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Foreign Trade Foreign Trade
Statistics Yearbook Statistics Yearbook
2008 ISSN 0259-5338 2008


Turkish Statistical Institute


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
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MTB: 2009 -1005 - 100 Adet-Copies

II TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

ISBN 978-975-19-4662-1
Foreword Önsöz


Türkiye østatistik Kurumu tarafndan aylk It is very important the foreign trade statistics
olarak kullanma sunulan ve sadece mal ticaretini disseminated monthly by Turkish Statistical
kapsayan dú ticaret istatistiklerinin, ulusal Institute and covered only good trade to meet
hesaplar ve ödemeler dengesinin ihtiyaçlarna the needs of Balance of Payments and National
cevap verebilmesi önem taúmaktadr. Accounts.

Dú ticaret istatistiklerinin kapsam ve The new approaches concerning with the
yöntemiyle ilgili yeni yaklaúmlar Birleúmiú methods and the coverage of foreign trade
Milletler tarafndan hazrlanarak “International statistics are prepared by United Nations,
Merchandise Trade Statistics; Concepts and published in 1998 as 'International Merchandise
Definitions” adyla 1998 ylnda yaymlanmútr. Trade Statistics; Concepts and Definitions'.
Yaynda, uluslararas mal ticaretiyle ilgili; kapsam, Relating to international merchandise trade,
kayt zaman, tanmlar, ticaret sistemleri (genel coverage and recording time, trade system
ticaret, özel ticaret), madde klasifikasyonlar, (general or special trade), classification of
istatistiki de÷er, miktar ölçüleri, ülke ve bilgilerin commodity, statistical value, quantity units,
da÷tm gibi konularda çeúitli tavsiyeler yer partner country, dissemination of data are placed
almaktadr. in this publication.

Geçmiúte oldu÷u gibi yeni tavsiyelerde de, It is advised that all the goods which exit and
ülkelere giriú-çkú yapan tüm mallarn hangi enter with any status to country should be taken
statüde olursa olsun, ayrntl olarak istatistiklerde part in statistics according to new
yer almas önerilmektedir. Gümrük recommendations as in the past. It is anticipated
beyannamelerinden elde edilme imkan olmayan in the new methodology that the data on the
kaçakçlk, göçmenlerin mallar ve askeri mallarn smuggling, immigrants goods and also military
bile dú ticarete dahil edilmesi yeni metodolojide goods which are unable to obtain from customs
yer almaktadr. Bütün bunlar, dú ticaret declarations should be included to the foreign
istatistiklerinin oluúturulmasnda gümrük trade data. All these shows us that the
beyannamelerinin yeterli olmad÷n, bu konuda declarations are not enough to obtain the foreign
yeni veri kaynaklarndan da yararlanlmas trade statistics, it is also necessary to be
gere÷ini ortaya koymaktadr. benefited from new data sources for foreign
trade statistics.

Türkiye açsndan önemli bir olgu, 1996 ylnda Another important fact for Turkey is the
AB ile gümrük birli÷ine girilmesi ve dú ticaret entrance of Customs Union with EU in 1996 and
istatistiklerinin kayna÷ olan gümrük the adaptation of the customs declaration which
beyannamelerinin ve gümrük iúlemlerinin AB are the source of foreign trade statistics to EU
standartlarna uygun hale getirilmesidir. standards.

2003 ylndan itibaren yeni yaps ile hazrlanan The publication which has been prepared in
bu yayn, dú ticaretimize ait özet bilgileri new design since 2003 is a reference publication
kapsayan bir referans yayn niteli÷indedir. Daha including summary statistics on our trade
ayrntl ve güncel dú ticaret verileri, aylk olarak statistics. More details and current foreign trade
kullanma sunulmaktadr. Ayrca, dú ticaret statistics have been disseminated monthly.
bilgileri gerek Kurumumuzun gerekse di÷er Moreover, foreign trade statistics have taken part
kuruluúlarn çeúitli yaynlarnda yer almaktadr. in both TurkStat publications and all
organisation’s publications.

Yaynn; karar alclar, araútrmaclar ve tüm We believe that this publication will be
kullanclar için yararl olaca÷na inanyorum. beneficial to decision-makers, researchers and all

Baúkan V.
Acting President


Başkan V.
Acting President

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Contents İçindekiler


Önsöz III Foreword

øçindekiler V Contents
Simge ve Ksaltmalar VII Symbol and Abbreviations
Açklama IX Explanation

1. øSTATøSTøKLER, 1923-2008 1. STATISTICS, 1923-2008

Tarihi yllk istatistikler Historical Annual Statistics

Grafik Graphs

1.1 øhracat ve ithalat de÷erleri, 2000 - 2008 1 1.1 Exports and imports values, 2000 - 2008
1.2 øhracatn ithalat karúlama oran, 2000 - 2008 1 1.2 Ratio of exports to imports, 2000 - 2008

Tablo Tables

1.1 Dú ticaret göstergeleri, 1923 - 2008 2 1.1 Indicators of foreign trade, 1923 - 2008
1.2 Ödemeler dengesi, 2004 - 2008 4 1.2 Balance of payments, 2004 - 2008
1.3 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre dú ticaret, 5 1.3 Foreign trade by economic activities,
2004 - 2008 ( USSS, 3.Rev) 2004 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3)
1.4 Geniú ekonomik gruplarn snflamasna göre dú ticaret, 8 1.4 Foreign trade by classification of broad economic
2004 - 2008 (GEGS) categories, 2004 - 2008 (BEC)
1.5 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre dú 10 1.5 Foreign trade by standard international trade
ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (SUTS, 3. Rev) classification, 2004 - 2008 (SITC Rev.3)
1.6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 15 1.6 Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008
1.7 øllere göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2004 - 2008 23 1.7 Exports and Imports by Province, 2004 - 2008

1.8 Döviz türlerine göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 30 1.8 Foreign trade by currencies, 2004 - 2008
1.9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 31 1.9 Balance of foreign trade by countries,
2004 - 2008
1.10 En çok ithalat ve ihracat yaplan 50 ülke, 2008 61 1.10 First 50 countries by exports and imports, 2008

Aylk istatistikler, 2004 - 2008 Monthly statistics, 2004 - 2008

Grafik Graphs

1.3 Aylara göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2008 62 1.3 Exports and imports by months, 2008
1.4 Aylara göre ihracatn ithalat karúlama oran, 2008 62 1.4 Ratio of exports to imports by months, 2008

Tablo Tables

1.11 Aylara göre dú ticaret göstergeleri, 2004 - 2008 63 1.11 Foreign trade indicators by months, 2004 - 2008
1.12 Aylara göre kümülatif dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 64 1.12 Foreign trade cumulatives by months, 2004 - 2008
1.13 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret, 65 1.13 Monthly foreign trade by economic activities,
2004 - 2008 (USSS, 3.Rev) (YTL) 2004 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3) (TRY)
1.14 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret, 2004 - 66 1.14 Monthly foreign trade by economic activities, 2004 -
2008 (USSS, 3.Rev) ($) 2008 (ISIC Rev.3) ($)
1.15 Geniú ekonomik gruplarn snflamasna göre aylk dú 67 1.15 Monthly foreign trade by classification of broad
ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (GEGS) (YTL) economic categories, 2004 - 2008 (BEC) (TRY)

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İçindekiler Contents

1.16 Geniú ekonomik gruplarn snflamasna göre aylk dú 68 1.16 Monthly foreign trade by classification of broad
ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (GEGS) ($) economic categories, 2004 - 2008 (BEC) ($)
1.17 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre aylk 69 1.17 Monthly imports by standard international trade
ithalat, 2004 - 2008 (SUTS, 3.Rev) (YTL) classification, 2004 - 2008 (SITC Rev.3) (TRY)
1.18 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre aylk 70 1.18 Monthly imports by standard international trade
ithalat, 2004 - 2008 (SUTS, 3.Rev) ($) classification, 2004 - 2008 (SITC Rev.3) ($)
1.19 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre aylk 71 1.19 Monthly exports by standard international trade
ihracat, 2004 - 2008 (SUTS, 3.Rev) (YTL) classification, 2004 - 2008 (SITC Rev.3) (TRY)
1.20 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre aylk 72 1.20 Monthly exports by standard international trade
ihracat, 2004 - 2008 (SUTS, 3.Rev) ($) classification, 2004 - 2008 (SITC Rev.3) ($)

Taúma Sistemleri, 1994 - 2008 Transport Systems, 1994 - 2008

Tablo Tables

1.21 øhracat içinde taúma sistemlerinin oran, 1994 - 2008 73 1.21 Rate of transport systems in exports, 1994 - 2008
1.22 Taúma sistemlerine göre ihracat içinde Türk ve yabanc 73 1.22 Rate of Turkish and foreign carriers in exports
araçlarn taúma oran, 1994 - 2008 by transport systems, 1994 - 2008
1.23 øthalat içinde taúma sistemlerinin oran, 1994 - 2008 74 1.23 Rate of transport systems in imports, 1994 - 2008
1.24 Taúma sistemlerine göre ithalat içinde Türk ve yabanc 74 1.24 Rate of Turkish and foreign carriers in imports by
araçlarn taúma oran, 1994 - 2008 transport systems, 1994 - 2008

2. ENDEKSLER, 1997-2008 [2003=100] 2. INDICES, 1997-2008 [2003=100]

Tablo Table
Yllk Endeksler Annual Indices

2.1 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre yllk dú ticaret birim de÷er 75 2.1 Annual unit value and quantity indices by economic
ve miktar endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (USSS, 3.Rev) activities, 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3)

Üç Aylk Endeksler Quarterly Indices

2.2 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre üç aylk dú ticaret birim 76 2.2 Quarterly unit value indices by economic activities,
de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (USSS, 3.Rev) ($) 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3) ($)
2.3 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre üç aylk dú ticaret birim 77 2.3 Quarterly unit value indices by economic activities,
de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (USSS, 3.Rev) (YTL) 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3) (TRY)
2.4 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre üç aylk dú ticaret miktar 78 2.4 Quarterly quantity indices by economic activities,
endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (USSS, 3.Rev) 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3)
2.5 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre üç aylk dú ticaret hadleri, 79 2.5 Terms of trade by quarterly economic activities,
1997 - 2008 (USSS. 3. Rev) 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3)

Aylk Endeksler Monthly Indices

2.6 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er 80 2.6 Monthly unit value indices by economic activities,
endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (USSS, 3.Rev) ($) 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3) ($)
2.7 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er 83 2.7 Monthly unit value indices by economic activities,
endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (USSS, 3. Rev) (YTL) 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3) (TRY)

2.8 Ekonomik faliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret miktar 86 2.8 Monthly quantity indices by economic activities,
endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (USSS, 3. Rev) 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3)
2.9 Ekonomik faliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret hadleri, 89 2.9 Monthly terms of trade by economic activities,
1997 - 2008 (USSS, 3. Rev) 1997 - 2008 (ISIC Rev.3)

VI TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Contents İçindekiler

3. YOöUNLAùMA, 1988 - 2008 3. CONCENTRATION, 1988 - 2008
Tablo - Grafik Table - Graphs
Dú Ticarette yo÷unlaúma oranlar, 2008 Concentration in foreign trade, 2008

3.1 Ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma oran, 2008 92 3.1 Concentration rates of countries, 2008
3.2 Fasllarn yo÷unlaúma oran, 2008 93 3.2 Concentration rates of chapters, 2008
3.3 Firmalarn yo÷unlaúma oran, 2008 94 3.3 Concentration rates of firms, 2008

Dú Ticarette yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008 Concentration measures in foreign trade, 1988-2008

3.4 øhracatta ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008 95 3.4 Concentration criterions of countries in exports,
1988 - 2008
3.5 øhracatta fasllarn yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008 96 3.5 Concentration criterions of chapters in exports,
1988 - 2008
3.6 øthalatta ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008 97 3.6 Concentration criterions of countries in imports,
1988 - 2008
3.7 øthalatta fasllarn yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008 98 3.7 Concentration criterions of chapters in imports,
1988 - 2008

Simge ve Ksaltmalar Symbol and Abbreviations

Bilgi yoktur - Denotes magnitude nil
Kullanlan birimin yarsndan azdr 0 Magnitude less than half of unit employed
Yo÷unlaúma Oran CR Concentration Ratio
Herfindahl endeksi (H - I) Herfindahl index
ABD Dolar $ US Dollars
Avro EUR Euro
Maliyet, Sigorta, Taúma CIF Cost, Insurance, Fright
Gemide Teslim FOB Free on Board
Avrupa Birli÷i AB EC European Community
Yeni Türk Liras YTL TRY New Turkish Liras
Gümrük øúbirli÷i Konseyinin Uyumlaútrlmú Mal Tanm UMS HS Customs Co-operation Council, The Harmonized
Kod Sistemi Commodity Description and Coding System
Standart Uluslararas Ticaret Snflamas SUTS SITC Standart International Trade Classification
Tüm Ekonomik Faaliyetlerin Uluslararas Standart USSS ISIC International Standart Industrial Classification of All
Sanayi Snflamas Economic Activities
Geniú Ekonomik Gruplarn Snflamas GEGS BEC Classification by Broad Economic Categories
Baúka yerde snflandrlmamú b.y.s n.e.c Not elsewhere classified
Ocak 1 January
ùubat 2 February
Mart 3 March
Nisan 4 April
Mays 5 May
Haziran 6 June
Temmuz 7 July
A÷ustos 8 August
Eylül 9 September
Ekim 10 October
Kasm 11 November
Aralk 12 December
Dönem ( Ocak - Mart ) I Quarters ( January - March)
Dönem ( Nisan - Haziran ) II Quarters ( April - June )
Dönem ( Temmuz - Eylül ) III Quarters ( July - September )
Dönem ( Ekim - Aralk ) IV Quarters ( October - December )

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Explanation Açıklama


1.Tarihçe 1. Background

Ülkemizde dú ticaret istatistikleri 1933 ylndan itibaren In Turkey, foreign trade statistics have been published by
Türkiye østatistik Kurumu tarafndan yaynlanmaktadr. 1988 the Turkish Statistical Institute since 1933. Until 1988, the
ylna kadar madde-ülke ayrntsnda bilgileri kapsayan yllk statistics had been published detailed by commodity-
dú ticaret yaynlarnda, elektronik veri da÷tm sistemlerinin country bases. Since 1989, development of the electronic
geliúmesi ve güncel verilerin dú ticaret veri tabanlarndan data distributing systems and data bases, only summary
da÷tlmas nedeniyle 1989 ylndan itibaren özet tablolara tables have been included.
yer verilmeye baúlanmútr.

2. Amaç 2. Purpose
Dú Ticaret østatistik Yll÷nn amac, ithalat ve ihracat The aim of the foreign trade statistics yearbook is to
iúlemleri konusunda, piyasann ihtiyaç duydu÷u bilgiyi belirli promulgate the information about exports and imports
periyotlarla kamuoyuna duyurmaktr. required by market in specific periods.

3. Kapsam 3. Covarage
Dú ticaret istatistikleri, baúta ödemeler dengesi olmak üzere Foreign trade statistics are used widely in the balance of
çok yaygn kullanm olan istatistiklerden birisidir. Ulusal ve payments. They are also used broadly by national and
uluslararas kuruluúlar tarafndan yo÷un úekilde international organizations.

Dú ticaret istatistikleri, mal ithalat ve ihracatn Foreign trade statistics include imports and exports of
kapsamaktadr. merchandise.

Türkiye, dú ticaret istatistiklerini özel ticaret sistemine göre Turkey applies the Special System rules for foreign trade
oluúturmaktadr. Dú ticaret istatistikleri, di÷er ülkelerden statistics. Foreign trade statistics include goods which
Türkiye gümrük bölgesine giren ve çkan mallar enter/leave the statistical territory from/to other countries
kapsamaktadr. and are placed;

Bu mallar; These goods;

-Normal ihracat ve ithalat gümrük rejimleri, -under the customs normal export and import procedures,

-Dahilde ve hariçte iúleme rejimleri ile yaplan iúlemlerdir. -under customs inward and outward processing procedures.

Dú ticaret istatistikleri açsndan Türkiye’deki serbest In terms of foreign trade statistics, duty-free zones and
bölgeler ve gümrüksüz satú ma÷azalar gümrük snr dú duty-free shops in Turkey are considered as beyond the
kabul edilmekte, bu bölgelerden 3. ülkelerle yaplan ticaret, customs frontier. Foreign trade with 3rd countries from
istatistiklere dahil edilmemektedir. these areas are excluded from statistics.

Ayrca; aúa÷daki iúlemler de dú ticaret bilgileri içerisinde yer Furthermore, the transactions below are excluded from the
almamaktadr: foreign trade statistics.
- Snr ve ky ticareti, - Border and coastal trade,
- Bavul ticareti (Yolcu beraberi eúya), - Shuttle trade,
- Transit ticaret, - Transit trade,
- Mal saylmayan, ancak beyanname düzenlenen - Some transactions with declaration but not
iúlemler (Nakit para, kymetli evrak, pullar vb.). goods (Cash, valuable paper, stamps etc),
- Geçici ihracat ve ithalat, - Temporary imports and exports,
- Para tabanl altn. - Monetary gold.

4. Yöntem 4. Method
4.1 Periyot 4.1 Period
Dú ticaret verileri aylk olarak derlenmekte ve Foreign trade statistics are compiled and published
yaynlanmaktadr. monthly.

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Açıklama Explanation

4.2 Bilgilerin kayna÷ 4.2 Data sources

Dú ticaret verilerinin kayna÷n, Gümrük Kanunu’na göre Foreign trade data sources are the customs declarations
ihracatç ve ithalatçlar tarafndan düzenlenen gümrük presented to the customs administrations by the importers
beyannameleri oluúturmaktadr. and exporters in accordance with the custom law.

Ham petrol, elektrik ve do÷al gaz gibi baz maddelerin ithal Import data on some goods such as crude petroleum,
ve ihraç bilgileri do÷rudan ithalatç ve ihracatç electricity, natural gas are obtained directly from import and
kuruluúlardan derlenmektedir. export institutions.

4.3 De÷er 4.3 Value

Dú ticaret istatistiklerinde de÷er; ithalatta CIF (Mal Bedeli- Foreign trade statistics show imports at CIF (Cost-Insurance-
Sigorta-Navlun) ve ihracatta FOB (Mal Bedeli-Gemiye Freight) values and exports at FOB (Free on Board) values,
yükleninceye kadar yaplan masraflar) olarak gösterilmekte both expressed in US Dollars ($).
olup, Dolar ($) ile ifade edilmektedir.

Fasl-Ülke, Ülke-Fasl ve Gümrük-Fasl itibariyle da÷lmlarda Due to rounding at the stage of distribution of Dollar values
Dolar ($) olarak de÷erler hesaplanrken, birimin yarsndan between Chapter-Country, Country-Chapter and Customs-
küçük de÷erler alnmad÷ndan, de÷er toplamlarnda 1-50 Chapter, component figures may not add up to totals and
Dolar ($) arasnda sapma olabilir. may differ from one to fifty Dollars.

4.4 Dú ticaret endeksleri 4.4 Foreign trade indices

2003 temel yll dú ticaret endeksleri, USSS Rev 3 Foreign trade indices based on 2003 are published monthly
snflamasna göre hesaplanarak aylk olarak by ISIC Rev 3. Apart from ISIC Rev 3, indices are calculated
yaymlanmaktadr. Endeksler, USSS Rev 3 snflamasnn by CPA, BEC, SITC Rev 3 classifications. Foreign trade unit
yan sra FÜS, GEGS, SUTS Rev 3 snflamalarna göre de value indices based on 2003 are calculated by Fisher
hesaplanmaktadr. 2003 temel yll dú ticaret birim de÷er formula, quantity indices are calculated by value indices
endeksleri Fisher formülüne göre hesaplanmaktadr. Miktar divided by Fisher unit value indices. Item numbers and
endeksleri, de÷er endeksinin Fisher birim de÷er endeksine representative ratios are given in the following table.
bölünmesi ile elde edilmektedir. Endekslere seçilen
maddelerin saylar ve temsil oranlar aúa÷daki tabloda

Ana sektörlere göre kapsanan madde saylar ve temsil oranlar, 2003

Number of covered items and representative ratios by main sectors, 2003

Seçilen maddeler Temsil oranlar

Selected items Rept.ratio (%)

Ana sektörler øhracat øthalat øhracat øthalat

Main sectors Export Import Export Import

Toplam - Total 1 767 2 103 100.0 100.0

A Tarm ve ormanclk
Agricultre and forestry 55 37 70.6 67.2

B Balkçlk - Fishing 4 - 58.9 -

C Maden ve taúocakçl÷
Mining and quarrying 26 26 84.6 99.4

D ømalat sanayii
Manufacturing industy 1 667 2 026 90.3 81.6

Di÷er - Others 15 14 54.3 95.9

 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Explanation Açıklama

4.5 Dú ticarette yo÷unlaúma 4.5 Concentration in foreign trade

Dú ticarette yo÷unlaúma, dú ticaretin belirli saydaki firma Concentration in foreign trade can be defined as the control
tarafndan kontrol edilmesi olarak tanmlanabilir. Ancak; dú of foreign trade by a certain number of firms. However,
ticaretin belli ülkelerde, fasllarda ya da maddelerde since concentration of foreign trade by country, chapter and
yo÷unlaúmas da önemli görüldü÷ünden, bu de÷iúkenler için commodity is considered to be important, concentration
de yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri hesaplanmútr. Bu çalúmada, measures are also calculated for these variables. In this
yo÷unlaúmay ölçmek amacyla bir çok ölçüt arasndan en study, among the various measures of concentration, two
yaygn kullanlan iki ölçüt kullanlacaktr. of the most common methods will be employed.

1. Yo÷unlaúma oran (CR m) 1. Concentration Ratio (CRm)

Yo÷unlaúma oran, yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri arasnda basit This is the most common criterion among the concentration
hesaplanabilmesi nedeniyle en yaygn kullanlan ölçüttür. measures, as it can be calculated simply. Concentration
Yo÷unlaúma oran, belli saydaki firma, madde, fasl veya ratio expresses the cumulative shares of a certain number
ülkenin kümülatif paylarn ifade eder. Hesaplanan de÷er 0 of firms, commodities, chapters or countries. The calculated
ile 100 arasndadr ve aúa÷daki formül kullanlarak value ranges between 0 and 100. The employed formula is:

CRm = ¦ Pi *100

CRm: Yo÷unlaúma oran CRm: Concentration ratio

Pi : Firma, madde, fasl veya ülkenin pay Pi: Share of each firm/ commodity/ chapter/ country

Burada CR1 en büyük birimin pay, CRm ise m inci birimin CR1 is the share of largest unit, CRm is the cumulative share
kümülatif paydr. M de÷erinin seçilme iúlemi tamamen of the mth unit. The selection of m is optional. Usually CR4
keyfidir. Genellikle yaplan çalúmalarda, CR4, CR8 de÷erleri and CR8 are calculated. A small number signifies an increase
hesaplanmaktadr. Birim saysnn az oluúu, yo÷unlaúmann in concentration and the control of foreign trade by a small
artmas ve dú ticaretin az saydaki birim tarafndan kontrol number of units.
edilmesi anlamna gelir.

2. Herfindahl endeksi (H-I) 2. Herfindahl index (H-I)

Bu endeks, yo÷unlaúma oran hesaplanacak tüm birimlerin The index is the sum of the square of shares of all units for
toplamdaki paylarnn kareleri toplam olarak tanmlanabilir which concentration ratio is calculated. The
ve aúa÷daki formül kullanlarak hesaplanr: following formula is emloyed:

H-I = ¦ Pi2

H-I: Herfindahl endeksi H-I: Herfindahl index

Pi : Firma, madde, fasl veya ülkenin pay Pi : Share of each firm/ commodity/ chapter/ country

n birim says olmak üzere endeks 1/n <=H-I <=1 de÷er Index ranges between 1/n<= H-I<= 1 where n is the unit
aral÷nda bulunur. Tek bir birim için hesapland÷nda, number. When the index is calculated for a single unit the
endeks de÷eri 1'dir. Tüm birimler eúit da÷lmú ise, endeks highest value of 1 will result. If units are distributed equally,
en küçük de÷er olan 1/n bulunur. the index will reach the lowest value which is 1/n.

Endeks, zaman boyutu içerisinde her birimin da÷lmdaki Although the index displays the changes of shares in
paylarnn de÷iúikliklerini göstermekle birlikte, tüm da÷lm distribution all units over time, it is still a good criterion
hesaba katt÷ ve birim saysndaki de÷iúikliklere duyarl since it takes into account the entire distribution and that it
oldu÷u için iyi bir ölçüttür. is sensitive to the changes in number of units.


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Açıklama Explanation

Birim says (n) arttkça H de÷eri azalmakta veya birimlerin As number of units increases, the value of H decreases and
büyüklükleri arasnda eúitsizlik arttkça H endeksi as the inequality between the size of the units increases,
yükselmektedir. Böylece rekabet ortam az, yo÷unlaúma the value of H increases. Hence, an environment in which
yüksek olur. low competition and high concentration results.

Birinci bölümde, ülkelere göre fasllarn yo÷unlaúma In the first part, in the tables of concentration of chapters
tablolarnda, CR1 ülkeye yaplan dú ticarette de÷eri en by country, CR1 shows the share of the chapter which has
yüksek fasln payn, CR2 de÷eri en yüksek ikinci fasln the highest value in the foreign trade of the country, CR2
kümülatif payn, CR8 ise sekizinci sradaki fasln kümülatif shows the cumulative share of the chapter which has the
payn ifade etmektedir. Fasllara göre ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma second highest value, CR8 shows the cumulative share of
tablolarnda ise, CR1 ilgili faslda en yüksek de÷eri olan the eighth chapter. In the tables of concentration of
ülkenin pay, CR2 ikinci sradaki ülkenin kümülatif pay ve countries by chapter, CR1 shows the share of the country
CR8 sekizinci srada yer alan ülkenin kümülatif paydr. which has the highest value in the related chapter, CR2
shows the cumulative share of the second country and CR8
shows the cumulative share of the eighth country.

Ülkelere göre fasllarn yo÷unlaúma endeksini ifade eden H-I The H-I index related to the concentration of chapters by
endeksi, ilgili ülkeye yaplan dú ticaretteki tüm fasl country is the sum of the square of shares of all chapters,
paylarnn kareleri toplam, fasllara göre ülkelerin H-I index related to the concentration of countries by
yo÷unlaúmasn ifade eden H-I endeksi ise, ilgili faslda dú chapter is the sum of the square of shares of all countries in
ticaret yaplan tüm ülke paylarnn kareleri toplamn ifade the related chapter.

økinci bölümde, uluslararas sanayi snflamasna göre In the second part, in the tables of concentration of
yaplan ülke ve firma yo÷unlaúma tablolarnda, CR1 en çok countries and firms by international industry classification,
dú ticaret yaplan ülkenin veya dú ticaret yapan firmann CR1 shows the country or firm which has the highest value
pay, CR8 ise sekizinci srada yer alan ülke veya firmann in foreign trade, CR8 shows the cumulative share of the
kümülatif payn ifade etmektedir. H-I endeksi ise, ilgili eighth country or firm. H-I index is the sum of the square of
sanayi snflamasndaki tüm ülke ve firma paylarnn kareleri shares of all countries and firms in the related industry
toplamdr. classification.

Çalúmada kullanlan bu ölçütler dúnda Entropy endeksi, Besides the measures used in this study there are also other
Varyans ölçütleri (Aritmetik ortalama, Varyans, Standart concentration criterions such as Entropy index, Variance
sapma, De÷iúim katsays), Gini oran, Lorenz e÷risi, Linda criterions (Arithmetic mean, Variance, Standard deviation,
endeksi, Lerner endeksi gibi ölçütler de yo÷unlaúmann Coefficient of variation), Gini coefficient, Lorenz curve,
ölçülmesinde kullanlmaktadr. Linda index and Lerner index. ‘

5.Tanm ve Kavramlar 5. Definations and Concepts

øhracat: Bir ülkede yerleúik kiúi ve kurumlarn di÷er Export: Selling goods by the settled persons and
ülkelere mal satmasdr. organisations in a country, to the other countries.

øthalat: Bir ülkede yerleúik kiúi ve kurumlarn di÷er Import: Buying goods by the settled persons and
ülkelerden mal satn almasna ithalat denir. organisations in a country, from other countries.

Dú Ticaret Hacmi: Bir ülkenin belli bir dönemde Volume of Foreign Trade: Total of export and import of
(genellikle bir ylda) gerçekleútirdi÷i ihracat ve ithalatn a country in a specific period of time (usually one year).

Dú Ticaret Dengesi: Belli bir dönemde gerçekleútirilen Balance of Foreign Trade: The difference between
ihracat ile ithalat arasndaki farktr (øhracat-øthalat). export and import in a specific period of time (export -
øhracatn ithalattan fazla olmas dú ticaret fazlas, ithalatn import). If the export is more than import there is a
ihracattan fazla olmas ise dú ticaret aç÷n ifade eder. surplus, in contrast, if the import is more than export there
is a deficit.

Ülke: Dú ticaret istatistikleri açsndan ülke; ihracat için Country: For export, if known, the goods to be consumed
maln tüketilece÷i, bilinmiyorsa gidece÷i bilinen son ülke, in, otherwise, the last destination. For import, the country
ithalat için ise maln menúei ülkesidir. of origin.

XII TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Explanation Açıklama

Miktar: øhraç ve ithal edilen maln ambalaj hariç net Quantity: Net mass of the good. Beside net mass,
miktardr. Genellikle istatistiklerde mallarn net a÷rl÷, according to the type of the good supplementary unit is
maln cinsine göre baz mallarn ikinci bir ölçü birimi ile used (number, liter, cubic meter, etc).
miktar (adet, litre, metreküp vb) kullanlr.

De÷er. Dú ticaret istatistiklerinde de÷er Yeni Türk Liras, Value: Foreign trade statistics show imports at CIF (Cost +
ABD Dolar ve Euro cinsinden mevcuttur. øthalatta de÷er Insurance + Freight) and exports at FOB (Free on Board),
CIF (Mal bedeli + Navlun + Sigorta), ihracatta ise FOB (Mal both expressed in New Turkish Liras, US Dollars and Euro.
bedeli + øhracatç ülke snrna kadar olan masraflar) olarak

Dú Ticaret Hadleri: øhracat fiyat endeksinin ithalat fiyat Terms of Foreign Trade: The ratio of export price index
endeksine bölümünün 100 ile çarpmndan elde edilir. Elde to import price index multiplied by 100. For the exporter
edilen de÷erin 100'den büyük çkmas, ihracatç ülke country, if the result is bigger than 100, means that the
açsndan, ihracat fiyatlarndaki de÷iúimin ithalat change in export prices bigger than that of import prices
fiyatlarndaki de÷iúime göre daha yüksek (avantaj), di÷er (advantage), otherwise, is less (disadvantage).
durumda daha küçük oldu÷unu (dezavantaj) ifade eder.

Taúma Sistemleri: Dú ticarete konu olan mallarn ülke Transport Systems: It shows that how the commodities
snrn geçiúte hangi taúma sistemi ile taúnd÷n are transported by. The main transport systems are
göstermektedir. Ana taúma sistemleri denizyolu, karayolu, maritime line, highway, air line and railway.
havayolu ve demiryolu olarak saylabilir.

Döviz: Dú ticaret iúlemlerinde mal bedelinin ödenmesinde Foreign Exchange: It shows that the kind of currency
kullanlan Döviz cinsini göstermektedir. Türkiye'nin dú used for payments in the foreign trade transactions. The
ticaretinde en fazla kullanlan döviz cinsleri Avro ve ABD most used foreign exchanges are Euro and US Dollar.

6. Snflamalar 6. Classifications

6.1 Ülke snflamalar 6.1 Classification by countries

øthal edilen mallar maln üretildi÷i ülkelere (menúei ülke), Imports are classified according to the country of origin, the
ihraç edilen mallar ise maln tüketildi÷i veya bilinmiyorsa country in which the goods are produced. Exports are
gidece÷i bilinen son ülkeye (mahreç ülkeye) göre classified according to destination, that is, the country
snflandrlmaktadr. where the goods are consumed. If that is unknown, the last
known country of destination is used.

6.2 Mal ve sektör snflamalar 6.2 Commodity and sector classifications

Bu yaynda; dú ticaretimiz Türkiye'nin ihtiyaç ve úartlarna In this publication, data about foreign trade is also
göre çeúitli uluslararas snflamalara göre sunulmaktadr. presented in according to various international
classifications for Turkey's needs and conditions.

Dú ticaretin de÷iúik snflamalarla verilmesinin kullanc It may be thought that giving different classifications can
açsndan zorluk yaratabilece÷i düúünülebilir. Ancak burada cause difficulty for users. However, the main objective here
amaçlanan; uluslararas kyaslamalar yapacaklara, dú is topresent information to those who make international
ticareti sektörlere göre üretim ya da milli gelir serileriyle comparisons and who use foreign trade by sectors with the
birlikte kullanacaklara da bilgi sunmaktr. production series or national income series as well as to
those who follow specific series in their studies for years.

Dú ticaret analizlerinde çeúitli mal ve sektör snflamalar Various commodity and sector classifications are used in the
kullanlmaktadr. Bu snflamalarn bir ksm uluslararas foreign trade analysis. Some of these classifications are
kuruluúlar tarafndan hazrlanarak uluslararas prepared by international institutions in order to use
karúlaútrmalarda kullanlmaktadr. international comparisons.

Yaynda kullanlan baúlca snflamalar aúa÷da açklanmútr: Main classifications used in the publication are explained

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Açıklama Explanation

6.2.1 Gümrük øúbirli÷i Konseyinin Uyumlaútrlmú 6.2.1 Customs Co-operation Council, The
Mal Tanm Kod Sistemi (UMS) Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding
Ülkemizin de taraf oldu÷u Gümrük øúbirli÷i Konseyi The harmonized system is a commodity classification
tarafndan hazrlanan ve akit ülkelerin ithalat ve ihracat prepared by the Customs Cooperation Council.
iúlemlerinde kullandklar bir eúya snflamasdr.

Ülkemizde 1989 ylndan itibaren kullanlan harmonize This classification has been used in Turkey since 1989 was
sistem snflamasna dayal 8 dijit istatistik pozisyonlar improved as 8-digit position numbers. Because, Turkey
geliútirilmiútir. Türkiye'nin 1996 ylnda Gümrük Birli÷i'ne entered the Customs Union in 1996, it has been used 12-
girmesi nedeniyle harmonize sisteme dayal Birleútirilmiú mal digit position numbers by the Harmonized System related
snflamalarna (BMS) uyum sa÷lamak için istatistik Combined Nomenclature (CN).
pozisyonlar 12 dijite çkarlmútr.

6.2.2 Standart Uluslararas Ticaret Snflamas 6.2.2 Standart International Trade Classification
(SUTS, 3.Rev) (SITC Rev.3)

Dú ticaret istatistiklerinde kullanlmak üzere Birleúmiú SITC is a commodity classification system prepared by the
Milletler tarafndan hazrlanan (SUTS) bir eúya snflamasdr. United Nations to be used in foreign trade statistics.
Genellikle uluslararas kuruluúlar dú ticaret istatistiklerini bu Usually, international institutions publish foreign trade
snflamaya göre yaymlamaktadr. 1, 2, 3, 4 ve 5 dijitten statistics according to this classification. This system has
oluúan bir sistemdir. Türkiye'nin dú ticaret istatistiklerinde been made up 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 digits. It is also used in
de kullanlmaktadr. Turkey's foreign trade statistics.
6.2.3 Tüm Ekonomik Faaliyetlerin Uluslararas 6.2.3 International Standart Industrial Classification
Standart Sanayi Snflamas (USSS, 3.Rev) of All Economic Activities (ISIC Rev.3)

Birleúmiú Milletler østatistik Ofisi'nin gerçekleútirdi÷i ISIC ISIC activity classification prepared by United Nations
faaliyet snflamas, istatisti÷in geniú çapl analizinde ve Statistical Office has been centralised in extensive statistical
uluslararas karúlaútrmalarda merkezi bir konuma gelmiútir. analysis and international comparisons. Although ISIC, Rev.
ISIC'n son revizyonu ISIC Rev.3 daha önceki 3, the last revision of ISIC, is different from former
uyarlamalardan farkl ise de, yaps önemli bir de÷iúikli÷e revisions, its structure did not change significantly. Level of
u÷ramamútr. Ayrnt düzeyi ISIC Rev.2'den çok farkldr. Bu detail is very different from ISIC, Rev. 2. The increase in
ayrnt, snflama içerisinde hemen hemen her yerde özellikle level of detail has been observed in almost everywhere,
de hizmet faaliyetleri ile ilgili bölümlerde bulunmaktadr. especially in the parts related with service activities.

Türkiye'nin dú ticaret istatistiklerinde 1989 ylndan sonra The classification has been used in Turkey's foreign trade
kullanlmaya baúlanmútr. Ayrca, ISIC Rev.2’ye göre de veri statistics after 1989. Turkey’s foreign trade available also
üretimi ve kullanm devam etmektedir. for ISIC Rev.2.

6.2.4 Geniú Ekonomik Gruplarn Snflamas (GEGS) 6.2.4 Classification by Broad Economic Categories
Birleúmiú Milletler østatistik Ofisince hazrlanan bir The classification has been prepared by United Nations
snflamadr. Mallar, Yatrm, Tüketim, Ara mallar ve Statistical Office. Goods are classified in 4 major groups as
di÷erleri olarak dört ana grupta toplanmaktadr. Investment, Consumption, Intermediate goods and others.

Türkiye'nin dú ticaret istatistiklerinde 1989 ylndan sonra The classification has been using in Turkey's foreign trade
kullanlmaya baúlanmútr. statistics after 1989.


XIV TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.1 İhracat ve ithalat değerleri, 2000 - 2008

1.1 øhracat
Exports ve
importsde÷erleri, 2000
values, 2000 - 2008
- 2008
ithalatvalues, 20002000
değerleri, - 2008- 2008
(Milyar$ - Billion $) Exports and importsde÷erleri,
values, 2000 - 2008
185 - Billion $) 1.1 øhracat ve ithalat 2000 - 2008
185 Exports and imports values, 2000İthalat-Imports
- 2008
(Milyar$ - Billion $) øthalat-Imports
(Milyar$ - Billion $)
185 İthalat-Imports
170 øthalat-Imports
80 İhracat-Exports
50 øhracat-Exports
50 İhracat-Exports
35 øhracat-Exports
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
20 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
20 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Veri için Tablo 1.1'e bakınız
Veri için Tablo 2000
1.1'e baknz 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
For data, see Table 1.1
For data, see Table 1.1
Veri için Tablo 1.1'e bakınız
için see Table 1.1baknz
1980’li yllarda büyük bir ivme kazanan Türkiye’nin dú ticareti ayn
Tablo 1.1'e Turkey’s foreign trade has been rising since 1980’s and maintaining the
For data, see Table 1.1
geliúmeyi 2000’li yllarda da sürdürmektedir. Türkiye’nin ihracat 2000 same development in 2000’s. Turkey’s export was 27 775 Million Dollars
1980’li 27 775 Milyon
yllarda büyük Dolara, 2005
bir ivme ylnda Türkiye’nin
kazanan 73 476 Milyondú Dolara,
ticareti 2008
ayn in 2000 and
Turkey’s amounted
foreign to 73
trade has 476
been Million
rising Dollars
since in and
1980’s 2005, and 132 027
maintaining the
ylnda 1322000’li
geliúmeyi 027 Milyon
yllarda Dolara yükselmiútir. 1990
da sürdürmektedir. - 2008
Türkiye’nin döneminde
ihracat 2000 Milliondevelopment
same Dollars in 2008, respectively.
in 2000’s. Turkey’sBetween
export 1990
was 27and
7752008, theDollars
Million yearly
ylnda 27 %14’ün üzerinde
775 Milyon ihracat
Dolara, 2005artú gerçekleúmiútir.
ylnda 73 476 Milyon Dolara, 2008 average
in 2000 increase in exports
and amounted was476
to 73 over 14%. Dollars in 2005, and 132 027
ylnda 132 027 Milyon Dolara yükselmiútir. 1990 - 2008 döneminde Million Dollars in 2008, respectively. Between 1990 and 2008, the yearly
ortalama %14’ün üzerinde ihracat artú gerçekleúmiútir. average increase in exports was over 14%.
Ayn dönemde ithalatta da yüksek oranl artú sa÷lanmú, 2000 ylnda 54 In the same period, there has also been a higherrate increasing in
503 Milyon Dolara, 2005 ylnda 116 774 Milyon Dolar, 2007 ylnda 170 imports. In 2000, imports was 54 503 Million Dollars and amounted to
Ayn Milyon Dolara
dönemde ve 2008
ithalatta ylndaoranl
da yüksek 201 964
artú Milyon Dolara
sa÷lanmú, yükselmiútir.
2000 ylnda 54 116
In the774same
in 2005,
also063 Million
been Dollars in 2007
a higherrate and 201
increasing in
503 Milyon döneminde
Dolara, 2005ithalattaki
ylnda ortalama
116 774 artú
Milyonoran ise %15
Dolar, 2007olmuútur.
ylnda 170 964 Million
imports. In Dollars in 2008.was
2000, imports Between
54 5031990 and Dollars
Million 2008, the
andyearly average
amounted to
063 Milyon Dolara ve 2008 ylnda 201 964 Milyon Dolara yükselmiútir. increase
116 774 in imports
Million was in
Dollars 15%.
2005, 170 063 Million Dollars in 2007 and 201
1990-2008 döneminde
øhracat ve ithalat ithalattaki
de÷erleri ortalama
büyüdükçe dú artú oran
ticaret iseda%15
aç÷ olmuútur.
büyümüú, 2000 964
The Million
foreignDollars in 2008.
trade deficit hasBetween 1990
increased and 2008,
depend the yearly
on imports average
and exports.
ylnda 26 728 Milyon Dolar olan açk, 2004 ylnda rekor artúla 34 373 increase
The deficit was 26 was
in imports 728 15%.
Million Dollars in 2000 and amounted to 34 373
øhracat Dolara yükselmiú,
ve ithalat de÷erleri2006 ylnda 54
büyüdükçe dú 041 Milyon
ticaret aç÷Dolarla devam 2000
da büyümüú, eden Million Dollars
The foreign in 2004.
trade deficit 54
has041 Million depend
increased Dollars in
on 2006, 69and
imports 936exports.
ylndatrendine devam Dolar
26 728 Milyon ederek
olan 2008 ylndaylnda
açk, 2004 69 936
rekor Milyon Dolara
artúla 34 373 Dollars
The in 2008.
deficit was 26 728 Million Dollars in 2000 and amounted to 34 373
Milyon Dolara yükselmiú, 2006 ylnda 54 041 Milyon Dolarla devam eden Million Dollars in 2004. 54 041 Million Dollars in 2006, 69 936 Million
artú trendine devam ederek 2008 ylnda 69 936 Milyon Dolara Dollars in 2008.
1.2 İhracatın ithalatı karşılama
1.2 øhracatn ithalat karúlama oran, oranı,2000
2000- 2008
- 2008
Ratio exportstotoimports,
Ratioofofexports imports,2000
2000- -2008
1.2 İhracatın ithalatı karşılama oranı, 2000 - 2008
(%) 1.2 øhracatn ithalat
Ratio of exports tokarúlama
imports, 2000oran, 2000 - 2008
- 2008
Ratio of exports to imports, 2000 - 2008
50 2000
2000 2001
2001 2002
2002 2003
2003 2004
2004 2005
2005 2006
2006 2007
2007 2008
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Veri için Tablo 1.1'e baknz
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Veri için Tablo 1.1'e bakınız
For data,
data, see
Veri için Tablo 1.1'e bakınız
Veri için Tablo 1.1'e baknz
For ithalat
data, see Table 1.1 karúlama oran yllara göre iniú çkúl bir seyir Proportion of imports covered by exports, has pursued an unsteady
For data, see Table 1.1
izlemektedir. 1990-2008 döneminde ihracatn ithalat karúlama orannn en movement. Between the 1990 and 2008 the highest proportion imports
øhracatnoldu÷u dönemler
ithalat karúlama kriz yllardr. Gerçekleúen
oran yllara göre yüksek devalüasyonlar
iniú çkúl bir seyir covered by ofexports
Proportion importswas in economically
covered by exports,depressing
has pursuedyears.
an Owing to
konusu yllarda
döneminde ihracat önemli
ihracatn ölçüde
ithalat artarken
karúlama ithalatn
orannn en devaluations,Between
movement. increasetheof1990
exports had raised
and 2008 the proportion
the highest imports
proportion imports
azalmas karúlama
yüksek oldu÷u orannn
dönemler yükselmesine
kriz neden olmuútur.
yllardr. Gerçekleúen yüksekøhracatn ithalat
devalüasyonlar covered
covered byby exports,
exports in those
was years. The proportion
in economically wasyears.
depressing 65.4%Owing
in 1999
nedeniyle oran kriz yllaryllarda
söz konusu olan 1999 ylnda
ihracat %65.4,
önemli 2004 artarken
ölçüde ylnda iseithalatn
%64.8 and 64.8% inincrease
devaluations, 2004. During this period,
of exports minimum
had raised proportion realised
the proportion imports
düzeyine inmiútir. orannn
azalmas karúlama Belirtilenyükselmesine
dönemde en düúük
neden karúlama
olmuútur. oranlar
øhracatn ise
ithalat before crisis years. It was 63.1% in 2007 and 65.4% in 2008.
covered by exports, in those years. The proportion was 65.4% in 1999
ekonomik oran
karúlama kriz öncesi yllardr.
kriz yllar 2007 ylnda
olan 1999 %63.1, 2004
ylnda %65.4, 2008 ylnda
ylnda ise
ise %64.8
%65.4 and 64.8% in 2004. During this period, minimum proportion realised
düzeyinde inmiútir.
düzeyine gerilemiútir.
Belirtilen dönemde en düúük karúlama oranlar ise before crisis years. It was 63.1% in 2007 and 65.4% in 2008.
ekonomik kriz öncesi yllardr. 2007 ylnda %63.1, 2008 ylnda ise %65.4
düzeyinde gerilemiútir.

