chat. Jeet talks about his own life and how he
encountered a case of teenage suicide in his life too. It is emotionally stirring to imagine young boys
taking their own lives. Jeet finally makes a confession which moves Mrs Deshpande. She is distributed
but this small incident makes her ponder overnight how important it is for teenagers to talk about their
pain and hurt.

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