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Wild Treasures:

Climate Change
Surry Village Charter School 2020


For our action project we are proposing a

carpooling map for different towns to reduce

the number of cars we take to school. We chose

this project because in Phase 1 we learned

about systems and feedback. We learned that

we have 48 cars traveling at once to school

every day. We don’t want people using as much

oil and fuel, which is all part of our schools’

transportation system. We hope to reduce the

amount of oil and fuel being used by having

people carpool.  We also learned about

feedback loops in Phase 1. Feedback is when a

change in one thing changes a second thing

and then the change in the second thing loops

back around and changes the first thing.

Many smaller systems make up larger systems

and contribute to how the systems work. The

global climate is an example of a larger system

which is affected by smaller systems. For

example, our atmosphere is a system which has

a positive feedback loop with the climate right

ow, which isn't a good thing because we are

speeding up the heating of our Earth by

releasing more greenhouse gases. Cars emit

greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the


Our bike rack project will help create a

negative feedback loop with the number of cars

on the road. This can help reduce the city's

carbon footprint. Bike racks can also help

increase how many people ride bikes instead of

driving cars because they have a safe place to

store them in town which can ultimately reduce

the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's

atmosphere system.
AUG 2020 PAGE 3


Mari Brunners Presentation: Keene Energy Plan

The image below shows Keene community emissions in 2015. This

image shows that 46% of all of Keene's emissions were from

transportation. This tells us that carpooling reduces the carbon

footprint and that a bike rack or bike availability could make people

drive less and would make less cars on the road.

The next image shows Keene's transportation goals from now until 2050.

This was also part of Mari Brunner's presentation about Keene's 100%

Renewable Energy Plan. This information shows that our project is

important because it includes the following two goals:

1. Save money for electric vehicles, multi-use trails, and parking and

spend more money on community alternative transportation modes.

2. Upgrade land use regulations and encourage efficient land use

AUG 2020 PAGE 4

Research from our Classmates:

As part of our research, we are using data gathered from two of our

classmates about the way students and staff currently get to school. Our

classmates used surveys to gather the following data. They found out that

37.5 percent of students and staff live close enough to ride a bike to

school. while 62.5 percent said they do not.


Their data also showed that 82.5 percent of students agreed that we

should get a bike rack for our school.

They found that 72.5 percent of students would ride a bus to school if we

got one and 27.5 percent said they would not.


Finally, they got responses from 75 percent of students who concluded

we should get a bus for the school while only 25 percent said we should


This research and gathering of information gave us the details to come to

a conclusion that we should get a bike rack and create a carpooling

system for our school.


We will encourage biking for people who are close enough by putting

in a bike rack and making bikes available. We will help educate people

that biking is a good form of exercise and it will reduce their carbon


Action Budget

Project Group: The Built Environment


Phase Funds Earned
$ Earned

Phase 1 $500

Phase 2 $500

Phase 3 $500

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If we can have less of a carbon footprint as a school it will be better for

the Earth. This relates to what we learned about cycles. Less cars means

less pollution, which means less damage to the environment. Carpooling

has less stress and reduces congestion, which helps the school and

community. You can also save more money. Carpooling also reduces the

cost of construction, reduces air pollution related health costs, and

having less cars means having less Greenhouse gases (GHG). In

summary, carpooling means less pollution and congestion and it is easier

to get around with less vehicles around the school.

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School Board Verifications

Dear School Board,

Thank you very much for supporting your students in their pursuit of a

Governor’s Climate Change Action Award and the successful

completion of the Wild Treasures: Climate Change program. Please

add your signature below to verify you received the necessary

materials in accordance with the timeline and return this page to your

students after their presentation.

Thank you for your time and dedication!

The Wild Treasures team

Verification 1: Proposal Submission

Please sign here if you received a written proposal from the students at

least one week before the scheduled presentation:


Verification 2: Proposal Presentation

Please sign here after watching the student proposal presentation at

your school board meeting:


Thank you!

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