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

1 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 1 Dú ticaret göstergeleri, 1923 - 2008

Indicators of foreign trade, 1923 - 2008
Dú ticaret Dú ticaret øhracat/ithalat
dengesi hacmi karúlama oran
Balance Volume Proportion
øhracat De÷iúim øthalat De÷iúim of foreign of foreign imports
Exports Change Imports Change trade trade covered by
(000 $) (%) (000 $) (%) (000 $) (000 $) exports (%)

1923 50 790 - 86 872 - - 36 082 137 662 58.5

1924 82 435 62.3 100 462 15.6 - 18 027 182 897 82.1
1925 102 700 24.6 128 953 28.4 - 26 253 231 653 79.6
1926 96 437 -6.1 121 411 -5.8 - 24 974 217 848 79.4
1927 80 749 -16.3 107 752 -11.3 - 27 003 188 501 74.9
1928 88 278 9.3 113 710 5.5 - 25 432 201 988 77.6
1929 74 827 -15.2 123 558 8.7 - 48 731 198 385 60.6
1930 71 380 -4.6 69 540 -43.7 1 840 140 920 102.6
1931 60 226 -15.6 59 935 -13.8 291 120 161 100.5
1932 47 972 -20.3 40 718 -32.1 7 254 88 690 117.8
1933 58 065 21.0 45 091 10.7 12 974 103 156 128.8
1934 73 007 25.7 68 761 52.5 4 246 141 768 106.2
1935 76 232 4.4 70 635 2.7 5 597 146 867 107.9
1936 93 670 22.9 73 619 4.2 20 051 167 289 127.2
1937 109 225 16.6 90 540 23.0 18 685 199 765 120.6
1938 115 019 5.3 118 899 31.3 - 3 880 233 918 96.7
1939 99 647 -13.4 92 498 -22.2 7 149 192 145 107.7
1940 80 904 -18.8 50 035 -45.9 30 869 130 939 161.7
1941 91 056 12.5 55 349 10.6 35 707 146 405 164.5
1942 126 115 38.5 112 879 103.9 13 236 238 994 111.7
1943 196 734 56.0 155 340 37.6 41 394 352 074 126.6
1944 177 952 -9.5 126 230 -18.7 51 722 304 182 141.0
1945 168 264 -5.4 96 969 -23.2 71 295 265 233 173.5
1946 214 580 27.5 118 889 22.6 95 691 333 469 180.5
1947 223 301 4.1 244 644 105.8 - 21 343 467 945 91.3
1948 196 799 -11.9 275 053 12.4 - 78 254 471 852 71.5
1949 247 825 25.9 290 220 5.5 - 42 395 538 045 85.4
1950 263 424 6.3 285 664 -1.6 - 22 240 549 088 92.2
1951 314 082 19.2 402 086 40.8 - 88 004 716 168 78.1
1952 362 914 15.5 555 920 38.3 - 193 006 918 834 65.3
1953 396 061 9.1 532 533 -4.2 - 136 472 928 594 74.4
1954 334 924 -15.4 478 359 -10.2 - 143 435 813 283 70.0
1955 313 346 -6.4 497 637 4.0 - 184 291 810 983 63.0
1956 304 990 -2.7 407 340 -18.1 - 102 350 712 330 74.9
1957 345 217 13.2 397 125 -2.5 - 51 908 742 342 86.9
1958 247 271 -28.4 315 098 -20.7 - 67 827 562 369 78.5
1959 353 799 43.1 469 982 49.2 - 116 183 823 781 75.3
1960 320 731 -9.3 468 186 -0.4 - 147 455 788 917 68.5
1961 346 740 8.1 507 205 8.3 - 160 465 853 945 68.4
1962 381 197 9.9 619 447 22.1 - 238 250 1 000 644 61.5
1963 368 087 -3.4 687 616 11.0 - 319 529 1 055 703 53.5
1964 410 771 11.6 537 229 -21.9 - 126 458 948 000 76.5

 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008

Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 1 Dú ticaret göstergeleri, 1923 - 2008 (devam)

Indicators of foreign trade, 1923 - 2008 (continued)
Dú ticaret Dú ticaret øhracat/ithalat
dengesi hacmi karúlama oran
Balance Volume Proportion
øhracat De÷iúim øthalat De÷iúim of foreign of foreign imports
Exports Change Imports Change trade trade covered by
(000 $) (%) (000 $) (%) (000 $) (000 $) exports (%)

1965 463 738 12.9 571 953 6.5 - 108 215 1 035 691 81.1
1966 490 508 5.8 718 269 25.6 - 227 761 1 208 777 68.3
1967 522 334 6.5 684 669 -4.7 - 162 335 1 207 003 76.3
1968 496 419 -5.0 763 659 11.5 - 267 240 1 260 078 65.0
1969 536 834 8.1 801 236 4.9 - 264 403 1 338 070 67.0
1970 588 476 9.6 947 604 18.3 - 359 128 1 536 081 62.1
1971 676 602 15.0 1 170 840 23.6 - 494 239 1 847 442 57.8
1972 884 969 30.8 1 562 550 33.5 - 677 581 2 447 519 56.6
1973 1 317 083 48.8 2 086 216 33.5 - 769 133 3 403 299 63.1
1974 1 532 182 16.3 3 777 501 81.1 -2 245 319 5 309 683 40.6
1975 1 401 075 -8.6 4 738 558 25.4 -3 337 483 6 139 633 29.6
1976 1 960 214 39.9 5 128 647 8.2 -3 168 433 7 088 862 38.2
1977 1 753 026 -10.6 5 796 278 13.0 -4 043 252 7 549 304 30.2
1978 2 288 163 30.5 4 599 025 -20.7 -2 310 862 6 887 187 49.8
1979 2 261 195 -1.2 5 069 432 10.2 -2 808 236 7 330 627 44.6
1980 2 910 122 28.7 7 909 364 56.0 -4 999 242 10 819 486 36.8
1981 4 702 934 61.6 8 933 374 12.9 -4 230 439 13 636 308 52.6
1982 5 745 973 22.2 8 842 665 -1.0 -3 096 692 14 588 639 65.0
1983 5 727 834 -0.3 9 235 002 4.4 -3 507 168 14 962 836 62.0
1984 7 133 604 24.5 10 757 032 16.5 -3 623 429 17 890 636 66.3
1985 7 958 010 11.6 11 343 376 5.5 -3 385 367 19 301 386 70.2
1986 7 456 726 -6.3 11 104 771 -2.1 -3 648 046 18 561 497 67.1
1987 10 190 049 36.7 14 157 807 27.5 -3 967 757 24 347 856 72.0
1988 11 662 024 14.4 14 335 398 1.3 -2 673 374 25 997 422 81.4
1989 11 624 692 -0.3 15 792 143 10.2 -4 167 451 27 416 835 73.6
1990 12 959 288 11.5 22 302 126 41.2 -9 342 838 35 261 413 58.1
1991 13 593 462 4.9 21 047 014 -5.6 -7 453 552 34 640 476 64.6
1992 14 714 629 8.2 22 871 055 8.7 -8 156 426 37 585 684 64.3
1993 15 345 067 4.3 29 428 370 28.7 -14 083 303 44 773 436 52.1
1994 18 105 872 18.0 23 270 019 -20.9 -5 164 147 41 375 891 77.8
1995 21 637 041 19.5 35 709 011 53.5 -14 071 970 57 346 052 60.6
1996 23 224 465 7.3 43 626 642 22.2 -20 402 178 66 851 107 53.2
1997 26 261 072 13.1 48 558 721 11.3 -22 297 649 74 819 792 54.1
1998 26 973 952 2.7 45 921 392 -5.4 -18 947 440 72 895 344 58.7
1999 26 587 225 -1.4 40 671 272 -11.4 -14 084 047 67 258 497 65.4
2000 27 774 906 4.5 54 502 821 34.0 -26 727 914 82 277 727 51.0
2001 31 334 216 12.8 41 399 083 -24.0 -10 064 867 72 733 299 75.7
2002 36 059 089 15.1 51 553 797 24.5 -15 494 708 87 612 886 69.9
2003 47 252 836 31.0 69 339 692 34.5 -22 086 856 116 592 528 68.1
2004 63 167 153 33.7 97 539 766 40.7 -34 372 613 160 706 919 64.8
2005 73 476 408 16.3 116 774 151 19.7 -43 297 743 190 250 559 62.9
2006 85 534 676 16.4 139 576 174 19.5 -54 041 499 225 110 850 61.3
2007 107 271 750 25.4 170 062 715 21.8 -62 790 965 277 334 464 63.1
2008 132 027 196 23.1 201 963 574 18.8 -69 936 378 333 990 770 65.4

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008

İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.2 Ödemeler dengesi, 2004 - 2008

Balance of payments, 2004 - 2008
(000 000 $)
Ödemeler dengesi - Balance of payments 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

A. CARø øùLEMLER HESABI - CURRENT ACCOUNT - 14 431 - 22 088 - 32 051 - 38 219 - 41 289

1. øhracat f.o.b. - Exports f.o.b. 68 535 78 365 93 611 115 364 140 999
2. øthalat f.o.b. - Imports f.o.b. - 91 271 - 111 366 - 134 573 - 162 041 - 193 843
Mal Dengesi - Balance on Goods - 22 736 - 33 001 - 40 962 - 46 677 - 52 844

3. Hizmetler Dengesi: Gelir - Services: Credit 22 941 26 757 25 407 28 615 34 807
4. Hizmetler Dengesi: Gider - Services: Debit - 10 144 - 11 423 - 11 713 - 15 292 - 17 294
Mal ve Hizmet Dengesi - Balance on Goods and Services - 9 939 - 17 667 - 27 268 - 33 354 - 35 331

5. Gelir Dengesi: Gelir - Income: Credit 2 651 3 608 4 383 6 420 6 880
6. Gelir Dengesi: Gider - Income: Debit - 8 260 - 9 483 - 11 074 - 13 528 - 14 844
Mal, Hizmet ve Gelir Dengesi - Balance on Goods, Services and Income - 15 548 - 23 542 - 33 959 - 40 462 - 43 295

7. Cari Transferler - Current Transfers 1 117 1 454 1 908 2 243 2 006


C. FøNANS HESABI - FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 17 730 42 660 42 689 48 637 33 385

8. Yurtdúnda Do÷rudan Yatrm - Direct Investment Abroad - 780 - 1 064 - 924 - 2 106 - 2 549
9. Yurtiçinde Do÷rudan Yatrm - Direct Investment in Turkey 2 785 10 031 20 185 22 046 17 963
10. Portföy Hesab - Varlklar - Portfolio Investment- Assets - 1 388 - 1 233 - 4 029 - 2 063 - 1 276
11. Portföy Hesab - Yükümlülükler - Portfolio Investment- Liabilities 9 411 14 670 11 402 2 780 - 3 770
11.1. Hisse Senetleri - Equity Securities 1 427 5 669 1 939 5 138 716
11.2. Borç Senetleri - Debt Securities 7 984 9 001 9 463 - 2 358 - 4 486
12. Di÷er Yatrmlar-Varlklar - Other Investments - Assets - 6 955 - 578 - 13 437 - 4 858 - 10 897
12.1. Merkez Bankas - Monetary Authorities -24 - 16 - 2 2
12.2. Genel Hükümet - General Government - - - - -
12.3. Bankalar - Banks - 5 324 - 149 - 11 018 - 3 394 - 9 126
12.4. Di÷er Sektörler - Other Sectors - 1 607 - 413 - 2 419 - 1 466 - 1 773
13. Di÷er Yatrmlar-Yükümlülükler - Other Investments - Liabilities 14 657 20 834 29 492 32 838 33 914
13.1. Merkez Bankas - Monetary Authorities - 209 - 787 - 1 268 - 1 450 - 1 791
13.2. Genel Hükümet - General Government - 1 163 - 2 165 - 712 82 1 723
13.3. Bankalar - Banks 6 564 10 524 11 704 3 735 8 225
13.4. Di÷er Sektörler - Other Sectors 9 465 13 262 19 768 30 471 25 757

A+B+C CARø, SERMAYE VE FøNANSAL HESAPLAR 3 299 20 572 10 638 10 418 - 7 904

D. NET HATA VE NOKSAN - NET ERRORS AND OMMISSIONS 1 043 2 628 - 13 1 597 5 146

Genel Denge - Global Balance 4 342 23 200 10 625 12 015 - 2 758

E. REZERV VARLIKLAR - RESERVE ASSETS - 4 342 - 23 200 - 10 625 - 12 015 2 758

14. Resmi Rezervler - Official Reserves - 824 - 17 847 - 6 114 - 8 032 1 057
15. Uluslararas Para Fonu Kredileri - Use of Fund Credits and Loans - 3 518 - 5 353 - 4 511 - 3 983 1 701

Kaynak: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankas. Source: Central Bank of Turkey

Not. øthalat ve ihracat rakamlar Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Note.Exports and imports valves are accounted by
Merkez Bankasnn hesaplad÷ de÷erlerdir. Central Bank of Turkey

 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 4
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.3 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008

Foreign trade by economic activities, 2004 - 2008
A.øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B.øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
USSS, 3.Rev .- ISIC Rev.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
GENEL TOPLAM A 139 676 715 157 380 961 201 077 838 221 028 769 258 691 207
GENERAL TOTAL B 90 327 456 99 039 094 123 341 871 139 340 197 170 513 070
a 97 539 766 116 774 151 139 576 174 170 062 715 201 963 574
b 63 167 153 73 476 408 85 534 676 107 271 750 132 027 196

A TARIM ve ORMANCILIK A 3 936 698 3 776 574 4 160 138 6 074 525 8 219 684
AGRICULTURE and FORESTRY B 3 634 528 4 487 118 5 001 958 4 814 094 5 241 328
C 2 757 392 2 801 365 2 902 369 4 640 577 6 391 914
D 2 541 777 3 328 814 3 480 539 3 725 213 3 936 711

01 Tarm ve hayvanclk A 3 607 868 3 426 678 3 776 622 5 696 245 7 912 557
Agriculture and farming of animals B 3 611 505 4 467 202 4 981 806 4 793 682 5 224 365
C 2 527 739 2 541 823 2 634 345 4 352 787 6 151 343
D 2 525 828 3 314 031 3 466 631 3 709 447 3 923 626

02 Ormanclk ve tomrukçuluk A 328 830 349 896 383 515 378 280 307 127
Forestry and logging B 23 023 19 916 20 152 20 413 16 963
C 229 653 259 542 268 024 287 790 240 571
D 15 949 14 784 13 909 15 766 13 085

B BALIKÇILIK A 11 341 32 697 47 781 40 670 53 201

FISHING B 147 549 188 301 188 129 208 606 318 617
a 7 868 24 233 32 627 30 935 41 125
b 103 118 139 500 130 858 158 252 240 330

05 Balkçlk A 11 341 32 697 47 781 40 670 53 201

Fishing B 147 549 188 301 188 129 208 606 318 617
a 7 868 24 233 32 627 30 935 41 125
b 103 118 139 500 130 858 158 252 240 330

C MADENCøLøK ve TAù OCAKÇILIöI A 15 717 736 21 981 412 31 734 203 32 790 682 45 755 970
MINING and QUARRYING B 928 674 1 092 907 1 664 325 2 149 284 2 763 890
a 10 980 937 16 321 199 22 033 762 25 314 075 35 649 704
b 649 237 810 241 1 146 326 1 660 967 2 155 150

10 Maden kömürü, linyit ve turb A 1 750 292 2 130 606 2 844 505 3 308 444 4 250 572
Mining of coal, lignite and peat B 3 308 3 510 1 745 2 496 26 191
a 1 221 884 1 579 298 1 977 868 2 569 726 3 314 894
b 2 317 2 600 1 208 1 937 20 914

11 Ham petrol ve do÷algaz A 13 402 014 19 038 475 27 696 370 28 236 975 39 925 132
Crude petroleum and natural gas B 0 16 396 1 652 5 428 80 322
a 9 365 804 14 140 136 19 220 012 21 783 673 31 108 518
b 0 12 170 1 131 4 349 60 958

13 Metal cevherleri A 333 488 522 592 850 838 882 768 1 048 251
Metal ores B 264 142 333 828 679 438 1 101 904 1 294 407
a 231 240 387 191 598 708 682 682 811 997
b 186 657 247 949 468 365 853 403 1 026 461

14 Taúocakçl÷ ve di÷er madencilik A 231 941 289 738 342 490 362 495 532 015
Other mining and quarrying B 661 224 739 172 981 489 1 039 456 1 362 969
a 162 009 214 573 237 174 277 994 414 296
b 460 263 547 522 675 623 801 279 1 046 817

D øMALAT A 115 237 975 126 975 817 159 031 341 174 080 748 192 535 574
MANUFACTURING B 85 195 572 92 753 202 115 717 473 131 317 715 161 539 002
a 80 447 302 94 208 255 110 378 826 133 938 136 150 252 335
b 59 579 116 68 813 408 80 246 109 101 081 800 125 187 659

15 Gda ürünleri ve içecek A 2 735 673 2 850 872 3 540 254 3 472 137 4 841 297
Food products and beverages B 4 793 984 5 757 922 6 228 837 6 692 863 8 467 838
a 1 904 016 2 114 179 2 453 059 2 660 999 3 763 099
b 3 349 424 4 271 660 4 339 135 5 164 489 6 475 836

16 Tütün ürünleri A 105 063 125 658 120 486 106 951 134 548
Tobacco products B 111 253 164 045 263 232 254 515 365 615
a 73 331 93 459 84 126 82 139 104 016
b 78 045 121 787 181 514 194 726 276 802

17 Tekstil ürünleri A 5 428 567 5 355 655 6 098 013 6 932 187 6 565 708
Textiles B 11 437 096 11 783 711 13 360 616 14 031 341 14 703 764
a 3 786 308 3 974 375 4 226 822 5 316 839 5 093 383
b 7 998 061 8 742 704 9 265 791 10 804 633 11 323 038

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.3 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by economic activities, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A.øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B.øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
USSS, 3.Rev .- ISIC Rev.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
18 Giyim eúyas A 864 318 934 235 1 385 005 1 769 255 2 456 072
Wearing apparel B 13 302 972 13 365 348 14 650 958 15 393 305 14 824 195
a 601 557 693 695 961 970 1 357 371 1 902 149
b 9 340 151 9 924 749 10 175 068 11 794 828 11 503 751

19 Bavul, saraçlk ve ayakkab A 883 819 1 127 980 1 507 682 1 653 014 1 756 736
Luggage, saddlery and footwear B 466 919 498 719 629 121 731 517 780 322
a 618 572 839 113 1 054 981 1 260 859 1 383 145
b 327 960 370 192 436 419 558 767 606 793

20 A÷aç ve mantar ürünleri A 575 704 792 648 985 906 1 135 989 1 178 846
Products of wood and cork B 291 313 336 846 487 471 592 688 696 664
a 399 376 587 490 681 464 874 014 921 345
b 203 728 249 941 336 003 455 185 534 955

21 Ka÷t ve ka÷t ürünleri A 2 454 144 2 708 545 3 381 411 3 690 977 3 891 097
Paper and paper products B 653 383 754 050 866 402 1 086 616 1 366 473
a 1 712 198 2 009 864 2 345 690 2 831 779 3 013 552
b 457 442 559 167 601 392 835 719 1 051 948

22 Basm ve yaym A 405 322 545 731 545 143 774 693 779 378
Printing and publishing B 118 007 141 664 155 162 168 613 188 930
a 282 243 405 008 375 770 597 368 600 290
b 82 146 105 048 107 717 130 355 145 155

23 Kok kömürü, petrol ürün ve nükleer yakt A 5 471 248 7 425 090 10 995 580 12 289 904 17 669 506
Coke, petroleum products and nuclear fuel B 1 950 325 3 392 477 4 929 077 6 336 695 9 362 748
a 3 796 784 5 506 507 7 630 584 9 492 322 13 828 943
b 1 364 348 2 518 943 3 401 678 4 922 265 7 325 096

24 Kimyasal madde ve ürünler A 21 674 288 23 553 819 28 211 119 30 810 625 34 663 635
Chemicals and chemical products B 3 655 741 3 800 108 5 021 328 5 276 283 6 450 220
a 15 134 359 17 477 334 19 599 125 23 624 584 26 993 947
b 2 556 412 2 818 310 3 480 913 4 056 687 4 994 803

25 Plastik ve kauçuk ürünleri A 2 781 882 2 885 039 3 722 060 4 051 479 4 433 070
Rubber and plastic products B 2 801 106 3 351 151 4 356 528 5 115 539 6 145 519
a 1 941 047 2 140 352 2 578 216 3 114 146 3 450 668
b 1 958 873 2 485 789 3 016 055 3 929 841 4 749 916

26 Metalik olmayan di÷er mineraller A 1 028 588 1 359 952 2 053 571 2 010 825 1 987 993
Other non-metallic minerals B 3 313 887 3 621 420 4 033 030 4 421 368 5 585 881
a 717 495 1 008 772 1 419 430 1 541 986 1 549 954
b 2 317 150 2 686 826 2 798 585 3 398 232 4 321 013

27 Ana metal sanayi A 15 849 981 18 428 985 24 649 793 30 097 055 33 363 784
Manufacture of basic metals B 9 786 960 9 290 267 13 505 011 16 055 354 28 947 083
a 11 083 551 13 682 666 17 082 850 23 086 845 26 506 077
b 6 815 628 6 887 671 9 333 648 12 348 928 22 569 898

28 Metal eúya sanayii (makina, techizat hariç) A 2 259 682 2 619 499 3 538 806 3 654 352 4 497 867
Manufacture of fabricated metal prod (exc machinery) B 3 147 080 3 619 317 4 836 003 5 522 662 7 152 544
a 1 573 605 1 943 001 2 446 770 2 815 999 3 487 503
b 2 199 705 2 684 603 3 350 248 4 251 440 5 531 449

29 Makina ve techizat imalat A 14 820 932 16 453 390 20 654 413 22 203 298 21 920 853
Manufacture of machinery and equipment B 5 589 838 6 559 828 8 669 533 10 439 244 12 657 803
a 10 362 811 12 209 659 14 315 248 17 094 630 17 013 992
b 3 913 354 4 865 027 6 005 610 8 032 297 9 763 363

30 Büro,muhasebe ve bilgi iúlem makinalar A 2 525 273 3 325 587 4 028 239 3 806 206 3 657 532
Office, accounting and computing machinery B 74 623 93 797 127 718 167 606 175 526
a 1 766 804 2 464 707 2 813 146 2 937 445 2 833 476
b 52 137 69 500 88 831 129 740 135 240

31 Elektirikli makina ve cihazlar A 4 547 810 5 671 466 7 158 803 8 201 358 9 489 783
Electrical machinery and apparatus B 2 254 526 2 604 602 4 078 886 5 334 156 6 451 888
a 3 175 125 4 206 593 4 983 881 6 325 429 7 357 785
b 1 575 589 1 932 751 2 822 472 4 106 293 4 975 080

 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.3 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by economic activities, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A.øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B.øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
USSS, 3.Rev .- ISIC Rev.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
32 Haberleúme techizat ve cihazlar A 6 487 518 6 204 064 7 038 350 7 603 073 6 884 743
Communication and apparatus B 4 119 003 4 245 590 4 407 364 3 565 483 3 000 653
a 4 530 053 4 604 731 4 899 252 5 848 762 5 346 464
b 2 883 024 3 150 196 3 087 798 2 766 114 2 276 648

33 Tbbi, hassas, optik aletler ve saat A 2 936 985 3 526 581 4 142 409 4 368 963 4 990 436
Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches B 248 233 266 325 351 357 437 332 525 466
a 2 053 564 2 615 889 2 881 935 3 369 299 3 855 131
b 173 412 197 504 243 921 337 115 404 334

34 Motorlu kara taútlar ve römork A 16 914 099 16 629 933 19 134 100 19 477 045 19 897 606
Motor vehicles and trailers B 12 617 899 13 778 333 18 300 366 22 099 182 24 745 480
a 11 795 945 12 331 890 13 293 824 15 096 193 15 513 689
b 8 812 615 10 226 102 12 677 257 17 016 180 19 361 877

35 Di÷er ulaúm araçlar A 2 702 461 2 601 128 3 493 224 2 876 985 4 083 097
Other transport B 1 927 532 2 310 319 3 068 673 3 569 798 4 375 234
a 1 890 129 1 926 651 2 414 674 2 231 409 3 115 066
b 1 348 708 1 706 833 2 139 814 2 746 699 3 360 386

36 Mobilya A 1 784 617 1 849 960 2 646 974 3 094 376 3 391 987
Furniture B 2 533 889 3 017 361 3 390 801 4 025 554 4 569 156
a 1 248 429 1 372 318 1 836 008 2 377 720 2 618 659
b 1 771 206 2 238 104 2 356 242 3 101 266 3 500 277

E ELEKTRøK, GAZ ve SU A 22 369 24 487 25 952 28 149 20 596

ELECTRICITY, GAS and WATER SUPPLY B 87 412 138 982 177 769 220 783 97 900
a 15 683 18 208 18 208 21 528 15 492
b 60 173 103 449 123 593 168 839 73 324

40 Elektrik, gaz ve buhar A 22 369 24 487 25 952 28 149 20 596

Electricity, gas and steam B 87 412 138 982 177 769 220 783 97 900
a 15 683 18 208 18 208 21 528 15 492
b 60 173 103 449 123 593 168 839 73 324

G ATIK ve HURDALAR A 4 735 264 4 561 123 6 055 965 7 974 119 12 063 066
WASTE and SCRAP B 329 487 376 982 589 548 626 047 547 708
a 3 319 794 3 379 441 4 194 758 6 086 804 9 578 987
b 230 758 279 812 405 435 473 923 430 465

51 Atk ve hurdalar A 4 735 264 4 561 123 6 055 965 7 974 119 12 063 066
Waste and scrap B 329 487 376 982 589 548 626 047 547 708
a 3 319 794 3 379 441 4 194 758 6 086 804 9 578 987
b 230 758 279 812 405 435 473 923 430 465

K DøöER øù FALøYETLERø A 1 211 8 001 1 551 3 115 2 198

OTHER BUSINESS ACTIVITIES B 1 915 349 630 1 910 2 442
a 867 5 985 1 073 2 395 1 696
b 1 354 258 425 1 399 1 882

74 Di÷er iú faliyetleri A 1 211 8 001 1 551 3 115 2 198

Other business activities B 1 915 349 630 1 910 2 442
a 867 5 985 1 073 2 395 1 696
b 1 354 258 425 1 399 1 882

O SOSYAL ve KøùøSEL FAALøYETLER A 14 122 20 849 20 907 36 761 40 918

SOCIAL and PERSONAL ACTIVITIES B 2 318 1 253 2 040 1 758 2 183
a 9 923 15 465 14 551 28 265 32 320
b 1 619 926 1 390 1 356 1 675

92 E÷lence,kültür ve sporla ilgili faaliyetler A 14 103 20 812 20 904 36 750 40 833

Recreational, cultural and sporting activities B 2 318 1 253 2 040 1 758 2 183
a 9 910 15 437 14 549 28 256 32 258
b 1 619 926 1 390 1 356 1 675

93 Di÷er hizmet faaliyetleri A 19 37 3 11 85

Other service activities B - - - - -
a 13 27 2 9 63
b - - - - -

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.4 Geniú ekonomik gruplarn snflamasna göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008
Foreign trade by classification of broad economic categories, 2004 - 2008
A .øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
GEGS-BEC 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
GENEL TOPLAM A 139 676 715 157 380 961 201 077 838 221 028 769 258 691 207
GENERAL TOTAL B 90 327 456 99 039 094 123 341 871 139 340 197 170 513 070
a 97 539 766 116 774 151 139 576 174 170 062 715 201 963 574
b 63 167 153 73 476 408 85 534 676 107 271 750 132 027 196

1 SERMAYE MALLARI A 24 896 686 27 454 743 33 618 612 35 027 739 36 225 125
CAPITAL GOODS B 9 345 094 10 784 675 13 594 096 17 862 657 21 547 006
a 17 397 440 20 363 222 23 347 556 27 054 433 28 020 665
b 6 530 838 7 997 690 9 423 369 13 754 544 16 725 377

41 Sermaye mallar (Taúmaclk araçlar hariç ) A 19 306 992 23 080 825 28 314 467 30 289 821 30 002 497
Capital goods (Except transportations vehicles) B 3 935 350 4 591 710 5 891 487 7 277 763 8 921 985
a 13 493 688 17 120 131 19 665 388 23 366 154 23 255 612
b 2 751 703 3 406 533 4 082 676 5 598 988 6 883 620

521 Sanayi ile ilgili taúmaclk araç ve gereçleri A 5 589 694 4 373 917 5 304 145 4 737 918 6 222 628
Transportation vehicles incidental to industry B 5 409 744 6 192 965 7 702 609 10 584 894 12 625 021
a 3 903 753 3 243 090 3 682 168 3 688 278 4 765 053
b 3 779 135 4 591 158 5 340 693 8 155 556 9 841 757

2 ARA MALLARI A 96 736 152 110 318 992 143 555 216 160 907 204 193 832 501
INTERMEDIATE GOODS B 37 122 566 40 835 709 54 549 359 64 218 845 87 269 279
a 67 549 436 81 868 284 99 604 660 123 639 601 151 747 101
b 25 945 606 30 289 782 37 788 252 49 402 983 67 733 802

21 Sanayi için iúlem görmemiú maddeler A 8 258 008 8 130 116 10 544 446 13 151 165 17 336 726
Unprocessed materials incidental to industry B 2 098 715 2 305 959 3 275 862 3 635 056 4 132 693
a 5 775 777 6 026 723 7 320 166 10 037 792 13 691 770
b 1 477 867 1 711 069 2 268 936 2 802 507 3 206 339

22 Sanayi için iúlem görmüú maddeler A 47 839 619 53 291 132 67 070 495 76 777 300 83 661 863
Processed materials incidental to industry B 26 725 140 27 873 349 37 116 554 42 532 475 60 776 726
a 33 407 212 39 548 542 46 511 362 58 890 827 65 680 163
b 18 661 008 20 673 018 25 706 269 32 698 856 47 183 531

31 øúlem görmemiú yakt ve ya÷lar A 10 516 831 19 797 125 28 521 792 29 542 830 41 393 282
Unprocessed fuels and oils B 3 224 19 627 3 591 8 001 106 240
a 7 329 138 14 698 778 19 772 275 22 829 732 32 258 721
b 2 261 14 565 2 475 6 342 81 673

42 Yatrm mallarnn aksam ve parçalar A 9 199 551 9 091 015 10 984 587 11 823 694 12 169 935
Parts of investment goods B 1 940 757 2 336 884 3 224 016 4 124 691 4 814 470
a 6 432 180 6 747 008 7 632 408 9 086 585 9 445 316
b 1 358 107 1 733 845 2 236 631 3 168 135 3 712 852

53 Taúmaclk araçlarnn aksam ve parçalar A 9 390 457 10 010 151 12 520 017 13 593 527 14 411 839
Parts of transportation vehicles B 4 418 517 5 034 985 6 577 032 8 017 518 8 949 392
a 6 544 206 7 427 477 8 684 520 10 454 779 11 264 249
b 3 093 115 3 734 162 4 560 614 6 162 238 6 943 359

111 Esas yiyecek ve içecek olan iúlenmemiú maddeler A 1 338 099 1 169 147 1 117 326 2 196 656 4 035 611
Unprocessed materials of food and beverages B 110 750 243 116 400 899 241 793 181 873
a 944 197 866 393 778 625 1 685 242 3 154 328
b 78 051 180 324 278 119 181 730 138 415

121 Esas yiyecek ve içecek olan iúlenmiú maddeler A 898 611 1 027 626 1 372 745 1 112 381 2 245 370
Processed materials of food and beverages B 677 536 995 134 933 181 1 109 345 1 721 664
a 624 467 762 244 950 398 858 180 1 741 612
b 474 849 737 515 652 863 852 685 1 323 805

322 øúlem görmüú yakt ve ya÷lar A 9 294 976 7 802 680 11 423 808 12 709 651 18 577 876
Processed fuels and oils B 1 147 929 2 026 656 3 018 224 4 549 966 6 586 221
a 6 492 259 5 791 117 7 954 904 9 796 464 14 510 941
b 800 347 1 505 283 2 082 345 3 530 490 5 143 828

 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008 8

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.4 Geniú ekonomik gruplarn snflamasna göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)
Foreign trade by classification of broad economic categories, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A .øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B.øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)

a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
GEGS-BEC 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

3 TÜKETøM MALLARI A 17 340 008 18 839 686 23 175 921 24 213 770 27 704 602
CONSUMPTION GOODS B 43 589 034 46 941 400 54 452 449 56 719 873 61 059 275
a 12 100 277 13 975 300 16 116 330 18 694 051 21 489 236
b 30 501 889 34 835 399 37 790 478 43 695 868 47 076 909

51 Binek otomobilleri A 6 033 388 5 795 236 6 134 020 6 054 348 5 861 797
Otomobiles B 5 633 414 5 892 266 8 154 109 8 880 126 9 556 710
a 4 213 556 4 296 117 4 268 704 4 746 754 4 551 805
b 3 933 633 4 373 431 5 644 960 6 839 589 7 474 361

61 Dayankl tüketim mallar A 2 064 604 2 477 909 3 309 859 3 929 234 4 545 421
Resistant consumption goods B 8 578 491 9 312 176 10 897 457 11 069 879 11 698 466
a 1 439 681 1 838 682 2 296 686 3 027 387 3 530 750
b 6 002 624 6 906 435 7 583 072 8 555 679 8 947 617

62 Yar dayankl tüketim mallar A 2 737 750 3 375 512 4 670 091 5 112 128 6 180 848
Semi-resistant consumption goods B 14 043 140 13 884 304 15 164 446 16 180 467 16 185 584
a 1 910 785 2 506 049 3 248 464 3 914 144 4 807 708
b 9 831 996 10 307 991 10 507 143 12 442 507 12 518 731

63 Dayanksz tüketim mallar A 4 561 821 4 601 114 5 366 811 5 671 820 6 880 673
Non-resistant consumption goods B 7 390 606 7 864 150 8 889 141 8 923 751 9 231 267
a 3 184 391 3 415 389 3 736 540 4 358 555 5 301 193
b 5 192 736 5 836 850 6 180 121 6 834 491 7 134 748

112 Esas yiyecek ve içecek olan iúlenmemiú mallar A 212 183 363 662 446 359 525 383 1 005 627
Unprocessed of food and beverages B 3 702 360 4 366 886 4 746 323 4 924 621 5 628 185
a 149 113 270 005 315 722 403 284 753 162
b 2 575 501 3 238 525 3 293 267 3 812 543 4 226 066

122 Esas yiyecek ve içecek olan iúlenmiú mallar A 759 145 870 099 1 087 857 1 246 302 1 436 614
Processed of food and beverages B 3 222 784 3 946 535 4 261 195 4 515 951 5 497 506
a 528 145 645 070 755 301 953 992 1 120 943
b 2 252 043 2 928 704 2 970 250 3 484 368 4 210 377

321 Motor benzini A 800 189 961 000 1 565 416 1 521 137 1 644 735
Gasoline B 881 518 1 479 436 2 056 096 1 997 345 2 872 881
a 556 012 711 553 1 083 668 1 172 179 1 306 435
b 618 411 1 098 294 1 420 330 1 552 640 2 252 826

522 Sanayi ile ilgili olmayan taúma araç ve gereçleri A 170 928 395 154 595 508 153 418 148 887
Transportation vehicles not incidental to industry B 136 721 195 647 283 682 227 734 388 677
a 118 593 292 435 411 244 117 757 117 241
b 94 945 145 169 191 334 174 051 312 182

4 DøöERLERø A 703 870 767 540 728 088 880 057 928 979
OTHERS B 270 761 477 310 745 967 538 822 637 509
a 492 612 567 345 507 629 674 629 706 571
b 188 820 353 537 532 577 418 354 491 108

7 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen di÷er mallar A 703 870 767 540 728 088 880 057 928 979
Other goods not elsewhere specified B 270 761 477 310 745 967 538 822 637 509
a 492 612 567 345 507 629 674 629 706 571
b 188 820 353 537 532 577 418 354 491 108

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.5 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008
Foreign trade by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
SUTS, 3. Rev - SITC Rev.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

GENEL TOPLAM A 139 676 715 157 380 961 201 077 838 221 028 769 258 691 207
GENERAL TOTAL B 90 327 456 99 039 094 123 341 871 139 340 197 170 513 070
a 97 539 766 116 774 151 139 576 174 170 062 715 201 963 574
b 63 167 153 73 476 408 85 534 676 107 271 750 132 027 196

0 Canl hayvanlar ve gda maddeleri A 2 599 344 2 178 703 2 477 550 4 025 370 6 495 837
Food and live animals B 7 232 462 8 781 043 9 490 185 10 123 139 12 044 002
a 1 817 608 1 615 881 1 729 774 3 083 604 5 024 155
b 5 044 325 6 512 342 6 594 517 7 821 739 9 155 020

00 03.Bölümde yer alan hayvanlarn dúndaki canl A 14 042 19 025 22 210 30 699 51 606
hayvanlar B 10 276 6 965 12 773 9 315 18 196
Live animals other than animals of division 03 a 9 782 14 074 15 546 23 921 41 448
b 7 311 5 180 8 515 7 078 12 922

01 Et ve et ürünleri A 1 338 1 060 891 1 865 5 155

Meat and meat preparations B 38 312 55 599 53 071 69 954 137 594
a 901 778 600 1 439 4 067
b 26 804 41 315 36 135 54 108 102 717

02 Süt, süt ürünleri ve kuú yumurtalar A 101 598 105 840 121 236 153 424 171 918
Dairy products and birds eggs B 77 180 108 951 155 398 232 049 338 479
a 70 764 78 397 84 630 119 283 132 629
b 54 321 80 839 107 355 178 959 254 622

03 Balk, yumuúakça, kabuklu ve omurgaszlar, vb. A 77 989 93 272 122 341 126 989 153 525
ürünler B 303 528 327 933 373 273 394 441 538 191
Fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, and a 54 665 69 193 84 611 97 072 119 081
preparations thereof b 211 696 243 209 258 565 302 718 408 350

04 Hububat ve hububattan hazrlanmú ürünler A 794 928 304 863 303 103 1 343 388 2 818 908
Cereals and cereal preparations B 743 703 1 204 391 1 257 310 1 354 031 1 793 585
a 557 634 226 296 211 783 1 023 694 2 207 585
b 520 191 891 873 876 054 1 036 754 1 385 466

05 Meyve ve sebzeler A 230 222 382 918 491 548 595 062 1 144 263
Fruits and vegetables B 4 892 523 5 896 320 6 132 721 6 323 192 7 018 883
a 161 744 284 147 347 838 456 384 860 025
b 3 405 539 4 373 567 4 260 922 4 901 711 5 308 045

06 ùeker, úeker ürünleri ve bal A 55 621 62 610 58 019 75 685 121 166
Sugar, sugar preparations and honey B 337 222 284 908 408 672 396 663 459 031
a 38 579 45 987 40 361 57 186 92 129
b 236 688 211 427 282 690 304 116 352 240

07 Kahve, çay, kakao, baharat vb. ürünleri A 415 325 371 270 426 540 485 162 505 863
Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof B 422 721 416 586 493 452 599 716 661 997
a 291 125 275 447 296 800 373 565 390 894
b 296 666 309 356 344 815 463 044 499 525

08 Hayvanlar için gda maddeleri A 576 791 460 204 454 254 712 590 1 003 161
Feeding stuff for animals B 16 294 23 709 14 898 16 184 91 564
a 401 458 341 484 316 518 550 234 772 975
b 11 592 17 583 10 361 12 400 68 181

09 Çeúitli yenebilir ürünler vb. hazrlanmú ürünler A 331 490 377 643 477 408 500 506 520 271
Miscellaneous edible products and prepar. B 390 703 455 681 588 618 727 594 986 481
a 230 955 280 078 331 087 380 827 403 322
b 273 516 337 993 409 105 560 851 762 953

1 øçkiler ve tütün A 388 377 402 282 426 287 461 676 589 959
Beverages and tobacco B 833 528 991 373 1 175 512 1 039 680 1 179 502
a 270 022 298 876 295 909 353 112 456 269
b 590 940 736 445 819 962 804 555 890 691

11 øçkiler A 44 682 31 524 57 470 65 992 82 764

Beverages B 162 676 197 350 195 389 208 898 241 070
a 30 744 23 372 39 647 50 986 64 575
b 113 091 146 398 135 072 160 756 186 142

12 Tütün ve tütün mamulleri A 343 695 370 757 368 817 395 684 507 195
Tobacco and tobacco manufactures B 670 853 794 023 980 123 830 782 938 431
a 239 278 275 504 256 263 302 125 391 694
b 477 848 590 047 684 890 643 799 704 550


10 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.5 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)
Foreign trade by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
SUTS, 3. Rev - SITC Rev.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

2 Akaryakt hariç, yenilmeyen hammaddeler A 9 961 125 10 334 538 13 239 494 16 019 768 20 542 757
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels B 2 085 989 2 237 335 3 296 215 3 816 123 4 256 026
a 6 969 911 7 660 514 9 190 841 12 240 193 16 199 453
b 1 461 488 1 660 074 2 278 620 2 930 995 3 320 779

21 øúlenmemiú kösele, deri ve kürk A 567 914 395 128 486 972 430 491 301 831
Hides, skins and furskins, raw B 43 140 33 246 26 840 21 677 13 680
a 396 850 293 296 336 802 327 346 236 213
b 30 378 24 682 18 912 16 407 10 702

22 Ya÷l tohumlar ve ya÷ veren meyvalar A 672 061 843 806 757 209 1 171 242 1 665 138
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits B 72 051 79 806 113 175 119 506 115 336
a 470 159 624 778 527 806 901 797 1 320 081
b 50 887 59 592 79 498 90 799 89 400

23 Ham kauçuk (sentetik ve rejenere kauçuk dahil) A 493 042 601 074 886 623 943 564 1 219 860
Crude rubber (including synthetic, reclaimed) B 12 025 9 705 19 219 19 834 39 627
a 343 834 445 836 614 554 723 491 945 314
b 8 431 7 205 13 248 15 272 30 861

24 Mantar, odun ve kereste A 411 620 487 707 684 802 706 691 701 228
Cork and wood B 30 263 33 989 41 616 43 271 39 890
a 287 351 361 578 475 729 540 392 548 540
b 21 230 25 221 28 841 32 914 30 617

25 Ka÷t hamuru ve kullanlmú ka÷t A 317 564 374 787 499 678 535 908 608 855
Pulp and waste paper B 956 1 268 1 735 1 908 9 483
a 221 372 278 094 346 338 411 184 472 991
b 659 937 1 191 1 470 7 407

26 Dokuma elyaf (yün toplar hariç) vb. artklar A 2 238 675 2 214 314 2 644 543 3 173 296 2 666 056
Textile fibres (other than wool tops) and their wastes B 628 598 587 400 776 476 766 807 732 157
a 1 564 434 1 642 916 1 835 552 2 421 004 2 074 340
b 442 057 435 877 540 787 587 569 571 334

27 Ham gübre ve maden (kömür, petrol ve de÷erli A 257 299 322 689 375 897 395 479 618 070
taúlar hariç) B 719 089 802 533 1 064 321 1 130 338 1 492 038
Crude fertilizers and crude ores (excluding coal, petroleum a 179 784 239 057 260 452 303 056 478 883
and precious stones) b 500 523 594 509 732 824 870 950 1 145 949

28 Metal cevherleri, döküntü ve hurdalar A 4 781 453 4 860 115 6 632 324 8 370 896 12 432 251
Metalliferous ores and metal scrap B 427 543 553 564 1 111 630 1 571 187 1 661 194
a 3 351 054 3 600 655 4 602 615 6 390 060 9 865 699
b 300 469 411 115 764 604 1 207 387 1 316 944

29 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen iúlenmemiú tarmsal A 221 497 234 918 271 445 292 202 329 468
ürünler B 152 324 135 825 141 202 141 596 152 622
Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s. a 155 074 174 305 190 993 221 862 257 390
b 106 854 100 936 98 715 108 227 117 565

3 Madeni yaktlar, ya÷lar vb. ilgili maddeler A 20 655 984 28 633 068 41 580 304 43 883 657 61 882 425
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials B 2 044 405 3 556 466 5 165 986 6 632 163 9 635 451
a 14 407 061 21 254 831 28 858 774 33 882 782 48 280 963
b 1 429 137 2 641 024 3 566 212 5 147 843 7 531 525

32 Taú, kok ve biriket kömürü A 1 887 563 2 274 972 2 958 732 3 432 659 4 379 309
Coal, coke and briquettes B 3 693 6 635 3 765 15 591 39 973
a 1 316 623 1 686 889 2 054 506 2 665 445 3 411 773
b 2 593 4 881 2 605 12 688 32 397

33 Petrol ve petrolden elde edilen ürünler A 12 422 476 16 723 187 24 029 757 24 977 037 34 188 311
Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials B 1 584 619 2 730 171 4 725 140 6 229 365 9 162 682
a 8 635 900 12 412 477 16 608 314 19 339 366 27 034 429
b 1 111 251 2 027 439 3 260 126 4 836 171 7 167 113

34 Do÷al gaz ve mamül gaz A 6 323 577 9 610 423 14 565 870 15 445 822 23 294 214
Gas, natural and manufactured B 368 684 680 684 259 344 166 468 334 926
a 4 438 856 7 137 257 10 177 750 11 856 452 17 819 273
b 255 121 505 260 179 910 130 180 258 716

35 Elektrik enerjisi A 22 369 24 487 25 946 28 138 20 591

Electric current B 87 409 138 976 177 737 220 739 97 869
a 15 683 18 208 18 204 21 519 15 488
b 60 171 103 444 123 570 168 804 73 300

11 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.5 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)
Foreign trade by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
SUTS, 3. Rev - SITC Rev.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

4 Hayvansal, bitkisel sv ve kat ya÷lar; mumlar A 766 433 1 004 270 1 349 839 1 075 804 2 190 363
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes B 293 483 545 693 615 840 381 271 767 760
a 531 907 744 730 932 701 828 962 1 702 286
b 205 450 405 300 437 581 290 073 570 268

41 Hayvansal sv ve kat ya÷lar A 88 862 98 854 122 288 142 051 195 903
Animal oils and fats B 962 120 22 185 32 328
a 60 698 73 053 84 016 109 693 154 219
b 707 89 15 145 26 497

42 øúlem görmemiú bitkisel ya÷lar; rafine edilmiú, A 611 379 843 930 1 146 059 832 003 1 863 226
franksiyonlara ayrlmú B 249 805 483 197 431 778 272 810 363 200
Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude refined or a 424 918 626 165 792 042 641 287 1 446 455
fractionated b 174 587 358 876 307 548 205 604 269 284

43 øúlenmiú ya÷; mum, vb. yenilmeyen karúmlar A 66 193 61 486 81 493 101 750 131 233
Animal and vegetable fats and oils, processed; waxes of B 42 717 62 377 184 039 108 276 372 232
animal or vegetable origin; inedible mixtures or a 46 291 45 513 56 643 77 982 101 612
preparations of animal or vegetable fats and oils, n.e.s. b 30 157 46 335 130 018 84 324 274 487

5 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen kimya sanayi ürünleri A 20 352 162 22 153 664 26 496 079 28 821 095 32 790 128
Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. B 3 672 876 4 127 686 5 667 179 6 156 217 7 920 194
a 14 211 408 16 438 811 18 407 548 22 106 732 25 541 690
b 2 566 153 3 060 505 3 923 133 4 739 297 6 121 809

51 Organik kimyasal ürünler A 3 962 475 4 437 940 4 945 079 4 951 463 5 328 310
Organic chemicals B 376 971 310 953 467 187 459 235 584 816
a 2 770 650 3 292 447 3 434 020 3 793 864 4 168 601
b 264 078 230 623 324 961 355 877 461 550

52 ønorganik kimyasal ürünler A 992 559 1 039 996 1 247 282 1 422 681 2 135 171
Inorganic chemicals B 439 364 493 790 653 226 665 269 870 275
a 695 081 771 887 867 526 1 092 779 1 667 502
b 307 154 366 255 453 407 508 249 672 942

53 Debagat ve boyaclkta kullanlan ürünler A 1 472 244 1 510 872 1 859 448 1 997 071 2 029 703
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials B 258 750 321 690 422 734 473 252 597 741
a 1 026 893 1 121 126 1 286 650 1 531 318 1 585 756
b 180 483 238 436 292 306 364 114 462 900

54 Tp ve eczaclk ürünleri A 4 349 079 4 289 553 4 800 052 4 990 332 6 163 778
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products B 413 316 427 919 510 755 522 573 618 499
a 3 035 458 3 183 784 3 343 087 3 838 377 4 738 445
b 289 180 316 712 354 483 401 930 469 238

55 Uçucu ya÷, rezinoit, parfümeri, kozmetik, tualet A 946 203 1 012 993 1 272 122 1 387 667 1 600 764
müstahzarlar B 819 246 887 135 1 121 484 1 100 348 1 397 237
Essential oils, resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, a 660 744 751 529 882 125 1 064 622 1 244 389
polishing and cleansing preparations b 571 846 658 007 774 863 848 026 1 074 889

56 Gübreler (272. grubun dúndakiler) A 908 567 1 011 693 1 113 595 1 296 503 1 886 320
Fertilizers (other than those of group 272) B 56 926 50 523 54 222 109 037 276 592
a 637 561 751 114 780 873 992 851 1 474 626
b 39 156 37 479 37 485 84 196 216 819

57 ølk úekildeki plastikler A 5 155 629 6 020 790 7 736 782 8 920 008 9 350 143
Plastics in primary forms B 307 189 343 183 574 418 635 621 787 008
a 3 591 994 4 468 184 5 367 861 6 835 090 7 320 959
b 214 644 254 617 397 266 489 028 614 035

58 ølk úekilde olmayan plastikler A 908 066 964 991 1 231 176 1 346 327 1 496 516
Plastics in non-primary forms B 809 951 1 056 816 1 514 039 1 782 764 2 273 351
a 634 233 715 732 853 612 1 035 020 1 164 990
b 565 717 783 565 1 046 429 1 372 873 1 751 535

59 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen kimyasal madde ve A 1 657 340 1 864 837 2 290 544 2 509 044 2 799 424
ürünleri B 191 164 235 677 349 115 408 116 514 677
Chemical materials and products, n.e.s. a 1 158 793 1 383 008 1 591 794 1 922 812 2 176 421
b 133 893 174 812 241 934 315 004 397 901

6 Baúlca snflara ayrlarak iúlenmiú mallar A 23 677 038 26 942 919 35 946 063 41 926 598 46 346 061
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material B 26 668 049 27 515 405 34 392 092 39 022 235 52 193 769
a 16 523 009 19 989 659 24 883 843 32 163 219 36 294 982
b 18 632 995 20 408 929 23 854 853 29 982 854 40 595 314

12 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008 12

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.5 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)
Foreign trade by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
SUTS, 3. Rev - SITC Rev.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

61 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen deri, iúlenmiú kürk A 393 242 362 786 499 292 534 426 506 008
Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s. and dressed B 120 881 138 520 209 393 215 134 195 088
furskins a 274 790 269 315 346 258 410 563 392 462
b 84 189 102 689 144 311 164 865 150 821

62 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen kauçuk eúya A 1 000 280 993 057 1 315 817 1 433 686 1 574 762
Rubber manufactures, n.e.s. B 1 188 456 1 348 410 1 699 640 2 050 810 2 285 146
a 697 430 736 720 910 175 1 103 071 1 225 733
b 832 409 1 000 614 1 178 082 1 572 399 1 775 168

63 Mantar, ahúaptan eúya (mobilya hariç) A 412 633 592 790 673 221 811 616 790 974
Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture) B 260 653 302 710 445 758 550 802 657 230
a 285 749 439 495 464 867 624 904 617 662
b 182 221 224 614 307 076 423 327 504 725

64 Ka÷t, karton ve ka÷t hamurundan, ka÷t veya A 2 146 767 2 342 124 2 899 941 2 981 438 3 114 704
kartondan eúya B 661 017 755 706 865 178 1 070 424 1 345 339
Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or a 1 498 060 1 737 914 2 011 897 2 285 628 2 409 405
of paperboard b 462 434 560 406 600 235 823 662 1 035 584

65 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen tekstil iplikleri, A 5 974 836 5 984 100 6 755 705 8 026 144 7 476 399
kumaúlar, úekil verilmiú mensucattan eúyalar B 9 177 723 9 537 092 10 916 185 11 644 293 12 203 188
Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s. and related a 4 169 513 4 440 515 4 686 040 6 152 229 5 801 498
products b 6 428 477 7 075 507 7 584 693 8 950 041 9 406 905

66 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen metal olmayan A 984 611 1 305 645 1 973 741 1 898 651 1 833 134
maddeden yaplmú eúyalar B 2 931 517 3 221 479 3 569 916 3 984 210 5 157 606
Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s. a 686 581 968 634 1 364 578 1 455 527 1 430 750
b 2 049 548 2 390 069 2 477 208 3 064 214 3 987 814

67 Demir ve çelik A 7 633 448 9 089 987 11 757 630 14 782 757 19 066 548
Iron and steel B 8 687 999 7 859 016 10 441 245 12 483 647 21 464 855
a 5 324 867 6 746 639 8 140 677 11 341 045 15 033 712
b 6 049 737 5 827 036 7 239 269 9 585 832 16 841 632

68 Demir ihtiva etmeyen madenler A 3 198 380 4 056 009 7 067 316 8 293 140 8 122 128
Non-ferrous metals B 950 495 1 237 237 2 095 896 2 320 809 2 680 304
a 2 238 747 3 006 202 4 879 598 6 356 537 6 385 842
b 664 443 917 003 1 447 656 1 778 416 2 094 592

69 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen madenden mamul A 1 932 842 2 216 421 3 003 402 3 164 740 3 861 404
eúyalar B 2 689 308 3 115 234 4 148 882 4 702 106 6 205 012
Manufactures of metals,n.e.s. a 1 347 272 1 644 224 2 079 754 2 433 716 2 997 919
b 1 879 537 2 310 990 2 876 323 3 620 098 4 798 073

7 Makina ve ulaútrma araçlar A 48 257 858 51 268 484 61 959 161 64 580 336 66 466 146
Machinery and transport equipment B 26 141 175 29 132 102 38 023 988 44 475 577 50 462 933
a 33 704 294 38 028 088 43 036 564 49 858 008 51 594 786
b 18 275 352 21 608 977 26 385 878 34 250 969 39 147 395

71 Güç üreten makinalar ve araçlar A 4 198 696 4 914 723 5 697 566 6 577 418 8 018 527
Power generating machinery and equipment B 1 556 830 1 858 669 2 445 272 2 962 925 3 246 615
a 2 929 082 3 646 961 3 960 264 5 067 428 6 236 328
b 1 088 373 1 377 780 1 693 750 2 278 612 2 499 018

72 Belirli sanayiler için özelli÷i olan makina ve cihazlar A 6 450 331 6 983 822 8 277 821 8 771 026 6 850 534
Machinery specialized for particular industries B 1 169 603 1 467 831 1 889 119 2 334 800 2 934 785
a 4 510 310 5 181 429 5 740 350 6 759 695 5 314 964
b 818 042 1 089 094 1 311 481 1 796 099 2 273 744

73 Metal iúleme makinalar A 1 376 697 1 626 558 2 139 193 1 994 785 2 004 513
Metal working machinery B 313 503 415 471 606 617 770 428 969 673
a 963 895 1 205 341 1 481 233 1 532 361 1 554 868
b 219 994 308 240 420 396 593 666 748 444

74 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen genel endüstri makinalar, A 5 377 931 6 021 214 8 120 137 9 049 954 10 148 068
cihazlar ve baúka yerde belirtilmeyen makina B 1 639 400 1 879 638 2 476 427 3 114 071 3 965 547
aksam a 3 760 820 4 469 800 5 619 879 6 970 546 7 899 764
General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s. and b 1 149 707 1 394 517 1 716 763 2 386 918 3 073 230
machine parts, n.e.s.
75 Büro makinalar, otomatik veri iúleme makinalar A 2 523 398 3 325 587 4 026 389 3 805 973 3 656 496
Office machines and automatic data processing machines B 74 623 93 786 127 718 166 946 175 498
a 1 765 524 2 464 707 2 811 746 2 937 266 2 832 653
b 52 137 69 492 88 831 129 212 135 219

13 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.5 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)
Foreign trade by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
SUTS, 3. Rev - SITC Rev.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

76 Haberleúme, sesi kaydetme ve kaydedilen sesi A 3 590 312 4 003 366 4 884 366 5 957 477 5 583 196
tekrar vermeye yarayan aletler B 4 084 274 4 203 162 4 334 421 3 484 397 2 925 085
Telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing a 2 501 217 2 970 943 3 390 558 4 585 767 4 339 601
apparatus and equipment b 2 858 581 3 118 758 3 036 769 2 703 840 2 218 744

77 Elektrik makina, cihaz ve alet, vb. aksam ve A 7 810 256 8 292 341 9 997 713 10 311 425 10 656 518
parçalar B 3 942 442 4 438 406 6 606 517 8 186 834 9 443 359
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s. and a 5 458 629 6 152 579 6 970 484 7 945 691 8 261 299
electrical parts thereof b 2 756 176 3 292 164 4 569 586 6 302 513 7 278 672

78 Kara taútlar (hava yastkl taútlar dahil) A 14 491 314 13 997 925 16 040 407 15 507 749 15 887 665
Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles) B 11 667 580 12 703 678 16 935 321 20 389 377 22 990 956
a 10 108 033 10 378 775 11 145 191 12 035 389 12 358 394
b 8 147 939 9 428 916 11 730 285 15 701 095 17 991 069

79 Di÷er taút araçlar A 2 438 922 2 102 948 2 775 570 2 604 529 3 660 628
Other transport equipment B 1 692 920 2 071 461 2 602 576 3 065 799 3 811 414
a 1 706 784 1 557 553 1 916 858 2 023 866 2 796 916
b 1 184 403 1 530 017 1 818 018 2 359 013 2 929 256

8 Çeúitli mamul eúya A 7 675 340 9 035 201 11 439 410 12 847 184 14 814 453
Miscellaneous manufactured articles B 21 067 705 21 624 007 24 140 796 26 051 891 26 909 243
a 5 354 338 6 705 895 7 941 179 9 873 953 11 486 319
b 14 762 629 16 051 491 16 745 825 20 019 335 20 794 913

