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Ver 2.0

1. Usage Environment & System Requirement

2. How to Debate
3. How to make multiple rooms in one event
4. Hosting Tournament (upon requests)
Usage Environment
Device & Browser / Network Requirement

Device & Browser

Windows Mac Android(ver 9+) iPhone

model X+ , iOS13.3+

Chrome Chrome Chrome Safari

Network Requirement
Check Bandwidth Here

Bandwidth 20 Mbps+

do not use minor browser like “UC browser” Sometimes Login failure or Microphone detection fail
can solve by Firefox. If above condition fail, please try another brow
Better Communication

microphone on microphone off Listen mode

50 kbps 20kbps 0kbps

As the participants consume more bandwidth, it lead to breakdown of system

If there is 100 participants,

- 1 people turn on mic , 99 people turn off mic -> this break down communication
- 1 people turn on mic, 2 people turn off mic 97 people Listen -> it is totally ok.
so if you do not speak, like observing Grand final, you should join with Listen mode
Common Failure
● Login Fail
○ Case
■ tried login, and it never shows your icon,
○ Reason
■ third party cookie is blocked.
■ Advertisement block
please disable “Ad block”

● Event not shown

○ Case
■ at the top page nothing is shown
○ Reason
■ Anti Virus blocked it
please disable “Anti Virus”
Recommendation for Better Communication

● Save CPU usage

○ Main Cause of unstable communication is short of cpu power. So,
before using Mixidea, please close all other app, then shutdown
and reboot device.

When you join tournament, where multiple rounds are hosted in

one day, it is better to shutdown a device between each round.

● Refresh
○ Refresh the page and re-enter the room if necessary.
Trouble shooting

● Microphone detection

○ Troubles which might happen is microphone suddely does not

work. If that happens you can try three things
■ reload browser
■ shutdown browser and re-open and connect mixidea again
■ shutdown debice and reboot pc and connect mixidea again

● internet disconnection
○ reboot router
How to Debate
normal usage
Top page (Login & Find Event)

● Make your Facebook or Twitter account

● Go to
● login
● Find event

Create an

Find an event
Top Page (Groups & Recordings)

Society based event Groups


Review your speech Recordings

and arguments.
Join Event and Prepare for Communication

(1) Before an event,

participants can register
“Yes” for
(2) When the event starts, you
can “Join Debate”

(3) Accept microphone

How Debate Works

meetup preparation debate feedback

(1)decide a debate (1)15 - 30 min (1) start speech by (1) Judge can goes to
style and allocate preparation time “speech start” button judge room for
participants discussion
(2) set roles (e.g.PM) (2) POI button appear
(2)set a motion when it is available (2) Judge feedback
(3) audience can go
around preparation (3) microphone is turned
room of other than debaters

During prep, teams go to

subrooms and separately
discuss team strategies

(1) choose the style

(2) allocate teams by clicking

“join” button

(3) set a motion & save

(4) press “Go To Preparation”

meetup page is the initial place where participants arrange how they organise debate
Preparation Roles need to
be filled
during prep
(1) talk with teammate and
build your case

(2) assign roles Chat for all

participants in
the room.
(3) when prep time has
ended, automatically goes
to the debate room Here is a chat
only seen by
your partners.

(1) click speech start button

and start speech

(2) the POI button appears

after 1 min speech

(1) Judges can go to judge

room and make decision

(2) feedback

written feedback
can be shared
Multiple debates in a room
administration of multiple debates with auditorium

If your debate society needs multiple rooms, or host a large-scale event,

creating many events in parallel makes the administration difficult.

Auditorium mode

Room 1 Room 2
event1 event2 event3 event4

Room 3 Room 4
create event with multiple user setting

When you create event

click “use auditorium” when you think
many participants come.
How auditrium works?

debate room

debaters can go back and forth between

auditorium and debate rooms

Allocating debaters and Judges to

each room team is possible by drag
and drop.
Organizer’s Note

Organizer’s note can be set

to announce important messages to all

You need to use markdown for it
e.g) Line break = two-space
Debate status monitoring

Organizers of debate event can know the progress of

each room
- progress: preparation, debate, feedback
- how speech progress: PM, LO, ,,,,

These status can be monitored in Auditorium

Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting

(1) Switch Device

Prepare PC and mobile and if one does not work, you can switch device
So, login and check behavior for both device in advance

(2) If you have only one device, try following

- Refresh browser
- use external mic or use internal mic and refresh again
- reboot device itself
- change another browser

tournament manual

tournament announcement or find judges/debaters or friend.

technical question from mixidea official

-> feel free to ask question by chat.
Enjoy Debate!!!

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