81 Prefabrik yap; shh su tesisat, stma ve sabit A 418 020 505 498 762 868 736 651 833 957
aydnlatma cihazlar B 1 057 288 1 124 471 1 450 494 1 588 455 1 798 665
Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and a 289 635 374 692 522 727 567 549 644 595
lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s. b 740 046 833 932 1 003 119 1 223 910 1 387 990

82 Mobilya, yatak takm, yatak payandalar ve A 406 020 491 935 743 138 888 749 942 607
yastklar B 862 862 952 543 1 136 028 1 384 474 1 777 164
Furniture, bedding, mattress supports and cushions a 282 768 365 048 514 164 680 846 733 848
b 604 569 706 897 788 154 1 067 523 1 367 084

83 Seyahat eúyalar, el çantalar vb. taúyc eúya A 176 302 312 406 427 562 507 162 515 084
Travel goods, handbags and similar containers B 86 330 109 726 139 222 157 782 183 628
a 122 767 231 756 296 367 390 640 405 626
b 60 429 81 383 96 320 121 498 141 144

84 Giyim eúyalar ve bunlarn aksesuarlar A 936 182 1 060 814 1 580 039 2 040 080 2 865 526
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories B 15 966 259 15 936 745 17 375 752 18 090 699 17 538 539
a 651 348 787 841 1 097 719 1 566 561 2 216 248
b 11 193 386 11 833 106 12 051 922 13 886 333 13 589 400

85 Ayakkablar A 433 504 553 650 730 694 754 392 848 857
Footwear B 291 062 290 487 340 734 416 757 440 561
a 303 284 412 786 514 970 569 929 672 917
b 204 917 215 793 237 069 316 740 344 890

87 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen mesleki, ilmi, kontrol A 1 865 217 2 266 784 2 591 638 2 721 374 3 117 012
aletleri ve cihazlar B 193 657 204 832 281 375 352 593 424 999
Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and a 1 304 939 1 681 137 1 800 485 2 099 733 2 406 629
apparatus, n.e.s. b 135 216 151 883 195 402 271 749 327 506

88 Foto÷raf malzemeleri, optik eúyalar; kol ve duvar A 751 835 800 487 873 087 907 586 970 240
saatleri B 28 418 28 084 36 136 47 304 52 083
Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and a 525 063 594 123 608 196 698 550 754 390
optical goods, watches and clocks b 19 949 20 810 25 036 36 355 40 244

89 Baúka yerde belirtilmeyen çeúitli mamül eúyalar A 2 688 260 3 043 626 3 730 384 4 291 190 4 721 169
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s. B 2 581 828 2 977 118 3 381 056 4 013 827 4 693 605
a 1 874 534 2 258 513 2 586 551 3 300 144 3 652 067
b 1 804 117 2 207 687 2 348 804 3 095 226 3 596 655

9 SUTS'da hiç bir yerde snflandrlmamú eúya ve A 5 343 055 5 427 831 6 163 650 7 387 281 6 573 078
mamüller B 287 784 527 984 1 374 078 1 641 900 5 144 190
Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in a 3 750 208 4 036 866 4 299 041 5 672 150 5 382 668
the SITC. b 198 685 391 320 928 093 1 284 090 3 899 481

14 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008 14

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008

Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Fasllar-Chapters 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Toplam A 139 676 715 157 380 961 201 077 838 221 028 769 258 691 207
Total B 90 327 456 99 039 094 123 341 871 139 340 197 170 513 070
a 97 539 766 116 774 151 139 576 174 170 062 715 201 963 574
b 63 167 153 73 476 408 85 534 676 107 271 750 132 027 196

01 Canl hayvanlar A 14 042 19 025 22 210 30 699 51 606

Live animals B 10 276 6 965 12 773 9 315 18 196
a 9 782 14 074 15 546 23 921 41 448
b 7 311 5 180 8 515 7 078 12 922

02 Etler A 404 378 126 125 1 161

Meat B 32 146 48 725 43 425 60 158 119 765
a 277 277 86 97 906
b 22 487 36 217 29 468 46 518 89 124

03 Balklar A 77 423 92 425 120 600 126 432 154 343

Fish B 258 988 277 963 336 723 356 293 505 546
a 54 240 68 558 83 415 96 632 119 769
b 180 514 206 040 233 385 273 078 383 297

04 Süt ürünleri; yumurtalar, bal A 98 795 102 313 111 593 142 108 164 954
Dairy produce, eggs, honey B 94 003 107 646 146 890 218 190 315 372
a 68 776 75 787 77 967 110 655 127 031
b 66 225 79 885 101 926 168 442 235 932

05 Di÷er hayvansal menúeli ürünler A 45 630 42 063 40 586 42 604 36 828

Other products of animal origin B 67 651 54 695 48 425 45 151 52 710
a 31 920 31 253 28 021 32 650 28 540
b 47 546 40 638 33 611 34 629 40 670

06 Canl a÷açlar ve di÷er bitkiler A 33 189 45 567 68 347 69 089 74 978

Live trees and other plants B 53 749 48 716 57 425 61 094 59 577
a 23 505 33 812 48 621 52 225 57 750
b 37 748 36 230 40 523 46 447 45 524

07 Sebzeler A 46 869 106 131 132 841 160 156 550 889
Vegetables B 694 949 719 267 1 019 266 1 132 069 1 252 704
a 32 943 78 795 95 963 123 610 400 250
b 485 740 533 203 706 556 861 385 952 658

08 Meyveler A 140 723 207 926 269 059 330 537 411 655
Fruit B 2 740 477 3 372 208 3 442 464 3 425 745 3 816 430
a 99 080 154 307 189 999 252 576 319 241
b 1 902 515 2 501 037 2 388 333 2 670 618 2 855 302

09 Kahve, çay, baharat A 43 717 53 888 63 184 88 213 95 592

Coffee, tea, spices B 91 531 86 689 101 517 122 516 139 101
a 30 501 39 957 44 040 68 036 72 744
b 64 041 64 359 70 616 94 671 105 959

10 Hububat A 741 465 255 372 239 513 1 277 607 2 727 171
Cereals B 24 979 155 363 288 573 90 565 55 028
a 520 560 189 575 167 469 973 236 2 137 329
b 17 463 114 646 200 963 66 603 38 412

11 De÷irmencilik ürünleri A 17 397 20 251 26 552 27 083 32 537

Products of the milling industry B 336 181 653 268 461 037 657 922 917 284
a 12 022 14 998 18 416 20 787 25 232
b 235 212 483 572 321 803 504 658 715 656

12 Ya÷l tohum ve meyveler A 758 163 942 100 883 448 1 327 646 1 848 410
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits B 114 118 129 662 165 922 169 856 192 934
a 530 499 697 714 615 994 1 020 282 1 464 812
b 80 261 96 607 116 198 129 699 149 713

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

15 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Fasllar-Chapters 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
13 Bitkisel özsu ve hülasalar A 59 578 52 079 42 316 28 167 33 475
Vegetable saps and extracts B 4 113 3 527 4 376 7 154 4 650
a 41 297 38 570 30 221 21 470 25 679
b 2 849 2 615 3 038 5 454 3 618

14 Örülmeye elveriúli bitkisel maddeler A 5 263 3 688 5 068 4 815 6 230

Vegetable plaiting materials B 21 905 23 014 19 022 23 959 25 804
a 3 713 2 730 3 473 3 710 4 920
b 15 563 17 083 13 357 18 320 19 774

15 Hayvansal ve bitkisel kat ve sv ya÷lar A 736 848 975 991 1 312 781 1 032 214 2 133 196
Animal or vegetable fats and oils B 395 588 677 364 722 515 523 635 1 021 439
a 511 211 723 862 907 116 795 786 1 657 560
b 277 049 502 911 512 917 401 667 766 003

16 Et, balk ve yumuúakçalarn müstahzarlar A 1 500 1 528 2 505 2 297 3 176

Preparations of meat, of fish and of molluses B 50 900 56 888 46 427 48 045 50 627
a 1 049 1 136 1 711 1 782 2 474
b 35 633 42 300 32 000 37 307 38 763

17 ùeker ve mamulleri A 54 115 60 837 56 721 74 018 114 375

Sugars and sugar confectionery B 310 311 272 621 396 944 387 838 451 697
a 37 520 44 671 39 450 55 919 86 840
b 217 803 202 307 274 446 297 454 346 599

18 Kakao ve kakao müstahzarlar A 311 179 246 899 267 609 306 508 367 903
Cocoa and cocoa preparations B 329 997 328 130 388 347 471 943 519 090
a 218 426 183 151 186 325 236 100 284 166
b 231 784 243 688 271 733 364 300 390 622

19 Hububat, un, niúasta veya süt müstahzarlar A 96 086 102 338 137 444 152 455 195 998
Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk B 435 167 469 675 578 011 692 412 925 142
a 66 882 76 008 95 866 116 988 151 282
b 304 125 348 444 401 959 532 908 711 939

20 Sebzeler ve meyvelerin müstahzarlar A 36 429 63 281 82 694 100 310 112 455
Preparations of vegetables and fruits B 1 404 273 1 726 802 1 604 684 1 693 899 1 872 580
a 25 446 46 934 57 178 76 999 87 947
b 980 423 1 281 470 1 119 942 1 314 079 1 441 032

21 Yenilen çeúitli gda müstahzarlar A 327 189 375 230 479 099 482 515 499 284
Miscellaneous edible preparations B 277 685 317 651 470 574 569 987 704 073
a 228 186 278 246 331 822 366 973 387 176
b 194 286 235 660 325 668 437 292 545 692

22 Meúrubat, alkollü içkiler ve sirke A 70 845 70 327 107 435 120 411 143 808
Beverages, spirits and vinegar B 163 546 200 369 213 430 227 009 252 285
a 48 982 52 122 74 179 92 569 111 785
b 113 696 148 627 147 177 174 557 194 316

23 Gda sanayiinin kalnt vs kaba yemler A 576 723 460 072 453 611 709 684 1 003 157
Waste from the food industries, animal fodder B 15 336 20 820 13 586 14 622 71 602
a 401 412 341 386 316 076 548 122 772 971
b 10 928 15 435 9 448 11 156 52 129

24 Tütün ve tütün yerine geçen iúlenmiú maddeler A 343 695 370 757 368 817 395 684 507 195
Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes B 670 853 794 023 980 123 830 782 938 431
a 239 278 275 504 256 263 302 125 391 694
b 477 848 590 047 684 890 643 799 704 550

25 Tuz, kükürt, toprak, alç, kireç ve çimento A 271 681 358 477 553 590 507 231 648 927
Salt, sulphur, earth, plastering materials, lime, B 1 316 110 1 516 389 1 669 538 1 882 463 2 957 347
cement a 189 853 265 648 381 830 387 612 504 282
b 917 980 1 124 129 1 154 984 1 453 743 2 279 827

16 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 16
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Fasllar-Chapters 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
26 Metal cevherleri; cüruf ve kül A 341 702 533 401 878 759 931 987 1 087 842
Ores, slag and ash B 286 438 374 235 741 988 1 145 361 1 307 580
a 236 899 395 184 617 822 720 337 843 753
b 202 087 277 918 511 086 885 499 1 036 348

27 Mineral yaktlar ve ya÷lar A 20 656 303 28 634 094 41 580 747 43 884 118 61 882 725
Mineral fuels and oils B 2 044 478 3 556 630 5 167 766 6 632 276 9 635 780
a 14 407 288 21 255 586 28 859 098 33 883 135 48 281 193
b 1 429 186 2 641 145 3 567 425 5 147 932 7 531 776

28 ønorganik kimyasal maddeler A 1 000 995 1 050 778 1 266 942 1 438 099 2 157 749
Inorganic chemicals B 452 145 502 815 665 596 676 170 878 821
a 700 958 779 875 881 205 1 104 669 1 684 704
b 315 746 373 079 462 425 516 648 679 620

29 Organik kimyasal ürünler A 4 312 784 4 760 054 5 240 911 5 215 200 5 656 400
Organic chemicals B 425 353 344 314 496 927 482 405 617 825
a 3 016 973 3 531 581 3 642 180 3 995 871 4 421 328
b 298 290 255 321 346 186 374 383 486 560

30 Eczaclk ürünleri A 3 885 744 3 838 860 4 360 765 4 579 294 5 674 484
Pharmaceutical products B 355 325 382 127 450 636 465 908 554 929
a 2 710 136 2 849 272 3 035 614 3 523 655 4 360 581
b 248 216 282 796 312 613 357 776 421 134

31 Gübreler A 912 561 1 017 451 1 118 624 1 302 580 1 895 383
Fertilizers B 56 955 50 897 54 326 109 233 277 243
a 640 339 755 397 784 415 997 460 1 481 756
b 39 178 37 755 37 558 84 346 217 321

32 Debagatte ve boyaclkta kullanlan hülasalar A 1 476 772 1 515 496 1 861 829 1 994 171 2 021 371
Tanning or dyeing extracts B 254 865 316 658 416 052 464 611 584 117
a 1 030 059 1 124 563 1 288 337 1 529 035 1 579 244
b 177 767 234 697 287 745 357 455 452 406

33 Uçucu ya÷lar ve rezinoitler A 675 126 715 441 907 299 983 739 1 086 730
Essential oils and resinoids B 291 221 346 120 442 985 467 653 583 007
a 471 573 530 726 629 134 754 550 844 665
b 203 187 256 755 306 866 361 008 448 352

34 Sabunlar A 427 241 461 217 580 003 665 952 823 771
Soap B 540 495 555 598 703 398 671 108 860 937
a 298 307 342 395 402 084 511 746 640 619
b 377 372 412 067 485 225 516 651 662 605

35 Albüminoid maddeler A 284 470 319 211 375 720 425 828 478 302
Albuminoidal substances B 36 623 46 703 64 930 71 951 91 634
a 198 740 236 788 260 625 326 580 371 630
b 25 581 34 606 44 829 55 334 70 604

36 Barut ve patlayc maddeler A 13 101 27 276 25 651 36 635 44 052

Explosives B 18 287 17 640 13 309 14 700 23 807
a 9 081 20 385 17 871 28 250 34 522
b 12 818 13 101 9 244 11 341 18 199

37 Foto÷raf ve sinemaclkta kullanlan eúya A 281 843 288 411 320 100 317 898 301 677
Photographic or cinematographic goods B 8 189 10 192 12 397 14 500 15 769
a 197 241 214 013 222 012 243 797 234 438
b 5 755 7 539 8 544 11 123 12 258

38 Muhtelif kimyasal maddeler A 1 372 985 1 526 273 1 868 790 2 007 467 2 229 421
Miscellaneous chemical products B 173 864 216 869 317 818 362 837 470 646
a 960 110 1 131 470 1 299 243 1 537 152 1 732 921
b 121 883 160 869 220 295 280 222 364 258

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

17 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Fasllar-Chapters 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
39 Plastikler ve mamulleri A 6 833 447 7 810 134 9 972 588 11 331 746 12 003 151
Plastics and articles thereof B 1 895 014 2 322 134 3 201 301 3 668 442 4 614 422
a 4 763 094 5 795 589 6 918 411 8 688 044 9 385 517
b 1 323 732 1 722 148 2 214 266 2 822 051 3 563 148

40 Kauçuk ve kauçuktan eúya A 1 525 713 1 624 433 2 247 054 2 437 084 2 857 524
Rubber and articles thereof B 1 201 321 1 359 220 1 720 428 2 072 571 2 327 344
a 1 063 718 1 205 067 1 555 337 1 872 309 2 219 509
b 841 431 1 008 639 1 192 419 1 589 147 1 807 993

41 Ham postlar, deriler ve köseleler A 821 873 637 535 816 094 798 883 665 664
Raw hides, skins and leather B 120 661 117 921 147 881 156 718 156 246
a 575 275 473 372 566 318 609 642 518 293
b 84 629 87 461 102 612 120 162 121 071

42 Deri eúya A 227 797 372 888 527 906 610 262 692 744
Articles of leather B 465 265 445 153 523 931 530 936 585 710
a 158 602 276 676 365 135 470 842 537 423
b 324 186 330 373 360 531 409 486 451 604

43 Postlar, kürkler ve taklit kürkler A 126 332 112 739 163 055 154 719 131 611
Furskins and artificial fur B 217 904 209 701 270 301 220 410 180 537
a 87 200 83 585 111 582 119 411 102 275
b 149 069 155 342 182 544 171 400 140 835

44 A÷aç ve ahúap eúya A 817 412 1 072 835 1 349 677 1 509 532 1 483 358
Wood and articles of wood B 290 663 336 266 486 910 593 476 696 313
a 568 310 795 368 934 789 1 158 544 1 159 347
b 203 276 249 515 335 595 455 777 534 724

45 Mantar ve mantardan eúya A 6 840 7 662 8 346 8 775 8 845

Cork and articles of cork B 253 433 464 597 807
a 4 790 5 705 5 807 6 751 6 855
b 175 320 322 464 618

46 Örülmeye elveriúli maddelerden eúyalar A 20 663 14 006 17 303 13 810 15 839

Manufactures of plaiting materials B 769 694 1 031 661 1 108
a 14 543 10 395 11 963 10 589 12 291
b 539 514 723 510 825

47 Selülozik maddelerin hamur ve ka÷t döküntü A 317 564 374 787 499 678 535 908 608 855
Pulp of cellulosic material and waste of paper B 956 1 268 1 735 1 908 9 483
a 221 372 278 094 346 338 411 184 472 991
b 659 937 1 191 1 470 7 407

48 Ka÷t ve karton A 2 189 181 2 380 674 2 944 830 3 220 134 3 367 405
Paper and paperboard B 683 984 784 983 900 425 1 119 682 1 400 119
a 1 527 642 1 766 522 2 043 051 2 469 551 2 605 213
b 478 502 582 101 624 667 861 427 1 077 653

49 Basl kitaplar, gazeteler vb. A 171 277 185 842 190 578 199 347 217 868
Printed books, newspapers etc. B 53 621 66 808 78 098 96 732 106 482
a 119 050 137 963 131 590 153 560 169 591
b 37 212 49 499 53 956 74 789 82 212

50 øpek A 30 490 39 391 44 159 51 353 57 881

Silk B 8 733 6 159 4 854 4 289 4 542
a 21 344 29 207 30 634 39 480 44 539
b 6 091 4 557 3 337 3 280 3 395

51 Yapa÷ ve yün A 601 670 553 208 611 019 618 835 584 325
Wool B 240 279 242 920 266 548 297 378 302 867
a 417 438 410 379 420 055 472 748 456 322
b 167 572 180 202 185 033 228 992 233 043

18 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 18
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Fasllar-Chapters 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
52 Pamuk, pamuk ipli÷i ve pamuklu mensucat A 2 833 151 2 801 496 3 005 828 3 703 428 2 998 189
Cotton, cotton yarn and cotton fabric B 1 739 589 1 590 046 1 925 100 2 097 195 2 112 943
a 1 982 197 2 079 291 2 090 189 2 829 539 2 331 906
b 1 219 991 1 179 569 1 338 306 1 611 317 1 633 650

53 Ka÷t ipli÷i ve dokunmuú mensucat A 233 400 243 589 274 908 245 538 235 445
Paper yarn and woven fabrics B 24 574 33 700 34 694 40 767 38 866
a 164 816 181 002 192 825 188 511 181 819
b 17 585 25 092 24 596 31 317 29 472

54 Sentetik ve suni flamentler A 1 443 929 1 509 047 1 734 382 2 059 289 1 929 616
Man-made filaments B 1 135 647 1 204 745 1 491 743 1 637 621 1 727 160
a 1 008 240 1 119 551 1 205 762 1 576 328 1 494 492
b 796 562 894 103 1 036 892 1 256 300 1 336 016

55 Sentetik ve suni devamsz lifler A 1 683 478 1 534 115 1 945 702 2 455 369 2 182 215
Man-made staple fibres B 1 323 479 1 298 835 1 489 848 1 364 444 1 340 420
a 1 173 892 1 137 661 1 348 999 1 879 114 1 695 924
b 925 406 963 201 1 033 834 1 045 084 1 035 586

56 Vatka, keçe ve dokunmamú mensucat A 307 820 356 290 428 630 493 226 537 656
Wadding, felt and nonwovens B 239 534 241 037 248 700 267 653 288 168
a 214 930 264 359 296 954 378 723 416 588
b 166 638 178 883 172 705 205 557 221 699

57 Hal ve di÷er yer kaplamalar A 163 990 194 735 241 026 251 760 271 522
Carpets and other floor coverings B 738 294 903 632 1 069 727 1 281 146 1 518 579
a 114 084 144 698 167 540 192 767 210 302
b 517 543 669 989 743 093 991 984 1 158 452

58 Özel dokunmuú mensucat A 316 252 317 675 399 402 299 427 239 541
Special woven fabrics B 647 579 740 795 823 242 850 640 885 983
a 219 305 235 568 273 976 230 072 186 693
b 454 059 549 688 571 503 654 101 683 473

59 Emdirilmiú, svanmú, vb mensucat A 238 673 277 149 266 368 288 929 327 847
Impregnated, coated etc fabrics B 341 293 351 552 408 316 411 825 427 144
a 166 613 205 836 184 743 221 790 253 841
b 239 060 260 767 284 153 316 063 331 663

60 Örme eúya A 256 334 229 755 258 122 289 550 308 795
Knitted or crocheted fabrics B 631 665 769 558 1 085 366 1 318 598 1 467 605
a 178 372 170 596 178 090 223 453 239 282
b 441 763 571 082 753 162 1 011 908 1 132 497

61 Örme giyim eúyas ve aksesuarlar A 322 889 340 274 538 627 701 330 981 260
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories knitted B 8 922 654 8 877 212 10 001 376 10 457 338 10 111 394
a 224 454 252 711 374 778 539 045 761 127
b 6 259 222 6 590 352 6 938 275 8 022 460 7 826 732

62 Örülmemiú giyim eúyas A 506 181 583 554 833 011 1 118 225 1 586 991
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories not B 6 469 410 6 546 729 6 783 861 7 093 531 6 864 260
knitted a 352 600 433 390 579 701 857 974 1 230 924
b 4 536 829 4 862 376 4 710 984 5 445 286 5 326 729

63 Dokumaya elveriúli madde di÷er hazr eúya A 65 299 87 740 123 404 160 829 168 652
Other madeup textile articles B 2 647 589 2 654 545 2 760 698 2 745 471 2 715 845
a 45 520 65 044 85 494 123 552 130 475
b 1 856 536 1 969 748 1 920 431 2 110 210 2 097 710

64 Ayakkablar vb. eúya A 433 504 553 650 730 694 754 392 848 857
Footwear and the like B 291 062 290 487 340 734 416 757 440 561
a 303 284 412 786 514 970 569 929 672 917
b 204 917 215 793 237 069 316 740 344 890

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

19 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Fasllar-Chapters 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
65 Baúlklar ve aksam A 14 778 25 054 42 146 43 358 46 381
Headgear and parts thereof B 11 161 11 005 13 814 15 180 21 239
a 10 352 18 599 29 313 32 945 36 058
b 7 724 8 152 9 531 11 754 16 175

66 ùemsiyeler, bastonlar, kamçlar A 16 479 17 506 20 177 25 212 35 493

Umbrellas, walking-sticks, whips B 5 850 8 489 13 468 22 980 23 490
a 11 465 12 991 14 063 19 572 27 439
b 4 155 6 314 9 584 17 201 18 769

67 ønce ve kaln kuú tüyleri ve yapma çiçekler A 24 097 24 550 35 789 45 292 42 255
Feathers and down and artificial flowers B 570 615 727 1 093 1 650
a 16 801 18 211 24 840 34 845 32 739
b 397 456 509 835 1 248

68 Taú, alç vb. eúyalar A 240 129 334 827 475 178 472 331 515 365
Articles of stone, plaster or similar materials B 823 519 1 016 099 1 289 772 1 355 905 1 481 770
a 167 294 248 196 328 046 363 343 402 038
b 573 970 753 624 892 405 1 039 626 1 146 343

69 Seramik mamulleri A 219 671 315 761 535 365 508 578 520 960
Ceramic products B 913 943 920 879 998 318 1 073 212 1 121 893
a 153 133 234 135 370 453 388 867 407 172
b 640 640 683 485 692 766 823 184 868 880

70 Cam ve cam eúya A 486 355 595 966 774 091 804 604 763 849
Glass and glassware B 878 320 851 062 979 217 1 079 443 1 317 258
a 339 375 442 305 536 013 617 797 593 915
b 614 566 631 492 680 145 829 217 1 016 809

71 ønciler, kymetli taúlar, metal paralar A 5 366 774 5 682 607 6 318 764 7 690 462 6 907 361
Pearls, precious stones, coin B 1 526 235 1 788 457 2 660 735 3 374 227 7 096 614
a 3 763 424 4 226 911 4 405 612 5 906 069 5 653 782
b 1 063 946 1 325 764 1 824 130 2 623 772 5 383 129

72 Demir ve çelik A 11 490 539 12 750 375 16 644 587 21 143 549 29 257 675
Iron and steel B 7 691 706 6 708 441 9 049 691 10 909 637 18 990 916
a 8 031 522 9 457 831 11 525 251 16 182 379 23 160 241
b 5 359 512 4 973 475 6 273 353 8 372 266 14 946 358

73 Demir veya çelikten eúya A 1 331 845 1 597 166 2 148 750 2 385 679 2 873 870
Articles of iron and steel B 3 196 204 3 681 648 4 813 367 5 363 881 7 452 333
a 928 097 1 184 644 1 488 786 1 836 715 2 227 429
b 2 226 923 2 731 357 3 336 371 4 129 749 5 742 363

74 Bakr ve bakrdan eúya A 1 538 458 1 969 170 3 587 088 4 107 800 4 147 279
Copper and articles thereof B 546 185 690 100 1 179 273 1 150 294 1 465 301
a 1 079 856 1 458 379 2 469 276 3 152 313 3 275 974
b 382 127 511 132 815 296 880 253 1 157 409

75 Nikel ve nikelden eúya A 128 456 143 687 212 708 311 796 270 197
Nickel and articles thereof B 2 778 3 935 3 742 15 641 13 196
a 89 481 106 643 147 461 238 373 211 975
b 1 953 2 945 2 584 12 438 10 382

76 Aluminyum, aluminyumdan eúya A 1 374 673 1 661 002 2 593 302 3 078 904 3 263 179
Aluminium and articles thereof B 929 235 1 180 623 1 785 547 2 112 439 2 291 744
a 960 582 1 232 036 1 797 133 2 353 479 2 543 704
b 649 488 875 609 1 233 803 1 619 640 1 776 509

78 Kurúun ve kurúundan eúya A 100 307 112 288 161 880 301 946 260 042
Lead and articles thereof B 8 346 4 735 5 712 5 799 7 634
a 70 160 83 259 112 710 237 830 203 381
b 5 904 3 510 3 905 4 429 5 976

20 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 20
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Fasllar-Chapters 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
79 Çinko ve çinkodan eúya A 246 481 308 477 702 076 683 403 431 873
Zinc and articles thereof B 14 769 12 966 13 292 16 499 16 646
a 172 410 228 872 484 506 519 322 342 545
b 10 229 9 617 9 330 12 639 12 933

80 Kalay ve kalaydan eúya A 31 281 33 357 39 754 60 045 70 953

Tin and articles thereof B 620 857 1 349 4 784 4 194
a 21 679 24 755 27 607 46 175 55 645
b 426 637 940 3 626 3 409

81 Di÷er adi metaller; sermetler; bunlardan eúya A 44 687 54 351 72 296 97 160 139 446
Other base metals, cermets, articles thereof B 3 617 3 600 3 214 5 586 7 581
a 31 231 40 355 50 305 74 074 110 021
b 2 517 2 665 2 237 4 306 5 766

82 Adi metallerden aletler A 387 615 461 081 677 704 643 838 752 529
Tools of base metal B 76 848 88 817 132 474 165 672 171 637
a 270 768 342 076 467 930 493 788 584 863
b 53 867 65 850 91 770 127 028 133 115

83 Adi metallerden çeúitli eúya A 487 024 550 942 714 176 833 853 907 636
Miscellaneous articles of base metal B 310 781 380 400 555 566 685 589 842 933
a 339 271 408 679 494 331 641 781 709 225
b 217 346 282 209 383 821 526 997 651 734

84 Kazanlar,makinalar, mekanik cihazlar A 19 259 266 22 105 250 27 388 589 29 299 655 29 005 146
Boilers, machinery, mechanical appliances B 5 896 570 7 075 049 9 411 154 11 426 106 13 272 484
a 13 456 962 16 400 315 18 998 763 22 570 359 22 539 348
b 4 125 934 5 246 419 6 516 726 8 781 251 10 258 590

85 Elektrikli makina ve cihazlar A 11 984 863 13 024 556 15 634 132 17 255 226 17 905 288
Electrical machinery and equipment B 6 846 924 7 309 168 9 086 494 9 609 185 10 393 471
a 8 371 766 9 663 530 10 881 383 13 295 419 13 892 260
b 4 790 306 5 423 346 6 327 750 7 422 515 7 971 713

86 Demiryolu vb. hatlara ait taútlar A 157 882 112 304 164 030 216 835 470 054
Railway or tramway locomotives B 36 550 41 872 37 582 25 748 41 846
a 110 431 83 099 113 136 169 908 345 986
b 25 772 30 938 25 742 19 738 31 750

87 Kara taútlar A 14 677 057 14 232 791 16 417 387 15 976 010 16 444 739
Vehicles other than railway B 11 867 748 12 888 419 17 159 186 20 648 252 23 430 329
a 10 237 024 10 552 792 11 408 441 12 397 295 12 789 717
b 8 288 799 9 566 435 11 886 092 15 903 675 18 326 711

88 Hava taútlar A 1 725 582 425 397 2 168 250 1 477 363 2 071 315
Aircrafts B 695 982 343 790 578 559 701 911 334 897
a 1 211 254 314 089 1 488 766 1 145 246 1 582 609
b 490 812 254 890 404 605 530 902 259 140

89 Gemiler ve suda yüzen taútlar A 568 212 1 572 914 446 922 914 592 1 126 793
Ships, boats and floating structures B 986 520 1 695 811 2 001 720 2 351 518 3 446 868
a 393 925 1 166 002 317 451 712 007 874 124
b 686 334 1 251 573 1 398 516 1 818 572 2 647 859

90 Optik alet ve cihazlar A 2 756 108 3 333 698 3 912 167 3 907 622 4 463 849
Optical instruments and apparatus B 228 003 243 159 326 264 393 370 473 975
a 1 927 983 2 472 698 2 722 905 3 012 104 3 444 912
b 159 323 180 276 226 558 302 884 364 946

91 Saatler A 192 986 196 626 227 749 255 900 306 445
Clocks B 11 024 9 950 12 378 17 444 19 746
a 134 520 145 916 157 975 198 561 238 512
b 7 713 7 372 8 601 13 451 15 188

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

21 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 6 Fasllara göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Foreign trade by chapters, 2004 - 2008 (continued)
A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Fasllar-Chapters 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
92 Müzik aletleri A 23 001 27 398 30 708 34 626 40 592
Musical instruments B 6 237 6 897 8 253 10 422 12 567
a 16 030 20 323 21 387 26 799 31 232
b 4 357 5 114 5 719 8 009 9 746

93 Silah ve mühimmat A 191 410 146 297 142 589 78 136 78 618
Arms and ammunition B 107 291 107 157 175 642 205 649 245 545
a 132 672 108 783 100 368 59 807 60 195
b 75 471 79 473 122 205 160 002 191 962

94 Mobilyalar A 571 105 714 340 1 063 264 1 291 794 1 434 132
Furniture B 1 220 942 1 291 768 1 589 067 1 924 619 2 456 833
a 397 835 530 061 734 300 990 600 1 114 284
b 855 707 958 345 1 101 804 1 484 142 1 891 085

95 Oyuncaklar, oyun ve spor malzemeleri A 264 204 321 011 433 654 489 197 527 159
Toys, games and sports equipment B 35 870 36 318 51 062 69 374 86 927
a 184 412 237 638 300 370 375 382 404 908
b 25 130 26 937 35 589 52 723 67 504

96 Çeúitli mamul eúya A 367 353 396 898 465 087 484 761 491 299
Miscellaneous manufactured articles B 100 190 107 266 140 624 151 317 155 419
a 255 855 294 406 321 775 372 312 381 394
b 69 957 79 538 97 260 116 259 119 648

97 Sanat ve kolleksiyon eúyas A 5 310 9 167 10 815 25 507 28 502

Works of art and collectors pieces B 1 764 588 932 1 037 1 453
a 3 700 6 800 7 475 19 631 22 682
b 1 231 435 653 794 1 103

98 Di÷er ürünler A 356 994 192 036 410 384 450 477 520 069
Other products B 154 292 343 383 416 221 398 264 346 265
a 252 746 142 091 286 325 347 066 391 630
b 107 332 254 796 288 683 305 010 268 372

22 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 22
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.7 øllere göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2004 - 2008

Exports and Imports by Province, 2004 - 2008

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)

a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
øl - Province 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

TOPLAM A 139 676 715 157 380 961 201 077 838 221 028 769 258 691 207
TOTAL B 90 327 456 99 039 094 123 341 871 139 340 197 170 513 070
a 97 539 766 116 774 151 139 576 174 170 062 715 201 963 574
b 63 167 153 73 476 408 85 534 676 107 271 750 132 027 196

Adana A 1 604 262 1 705 043 2 078 660 2 489 230 2 767 653
B 1 166 820 1 190 533 1 378 429 1 516 280 1 703 229
a 1 125 065 1 265 050 1 441 273 1 918 628 2 151 647
b 816 249 883 833 958 987 1 166 028 1 304 024

Adyaman A 34 287 33 544 63 497 65 452 45 519

B 29 843 29 943 34 868 38 272 76 147
a 24 046 24 799 45 313 51 658 36 292
b 20 978 22 207 24 336 29 346 59 103

Afyonkarahisar A 40 994 26 948 45 648 42 382 44 072

B 128 866 148 900 215 993 252 021 308 912
a 28 435 19 934 31 456 32 439 34 370
b 89 817 110 393 149 414 193 705 237 839

A÷r A 20 893 55 909 58 538 73 147 97 293

B 30 286 37 957 37 329 36 304 66 779
a 14 743 41 409 40 610 56 590 77 074
b 21 073 28 219 26 113 28 101 50 687

Amasya A 15 792 13 452 17 326 17 362 35 199

B 17 491 23 889 13 035 28 656 33 827
a 10 899 10 007 11 861 13 197 27 669
b 12 136 17 758 8 947 22 235 26 062

Ankara A 10 386 183 13 782 626 20 089 826 21 918 944 30 451 259
B 3 183 495 3 566 999 5 156 245 5 518 616 6 944 871
a 7 286 132 10 230 042 14 004 359 16 821 299 23 287 500
b 2 227 510 2 645 499 3 596 924 4 240 969 5 361 209

Antalya A 561 962 516 474 591 482 605 104 795 805
B 652 593 534 099 631 196 850 633 940 701
a 397 839 382 844 412 235 462 535 616 693
b 457 829 396 315 437 115 650 609 724 563

Artvin A 81 587 64 518 69 909 66 902 72 586

B 18 841 33 151 39 873 77 587 118 829
a 56 557 47 752 48 589 50 934 55 968
b 13 092 24 590 27 477 60 354 91 620

Aydn A 107 490 174 598 263 605 171 018 193 894
B 363 005 414 953 508 155 601 674 713 431
a 75 323 129 597 181 953 130 095 151 165
b 253 152 307 667 351 636 465 523 547 779

Balkesir A 208 020 238 973 247 458 385 748 605 704
B 224 968 307 624 328 197 410 506 448 527
a 145 877 177 784 173 359 298 898 469 781
b 157 559 228 333 228 271 316 571 346 149

Bilecik A 51 234 64 221 103 179 63 816 80 388

B 39 495 45 711 65 284 71 362 62 173
a 35 821 47 587 71 203 48 944 63 148
b 27 595 33 916 45 013 54 630 48 236
Not: Firma vergi kimlik numaralarnn ba÷l Note: According to the tax numbers of the firms located
oldu÷u ile göre in province

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.7 øllere göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Exports and Imports by Province, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)

a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
øl - Provinces 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Bingöl A 11 95 39 304 457

B 628 304 506 1 272 873
a 8 70 27 243 358
b 432 222 351 951 665

Bitlis A 653 1 041 1 172 1 325 1 388

B 1 717 3 884 2 656 8 136 7 110
a 472 769 782 1 008 1 083
b 1 167 2 899 1 887 6 183 5 337

Bolu A 88 745 91 700 100 741 117 704 182 484

B 19 952 30 517 36 530 44 046 60 772
a 61 590 68 129 69 828 91 208 137 935
b 14 064 22 635 25 155 33 877 47 013

Burdur A 16 377 8 682 11 783 75 939 56 239

B 41 940 62 262 77 778 116 793 247 006
a 11 238 6 443 8 092 56 586 44 980
b 29 241 46 125 53 719 90 701 189 524

Bursa A 7 008 491 7 059 212 8 937 155 9 929 805 11 287 439
B 7 737 580 7 726 547 10 613 787 11 786 612 14 257 070
a 4 891 593 5 235 651 6 192 742 7 645 632 8 828 726
b 5 421 397 5 732 086 7 350 590 9 075 663 11 113 948

Çanakkale A 51 916 40 310 42 667 52 135 48 663

B 98 232 84 295 148 624 126 416 206 386
a 36 073 29 909 29 692 39 157 38 371
b 68 561 62 470 102 590 96 990 156 637

Çankr A 4 012 5 060 5 569 7 518 9 616

B 1 581 4 661 6 260 7 688 18 532
a 2 779 3 756 3 912 5 628 7 403
b 1 114 3 456 4 313 6 074 14 155

Çorum A 44 996 30 289 42 716 47 213 90 775

B 49 084 74 102 88 107 104 862 147 238
a 31 247 22 434 29 716 35 964 72 155
b 34 385 54 992 61 395 80 551 112 353

Denizli A 699 109 976 391 1 464 338 1 789 054 2 083 775
B 1 711 185 1 908 415 2 356 771 2 610 274 2 845 187
a 489 713 720 875 1 012 591 1 376 425 1 634 676
b 1 196 291 1 415 355 1 635 422 2 010 063 2 196 710

Diyarbakr A 15 560 21 968 26 316 47 944 42 109

B 50 114 77 364 97 064 108 745 120 844
a 10 880 16 347 18 312 36 035 32 689
b 34 725 57 349 66 877 83 699 92 091

Edirne A 80 234 119 613 71 913 75 602 212 278

B 30 837 37 113 60 588 122 183 134 270
a 55 581 88 808 50 738 57 005 170 531
b 21 555 27 549 41 595 93 857 103 431

Elaz÷ A 19 077 86 651 126 215 31 133 37 711

B 18 996 65 025 98 705 76 782 57 618
a 13 582 64 210 88 895 23 032 29 864
b 13 363 48 280 68 265 57 928 45 260

24 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 24
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.7 øllere göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Exports and Imports by Province, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)

a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
øl - Provinces 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Erzincan A 19 182 6 719 3 311 6 538 3 390

B 523 1 322 846 1 587 7 406
a 13 804 4 973 2 307 4 960 2 708
b 361 982 583 1 177 5 647

Erzurum A 9 229 13 854 22 378 47 612 44 689

B 20 492 28 168 29 559 35 491 43 099
a 6 427 10 263 15 538 35 442 34 069
b 14 171 20 896 20 546 27 190 34 105

Eskiúehir A 386 612 354 157 469 990 507 533 666 647
B 306 689 362 432 507 504 657 110 792 519
a 271 327 262 820 325 580 388 425 511 848
b 214 078 268 761 352 089 507 089 611 317

Gaziantep A 1 910 626 2 271 098 2 673 170 2 945 352 3 615 275
B 1 853 967 2 228 011 2 677 620 3 172 676 4 233 489
a 1 332 130 1 686 155 1 846 300 2 269 084 2 793 357
b 1 295 292 1 652 554 1 857 722 2 447 656 3 237 061

Giresun A 20 145 17 192 15 346 11 451 26 188

B 98 888 157 423 147 250 129 587 146 169
a 14 098 12 734 10 622 8 587 19 485
b 69 115 117 225 102 885 100 448 113 248

Gümüúhane A 308 1 764 618 1 834 158

B 168 57 13 186 9
a 214 1 298 413 1 457 131
b 119 42 9 140 8

Hakkari A 8 585 1 775 585 7 131 11 476

B 24 977 57 650 98 071 230 096 263 162
a 5 911 1 329 395 5 631 8 766
b 17 389 42 752 67 474 178 962 203 373

Hatay A 934 263 1 472 515 2 454 465 3 227 407 4 185 054
B 941 162 1 003 376 1 342 113 1 557 215 2 271 309
a 656 423 1 091 555 1 714 385 2 485 294 3 344 522
b 654 914 745 358 933 919 1 199 654 1 762 181

Isparta A 72 622 61 591 63 793 69 064 55 199

B 113 422 109 585 120 572 121 381 113 982
a 50 674 45 758 44 290 53 428 43 123
b 79 147 81 343 82 604 93 682 88 022

øçel A 475 402 547 462 670 830 958 697 1 236 517
B 726 131 836 606 1 120 074 1 164 696 1 416 418
a 332 150 406 237 465 610 733 383 956 589
b 507 192 620 739 775 076 892 530 1 075 867

østanbul A 87 115 127 94 529 572 117 024 187 128 695 194 142 485 031
B 52 664 971 56 238 297 67 809 911 77 494 382 94 907 663
a 60 816 541 70 136 135 81 264 152 98 977 139 111 310 505
b 36 834 410 41 716 339 47 012 604 59 645 232 73 503 523

øzmir A 6 727 568 6 722 201 7 862 877 9 128 028 10 622 258
B 5 869 945 6 259 802 7 855 561 8 354 567 10 129 742
a 4 693 704 4 986 251 5 459 051 7 033 574 8 313 179
b 4 110 487 4 645 381 5 448 577 6 431 020 7 823 319

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

25 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.7 øllere göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Exports and Imports by Province, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)

a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
øl - Provinces 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Kars A 1 641 1 059 1 600 643 927

B 4 778 3 638 2 847 70 046 450
a 1 117 783 1 082 486 686
b 3 277 2 694 1 945 57 363 344

Kastamonu A 41 877 92 057 85 630 72 164 102 797

B 39 972 73 054 84 001 149 477 324 654
a 29 040 68 040 60 764 55 744 77 911
b 28 877 53 887 59 381 114 482 260 437

Kayseri A 1 174 421 1 230 756 1 583 449 1 682 231 1 785 366
B 914 242 947 094 1 083 584 1 274 190 1 460 575
a 818 622 913 418 1 095 115 1 291 328 1 387 750
b 639 617 702 969 751 660 977 544 1 122 165

Krklareli A 92 798 120 510 96 143 129 963 194 532

B 62 315 52 602 44 499 46 578 83 367
a 64 166 89 157 67 619 99 581 153 842
b 43 819 39 005 30 856 35 832 64 386

Krúehir A 20 476 45 515 49 349 62 027 129 432

B 23 311 31 764 65 742 108 797 132 635
a 14 331 33 741 34 343 47 745 99 672
b 16 347 23 527 45 221 83 491 103 296

Kocaeli A 12 830 618 16 905 120 23 231 914 24 533 980 32 548 270
B 3 128 052 4 483 039 7 133 553 7 585 423 10 864 117
a 8 944 745 12 549 085 16 060 025 18 956 858 25 773 679
b 2 187 294 3 328 344 4 929 636 5 860 399 8 468 835

Konya A 538 565 574 690 797 338 914 295 994 555
B 395 809 566 333 710 667 901 925 1 129 078
a 377 698 427 021 555 829 695 625 775 418
b 275 556 419 985 493 532 694 111 871 223

Kütahya A 78 378 87 956 98 213 102 301 115 832

B 121 207 124 678 128 872 115 854 147 795
a 54 856 65 235 68 053 78 943 90 596
b 84 963 92 532 89 837 89 216 114 374

Malatya A 42 771 37 916 64 447 74 288 72 051

B 182 692 163 955 217 881 233 390 336 269
a 29 824 28 136 44 342 56 828 55 721
b 127 124 121 620 151 417 180 604 255 607

Manisa A 504 547 572 897 752 796 904 440 1 087 618
B 752 592 766 650 948 138 1 121 087 1 332 230
a 352 571 425 033 519 594 695 887 844 642
b 526 213 568 812 655 596 867 461 1 018 691

Kahramanmaraú A 476 402 480 410 626 881 1 059 065 683 832
B 294 346 308 593 412 181 424 784 493 786
a 333 756 356 717 435 827 812 307 531 429
b 205 874 229 108 286 321 325 518 379 376

Mardin A 52 066 40 871 78 566 92 740 88 593

B 105 186 231 022 275 982 411 636 569 851
a 36 327 30 340 54 329 71 182 69 202
b 73 330 171 436 191 294 317 444 434 210

26 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 26
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.7 øllere göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Exports and Imports by Province, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)

a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
øl - Provinces 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Mu÷la A 52 335 51 607 106 536 122 879 155 907

B 114 615 129 211 177 558 250 258 301 801
a 36 597 38 280 73 464 94 298 118 423
b 79 835 95 764 122 938 192 248 234 936

Muú A 783 714 279 880 191

B 55 3 825 1 526 599
a 530 534 184 654 144
b 41 2 632 1 094 489

Nevúehir A 5 666 9 364 16 990 44 698 69 692

B 14 823 17 314 26 950 20 867 23 014
a 3 937 6 926 11 787 34 955 56 461
b 10 545 12 826 19 031 15 732 17 526

Ni÷de A 46 761 39 257 46 501 55 947 41 391

B 41 336 37 154 52 521 53 350 58 638
a 32 320 29 191 32 357 43 359 32 150
b 28 990 27 546 36 554 40 798 45 537

Ordu A 92 596 68 514 132 293 115 848 135 148

B 388 410 476 432 402 581 369 362 411 313
a 64 577 50 800 91 015 88 716 106 190
b 268 999 353 286 280 561 286 485 316 564

Rize A 21 162 24 315 17 917 19 635 45 436

B 178 771 214 490 397 554 485 206 443 218
a 14 908 18 028 12 467 14 974 35 759
b 126 200 159 172 273 647 371 934 345 150

Sakarya A 1 715 737 2 096 191 2 786 635 2 632 650 2 171 657
B 3 009 635 3 653 198 4 289 666 4 586 304 3 700 838
a 1 193 818 1 555 407 1 930 986 2 018 569 1 708 866
b 2 093 254 2 712 960 2 981 394 3 522 655 2 912 889

Samsun A 381 710 356 289 500 771 682 022 997 956
B 154 517 160 323 229 442 286 149 586 138
a 265 569 263 925 346 857 521 955 784 032
b 108 817 118 872 158 329 218 370 459 818

Siirt A 3 906 4 158 4 698 11 956 17 656

B 3 532 7 779 1 448 5 219 1 158
a 2 675 3 088 3 261 9 146 14 277
b 2 465 5 785 1 010 4 009 914

Sinop A 3 350 3 896 4 091 2 539 6 287

B 11 919 15 231 17 892 22 773 21 269
a 2 361 2 898 2 882 1 918 4 857
b 8 355 11 293 12 288 17 899 16 444

Sivas A 15 041 71 181 110 219 66 334 49 400

B 18 430 26 242 31 521 45 673 56 860
a 10 594 52 524 77 293 51 451 37 985
b 12 866 19 447 21 701 35 294 43 682

Tekirda÷ A 498 943 512 483 607 023 644 818 784 926
B 520 524 497 612 637 070 687 684 742 946
a 348 860 380 474 421 856 494 426 612 105
b 365 354 369 256 441 775 528 304 577 966

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

27 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.7 øllere göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Exports and Imports by Province, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)

a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
øl - Provinces 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Tokat A 18 180 20 855 20 280 25 434 23 255

B 10 203 11 046 15 884 21 465 27 733
a 12 766 15 439 14 138 19 416 18 347
b 7 158 8 209 10 984 16 487 21 153

Trabzon A 112 537 135 508 105 452 124 564 145 789
B 807 037 1 301 788 1 041 712 1 152 020 1 188 057
a 78 337 100 496 74 454 95 284 114 028
b 560 096 965 882 728 710 892 721 910 995

Tunceli A 702 262 688 216 21

B 113 26 88 77
a 471 192 504 163 18
b 85 18 67 60

ùanlurfa A 143 207 154 510 214 113 252 850 290 067
B 21 094 43 641 66 038 110 706 193 376
a 99 813 114 511 149 177 194 932 225 761
b 14 691 32 392 45 922 86 388 147 445

Uúak A 105 698 101 925 96 665 104 454 108 072
B 119 085 127 406 159 788 150 508 152 727
a 73 864 75 727 67 147 80 808 80 668
b 83 175 94 591 111 253 115 276 116 760

Van A 16 261 8 895 14 924 17 430 7 008

B 10 724 18 080 21 954 17 594 16 849
a 11 174 6 607 10 372 13 042 5 498
b 7 462 13 415 15 306 13 473 13 073

Yozgat A 16 095 6 299 8 816 20 217 24 730

B 17 281 11 406 12 903 29 053 12 041
a 11 182 4 686 5 993 15 533 18 944
b 12 004 8 435 8 953 22 121 9 330

Zonguldak A 1 344 391 1 939 961 2 435 706 2 051 775 2 807 359
B 128 838 157 569 239 925 291 712 633 757
a 935 916 1 441 075 1 680 897 1 600 043 2 191 787
b 89 939 116 856 166 255 224 971 485 983

Aksaray A 26 769 34 549 41 752 65 280 63 533

B 29 644 28 649 34 085 56 667 88 856
a 18 669 25 647 29 114 49 899 48 062
b 20 578 21 258 23 411 43 140 69 250

Bayburt A 1 635 1 559 4 148 2 946 1 396

B 1 563 1 211 880 1 454 348
a 1 138 1 146 2 841 2 311 1 129
b 1 076 895 610 1 119 267

Karaman A 30 304 32 248 60 078 78 012 65 544

B 82 498 84 856 128 584 164 184 208 734
a 21 081 23 905 41 911 60 251 49 377
b 57 875 63 028 89 532 126 677 158 382

Krkkale A 3 616 4 266 3 454 4 138 5 156

B 3 169 2 818 2 538 3 699 12 322
a 2 525 3 161 2 453 3 081 4 121
b 2 227 2 095 1 759 2 852 9 071

28 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008 28

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.7 øllere göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Exports and Imports by Province, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY)

a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
øl - Provinces 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Batman A 8 699 9 383 16 597 11 142 24 496

B 22 420 59 946 25 801 53 798 16 504
a 6 241 6 978 11 515 8 618 18 972
b 15 518 44 434 17 991 40 729 12 737

ùrnak A 18 488 14 613 22 030 121 401 22 134

B 151 516 337 707 301 412 344 896 509 522
a 13 119 10 819 15 332 95 469 17 975
b 106 133 250 740 210 283 265 202 382 885

Bartn A 10 274 13 297 23 188 22 155 10 521

B 4 329 3 444 4 238 5 230 12 375
a 7 154 9 820 15 989 16 692 8 143
b 3 064 2 553 2 915 4 055 9 632

Ardahan A 239 69 28 224

B 366 402 238 1 801
a 165 51 19 161
b 255 298 168 1 359

I÷dr A 8 057 4 000 4 440 4 121 2 655

B 50 877 55 799 78 456 89 384 112 836
a 5 559 2 976 3 086 3 081 2 098
b 35 628 41 390 54 500 68 582 86 497

Yalova A 17 965 19 235 29 555 26 480 50 541

B 35 506 33 536 30 654 29 576 56 450
a 12 504 14 271 20 793 20 259 39 127
b 24 799 24 925 21 261 22 797 42 716

Karabük A 88 077 160 618 276 061 187 459 346 013
B 18 778 12 413 20 231 22 418 41 281
a 61 740 118 664 189 361 143 695 270 110
b 13 022 9 187 13 915 17 567 30 299

Kilis A 13 615 15 440 22 878 45 131 44 809

B 4 558 6 067 11 409 16 635 30 931
a 9 509 11 434 15 807 35 009 34 403
b 3 202 4 496 7 968 12 865 23 907

Osmaniye A 5 223 7 859 14 517 46 374 60 821

B 1 288 2 076 1 910 3 499 9 166
a 3 557 5 802 10 119 35 776 47 647
b 889 1 540 1 320 2 737 6 821

Düzce A 59 506 84 639 91 160 76 152 87 265

B 80 213 56 263 54 364 70 503 117 520
a 41 277 63 251 62 541 58 349 67 120
b 55 869 41 759 37 258 54 682 90 254

Belirsiz(1) A 113 072 66 031 49 726 31 843 26 381

Not Specified B 6 573 4 420 7 797 12 857 1 910
a 79 311 49 002 35 098 24 362 20 083
b 4 558 3 258 5 346 9 565 1 400
(1) (1)
øli Belli Olmayan Not Specified

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

29 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 8 Döviz türlerine göre dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008

Foreign trade by currencies, 2004 - 2008
A. øthalat - Imports (000 $) B. øhracat - Exports (000 $)
Döviz kodu ve ad
Code Currency 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Toplam A 97 539 766 116 774 151 139 576 174 170 062 715 201 963 574
Total B 63 167 153 73 476 408 85 534 676 107 271 750 132 027 196

000 Avrupa Para Birimi (AVRO) A 39 299 556 44 923 843 52 421 663 60 943 665 64 174 693
European Currency Unit (EURO) B 31 149 265 35 508 834 41 451 197 53 950 572 61 485 833

001 Fransz Frang A - 102 - 21 -

French Franc B 39 - - 11 -

002 Belçika Frang A - 517 - -

Belgian Franc B - - - -

003 Hollanda Florini A - - - 89 -

Netherlands Guilder B 25 - - - -

004 Alman Mark A 1 802 257 114 126 39

Deutsche Mark B 287 299 1 603 -

005 øtalyan Lireti A 86 54 - 360 -

Italian Lira B 294 - - - -

006 øngiliz Sterlini A 1 643 058 1 460 709 1 426 947 1 482 294 1 269 617
Pound Sterling B 3 702 400 4 105 918 4 367 914 5 150 110 4 419 999

007 ørlanda Liras A - - - -

Irish Pound B - - - -

008 Danimarka Kronu A 88 618 62 537 35 559 30 320 31 670

Danish Krone B 48 097 100 517 104 427 92 676 65 894

011 øspanyol Pezetas A - - 130 - -

Spanish Peseta B - - - - -

009 Yunan Drahmisi A 21 - - - -

Greek Drachma B - - - - -

028 Norveç Kronu A 39 386 41 255 45 549 51 110 64 500

Norwegian Krone B 23 750 62 985 48 171 36 594 31 410

030 øsveç Kronu A 369 353 476 135 323 142 343 285 185 942
Swedish Krona B 272 176 315 585 343 765 456 152 424 508

038 Avusturya ùilini A 310 - - - -

Austrian Schilling B - - - - -

039 øsviçre Frang A 1 229 758 1 192 140 1 055 790 1 227 918 1 227 013
Swiss Franc B 105 043 118 333 139 056 134 440 135 497

052 Yeni Türk Liras A 236 350 510 565 1 056 654 2 351 584 3 300 245
New Turkish Lira B 639 546 1 108 386 1 284 191 1 813 181 2 208 616

400 ABD Dolar A 53 673 698 67 054 142 82 093 826 102 303 533 130 384 529
US Dollar B 27 138 649 32 070 212 37 702 637 45 554 265 62 984 489

404 Kanada Dolar A 6 972 10 129 14 935 26 650 29 009

Canadian Dollar B 24 679 19 896 14 164 23 380 18 367

632 Suudi Arabistan Riyali A 2 421 5 317 3 128 470 1 365

Saudi Arabian Riyal B - 109 - 164 21 108

636 Kuveyt Dinar A 5 1 20 15 78

Kuwaiti Dinar B 28 - - 220 266

732 Japon Yeni A 942 373 1 024 048 1 088 350 1 287 361 1 281 658
Japanese Yen B 55 727 58 133 71 207 50 914 221 247

800 Avustralya Dolar A 6 000 12 402 10 368 13 912 13 216

Australian Dollar B 7 150 7 200 7 948 8 468 9 961

30 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008

Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

TOPLAM A 139 676 715 157 380 961 201 077 838 221 028 769 258 691 207
TOTAL B 90 327 456 99 039 094 123 341 871 139 340 197 170 513 070
C - 49 349 259 - 58 341 867 - 77 735 966 - 81 688 909 - 88 178 136
a 97 539 766 116 774 151 139 576 174 170 062 715 201 963 574
b 63 167 153 73 476 408 85 534 676 107 271 750 132 027 196
c - 34 372 613 - 43 297 743 - 54 041 499 - 62 791 250 - 69 936 378

1- AVRUPA BøRLøöø (AB) (27 Ülke) A 68 842 289 71 028 120 85 598 547 89 197 229 95 998 469
EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC) (27 Country) B 52 277 585 55 743 025 69 084 657 78 490 036 81 648 720
C - 16 564 704 - 15 285 095 - 16 513 890 - 10 707 193 - 14 349 748
a 48 102 744 52 695 793 59 400 922 68 611 562 74 802 380
b 36 580 859 41 364 962 47 934 746 60 398 502 63 390 419
c - 11 521 885 - 11 330 831 - 11 466 176 - 8 213 061 - 11 411 961

001 Fransa A 8 866 878 7 938 556 10 462 131 10 209 933 11 574 310
France B 5 232 718 5 127 548 6 625 020 7 751 102 8 512 315
C -3 634 160 -2 811 008 -3 837 111 - 2 458 831 -3 061 994
a 6 201 348 5 887 817 7 239 953 7 849 709 9 022 015
b 3 668 418 3 805 760 4 604 349 5 974 462 6 617 511
c -2 532 930 -2 082 057 -2 635 603 - 1 875 246 -2 404 504

003 Hollanda A 2 723 842 2 900 959 3 103 654 3 455 930 3 909 770
Netherlands B 3 055 422 3 333 578 3 660 220 3 921 578 4 035 293
C 331 580 432 618 556 567 465 647 125 523
a 1 908 145 2 151 585 2 160 110 2 655 039 3 056 340
b 2 138 004 2 469 582 2 539 246 3 018 878 3 143 835
c 229 859 317 997 379 136 363 839 87 496

004 Almanya A 17 903 198 18 374 705 21 256 018 22 747 789 24 076 806
Germany B 12 487 050 12 736 879 13 938 551 15 606 003 16 725 474
C -5 416 147 -5 637 826 -7 317 466 - 7 141 786 -7 351 331
a 12 515 655 13 633 888 14 768 220 17 539 955 18 687 197
b 8 745 282 9 455 050 9 686 235 11 993 232 12 951 755
c -3 770 373 -4 178 838 -5 081 985 - 5 546 723 -5 735 443

005 øtalya A 9 828 070 10 195 659 12 513 597 12 958 553 14 113 190
Italy B 6 665 915 7 568 648 9 704 054 9 730 638 10 043 395
C -3 162 154 -2 627 012 -2 809 543 - 3 227 915 -4 069 794
a 6 865 811 7 566 262 8 663 469 9 967 973 11 011 526
b 4 648 475 5 616 755 6 752 346 7 480 060 7 818 988
c -2 217 337 -1 949 507 -1 911 122 - 2 487 913 -3 192 538

006 øngiltere A 6 175 929 6 324 379 7 380 227 7 139 345 6 815 358
United Kingdom B 7 927 216 7 978 131 9 832 090 11 182 891 10 518 305
C 1 751 286 1 653 753 2 451 863 4 043 546 3 702 947
a 4 317 140 4 695 645 5 137 553 5 477 102 5 324 034
b 5 544 303 5 917 163 6 814 301 8 626 776 8 158 669
c 1 227 163 1 221 518 1 676 748 3 149 674 2 834 635

007 ørlanda A 999 230 978 270 1 153 565 1 126 832 1 252 435
Ireland B 619 772 544 587 827 323 831 021 841 610
C - 379 458 - 433 683 - 326 242 - 295 811 - 410 825
a 700 251 724 851 802 079 862 434 973 193
b 433 559 404 607 575 374 637 455 663 903
c - 266 692 - 320 244 - 226 704 - 224 979 - 309 290

008 Danimarka A 490 052 587 197 641 375 857 584 1 154 955
Denmark B 906 401 987 220 1 187 767 1 309 706 1 226 151
C 416 349 400 023 546 392 452 122 71 196
a 342 918 434 918 445 671 656 112 902 014
b 637 306 733 233 827 061 1 008 508 953 437
c 294 388 298 315 381 390 352 395 51 424

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

31 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

009 Yunanistan A 850 004 981 730 1 502 616 1 232 730 1 485 192
Greece B 1 666 791 1 516 813 2 320 539 2 936 724 3 133 169
C 816 787 535 083 817 923 1 703 994 1 647 977
a 594 351 727 830 1 045 328 950 157 1 150 715
b 1 171 203 1 126 678 1 602 590 2 262 655 2 429 968
c 576 852 398 849 557 262 1 312 497 1 279 253

010 Portekiz A 340 838 536 717 551 010 529 761 613 216
Portugal B 573 640 532 610 813 838 720 363 696 741
C 232 802 - 4 107 262 828 190 602 83 525
a 236 730 398 003 381 858 406 570 479 850
b 401 998 395 538 562 721 550 527 540 744
c 165 268 - 2 465 180 863 143 957 60 893

011 øspanya A 4 666 741 4 793 273 5 527 541 5 636 494 5 831 605
Spain B 3 743 290 4 055 501 5 369 010 5 972 639 5 217 718
C - 923 451 - 737 772 - 158 531 336 144 - 613 887
a 3 253 675 3 555 106 3 832 589 4 342 994 4 548 182
b 2 619 784 3 010 857 3 720 458 4 579 995 4 047 267
c - 633 891 - 544 249 - 112 132 237 001 - 500 915

017 Belçika A 2 853 363 3 021 947 3 567 465 3 741 168 4 033 602
Belgium B 1 694 405 1 741 044 1 990 456 2 265 663 2 753 435
C -1 158 957 -1 280 903 -1 577 009 - 1 475 505 -1 280 166
a 1 991 728 2 241 112 2 476 928 2 868 671 3 150 747
b 1 183 181 1 292 264 1 381 104 1 735 798 2 122 434
c - 808 547 - 948 848 -1 095 824 - 1 132 874 -1 028 313

018 Lüksemburg A 755 736 164 934 136 102 193 410 162 788
Luxembourg B 27 931 37 440 33 449 98 785 71 852
C - 727 805 - 127 493 - 102 652 - 94 625 - 90 936
a 533 159 122 199 94 305 150 884 125 320
b 19 547 27 733 23 549 73 870 56 388
c - 513 612 - 94 466 - 70 756 - 77 015 - 68 931

030 øsveç A 1 607 407 1 923 165 2 144 699 2229 481 2 471 891
Sweden B 800 625 891 415 1 134 890 1146 137 1 190 569
C - 806 782 -1 031 750 -1 009 809 - 1083 344 -1 281 322
a 1 118 403 1 427 141 1 488 104 1716 253 1 908 963
b 560 610 661 535 787 315 882 761 918 787
c - 557 793 - 765 607 - 700 789 - 833 491 - 990 176

032 Finlandiya A 1 015 066 1 296 190 1 636 993 1 589 848 1 524 291
Finland B 365 828 398 510 517 562 534 517 470 483
C - 649 238 - 897 680 - 1 119 431 - 1 055 331 - 1 053 807
a 708 290 962 032 1 138 911 1 208 412 1 180 799
b 256 331 296 561 359 279 412 410 367 128
c - 451 959 - 665 471 - 779 632 - 796 002 - 813 671

038 Avusturya A 1 529 346 1 266 546 1 557 462 1 755 131 1 965 702
Austria B 802 801 887 793 1 022 979 1 091 935 1 281 584
C - 726 545 - 378 753 - 534 483 - 663 197 - 684 118
a 1 071 813 940 056 1 077 182 1 351 437 1 525 522
b 561 041 659 097 709 855 844 006 990 956
c - 510 772 - 280 959 - 367 327 - 507 431 - 534 566

046 Malta A 105 055 61 594 28 842 123 945 228 657
Malta B 140 692 375 959 331 992 793 930 1 235 165
C 35 637 314 365 303 150 669 985 1 006 508
a 72 920 46 040 20 528 98 860 167 972
b 98 543 279 338 226 760 620 669 956 354
c 25 623 233 298 206 231 521 809 788 382

32 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 32
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

053 Estonya A 63 036 79 011 140 088 222 133 333 270
Estonia B 50 104 77 277 106 063 106 276 304 947
C - 12 932 -1 734 - 34 025 - 115 858 - 28 323
a 44 257 58 671 97 952 167 142 261 275
b 35 521 57 256 74 755 81 762 239 707
c -8 736 -1 415 - 23 197 - 85 380 - 21 568

054 Letonya A 1 648 3 539 12 093 48 398 32 037

Latvia B 54 534 109 685 111 354 137 089 135 431
C 52 886 106 146 99 260 88 691 103 394
a 1 151 2 622 8 468 36 311 24 579
b 38 366 81 390 77 390 105 390 104 295
c 37 214 78 767 68 922 69 080 79 716

055 Litvanya A 249 220 213 845 208 179 159 595 253 139
Lithuania B 174 659 201 143 241 720 306 374 300 923
C - 74 561 - 12 703 33 541 146 779 47 783
a 173 930 159 156 145 220 121 780 198 737
b 122 531 149 315 167 388 236 479 231 397
c - 51 400 - 9 841 22 168 114 698 32 660

060 Polonya A 1 432 515 1 676 797 2 057 742 2 128 343 2 541 067
Poland B 997 141 1 118 521 1 528 675 1 867 146 2 037 502
C - 435 373 - 558 275 - 529 067 - 261 198 - 503 565
a 996 105 1 244 447 1 436 586 1 646 232 1 977 852
b 697 677 830 483 1 060 078 1 436 402 1 586 772
c - 298 428 - 413 964 - 376 508 - 209 829 - 391 080

061 Çek Cumhuriyeti A 935 710 941 241 982 575 1 503 432 1 659 833
Czech Republic B 317 827 390 930 543 991 747 657 905 887
C - 617 883 - 550 311 - 438 583 - 755 775 - 753 946
a 654 592 698 561 681 659 1 169 130 1 303 955
b 222 264 290 110 377 710 577 605 700 824
c - 432 328 - 408 451 - 303 949 - 591 525 - 603 131

063 Slovakya A 333 397 509 199 629 567 834 909 1 160 186
Slovakia B 155 511 165 540 246 153 370 567 395 255
C - 177 887 - 343 659 - 383 414 - 464 342 - 764 931
a 232 714 378 046 437 474 647 925 903 830
b 108 605 122 712 170 167 284 205 306 631
c - 124 109 - 255 334 - 267 308 - 363 719 - 597 200

064 Macaristan A 1 011 531 1 275 336 1 859 732 1 858 227 1 652 817
Hungary B 502 056 510 882 701 985 1 004 911 881 792
C - 509 475 - 764 454 - 1 157 747 - 853 316 - 771 025
a 705 407 946 238 1 286 433 1 423 629 1 286 114
b 349 938 379 092 486 440 775 656 684 088
c - 355 469 - 567 146 - 799 993 - 647 973 - 602 027

066 Romanya A 2 437 407 3 085 087 3 851 084 4 067 444 4 501 430
Romania B 1 766 774 2 408 020 3 403 594 4 738 101 5 111 667
C - 670 633 - 677 067 - 447 490 670 656 610 237
a 1 699 553 2 285 592 2 668 987 3 112 752 3 547 820
b 1 235 485 1 785 409 2 350 474 3 644 162 3 987 476
c - 464 068 - 500 183 - 318 512 531 410 439 656

068 Bulgaristan A 1 375 415 1 604 554 2 403 616 2 542 529 2 336 139
Bulgaria B 1 279 036 1 591 456 2 269 777 2 676 686 2 776 588
C - 96 379 - 13 098 - 133 839 134 157 440 449
a 959 471 1 190 079 1 663 425 1 951 656 1 840 008
b 894 326 1 179 313 1 568 006 2 060 171 2 151 534
c - 65 145 - 10 766 - 95 419 108 514 311 527

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

33 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

091 Slovenya A 291 655 293 650 290 408 304 119 314 550
Slovenia B 269 443 448 155 604 182 631 644 830 758
C - 22 212 154 506 313 774 327 525 516 208
a 203 222 217 867 201 817 232 317 243 628
b 188 559 332 410 417 729 486 766 648 705
c - 14 663 114 543 215 912 254 448 405 078

600 Güney Kbrs A - 40 167 165 236

South Cyprus B - 7 738 17 421 9 955 14 710
C - 7 698 17 254 9 790 14 475
a - 29 114 125 192
b - 5 721 12 066 7 841 10 864
c - 5 692 11 952 7 716 10 672

2- DøöER AVRUPA ÜLKELERø A 22 545 155 27 464 561 36 990 992 44 543 686 56 425 109
OTHER EUROPEN COUNTRIES B 6 449 851 7 894 019 11 511 226 14 056 279 20 305 716
C - 16 095 304 - 19 570 541 - 25 479 767 - 30 487 407 - 36 119 393
a 15 756 926 20 385 906 25 695 361 34 253 510 44 196 490
b 4 507 410 5 855 304 7 961 672 10 842 681 15 678 083
c - 11 249 516 - 14 530 603 - 17 733 689 - 23 410 828 - 28 518 406

024 øzlanda A 12 613 10 704 7 458 8 339 4 003

Iceland B 13 821 23 944 31 749 13 658 14 202
C 1 208 13 240 24 291 5 319 10 198
a 9 028 7 951 5 254 6 412 3 079
b 9 812 17 788 21 671 10 653 11 122
c 784 9 837 16 417 4 242 8 043

028 Norveç A 698 032 501 311 707 954 646 852 793 209
Norway B 295 674 330 361 378 347 489 774 506 592
C - 402 358 - 170 951 - 329 606 - 157 078 - 286 617
a 495 367 374 203 496 458 495 568 622 659
b 206 258 245 165 260 896 375 340 391 174
c - 289 109 - 129 038 - 235 562 - 120 228 - 231 485

037 Liectenstein A 3 648 4 610 8 703 4 864 4 351

Liechtenstein B 6 507 5 987 8 359 9 043 3 395
C 2 859 1 377 - 343 4 178 - 955
a 2 495 3 422 5 930 3 728 3 342
b 4 533 4 439 5 742 6 833 2 645
c 2 039 1 017 - 188 3 105 - 697

039 øsviçre A 4 865 003 5 449 364 5 766 321 6 859 220 6 911 753
Switzerland B 640 534 745 457 1 313 734 1 214 621 3 766 155
C -4 224 469 -4 703 908 -4 452 587 - 5 644 599 - 3 145 597
a 3 404 540 4 053 977 4 014 793 5 268 879 5 588 439
b 445 983 553 457 900 958 935 150 2 856 787
c -2 958 557 -3 500 519 -3 113 835 - 4 333 729 - 2 731 652

041 Faroe Adalar A 229 1 - 13 3

Faroe Islands B 790 556 677 751 396
C 561 555 677 739 393
a 157 1 - 10 3
b 546 413 479 574 308
c 390 412 479 564 306

043 Andora A 1 43 22 63 22
Andorra B 452 967 379 239 331
C 450 924 357 176 309
a 1 32 15 48 17
b 313 716 262 176 261
c 312 684 246 128 245

34 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 34
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

044 Cebelitark A 519 229 479 6 396 73

Gibraltar B 142 857 55 710 337 131 189 869 49 507
C 142 339 55 480 336 652 183 474 49 434
a 351 173 327 4 653 59
b 102 465 40 908 240 240 149 258 39 051
c 102 114 40 735 239 913 144 605 38 992

045 Vatikan A 16 12 - 88 69
Vatican B - - - - 1
C - 16 - 12 - - 88 - 68
a 11 8 - 66 57
b - - - - 1
c - 11 - 8 - - 66 - 56

047 San Marino A 118 722 332 857 751

San Marino B 1 351 1 894 928 860 1 584
C 1 232 1 171 596 3 833
a 81 535 231 648 604
b 947 1 409 645 651 1 281
c 865 874 413 3 677

070 Arnavutluk A 22 269 21 936 17 980 31 081 45 285

Albania B 230 778 257 546 309 531 381 424 395 546
C 208 510 235 610 291 552 350 343 350 261
a 15 529 16 237 12 571 23 842 36 697
b 161 028 191 140 214 241 294 508 305 737
c 145 500 174 903 201 670 270 665 269 040

072 Ukrayna A 3 587 293 3 570 416 4 402 487 5 915 247 7 759 964
Ukraine B 825 370 1 107 020 1 623 144 1 906 545 2 811 307
C -2 761 923 -2 463 396 -2 779 343 - 4 008 703 - 4 948 656
a 2 509 351 2 651 017 3 059 079 4 519 114 6 106 325
b 575 827 821 034 1 121 364 1 481 156 2 187 675
c -1 933 524 -1 829 983 -1 937 715 - 3 037 958 - 3 918 650

073 Beyaz Rusya A 60 995 62 806 64 886 104 866 149 367
Belarus B 35 350 67 130 93 974 123 991 189 508
C - 25 645 4 324 29 087 19 125 40 141
a 42 205 46 578 45 517 79 945 120 790
b 24 609 49 785 64 823 95 919 145 337
c - 17 596 3 207 19 306 15 973 24 547

074 Moldavya A 39 136 42 576 45 822 70 791 95 297

Moldova B 94 710 109 285 155 345 189 042 257 845
C 55 574 66 710 109 523 118 251 162 548
a 27 131 31 447 31 410 52 879 69 527
b 66 352 81 108 107 377 145 752 198 468
c 39 221 49 661 75 968 92 872 128 940

075 Rusya A 12 943 034 17 405 526 25 656 557 30 519 592 40 299 761
Russia B 2 659 799 3 203 641 4 680 274 6 133 312 8 369 272
C -10 283 235 -14 201 885 -20 976 284 - 24 386 280 - 31 930 489
a 9 033 138 12 905 620 17 806 239 23 508 494 31 364 477
b 1 859 187 2 377 050 3 237 611 4 726 853 6 483 004
c -7 173 952 -10 528 570 -14 568 627 - 18 781 641 - 24 881 473

092 Hrvatistan A 51 239 112 358 87 024 100 235 139 141
Croatia B 168 852 226 974 309 336 467 510 433 910
C 117 613 114 616 222 313 367 275 294 769
a 35 229 85 569 60 557 77 440 105 665
b 118 060 167 991 213 883 355 520 328 678
c 82 831 82 422 153 326 278 081 223 013

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

35 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

093 Bosna - Hersek A 16 497 20 793 13 499 28 240 31 448

Bosnia - Herzegovina B 143 622 173 127 219 590 573 238 726 752
C 127 125 152 333 206 090 544 998 695 304
a 11 476 15 399 9 379 21 469 24 545
b 99 938 128 217 150 862 445 173 572 349
c 88 463 112 818 141 483 423 704 547 804

094 Srbistan ve Karada÷ A 125 884 129 914 - - -

Serbia and Montenegro B 302 710 347 887 - - -
C 176 826 217 973 - - -
a 87 405 96 719 - - -
b 211 944 257 879 - - -
c 124 539 161 161 - - -

095 Kosova A - - 2 937 4 005 6 813

Kosovo B - - 111 322 155 287 365 322
C - - 108 384 151 283 358 509
a - - 2 014 3 052 5 148
b - - 76 046 120 429 279 423
c - - 74 032 117 377 274 275

096 Makedonya A 74 648 70 628 80 220 72 356 37 317

Macedonia B 213 705 219 069 250 500 353 795 386 566
C 139 057 148 440 170 280 281 439 349 248
a 51 935 52 080 55 945 55 818 29 713
b 149 330 162 476 172 756 271 744 296 172
c 97 395 110 395 116 811 215 926 266 459

097 Karada÷ A - - 1 110 192 1 962

Montenegro B - - 11 300 25 699 62 642
C - - 10 191 25 506 60 680
a - - 762 157 1 339
b - - 7 752 19 861 48 494
c - - 6 991 19 704 47 155

098 Srbistan A - - 70 874 90 572 77 931

Serbia B - - 402 436 616 482 591 943
C - - 331 562 525 910 514 012
a - - 49 081 70 703 61 705
b - - 278 784 475 096 458 103
c - - 229 703 404 393 396 397

601 Kuzey Kbrs Türk Cumhuriyeti A 43 983 60 610 56 327 79 817 66 589
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus B 672 971 1 017 465 1 273 171 1 211 140 1 372 940
C 628 989 956 855 1 216 844 1 131 323 1 306 351
a 31 494 44 938 39 799 60 582 52 300
b 470 274 754 329 885 280 932 035 1 072 015
c 438 780 709 391 845 481 871 453 1 019 715

3- KUZEY AFRøKA ÜLKELERø A 4 613 394 5 669 479 6 974 369 4 711 937 6 705 749
NORTH AFRICAN COUNTRIES B 3 158 025 3 428 692 4 471 272 5 222 615 7 647 579
C - 1 455 369 - 2 240 787 - 2 503 097 510 678 941 830
a 3 231 235 4 212 112 4 878 401 3 616 397 5 267 239
b 2 203 356 2 544 398 3 096 665 4 029 683 5 850 262
c - 1 027 879 - 1 667 714 - 1 781 736 413 286 583 023

021 Ceuta A - - - - 12
Ceuta B - - - - 16
C - - - - 4
a - - - - 10
b - - - - 13
c - - - - 4

36 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 36
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

022 Ceuta ve Melilla A 1 7 5 6 -

Ceuta and Melilla B 977 245 1 432 318 -
C 976 238 1 427 311 -
a 1 5 4 5 -
b 671 184 1 085 234 -
c 670 179 1 081 229 -

023 Mellila A - - - - 13
Mellila B - - - - -
C - - - - - 13
a - - - - 11
b - - - - -
c - - - - - 11

204 Fas A 151 352 192 836 251 233 258 609 458 173
Morocco B 471 517 499 543 795 887 939 375 1 224 927
C 320 165 306 707 544 654 680 765 766 753
a 105 778 143 231 173 902 198 460 360 520
b 330 059 370 825 551 377 721 595 957 769
c 224 281 227 594 377 475 523 135 597 249

208 Cezayir A 1 786 955 2 285 517 2 650 306 2 749 506 4 166 715
Algeria B 1 154 378 1 088 381 1 476 269 1 606 364 2 136 229
C - 632 577 -1 197 136 -1 174 037 - 1 143 142 -2 030 486
a 1 255 679 1 694 989 1 864 526 2 108 491 3 262 176
b 806 115 807 138 1 020 696 1 231 725 1 613 644
c - 449 564 - 887 850 - 843 830 - 876 766 -1 648 532

212 Tunus A 145 108 158 517 220 949 296 910 453 401
Tunisia B 366 535 396 742 468 293 681 101 1 019 116
C 221 428 238 225 247 344 384 191 565 715
a 100 410 117 372 150 094 229 788 365 381
b 256 162 294 785 324 893 530 277 778 098
c 155 753 177 413 174 799 300 489 412 717

216 Libya A 2 159 506 2 672 179 3 282 598 522 437 435 711
Libya B 486 192 517 375 702 264 827 301 1 394 255
C -1 673 314 -2 154 804 -2 580 334 304 864 958 545
a 1 514 125 1 989 269 2 297 351 399 720 336 325
b 337 204 384 167 489 261 643 150 1 074 288
c -1 176 921 -1 605 102 -1 808 090 243 430 737 963

220 Msr A 370 472 360 424 569 279 884 468 1 191 724
Egypt B 678 425 926 406 1 027 128 1 168 157 1 873 035
C 307 953 565 982 457 849 283 689 681 312
a 255 242 267 246 392 524 679 932 942 817
b 473 145 687 299 709 353 902 703 1 426 450
c 217 904 420 054 316 829 222 770 483 633

4- DøöER AFRøKA ÜLKELERø A 2 279 909 2 473 780 3 611 181 4 122 418 3 153 412
OTHER AFRICAN COUNTRIES B 1 094 762 1 465 333 2 126 538 2 531 123 4 120 145
C - 1 185 147 - 1 008 447 - 1 484 643 - 1 591 295 966 733
a 1 589 144 1 835 122 2 526 126 3 167 700 2 503 214
b 764 791 1 086 849 1 469 127 1 946 661 3 212 341
c - 824 354 - 748 273 - 1 056 999 - 1 221 039 709 127

224 Sudan A 17 626 10 745 11 178 11 199 11 481

Sudan B 127 123 195 653 313 136 235 658 305 351
C 109 497 184 909 301 958 224 459 293 870
a 12 079 7 955 7 623 8 400 9 208
b 88 442 145 232 216 967 179 697 234 223
c 76 363 137 277 209 344 171 297 225 015

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

37 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

228 Moritanya A 5 951 1 316 310 9 997 10 147

Mauritania B 7 919 13 561 12 783 14 324 19 602
C 1 968 12 245 12 473 4 327 9 454
a 4 136 983 214 7 577 7 861
b 5 529 10 065 8 910 10 990 15 173
c 1 393 9 082 8 697 3 413 7 312

232 Mali A 547 3 879 1 984 2 947 1 057

Mali B 9 182 13 428 11 064 15 548 11 518
C 8 635 9 548 9 080 12 601 10 461
a 397 2 887 1 332 2 174 803
b 6 373 10 000 7 667 12 140 8 949
c 5 976 7 113 6 335 9 966 8 147

236 Burkino Faso A 2 646 338 3 715 8 349 4 665

Burkina Faso B 3 766 5 278 5 351 6 627 9 701
C 1 120 4 941 1 636 - 1 722 5 036
a 1 835 250 2 571 6 573 3 746
b 2 612 3 917 3 736 5 047 7 143
c 777 3 667 1 166 - 1 525 3 398

240 Nijer A 23 174 840 1 393 3 562

Niger B 4 741 5 228 5 775 14 711 19 841
C 4 718 5 054 4 934 13 318 16 279
a 16 129 585 1 061 2 380
b 3 310 3 884 3 967 11 114 15 546
c 3 294 3 756 3 382 10 053 13 166

244 Çad A - 197 0 - -

Chad B 1 523 1 339 2 163 4 227 11 898
C 1 523 1 141 2 163 4 227 11 898
a - 145 0 - -
b 1 061 996 1 497 3 231 8 872
c 1 061 852 1 497 3 231 8 872

247 Cape Verde A - - 0 15 10

Cape Verde B 7 380 4 159 6 700 9 956 14 035
C 7 380 4 159 6 700 9 941 14 026
a - - 0 13 8
b 4 994 3 118 4 657 7 804 10 508
c 4 994 3 118 4 656 7 791 10 501

248 Senegal A 131 621 837 2 100 2 288

Senegal B 36 302 47 099 57 981 83 620 114 727
C 36 171 46 478 57 144 81 521 112 439
a 89 462 577 1 632 1 877
b 25 520 34 951 40 437 65 108 90 008
c 25 431 34 489 39 860 63 476 88 132

252 Gambia A 10 250 - 153 1

Gambia B 20 392 13 949 16 134 22 778 23 304
C 20 382 13 699 16 134 22 625 23 302
a 7 185 - 116 1
b 14 360 10 344 11 030 17 664 17 361
c 14 353 10 159 11 030 17 547 17 360

257 Gine Bissau A - - - 214 109

Guinea Bissau B 76 250 241 1 406 592
C 76 250 241 1 192 482
a - - - 164 88
b 52 184 161 1 055 470
c 52 184 161 891 382

38 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 38
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

260 Gine A 47 241 586 930 7 636

Guinea B 10 769 16 412 24 606 23 691 34 639
C 10 722 16 170 24 020 22 762 27 003
a 33 179 397 717 6 038
b 7 520 12 156 17 076 18 182 26 942
c 7 487 11 978 16 679 17 465 20 904

264 Sierre Leone A 18 54 2 124 1 625 2 868

Sierra Leone B 9 613 7 254 9 639 13 741 19 875
C 9 596 7 200 7 514 12 115 17 008
a 14 40 1 511 1 259 2 212
b 6 685 5 376 6 620 10 649 15 300
c 6 672 5 336 5 110 9 390 13 088

268 Liberya A 34 344 15 073 3 162 1 264 4 732

Liberia B 66 611 64 443 13 713 132 571 209 803
C 32 267 49 370 10 551 131 307 205 071
a 24 468 11 155 2 376 977 3 687
b 46 764 47 596 9 540 100 396 158 937
c 22 296 36 440 7 164 99 419 155 250

272 Fildiúi Kys A 85 939 44 654 61 668 110 772 150 958
Ivory Coast B 20 345 35 982 42 758 41 230 50 788
C - 65 594 -8 672 - 18 910 - 69 542 - 100 170
a 61 336 33 063 43 975 86 016 118 257
b 14 296 26 601 29 853 32 322 39 436
c - 47 040 -6 463 - 14 122 - 53 694 - 78 821

276 Gana A 115 621 98 809 84 192 54 761 62 869

Ghana B 45 575 42 643 47 580 107 990 132 282
C - 70 047 - 56 166 - 36 612 53 228 69 413
a 80 602 73 208 57 468 41 061 46 453
b 31 779 31 602 32 966 84 126 100 366
c - 48 823 - 41 606 - 24 503 43 065 53 913

280 Togo A 6 903 3 287 4 331 1 095 6 727

Togo B 8 770 6 978 11 580 16 654 22 859
C 1 867 3 690 7 248 15 558 16 132
a 4 934 2 408 2 812 832 5 564
b 6 199 5 193 8 153 12 816 17 521
c 1 266 2 785 5 341 11 984 11 957

284 Benin A 48 2 877 4 658 3 085 1 135

Benin B 7 216 7 001 8 671 46 085 34 047
C 7 167 4 124 4 014 42 999 32 913
a 32 2 109 3 145 2 204 974
b 5 072 5 186 6 003 37 146 25 434
c 5 040 3 077 2 859 34 942 24 461

288 Nijerya A 280 159 315 362 534 149 647 156 661 207
Nigeria B 113 898 132 741 120 223 171 925 367 565
C - 166 260 - 182 621 - 413 926 - 475 230 - 293 641
a 194 397 234 272 380 207 493 967 521 916
b 80 213 98 558 83 009 133 269 280 527
c - 114 185 - 135 714 - 297 198 - 360 698 - 241 388

302 Kamerun A 49 118 47 604 36 621 67 649 32 349

Cameroon B 30 200 22 769 21 233 31 605 42 274
C - 18 918 - 24 835 - 15 389 - 36 044 9 925
a 34 557 35 495 25 833 52 437 25 117
b 21 076 16 897 14 815 24 385 32 535
c - 13 481 - 18 597 - 11 018 - 28 052 7 419

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

39 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

306 Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti A 5 908 7 641 8 939 7 956 11 261

Central African Republic B 289 829 739 845 374
C - 5 619 - 6 812 - 8 200 - 7 111 - 10 887
a 4 152 5 673 6 159 6 342 8 904
b 206 607 496 652 299
c - 3 946 - 5 066 - 5 663 - 5 690 - 8 605

310 Ekvator Ginesi A 3 242 7 940 47 305 62 027 1 886

Equatorial Guinea B 3 381 6 661 16 176 12 021 19 336
C 140 -1 279 - 31 129 - 50 006 17 450
a 2 264 5 872 33 725 45 981 1 546
b 2 358 4 900 10 818 9 598 14 484
c 94 - 971 - 22 907 - 36 384 12 938

311 Sao Tome ve Pirincipe A 370 1 506 3 166 -

Sao Tome and Principe B 377 743 354 321 430
C 7 - 763 351 155 430
a 268 1 106 2 128 -
b 270 550 247 242 318
c 2 - 556 245 114 318

314 Gabon A 26 625 30 660 21 536 30 639 34 947

Gabon B 4 738 6 362 8 779 30 726 17 428
C - 21 887 - 24 298 - 12 757 86 - 17 519
a 18 459 22 738 14 935 23 812 27 041
b 3 306 4 709 6 109 22 775 13 228
c - 15 153 - 18 029 -8 826 - 1 037 - 13 812

318 Kongo A 17 046 18 187 21 947 19 455 22 511

Congo B 13 254 21 643 21 239 24 698 36 702
C -3 792 3 456 - 708 5 243 14 191
a 12 082 13 538 15 343 14 831 17 535
b 9 310 15 960 14 738 19 267 28 255
c -2 772 2 423 - 606 4 436 10 720

322 Zaire A 42 103 816 1 508 1 205

Zaire B 2 931 2 935 5 790 5 226 12 007
C 2 890 2 831 4 973 3 718 10 801
a 30 76 548 1 164 882
b 2 118 2 164 4 012 4 051 8 727
c 2 088 2 088 3 463 2 887 7 846

324 Ruanda A 192 153 248 - 2

Rwanda B 1 184 325 1 446 3 682 5 438
C 992 172 1 198 3 682 5 436
a 128 116 177 - 1
b 811 241 981 2 808 4 168
c 683 125 804 2 808 4 167

328 Burundi A - - 43 75 -
Burundi B 367 2 723 799 985 3 071
C 367 2 723 756 910 3 071
a - - 29 55 -
b 255 2 028 549 766 2 072
c 255 2 028 520 712 2 072

329 St. Helene ve Ba÷l Adalar A 1 36 4 9 8

St. Helena and Dependencies B 2 - 3 - -
C 1 - 36 - 1 - 9 - 8
a 0 27 3 7 5
b 1 - 2 - -
c 1 - 27 - 1 - 7 - 5

40 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 40
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

330 Angola A 386 12 325 38 867 1 234 26 997

Angola B 32 095 36 171 63 661 61 581 241 140
C 31 709 23 846 24 795 60 347 214 143
a 265 9 085 26 593 983 16 023
b 22 287 26 846 44 657 47 758 182 248
c 22 022 17 761 18 064 46 775 166 225

334 Etiyopya A 25 094 40 816 33 469 56 367 50 374

Ethiopia B 111 696 147 259 131 063 185 792 210 590
C 86 602 106 443 97 594 129 425 160 215
a 18 017 30 293 23 678 42 746 39 304
b 77 719 109 378 91 949 145 964 163 777
c 59 702 79 084 68 272 103 218 124 474

336 Eritre A 14 834 391 416 -

Eritrea B 26 752 15 664 22 157 26 360 13 645
C 26 737 14 831 21 766 25 945 13 645
a 10 621 288 332 -
b 18 724 11 609 15 081 19 961 11 044
c 18 714 10 989 14 793 19 629 11 044

338 Cibuti A 341 136 289 259 517

Djibouti B 12 207 9 619 14 980 58 310 49 730
C 11 865 9 482 14 691 58 051 49 213
a 228 100 196 201 376
b 8 573 7 128 10 559 45 388 40 274
c 8 344 7 028 10 363 45 187 39 899

342 Somali A 1 343 1 132 3 571 2 362 1 849

Somalia B 1 085 2 956 2 898 2 972 10 299
C - 258 1 824 - 673 610 8 450
a 928 839 2 549 1 815 1 423
b 758 2 207 2 020 2 320 8 422
c - 169 1 368 - 529 505 7 000

346 Kenya A 2 293 2 314 5 842 15 828 16 696

Kenya B 25 727 68 464 123 839 124 680 288 507
C 23 434 66 150 117 996 108 852 271 811
a 1 600 1 722 3 990 12 328 12 575
b 17 837 50 600 85 419 98 044 233 052
c 16 237 48 877 81 429 85 716 220 476

350 Uganda A 4 794 16 981 8 107 7 588 10 427

Uganda B 4 067 5 229 10 638 11 483 13 918
C - 727 - 11 752 2 531 3 895 3 491
a 3 303 12 530 5 648 6 034 7 910
b 2 819 3 862 7 260 8 903 10 733
c - 484 -8 668 1 612 2 869 2 823

352 Tanzanya A 15 911 13 536 23 391 15 423 18 170

Tanzania B 10 690 31 159 38 515 39 066 67 614
C -5 221 17 623 15 124 23 643 49 444
a 10 876 10 032 16 035 11 953 14 033
b 7 496 23 019 27 360 30 216 52 636
c -3 380 12 987 11 325 18 263 38 603

355 Seyúel ve Ba÷l Adalar A 3 161 2 550 373 252 238

Seychelles and Dependencies B 1 013 5 440 10 181 7 255 2 724
C -2 148 2 890 9 808 7 004 2 486
a 2 241 1 875 257 195 181
b 706 4 027 7 095 5 527 2 082
c - 1 535 2 153 6 838 5 332 1 901

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

41 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

357 øngiliz Hint Okyonusu Topraklar A 11 35 1 31 0

British Indian Ocean Territory B 887 87 - - -
C 876 53 - 1 - 31 0
a 7 26 0 26 0
b 613 65 - - -
c 605 39 0 - 26 0

366 Mozambik A 9 838 16 780 20 635 23 346 13 823

Mozambique B 5 834 8 568 12 311 20 160 23 853
C -4 004 -8 212 -8 325 - 3 186 10 030
a 6 601 12 365 14 243 18 465 10 775
b 4 045 6 363 8 559 14 987 18 493
c -2 556 -6 001 -5 683 - 3 478 7 718

370 Madagaskar A 2 115 146 1 608 1 627 2 129

Madagascar B 17 042 12 665 12 672 13 868 29 520
C 14 927 12 519 11 064 12 242 27 391
a 1 444 109 1 120 1 276 1 659
b 11 787 9 354 8 963 10 607 22 268
c 10 343 9 246 7 843 9 331 20 609

373 Mauritius A 12 323 13 020 8 427 11 360 14 080

Mauritius B 5 995 8 089 11 854 28 193 42 016
C -6 329 -4 931 3 427 16 834 27 937
a 8 525 9 670 5 920 8 734 10 982
b 4 166 5 996 8 147 22 719 30 665
c -4 359 -3 673 2 227 13 985 19 683

375 Komorolar A 2 504 808 2 492 15 744 7 594

Comoros B 2 900 2 234 2 432 3 156 5 306
C 396 1 426 - 60 - 12 588 - 2 288
a 1 836 602 1 740 12 733 6 024
b 1 997 1 650 1 685 2 431 4 032
c 161 1 048 - 55 - 10 303 - 1 992

377 Mayotte A 0 - - 3 513

Mayotte B 992 394 235 828 4 110
C 991 394 235 826 3 597
a 0 - - 2 323
b 694 290 165 659 3 121
c 694 290 165 657 2 798

378 Zambia A 2 294 721 7 048 27 642 9 038

Zambia B 1 094 2 385 3 309 3 311 7 191
C -1 200 1 664 -3 738 - 24 331 - 1 847
a 1 625 534 4 795 20 743 6 839
b 757 1 769 2 363 2 585 5 752
c - 868 1 235 -2 432 - 18 158 - 1 086

382 Zimbabve A 59 756 15 326 8 337 30 357 35 530

Zimbabwe B 476 932 1 947 1 960 1 674
C - 59 280 - 14 394 -6 390 - 28 397 - 33 856
a 41 048 11 358 5 709 22 478 27 992
b 328 696 1 361 1 550 1 243
c - 40 719 - 10 661 -4 348 - 20 928 - 26 749

386 Malavi A 30 335 22 126 22 038 36 547 38 803

Malawi B 2 793 2 850 1 862 2 019 3 313
C - 27 542 - 19 276 - 20 175 - 34 528 - 35 490
a 20 978 16 450 15 237 27 595 30 489
b 1 899 2 115 1 253 1 578 2 550
c - 19 079 - 14 335 - 13 984 - 26 017 - 27 939

42 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 42
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

388 Güney Afrika A 1 445 137 1 698 614 2 570 054 2 820 075 1 868 780
South Africa B 272 090 425 278 872 842 861 531 1 559 691
C -1 173 046 -1 273 336 -1 697 213 - 1 958 543 - 309 089
a 1 006 683 1 259 978 1 793 113 2 172 298 1 502 492
b 190 113 315 739 598 489 653 785 1 238 632
c - 816 569 - 944 239 -1 194 624 - 1 518 512 - 263 861

389 Namibya A 5 175 841 3 977 7 377 1 665

Namibia B 745 416 1 173 1 829 4 169
C - 4 431 - 425 -2 804 - 5 548 2 504
a 3 462 622 2 680 5 789 1 271
b 519 310 811 1 392 3 212
c - 2 943 - 312 - 1 869 - 4 398 1 941

391 Botsvana A - 26 18 1 859 257

Botswana B 445 323 119 1 444 1 273
C 445 297 101 - 415 1 016
a - 19 13 1 335 198
b 313 240 81 1 139 998
c 313 220 68 - 196 800

393 Svaziland A 4 526 3 003 1 049 165 41

Swaziland B 127 31 36 1 388 121
C - 4 399 - 2 972 - 1 012 1 223 80
a 3 153 2 224 775 127 34
b 87 23 25 1 029 92
c - 3 066 - 2 200 - 750 902 58

395 Lesotho A - - - 17 271

Lesotho B 87 732 1 159 1 085 255
C 87 732 1 159 1 068 - 16
a - - - 14 208
b 63 544 804 817 207
c 63 544 804 803 - 1

5- KUZEY AMERøKA ÜLKELERø A 7 323 172 7 850 623 9 985 667 11 747 452 17 237 975
NOTH AMERøCA COUNTRIES B 7 473 246 7 114 796 7 790 357 5 929 466 6 292 528
C 150 074 - 735 827 - 2 195 309 - 5 817 986 - 10 945 446
a 5 114 159 5 822 698 6 935 690 9 032 926 13 404 016
b 5 206 705 5 275 698 5 439 399 4 540 601 4 801 535
c 92 546 - 547 000 - 1 496 291 - 4 492 325 - 8 602 481

400 Amerika Birleúik Devletleri A 6 797 269 7 246 668 9 017 719 10 627 365 15 358 260
United States of America B 6 974 321 6 622 535 7 246 725 5 450 020 5 604 062
C 177 052 - 624 134 -1 770 994 - 5 177 346 -9 754 198
a 4 745 195 5 375 548 6 260 873 8 166 068 11 975 929
b 4 860 041 4 910 715 5 060 854 4 170 688 4 299 941
c 114 846 - 464 832 -1 200 019 - 3 995 380 -7 675 988

404 Kanada A 525 728 603 913 967 766 1 119 958 1 879 598
Canada B 498 769 491 996 543 628 479 392 688 265
C - 26 958 - 111 917 - 424 137 - 640 565 - 1 191 333
a 368 836 447 119 674 693 866 758 1 428 000
b 346 557 364 786 378 542 369 870 501 428
c - 22 279 - 82 334 - 296 150 - 496 888 - 926 571

406 Grönland A 176 41 182 129 110

Greenland B 155 266 - 54 201
C - 20 224 - 182 - 75 91
a 128 31 124 99 83
b 107 197 - 42 166
c - 21 166 - 124 - 57 83

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

43 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

408 St. Pierre ve Miquelon A - 0 0 - 6

St Pierre and Miquelon B - - 4 - -
C - 0 4 - - 6
a - 0 0 - 5
b - - 3 - -
c - 0 3 - - 5

6- ORTA AMERøKA VE KARAYøP ÜLKELERø A 301 141 387 651 479 178 579 400 721 109
CENTRAL AMERICA AND CARAIPS B 480 907 554 751 797 934 716 694 1 071 160
C 179 766 167 100 318 756 137 294 350 051
a 209 040 287 280 334 966 448 291 560 444
b 333 715 410 753 548 451 548 835 828 687
c 124 675 123 474 213 484 100 543 268 243

412 Meksika A 172 623 265 027 374 789 454 209 490 201
Mexico B 216 572 221 254 203 877 254 995 194 498
C 43 949 - 43 773 - 170 913 - 199 214 - 295 702
a 120 122 196 409 261 944 352 197 381 973
b 150 608 163 672 140 778 196 750 152 166
c 30 486 - 32 737 - 121 166 - 155 446 - 229 807

413 Bermuda A 90 1 4 0 586

Bermuda B 162 236 80 072 293 32 572
C 72 235 80 068 293 31 986
a 60 1 3 0 436
b 116 175 48 702 234 28 177
c 56 174 48 699 233 27 741

416 Guatemala A 170 3 132 4 523 4 926 4 703

Guatemala B 6 828 8 437 18 024 13 032 19 977
C 6 658 5 305 13 501 8 106 15 274
a 117 2 310 3 103 3 820 3 652
b 4 790 6 253 12 416 9 962 15 465
c 4 674 3 943 9 313 6 142 11 813

421 Belize A 2 143 1 703 1 217 2 548 577

Belize B 854 1 285 1 201 2 467 2 662
C - 1 288 - 419 - 16 - 81 2 085
a 1 484 1 246 809 1 832 468
b 589 948 848 1 906 2 093
c - 895 - 297 39 74 1 625

424 Honduras A 2 671 7 017 2 718 1 159 2 207

Honduras B 4 139 5 066 8 916 3 742 10 222
C 1 467 -1 951 6 198 2 583 8 015
a 1 820 5 165 1 896 912 1 689
b 2 908 3 755 6 311 2 817 8 046
c 1 088 -1 410 4 415 1 904 6 357

428 El Salvador A 585 4 027 371 525 640

El Salvador B 2 025 2 084 3 091 1 752 2 562
C 1 440 -1 943 2 720 1 227 1 922
a 412 2 945 259 405 476
b 1 400 1 555 2 205 1 350 1 918
c 988 -1 390 1 946 944 1 441

432 Nikaragua A 19 748 52 11 177

Nicaragua B 3 474 2 603 2 236 1 621 2 672
C 3 455 1 855 2 185 1 610 2 494
a 14 551 36 8 135
b 2 354 1 933 1 481 1 251 2 066
c 2 340 1 383 1 445 1 243 1 931

44 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 44
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

436 Kosta Rika A 65 412 72 002 67 458 53 704 53 202

Costa Rica B 10 957 4 662 14 348 13 093 12 862
C - 54 455 - 67 340 - 53 111 - 40 611 - 40 341
a 45 593 53 338 47 564 41 169 40 479
b 7 597 3 461 9 637 10 114 9 975
c - 37 995 - 49 877 - 37 926 - 31 055 - 30 504

442 Panama A 44 969 13 373 14 546 30 627 27 310

Panama B 52 122 113 242 111 414 156 732 306 446
C 7 153 99 868 96 868 126 106 279 136
a 30 684 9 896 10 050 22 889 21 042
b 36 598 83 798 77 883 117 420 228 088
c 5 913 73 902 67 832 94 531 207 045

446 Anguilla A - - - 0 3
Anguilla B 6 1 227 165 351
C 6 1 227 165 348
a - - - 0 2
b 4 1 158 121 242
c 4 1 158 121 240

448 Küba A 99 2 406 1 556 1 961 614

Cuba B 3 062 2 369 12 523 41 027 25 517
C 2 963 - 38 10 967 39 067 24 904
a 75 1 770 1 065 1 474 472
b 2 165 1 758 8 781 32 212 20 093
c 2 091 - 12 7 716 30 738 19 621

449 St Christopher ve Nevis A - - 1 373 3 599 362

St.Christopher and Nevis B 475 639 705 1 197 14 863
C 475 639 - 668 - 2 401 14 501
a - - 951 3 001 237
b 320 484 480 934 10 798
c 320 484 - 471 - 2 067 10 562

452 Haiti A 5 30 70 26 444

Haiti B 10 867 6 214 8 421 8 586 12 507
C 10 863 6 184 8 352 8 560 12 063
a 3 22 47 19 327
b 7 488 4 613 5 881 6 705 10 132
c 7 485 4 591 5 834 6 686 9 806

453 Bahamalar A 822 5 454 2 144 700 62 288

Bahamas B 81 300 44 847 63 757 40 842 71 827
C 80 478 39 393 61 613 40 142 9 540
a 584 4 052 1 432 518 54 037
b 56 023 33 439 45 457 29 460 58 138
c 55 439 29 387 44 025 28 942 4 101

454 Türk ve Caicos Adalar A - - - - 24

Turks ve Caicos Islands B 112 669 880 1 697 1 867
C 112 669 880 1 697 1 843
a - - - - 20
b 76 494 615 1 285 1 414
c 76 494 615 1 285 1 393

456 Dominik Cumhuriyeti A 4 711 4 226 4 771 5 158 10 974

Dominican Republic B 25 426 8 071 11 024 9 055 60 764
C 20 715 3 845 6 252 3 898 49 790
a 3 296 3 136 3 296 4 032 8 255
b 17 463 5 998 7 728 6 905 48 181
c 14 167 2 862 4 432 2 874 39 926

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

45 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

457 Amerika Birleúik Devletleri'nin Virjin A 37 60 14 919 1 384

Adalar B 142 139 651 8 661 21 114
United States of American Virgin Islands C 105 79 636 7 742 19 730
a 27 45 9 720 1 087
b 107 102 476 6 905 16 483
c 80 57 467 6 185 15 396

459 Antiqua ve Barbuda A 50 3 - 0 -

Antiqua and Barbuda B 748 31 221 1 646 4 762 2 202
C 698 31 218 1 646 4 762 2 202
a 34 2 - 0 -
b 513 23 296 1 131 3 629 1 725
c 479 23 294 1 131 3 629 1 725

460 Dominika A 123 132 5 2 100

Dominica B 57 - 421 387 739
C - 66 - 132 417 385 639
a 88 99 3 2 80
b 40 - 294 304 545
c - 48 - 99 290 303 465

463 Kayman Adalar A - 1 86 150 153

Cayman Islands B 2 949 376 112 855 7 752 25 717
C 2 949 375 112 768 7 602 25 564
a - 1 60 111 123
b 1 989 279 78 317 6 003 19 211
c 1 989 278 78 257 5 892 19 088

464 Jamaika A 382 87 71 81 77

Jamaica B 27 881 17 828 31 537 20 163 48 686
C 27 499 17 741 31 466 20 082 48 609
a 260 66 50 62 59
b 19 230 13 260 22 147 15 490 37 846
c 18 971 13 194 22 098 15 428 37 787

465 St. Lucia A 0 9 2 - 1

St. Lucia B 268 269 296 161 267
C 268 260 295 161 266
a 0 6 1 - 1
b 193 200 206 127 207
c 192 194 205 127 206

467 St. Vincent A 1 678 2 249 1 241 1 418 2

St. Vincent B 10 006 13 376 35 666 21 896 16 035
C 8 328 11 127 34 425 20 478 16 033
a 1 190 1 693 892 1 051 2
b 7 001 9 881 24 003 15 643 13 075
c 5 811 8 188 23 111 14 593 13 073

468 øngiliz Virjin Adalar A 2 523 4 161 721 335 59

British Virgin Islands B 9 990 43 270 54 421 82 146 98 479
C 7 467 39 110 53 700 81 811 98 420
a 1 776 3 198 491 260 46
b 6 928 31 735 38 998 65 561 81 673
c 5 151 28 537 38 507 65 301 81 627

469 Barbados A 856 702 1 160 1 322 1 188

Barbados B 1 782 2 103 3 791 4 126 40 652
C 926 1 401 2 631 2 804 39 463
a 599 520 811 1 029 938
b 1 235 1 567 2 601 3 218 26 630
c 636 1 046 1 790 2 189 25 692

46 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 46
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

470 Monserrat A - - 13 - 4
Monserrat B 3 - - 13 0
C 3 - - 13 13 - 4
a - - 9 - 2
b 2 - - 11 0
c 2 - - 9 11 - 2

472 Trinidad ve Tobago A 54 8 174 457 12 955

Trinidad and Tobago B 6 138 5 472 11 959 11 232 35 017
C 6 084 5 464 11 785 10 775 22 062
a 37 6 116 374 8 316
b 4 220 4 055 8 124 8 578 26 722
c 4 183 4 049 8 008 8 205 18 406

473 Grenada A - - 12 111 -

Grenada B 114 104 183 72 86
C 114 104 171 - 39 86
a - - 8 92 -
b 79 78 134 55 66
c 79 78 126 - 37 66

474 Aruba A 85 - 1 13 296 50 855

Aruba B 81 1 179 151 287 4 471
C - 4 1 179 150 - 13 009 - 46 384
a 57 - 1 10 633 36 076
b 55 866 104 219 3 461
c - 2 866 103 - 10 414 - 32 614

478 Hollanda Antilleri A 1 034 1 094 85 2 159 18

Netherlands Antilles B 2 368 17 736 3 640 4 741 5 524
C 1 333 16 643 3 555 2 582 5 506
a 709 803 62 1 684 15
b 1 626 13 098 2 555 3 664 4 054
c 917 12 295 2 493 1 981 4 039

7- GÜNEY AMERøKA ÜLKELERø A 1 833 729 2 359 712 3 083 780 3 473 819 4 182 425
CENTRAL AMERICA AND CARAIPS B 275 748 369 500 492 148 668 792 1 161 894
C - 1 557 981 - 1 990 211 - 2 591 632 - 2 805 027 - 3 020 531
a 1 271 462 1 747 404 2 130 616 2 671 179 3 259 762
b 192 754 273 783 340 598 513 719 901 401
c - 1 078 708 - 1 473 621 - 1 790 018 - 2 157 460 - 2 358 361

480 Kolombia A 137 773 235 913 296 300 268 692 358 521
Colombia B 37 454 61 259 74 520 102 881 95 486
C - 100 318 - 174 654 - 221 780 - 165 811 - 263 034
a 95 932 175 246 204 921 206 515 271 005
b 26 293 45 371 51 664 79 221 74 614
c - 69 639 - 129 875 - 153 257 - 127 294 - 196 391

484 Venezuela A 61 680 79 792 127 282 174 690 255 459
Venezuela B 18 223 52 089 61 140 54 759 36 900
C - 43 457 - 27 703 - 66 142 - 119 931 - 218 560
a 42 779 59 174 88 083 132 454 198 284
b 12 717 38 618 41 856 41 699 27 696
c - 30 063 - 20 557 - 46 227 - 90 756 - 170 587

488 Guyana A 609 83 196 323 401

Guyana B 2 467 2 032 3 009 2 387 5 288
C 1 858 1 949 2 813 2 064 4 888
a 410 62 132 244 320
b 1 736 1 508 2 082 1 853 3 968
c 1 326 1 446 1 949 1 609 3 648

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

47 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

492 Surinam A 3 15 - 119 58

Surinam B 2 457 4 024 3 916 3 815 5 122
C 2 454 4 009 3 916 3 696 5 064
a 2 11 - 87 47
b 1 713 2 980 2 777 2 973 4 027
c 1 711 2 969 2 777 2 886 3 980

500 Ekvador A 55 864 61 713 99 942 127 063 132 266

Ecuador B 37 361 9 836 37 695 31 527 84 753
C - 18 503 - 51 877 - 62 246 - 95 536 - 47 513
a 39 412 45 863 71 091 97 203 104 670
b 26 158 7 273 26 264 24 790 68 232
c - 13 253 - 38 591 - 44 827 - 72 413 - 36 438

504 Peru A 71 179 50 138 86 736 91 107 82 312

Peru B 10 053 9 732 13 622 19 951 163 673
C - 61 126 - 40 405 - 73 114 - 71 156 81 361
a 49 372 37 311 61 092 69 588 63 746
b 6 954 7 211 9 356 15 305 124 633
c - 42 419 - 30 100 - 51 736 - 54 282 60 887

508 Brezilya A 815 437 1 076 271 1 350 976 1 523 265 1 834 718
Brazil B 99 257 139 526 175 366 300 911 408 685
C - 716 180 - 936 745 -1 175 610 - 1 222 354 - 1 426 032
a 566 293 798 576 934 782 1 172 669 1 423 868
b 69 355 103 458 121 882 229 914 318 027
c - 496 938 - 695 118 - 812 901 - 942 756 - 1 105 840

512 ùili A 249 431 443 265 645 922 701 449 412 756
Chile B 35 264 33 639 49 840 54 124 189 742
C - 214 167 - 409 626 - 596 082 - 647 326 - 223 014
a 176 449 326 177 441 925 533 969 324 110
b 24 529 24 959 34 788 41 843 150 267
c - 151 921 - 301 218 - 407 136 - 492 126 - 173 842

516 Bolivya A 1 331 343 153 2 623 5 508

Bolivia B 1 003 525 1 040 2 212 6 631
C - 328 182 887 - 411 1 124
a 978 254 110 1 918 4 207
b 689 389 717 1 736 5 220
c - 288 135 607 - 182 1 013

520 Paraguay A 34 755 30 021 18 464 3 710 66 441

Paraguay B 1 449 1 573 1 517 2 007 3 986
C - 33 306 - 28 449 - 16 947 - 1 703 - 62 454
a 23 394 22 399 12 150 2 936 53 292
b 1 027 1 163 1 040 1 551 3 155
c - 22 367 - 21 236 - 11 110 - 1 385 - 50 137

524 Uruguay A 16 808 28 478 22 782 46 029 33 180

Uruguay B 2 394 4 120 5 471 10 798 18 229
C - 14 414 - 24 358 - 17 311 - 35 232 - 14 951
a 11 772 21 061 15 568 36 089 26 399
b 1 671 3 054 3 777 8 337 14 462
c - 10 101 - 18 007 - 11 791 - 27 752 - 11 937

528 Arjantin A 388 861 353 680 435 026 534 748 1 000 801
Argentina B 28 363 51 145 65 010 83 420 143 397
C - 360 498 - 302 534 - 370 015 - 451 328 - 857 404
a 264 670 261 269 300 761 417 506 789 811
b 19 910 37 799 44 396 64 496 107 099
c - 244 759 - 223 471 - 256 365 - 353 010 - 682 712

48 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 48
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

529 Falkland Adalar A - - 0 - 5

Falkland Islands B 4 - - -
C 4 - 0 - - 5
a - - 0 - 3
b 3 - - -
c 3 - 0 - - 3

8- YAKIN VE ORTADOöU ÜLKELERø A 8 014 589 10 730 613 15 341 247 16 358 290 22 453 001
NEAR AND MIDDLE EASTERN B 11 331 836 13 733 077 16 348 519 19 559 589 32 861 228
C 3 317 248 3 002 464 1 007 272 3 201 299 10 408 228
a 5 584 836 7 966 854 10 568 063 12 641 279 17 627 603
b 7 921 284 10 184 230 11 315 751 15 081 322 25 430 395
c 2 336 448 2 217 376 747 688 2 440 043 7 802 791

076 Gürcistan A 436 877 409 399 498 679 383 213 669 379
Georgia B 286 902 366 307 592 550 829 877 1 304 941
C - 149 974 - 43 091 93 870 446 664 635 563
a 306 669 302 902 344 813 289 568 525 041
b 199 699 271 828 407 962 646 082 997 844
c - 106 969 - 31 073 63 148 356 514 472 804

077 Ermenistan A - 523 59 74 1 882

Armenia B - - - - 0
C - - 523 - 59 - 74 - 1 882
a - 392 41 57 1 489
b - - - - 0
c - - 392 - 41 - 57 - 1 489

078 Azerbaycan A 196 404 368 927 504 403 415 914 1 184 160
Azerbaijan B 579 339 711 847 1 005 045 1 352 768 2 174 673
C 382 936 342 920 500 642 936 854 990 512
a 135 537 272 256 340 481 329 647 928 421
b 403 942 528 076 695 287 1 047 668 1 667 469
c 268 405 255 819 354 807 718 021 739 048

604 Lübnan A 210 150 195 562 182 351 151 640 225 838
Lebanon B 338 930 264 259 348 410 504 382 861 618
C 128 780 68 696 166 060 352 742 635 780
a 147 355 144 973 126 685 116 014 178 781
b 234 401 195 910 240 599 393 217 665 055
c 87 046 50 937 113 914 277 203 486 274

608 Suriye A 508 630 365 847 264 071 482 544 818 750
Syria B 560 459 743 405 876 543 1 041 474 1 472 338
C 51 829 377 558 612 472 558 930 653 588
a 357 656 272 180 187 250 376 959 639 213
b 394 783 551 627 609 417 797 766 1 115 013
c 37 127 279 448 422 167 420 807 475 800

612 Irak A 670 738 619 182 563 362 792 222 1 670 407
Iraq B 2 609 485 3 707 836 3 720 521 3 706 266 5 196 789
C 1 938 747 3 088 654 3 157 159 2 914 044 3 526 381
a 467 588 458 690 375 937 645 111 1 320 923
b 1 820 802 2 750 080 2 589 352 2 844 767 3 916 685
c 1 353 214 2 291 390 2 213 416 2 199 656 2 595 762

616 øran A 2 829 334 4 668 943 8 195 536 8 616 817 10 433 532
øran B 1 163 057 1 229 051 1 538 954 1 856 421 2 643 447
C -1 666 277 -3 439 893 -6 656 582 - 6 760 396 -7 790 085
a 1 962 059 3 469 706 5 626 610 6 615 394 8 199 689
b 813 031 912 940 1 066 902 1 441 190 2 029 760
c -1 149 027 -2 556 766 -4 559 709 - 5 174 204 -6 169 929

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

49 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

624 øsrail A 1 024 724 1 084 743 1 124 668 1 404 983 1 859 146
Israel B 1 881 002 1 977 402 2 213 338 2 155 162 2 494 737
C 856 278 892 659 1 088 671 750 179 635 591
a 714 143 804 691 782 149 1 081 743 1 447 919
b 1 315 292 1 466 913 1 529 158 1 658 195 1 935 235
c 601 150 662 222 747 009 576 452 487 316

625 Filistin A 760 406 727 974 555

Palestine B 12 797 12 635 30 652 28 408 26 722
C 12 037 12 228 29 925 27 434 26 167
a 545 304 501 762 429
b 9 025 9 401 21 154 21 247 20 690
c 8 480 9 097 20 653 20 485 20 261

628 Ürdün A 20 244 38 153 13 154 15 352 32 338

Jordan B 329 408 389 524 464 140 509 910 597 903
C 309 164 351 371 450 987 494 558 565 565
a 14 156 28 321 9 319 11 597 25 289
b 229 464 288 648 321 661 389 305 460 738
c 215 308 260 327 312 341 377 708 435 449

632 Suudi Arabistan A 1 761 847 2 543 081 3 237 355 3 144 050 4 221 813
Saudi Arabia B 1 097 720 1 298 027 1 417 498 1 937 949 2 823 692
C - 664 127 -1 245 054 -1 819 857 - 1 206 101 -1 398 121
a 1 231 507 1 888 784 2 252 139 2 439 988 3 322 389
b 768 519 962 156 983 227 1 486 918 2 201 875
c - 462 989 - 926 628 -1 268 912 - 953 070 -1 120 513

636 Kuveyt A 36 808 56 048 81 665 116 598 103 608

Kuwait B 379 138 284 441 319 483 285 693 635 116
C 342 330 228 392 237 818 169 095 531 508
a 25 694 41 604 56 038 90 488 80 638
b 266 090 210 349 219 017 221 292 493 035
c 240 397 168 745 162 978 130 804 412 397

640 Bahreyn A 25 972 25 526 65 092 154 154 122 613

Bahrain B 78 090 56 592 50 923 99 109 386 929
C 52 118 31 066 - 14 169 - 55 045 264 316
a 18 101 18 929 44 852 119 423 95 516
b 54 416 41 915 35 303 76 651 308 223
c 36 315 22 987 -9 549 - 42 772 212 707

644 Katar A 25 280 68 684 97 358 38 938 208 784

Qatar B 50 831 110 993 495 785 585 271 1 335 656
C 25 552 42 309 398 427 546 332 1 126 872
a 17 727 50 725 66 411 29 643 159 353
b 35 026 82 045 342 147 449 963 1 074 013
c 17 299 31 320 275 736 420 320 914 660

647 Birleúik Arap Emirlikleri A 263 032 276 198 509 222 607 627 885 737
United Arab Emirates B 1 632 247 2 261 768 2 889 300 4 190 694 10 160 773
C 1 369 214 1 985 570 2 380 078 3 583 068 9 275 036
a 183 485 205 442 352 284 470 092 691 202
b 1 143 728 1 675 187 1 985 696 3 240 940 7 975 400
c 960 243 1 469 745 1 633 412 2 770 848 7 284 199

649 Umman A 1 987 5 226 2 951 32 569 13 602

Oman B 42 216 54 287 104 245 118 601 273 889
C 40 229 49 062 101 293 86 032 260 287
a 1 387 3 871 2 113 24 334 10 611
b 29 119 39 959 71 000 91 831 215 755
c 27 732 36 088 68 888 67 497 205 144

50 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 50
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

653 Yemen A 1 801 4 166 593 621 854

Yemen B 290 214 264 706 281 131 357 604 472 005
C 288 413 260 540 280 538 356 983 471 150
a 1 226 3 085 439 458 703
b 203 945 197 193 197 869 274 289 353 605
c 202 719 194 108 197 430 273 831 352 902

9- DøöER ASYA ÜLKELERø A 22 238 554 27 745 213 36 926 887 43 733 657 48 936 862
OTHER ASIAN COUNTRIES B 3 629 505 4 083 818 5 698 231 6 792 309 9 134 282
C -18 609 049 -23 661 395 -31 228 655 -36 941 348 -39 802 579
a 15 500 398 20 581 162 25 657 979 33 658 278 38 087 261
b 2 544 121 3 028 878 3 941 556 5 227 250 7 074 123
c -12 956 277 -17 552 284 -21 716 423 -28 431 028 -31 013 137

079 Kazakistan A 636 589 753 822 1 449 183 1 672 329 2 948 284
Kazakhstan B 511 288 620 532 1 006 833 1 406 512 1 150 880
C - 125 300 - 133 290 - 442 350 - 265 818 - 1 797 404
a 442 193 558 900 993 728 1 284 049 2 331 992
b 355 590 459 946 696 823 1 079 887 890 568
c - 86 603 - 98 954 - 296 905 - 204 162 - 1 441 424

080 Türkmenistan A 251 634 216 809 275 034 515 125 491 948
Turkmenistan B 306 574 243 098 409 411 441 298 871 776
C 54 940 26 289 134 377 - 73 827 379 828
a 175 795 160 744 189 924 396 723 389 305
b 214 848 180 635 281 325 339 989 662 933
c 39 053 19 891 91 401 - 56 734 273 627

081 Özbekistan A 255 172 352 229 603 382 797 646 730 834
Uzbekistan B 206 055 203 386 254 313 292 762 438 383
C - 49 117 - 148 843 - 349 070 - 504 885 - 292 451
a 178 671 261 466 415 841 613 810 580 810
b 145 226 151 071 175 995 225 612 337 130
c - 33 446 - 110 395 - 239 845 - 388 198 - 243 680

082 Tacikistan A 89 068 63 858 169 000 190 241 188 623
Tajikistan B 59 496 62 981 103 370 151 524 232 774
C - 29 572 - 877 - 65 630 - 38 717 44 151
a 62 818 47 309 118 395 143 352 147 727
b 41 637 46 717 71 787 118 107 176 448
c - 21 180 - 592 - 46 608 - 25 245 28 721

083 Krgzistan A 19 052 19 020 38 823 58 414 60 854

Kyrgyzstan B 106 748 120 698 190 802 235 199 250 752
C 87 696 101 678 151 978 176 785 189 898
a 13 384 14 113 27 455 45 020 47 974
b 74 702 89 529 132 172 181 311 191 351
c 61 318 75 417 104 717 136 291 143 376

626 Do÷u Timor A 6 - - - -

East Timor B - 443 416 - 28
C - 6 443 416 - 28
a 4 - - - -
b - 330 278 - 24
c - 4 330 278 - 24

660 Afganistan A 9 658 11 222 13 830 15 879 10 621

Afghanistan B 101 317 152 910 130 613 143 052 181 898
C 91 659 141 688 116 782 127 173 171 277
a 6 776 8 301 9 587 12 493 8 506
b 70 945 113 401 91 106 109 270 136 982
c 64 169 105 100 81 519 96 776 128 476

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

51 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

662 Pakistan A 343 567 424 739 547 427 693 682 761 032
Pakistan B 123 339 252 847 185 681 203 550 199 199
C - 220 228 - 171 892 - 361 746 - 490 132 - 561 833
a 240 720 315 463 379 642 531 618 586 235
b 86 400 187 554 129 598 157 038 155 065
c - 154 320 - 127 909 - 250 044 - 374 580 - 431 170

664 Hindistan A 1 498 869 1 725 926 2 270 346 2 998 156 3 144 798
India B 195 654 296 526 322 247 449 818 695 176
C -1 303 215 -1 429 400 -1 948 099 - 2 548 338 - 2 449 622
a 1 046 398 1 280 473 1 579 405 2 299 732 2 457 908
b 136 317 219 869 222 242 348 229 542 730
c - 910 081 -1 060 604 -1 357 163 - 1 951 503 - 1 915 179

666 Bangladeú A 121 039 134 942 244 123 318 240 586 012
Bangladesh B 47 906 121 874 133 900 82 209 93 015
C - 73 133 - 13 068 - 110 222 - 236 031 - 492 997
a 83 691 100 031 168 427 245 732 447 709
b 33 129 90 727 91 992 63 017 69 528
c - 50 562 - 9 304 - 76 435 - 182 715 - 378 180

667 Maldiv Adalar A 17 10 6 3 0

Maldives B 1 368 2 709 2 516 1 891 2 177
C 1 351 2 698 2 511 1 888 2 177
a 12 8 4 2 0
b 974 2 008 1 722 1 397 1 658
c 962 2 000 1 718 1 395 1 658

669 Sri Lanka A 30 961 30 783 49 693 69 736 121 058

Sri Lanka B 43 464 71 548 54 133 58 642 44 670
C 12 503 40 765 4 439 - 11 095 - 76 388
a 21 714 22 851 34 582 53 415 91 975
b 30 042 53 099 37 085 44 596 34 864
c 8 329 30 248 2 503 - 8 819 - 57 111

672 Nepal A 6 479 5 404 10 882 8 613 19 329

Nepal B 1 473 6 082 3 827 1 656 1 086
C -5 006 678 -7 055 - 6 956 - 18 243
a 4 532 4 006 7 489 6 579 14 412
b 1 027 4 502 2 682 1 246 843
c -3 505 496 -4 807 - 5 333 - 13 569

675 Bhutan A - - 18 - -
Bhutan B - - 11 12 319
C - - - 7 12 319
a - - 13 - -
b - - 7 9 264
c - - - 6 9 264

676 Myanmer (Birmanya) A 4 102 4 515 10 593 15 341 26 162

Myanmar B 466 2 893 900 809 927
C - 3 636 -1 622 - 9 693 - 14 532 - 25 236
a 2 889 3 348 7 162 11 801 19 563
b 323 2 104 624 603 751
c - 2 565 -1 243 - 6 538 - 11 198 - 18 812

680 Tayland (Siam) A 717 092 913 616 1 349 634 1 600 705 1 891 820
Thailand (Siam) B 175 387 69 531 88 296 81 517 130 691
C - 541 706 - 844 085 -1 261 337 - 1 519 188 - 1 761 129
a 500 504 677 783 936 761 1 229 444 1 473 405
b 123 616 51 475 61 486 63 021 100 300
c - 376 888 - 626 307 - 875 275 - 1 166 423 - 1 373 105

52 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 52
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

684 Laos A 649 731 884 931 885

Laos B 949 - 311 31 344
C 300 - 731 - 573 - 900 - 541
a 461 547 639 734 699
b 713 - 233 22 260
c 252 - 547 - 406 - 711 - 440

690 Vietnam A 115 273 148 116 271 474 409 582 567 512
Vietnam B 48 883 59 406 65 084 98 030 194 552
C - 66 390 - 88 711 - 206 390 - 311 551 - 372 960
a 80 311 110 208 189 207 312 680 443 118
b 33 839 44 003 45 392 76 720 153 908
c - 46 472 - 66 205 - 143 815 - 235 961 - 289 210

696 Kamboçya A 3 855 12 774 10 048 15 617 27 614

Cambodia B 2 558 2 705 6 456 6 878 6 870
C -1 296 - 10 069 -3 592 - 8 739 - 20 744
a 2 670 9 422 6 983 12 049 21 468
b 1 785 2 006 4 571 5 298 5 445
c - 885 -7 416 -2 412 - 6 752 - 16 023

700 Endonezya A 894 746 1 011 021 1 484 104 1 773 368 1 807 383
Indonesia B 77 593 108 919 122 531 227 899 361 023
C - 817 154 - 902 101 -1 361 573 - 1 545 468 - 1 446 360
a 623 420 750 238 1 031 303 1 359 928 1 408 895
b 54 119 80 797 84 949 173 736 284 426
c - 569 302 - 669 441 - 946 354 - 1 186 192 - 1 124 468

701 Malezya A 927 661 1 058 978 1 348 355 1 626 293 1 941 991
Malaysia B 74 796 77 120 86 777 106 636 127 163
C - 852 865 - 981 858 -1 261 578 - 1 519 657 - 1 814 828
a 646 747 785 562 934 227 1 253 030 1 512 361
b 52 453 57 250 59 929 82 810 98 224
c - 594 294 - 728 312 - 874 298 - 1 170 219 - 1 414 137

703 Brunei A 2 35 17 8 3
Brunei B 1 573 805 964 1 267 949
C 1 571 770 947 1 259 945
a 2 26 11 6 3
b 1 051 593 694 953 730
c 1 049 566 682 947 728

706 Singapur A 249 970 291 834 365 258 375 731 309 456
Singapore B 107 684 106 603 521 474 511 344 1 004 434
C - 142 286 - 185 231 156 216 135 614 694 979
a 174 741 216 747 254 221 284 602 241 255
b 76 022 78 755 357 281 389 772 793 092
c - 98 719 - 137 993 103 061 105 171 551 837

708 Filipinler A 159 485 158 352 186 924 253 355 184 944
Philippines B 51 986 41 046 62 631 52 825 126 243
C - 107 499 - 117 307 - 124 293 - 200 530 - 58 701
a 111 868 117 332 130 298 196 553 142 256
b 36 115 30 571 43 438 40 246 97 423
c - 75 753 - 86 761 - 86 860 - 156 307 - 44 834

716 Mo÷olistan A 874 322 1 352 413 1 309

Mongolia B 3 633 5 088 8 991 12 267 16 466
C 2 759 4 765 7 638 11 854 15 157
a 633 237 945 324 1 085
b 2 527 3 772 6 178 9 514 12 948
c 1 893 3 535 5 233 9 189 11 863

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

53 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

720 Çin A 6 431 048 9 285 559 13 919 109 17 178 616 20 154 179
China B 552 816 741 964 1 006 607 1 346 991 1 846 397
C -5 878 232 -8 543 595 -12 912 503 - 15 831 625 - 18 307 783
a 4 476 077 6 885 400 9 669 110 13 234 092 15 658 210
b 391 585 549 764 693 038 1 039 523 1 437 204
c -4 084 492 -6 335 636 -8 976 073 - 12 194 569 - 14 221 007

724 Kuzey Kore A 7 581 3 845 3 944 1 957 62 676

North Korea B 1 973 1 553 1 723 1 305 346
C -5 608 -2 293 -2 220 - 652 - 62 330
a 5 276 2 860 2 802 1 524 51 924
b 1 337 1 152 1 201 975 281
c -3 939 -1 708 -1 601 - 549 - 51 642

728 Güney Kore A 3 689 413 4 697 463 5 109 597 5 675 423 5 285 909
South Korea B 112 867 134 559 219 620 199 909 347 417
C -3 576 546 -4 562 905 -4 889 977 - 5 475 514 - 4 938 492
a 2 572 537 3 485 389 3 556 269 4 369 903 4 091 711
b 79 623 99 771 155 966 152 311 271 254
c -2 492 914 -3 385 618 -3 400 303 - 4 217 593 - 3 820 457

732 Japonya A 3 853 522 4 189 482 4 620 360 4 794 537 5 174 318
Japan B 272 996 315 369 378 397 322 481 439 050
C -3 580 526 -3 874 113 -4 241 963 - 4 472 056 - 4 735 268
a 2 684 287 3 109 218 3 216 725 3 703 442 4 026 764
b 190 117 234 227 263 084 246 910 330 462
c -2 494 170 -2 874 991 -2 953 641 - 3 456 531 - 3 696 303

736 Tayvan A 1 728 422 2 063 972 2 360 645 2 451 077 2 174 078
Taiwan B 230 822 104 595 114 971 120 404 124 943
C -1 497 600 -1 959 377 -2 245 674 - 2 330 672 - 2 049 135
a 1 206 365 1 530 266 1 649 209 1 884 289 1 683 904
b 162 542 77 586 80 030 94 701 97 448
c -1 043 822 -1 452 681 -1 569 179 - 1 789 588 - 1 586 456

740 Hong Kong A 183 680 162 242 205 210 213 260 247 356
Hong Kong B 206 784 155 406 213 676 232 881 243 822
C 23 104 - 6 836 8 466 19 621 - 3 534
a 128 516 120 309 142 305 164 134 193 273
b 144 769 115 192 148 113 179 903 189 188
c 16 253 - 5 117 5 808 15 770 - 4 085

743 Makao A 9 066 3 590 7 631 9 379 15 872

Macao B 1 057 623 751 709 511
C -8 009 - 2 968 - 6 880 - 8 670 - 15 361
a 6 387 2 606 5 309 7 218 12 812
b 748 472 534 524 391
c - 5 639 - 2 135 - 4 775 - 6 694 - 12 421

10- AVUSTRALYA VE YENø ZELANDA A 428 577 432 728 572 742 876 842 1 118 196
AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND B 379 136 364 822 474 913 446 700 561 997
C - 49 441 - 67 905 - 97 830 - 430 142 - 556 199
a 301 553 321 399 398 688 671 742 876 169
b 264 495 270 794 327 020 342 812 435 326
c - 37 058 - 50 605 - 71 668 - 328 930 - 440 843

800 Avustralya A 402 064 395 852 525 421 828 902 1 055 377
Australia B 324 907 306 523 420 082 380 749 472 998
C - 77 156 - 89 329 - 105 339 - 448 154 - 582 379
a 283 082 294 078 365 887 634 909 827 273
b 226 777 227 523 289 008 291 834 367 316
c - 56 305 - 66 555 - 76 879 - 343 075 - 459 957

54 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 54
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

804 Yeni Zelanda A 25 862 36 806 47 215 47 912 62 745

New Zealand B 50 202 57 881 54 831 65 903 82 158
C 24 340 21 075 7 616 17 990 19 413
a 18 001 27 270 32 728 36 812 48 843
b 34 889 42 961 38 012 50 942 63 655
c 16 888 15 691 5 284 14 130 14 811

833 Cocos Adalar A - 1 6 13 -

Cocos Islands B - - - - -
C - - 1 - 6 - 13 -
a - 0 4 10 -
b - - - - -
c - 0 - 4 - 10 -

834 Christmas Adalar A 373 15 - - 0

Christmas Islands B 244 22 - - -
C - 129 7 - - 0
a 267 12 - - 0
b 172 17 - - -
c - 95 5 - - 0

835 Heard ve Mcdonald Adalar A - - - - -

Heard and Mcdonald Islands B 23 2 - - -
C 23 2 - - -
a - - - - -
b 17 1 - - -
c 17 1 - - -

836 Norfolk Adlar A - 0 - - 25

Norfolk Islands B - - - 29 -
C - 0 - 29 - 25
a - 0 - - 16
b - - - 21 -
c - 0 - 21 - 16

837 Cook Adalar A 274 53 - - -

Cook Islands B 3 760 394 - 20 6 841
C 3 486 341 - 20 6 841
a 200 38 - - -
b 2 641 292 - 15 4 355
c 2 441 254 - 15 4 355

838 Niue Adas A - 0 56 9 43

Niue Islands B - - - - -
C - 0 - 56 - 9 - 43
a - 0 40 7 31
b - - - - -
c - 0 - 40 - 7 - 31

839 Tokelau Adalar A 5 - 45 6 6

Tokelau Islands B - - - - -
C - 5 - - 45 - 6 - 6
a 3 - 29 4 5
b - - - - -
c - 3 - - 29 - 4 - 5

11- DøöER ÜLKELER A 96 001 213 824 151 054 87 550 58 302
OTHER COUNTRIES B 120 415 280 087 272 390 1 089 789 1 829 564
C 24 414 66 263 121 336 1 002 239 1 771 262
a 66 810 158 360 105 221 66 122 44 746
b 84 026 207 536 192 474 856 524 1 409 938
c 17 216 49 176 87 253 790 402 1 365 192

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

55 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

801 Papua Yeni Gine A 0 9 - 61

Papua New Guinea B 889 1 014 1 239 1 779 2 217
C 889 1 005 1 239 1 718 2 217
a 0 6 - 45
b 619 756 870 1 343 1 618
c 619 750 870 1 298 1 618

803 Nauru A 6 11 51 19 1
Nauru B - - - -
C - 6 - 11 - 51 - 19 - 1
a 4 8 32 16 1
b - - - -
c - 4 - 8 - 32 - 16 - 1

806 Solomon Adalar A 1 0 - -

Solomon Islands B 73 38 94 77 123
C 72 38 94 77 123
a 1 0 - -
b 51 28 67 58 103
c 51 28 67 58 103

807 Tavalu A - - - -
Tuvalu B - - 52 133 206
C - - 52 133 206
a - - - -
b - - 35 100 159
c - - 35 100 159

809 Yeni Kaledonya A - - 29 17 10

New Caledonia B 1 656 1 129 1 461 2 117 2 483
C 1 656 1 129 1 432 2 100 2 474
a - - 22 13 8
b 1 154 832 1 004 1 600 1 864
c 1 154 832 983 1 588 1 856

810 Amerikan Okyanusyas A - - - 2 -

Amerikan Oceania B - - - - -
C - - - - 2 -
a - - - 1 -
b - - - - -
c - - - - 1 -

811 Wallis ve Futuna Adalar A - - - 68 -

Wallis and Futuna Islands B - - - 15 -
C - - - - 53 -
a - - - 52 -
b - - - 12 -
c - - - - 39 -

812 Kiribati A - - - - 0
Kiribati B - - - - 29
C - - - - 29
a - - - - 0
b - - - - 21
c - - - - 21

815 Fiji A - 23 1 - 2
Fiji B 358 564 400 308 351
C 358 541 399 308 350
a - 18 1 - 1
b 253 418 271 237 282
c 253 400 271 237 280

56 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 56
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

816 Vanuatu A - 26 703 - -

Vanuatu B 145 313 237 609 2 122
C 145 - 26 391 237 609 2 122
a - 19 787 - -
b 97 233 169 485 1 668
c 97 - 19 555 169 485 1 668

817 Tonga A 472 - - -

Tonga B 12 5 4 4 109
C - 460 5 4 4 109
a 340 - - -
b 8 4 2 3 90
c - 332 4 2 3 90

819 Samoa A 55 - 1 - 0
Samoa B 422 11 - 11 18
C 367 11 - 1 11 18
a 37 - 0 - 0
b 282 8 - 9 12
c 245 8 0 9 12

820 Kuzey Marina Adalar A 22 27 16 181 372

Northern Mariana Islands B 28 1 013 123 2 327 3 763
C 6 986 107 2 146 3 391
a 15 20 12 152 293
b 19 759 79 1 803 3 071
c 4 740 68 1 651 2 779

822 Fransz Polinezyas A 15 - - 3

French Polynesia B 631 577 446 511 708
C 616 577 446 508 708
a 10 - - 2
b 436 426 306 400 554
c 426 426 306 398 554

824 Marshall Adalar A - 727 365 5 441 0

Marshall Islands B 83 677 159 345 139 830 264 276 368 842
C 83 677 158 618 139 464 258 835 368 842
a - 538 251 3 988 0
b 58 328 117 972 100 359 214 984 274 641
c 58 328 117 434 100 108 210 996 274 641

825 Palau A 1 1 2 0 -
Palau B 2 48 451 - -
C 1 47 449 0 -
a 1 0 1 0 -
b 1 35 302 - -
c 1 35 301 0 -

830 Amerikan Samoa A 6 125 54 67 812

American Samoa B 5 300 49 10 62 4
C 5 294 - 75 - 44 - 5 - 807
a 4 95 35 50 646
b 3 760 38 6 49 4
c 3 756 - 58 - 29 - 1 - 643

831 Guam A - - - -
Guam B 562 445 264 273 158
C 562 445 264 273 158
a - - - -
b 394 331 176 210 126
c 394 331 176 210 126

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

57 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

832 ABD Küçük Out Adalar A 2 834 635 8 159 75 16

United States Minor Outlying Islands B 95 174 180 128 134
C - 2 739 - 461 - 7 979 52 118
a 2 113 471 5 525 56 11
b 65 128 126 95 112
c - 2 048 - 343 - 5 399 39 101

891 Antartika A - 5 195 1 -

Antarctica B 4 - - - -
C 4 - 5 - 195 - 1 -
a - 4 131 1 -
b 3 - - - -
c 3 - 4 - 131 - 1 -

893 St. George ve Sand. Adalar A 88 3 571 1 138

St. George and Sand. Islands B 261 - 1 - 15
C 173 - 3 - 570 - 1 - 123
a 60 2 386 1 115
b 181 - 1 - 11
c 121 - 2 - 385 - 1 - 104

894 Fransa Güney Bölgesi A - 21 143 5 23

French South Territories B - - 665 2 693 4 867
C - - 21 143 661 2 670 4 867
a - 15 610 4 19
b - - 467 2 086 3 858
c - - 15 610 464 2 067 3 858

958 Kesinleúmemiú Ülke ve Bölgeler A 92 500 164 413 141 606 81 592 56 951
Countries and Territories not Determined B 26 300 115 362 126 932 814 466 1 443 414
C - 66 200 - 49 051 - 14 674 732 874 1 386 463
a 64 225 121 801 98 821 61 726 43 670
b 18 373 85 569 88 232 633 047 1 121 746
c - 45 852 - 36 232 - 10 589 571 321 1 078 075

12- TÜRKøYE SERBEST BÖLGELERø VE A 1 160 206 1 024 658 1 362 193 1 596 489 1 700 600
SINIR TøCARETLERø MERKEZLERø B 3 656 440 4 007 173 4 273 686 3 836 806 3 878 257
TURKEY FREE ZONES AND C 2 496 235 2 982 515 2 911 493 2 239 980 2 177 657
BORDER TRADE CENTERS a 811 460 760 060 944 142 1 223 729 1 334 250
b 2 563 637 2 973 224 2 967 219 2 943 161 3 014 685
c 1 752 177 2 213 164 2 023 077 1 719 147 1 680 435

960 Antalya Serbest Bölge A 24 325 21 787 20 841 28 146 26 183

Antalya Free Zone B 77 607 76 008 90 465 123 102 191 377
C 53 283 54 221 69 624 94 957 165 194
a 16 920 15 942 14 167 21 576 19 947
b 54 150 56 443 62 272 95 324 149 010
c 37 230 40 500 48 105 73 748 129 062

961 Atatürk Hava Liman Serbest Bölge A 357 488 255 663 188 269 193 276 119 357
A.H.L. Free Zone B 733 178 649 314 505 082 587 194 505 867
C 375 690 393 650 316 813 393 918 386 511
a 248 641 189 662 130 286 148 308 91 558
b 512 664 481 830 352 114 451 055 389 861
c 264 023 292 169 221 827 302 747 298 304

962 østanbul Deri Serbest Bölge A 63 587 54 370 55 751 62 767 68 456
Istanbul Leather Free Zone B 848 718 884 770 947 004 478 784 487 549
C 785 130 830 400 891 253 416 017 419 093
a 44 301 40 305 38 594 48 323 53 460
b 594 664 655 923 656 521 369 084 376 700
c 550 363 615 618 617 927 320 761 323 240

58 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 58
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

963 Ege Serbest Bölge A 262 139 260 660 467 895 462 329 325 253
Aegean Free Zone B 552 502 544 447 566 776 579 234 583 853
C 290 363 283 786 98 880 116 904 258 601
a 183 650 193 497 325 111 351 323 259 226
b 388 145 404 206 394 580 444 188 453 445
c 204 495 210 709 69 470 92 864 194 219

966 Mersin Serbest Bölge A 111 120 58 141 80 202 82 609 127 651
Mersin Free Zone B 272 723 253 806 301 422 372 881 378 603
C 161 603 195 666 221 220 290 271 250 952
a 77 832 43 139 55 575 62 860 100 203
b 191 462 188 281 209 318 288 697 294 843
c 113 630 145 142 153 742 225 837 194 640

967 Trakya Serbest Bölge A 30 950 22 734 25 812 42 836 43 327

Trakya Free Zone B 333 791 456 134 524 433 354 822 255 249
C 302 840 433 401 498 621 311 986 211 922
a 21 328 16 835 17 905 33 367 34 059
b 233 387 338 883 363 804 269 325 198 135
c 212 059 322 047 345 899 235 958 164 076

968 Trabzon Serbest Bölge A - - 79 - 391

Trabzon Free Zone B 6 330 7 421 7 875 21 030 29 361
C 6 330 7 421 7 796 21 030 28 970
a - - 56 - 257
b 4 430 5 517 5 479 16 393 22 987
c 4 430 5 517 5 424 16 393 22 730

969 Mardin Serbest Bölge A 3 722 143 82 - -

Mardin Free Zone B 2 087 704 352 - 1
C -1 636 561 271 - 1
a 2 745 108 53 - -
b 1 510 527 257 - 1
c -1 235 418 204 - 1

971 Menemen Deri Serbest Bölge A 81 536 74 598 121 318 142 015 135 162
Menemen Leather Free Zone B 64 320 55 072 64 342 59 354 61 787
C - 17 216 - 19 526 - 56 976 - 82 661 - 73 375
a 56 843 55 402 84 310 108 481 105 699
b 45 300 40 884 44 810 45 259 48 451
c - 11 543 - 14 518 - 39 500 - 63 223 - 57 249

972 Yumurtalk Serbest Bölge A 30 475 39 066 29 328 44 314 69 712

Yumurtalk Free Zone B 5 361 3 200 2 503 17 383 34 392
C - 25 115 - 35 866 - 26 825 - 26 932 - 35 320
a 21 487 28 952 20 336 34 674 55 146
b 3 751 2 374 1 732 13 621 27 034
c - 17 736 - 26 578 - 18 605 - 21 053 - 28 112

973 Rize Serbest Bölge A - 6 16 - 70

Rize Free Zone B 5 466 6 600 4 943 6 714 3 332
C 5 466 6 595 4 926 6 714 3 262
a - 4 11 - 46
b 3 863 4 882 3 434 5 206 2 585
c 3 863 4 878 3 422 5 206 2 539

974 Samsun Serbest Bölge A 53 839 34 324 36 917 57 465 229 755
Samsun Free Zone B 14 246 27 745 29 999 46 037 203 410
C - 39 593 -6 579 -6 918 - 11 428 - 26 345
a 39 012 25 575 25 177 43 177 186 604
b 10 439 20 456 20 496 34 597 164 192
c - 28 573 -5 119 -4 681 - 8 579 - 22 412

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

59 TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 9 Ülkelere göre dú ticaret dengesi, 2004 - 2008 (devam)

Balance of foreign trade by countries, 2004 - 2008 (continued)

A. øthalat - Imports (000 YTL/TRY) B. øhracat - Exports (000 YTL/TRY) C. Fark - Difference (000 YTL/TRY)
a. øthalat - Imports (000 $) b. øhracat - Exports (000 $) c. Fark - Difference (000 $)
Ülke - Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

975 Kayseri Serbest Bölge A 58 038 72 435 119 100 139 717 142 163
Kayseri Free Zone B 39 759 65 745 135 533 136 318 133 993
C - 18 280 -6 689 16 432 - 3 399 - 8 170
a 40 673 53 727 82 492 106 651 110 043
b 27 852 48 690 93 582 103 496 103 506
c - 12 820 -5 037 11 091 - 3 155 - 6 536

976 Avrupa (Çorlu) Serbest Bölge A 38 857 59 857 89 042 123 087 125 870
Europe (Çorlu) Free Zone B 304 767 427 490 476 687 451 543 422 942
C 265 909 367 634 387 645 328 456 297 071
a 27 284 44 388 61 955 94 932 97 839
b 214 471 317 239 329 744 346 297 328 853
c 187 187 272 851 267 789 251 365 231 014

978 Gaziantep Serbest Bölge A 10 179 9 080 3 481 792 242

Gaziantep Free Zone B 26 420 21 801 16 930 12 700 10 563
C 16 241 12 721 13 448 11 908 10 321
a 7 064 6 746 2 538 616 189
b 18 516 16 182 12 023 9 720 8 162
c 11 451 9 435 9 486 9 104 7 973

979 Bursa Serbest Bölge A 19 948 47 405 100 951 125 677 139 997
Bursa Free Zone B 248 436 342 923 382 798 394 431 401 926
C 228 488 295 517 281 847 268 754 261 929
a 13 955 35 138 69 675 96 939 109 762
b 174 905 254 464 265 529 302 299 312 117
c 160 950 219 326 195 854 205 360 202 355

980 Tubitak Serbest Bölge A 4 565 3 233 1 440 3 070 4 377

Tubitak Free Zone B 531 3 238 5 865 10 752 10 189
C - 4 034 5 4 426 7 683 5 812
a 3 232 2 379 969 2 415 3 490
b 379 2 397 4 075 8 322 7 515
c - 2 853 18 3 106 5 906 4 026

981 Kocaeli Serbest Bölge A 8 755 9 218 18 324 86 237 140 165
Kocaeli Free Zone B 39 748 85 630 184 067 158 868 146 185
C 30 993 76 413 165 743 72 631 6 020
a 6 015 6 815 12 584 68 468 104 858
b 27 905 63 395 128 613 120 793 113 241
c 21 891 56 580 116 029 52 326 8 383

982 Denizli Serbest Bölge A 682 1 940 3 347 2 151 2 468

Denizli Free Zone B 80 453 95 125 26 611 25 321 9 421
C 79 771 93 185 23 265 23 170 6 953
a 478 1 446 2 348 1 620 1 864
b 55 844 70 652 18 836 19 202 7 423
c 55 366 69 206 16 488 17 583 5 559

991 Esendere Snr Ticaret Merkezi A - - - - -

Esendere Border Trade Center B - - - 337 -
C - - - - -
a - - - - -
b - - - 285 -
c - - - - -

992 øran Kapköy STM A - - - - 0

Iran Kapıköy Border Trade Center B - - - - 189
C - - - - 189
a - - - - 0
b - - - - 123
c - - - - 123

993 Sarısu Serberst Ticaret A - - - - 0

Sarısu Free Trade Zone B - - - - 8 068
C - - - - 8 068
a - - - - 0
b - - - - 6 501
c - - - - 6 501

60 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 10 En çok ithalat ve ihracat yaplan 50 ülke, 2008

First 50 countries by exports and imports, 2008
øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports
Ülkeler-Countries (000 $) (%) Ülkeler-Countries (000 $) (%)
Toplam - Total 201 963 574 100.0 Toplam - Total 132 027 196 100.0

Rusya Fed.- Russia Fed. 31 364 477 15.5 Almanya - Germany 12 951 755 9.8
Almanya - Germany 18 687 197 9.3 øngiltere - United Kingdom 8 158 669 6.2
Çin - China 15 658 210 7.8 BAE - UAE 7 975 400 6.0
A. B. D. - U.S.A 11 975 929 5.9 øtalya - Italy 7 818 988 5.9
øtalya - Italy 11 011 526 5.5 Fransa - France 6 617 511 5.0
Fransa-France 9 022 015 4.5 Rusya Fed - Russia Fed 6 483 004 4.9
øran - Iran 8 199 689 4.1 A B D - USA 4 299 941 3.3
Ukrayna - Ukraine 6 106 325 3.0 øspanya - Spain 4 047 267 3.1
øsviçre - Switzerland 5 588 439 2.8 Romanya - Romania 3 987 476 3.0
øngiltere - United Kingdom 5 324 034 2.6 Irak - Iraq 3 916 685 3.0
øspanya - Spain 4 548 182 2.3 Hollanda - Netherlands 3 143 835 2.4
Güney Kore - South Korea 4 091 711 2.0 øsviçre - Switzerland 2 856 787 2.2
Japonya - Japan 4 026 764 2.0 Yunanistan - Greece 2 429 968 1.8
Romanya - Romania 3 547 820 1.8 Suudi Arabistan - Saudi Arabia 2 201 875 1.7
Suudi Arabistan - Saudi Arabia 3 322 389 1.6 Ukrayna - Ukraine 2 187 675 1.7
Cezayir - Algeria 3 262 176 1.6 Bulgaristan - Bulgaria 2 151 534 1.6
Belçika-Belgium 3 150 747 1.6 Belçika - Belgium 2 122 434 1.6
Hollanda - Netherlands 3 056 340 1.5 øran - Iran 2 029 760 1.5
Hindistan - India 2 457 908 1.2 øsrail - Israel 1 935 235 1.5
Kazakistan - Kazakhstan 2 331 992 1.2 Azerbaycan - Azerbaijan 1 667 469 1.3
Polonya - Poland 1 977 852 1.0 Cezayir - Algeria 1 613 644 1.2
øsveç - Sweden 1 908 963 0.9 Polonya - Poland 1 586 772 1.2
Bulgaristan - Bulgaria 1 840 008 0.9 Çin - China 1 437 204 1.1
Tayvan - Taiwan 1 683 904 0.8 Msr - Egypt 1 426 450 1.1
Avusturya - Austria 1 525 522 0.8 Güney Afrika - South Africa 1 238 632 0.9
Malezya - Malaysia 1 512 361 0.7 Suriye - Syria 1 115 013 0.8
Güney Afrika - South Africa 1 502 492 0.7 Libya - Libya 1 074 288 0.8
Tayland - Thailand 1 473 405 0.7 Katar - Qatar 1 074 013 0.8
øsrail - Israel 1 447 919 0.7 KKTC - Turkish R of Northern Cyprus 1 072 015 0.8
Kanada - Canada 1 428 000 0.7 Gürcistan - Georgia 997 844 0.8
Brezilya - Brazil 1 423 868 0.7 Avusturya - Austria 990 956 0.8
Endonezya - Indonesia 1 408 895 0.7 Fas - Morocco 957 769 0.8
Irak - Iraq 1 320 923 0.7 Malta - Malta 956 354 0.7
Çek Cumh - Czech Rep 1 303 955 0.6 Danimarka - Denmark 953 437 0.7
Macaristan - Hungary 1 286 114 0.6 øsveç - Sweden 918 787 0.7
Finlandiya - Finland 1 180 799 0.6 Kazakistan - Kazakhstan 890 568 0.7
Yunanistan - Greece 1 150 715 0.6 Singapur - Singapore 793 092 0.7
ørlanda - Ireland 973 193 0.5 Tunus - Tunisia 778 098 0.6
Msr - Egypt 942 817 0.5 Çek Cumh - Czech Rep 700 824 0.6
Azerbaycan - Azerbaijan 928 421 0.5 Macaristan - Hungary 684 088 0.5
Slovak Cumh - Rep of Slovakia 903 830 0.4 Lübnan - Lebanon 665 055 0.5
Danimarka - Denmark 902 014 0.4 ørlanda - Ireland 663 903 0.5
Avustralya - Australia 827 273 0.4 Türkmenistan - Turkmenistan 662 933 0.5
Arjantin - Argentina 789 811 0.4 Slovenya - Slovenia 648 705 0.5
BAE - UAE 691 202 0.3 Bosna Hersek - Bosnia Herzegovina 572 349 0.5
Suriye - Syria 639 213 0.3 Hindistan - India 542 730 0.4
Norveç - Norway 622 659 0.3 Portekiz - Portugal 540 744 0.4
Pakistan - Pakistan 586 235 0.3 Kanada - Canada 501 428 0.4
Özbekistan - Uzbekistan 580 810 0.3 Kuveyt - Kuwait 493 035 0.4
Gürcistan - Georgia 525 041 0.3 Ürdün - Jordan 460 738 0.4
Di÷erleri - Other 9 941 490 4.9 Di÷erleri - Other 16 032 460 0.3

61 61
TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.3 Aylara göre ihracat ve ithalat, 2008

Exports and imports by months, 2008
(Milyar$ - Billion $)

20 İthalat-Imports
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Veri için Tablo 1.11'e bakınız
For data, see Table 1.11

1. 4 Aylara göre ihracatın ithalatı karşılama oranı, 2008

Ratio of exports to imports by months, 2008







01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Veri için Tablo 1.11' bakınız
For data, see Table 1.11

62 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008 62

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.11 Aylara göre dú ticaret göstergeleri, 2004 - 2008

Foreign trade indicators by months, 2004 - 2008

Karúlama oran
Ay Dú ticaret dengesi Dú ticaret hacmi
øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports Proportion imports
Months Balance of foreign trade Volume of foreign trade
covered by exports

(000 YTL/TRY) (000 $ ) (000 YTL/TRY) (000 $ ) (000 YTL/TRY) (000 $ ) (000 YTL/TRY) (000 $ ) (%)
01 8 575 390 6 329 957 6 217 715 4 619 661 -2 357 675 -1 710 296 14 793 104 10 949 618 73.0
02 8 168 727 6 139 442 4 852 702 3 664 503 -3 316 024 -2 474 939 13 021 429 9 803 945 59.7
03 11 185 305 8 451 888 6 905 953 5 218 042 -4 279 352 -3 233 846 18 091 258 13 669 930 61.7
04 10 723 242 7 932 034 6 873 796 5 072 463 -3 849 446 -2 859 571 17 597 038 13 004 497 63.9
05 12 003 731 7 990 553 7 755 247 5 170 062 -4 248 484 -2 820 492 19 758 977 13 160 615 64.7
06 12 671 168 8 467 765 7 913 126 5 284 383 -4 758 042 -3 183 382 20 584 294 13 752 148 62.4
07 12 698 256 8 728 466 8 210 632 5 632 139 -4 487 624 -3 096 327 20 908 888 14 360 605 64.5
08 11 589 935 7 883 362 6 943 477 4 707 491 -4 646 458 -3 175 870 18 533 412 12 590 853 59.7
09 12 761 098 8 486 552 8 508 771 5 656 284 -4 252 327 -2 830 268 21 269 869 14 142 835 66.6
10 12 076 686 8 087 592 8 715 199 5 867 342 -3 361 487 -2 220 250 20 791 885 13 954 934 72.5
11 12 480 246 8 568 140 8 296 093 5 733 909 -4 184 153 -2 834 231 20 776 339 14 302 049 66.9
12 14 742 932 10 474 016 9 134 745 6 540 874 -5 608 187 -3 933 141 23 877 677 17 014 890 62.4
01 9 812 593 7 219 680 6 791 014 4 997 280 -3 021 580 -2 222 400 16 603 607 12 216 960 69.2
02 10 998 600 8 323 737 7 449 079 5 651 741 -3 549 520 -2 671 996 18 447 679 13 975 478 67.9
03 13 302 964 10 196 353 8 638 661 6 591 859 -4 664 303 -3 604 494 21 941 624 16 788 212 64.6
04 13 036 202 9 595 500 8 333 848 6 128 132 -4 702 354 -3 467 368 21 370 051 15 723 632 63.9
05 13 450 174 9 811 620 8 198 284 5 977 226 -5 251 891 -3 834 394 21 648 458 15 788 847 60.9
06 13 565 708 9 947 499 8 223 321 6 038 534 -5 342 387 -3 908 965 21 789 029 15 986 033 60.7
07 12 854 017 9 596 123 7 721 229 5 763 466 -5 132 788 -3 832 657 20 575 246 15 359 589 60.1
08 13 789 131 10 272 181 7 463 949 5 552 867 -6 325 182 -4 719 314 21 253 080 15 825 049 54.1
09 13 907 773 10 365 939 9 139 263 6 814 269 -4 768 510 -3 551 670 23 047 036 17 180 208 65.7
10 13 709 734 10 089 812 9 194 578 6 772 179 -4 515 155 -3 317 633 22 904 312 16 861 990 67.1
11 13 161 425 9 673 129 8 082 260 5 942 576 -5 079 166 -3 730 553 21 243 685 15 615 705 61.4
12 15 792 640 11 682 578 9 803 608 7 246 279 -5 989 032 -4 436 299 25 596 248 18 928 856 62.0
01 10 886 143 8 145 535 6 852 361 5 133 049 -4 033 782 -3 012 486 17 738 504 13 278 584 63.0
02 13 002 336 9 796 220 8 040 295 6 058 251 -4 962 041 -3 737 969 21 042 631 15 854 472 61.8
03 15 498 643 11 605 026 9 890 484 7 411 102 -5 608 159 -4 193 924 25 389 126 19 016 128 63.9
04 15 533 516 11 587 102 8 636 489 6 456 090 -6 897 027 -5 131 012 24 170 005 18 043 192 55.7
05 17 848 716 12 694 202 9 976 544 7 041 543 -7 872 172 -5 652 658 27 825 260 19 735 745 55.5
06 19 816 117 12 465 725 12 473 103 7 815 435 -7 343 013 -4 650 290 32 289 220 20 281 160 62.7
07 18 352 593 11 709 384 11 037 294 7 067 411 -7 315 299 -4 641 973 29 389 887 18 776 796 60.4
08 18 069 730 12 276 088 10 029 934 6 811 202 -8 039 795 -5 464 885 28 099 664 19 087 290 55.5
09 17 962 771 12 152 979 11 246 826 7 606 551 -6 715 946 -4 546 428 29 209 597 19 759 530 62.6
10 16 617 806 11 199 557 10 221 241 6 888 813 -6 396 565 -4 310 744 26 839 047 18 088 369 61.5
11 18 778 932 12 896 575 12 597 578 8 641 475 -6 181 354 -4 255 100 31 376 510 21 538 049 67.0
12 18 710 534 13 047 783 12 339 722 8 603 753 -6 370 812 -4 444 029 31 050 256 21 651 536 65.9
01 15 123 442 10 591 886 9 360 833 6 564 560 -5 762 609 -4 027 326 24 484 274 17 156 446 62.0
02 15 931 513 11 383 178 10 701 451 7 656 952 -5 230 062 -3 726 226 26 632 964 19 040 130 67.3
03 18 670 523 13 234 192 12 609 290 8 957 852 -6 061 233 -4 276 341 31 279 813 22 192 044 67.7
04 17 651 331 12 919 281 11 313 572 8 313 312 -6 337 759 -4 605 969 28 964 904 21 232 593 64.3
05 19 991 389 14 935 155 12 235 130 9 147 620 -7 756 259 -5 787 535 32 226 520 24 082 775 61.2
06 18 904 637 14 265 947 11 870 414 8 980 247 -7 034 223 -5 285 699 30 775 050 23 246 194 62.9
07 19 520 662 15 214 034 11 451 462 8 937 742 -8 069 200 -6 276 292 30 972 124 24 151 775 58.7
08 19 234 928 14 681 668 11 509 470 8 736 689 -7 725 458 -5 944 979 30 744 398 23 418 357 59.5
09 18 399 512 14 459 084 11 438 902 9 038 744 -6 960 610 -5 420 340 29 838 415 23 497 828 62.5
10 18 788 360 15 626 532 11 907 602 9 895 217 -6 880 759 -5 731 316 30 695 962 25 521 749 63.3
11 19 791 808 16 631 883 13 475 212 11 318 798 -6 316 596 -5 313 085 33 267 019 27 950 681 68.1
12 19 020 664 16 119 874 11 466 860 9 724 018 -7 553 805 -6 395 856 30 487 524 25 843 892 60.3
01 19 138 497 16 338 589 12 515 573 10 632 207 -6 622 924 -5 706 382 31 654 070 26 970 796 65.1
02 19 122 731 16 026 521 13 225 592 11 077 899 -5 897 139 -4 948 622 32 348 323 27 104 420 69.1
03 20 702 857 16 812 088 14 133 400 11 428 587 -6 569 457 -5 383 501 34 836 257 28 240 676 68.0
04 23 278 558 17 889 470 14 801 306 11 363 964 -8 477 252 -6 525 506 38 079 864 29 253 433 63.5
05 24 255 147 19 306 133 15 618 750 12 477 969 -8 636 398 -6 828 164 39 873 897 31 784 102 64.6
06 24 097 238 19 476 568 14 514 859 11 770 634 -9 582 379 -7 705 934 38 612 098 31 247 202 60.4
07 25 022 349 20 557 428 15 314 936 12 595 427 -9 707 413 -7 962 001 40 337 285 33 152 855 61.3
08 22 721 777 19 251 335 13 041 774 11 046 830 -9 680 004 -8 204 505 35 763 551 30 298 165 57.4
09 22 060 329 17 884 562 15 832 370 12 793 148 -6 227 959 -5 091 414 37 892 698 30 677 710 71.5
10 21 410 911 14 942 454 14 565 545 9 722 709 -6 845 367 -5 219 746 35 976 456 24 665 163 65.1
11 19 181 735 12 073 505 14 992 479 9 395 873 -4 189 256 -2 677 632 34 174 214 21 469 378 77.8
12 17 699 076 11 404 921 11 956 486 7 721 949 -5 742 590 -3 682 972 29 655 562 19 126 870 67.7

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.12 Aylara göre kümülatif dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008

Foreign trade cumulatives by months, 2004 - 2008

Dú ticaret dengesi Dú ticaret hacmi

Ay - Months øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports
Balance of foreign trade Volume of foreign trade

(000 YTL/TRY) (000 $ ) (000 YTL/TRY) (000 $ ) (000 YTL/TRY) (000 $ ) (000 YTL/TRY) (000 $ )
01 8 575 390 6 329 957 6 217 715 4 619 661 - 2 357 675 - 1 710 296 14 793 104 10 949 618
01 -02 16 744 116 12 469 399 11 070 417 8 284 164 - 5 673 699 - 4 185 235 27 814 533 20 753 563
01 - 03 27 929 422 20 921 287 17 976 370 13 502 206 - 9 953 051 - 7 419 080 45 905 792 34 423 493
01 - 04 38 652 663 28 853 321 24 850 166 18 574 669 - 13 802 497 - 10 278 652 63 502 830 47 427 990
01 - 05 50 656 394 36 843 874 32 605 413 23 744 731 - 18 050 982 - 13 099 143 83 261 807 60 588 605
01 - 06 63 327 563 45 311 639 40 518 539 29 029 114 - 22 809 024 - 16 282 525 103 846 101 74 340 753
01 - 07 76 025 819 54 040 105 48 729 171 34 661 253 - 27 296 648 - 19 378 852 124 754 989 88 701 358
01 - 08 87 615 754 61 923 467 55 672 648 39 368 744 - 31 943 106 - 22 554 723 143 288 401 101 292 211
01 - 09 100 376 852 70 410 019 64 181 418 45 025 028 - 36 195 433 - 25 384 991 164 558 270 115 435 046
01 - 10 112 453 537 78 497 611 72 896 618 50 892 370 - 39 556 920 - 27 605 241 185 350 155 129 389 980
01 - 11 124 933 783 87 065 750 81 192 711 56 626 279 - 43 741 072 - 30 439 472 206 126 494 143 692 029
01 - 12 139 676 715 97 539 766 90 327 456 63 167 153 - 49 349 259 - 34 372 613 230 004 171 160 706 919
01 9 812 593 7 219 680 6 791 014 4 997 280 - 3 021 580 - 2 222 400 16 603 607 12 216 960
01 -02 20 811 193 15 543 417 14 240 093 10 649 021 - 6 571 100 - 4 894 396 35 051 286 26 192 438
01 - 03 34 114 157 25 739 770 22 878 754 17 240 880 - 11 235 403 - 8 498 889 56 992 910 42 980 650
01 - 04 47 150 359 35 335 270 31 212 602 23 369 012 - 15 937 757 - 11 966 258 78 362 961 58 704 282
01 - 05 60 600 533 45 146 890 39 410 886 29 346 238 - 21 189 648 - 15 800 652 100 011 419 74 493 129
01 - 06 74 166 241 55 094 389 47 634 207 35 384 773 - 26 532 034 - 19 709 617 121 800 448 90 479 162
01 - 07 87 020 258 64 690 512 55 355 436 41 148 239 - 31 664 822 - 23 542 273 142 375 694 105 838 751
01 - 08 100 809 389 74 962 694 62 819 385 46 701 106 - 37 990 004 - 28 261 588 163 628 774 121 663 800
01 - 09 114 717 162 85 328 633 71 958 648 53 515 375 - 42 758 514 - 31 813 258 186 675 810 138 844 008
01 - 10 128 426 895 95 418 444 81 153 226 60 287 554 - 47 273 669 - 35 130 891 209 580 122 155 705 998
01 - 11 141 588 321 105 091 573 89 235 486 66 230 130 - 52 352 835 - 38 861 444 230 823 807 171 321 703
01 - 12 157 380 961 116 774 151 99 039 094 73 476 408 - 58 341 867 - 43 297 743 256 420 055 190 250 559
01 10 886 143 8 145 535 6 852 361 5 133 049 - 4 033 782 - 3 012 486 17 738 504 13 278 584
01 -02 23 888 479 17 941 755 14 892 656 11 191 300 - 8 995 823 - 6 750 455 38 781 135 29 133 055
01 - 03 39 387 122 29 546 781 24 783 140 18 602 402 - 14 603 982 - 10 944 379 64 170 261 48 149 183
01 - 04 54 920 638 41 133 883 33 419 629 25 058 492 - 21 501 009 - 16 075 391 88 340 267 66 192 375
01 - 05 72 769 354 53 828 085 43 396 173 32 100 035 - 29 373 181 - 21 728 049 116 165 527 85 928 120
01 - 06 92 585 471 66 293 810 55 869 277 39 915 470 - 36 716 194 - 26 378 340 148 454 747 106 209 280
01 - 07 110 938 064 78 003 194 66 906 571 46 982 881 - 44 031 493 - 31 020 312 177 844 635 124 986 075
01 - 08 129 007 794 90 279 282 76 936 505 53 794 084 - 52 071 289 - 36 485 198 205 944 299 144 073 365
01 - 09 146 970 565 102 432 260 88 183 331 61 400 635 - 58 787 234 - 41 031 625 235 153 895 163 832 895
01 - 10 163 588 371 113 631 817 98 404 571 68 289 447 - 65 183 800 - 45 342 369 261 992 943 181 921 264
01 - 11 182 367 303 126 528 391 111 002 150 76 930 922 - 71 365 154 - 49 597 469 293 369 453 203 459 314
01 - 12 201 077 838 139 576 174 123 341 871 85 534 676 - 77 735 966 - 54 041 499 324 419 709 225 110 850
01 15 123 442 10 591 886 9 360 833 6 564 560 - 5 762 609 - 4 027 326 24 484 274 17 156 446
01 -02 31 054 954 21 975 064 20 062 284 14 221 511 - 10 992 671 - 7 753 552 51 117 238 36 196 575
01 - 03 49 725 477 35 209 256 32 671 573 23 179 363 - 17 053 904 - 12 029 893 82 397 051 58 388 619
01 - 04 67 376 809 48 128 538 43 985 146 31 492 675 - 23 391 663 - 16 635 862 111 361 954 79 621 213
01 - 05 87 368 198 63 063 693 56 220 276 40 640 295 - 31 147 922 - 22 423 397 143 588 474 103 703 988
01 - 06 106 272 834 77 329 639 68 090 690 49 620 543 - 38 182 145 - 27 709 097 174 363 524 126 950 182
01 - 07 125 793 497 92 543 673 79 542 152 58 558 284 - 46 251 345 - 33 985 389 205 335 649 151 101 957
01 - 08 145 028 424 107 225 341 91 051 622 67 294 973 - 53 976 803 - 39 930 368 236 080 046 174 520 314
01 - 09 163 427 937 121 684 425 102 490 524 76 333 717 - 60 937 413 - 45 350 708 265 918 461 198 018 142
01 - 10 182 216 297 137 310 957 114 398 126 86 228 934 - 67 818 171 - 51 082 024 296 614 423 223 539 891
01 - 11 202 008 105 153 942 840 127 873 337 97 547 732 - 74 134 767 - 56 395 108 329 881 442 251 490 572
01 - 12 221 028 769 170 062 715 139 340 197 107 271 750 - 81 688 572 - 62 790 965 360 368 966 277 334 464
01 19 138 497 16 338 589 12 515 573 10 632 207 - 6 622 924 - 5 706 382 31 654 070 26 970 796
01 -02 38 261 229 32 365 110 25 741 165 21 710 106 - 12 520 064 - 10 655 003 64 002 394 54 075 216
01 - 03 58 964 085 49 177 198 39 874 565 33 138 693 - 19 089 520 - 16 038 505 98 838 651 82 315 891
01 - 04 82 242 644 67 066 668 54 675 871 44 502 657 - 27 566 773 - 22 564 011 136 918 515 111 569 324
01 - 05 106 497 791 86 372 801 70 294 621 56 980 626 - 36 203 170 - 29 392 175 176 792 412 143 353 426
01 - 06 130 595 029 105 849 369 84 809 480 68 751 260 - 45 785 549 - 37 098 109 215 404 510 174 600 629
01 - 07 155 617 378 126 406 797 100 124 416 81 346 687 - 55 492 962 - 45 060 110 255 741 795 207 753 484
01 - 08 178 339 156 145 658 132 113 166 190 92 393 517 - 65 172 966 - 53 264 615 291 505 346 238 051 649
01 - 09 200 399 485 163 542 694 128 998 560 105 186 665 - 71 400 925 - 58 356 029 329 398 044 268 729 359
01 - 10 221 810 396 178 485 148 143 564 104 114 909 374 - 78 246 292 - 63 575 775 365 374 500 293 394 522
01 - 11 240 992 131 190 558 653 158 556 583 124 305 247 - 82 435 548 - 66 253 406 399 548 714 314 863 900
01 - 12 258 691 207 201 963 574 170 513 070 132 027 196 - 88 178 137 - 69 936 378 429 204 276 333 990 770

64 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 13 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008

Monthly foreign trade by economic activities, 2004 - 2008
[USSS, 3.Rev. - ISIC Rev.3] (000 YTL/TRY)
øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports
Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Ay Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat Di÷erleri Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat Di÷erleri
Months and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing Others and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing Others
01 281 522 272 1 312 826 6 706 141 274 628 270 903 10 175 54 504 5 850 571 31 562
02 243 263 371 1 054 394 6 614 680 256 019 215 614 6 458 57 735 4 547 797 25 098
03 418 959 477 1 084 502 9 195 370 485 998 263 646 9 433 65 227 6 537 042 30 605
04 342 937 652 988 067 8 912 642 478 944 238 607 7 009 63 754 6 526 099 38 327
05 368 268 675 1 230 164 10 131 826 272 798 206 475 8 983 90 387 7 411 137 38 265
06 461 123 973 1 281 683 10 467 125 460 264 306 370 6 529 68 297 7 496 127 35 805
07 405 757 744 1 266 304 10 710 116 315 334 218 451 7 221 95 822 7 848 334 40 803
08 325 127 519 1 415 566 9 426 428 422 295 182 735 8 013 72 898 6 650 483 29 349
09 277 671 1 010 1 408 068 10 513 861 560 488 414 665 15 331 82 919 7 960 205 35 649
10 239 927 457 1 469 330 10 032 256 334 716 465 702 18 778 95 710 8 093 557 41 451
11 252 701 3 842 1 572 345 10 174 482 476 877 447 004 30 450 88 198 7 696 294 34 147
12 319 443 1 347 1 634 489 12 353 048 434 605 404 357 19 169 93 223 8 577 926 40 071
01 255 422 710 1 482 142 7 738 013 336 308 288 048 11 572 74 521 6 385 736 31 136
02 272 302 2 312 1 308 636 8 910 118 505 232 302 260 22 765 60 957 7 028 578 34 520
03 380 145 2 764 1 581 634 10 902 002 436 419 368 526 14 232 84 520 8 120 902 50 480
04 383 149 2 519 1 638 135 10 561 573 450 827 265 866 5 571 83 507 7 936 675 42 230
05 356 136 1 947 1 681 498 11 007 207 403 386 278 990 8 233 108 847 7 754 382 47 831
06 360 888 1 890 1 629 964 11 326 181 246 785 289 581 10 301 98 022 7 775 919 49 498
07 330 779 1 652 1 956 543 10 267 510 297 533 270 258 8 630 88 509 7 323 788 30 045
08 308 073 1 552 1 979 773 11 075 788 423 945 202 343 11 578 98 144 7 099 765 52 119
09 272 364 8 446 1 958 058 11 209 683 459 221 650 657 37 464 96 463 8 301 173 53 506
10 230 228 2 377 2 350 506 10 736 967 389 656 569 076 26 696 98 623 8 470 076 30 108
11 292 675 751 2 078 293 10 489 992 299 714 471 940 13 722 82 687 7 474 072 39 840
12 334 414 5 776 2 336 231 12 750 783 365 436 529 574 17 535 118 107 9 082 137 56 254
01 271 804 1 467 1 993 646 8 373 919 245 307 314 280 10 256 72 638 6 421 782 33 406
02 305 734 1 952 2 014 746 10 336 108 343 795 363 489 20 092 85 594 7 525 163 45 956
03 336 203 2 815 2 304 981 12 394 898 459 746 456 989 8 486 83 966 9 283 380 57 663
04 351 699 3 073 2 603 454 12 068 345 506 946 352 880 9 162 129 797 8 104 768 39 883
05 385 268 2 732 2 329 999 14 579 796 550 921 336 708 8 783 155 973 9 402 745 72 335
06 402 553 1 994 3 145 207 15 692 152 574 210 490 769 10 130 188 615 11 690 241 93 348
07 394 096 10 550 3 019 431 14 289 080 639 437 335 004 10 287 157 731 10 473 173 61 099
08 387 489 7 160 2 707 959 14 399 619 567 501 259 530 13 961 149 483 9 550 803 56 157
09 282 659 1 852 2 665 752 14 544 270 468 239 448 616 12 415 167 102 10 553 795 64 898
10 288 931 9 338 2 827 630 12 860 518 631 389 506 430 31 141 146 374 9 448 978 88 317
11 334 894 1 951 3 198 248 14 678 118 565 722 629 889 28 231 149 672 11 710 166 79 620
12 418 807 2 897 2 923 149 14 814 519 551 162 507 374 25 185 177 379 11 552 479 77 305
01 423 264 2 886 2 507 462 11 545 173 644 658 462 195 38 857 142 424 8 648 587 68 769
02 487 690 2 289 2 589 601 12 105 905 746 028 408 148 22 638 103 504 10 083 202 83 958
03 586 150 4 415 2 692 469 14 653 373 734 115 428 222 14 585 151 396 11 930 845 84 242
04 589 341 3 947 2 536 906 13 862 849 658 288 320 808 12 533 153 918 10 735 419 90 894
05 619 377 4 023 2 745 875 15 762 919 859 196 287 541 13 607 159 099 11 680 193 94 690
06 523 195 3 949 2 603 485 15 012 820 761 188 319 311 13 209 218 509 11 238 646 80 738
07 553 682 4 712 2 695 570 15 752 939 513 758 228 973 12 886 202 853 10 943 826 62 924
08 493 774 5 698 2 463 117 15 693 657 578 681 259 425 15 824 253 627 10 907 395 73 199
09 405 305 2 381 2 828 435 14 533 677 629 714 417 629 16 591 198 625 10 748 000 58 058
10 402 927 2 297 2 844 776 14 813 830 724 531 608 255 19 584 192 967 11 028 931 57 865
11 493 606 2 616 3 169 322 15 627 094 499 170 618 383 12 915 186 501 12 596 702 60 711
12 496 214 1 456 3 113 664 14 716 512 692 818 455 205 15 376 185 860 10 775 969 34 449
01 592 422 3 139 3 398 560 14 321 404 822 973 455 506 82 201 161 245 11 760 730 55 891
02 639 038 4 066 3 083 761 14 619 348 776 518 359 437 13 781 181 642 12 624 185 46 546
03 708 452 4 852 3 443 872 15 552 102 993 578 343 846 13 561 154 997 13 554 915 66 080
04 842 066 3 340 3 856 343 17 245 508 1 331 301 362 097 13 698 237 272 14 090 065 98 175
05 938 960 3 344 4 304 062 17 705 306 1 303 477 371 512 13 404 247 112 14 909 285 77 438
06 726 751 2 897 3 935 386 17 868 171 1 564 033 324 879 11 853 266 428 13 861 195 50 505
07 671 972 2 539 4 475 549 18 373 329 1 498 960 229 463 16 818 278 161 14 744 875 45 618
08 566 673 8 591 4 039 730 16 914 699 1 192 085 217 305 14 564 317 495 12 451 874 40 537
09 549 471 3 820 4 200 282 16 322 962 983 794 501 322 14 127 296 152 14 968 543 52 225
10 695 468 4 811 3 971 920 15 989 047 749 666 761 285 44 888 240 076 13 476 076 43 220
11 654 098 8 019 3 550 956 14 494 038 474 625 692 443 38 238 233 093 13 987 105 41 600
12 634 314 3 784 3 495 549 13 129 660 435 769 622 234 41 483 150 216 11 110 154 32 399

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 14 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008

Monthly foreign trade by economic activities, 2004 - 2008
[USSS, 3.Rev. - ISIC Rev.3] (000 $)
øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports
Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Ay Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat Di÷erleri Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat Di÷erleri
Months and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing Others and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing Others
01 205 485 199 972 603 4 953 303 198 367 200 752 7 577 40 330 4 347 672 23 330
02 182 210 278 797 247 4 967 605 192 102 162 470 4 868 43 574 3 434 601 18 991
03 315 761 361 820 228 6 950 890 364 648 199 211 7 134 49 311 4 939 541 22 845
04 255 062 485 731 759 6 586 283 358 444 176 535 5 181 47 082 4 815 549 28 116
05 247 615 451 805 200 6 752 348 184 940 138 259 5 932 61 028 4 939 874 24 968
06 307 200 645 849 964 6 994 242 315 713 204 754 4 366 45 632 5 006 072 23 560
07 277 537 513 881 067 7 353 943 215 406 149 969 4 958 65 997 5 383 055 28 160
08 221 640 354 968 815 6 403 000 289 553 123 862 5 635 49 488 4 508 514 19 993
09 184 922 673 937 449 6 989 120 374 387 275 626 10 190 55 107 5 291 636 23 725
10 160 445 306 985 821 6 717 552 223 468 313 486 12 617 64 372 5 448 930 27 937
11 173 074 2 636 1 077 782 6 989 655 324 991 308 524 20 990 60 862 5 319 978 23 555
12 226 441 966 1 153 002 8 789 361 304 246 288 329 13 671 66 454 6 143 696 28 724
01 187 295 522 1 091 202 5 693 472 247 189 211 697 8 465 54 936 4 699 232 22 949
02 205 303 1 758 993 941 6 747 933 374 802 228 890 16 934 46 268 5 333 456 26 194
03 290 987 2 059 1 230 612 8 339 310 333 385 281 806 10 826 64 701 6 195 793 38 733
04 282 013 1 854 1 207 468 7 772 294 331 872 195 818 4 092 61 539 5 835 599 31 084
05 259 924 1 421 1 228 730 8 027 770 293 776 203 515 6 001 79 304 5 653 489 34 917
06 264 602 1 387 1 189 756 8 310 938 180 816 212 529 7 560 71 902 5 710 140 36 403
07 246 358 1 233 1 465 079 7 661 321 222 132 201 629 6 443 66 046 5 466 932 22 417
08 229 809 1 155 1 474 557 8 250 633 316 027 150 291 8 593 73 008 5 282 188 38 787
09 202 898 6 288 1 459 537 8 355 286 341 930 485 344 27 889 71 867 6 189 324 39 846
10 169 967 1 754 1 717 031 7 913 578 287 482 419 150 19 639 72 638 6 238 594 22 158
11 215 366 552 1 526 324 7 710 381 220 505 346 930 10 092 60 810 5 495 436 29 307
12 246 845 4 250 1 736 962 9 425 340 269 181 391 217 12 966 87 223 6 713 225 41 648
01 203 003 1 094 1 493 025 6 265 141 183 272 235 131 7 678 54 252 4 810 917 25 071
02 230 095 1 469 1 517 851 7 787 850 258 954 273 803 15 082 64 511 5 670 167 34 689
03 252 413 2 107 1 710 675 9 294 371 345 460 342 823 6 359 62 883 6 956 022 43 014
04 262 667 2 297 1 928 807 9 015 137 378 194 263 560 6 851 96 801 6 059 064 29 815
05 277 580 1 954 1 669 491 10 347 854 397 323 238 527 6 211 109 870 6 636 382 50 553
06 255 695 1 244 1 972 899 9 870 307 365 580 307 123 6 354 118 190 7 325 189 58 578
07 251 316 6 673 1 910 143 9 136 298 404 954 213 779 6 612 100 448 6 707 440 39 133
08 262 491 4 899 1 852 606 9 774 292 381 799 176 560 9 493 101 997 6 484 922 38 231
09 191 931 1 255 1 804 936 9 836 666 318 191 303 199 8 384 113 124 7 137 834 44 010
10 194 044 6 274 1 916 105 8 658 488 424 646 340 886 20 965 98 381 6 369 227 59 353
11 229 574 1 341 2 205 851 10 071 688 388 121 432 209 19 278 102 483 8 032 901 54 603
12 291 560 2 020 2 051 371 10 320 734 382 097 352 940 17 591 123 386 8 056 043 53 793
01 296 962 2 021 1 750 533 8 090 235 452 135 323 848 27 185 99 952 6 065 335 48 239
02 348 270 1 640 1 851 608 8 648 702 532 959 291 288 16 081 74 015 7 216 024 59 544
03 416 129 3 126 1 891 039 10 403 063 520 835 303 684 10 356 107 227 8 476 969 59 616
04 430 298 2 892 1 848 855 10 154 889 482 347 235 326 9 208 112 973 7 888 967 66 838
05 461 899 3 010 2 056 836 11 771 241 642 169 214 511 10 149 118 768 8 733 402 70 789
06 394 004 2 992 1 953 636 11 344 655 570 660 241 347 9 998 165 434 8 502 381 61 087
07 429 857 3 674 2 112 615 12 268 327 399 561 178 100 10 071 157 687 8 542 646 49 238
08 379 282 4 382 1 890 044 11 967 362 440 598 196 600 12 014 193 157 8 279 045 55 873
09 315 783 1 865 2 237 748 11 408 531 495 157 329 817 13 138 157 012 8 492 882 45 896
10 333 622 1 902 2 399 231 12 291 438 600 339 504 979 16 178 160 292 9 165 560 48 207
11 414 156 2 197 2 679 707 13 120 428 415 394 519 986 10 836 156 840 10 580 134 51 003
12 420 317 1 232 2 642 223 12 469 264 586 838 385 727 13 039 157 611 9 138 454 29 187
01 504 807 2 675 2 950 204 12 183 661 697 242 388 080 69 138 137 210 9 990 369 47 410
02 536 447 3 397 2 584 354 12 252 111 650 212 301 600 11 541 152 179 10 573 592 38 987
03 578 201 3 967 2 809 975 12 613 896 806 049 278 819 10 949 125 765 10 959 696 53 357
04 652 218 2 563 2 941 502 13 270 258 1 022 929 277 999 10 518 181 879 10 818 367 75 201
05 742 787 2 667 3 426 365 14 095 279 1 039 034 296 505 10 712 196 901 11 912 118 61 732
06 588 322 2 343 3 143 720 14 475 728 1 266 456 263 353 9 598 215 815 11 240 907 40 961
07 549 828 2 082 3 680 008 15 096 611 1 228 899 188 259 13 850 228 569 12 127 100 37 648
08 479 166 7 298 3 413 395 14 343 386 1 008 090 184 136 12 355 269 217 10 546 833 34 290
09 447 854 3 142 3 384 892 13 249 635 799 038 405 506 11 448 240 150 12 093 877 42 166
10 486 998 3 606 2 878 881 11 045 729 527 240 517 256 29 610 164 453 8 982 586 28 804
11 415 893 4 950 2 198 552 9 152 909 301 199 434 739 24 150 146 115 8 765 198 25 670
12 409 393 2 435 2 237 855 8 473 132 282 106 400 460 26 461 96 896 7 177 015 21 118

66 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 15 Geniú ekonomik gruplarn snflamasna göre aylk dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008
Monthly foreign trade by classification of broad economic categories, 2004 - 2008
(GEGS - BEC ) (000 YTL/TRY)
øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports

Sermaye Ara mallar Tüketim mallar Sermaye Ara mallar Tüketim mallar
Ay mallar Intermediate Consumption Di÷erleri mallar Intermediate Consumption Di÷erleri
Months Capital goods goods goods Others Capital goods goods goods Others

01 1 469 170 6 169 190 888 901 48 128 617 241 2 374 565 3 210 205 15 704
02 1 239 814 5 879 306 1 010 593 39 013 465 264 2 010 981 2 364 738 11 719
03 2 104 406 7 550 764 1 462 981 67 155 673 109 2 819 143 3 390 699 23 001
04 1 865 056 7 302 547 1 463 814 91 825 725 329 2 882 201 3 251 646 14 619
05 2 347 717 7 828 140 1 788 276 39 599 859 751 3 383 581 3 488 917 22 998
06 2 407 995 8 515 957 1 704 532 42 684 832 724 3 488 161 3 580 356 11 885
07 2 373 569 8 774 933 1 503 353 46 401 985 605 3 218 771 3 986 714 19 542
08 2 003 374 8 131 745 1 414 063 40 753 654 526 2 924 368 3 332 695 31 888
09 2 040 401 9 111 199 1 530 173 79 326 877 422 3 471 014 4 145 079 15 255
10 2 000 017 8 529 589 1 420 634 126 446 800 614 3 559 588 4 321 788 33 209
11 2 093 557 8 847 734 1 480 239 58 716 777 809 3 450 551 4 012 834 54 900
12 2 951 608 10 095 050 1 672 449 23 825 1 075 701 3 539 641 4 503 361 16 041
01 1 401 471 7 538 348 845 747 27 028 774 256 2 782 531 3 192 130 42 096
02 1 674 380 8 190 451 1 120 672 13 096 859 275 3 077 178 3 495 703 16 924
03 2 264 388 9 458 543 1 544 769 35 264 1 055 045 3 594 586 3 969 549 19 481
04 2 272 654 9 237 743 1 503 559 22 246 930 205 3 500 443 3 878 337 24 864
05 2 444 073 9 416 027 1 568 002 22 071 965 551 3 566 221 3 630 607 35 905
06 2 445 170 9 248 873 1 633 004 238 661 904 842 3 516 828 3 768 648 33 004
07 2 261 330 9 085 526 1 436 079 71 082 780 201 3 032 434 3 877 331 31 263
08 2 411 433 9 446 983 1 825 696 105 018 714 736 3 166 382 3 543 673 39 158
09 2 328 785 9 739 244 1 806 139 33 604 914 751 3 610 364 4 568 677 45 471
10 2 332 808 9 544 253 1 769 656 63 017 999 541 3 634 380 4 478 657 82 000
11 2 409 498 9 025 912 1 678 541 47 474 868 700 3 241 058 3 933 480 39 022
12 3 208 753 10 387 088 2 107 819 88 980 1 017 574 4 113 306 4 604 607 68 121
01 1 791 427 7 925 207 1 127 923 41 585 668 339 2 990 721 2 950 263 243 039
02 2 102 052 9 157 386 1 717 913 24 985 839 308 3 417 955 3 717 153 65 880
03 2 615 013 10 792 930 2 022 717 67 983 1 094 612 4 294 754 4 470 198 30 920
04 2 585 818 11 004 123 1 908 499 35 077 993 244 3 687 818 3 922 540 32 887
05 3 004 902 12 627 384 2 145 967 70 463 1 221 336 4 414 245 4 306 056 34 907
06 3 188 620 14 222 171 2 362 644 42 681 1 400 010 5 661 926 5 370 745 40 422
07 3 000 569 13 197 798 2 111 166 43 060 1 136 614 5 029 660 4 826 933 44 087
08 3 173 105 12 783 520 2 021 641 91 463 1 039 692 4 789 999 4 153 173 47 070
09 2 783 308 13 185 045 1 953 795 40 624 1 119 979 5 018 075 5 071 930 36 841
10 2 623 877 12 132 890 1 757 154 103 885 1 032 899 4 508 955 4 629 029 50 357
11 3 202 886 13 614 038 1 896 893 65 116 1 522 546 5 506 004 5 501 804 67 224
12 3 547 035 12 912 723 2 149 611 101 166 1 525 517 5 229 246 5 532 624 52 336
01 2 142 964 11 500 455 1 425 507 54 515 1 155 719 4 336 953 3 830 331 37 830
02 2 191 939 12 044 854 1 621 533 73 187 1 418 864 4 796 983 4 463 103 22 501
03 2 906 080 13 618 010 2 104 348 42 086 1 722 506 5 720 751 5 140 825 25 208
04 2 729 322 13 057 979 1 815 357 48 673 1 477 148 5 404 532 4 377 185 54 707
05 3 057 834 14 730 840 2 060 004 142 712 1 517 001 5 818 883 4 858 584 40 663
06 3 013 159 13 771 659 1 987 813 132 005 1 569 597 5 462 109 4 787 165 51 543
07 3 053 817 14 382 389 2 037 845 46 611 1 458 938 5 366 906 4 592 189 33 430
08 3 151 630 13 828 050 2 196 432 58 815 1 316 732 5 561 032 4 603 577 28 129
09 2 789 978 13 430 855 2 106 108 72 571 1 405 616 5 240 955 4 739 264 53 067
10 3 005 469 13 514 178 2 176 967 91 746 1 414 870 5 450 473 4 955 368 86 891
11 3 461 143 13 943 878 2 321 415 65 371 1 748 618 5 998 060 5 679 098 49 435
12 3 524 404 13 084 057 2 360 440 51 764 1 657 047 5 061 210 4 693 183 55 420
01 2 574 663 14 607 643 1 844 306 111 885 1 473 482 6 368 323 4 650 623 23 144
02 2 715 999 14 148 563 2 163 876 94 293 1 794 025 6 593 130 4 811 860 26 577
03 3 099 653 15 146 212 2 413 446 43 546 2 004 146 7 020 398 5 042 304 66 553
04 3 046 019 17 644 230 2 523 130 65 179 2 114 920 7 464 982 5 184 840 36 564
05 3 077 945 18 689 650 2 429 047 58 506 2 174 993 8 059 085 5 351 327 33 345
06 3 128 859 18 419 122 2 491 716 57 541 2 006 404 7 436 253 5 002 443 69 758
07 3 174 200 19 381 195 2 373 222 93 732 1 969 942 8 166 067 5 109 132 69 796
08 2 813 369 17 575 623 2 292 855 39 931 1 374 940 7 254 286 4 357 692 54 856
09 3 017 086 16 744 539 2 266 392 32 311 1 811 131 8 449 768 5 501 215 70 256
10 3 187 225 15 901 974 2 286 102 35 609 1 554 606 7 468 389 5 498 415 44 134
11 3 217 740 13 446 757 2 363 104 154 134 1 761 037 7 268 113 5 912 073 51 257
12 3 172 367 12 126 993 2 257 404 142 312 1 507 379 5 720 486 4 637 352 91 270

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 16 Geniú ekonomik gruplarn snflamasna göre aylk dú ticaret, 2004 - 2008
Monthly foreign trade by classification of broad economic categories, 2004 - 2008
(GEGS - BEC ) (000 $)
øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports

Sermaye Ara mallar Tüketim mallar Sermaye Ara mallar Tüketim mallar
Ay mallar Intermediate Consumption Di÷erleri mallar Intermediate Consumption Di÷erleri
Months Capital goods goods goods Others Capital goods goods goods Others
01 1 085 827 4 551 321 657 167 35 642 459 052 1 761 573 2 387 419 11 616
02 931 789 4 419 824 758 581 29 248 351 221 1 518 084 1 786 333 8 865
03 1 591 051 5 704 282 1 105 877 50 679 508 798 2 129 502 2 562 351 17 391
04 1 378 660 5 403 200 1 082 393 67 781 533 541 2 129 686 2 398 461 10 775
05 1 565 238 5 208 526 1 190 736 26 054 570 057 2 267 688 2 317 109 15 208
06 1 607 303 5 692 716 1 139 167 28 579 555 892 2 328 231 2 392 314 7 946
07 1 632 859 6 032 683 1 031 232 31 693 676 126 2 208 207 2 734 386 13 420
08 1 360 625 5 535 047 960 012 27 678 444 290 1 983 472 2 258 011 21 718
09 1 356 388 6 060 706 1 016 774 52 683 583 551 2 306 981 2 755 600 10 151
10 1 339 286 5 711 714 951 329 85 262 539 031 2 395 904 2 910 111 22 296
11 1 439 311 6 071 772 1 016 777 40 280 538 196 2 383 870 2 773 923 37 920
12 2 109 104 7 157 645 1 190 233 17 034 771 082 2 532 407 3 225 870 11 514
01 1 031 948 5 545 903 622 143 19 687 567 706 2 048 998 2 349 351 31 224
02 1 268 972 6 195 377 849 494 9 893 652 694 2 333 755 2 652 425 12 866
03 1 731 779 7 255 797 1 182 201 26 576 802 217 2 743 126 3 031 759 14 757
04 1 671 520 6 801 306 1 106 275 16 400 683 597 2 573 376 2 852 861 18 298
05 1 782 155 6 870 080 1 143 218 16 167 703 640 2 599 741 2 647 622 26 223
06 1 794 069 6 779 350 1 198 119 175 961 664 503 2 581 795 2 767 957 24 279
07 1 687 316 6 784 710 1 071 505 52 592 582 323 2 263 007 2 894 817 23 319
08 1 796 877 7 037 364 1 360 647 77 294 530 937 2 355 463 2 637 130 29 337
09 1 735 806 7 259 116 1 345 963 25 053 682 140 2 691 245 3 406 937 33 947
10 1 719 085 7 019 602 1 304 069 47 056 736 749 2 676 709 3 298 374 60 346
11 1 770 710 6 634 030 1 233 564 34 825 639 003 2 382 706 2 892 146 28 721
12 2 372 985 7 685 649 1 558 103 65 841 752 180 3 039 860 3 404 019 50 220
01 1 340 089 5 930 336 844 001 31 109 501 481 2 238 311 2 210 229 183 029
02 1 583 856 6 899 259 1 294 247 18 859 632 304 2 575 251 2 801 132 49 564
03 1 960 096 8 077 336 1 516 396 51 198 819 647 3 219 160 3 348 993 23 301
04 1 932 196 8 203 146 1 425 379 26 381 742 248 2 756 402 2 932 833 24 608
05 2 132 758 8 985 245 1 525 514 50 684 856 237 3 119 132 3 040 970 25 205
06 2 004 344 8 947 479 1 487 020 26 882 874 146 3 554 290 3 361 414 25 585
07 1 922 101 8 410 368 1 349 347 27 568 729 385 3 218 631 3 091 175 28 222
08 2 155 834 8 686 038 1 371 491 62 724 705 730 3 250 671 2 822 883 31 918
09 1 882 434 8 921 042 1 322 055 27 447 757 328 3 395 714 3 428 487 25 022
10 1 764 501 8 182 006 1 183 213 69 838 697 080 3 038 200 3 119 908 33 624
11 2 197 613 9 353 258 1 301 170 44 533 1 044 267 3 776 796 3 774 437 45 974
12 2 471 733 9 009 146 1 496 497 70 406 1 063 516 3 645 695 3 858 016 36 527
01 1 502 303 8 052 573 998 826 38 183 811 401 3 040 772 2 685 904 26 482
02 1 565 924 8 606 008 1 158 831 52 415 1 015 255 3 433 234 3 192 384 16 080
03 2 064 748 9 644 869 1 494 748 29 827 1 224 454 4 064 491 3 651 086 17 821
04 1 999 648 9 554 753 1 329 137 35 744 1 085 760 3 971 444 3 216 035 40 073
05 2 283 702 11 006 590 1 538 391 106 471 1 132 126 4 353 141 3 632 142 30 211
06 2 274 674 10 388 721 1 502 924 99 627 1 187 009 4 132 578 3 621 447 39 213
07 2 379 176 11 212 090 1 586 855 35 912 1 140 340 4 187 143 3 584 294 25 964
08 2 403 622 10 556 379 1 676 676 44 991 997 760 4 221 099 3 496 072 21 758
09 2 194 456 10 554 686 1 653 612 56 330 1 112 306 4 142 086 3 743 163 41 190
10 2 494 180 11 249 964 1 806 195 76 194 1 175 768 4 527 920 4 120 774 70 755
11 2 905 359 11 723 375 1 948 116 55 032 1 467 370 5 037 067 4 772 558 41 803
12 2 986 639 11 089 593 1 999 740 43 902 1 404 996 4 292 009 3 980 009 47 004
01 2 189 587 12 486 218 1 567 426 95 358 1 252 324 5 408 416 3 951 747 19 720
02 2 276 612 11 857 633 1 813 701 78 575 1 503 884 5 519 127 4 032 570 22 318
03 2 515 012 12 304 066 1 957 636 35 374 1 620 282 5 676 860 4 077 342 54 103
04 2 342 754 13 553 515 1 942 891 50 310 1 624 567 5 732 846 3 978 343 28 207
05 2 453 016 14 873 569 1 932 863 46 686 1 737 601 6 438 424 4 275 377 26 566
06 2 536 629 14 874 409 2 018 835 46 695 1 627 407 6 030 957 4 055 767 56 502
07 2 608 871 15 919 858 1 952 054 76 645 1 620 240 6 720 341 4 197 455 57 391
08 2 388 038 14 886 329 1 943 231 33 737 1 162 489 6 141 135 3 696 418 46 788
09 2 440 120 13 578 437 1 839 803 26 202 1 462 528 6 827 614 4 446 087 56 919
10 2 187 084 11 157 334 1 572 003 26 034 1 029 763 4 993 402 3 668 123 31 421
11 2 030 972 8 454 060 1 489 322 99 150 1 113 980 4 545 908 3 703 279 32 705
12 2 051 971 7 801 674 1 459 472 91 804 970 310 3 698 771 2 994 401 58 467

68 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 17 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre aylk ithalat, 2004 - 2008

Monthly imports by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008
(SUTS, 3.Rev. - SITC Rev.3) (000 YTL/TRY)
Madeni Baúka Baúlca Baúka yerde
Akaryakt yaktlar, yerde snflara Makina Çeúitli snflandrl-
bitkisel sv
Canl hariç, ya÷lar vb. belirtilme- ayrlarak ve mamul mamú eúya
ve kat
hayvanlar øçki ve yenilmeyen ilgili yen kimya iúlenmiú ulaútrma eúya ve mamüller
Ay ve gda tütün hammadde maddeler sanayi mallar araçlar Miscella- Commodities
Months maddeleri Beverages Crude Mineral ürünleri Manufactured Machinery neous and
Animal and
Food and and tobacco materials, fuels, Chemicals goods and manufac- transactions
vegetable oils,
live animals inedible, lubricants and and related classified transport tured not classified
fats and
except fuels related products, chiefly by equipment articles elsewhere in
materials n.e.s. material the SITC.

01 169 619 24 497 632 362 1 530 327 45 506 1 387 834 1 331 864 2 732 192 397 148 324 042
02 142 748 14 950 574 161 1 325 606 41 058 1 295 959 1 298 334 2 619 694 439 114 417 103
03 246 471 29 230 964 490 1 352 212 51 637 1 568 828 1 801 049 4 126 390 612 280 432 717
04 227 063 21 321 883 458 1 218 207 58 969 1 545 917 1 808 529 3 831 007 580 323 548 447
05 185 659 34 590 738 297 1 620 419 60 064 1 707 392 1 955 209 4 661 240 661 354 379 506
06 324 454 38 252 1 002 652 1 549 300 108 217 1 739 164 2 107 139 4 747 074 657 021 397 896
07 256 092 44 133 806 083 1 734 598 73 671 1 787 286 2 178 692 4 465 371 665 234 687 095
08 239 841 35 397 821 083 1 921 542 76 687 1 702 368 1 976 385 3 696 116 657 064 463 451
09 211 388 34 791 1 049 053 1 941 518 72 690 1 961 992 2 151 755 4 070 726 781 751 485 432
10 189 899 39 209 730 111 2 062 639 62 012 1 815 100 2 079 570 4 037 969 716 976 343 200
11 167 826 34 154 881 900 1 998 461 61 448 1 859 813 2 249 339 4 202 510 694 857 329 939
12 238 283 37 852 877 476 2 401 156 54 473 1 980 508 2 739 172 5 067 568 812 217 534 226
01 161 244 23 939 709 946 1 777 291 61 918 1 541 195 1 741 716 2 756 146 525 956 513 242
02 154 292 27 092 887 294 1 660 838 84 584 1 709 574 2 000 444 3 303 404 612 690 558 388
03 219 778 31 656 916 264 2 092 250 72 193 2 001 221 2 411 856 4 199 709 824 122 533 915
04 198 879 32 978 982 713 2 152 142 68 725 1 931 697 2 277 545 4 189 053 753 212 449 258
05 177 987 30 149 936 249 2 200 117 62 426 1 965 439 2 407 034 4 466 809 737 409 466 556
06 217 952 34 720 794 373 2 202 787 105 742 2 009 369 2 334 958 4 625 743 777 386 462 678
07 205 871 33 946 763 527 2 459 536 92 035 1 771 334 2 134 567 4 034 755 699 165 659 280
08 142 548 37 180 927 944 2 667 972 113 728 1 794 929 2 316 140 4 450 588 792 124 545 978
09 179 264 43 689 975 752 2 621 099 79 857 1 978 561 2 311 697 4 453 883 882 262 381 708
10 145 515 45 653 800 798 2 983 084 92 651 1 817 160 2 251 896 4 508 746 820 789 243 442
11 149 031 28 146 758 870 2 727 524 92 231 1 760 537 2 145 194 4 517 110 720 127 262 655
12 226 341 33 133 880 809 3 088 429 78 179 1 872 648 2 609 872 5 762 538 889 960 350 732
01 125 103 25 825 676 315 2 549 811 62 320 1 474 938 1 781 515 3 348 587 529 780 311 950
02 196 254 26 583 786 715 2 635 438 76 440 1 862 740 2 224 441 4 080 986 801 539 311 201
03 213 079 27 745 998 076 3 036 813 110 426 2 163 681 2 657 295 4 974 726 978 313 338 488
04 193 718 27 869 1 172 031 3 404 097 112 698 1 972 174 2 569 658 4 857 163 807 103 417 006
05 195 835 39 372 1 203 529 3 117 836 117 154 2 280 492 3 074 217 5 755 573 954 698 1 110 009
06 196 659 54 443 1 251 943 4 149 011 198 945 2 661 688 3 666 892 6 179 527 1 068 404 388 605
07 218 042 39 773 1 323 648 4 046 846 140 592 2 367 950 3 284 651 5 561 215 990 873 379 003
08 211 229 42 170 1 214 585 3 756 538 134 920 2 300 845 3 331 530 5 268 087 1 092 020 717 805
09 197 328 34 553 1 027 636 3 677 736 135 175 2 464 300 3 314 100 5 173 561 1 113 671 824 711
10 195 245 28 756 1 230 597 3 513 490 91 443 2 128 208 3 142 685 4 876 752 1 013 489 397 142
11 235 361 45 076 1 162 347 3 900 232 110 562 2 464 475 3 600 884 5 726 154 1 047 704 486 137
12 299 695 34 121 1 192 072 3 792 455 59 166 2 354 589 3 298 194 6 156 831 1 041 817 481 592
01 257 116 35 335 1 211 365 3 074 946 61 192 2 024 482 2 992 173 4 115 063 807 254 544 515
02 286 771 37 825 1 409 105 3 236 302 58 893 2 229 871 3 130 999 4 314 626 967 251 259 869
03 362 726 49 219 1 431 627 3 589 527 81 377 2 544 433 3 568 451 5 431 813 1 177 993 433 359
04 393 170 32 791 1 314 870 3 356 281 91 839 2 378 915 3 584 447 5 075 440 1 014 776 408 804
05 432 858 45 816 1 615 791 3 603 774 114 612 2 706 699 3 836 967 5 692 519 1 133 327 809 027
06 311 597 40 993 1 472 442 3 477 354 80 671 2 499 960 3 521 187 5 501 010 1 012 077 987 345
07 323 740 46 137 1 323 348 3 625 741 100 845 2 488 691 3 722 185 5 444 783 1 124 007 1 321 185
08 327 288 38 678 1 233 131 3 694 670 106 641 2 531 643 3 866 731 5 370 295 1 218 629 847 221
09 258 124 34 815 1 369 486 3 959 950 86 155 2 377 742 3 533 555 5 201 956 1 134 333 443 396
10 325 727 33 709 1 239 511 3 820 388 83 599 2 363 615 3 535 274 5 782 988 1 122 964 480 586
11 344 139 35 334 1 162 656 4 262 826 108 845 2 454 510 3 502 864 6 328 197 1 105 692 486 745
12 402 113 31 024 1 236 437 4 181 898 101 136 2 220 535 3 131 767 6 321 645 1 028 880 365 230
01 467 493 35 655 1 381 470 4 354 073 117 348 2 515 180 3 599 183 4 936 488 1 050 896 680 710
02 496 619 48 724 1 392 789 4 152 901 179 791 2 504 910 3 437 901 5 215 863 1 168 449 524 783
03 551 974 48 227 1 643 220 4 540 905 164 977 2 651 188 3 838 240 5 922 757 1 273 764 67 605
04 707 125 63 763 2 061 720 5 413 158 161 834 3 064 149 4 307 031 6 108 878 1 287 789 103 111
05 688 952 50 369 2 161 869 5 858 654 179 283 2 992 231 4 348 487 5 974 864 1 251 636 748 803
06 478 699 46 869 2 381 454 5 694 012 259 274 2 954 544 4 263 239 5 943 585 1 203 844 871 718
07 451 366 52 223 2 436 623 6 219 266 307 788 3 208 783 4 728 718 5 825 207 1 299 143 493 232
08 410 329 46 899 1 899 406 5 428 064 177 890 2 723 130 4 216 960 4 862 561 1 209 008 1 747 530
09 501 791 44 356 1 646 386 5 743 247 112 264 2 578 832 3 773 375 5 381 960 1 280 828 997 287
10 608 813 41 943 1 480 961 5 255 925 130 635 2 841 826 3 983 409 5 634 509 1 353 498 79 392
11 606 448 51 262 1 107 283 4 694 288 192 043 2 596 454 3 187 376 5 371 432 1 258 281 116 868
12 526 226 59 669 949 577 4 527 932 207 234 2 158 900 2 662 143 5 288 041 1 177 315 142 040

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 18 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre aylk ithalat, 2004 - 2008

Monthly imports by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008
(SUTS, 3.Rev. - SITC Rev.3) (000 $)
Madeni Baúka Baúlca Baúka yerde
Akaryakt yaktlar, yerde snflara Makina Çeúitli snflandrl-
bitkisel sv
Canl hariç, ya÷lar vb. belirtilme- ayrlarak ve mamul mamú eúya
ve kat
hayvanlar øçki ve yenilmeyen ilgili yen kimya iúlenmiú ulaútrma eúya ve mamüller
Ay ve gda tütün hammadde maddeler sanayi mallar araçlar Miscella- Commodities
Months maddeleri Beverages Crude Mineral ürünleri Manufactured Machinery neous and
Animal and
Food and and tobacco materials, fuels, Chemicals goods and manufac- transactions
vegetable oils,
live animals inedible, lubricants and and related classified transport tured not classified
fats and
except fuels related products, chiefly by equipment articles elsewhere in
materials n.e.s. material the SITC.
01 122 386 18 120 461 481 1 132 057 32 575 1 025 710 983 598 2 020 390 293 524 240 116
02 106 804 11 239 430 843 1 000 244 30 766 972 613 975 015 1 968 458 329 810 313 650
03 185 879 22 104 725 856 1 022 021 38 926 1 185 816 1 361 399 3 119 896 462 717 327 273
04 170 160 15 841 657 992 901 984 43 905 1 143 024 1 336 460 2 829 978 429 622 403 069
05 127 107 23 144 495 636 1 072 804 41 071 1 134 337 1 301 681 3 101 626 441 455 251 691
06 215 569 25 507 677 953 1 028 017 72 334 1 162 241 1 409 882 3 170 859 439 205 266 197
07 175 090 30 141 551 333 1 201 363 50 312 1 228 063 1 495 152 3 069 395 456 576 471 042
08 164 048 24 123 560 348 1 313 172 52 286 1 156 785 1 343 507 2 508 258 446 345 314 489
09 140 988 23 157 699 172 1 293 395 48 326 1 303 539 1 430 140 2 705 733 519 370 322 732
10 126 908 26 190 487 893 1 382 144 41 287 1 215 186 1 392 962 2 704 876 479 967 230 179
11 114 713 23 498 602 509 1 368 044 41 830 1 277 360 1 545 347 2 889 132 477 100 228 607
12 167 956 26 958 618 893 1 691 816 38 289 1 406 734 1 947 866 3 615 692 578 648 381 164
01 117 897 17 627 521 963 1 307 506 45 290 1 132 739 1 282 244 2 030 537 387 270 376 608
02 115 956 20 517 663 760 1 257 677 63 511 1 295 737 1 513 701 2 504 583 464 199 424 095
03 168 684 24 310 700 140 1 622 266 55 763 1 532 191 1 843 000 3 211 176 630 037 408 786
04 146 830 24 274 723 205 1 587 905 50 583 1 421 183 1 675 640 3 081 176 554 080 330 623
05 130 049 22 033 682 245 1 608 712 45 531 1 432 875 1 755 234 3 257 360 537 472 340 110
06 159 406 25 484 582 397 1 609 273 77 409 1 473 785 1 713 618 3 395 495 570 347 340 285
07 152 853 25 349 569 718 1 840 366 68 404 1 321 680 1 592 945 3 010 324 521 706 492 778
08 106 612 27 720 691 496 1 988 128 84 995 1 336 991 1 723 989 3 314 783 590 676 406 791
09 133 388 32 633 726 943 1 953 624 59 395 1 474 747 1 723 127 3 319 679 657 456 284 947
10 107 571 33 746 590 574 2 183 152 68 274 1 338 950 1 660 393 3 322 465 605 405 179 281
11 109 585 20 681 558 203 2 003 669 67 831 1 293 873 1 577 139 3 319 629 529 329 193 190
12 167 048 24 501 649 872 2 292 553 57 742 1 384 059 1 928 629 4 260 883 657 919 259 371
01 93 214 19 328 505 482 1 908 898 46 481 1 104 067 1 332 478 2 505 900 396 278 233 407
02 147 457 20 064 592 748 1 984 921 57 545 1 403 635 1 676 136 3 075 253 603 914 234 547
03 160 148 20 901 749 601 2 259 811 82 812 1 622 908 1 992 247 3 728 860 734 055 253 682
04 144 521 20 801 874 508 2 526 548 84 013 1 472 876 1 919 188 3 628 921 602 771 312 956
05 143 382 28 573 862 030 2 230 866 84 430 1 620 321 2 175 001 4 077 148 680 349 792 101
06 126 829 34 511 793 057 2 610 355 127 275 1 674 205 2 301 882 3 882 758 671 244 243 609
07 137 541 25 486 841 856 2 565 688 89 710 1 513 268 2 100 281 3 559 439 632 687 243 429
08 142 362 28 661 821 207 2 560 063 90 353 1 563 223 2 260 905 3 578 781 740 982 489 550
09 134 025 23 506 697 232 2 489 823 91 704 1 669 051 2 238 763 3 497 564 753 553 557 757
10 131 074 19 345 826 699 2 378 258 61 481 1 432 501 2 117 185 3 283 245 681 350 268 419
11 161 445 30 952 797 544 2 687 169 75 735 1 691 715 2 470 921 3 928 721 718 778 333 595
12 207 774 23 782 828 877 2 656 374 41 162 1 639 779 2 298 857 4 289 973 725 218 335 987
01 180 064 24 830 849 491 2 147 937 42 851 1 418 575 2 097 298 2 884 074 565 707 381 059
02 204 341 27 032 1 005 758 2 313 976 41 897 1 593 443 2 235 690 3 083 899 690 905 186 235
03 257 502 35 030 1 015 745 2 529 141 57 771 1 805 089 2 531 703 3 858 292 836 183 307 738
04 286 166 23 976 963 168 2 448 379 67 103 1 741 367 2 625 264 3 720 322 743 051 300 485
05 322 140 34 248 1 207 161 2 696 289 85 500 2 020 998 2 864 792 4 252 129 846 270 605 628
06 234 258 31 053 1 106 882 2 612 077 61 071 1 890 274 2 660 807 4 157 351 765 573 746 602
07 249 903 36 057 1 029 017 2 836 328 77 745 1 937 375 2 897 643 4 242 389 875 656 1 031 920
08 252 390 29 667 940 298 2 832 543 81 836 1 931 121 2 947 530 4 092 401 929 458 644 425
09 199 640 27 312 1 075 259 3 118 200 66 843 1 862 995 2 775 436 4 094 770 889 793 348 835
10 268 403 27 953 1 027 817 3 205 972 69 257 1 962 219 2 930 447 4 802 413 931 149 400 902
11 288 806 29 664 972 194 3 596 012 91 386 2 061 923 2 941 833 5 312 910 928 719 408 435
12 339 989 26 291 1 047 404 3 545 927 85 703 1 881 351 2 654 778 5 357 058 871 488 309 886
01 398 591 30 291 1 172 390 3 764 591 99 608 2 139 661 3 061 527 4 198 127 893 484 580 320
02 417 679 40 743 1 167 537 3 481 841 151 111 2 097 786 2 880 769 4 370 982 978 562 439 511
03 451 688 39 356 1 333 299 3 705 060 134 098 2 148 138 3 110 948 4 800 047 1 034 709 54 745
04 549 561 49 108 1 585 557 4 148 229 125 536 2 355 324 3 309 381 4 696 701 990 238 79 834
05 543 214 40 112 1 721 901 4 655 377 142 011 2 382 549 3 463 717 4 763 015 996 316 597 922
06 387 461 37 984 1 927 689 4 565 980 209 869 2 393 004 3 453 916 4 818 471 975 353 706 841
07 370 076 42 941 1 997 022 5 112 900 251 668 2 635 196 3 885 184 4 787 510 1 066 800 408 131
08 346 814 39 760 1 606 393 4 591 380 149 416 2 310 598 3 575 552 4 125 361 1 025 018 1 481 043
09 408 776 36 114 1 340 355 4 641 521 91 414 2 093 935 3 064 667 4 355 783 1 040 112 811 884
10 425 978 28 980 1 031 996 3 785 016 90 005 1 957 248 2 763 903 3 869 237 934 156 55 936
11 385 259 32 268 701 826 2 924 446 123 638 1 639 455 2 007 678 3 390 915 793 105 74 915
12 339 057 38 611 613 489 2 904 623 133 911 1 388 797 1 717 739 3 418 638 758 468 91 587

70 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1. 19 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre aylk ihracat, 2004 - 2008

Monthly exports by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008
(SUTS, 3.Rev. - SITC Rev.3) (000 YTL/TRY)
Madeni Baúka Baúlca Baúka yerde
Akaryakt yaktlar, yerde snflara Makina Çeúitli snflandrl-
bitkisel sv
Canl hariç, ya÷lar vb. belirtilme- ayrlarak ve mamul mamú eúya
ve kat
hayvanlar øçki ve yenilmeyen ilgili yen kimya iúlenmiú ulaútrma eúya ve mamüller
Ay ve gda tütün hammadde maddeler sanayi mallar araçlar Miscella- Commodities
Months maddeleri Beverages Crude Mineral ürünleri Manufactured Machinery neous and
Animal and
Food and and tobacco materials, fuels, Chemicals goods and manufac- transactions
vegetable oils,
live animals inedible, lubricants and and related classified transport tured not classified
fats and
except fuels related products, chiefly by equipment articles elsewhere in
materials n.e.s. material the SITC.

01 493 235 72 847 144 267 118 420 19 000 240 513 1 705 069 1 661 467 1 753 793 9 103
02 368 839 73 222 141 019 96 499 12 974 193 196 1 397 269 1 310 525 1 252 758 6 400
03 504 389 81 615 161 582 188 356 22 932 278 136 1 994 457 1 964 784 1 680 531 29 172
04 434 504 107 481 162 803 94 365 24 881 281 640 2 082 995 2 089 855 1 583 496 11 775
05 456 347 65 023 187 479 205 845 29 863 302 737 2 519 484 2 288 429 1 674 568 25 470
06 561 789 63 814 165 454 252 777 24 728 326 822 2 501 882 2 206 700 1 752 060 57 100
07 532 184 40 535 195 030 207 908 23 693 341 828 2 236 987 2 507 095 2 101 126 24 246
08 494 560 43 172 160 858 168 330 23 547 319 563 2 094 542 1 861 955 1 737 615 39 335
09 869 344 39 452 178 651 152 646 28 679 341 180 2 533 233 2 463 976 1 879 029 22 581
10 897 989 73 381 209 312 115 545 18 219 374 659 2 582 519 2 511 811 1 900 154 31 611
11 805 171 113 118 183 820 204 014 19 005 320 220 2 501 721 2 408 229 1 725 430 15 367
12 814 111 59 868 195 713 239 700 45 961 352 383 2 517 890 2 866 350 2 027 146 15 624
01 524 964 98 230 152 515 282 567 38 584 250 860 1 899 069 1 873 334 1 628 536 42 356
02 580 390 99 788 160 168 217 607 56 194 260 608 2 145 733 2 216 085 1 696 128 16 378
03 669 372 116 244 203 140 268 049 51 386 333 818 2 437 761 2 651 360 1 885 161 22 368
04 593 207 51 193 179 514 326 729 53 462 337 529 2 459 999 2 503 352 1 796 313 32 550
05 624 946 61 958 206 309 187 361 54 151 367 651 2 479 885 2 517 306 1 657 227 41 489
06 636 152 49 430 194 512 287 899 37 810 373 960 2 355 969 2 395 837 1 841 603 50 150
07 585 905 49 682 173 612 266 098 35 063 351 181 2 004 514 2 259 402 1 946 683 49 089
08 574 478 45 347 184 107 327 707 29 427 359 414 2 178 233 1 902 952 1 814 250 48 033
09 1 170 308 67 389 200 528 342 229 46 620 401 086 2 413 018 2 525 447 1 924 086 48 552
10 1 043 095 125 624 183 525 378 545 55 782 365 982 2 378 725 2 772 640 1 822 937 67 725
11 890 767 69 161 176 311 226 113 37 737 342 308 2 171 500 2 459 562 1 657 950 50 851
12 887 460 157 326 223 096 445 562 49 476 383 288 2 591 001 3 054 824 1 953 131 58 443
01 581 202 65 364 152 382 411 865 50 680 268 404 1 859 742 2 001 004 1 394 190 67 527
02 689 408 76 437 207 320 176 668 81 710 365 388 2 208 517 2 447 490 1 698 228 89 129
03 742 137 132 458 223 205 382 786 93 081 415 440 2 756 985 3 131 105 1 958 488 54 799
04 650 718 80 496 242 391 368 990 67 279 408 533 2 313 207 2 814 427 1 634 777 55 671
05 688 440 58 283 279 771 358 504 79 170 485 989 2 822 215 3 273 960 1 829 579 100 633
06 881 209 82 323 365 853 677 632 63 728 576 816 3 300 648 3 875 770 2 343 949 305 175
07 696 198 56 169 296 649 614 976 51 607 523 706 3 078 496 3 133 834 2 326 768 258 891
08 636 642 93 970 291 075 408 476 28 121 526 854 3 130 367 2 686 200 2 134 485 93 745
09 932 531 101 573 303 948 422 050 26 256 542 927 3 231 912 3 409 578 2 212 741 63 311
10 926 740 132 430 285 683 312 959 21 304 494 666 2 901 192 3 163 486 1 888 469 94 311
11 1 066 061 200 066 310 626 533 573 24 950 521 892 3 553 535 4 040 763 2 278 961 67 150
12 998 898 95 944 337 312 497 505 27 953 536 564 3 235 276 4 046 373 2 440 159 123 737
01 837 857 107 594 287 468 305 401 27 648 390 632 2 626 463 2 844 543 1 813 830 119 396
02 813 451 77 981 256 824 401 986 54 828 456 343 2 888 919 3 496 069 2 104 190 150 860
03 838 540 106 968 334 152 487 674 56 128 539 602 3 515 095 4 190 029 2 441 523 99 579
04 720 978 57 236 312 147 536 869 25 639 484 921 3 375 734 3 647 001 2 035 517 117 529
05 683 005 56 724 322 584 594 512 37 687 533 617 3 775 073 4 011 339 2 148 586 72 004
06 708 029 55 100 350 731 508 883 21 189 551 737 3 407 576 3 869 589 2 327 062 70 517
07 652 283 50 388 313 720 589 761 18 047 521 196 3 394 499 3 600 546 2 246 280 64 742
08 780 661 63 568 384 334 591 318 27 374 575 309 3 442 526 3 240 951 2 342 843 60 586
09 924 377 110 142 314 706 467 105 23 148 519 850 3 037 979 3 637 523 2 168 533 235 539
10 1 072 810 156 705 308 735 620 121 20 195 527 059 3 283 670 3 761 085 2 009 904 147 318
11 1 152 572 136 655 334 179 721 293 31 045 591 704 3 443 675 4 379 492 2 401 437 283 161
12 938 577 60 620 296 543 807 241 38 343 464 247 2 831 026 3 797 409 2 012 186 220 668
01 965 065 112 928 288 124 644 099 56 012 451 199 3 093 129 3 697 189 2 048 296 1 159 533
02 834 467 67 675 335 846 540 567 53 194 555 274 3 498 303 4 224 678 2 186 654 928 934
03 842 479 61 684 308 799 764 265 42 983 613 630 4 137 304 4 591 925 2 254 005 516 326
04 897 977 66 596 412 402 722 580 48 282 672 310 4 623 303 4 912 558 2 277 148 168 151
05 886 280 77 056 426 189 1 175 108 29 493 740 727 5 053 973 4 866 532 2 272 683 90 707
06 832 753 68 469 386 168 687 690 39 959 677 578 4 983 471 4 582 954 2 184 396 71 421
07 762 059 84 179 393 343 1 238 912 42 826 747 382 5 120 866 4 437 080 2 405 994 82 296
08 794 871 60 731 403 506 790 288 57 461 687 789 4 737 310 3 282 464 2 166 728 60 626
09 1 146 242 133 023 394 257 1 129 274 70 706 759 740 5 470 602 4 348 084 2 290 248 90 193
10 1 459 189 194 926 348 811 879 738 93 204 753 157 4 246 924 4 015 439 2 138 938 435 218
11 1 403 837 141 680 334 271 671 962 136 234 710 963 4 001 686 4 212 968 2 631 818 747 059
12 1 218 783 110 554 224 310 390 968 97 406 550 447 3 226 897 3 291 061 2 052 334 793 726


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1. 20 Standart uluslararas ticaret snflamasna göre aylk ihracat, 2004 - 2008

Monthly exports by standard international trade classification, 2004 - 2008
(SUTS, 3.Rev. - SITC Rev.3) (000 $)
Madeni Baúka Baúlca Baúka yerde
Akaryakt yaktlar, yerde snflara Makina Çeúitli snflandrl-
bitkisel sv
Canl hariç, ya÷lar vb. belirtilme- ayrlarak ve mamul mamú eúya
ve kat
hayvanlar øçki ve yenilmeyen ilgili yen kimya iúlenmiú ulaútrma eúya ve mamüller
Ay ve gda tütün hammadde maddeler sanayi mallar araçlar Miscella- Commodities
Months maddeleri Beverages Crude Mineral ürünleri Manufactured Machinery neous and
Animal and
Food and and tobacco materials, fuels, Chemicals goods and manufac- transactions
vegetable oils,
live animals inedible, lubricants and and related classified transport tured not classified
fats and
except fuels related products, chiefly by equipment articles elsewhere in
materials n.e.s. material the SITC.

01 365 034 54 264 107 097 86 950 13 994 179 014 1 264 235 1 236 837 1 305 480 6 756
02 278 162 55 230 106 377 72 973 9 781 145 717 1 055 125 989 351 946 948 4 839
03 381 140 61 729 122 138 141 794 17 354 210 234 1 506 511 1 485 179 1 269 919 22 044
04 321 333 79 436 120 160 69 961 18 482 207 394 1 541 198 1 539 742 1 166 129 8 628
05 303 097 44 023 125 278 137 726 19 838 201 272 1 692 486 1 519 776 1 109 735 16 831
06 375 503 42 680 110 593 170 129 16 516 218 504 1 668 109 1 473 956 1 170 213 38 182
07 365 250 27 784 134 134 142 455 16 261 234 634 1 533 983 1 719 270 1 441 740 16 626
08 335 611 29 244 109 135 114 219 15 997 216 425 1 420 759 1 261 795 1 177 601 26 706
09 577 792 26 237 118 688 102 718 19 101 226 829 1 683 179 1 637 783 1 248 929 15 028
10 604 163 49 587 140 845 78 016 12 253 252 494 1 737 794 1 691 369 1 279 562 21 259
11 555 822 78 163 126 934 141 229 13 107 221 376 1 727 878 1 665 302 1 193 467 10 631
12 581 418 42 562 140 109 170 968 32 766 252 260 1 801 739 2 054 992 1 452 905 11 155
01 386 035 72 256 112 441 208 668 28 362 184 303 1 397 841 1 378 106 1 197 804 31 464
02 439 281 75 622 121 625 165 772 42 510 197 781 1 627 243 1 682 061 1 287 377 12 469
03 511 768 88 787 155 223 206 236 39 442 254 568 1 859 432 2 019 580 1 439 914 16 909
04 436 521 37 732 132 136 240 100 39 397 248 196 1 808 601 1 840 456 1 321 036 23 957
05 455 999 45 027 150 379 136 246 39 547 267 964 1 807 955 1 834 855 1 208 952 30 302
06 466 951 36 314 142 733 211 580 27 794 274 655 1 729 171 1 759 513 1 352 927 36 897
07 437 190 37 023 129 584 198 713 26 134 262 237 1 496 133 1 686 582 1 453 216 36 654
08 427 122 33 814 136 975 244 219 22 006 267 282 1 620 305 1 415 372 1 349 752 36 019
09 872 619 50 293 149 395 255 215 34 751 298 977 1 798 776 1 883 094 1 434 894 36 255
10 768 525 92 449 135 114 279 146 41 046 269 557 1 751 862 2 042 358 1 342 329 49 791
11 654 797 50 837 129 606 166 328 27 735 251 573 1 596 530 1 808 530 1 219 208 37 431
12 655 534 116 291 164 863 328 800 36 575 283 413 1 915 079 2 258 471 1 444 081 43 172
01 434 787 48 906 114 001 308 032 37 873 200 941 1 391 912 1 501 502 1 044 604 50 491
02 519 265 57 557 156 202 133 057 61 534 275 338 1 664 165 1 844 144 1 279 849 67 140
03 556 455 99 321 167 154 286 420 69 785 311 222 2 067 312 2 344 345 1 468 019 41 069
04 486 337 60 051 181 009 275 908 50 216 305 427 1 729 180 2 103 822 1 222 497 41 643
05 487 391 41 257 196 976 251 192 57 191 342 768 2 001 137 2 307 600 1 286 749 69 283
06 552 798 50 848 229 752 429 379 40 293 361 056 2 073 036 2 421 256 1 465 441 191 575
07 444 616 36 185 189 535 392 815 32 990 335 407 1 970 629 2 009 604 1 490 942 164 689
08 432 287 63 987 198 272 277 543 19 014 358 182 2 122 619 1 822 810 1 452 610 63 880
09 630 269 68 736 205 614 286 935 17 770 367 106 2 187 121 2 304 709 1 495 500 42 790
10 623 810 89 255 192 361 211 208 14 339 333 536 1 953 967 2 133 252 1 273 541 63 542
11 731 106 137 231 212 898 366 109 17 102 357 968 2 437 493 2 772 212 1 563 275 46 080
12 695 396 66 628 234 846 347 614 19 474 374 182 2 256 283 2 820 621 1 702 799 85 912
01 586 944 75 405 201 600 214 955 19 411 273 899 1 841 306 1 995 900 1 271 527 83 612
02 581 047 55 564 183 266 288 194 39 258 326 555 2 068 886 2 500 673 1 505 799 107 711
03 595 045 75 841 236 844 346 302 39 903 383 137 2 498 669 2 977 184 1 734 073 70 853
04 528 948 42 107 229 135 393 599 18 812 356 337 2 482 594 2 679 706 1 495 807 86 268
05 509 891 42 325 240 873 446 678 28 176 398 964 2 825 158 2 995 989 1 606 032 53 534
06 535 296 41 644 265 411 385 747 16 041 417 346 2 578 221 2 926 278 1 760 720 53 543
07 508 257 39 284 244 125 459 256 14 048 406 491 2 650 285 2 812 414 1 753 162 50 419
08 593 053 48 095 292 646 442 469 20 827 437 370 2 612 047 2 462 556 1 781 394 46 234
09 728 380 87 671 248 326 367 802 18 320 410 421 2 403 933 2 875 446 1 712 719 185 726
10 891 017 130 104 256 284 514 255 16 723 437 790 2 728 933 3 127 073 1 672 087 120 951
11 968 276 115 133 281 026 605 771 26 042 497 319 2 891 720 3 677 550 2 018 686 237 275
12 795 586 51 382 251 459 682 816 32 512 393 668 2 401 102 3 220 200 1 707 330 187 963
01 820 532 96 278 245 022 549 014 47 455 383 196 2 622 498 3 141 060 1 741 215 985 936
02 699 478 56 716 281 457 451 645 44 531 465 536 2 928 277 3 541 052 1 832 537 776 670
03 682 285 49 982 250 249 617 926 34 697 496 421 3 343 546 3 712 476 1 822 739 418 268
04 689 225 51 160 316 421 553 010 37 320 516 145 3 551 841 3 772 073 1 747 254 129 514
05 706 750 61 561 339 682 942 222 23 535 591 164 4 039 970 3 885 862 1 815 419 71 805
06 674 883 55 436 312 880 559 251 32 316 549 074 4 042 417 3 716 324 1 770 243 57 809
07 625 894 69 195 323 329 1 017 317 35 321 614 469 4 218 877 3 647 112 1 976 345 67 568
08 673 349 51 466 342 052 668 152 48 654 583 262 4 009 027 2 780 872 1 838 279 51 719
09 927 783 107 218 319 389 915 720 57 403 615 287 4 415 752 3 512 554 1 849 446 72 597
10 987 761 131 291 236 061 587 960 61 488 505 959 2 824 625 2 666 946 1 424 353 296 263
11 881 363 89 290 209 404 416 666 84 772 445 346 2 508 987 2 649 661 1 650 559 459 825
12 785 716 71 097 144 834 252 643 62 777 355 951 2 089 498 2 121 402 1 326 526 511 506

72 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Statistics, 1923-2008 İstatistikler, 1923-2008

1.21 øhracat içinde taúma sistemlerinin oran, 1994 - 2008

Rate of transport systems in exports, 1994 - 2008
A. Miktar - Quantity B. De÷er - Value
Taúma Sistemi - Transport system
Yllar Deniz yolu Kara yolu Hava yolu Di÷er (1)
Years Maritime Lines Highway Airlines Other

1994 84.2 44.4 14.8 47.1 0.6 7.9 0.4 0.6

1995 82.6 41.5 16.7 51.0 0.3 7.0 0.4 0.5
1996 76.5 42.4 21.9 48.4 1.0 8.4 0.7 0.7
1997 72.9 39.1 26.2 53.1 0.4 7.1 0.6 0.7
1998 81.5 40.8 17.7 52.5 0.3 6.2 0.5 0.5
1999 84.1 45.3 15.2 46.3 0.2 8.2 0.5 0.3
2000 84.4 47.1 14.8 43.3 0.2 8.4 0.6 1.2
2001 83.6 49.5 15.3 42.0 0.3 7.2 0.8 1.3
2002 82.7 47.2 16.2 45.5 0.2 6.5 0.9 0.8
2003 80.5 49.2 18.2 43.0 0.2 6.8 1.1 1.0
2004 77.6 49.5 20.8 42.9 0.2 6.2 1.4 1.4
2005 73.7 48.2 24.4 43.0 0.3 5.4 1.6 3.4
2006 76.1 49.9 21.5 41.1 0.2 5.7 2.2 3.3
2007 75.5 48.6 21.0 41.5 1.7 6.5 1.9 3.4
2008 75.6 50.3 20.8 38.6 1.7 7.9 1.9 3.2
(1) Demiryolu, posta, boru hatt ile yaplan taúmalar ve elektrik enerjisi, (1) Electrical energy, moving vehicles by itself and transportation by railway, post, pipeline.
kendinden hareketli vastalar.

1.22 Taúma sistemlerine göre ihracat içinde Türk ve yabanc araçlarn taúma oran, 1994 - 2008
Rate of Turkish and foreign carriers in exports by transport systems, 1994 - 2008
Toplam Deniz yolu Kara yolu Hava yolu
Yllar Total Maritime Lines Highway Airlines
Years Türk Yabanc Türk Yabanc Türk Yabanc Türk Yabanc
Turkish Foreign Turkish Foreign Turkish Foreign Turkish Foreign
Miktar - Quantity
1994 55.7 44.3 49.7 50.3 88.2 11.8 64.4 35.6
1995 48.2 51.8 39.5 60.5 89.9 10.1 50.6 49.4
1996 50.7 49.3 39.2 60.8 89.5 10.5 79.5 20.5
1997 49.9 50.1 34.9 65.1 91.5 8.5 58.0 42.0
1998 42.4 57.6 31.0 69.0 94.2 5.8 66.6 33.4
1999 40.6 59.4 30.3 69.7 97.0 3.0 70.0 30.0
2000 49.0 51.0 40.8 59.2 95.6 4.4 72.8 27.2
2001 39.6 60.4 30.4 69.6 89.4 10.6 56.3 43.7
2002 35.1 64.9 25.9 74.1 81.6 18.4 53.3 46.7
2003 30.7 69.3 23.7 76.3 61.5 38.5 31.5 68.5
2004 33.4 66.6 22.8 77.2 72.9 27.1 35.9 64.1
2005 40.8 59.2 25.8 74.2 89.3 10.7 49.6 50.4
2006 33.7 66.3 20.0 80.0 88.6 11.4 58.8 41.2
2007 33.9 66.1 19.8 80.2 86.8 13.2 73.9 26.1
2008 33.1 66.9 18.6 81.4 89.2 10.8 62.6 37.4
De÷er - Value
1994 56.0 44.0 38.4 61.6 72.4 27.6 53.7 46.3
1995 52.6 47.4 27.0 73.0 74.9 25.1 38.3 61.7
1996 61.3 38.7 29.9 70.1 88.6 11.4 62.5 37.5
1997 64.3 35.7 26.6 73.4 92.8 7.2 58.6 41.4
1998 62.6 37.4 25.4 74.6 91.2 8.8 65.0 35.0
1999 62.9 37.1 26.9 73.1 96.4 3.6 72.5 27.5
2000 67.1 32.9 41.3 58.7 93.3 6.7 76.6 23.4
2001 53.7 46.3 30.6 69.4 78.0 22.0 71.5 28.5
2002 45.4 54.6 20.9 79.1 69.9 30.1 52.0 48.0
2003 26.7 73.3 17.5 82.5 34.8 65.2 41.4 58.6
2004 35.6 64.4 16.4 83.6 56.3 43.7 44.9 55.1
2005 50.0 50.2 22.9 77.1 79.8 20.2 60.3 39.7
2006 46.4 53.6 19.4 80.6 81.2 18.8 62.7 37.3
2007 48.8 51.2 20.1 79.9 81.0 19.0 51.1 48.9
2008 44.3 55.7 17.7 82.3 83.0 17.0 48.9 51.1

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
İstatistikler, 1923-2008 Statistics, 1923-2008

1.23 øthalat içinde taúma sistemlerinin oran, 1994 - 2008

Rate of transport systems in imports, 1994 - 2008
A. Miktar - Quantity B. De÷er - Value
Taúma Sistemi - Transport system
Yllar Deniz yolu Kara yolu Hava yolu Di÷er (1)
Years Maritime Lines Highway Airlines Other

1994 96.0 52.4 3.4 33.5 0.1 11.5 0.6 2.7

1995 94.8 52.9 3.9 33.5 0.1 11.3 1.2 2.4
1996 89.0 50.6 6.7 35.4 0.5 10.2 3.7 3.8
1997 89.9 50.5 7.6 35.1 0.4 11.3 2.1 3.0
1998 90.5 47.4 5.9 39.1 0.3 11.2 3.4 2.4
1999 90.9 47.2 5.9 39.0 0.1 10.8 3.1 3.0
2000 90.7 50.6 5.9 33.6 0.1 10.8 3.3 5.0
2001 90.4 48.7 6.5 32.6 0.0 12.6 3.0 6.0
2002 89.9 55.0 6.4 27.6 0.1 12.4 3.6 5.1
2003 91.1 57.3 6.7 25.7 0.1 12.2 2.1 4.8
2004 92.5 58.2 4.9 24.5 0.1 12.6 2.5 4.6
2005 92.5 57.2 4.9 24.6 0.1 11.2 2.4 7.1
2006 93.4 58.3 4.8 23.4 0.1 9.8 1.8 8.4
2007 92.7 59.3 5.1 22.7 0.2 9.9 2.0 8.0
2008 93.2 61.5 4.6 20.4 0.1 8.4 2.1 9.7

(1) Demiryolu, posta, boru hatt ile yaplan taúmalar ve elektrik enerjisi, (1) Electrical energy, moving vehicles by itself and transportation by railway, post, pipeline.
kendinden hareketli vastalar.

1.24 Taúma sistemlerine göre ithalat içinde Türk ve yabanc araçlarn taúma oran, 1994 - 2008
Rate of Turkish and foreign carriers in imports by transport systems, 1994 - 2008
Toplam Deniz yolu Kara yolu Hava yolu
Yllar Total Maritime Lines Highway Airlines
Years Türk Yabanc Türk Yabanc Türk Yabanc Türk Yabanc
Turkish Foreign Turkish Foreign Turkish Foreign Turkish Foreign
Miktar - Quantity
1994 53.3 46.7 52.3 47.7 76.1 23.9 38.2 61.8
1995 42.6 57.4 40.6 59.4 76.2 23.8 41.6 58.4
1996 38.9 61.1 36.9 63.1 66.1 33.9 29.3 70.7
1997 38.0 62.0 35.2 64.8 70.6 29.4 58.1 41.9
1998 38.3 61.7 35.6 64.4 79.1 20.9 80.0 20.0
1999 45.2 54.8 42.1 57.9 91.6 8.4 71.1 28.9
2000 45.3 54.7 42.8 57.2 83.1 16.9 59.9 40.1
2001 39.0 61.0 35.8 64.2 82.3 17.7 55.6 44.4
2002 38.0 62.0 35.2 64.8 75.8 24.2 32.0 68.0
2003 32.5 67.5 30.2 69.8 63.4 36.6 63.8 36.2
2004 28.8 71.2 26.2 73.8 75.0 25.0 63.0 37.0
2005 27.9 72.1 25.1 74.9 79.4 20.6 60.0 40.0
2006 27.9 72.1 25.2 74.8 80.2 19.8 65.7 34.3
2007 24.1 75.9 21.3 78.7 72.9 27.1 42.3 57.7
2008 22.8 77.2 19.9 80.1 81.6 18.4 58.3 41.7
De÷er - Value
1994 52.7 47.3 39.8 60.2 72.0 28.0 50.6 49.4
1995 47.6 52.4 30.2 69.8 72.4 27.6 52.5 47.5
1996 48.3 51.7 29.5 70.5 74.5 25.5 50.2 49.8
1997 49.9 50.1 27.1 72.9 78.5 21.5 63.1 36.9
1998 56.4 43.6 29.7 70.3 85.2 14.8 68.7 31.3
1999 62.8 37.2 39.0 61.0 91.6 8.4 62.8 37.2
2000 58.2 41.8 40.9 59.1 82.6 17.4 62.8 37.2
2001 55.2 44.8 36.5 63.5 82.2 17.8 57.1 42.9
2002 55.1 44.9 42.2 57.8 80.0 20.0 56.9 43.1
2003 52.5 47.5 41.0 59.0 79.9 20.1 48.7 51.3
2004 52.5 47.5 40.6 59.4 80.8 19.2 52.5 47.5
2005 51.2 48.8 36.8 63.2 83.3 16.7 53.9 46.1
2006 51.7 48.3 36.1 63.9 85.0 15.0 64.7 35.3
2007 50.4 49.6 33.6 66.4 83.6 16.4 75.2 24.8
2008 47.2 52.8 31.5 68.5 84.2 15.8 72.0 28.0

74 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008 74

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 1 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre yllk dú ticaret birim de÷er ve miktar endeksleri, 1997-2008
Annual unit value and quantity indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]

øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports

Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Yllar Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Years General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

Birim de÷er endeksi - Unit value indices

[Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras ]

1997 9.5 12.2 6.8 10.1 11.0 12.0 10.4 10.2 10.9
1998 15.7 19.3 8.4 17.5 18.1 21.0 18.2 16.3 17.8
1999 23.8 25.6 16.8 25.8 27.1 30.8 33.4 25.0 26.6
2000 37.3 37.7 38.1 37.9 38.7 44.7 43.1 37.5 38.2
2001 73.0 69.4 69.8 74.8 73.5 78.0 62.9 69.8 73.1
2002 89.2 86.1 85.3 91.6 89.3 92.9 95.4 88.6 88.8
2003 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2004 110.5 109.7 115.2 108.5 111.7 126.4 105.9 111.7 111.0
2005 111.4 95.2 152.1 105.6 111.2 152.3 92.5 115.9 109.5
2006 129.5 110.0 202.2 119.7 123.6 140.4 91.8 141.9 122.6
2007 128.3 112.3 196.0 118.3 126.0 152.3 94.7 149.2 124.5
2008 152.4 145.7 282.5 132.6 145.3 148.3 107.9 164.4 144.7

[ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars ]

1997 95.0 122.2 68.4 101.3 108.4 117.8 102.5 100.9 107.4
1998 91.2 112.6 49.1 101.5 104.0 120.8 105.9 93.6 102.3
1999 86.2 93.3 58.8 93.9 97.0 110.5 120.4 89.4 95.5
2000 90.1 90.7 91.8 91.6 92.8 107.2 102.9 89.4 91.4
2001 89.8 85.9 86.6 91.9 90.4 96.8 77.5 85.4 89.9
2002 88.7 85.5 84.6 91.2 88.7 92.6 93.9 88.4 88.2
2003 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2004 115.1 114.3 120.0 113.0 116.3 131.7 110.2 116.4 115.6
2005 123.3 105.4 168.3 116.8 122.9 168.3 102.2 128.0 121.0
2006 134.1 113.9 209.3 124.0 127.7 145.0 94.8 146.5 126.6
2007 147.2 128.9 224.9 135.7 144.5 174.6 108.6 171.1 142.8
2008 177.5 169.7 329.0 154.4 167.5 171.1 124.4 189.5 166.8

Miktar endeksi - Quantity indices

1997 69.1 68.0 78.6 65.3 47.0 95.1 35.2 63.8 44.3
1998 67.3 66.6 79.9 63.4 51.5 97.4 18.7 62.4 49.1
1999 66.6 61.6 77.6 63.1 53.1 95.8 35.5 66.8 50.9
2000 88.3 88.6 85.3 84.6 59.1 75.8 25.1 73.7 58.3
2001 66.4 63.9 82.3 62.3 72.3 106.4 39.6 71.7 70.7
2002 80.2 70.5 93.4 76.3 83.7 95.2 45.7 72.0 83.5
2003 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2004 121.7 93.3 101.4 127.4 114.3 90.2 109.5 117.0 115.5
2005 136.1 104.2 107.5 144.2 126.2 93.0 165.5 134.5 127.8
2006 147.7 99.6 116.3 156.9 141.3 112.5 170.1 166.7 142.4
2007 166.6 142.0 124.8 177.2 157.0 100.6 180.4 206.9 159.4
2008 164.1 148.6 120.1 174.7 166.7 108.3 239.2 242.4 169.0

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Endeksler, 1997-2008 Indices, 1997-2008

2. 2 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre üç aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008
Quarterly unit value indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3] (ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars )
øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports
Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Dönem Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Quarters General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

1997 I 98.6 124.7 77.4 103.3 112.3 118.7 109.9 100.6 111.7
II 94.0 122.7 64.2 100.9 109.3 114.4 98.8 100.5 108.9
III 92.6 118.2 64.8 99.2 106.3 114.7 98.8 103.0 105.4
IV 95.0 123.2 67.1 101.8 105.7 123.5 102.4 99.3 103.4
1998 I 94.0 120.9 56.9 102.8 105.0 129.4 130.4 91.1 102.3
II 91.4 113.2 50.1 101.5 103.8 122.0 107.3 94.8 101.9
III 89.7 109.6 46.3 100.3 103.3 113.8 109.2 99.3 102.4
IV 89.6 106.7 42.9 101.3 104.0 118.2 76.8 89.2 102.5

1999 I 85.2 98.9 40.5 97.1 102.6 118.2 124.5 91.1 100.9
II 82.9 94.2 50.8 91.2 96.1 111.1 131.4 87.0 94.5
III 85.9 91.8 65.1 91.9 94.2 106.4 135.7 88.4 92.8
IV 90.6 88.4 78.8 95.2 95.1 106.2 89.9 91.0 93.8

2000 I 90.1 87.0 88.1 92.4 94.8 112.3 99.6 85.0 93.3
II 88.4 88.5 89.7 90.7 92.7 112.2 101.4 89.2 91.1
III 91.0 95.9 94.3 92.4 92.3 101.8 108.9 95.6 91.3
IV 90.8 91.5 95.2 90.9 91.3 102.5 101.5 87.8 90.1

2001 I 93.9 93.2 91.9 95.6 95.0 105.8 85.2 89.2 94.0
II 90.5 87.8 91.4 91.9 90.9 101.8 73.1 81.8 89.9
III 89.3 85.2 88.5 90.6 89.8 93.5 78.1 80.9 89.7
IV 85.4 77.3 74.6 89.4 86.0 86.2 73.5 89.6 85.9

2002 I 84.9 82.3 73.8 88.1 87.3 96.1 78.1 94.9 86.3
II 87.3 82.9 83.6 90.2 88.0 94.8 93.4 88.6 87.0
III 90.1 84.3 89.7 91.9 89.0 87.4 100.3 82.0 89.0
IV 92.5 92.5 91.1 94.5 90.7 92.2 103.8 88.1 90.5

2003 I 98.0 94.6 101.2 98.0 96.9 94.0 93.2 96.9 97.1
II 100.0 97.4 96.6 100.6 99.5 94.4 103.1 97.5 99.7
III 98.7 100.5 100.5 98.3 99.1 98.2 105.9 99.1 99.1
IV 103.3 107.5 101.7 103.1 104.5 113.4 97.8 106.4 104.0

2004 I 110.8 121.9 106.6 109.6 113.6 117.5 108.2 114.3 113.4
II 112.3 121.3 113.8 110.0 115.5 118.9 122.4 113.3 115.3
III 115.9 113.8 125.1 113.4 115.6 140.4 120.1 117.6 114.6
IV 122.8 101.6 134.1 120.4 120.7 148.7 97.8 121.1 119.4

2005 I 124.6 102.3 142.7 121.4 125.4 163.8 106.3 128.4 123.8
II 123.9 106.2 156.7 119.0 124.4 173.6 116.4 126.3 122.6
III 122.4 107.6 182.9 114.5 122.8 175.2 111.0 128.6 120.8
IV 123.3 106.8 186.9 114.4 120.7 160.9 86.0 130.2 119.0
2006 I 127.1 110.2 199.8 117.7 124.3 162.8 92.8 131.8 122.7
II 134.3 113.9 211.6 124.1 129.2 149.5 98.6 149.3 128.0
III 138.3 116.0 219.1 127.4 129.0 135.5 104.5 157.1 128.1
IV 137.5 117.3 205.8 127.8 129.0 138.9 89.1 144.4 128.4

2007 I 137.7 117.7 199.0 128.6 135.4 156.5 105.3 149.2 134.1
II 144.0 124.4 208.4 133.8 141.3 155.3 108.1 174.0 140.0
III 148.0 129.0 227.5 136.3 145.0 169.7 107.8 174.3 143.6
IV 159.1 145.6 261.4 144.5 154.8 199.3 107.6 185.0 152.6

2008 I 169.1 161.5 294.4 150.6 163.5 191.8 129.4 182.3 162.0
II 185.1 179.3 342.4 160.4 174.7 187.1 134.4 198.4 173.5
III 191.8 178.7 360.6 164.4 180.2 163.7 120.3 201.9 180.0
IV 162.8 157.8 306.4 143.2 147.8 162.9 113.6 167.0 147.0

76 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 3 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre üç aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008
Quarterly unit value indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3] [Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras ]
øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports
Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Dönem Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Quarters General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

1997 I 7.7 9.8 6.1 8.1 8.9 9.4 8.8 8.0 8.9
II 8.5 11.1 5.8 9.1 10.1 10.6 9.1 9.3 10.0
III 9.9 12.6 6.9 10.6 11.6 12.5 10.8 11.2 11.5
IV 11.8 15.3 8.3 12.6 13.3 15.6 13.0 12.5 13.1

1998 I 13.8 17.8 8.4 15.1 15.7 19.3 19.5 13.6 15.3
II 15.3 19.0 8.4 17.0 17.5 20.5 18.1 16.0 17.2
III 16.2 19.8 8.4 18.1 18.8 20.7 19.9 18.1 18.6
IV 17.4 20.8 8.3 19.7 20.4 23.2 15.1 17.6 20.1

1999 I 19.1 22.2 9.1 21.7 23.5 27.1 28.7 20.9 23.1
II 21.6 24.6 13.3 23.8 25.5 29.5 34.9 23.1 25.1
III 24.9 26.6 18.9 26.6 27.7 31.3 40.0 26.0 27.3
IV 29.7 29.0 25.8 31.2 31.6 35.4 29.9 30.3 31.2

2000 I 33.6 32.5 32.8 34.4 35.7 42.3 37.5 32.0 35.1
II 35.7 35.8 36.2 36.6 37.8 45.7 41.4 36.4 37.1
III 39.0 41.2 40.4 39.6 40.0 44.1 47.3 41.5 39.5
IV 41.0 41.4 42.9 41.0 41.6 46.8 46.4 40.1 41.1

2001 I 49.7 49.3 48.3 50.6 50.7 56.5 45.6 47.6 50.1
II 71.8 69.8 72.5 72.9 72.1 80.9 58.1 65.0 71.3
III 83.5 79.9 82.7 84.8 83.7 86.9 72.9 75.7 83.6
IV 86.8 78.7 75.8 90.8 87.4 87.5 75.0 91.0 87.2

2002 I 76.8 74.6 66.8 79.7 79.1 87.1 70.9 86.0 78.1
II 81.9 77.9 78.4 84.6 82.7 88.9 87.9 83.2 81.8
III 98.7 92.6 98.3 100.7 97.7 96.1 110.4 90.2 97.8
IV 99.2 99.4 97.8 101.4 97.8 99.5 112.2 95.0 97.6

2003 I 107.6 104.0 111.0 107.5 106.6 103.6 102.7 106.6 106.8
II 101.3 98.9 97.8 101.9 100.7 95.8 104.5 98.8 100.9
III 91.8 93.6 93.4 91.4 92.1 91.4 98.6 92.2 92.1
IV 99.3 103.5 97.8 99.1 100.6 109.3 94.2 102.4 100.1

2004 I 98.5 108.6 94.7 97.5 101.2 104.8 96.4 101.8 101.0
II 108.6 117.5 110.0 106.4 112.1 115.7 119.1 110.0 111.9
III 114.0 112.1 123.0 111.5 114.4 139.1 119.0 116.4 113.4
IV 118.5 98.2 129.3 116.1 116.3 143.6 94.4 116.8 115.1

2005 I 110.0 90.4 125.9 107.1 111.3 145.6 94.5 114.0 109.9
II 112.6 96.7 142.3 108.2 113.5 158.7 106.4 115.2 111.8
III 109.4 96.3 163.3 102.3 110.2 157.5 99.7 115.5 108.4
IV 111.4 96.7 168.9 103.4 109.5 146.2 78.1 118.1 107.9

2006 I 112.9 98.0 177.3 104.5 110.7 145.3 82.8 117.5 109.3
II 129.5 110.0 203.9 119.6 126.0 146.1 96.3 145.7 124.9
III 138.7 116.5 219.5 127.7 129.8 136.5 105.3 158.0 128.8
IV 133.5 114.0 199.7 124.1 125.7 135.5 87.0 140.7 125.1

2007 I 129.5 110.9 187.1 121.0 127.7 147.7 99.4 140.7 126.4
II 128.8 111.4 186.3 119.6 126.6 139.4 97.0 155.9 125.4
III 127.0 110.9 195.2 117.0 124.9 146.4 93.0 150.2 123.6
IV 126.2 115.7 207.2 114.6 123.3 159.0 85.8 147.4 121.5

2008 I 135.0 129.2 235.0 120.2 131.6 154.6 104.3 146.8 130.4
II 155.9 151.2 288.1 135.1 147.4 158.1 113.6 167.5 146.4
III 154.6 144.3 290.5 132.5 146.2 133.0 97.7 163.8 146.0
IV 164.5 159.8 309.5 144.7 152.9 168.8 117.6 172.8 152.1

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Endeksler, 1997-2008 Indices, 1997-2008

2. 4 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre üç aylk dú ticaret miktar endeksleri, 1997 - 2008
Quarterly quantity indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]
øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports
Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Dönem Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Quarters General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

1997 I 56.3 66.6 75.0 51.5 41.3 82.5 24.5 54.9 39.1
II 66.0 72.5 74.3 61.8 43.4 83.0 27.8 59.6 41.3
III 76.1 69.3 80.4 72.9 48.9 77.6 43.7 70.2 47.3
IV 77.8 63.7 84.7 74.9 54.2 137.5 44.8 70.5 49.7

1998 I 64.1 62.6 78.6 60.2 51.1 100.8 27.4 63.1 48.4
II 71.4 68.5 73.7 68.2 50.5 83.4 20.1 69.6 48.7
III 68.5 75.2 85.2 63.5 51.5 84.3 4.9 63.8 49.9
IV 65.5 60.2 82.0 61.6 52.9 121.2 22.5 53.1 49.5

1999 I 51.2 49.8 80.2 46.6 47.7 99.9 37.4 40.3 45.2
II 69.5 68.5 78.6 65.8 50.1 78.4 33.1 77.4 48.4
III 69.7 66.8 77.8 66.2 52.2 75.1 30.9 75.4 50.9
IV 75.9 61.3 73.9 73.8 62.4 129.7 40.6 74.0 58.9

2000 I 73.3 100.7 76.4 67.6 54.6 74.7 37.0 61.9 53.6
II 93.4 116.8 75.6 88.8 60.9 62.4 20.8 90.8 60.7
III 90.6 67.1 76.9 89.5 58.1 49.2 18.3 70.6 58.6
IV 95.9 69.8 112.5 92.4 62.9 116.8 24.2 71.5 60.2

2001 I 66.0 66.2 82.5 61.7 63.5 84.3 37.7 57.7 62.7
II 65.0 60.6 75.3 61.6 73.2 79.1 28.8 80.2 73.1
III 65.7 64.5 82.9 61.5 70.9 110.6 37.6 85.1 68.8
IV 68.9 64.2 88.4 64.6 81.4 151.8 54.4 63.9 78.1

2002 I 67.2 73.6 104.4 60.7 76.3 93.1 52.7 65.9 75.7
II 81.0 101.5 82.8 75.6 80.9 65.7 33.0 71.0 82.2
III 83.5 63.9 92.8 80.6 86.3 84.2 39.0 78.6 86.8
IV 89.1 43.0 93.5 88.4 91.2 137.9 58.0 72.5 89.3

2003 I 84.7 71.8 102.4 80.6 90.7 109.1 91.8 79.5 90.0
II 95.2 130.4 89.3 94.8 96.5 75.2 49.7 93.7 97.6
III 108.0 115.6 102.3 109.3 104.2 75.9 66.8 117.9 105.5
IV 112.2 82.2 106.0 115.3 108.6 139.7 191.6 109.0 107.0

2004 I 108.7 87.8 107.8 110.5 100.5 90.3 89.7 98.5 101.0
II 125.3 105.3 93.0 132.7 113.8 82.4 62.6 115.8 115.4
III 124.9 94.8 98.7 131.3 116.9 73.8 85.7 123.6 119.2
IV 125.8 82.3 106.1 132.5 124.8 112.4 211.0 128.5 125.4

2005 I 119.1 105.5 103.1 122.9 116.4 83.2 168.8 110.2 118.1
II 136.3 119.4 102.6 145.1 123.4 66.5 75.1 143.7 126.5
III 142.5 99.4 106.7 152.2 124.9 90.1 191.6 139.8 126.4
IV 145.6 91.6 118.0 155.6 138.6 134.4 229.1 143.1 138.4

2006 I 134.0 98.2 104.8 142.4 126.7 98.2 155.5 117.5 128.1
II 155.8 109.1 116.7 166.6 139.4 100.8 97.4 185.6 140.8
III 148.8 95.7 112.7 159.4 140.6 96.3 115.0 171.2 142.7
IV 150.3 94.4 131.6 156.7 157.4 152.0 319.5 191.4 156.6

2007 I 147.6 142.3 122.4 151.6 144.9 110.7 252.3 160.7 146.3
II 168.7 163.1 124.7 178.7 158.2 83.9 134.6 194.6 161.6
III 172.9 137.6 121.6 187.8 155.8 78.3 161.6 248.4 158.8
IV 175.3 126.5 131.0 188.1 169.0 133.5 184.4 218.8 170.4

2008 I 167.8 158.2 125.7 176.7 171.5 94.2 350.9 194.2 175.4
II 176.6 174.5 123.2 187.3 172.6 84.5 113.6 255.5 176.5
III 173.5 130.4 128.9 186.5 171.1 89.6 155.1 311.6 174.0
IV 136.2 131.2 105.9 143.8 153.6 156.7 350.0 208.0 152.7

78 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 5 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre üç aylk dú ticaret hadleri, 1997 - 2008

Terms of trade by quarterly economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]
ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras
Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Dönem Genel Agriculture and Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture and Mining and ømalat
Quarters General forestry quarrying Manufacturing General forestry quarrying Manufacturing
1997 114.0 96.4 147.5 106.0 115.8 98.5 151.4 107.4
1998 114.1 107.3 190.7 100.8 115.4 108.3 195.3 101.9
1999 112.6 118.4 152.0 101.8 113.5 120.3 149.4 103.1
2000 103.0 118.1 97.4 99.8 103.9 118.6 98.4 100.7
2001 100.7 112.8 98.6 97.8 100.7 112.3 100.0 97.8
2002 100.1 108.4 104.5 96.7 100.2 107.9 103.9 96.9
2003 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2004 101.0 115.2 97.0 102.3 101.0 115.2 97.0 102.3
2005 99.7 159.7 76.1 103.6 99.9 159.9 76.2 103.8
2006 95.2 127.2 70.0 102.2 95.4 127.6 70.2 102.4
2007 98.1 135.4 76.1 105.2 98.2 135.6 76.2 105.3
2008 94.4 100.8 57.6 108.0 95.3 101.8 58.2 109.1

1997 I 113.8 95.1 129.9 108.2 115.4 96.2 132.1 109.6

II 116.3 93.3 156.6 107.9 118.2 95.0 159.6 109.7
III 114.9 97.0 158.9 106.2 117.0 98.9 161.9 108.1
IV 111.2 100.3 148.0 101.6 113.3 102.3 150.9 103.5

1998 I 111.7 107.1 160.0 99.5 113.1 108.3 162.3 100.8

II 113.5 107.7 189.1 100.4 114.5 108.4 191.3 101.3
III 115.2 103.9 214.4 102.0 116.2 104.7 216.5 102.9
IV 116.1 110.8 208.0 101.2 117.3 111.8 211.4 102.2

1999 I 120.4 119.5 224.8 104.0 123.0 122.1 229.8 106.2

II 115.9 117.9 171.3 103.6 117.6 119.6 174.0 105.2
III 109.6 116.0 135.8 101.0 111.2 117.5 137.8 102.4
IV 104.9 120.1 115.5 98.5 106.5 122.0 117.1 99.9
2000 I 105.3 129.0 96.5 100.9 106.2 130.1 97.4 101.8
II 105.0 126.7 99.5 100.4 105.8 127.6 100.4 101.2
III 101.4 106.2 101.4 98.8 102.5 107.2 102.8 99.9
IV 100.5 112.0 92.3 99.1 101.6 113.0 93.4 100.1
2001 I 101.1 113.5 97.0 98.3 102.0 114.5 98.5 99.2
II 100.3 115.9 89.5 97.8 100.4 115.8 89.7 97.8
III 100.6 109.8 91.4 99.0 100.3 108.8 91.5 98.7
IV 100.6 111.5 120.1 96.0 100.6 111.2 120.1 96.0

2002 I 102.9 116.8 128.5 97.9 102.9 116.7 128.8 98.0

II 100.7 114.4 105.9 96.4 101.0 114.1 106.2 96.7
III 98.8 103.7 91.4 96.9 99.0 103.8 91.7 97.1
IV 98.1 99.7 96.6 95.8 98.6 100.1 97.2 96.2
2003 I 98.9 99.4 95.7 99.1 99.1 99.7 96.1 99.4
II 99.5 96.9 101.0 99.1 99.4 96.8 101.0 99.0
III 100.4 97.7 98.6 100.8 100.4 97.6 98.6 100.8
IV 101.2 105.5 104.6 100.9 101.2 105.6 104.8 101.0
2004 I 102.5 96.3 107.3 103.4 102.7 96.5 107.5 103.6
II 102.8 98.0 99.5 104.8 103.3 98.5 100.0 105.2
III 99.8 123.3 94.0 101.0 100.4 124.1 94.6 101.7
IV 98.3 146.4 90.3 99.2 98.2 146.2 90.3 99.1

2005 I 100.7 160.2 90.0 102.0 101.2 161.0 90.5 102.6

II 100.4 163.5 80.6 103.0 100.8 164.2 81.0 103.4
III 100.4 162.8 70.3 105.5 100.8 163.5 70.7 105.9
IV 97.9 150.6 69.6 104.0 98.3 151.2 70.0 104.4
2006 I 97.8 147.8 66.0 104.2 98.1 148.3 66.3 104.6
II 96.2 131.3 70.5 103.2 97.3 132.8 71.4 104.4
III 93.2 116.8 71.7 100.5 93.6 117.2 72.0 100.8
IV 93.8 118.4 70.2 100.4 94.1 118.8 70.5 100.8
2007 I 98.3 132.9 75.0 104.3 98.6 133.2 75.2 104.5
II 98.1 124.9 83.5 104.6 98.3 125.1 83.7 104.8
III 98.0 131.6 76.6 105.3 98.3 132.0 76.9 105.7
IV 97.3 136.9 70.8 105.6 97.7 137.5 71.2 106.1
2008 I 96.7 118.8 61.9 107.6 97.4 119.7 62.5 108.4
II 94.4 104.3 58.0 108.1 94.6 104.6 58.1 108.4
III 94.0 91.6 56.0 109.5 94.6 92.2 56.4 110.2
IV 90.8 103.2 54.5 102.7 93.0 105.7 55.8 105.1

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Endeksler, 1997-2008 Indices, 1997-2008

2. 6 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008
Monthly unit value indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3] (ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars)

øthalat - Imports øhracat - Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 104.0 123.9 85.2 108.3 112.4 115.2 109.8 99.8 112.4
02 95.3 125.0 75.0 99.6 111.6 124.0 104.1 98.4 110.3
03 96.6 125.3 72.1 101.9 112.8 116.7 115.7 103.6 112.5
04 94.8 122.4 64.4 101.9 107.7 106.0 117.1 99.9 108.3
05 93.0 126.5 64.4 99.4 111.0 116.2 96.2 98.4 110.6
06 94.2 119.3 63.8 101.5 109.1 121.1 83.1 103.3 108.0
07 94.1 122.8 65.1 100.9 108.0 113.4 94.7 108.8 107.3
08 90.2 111.3 65.8 96.4 107.4 113.6 105.7 102.5 106.8
09 93.4 120.5 63.5 100.4 103.5 117.0 95.9 97.7 102.0
10 95.3 126.9 69.0 101.5 103.8 115.8 96.7 98.7 102.4
11 96.0 124.9 66.6 102.9 106.4 126.0 103.2 102.0 103.9
12 93.8 117.8 65.8 100.8 106.8 128.8 107.4 97.3 104.0

01 93.7 122.3 58.3 101.9 105.9 135.3 135.5 94.6 102.4
02 94.5 121.9 56.5 103.5 104.7 125.6 117.6 86.9 102.5
03 93.9 118.4 56.1 103.0 104.5 127.2 138.1 91.8 102.1
04 93.2 116.7 51.9 103.2 104.6 133.3 113.2 90.1 101.7
05 89.9 113.1 50.8 99.3 103.7 124.4 97.3 100.1 101.5
06 91.3 109.9 47.7 101.9 102.9 108.2 111.3 94.0 102.5
07 88.3 108.2 44.0 99.0 103.1 114.4 108.8 101.1 102.2
08 91.1 111.1 49.0 101.5 103.0 114.2 91.6 99.4 102.1
09 89.7 109.4 46.0 100.6 103.9 112.9 127.3 97.3 102.9
10 92.4 103.9 48.7 103.7 105.6 118.1 89.5 83.2 104.4
11 88.4 106.8 41.4 100.0 103.2 116.6 67.8 96.2 101.7
12 88.0 109.3 38.7 100.2 103.2 120.0 73.1 88.3 101.5

01 87.3 106.4 40.6 100.0 104.7 119.3 114.5 94.9 103.1
02 85.1 93.5 40.4 97.0 102.9 118.8 126.5 86.1 101.2
03 83.2 96.8 40.6 94.1 100.1 116.5 132.4 92.2 98.4
04 83.4 95.5 50.5 91.8 97.9 115.6 136.8 87.5 96.2
05 83.2 93.6 50.5 91.8 96.0 108.5 129.5 89.9 94.8
06 82.1 93.5 51.4 90.1 94.2 109.2 127.9 83.7 92.7
07 83.4 94.6 58.9 89.9 95.8 111.1 133.7 87.0 94.3
08 87.1 90.9 66.3 93.1 95.6 106.9 126.9 90.7 94.3
09 87.3 89.9 70.1 92.9 91.1 101.4 146.6 87.5 89.9
10 90.5 92.4 76.4 95.6 96.5 105.3 97.2 94.3 95.4
11 90.6 87.9 78.0 95.5 94.7 107.8 80.2 89.0 93.2
12 90.7 85.0 82.0 94.6 94.0 105.5 92.2 89.7 92.7

01 90.2 86.2 83.1 93.0 95.0 107.3 99.8 85.4 93.9
02 90.5 87.7 90.7 92.5 95.1 115.4 105.9 83.8 93.3
03 89.6 87.1 90.5 91.6 94.4 114.0 93.1 85.8 92.6
04 88.1 87.5 86.1 91.0 93.8 113.8 94.7 85.0 92.2
05 86.1 86.3 88.0 88.5 91.4 113.7 94.5 88.7 89.5
06 90.9 91.7 94.9 92.5 93.1 109.1 115.0 94.0 91.6
07 89.6 93.9 93.8 91.1 94.0 107.2 107.3 93.9 92.8
08 91.2 95.9 90.4 93.3 92.1 102.6 113.5 94.0 91.0
09 92.2 97.9 98.7 92.7 90.7 95.6 106.0 99.1 90.0
10 91.5 89.4 96.5 92.0 89.8 98.6 99.9 84.6 88.9
11 90.0 93.5 95.8 89.6 91.0 102.6 100.6 88.6 89.6
12 90.9 91.6 93.2 91.2 93.1 106.1 104.0 90.2 91.7


80 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 6 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (devam)
Monthly unit value indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008 (continued)
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3] (ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars )

øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 92.9 96.2 93.0 94.8 96.5 106.2 86.6 91.1 95.5
02 94.0 89.6 94.8 95.1 94.7 107.5 85.4 89.4 93.6
03 94.9 93.7 87.9 96.7 93.7 103.6 83.7 87.0 92.9
04 92.1 95.3 87.5 94.1 92.4 102.8 62.8 83.5 91.5
05 91.3 85.2 92.3 92.6 90.9 99.5 77.1 80.1 90.1
06 88.2 82.9 94.5 89.0 89.3 103.0 79.5 81.9 88.1
07 89.0 80.6 88.6 90.9 93.3 108.1 81.9 77.2 92.5
08 87.8 87.2 87.0 89.1 88.7 89.5 77.4 79.4 88.6
09 91.0 87.7 89.9 91.9 87.5 83.0 75.0 86.0 88.1
10 86.9 78.7 78.3 90.3 84.7 81.2 74.6 85.7 85.2
11 83.8 75.4 73.0 87.9 85.0 85.8 75.4 89.2 84.7
12 85.6 77.8 72.4 90.1 88.4 91.6 70.6 93.8 87.7

01 84.4 82.2 69.6 87.6 87.1 93.3 69.2 96.8 86.3
02 84.5 82.6 73.0 88.0 87.5 97.0 79.9 96.9 86.4
03 85.8 82.0 78.9 88.7 87.3 98.2 85.3 90.9 86.1
04 86.5 83.9 84.6 89.4 87.2 102.0 93.7 91.4 85.7
05 87.0 80.9 82.7 90.2 87.5 93.6 95.8 86.2 86.5
06 88.4 83.9 83.7 91.1 89.2 88.6 90.8 88.1 88.9
07 89.2 83.3 87.6 91.6 89.8 87.5 89.9 83.6 89.7
08 89.2 82.8 90.7 90.6 88.5 89.7 108.5 84.0 88.3
09 91.8 86.7 90.9 93.4 88.7 85.1 102.5 78.5 89.1
10 92.1 89.1 95.1 93.3 89.3 91.3 107.4 87.4 89.0
11 91.5 91.9 85.6 94.5 90.2 92.6 100.1 84.6 89.9
12 93.8 96.5 92.7 95.6 92.7 92.7 104.0 92.2 92.6

01 95.5 95.0 99.9 95.1 94.7 92.6 84.8 95.2 94.9
02 99.5 95.5 104.2 98.9 98.4 94.4 94.1 95.5 98.6
03 99.6 94.1 100.0 100.5 97.9 96.4 98.5 98.1 98.0
04 99.4 93.9 97.2 100.0 96.8 95.4 92.7 92.6 96.9
05 100.5 97.6 94.5 101.5 99.9 93.2 109.9 100.1 100.2
06 99.9 99.4 98.0 100.3 101.6 96.2 108.5 100.3 101.9
07 99.3 100.1 98.6 99.5 99.6 95.2 111.8 99.0 99.8
08 97.5 100.8 102.3 96.5 98.1 90.2 107.7 97.3 98.3
09 99.4 101.6 100.3 99.2 99.2 104.4 100.2 101.3 99.0
10 101.9 106.1 102.3 101.4 102.0 110.6 96.7 102.7 101.5
11 101.6 105.1 100.5 101.5 104.0 114.5 96.2 101.0 103.5
12 105.8 110.8 102.3 105.8 107.7 116.9 98.9 117.0 107.2

01 110.0 116.9 107.5 109.4 113.2 116.6 106.7 105.1 113.1
02 110.9 125.0 104.4 110.2 114.7 117.2 104.9 112.9 114.5
03 113.2 122.7 107.9 111.7 113.8 119.2 114.9 123.2 113.4
04 113.2 123.8 110.5 111.0 113.9 120.1 115.3 111.1 113.6
05 112.1 123.9 114.3 110.0 116.0 123.4 128.8 114.3 115.6
06 112.9 116.9 116.1 110.8 117.2 118.2 129.6 113.7 117.1
07 115.3 118.4 118.2 114.0 116.3 127.9 130.6 112.6 115.9
08 116.9 113.6 129.5 114.0 115.5 131.5 132.7 125.0 114.8
09 117.6 111.0 127.9 114.7 115.5 148.6 109.1 121.9 114.0
10 121.7 104.7 141.5 118.2 117.9 148.2 97.9 117.9 116.4
11 123.6 104.3 135.0 120.8 121.9 151.1 98.5 121.0 120.5
12 124.5 99.9 127.0 123.7 123.8 146.5 95.7 128.0 122.7


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Endeksler, 1997-2008 Indices, 1997-2008

2. 6 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (devam)
Monthly unit value indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008 (continued)
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3] (ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars)

øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 125.3 100.9 137.1 122.8 125.4 157.6 105.5 125.3 124.0
02 124.2 103.1 139.9 121.2 124.9 164.0 109.0 130.0 123.3
03 125.9 104.2 150.5 122.1 126.9 170.8 105.1 131.9 125.1
04 126.6 103.7 158.5 121.9 125.1 181.4 106.9 127.3 123.1
05 124.6 107.9 150.2 120.4 125.0 171.1 120.9 124.0 123.3
06 122.2 109.7 162.7 116.6 124.0 168.8 119.2 127.5 122.3
07 121.6 110.8 176.6 114.1 122.7 185.7 114.5 130.0 120.6
08 122.6 106.8 186.5 114.6 122.7 170.9 117.1 125.3 121.1
09 124.7 106.3 187.0 116.6 124.0 178.9 104.5 131.9 121.5
10 124.6 110.9 191.6 114.8 121.6 165.9 85.6 126.2 119.7
11 122.8 106.8 183.0 114.2 120.8 164.1 86.1 132.3 118.9
12 123.8 105.9 185.9 115.5 120.5 156.7 86.4 132.2 118.9

01 127.8 108.5 199.4 118.4 124.7 166.0 93.2 128.3 123.1
02 126.8 110.4 202.3 117.3 123.5 158.4 93.2 134.1 122.0
03 128.0 111.5 198.0 118.8 125.0 165.2 93.1 133.5 123.4
04 132.1 112.6 212.7 121.6 127.1 160.6 94.7 142.0 125.5
05 136.7 114.7 212.4 126.9 130.5 146.5 93.8 162.2 129.3
06 135.4 114.3 209.7 125.2 130.2 141.8 93.3 144.9 129.4
07 137.8 114.4 222.7 126.3 130.2 127.2 114.1 143.4 129.7
08 140.6 116.2 224.1 129.5 130.4 143.2 104.4 152.4 129.1
09 137.7 117.3 210.9 127.7 126.9 134.9 95.2 168.0 126.1
10 137.0 115.5 201.9 127.7 126.2 135.2 89.7 156.0 125.6
11 136.5 117.2 204.7 126.7 128.1 141.4 81.8 138.2 127.5
12 141.1 118.6 211.2 131.3 132.6 140.4 101.5 142.3 132.0

01 136.9 117.4 195.8 128.5 134.4 153.8 105.4 151.8 133.2
02 137.7 117.8 196.6 129.0 135.1 156.2 103.6 139.6 133.9
03 140.2 118.2 204.2 130.6 136.8 160.1 96.9 153.3 135.4
04 143.1 123.4 202.6 133.6 139.6 171.2 109.6 176.1 137.7
05 145.8 124.3 209.0 135.6 142.2 149.6 108.2 170.5 141.1
06 144.9 125.6 213.6 134.3 142.3 143.4 106.1 176.1 141.4
07 148.9 127.1 228.5 137.4 146.0 162.7 107.6 175.0 144.8
08 147.4 127.3 223.4 136.2 143.9 161.2 111.5 178.7 142.5
09 149.6 134.2 230.0 137.7 145.6 177.9 107.0 172.7 143.8
10 155.5 140.0 250.6 141.8 150.8 198.3 106.2 187.8 148.4
11 161.0 147.4 265.5 146.4 155.7 199.0 118.8 186.9 153.5
12 162.9 148.8 268.3 147.8 158.3 194.6 114.1 180.9 156.6
01 166.3 150.5 292.3 148.6 159.9 197.5 128.8 176.4 158.2
02 168.1 162.8 293.2 149.6 161.9 185.0 112.6 179.6 160.6
03 174.7 172.4 297.3 155.6 168.7 188.1 133.2 196.9 167.3
04 182.0 175.1 329.2 159.9 172.1 206.1 134.1 204.8 170.2
05 184.1 179.8 342.0 159.0 174.0 189.1 133.3 190.4 172.8
06 191.0 183.1 355.2 164.4 178.2 166.7 131.6 199.9 177.8
07 197.9 182.3 381.0 168.8 185.1 162.2 131.2 203.7 184.7
08 192.4 177.9 356.8 165.4 180.5 162.5 121.0 200.2 180.3
09 185.9 170.1 344.7 160.1 175.9 168.5 111.8 201.9 175.8
10 174.8 165.8 321.8 152.2 156.1 174.5 118.0 184.5 155.1
11 159.6 157.2 308.0 140.6 143.7 154.2 110.3 163.6 143.1
12 152.5 149.9 279.2 136.3 143.3 159.1 112.8 148.1 142.5


82 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 7 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008
Monthly unit value indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3] (Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras )

øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 7.7 9.2 6.3 8.1 8.5 8.7 8.3 7.5 8.4
02 7.5 9.9 5.9 7.8 8.9 9.9 8.3 7.8 8.8
03 8.0 10.3 5.9 8.4 9.4 9.8 9.7 8.7 9.4
04 8.2 10.6 5.6 8.8 9.4 9.3 10.3 8.7 9.5
05 8.4 11.4 5.8 9.0 10.2 10.7 8.9 9.0 10.2
06 8.9 11.3 6.0 9.6 10.5 11.7 8.1 10.0 10.4
07 9.5 12.4 6.6 10.2 11.1 11.7 9.7 11.2 11.0
08 9.7 12.0 7.1 10.3 11.8 12.5 11.6 11.2 11.7
09 10.5 13.5 7.1 11.3 11.8 13.4 11.0 11.2 11.6
10 11.2 14.9 8.1 11.9 12.4 13.8 11.6 11.8 12.2
11 11.8 15.4 8.2 12.7 13.4 15.8 13.0 12.8 13.0
12 12.3 15.5 8.6 13.3 14.3 17.2 14.4 13.0 13.9

01 13.1 17.1 8.1 14.2 15.0 19.1 19.2 13.4 14.5
02 13.9 18.0 8.3 15.3 15.6 18.8 17.6 13.0 15.3
03 14.6 18.4 8.7 16.0 16.4 20.0 21.8 14.4 16.0
04 15.1 19.0 8.4 16.7 17.1 21.8 18.6 14.7 16.6
05 14.9 18.8 8.4 16.5 17.4 20.9 16.4 16.9 17.1
06 15.8 19.1 8.3 17.6 17.9 18.9 19.4 16.4 17.8
07 15.7 19.3 7.8 17.6 18.5 20.5 19.5 18.1 18.3
08 16.4 20.0 8.8 18.3 18.9 21.0 16.9 18.3 18.7
09 16.4 20.1 8.4 18.4 19.1 20.7 23.4 17.9 18.9
10 17.1 19.3 9.0 19.2 19.6 22.0 16.7 15.5 19.4
11 17.2 20.8 8.1 19.5 20.4 23.0 13.4 19.0 20.1
12 17.9 22.3 7.9 20.4 21.2 24.7 15.1 18.2 20.9

01 18.5 22.6 8.6 21.2 22.6 25.7 24.7 20.5 22.2
02 19.1 21.0 9.0 21.7 23.6 27.3 29.1 19.8 23.2
03 19.7 23.0 9.6 22.3 24.2 28.2 32.1 22.3 23.8
04 20.9 24.0 12.6 23.0 25.0 29.5 35.0 22.3 24.5
05 21.7 24.5 13.2 23.9 25.4 28.8 34.4 23.8 25.1
06 22.3 25.5 14.0 24.5 25.9 30.1 35.3 23.1 25.5
07 23.5 26.7 16.6 25.3 27.4 31.8 38.3 24.9 27.0
08 25.0 26.2 19.0 26.8 27.9 31.2 37.1 26.5 27.5
09 26.1 27.0 21.0 27.8 27.7 30.9 44.6 26.6 27.3
10 27.9 28.6 23.6 29.5 30.2 33.0 30.5 29.6 29.9
11 29.6 28.8 25.5 31.2 31.6 36.0 26.8 29.7 31.1
12 31.5 29.6 28.5 32.8 33.0 37.1 32.5 31.5 32.5

01 32.5 31.2 30.0 33.6 34.6 39.1 36.5 31.2 34.2
02 33.7 32.8 33.8 34.5 35.8 43.5 40.0 31.6 35.1
03 34.4 33.5 34.8 35.2 36.5 44.2 36.1 33.2 35.8
04 34.7 34.6 33.9 35.9 37.3 45.3 37.8 33.8 36.7
05 35.2 35.4 36.0 36.2 37.7 46.9 39.1 36.6 36.9
06 37.2 37.6 38.8 37.8 38.3 44.9 47.4 38.7 37.7
07 37.3 39.2 39.0 37.9 39.6 45.2 45.3 39.6 39.1
08 39.0 41.1 38.7 39.9 39.9 44.5 49.3 40.8 39.4
09 40.6 43.2 43.5 40.8 40.4 42.6 47.3 44.2 40.1
10 41.0 40.1 43.2 41.2 40.8 44.8 45.5 38.4 40.4
11 40.8 42.5 43.4 40.6 41.7 47.1 46.2 40.7 41.1
12 41.1 41.5 42.1 41.2 42.3 48.3 47.4 41.1 41.7


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Endeksler, 1997-2008 Indices, 1997-2008

2. 7 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (devam)
Monthly unit value indices by economic activities, 1997 -2008 (continued)
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3] (Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras )

øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 41.6 43.2 41.7 42.5 43.3 47.7 39.0 40.9 42.9
02 45.3 43.3 45.7 45.8 47.8 54.2 43.1 45.1 47.2
03 62.2 61.5 57.6 63.4 61.0 67.5 54.6 56.6 60.4
04 74.9 77.6 71.1 76.5 75.0 83.5 51.1 67.8 74.3
05 69.1 64.7 69.9 70.1 68.7 75.3 58.4 60.5 68.1
06 71.4 67.2 76.4 72.0 72.6 83.8 64.7 66.6 71.6
07 78.4 71.1 77.9 80.0 82.1 95.3 72.3 68.1 81.4
08 82.7 82.3 81.9 83.9 83.1 83.9 72.6 74.4 83.0
09 89.5 86.4 88.3 90.3 85.9 81.5 73.8 84.5 86.5
10 92.7 84.2 83.5 96.4 90.5 86.9 80.0 91.8 91.1
11 85.2 76.8 74.1 89.3 86.3 87.2 76.7 90.6 86.0
12 82.5 75.2 69.8 86.9 85.3 88.5 68.3 90.6 84.7

01 76.9 75.1 63.4 79.8 79.3 84.9 63.1 88.2 78.5
02 76.1 74.5 65.6 79.2 78.8 87.4 72.1 87.4 77.8
03 77.6 74.4 71.4 80.2 79.1 89.0 77.4 82.4 78.0
04 76.1 73.9 74.3 78.6 76.7 89.8 82.6 80.4 75.3
05 80.5 74.9 76.4 83.4 81.0 86.7 88.8 79.8 80.0
06 89.2 84.8 84.3 91.9 90.5 90.0 92.4 89.5 90.2
07 97.9 91.6 96.1 100.5 98.9 96.4 99.2 92.1 98.8
08 97.5 90.7 99.2 99.1 96.9 98.4 119.1 92.0 96.7
09 100.8 95.4 99.7 102.6 97.5 93.7 112.9 86.3 97.9
10 101.2 98.0 104.3 102.5 98.2 100.5 118.4 96.3 97.9
11 97.9 98.5 91.6 101.1 97.0 99.7 107.9 91.1 96.7
12 98.7 101.6 97.5 100.6 98.2 98.3 110.4 97.8 98.1

01 105.6 105.2 110.3 105.1 104.7 102.5 94.0 105.3 105.0
02 108.1 104.0 113.2 107.5 107.0 102.9 102.6 104.0 107.3
03 109.2 103.4 109.5 110.1 108.1 106.5 108.9 108.4 108.2
04 108.5 102.7 106.0 109.1 105.5 104.2 101.3 101.0 105.7
05 100.8 98.0 94.7 101.7 99.8 93.2 110.0 100.1 100.1
06 95.0 94.6 93.1 95.3 96.6 91.5 103.4 95.5 96.8
07 92.7 93.6 92.0 92.9 93.1 89.1 104.8 92.6 93.3
08 91.2 94.5 95.6 90.2 91.7 84.5 101.0 91.1 91.9
09 91.4 93.5 92.1 91.1 91.1 96.0 92.2 93.1 90.9
10 96.4 100.6 96.7 95.9 96.7 105.0 91.9 97.5 96.3
11 99.9 103.6 98.8 99.8 102.4 112.9 95.0 99.5 101.9
12 101.4 106.3 98.0 101.3 103.1 111.9 94.8 112.0 102.6

01 99.2 105.6 96.8 98.6 101.9 105.1 96.2 94.7 101.8
02 98.2 110.9 92.4 97.5 101.6 103.9 93.1 100.0 101.4
03 99.7 108.3 95.0 98.4 100.7 105.6 101.9 109.1 100.3
04 101.8 111.6 99.3 99.8 103.2 109.0 104.7 100.8 102.9
05 112.0 124.1 114.2 110.0 116.3 123.9 129.5 114.8 115.9
06 112.5 116.7 115.5 110.3 117.4 118.5 130.0 114.0 117.3
07 111.6 114.9 114.4 110.4 113.4 124.9 127.6 109.9 113.0
08 114.4 111.4 126.7 111.5 114.0 129.9 131.2 123.4 113.2
09 117.7 111.3 128.0 114.7 116.2 149.7 110.0 122.7 114.7
10 120.9 104.3 140.6 117.4 117.1 147.4 97.5 117.2 115.7
11 119.8 101.3 130.8 117.1 117.9 146.3 95.6 117.1 116.6
12 116.6 93.8 118.9 115.8 115.6 137.0 89.6 119.6 114.6


84 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 7 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret birim de÷er endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (devam)
Monthly unit value indices by economic activities, 1997 -2008 (continued)
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3] (Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras )
øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 113.4 91.5 123.9 111.1 113.9 143.4 96.1 113.9 112.7
02 109.2 90.8 123.0 106.6 110.1 144.7 96.3 114.7 108.7
03 109.4 90.6 130.6 106.0 111.2 149.8 92.4 115.7 109.6
04 114.5 93.9 143.2 110.2 113.8 165.1 97.5 115.9 111.9
05 113.6 98.6 136.9 109.8 114.7 157.1 111.1 113.9 113.1
06 110.9 99.8 147.6 105.8 112.9 153.9 108.9 116.2 111.4
07 108.4 99.0 157.4 101.7 109.9 166.6 102.9 116.5 108.0
08 109.5 95.6 166.5 102.4 110.3 153.8 105.5 112.7 108.8
09 111.3 95.1 166.9 104.1 111.2 160.6 93.9 118.4 108.9
10 112.7 100.5 173.2 103.8 110.4 150.8 77.9 114.7 108.7
11 111.2 96.9 165.7 103.4 109.8 149.4 78.5 120.5 108.1
12 111.4 95.4 167.2 103.9 109.0 142.0 78.3 119.7 107.6

01 113.7 96.7 177.3 105.3 111.3 148.3 83.4 114.6 109.9
02 112.0 97.7 178.6 103.6 109.6 140.7 83.0 119.1 108.3
03 113.7 99.3 175.9 105.6 111.6 147.6 83.3 119.3 110.1
04 117.9 100.7 189.6 108.4 113.7 143.8 84.9 127.2 112.3
05 127.9 107.5 198.7 118.8 123.7 138.9 89.1 153.8 122.5
06 143.2 121.2 221.8 132.4 139.0 151.5 99.8 154.8 138.1
07 143.8 119.6 232.3 131.8 135.9 133.0 119.5 149.9 135.5
08 137.8 114.1 219.4 126.9 128.4 141.2 103.0 150.2 127.1
09 135.5 115.6 207.4 125.6 125.5 133.5 94.4 166.3 124.6
10 135.2 114.2 199.2 126.1 125.2 134.3 89.2 154.9 124.6
11 132.3 113.8 198.3 122.8 124.9 138.0 79.9 134.8 124.3
12 134.7 113.5 201.5 125.4 127.2 134.8 97.6 136.6 126.6

01 130.1 111.8 186.0 122.1 128.1 146.8 100.7 144.9 127.0
02 128.2 109.9 183.0 120.2 126.3 146.1 97.1 130.6 125.1
03 131.7 111.2 191.6 122.6 128.8 150.8 91.4 144.4 127.5
04 130.1 112.5 184.2 121.4 127.1 156.0 100.0 160.4 125.3
05 129.9 110.9 186.1 120.8 127.2 134.0 97.1 152.7 126.2
06 127.8 111.0 188.3 118.5 125.8 126.9 94.0 155.8 125.0
07 127.2 108.8 195.0 117.3 125.1 139.6 92.4 150.1 124.0
08 128.5 111.2 194.7 118.7 126.7 142.1 98.5 157.6 125.6
09 126.7 113.9 194.7 116.6 123.2 150.7 90.8 146.3 121.7
10 124.4 112.2 200.4 113.5 121.3 159.8 85.7 151.3 119.4
11 127.5 117.0 210.1 115.9 124.0 158.6 94.8 148.9 122.2
12 127.9 117.1 210.6 116.0 124.9 153.6 90.2 142.8 123.5

01 129.7 117.6 227.8 115.8 125.9 155.6 101.6 139.0 124.5
02 133.5 129.5 232.8 118.8 129.2 147.8 90.1 143.5 128.2
03 143.2 141.6 243.5 127.5 139.5 155.7 110.4 162.9 138.3
04 157.6 152.0 284.9 138.4 149.9 179.7 117.1 178.5 148.3
05 153.9 150.7 285.8 132.9 145.6 158.4 111.9 159.5 144.6
06 157.3 151.1 292.3 135.4 147.0 137.6 108.8 165.0 146.6
07 160.3 147.9 308.5 136.7 150.5 132.0 106.9 165.8 150.2
08 151.1 140.0 280.1 129.9 142.5 128.4 95.7 158.2 142.3
09 152.6 139.9 282.8 131.4 145.6 139.6 92.7 167.2 145.4
10 166.7 158.4 306.7 145.1 156.4 175.0 118.5 185.0 155.3
11 168.8 166.5 325.5 148.7 153.4 164.7 118.0 174.7 152.7
12 157.6 155.1 288.3 140.8 148.3 164.9 117.1 153.5 147.6


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Endeksler, 1997-2008 Indices, 1997-2008

2. 8 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret miktar endeksleri, 1997 - 2008
Monthly quantity indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]

øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 53.1 55.2 76.0 48.7 41.0 90.1 23.1 49.1 38.4
02 54.4 64.4 69.4 49.9 37.5 77.7 19.4 52.8 35.4
03 61.5 80.2 79.5 55.8 45.4 79.6 31.1 62.8 43.5
04 57.0 63.3 70.5 52.8 43.5 109.4 21.5 44.2 40.2
05 74.2 81.6 80.3 69.8 43.6 72.5 27.2 98.7 41.5
06 66.7 72.6 72.0 62.8 43.1 67.2 34.6 35.8 42.1
07 72.1 67.5 71.1 69.4 49.0 69.7 49.0 75.2 47.7
08 78.3 81.4 78.8 74.6 48.1 61.4 42.1 73.7 47.2
09 77.9 59.1 91.3 74.8 49.8 101.6 40.2 61.6 47.0
10 73.2 57.6 82.8 70.4 53.6 145.4 48.2 68.9 48.6
11 75.4 54.2 89.3 72.6 55.6 132.6 41.8 62.6 51.6
12 84.8 79.2 82.1 81.7 53.4 134.5 44.5 80.0 48.9

01 52.6 47.5 76.6 48.7 49.7 100.1 27.4 67.2 46.9
02 65.2 71.7 70.8 61.3 46.9 94.7 29.4 55.4 44.4
03 74.4 68.7 88.5 70.5 56.6 107.7 25.3 66.8 53.9
04 63.9 51.9 65.5 61.9 43.9 67.9 19.4 69.5 42.5
05 76.0 69.2 80.7 72.8 55.4 88.9 27.5 63.0 53.8
06 74.2 84.3 74.9 70.0 52.1 93.5 13.2 76.2 49.8
07 75.7 91.2 81.3 70.6 51.1 60.8 5.8 59.8 50.7
08 65.5 80.0 92.4 59.2 52.8 68.4 5.4 73.8 52.0
09 64.2 54.6 81.8 60.7 50.7 123.6 3.7 57.8 47.0
10 62.2 53.9 82.0 58.5 55.9 136.0 16.0 57.8 51.8
11 63.2 54.8 74.3 60.1 51.3 117.8 24.3 35.6 48.1
12 71.0 71.8 89.8 66.2 51.7 109.8 27.3 65.8 48.6

01 40.7 50.7 86.1 34.4 41.5 87.2 44.7 31.4 39.3
02 53.5 52.0 76.8 49.4 48.0 109.0 32.3 43.3 45.0
03 59.3 46.6 77.7 56.1 53.7 103.3 35.2 46.1 51.4
04 66.8 69.3 80.0 62.5 45.6 89.7 35.3 91.7 42.8
05 68.0 69.6 71.7 64.5 53.4 70.1 38.6 67.2 52.5
06 73.8 66.5 84.2 70.3 51.4 75.4 25.3 73.3 50.0
07 73.7 71.8 90.0 69.2 52.9 60.3 29.2 78.6 52.4
08 62.7 66.9 74.5 58.6 46.1 55.1 34.4 64.0 45.6
09 72.9 61.6 68.8 70.9 57.7 109.8 29.2 83.6 54.8
10 68.7 43.4 60.9 68.3 66.0 154.7 37.9 66.8 61.5
11 74.1 59.3 69.4 72.3 62.8 133.9 37.3 76.1 59.1
12 84.8 81.2 91.3 80.8 58.3 100.6 46.6 79.2 56.0

01 61.3 63.2 78.4 57.0 51.1 69.2 38.9 65.7 50.1
02 75.7 119.0 75.9 68.8 55.1 76.8 33.9 46.4 54.2
03 83.0 119.8 74.8 77.1 57.7 78.1 38.2 73.8 56.7
04 89.3 125.5 79.3 83.2 61.8 69.6 29.7 92.6 61.2
05 96.9 129.0 68.2 92.3 60.7 62.8 18.6 86.2 60.5
06 93.9 96.0 79.1 90.8 60.1 54.9 13.9 93.8 60.3
07 93.0 65.6 71.0 92.8 59.0 30.0 18.3 77.4 60.6
08 96.0 74.4 84.8 94.4 54.0 32.8 21.1 70.0 55.2
09 82.7 61.1 74.9 81.4 61.2 84.7 15.7 64.4 60.1
10 95.9 72.6 101.8 93.0 60.2 117.1 17.4 64.7 57.4
11 108.1 80.5 126.0 104.1 66.4 132.8 18.3 71.6 63.1
12 83.8 56.2 109.5 80.2 62.1 100.5 36.9 78.3 60.1


86 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 8 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret miktar endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (devam)
Monthly quantity indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008 (continued)
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]

øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 74.7 83.9 75.8 70.5 57.4 83.3 31.8 57.7 56.2
02 67.2 67.9 85.8 62.6 65.3 87.9 53.2 48.1 64.5
03 56.0 47.0 85.9 51.8 67.8 81.6 28.2 67.4 67.4
04 57.6 44.1 72.3 54.9 71.3 85.3 32.5 64.4 70.9
05 69.6 65.6 83.4 65.6 77.8 73.8 20.1 78.8 78.4
06 67.8 72.0 70.4 64.2 70.4 78.1 33.7 97.4 70.0
07 64.9 69.0 78.6 60.6 61.7 57.2 31.6 118.5 61.5
08 69.2 72.2 82.5 64.7 75.1 110.1 32.0 69.4 73.6
09 63.0 52.4 87.7 59.1 75.8 164.4 49.1 67.4 71.4
10 65.8 55.2 83.4 62.3 85.3 192.0 43.2 84.1 80.0
11 73.0 76.9 94.0 67.8 85.3 152.4 70.1 70.1 82.2
12 67.8 60.5 87.7 63.7 73.6 110.9 49.8 37.6 72.3

01 68.6 66.0 136.8 60.2 75.7 107.5 55.6 70.7 74.3
02 61.6 63.7 87.1 56.6 71.0 88.6 44.6 52.2 70.6
03 71.5 91.3 89.1 65.2 82.1 83.2 57.9 74.7 82.4
04 84.1 108.7 74.2 79.1 81.6 67.7 44.4 80.1 82.7
05 84.6 112.9 86.6 78.4 85.5 60.7 33.3 71.6 87.3
06 74.5 83.0 87.7 69.4 75.7 68.8 21.4 61.2 76.6
07 87.0 80.1 91.1 83.4 84.7 61.8 29.3 74.8 86.4
08 83.7 69.4 93.2 80.3 82.5 56.3 41.3 76.8 84.3
09 79.7 42.1 94.0 78.0 91.6 134.6 46.5 84.1 89.8
10 85.6 35.6 88.0 85.6 97.3 173.6 43.2 81.3 93.8
11 88.5 42.5 92.2 87.9 97.5 141.7 72.3 92.1 95.6
12 93.1 50.9 100.4 91.7 78.8 98.2 58.6 43.9 78.4

01 80.4 54.0 107.6 76.7 94.8 133.4 135.0 73.1 93.2
02 73.0 54.1 91.3 70.9 75.6 88.8 59.7 58.5 75.2
03 100.2 107.0 108.3 93.7 101.5 104.7 85.6 107.6 101.3
04 91.0 114.1 90.3 89.3 96.2 84.6 72.0 80.7 97.0
05 95.4 139.1 92.3 94.4 98.2 66.8 50.2 99.4 99.7
06 99.4 139.3 85.3 101.0 95.0 73.3 28.4 99.4 96.1
07 109.5 133.6 95.1 112.2 108.2 76.1 50.9 118.1 109.7
08 106.3 135.5 108.4 105.4 99.3 61.0 60.6 123.6 100.8
09 108.3 77.3 103.6 110.3 105.4 92.4 88.3 111.7 106.1
10 111.9 69.7 103.7 116.8 120.3 172.2 116.2 122.0 117.6
11 89.6 69.0 103.7 88.0 97.1 124.0 91.5 115.5 95.6
12 135.0 107.2 110.4 141.3 108.5 122.6 361.7 90.5 107.6
01 99.0 73.2 120.4 97.4 103.4 97.4 105.6 95.4 103.7
02 95.8 69.0 101.6 97.2 81.1 78.4 69.0 98.8 81.1
03 129.2 121.8 101.1 134.0 116.4 94.6 92.3 102.4 117.8
04 121.3 97.5 88.1 127.9 113.1 83.2 66.8 108.4 114.6
05 123.4 94.6 93.7 132.2 113.2 63.4 68.4 136.6 115.5
06 129.8 124.3 97.4 136.0 114.4 98.0 50.1 102.7 115.5
07 131.0 110.9 99.1 138.9 122.9 66.3 56.4 149.9 125.5
08 116.7 92.3 99.5 121.0 103.2 53.3 63.1 101.3 105.9
09 124.8 78.7 97.4 131.3 124.1 104.9 138.9 115.5 125.2
10 114.7 70.6 92.5 122.1 126.1 119.6 191.4 139.3 126.2
11 119.3 77.4 106.1 123.9 118.9 114.3 305.7 128.3 118.9
12 142.0 97.4 120.2 149.6 128.0 103.3 136.4 115.2 129.5


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Endeksler, 1997-2008 Indices, 1997-2008

2. 8 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret miktar endeksleri, 1997 - 2008 (devam)
Monthly quantity indices by economic activities, 1997 - 2008 (continued)
[2003=100 ] [USSS, 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]
øthalat- Imports øhracat-Exports

Tarm ve Madencilik ve Tarm ve Madencilik ve

ormanclk taú ocakçl÷ ormanclk taú ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture Balkçlk Mining and ømalat
Months General and forestry quarrying Manufacturing General and forestry Fishing quarrying Manufacturing

01 99.6 87.8 105.9 99.8 101.2 76.0 119.3 112.2 102.4
02 116.0 94.3 94.5 120.0 114.9 79.0 230.8 91.0 117.0
03 140.1 132.2 108.8 147.1 131.9 93.3 153.0 125.5 133.9
04 131.2 128.7 101.3 137.4 124.4 61.1 56.9 123.6 128.2
05 136.3 114.0 108.9 143.7 121.4 67.3 73.8 163.6 124.0
06 139.7 112.9 97.2 152.1 123.6 71.2 94.2 144.2 126.1
07 136.6 105.2 110.3 144.7 119.3 61.4 83.6 130.0 122.6
08 145.0 101.5 105.2 155.1 114.9 49.7 109.1 149.0 118.0
09 143.8 90.3 103.8 154.3 139.5 153.5 396.7 139.4 137.8
10 139.8 72.5 119.2 148.1 141.3 142.9 340.7 147.2 140.8
11 135.9 95.3 110.9 144.9 124.6 119.3 173.5 117.5 124.6
12 159.6 105.1 123.8 171.7 149.0 137.8 173.7 164.4 149.0

01 110.2 88.5 99.6 113.9 104.5 79.7 122.4 108.2 105.7
02 133.7 98.7 99.8 143.1 124.5 97.2 240.4 123.1 125.6
03 156.9 107.1 114.9 168.5 150.5 116.9 101.6 120.5 152.5
04 151.7 110.1 120.6 159.7 128.8 91.7 107.0 174.3 130.3
05 157.8 114.3 104.5 172.0 136.6 90.2 98.4 173.2 138.4
06 156.2 103.0 125.1 166.0 152.3 121.7 101.2 208.7 153.0
07 145.1 103.2 114.1 153.2 137.6 95.1 86.1 179.2 139.5
08 147.4 106.9 110.0 157.7 132.2 69.4 133.9 171.1 135.4
09 152.5 77.4 113.8 165.6 151.7 126.8 128.7 172.1 152.6
10 142.8 79.5 126.3 147.9 138.2 142.4 345.6 161.2 136.6
11 161.7 92.7 143.4 168.8 170.3 172.7 345.7 189.5 169.3
12 144.6 110.9 125.1 150.9 163.2 139.9 257.6 221.7 163.4

01 133.9 119.7 118.9 135.7 124.1 119.2 383.5 168.4 123.2
02 143.2 140.0 125.3 144.6 143.9 105.4 230.6 135.7 145.8
03 163.4 166.7 123.2 171.6 166.2 107.3 158.8 178.9 169.2
04 156.3 165.0 121.4 163.9 151.1 77.7 124.8 164.1 154.8
05 177.3 175.9 130.9 187.1 163.2 81.1 139.3 178.1 167.2
06 170.4 148.5 121.7 182.0 160.0 95.2 140.0 240.2 162.3
07 176.8 160.0 123.0 192.5 155.5 61.9 139.1 230.5 159.5
08 172.4 141.0 112.6 189.4 154.2 69.0 159.7 276.5 157.0
09 167.2 111.4 129.4 178.5 157.4 104.9 182.2 232.6 159.3
10 173.7 112.8 127.4 186.5 166.6 144.1 226.4 218.3 167.0
11 178.7 133.0 134.3 193.0 184.4 147.8 135.5 214.7 186.1
12 171.1 133.7 131.0 181.6 155.6 112.2 169.8 222.8 157.3
01 170.0 158.7 134.2 176.7 168.8 109.4 797.7 198.9 170.8
02 165.0 155.9 117.2 176.5 173.7 91.1 152.3 216.8 178.0
03 166.6 158.7 125.7 174.7 172.0 83.9 122.2 163.4 177.1
04 170.1 176.3 118.9 178.9 167.6 76.3 116.6 227.2 171.8
05 181.5 195.5 133.3 191.0 182.0 88.8 119.4 264.5 186.3
06 176.5 152.1 117.7 189.7 167.8 89.4 108.4 276.2 171.0
07 179.8 142.8 128.5 192.7 172.8 65.7 156.9 287.1 177.5
08 173.2 127.5 127.3 186.8 155.4 64.1 151.8 343.9 158.2
09 166.5 124.6 130.6 178.3 184.6 136.2 152.2 304.2 186.0
10 148.0 139.1 119.0 156.4 158.2 167.8 373.0 227.9 156.6
11 130.9 125.2 95.0 140.2 165.8 159.6 325.5 228.4 165.4
12 129.4 129.3 106.6 133.9 136.7 142.4 348.7 167.3 136.0


88 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 9 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret hadleri, 1997 - 2008

Monthly terms of trade by economic activities, 1997 - 2008
[2003=100] [USSS 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]
ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras

Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture and Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture and Mining and ømalat
Months General forestry quarrying Manufacturing General forestry quarrying Manufacturing

01 108.2 93.0 117.1 103.8 109.2 93.8 118.5 104.8
02 117.0 99.2 131.2 110.7 118.5 100.3 133.0 112.1
03 116.8 93.2 143.6 110.3 118.4 94.4 145.8 111.9
04 113.6 86.6 155.2 106.2 115.0 87.6 157.3 107.6
05 119.3 91.9 152.8 111.3 121.4 93.5 155.7 113.2
06 115.9 101.5 161.9 106.4 118.2 103.4 165.3 108.5
07 114.8 92.4 167.2 106.4 116.9 94.0 170.6 108.4
08 119.1 102.0 155.6 110.8 121.5 104.0 159.0 113.0
09 110.9 97.1 153.8 101.6 113.0 98.8 156.9 103.5
10 109.0 91.3 143.1 100.9 110.9 92.8 145.8 102.6
11 110.8 100.9 153.1 101.0 113.0 102.8 156.3 103.0
12 113.9 109.3 147.8 103.1 115.9 111.1 150.6 104.9

01 113.1 110.7 162.4 100.5 114.6 112.0 164.7 101.8
02 110.8 103.1 153.7 99.1 112.2 104.2 155.8 100.3
03 111.2 107.4 163.7 99.1 112.8 108.9 166.3 100.5
04 112.3 114.2 173.7 98.6 113.3 115.1 175.5 99.4
05 115.4 110.0 197.3 102.2 116.7 111.1 199.8 103.4
06 112.8 98.5 197.1 100.6 113.5 99.0 198.6 101.2
07 116.9 105.7 230.1 103.3 117.4 106.1 231.5 103.8
08 113.1 102.7 202.9 100.6 115.4 104.7 207.3 102.6
09 115.8 103.2 211.6 102.3 115.9 103.2 212.1 102.4
10 114.2 113.7 171.0 100.7 114.6 114.0 171.9 101.0
11 116.7 109.1 232.5 101.7 118.4 110.6 236.1 103.2
12 117.3 109.8 228.5 101.3 118.7 111.0 231.5 102.5

01 120.0 112.0 233.7 103.1 122.1 114.0 238.3 104.9
02 121.0 127.0 213.2 104.4 123.9 130.0 218.7 106.9
03 120.4 120.3 227.3 104.5 123.0 122.8 232.6 106.8
04 117.5 121.0 173.4 104.8 119.6 123.1 176.8 106.7
05 115.4 115.9 177.9 103.3 117.2 117.6 180.9 104.9
06 114.8 116.8 162.8 102.9 116.2 118.1 165.0 104.1
07 114.9 117.4 147.7 104.9 116.6 119.0 150.1 106.4
08 109.8 117.6 136.8 101.3 111.4 119.3 139.1 102.9
09 104.4 112.8 124.8 96.8 106.0 114.4 126.9 98.3
10 106.6 114.0 123.4 99.8 108.2 115.5 125.4 101.3
11 104.5 122.7 114.1 97.6 106.6 125.0 116.5 99.6
12 103.6 124.1 109.4 98.0 104.9 125.4 110.8 99.1

01 105.4 124.5 102.8 100.9 106.4 125.6 103.9 101.9
02 105.1 131.6 92.4 100.8 106.1 132.8 93.4 101.8
03 105.3 130.9 94.8 101.0 106.1 131.7 95.6 101.8
04 106.4 130.0 98.7 101.3 107.4 131.1 99.8 102.3
05 106.2 131.7 100.8 101.1 107.1 132.8 101.8 101.9
06 102.4 119.0 99.1 99.0 103.0 119.5 99.8 99.6
07 104.9 114.2 100.1 101.8 106.1 115.4 101.4 103.0
08 100.9 107.0 104.0 97.5 102.2 108.2 105.4 98.7
09 98.4 97.7 100.4 97.1 99.5 98.7 101.6 98.1
10 98.2 110.3 87.6 96.7 99.5 111.7 88.9 98.0
11 101.1 109.8 92.5 100.0 102.2 110.9 93.7 101.2
12 102.4 115.9 96.9 100.6 103.0 116.5 97.6 101.2


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Endeksler, 1997-2008 Indices, 1997-2008

2. 9 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret hadleri, 1997 - 2008 (devam)
Monthly terms of trade by economic activities, 1997 - 2008 (continued)
[2003=100] [USSS 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]
ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras
Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture and Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture and Mining and ømalat
Months General forestry quarrying Manufacturing General forestry quarrying Manufacturing

01 103.8 110.4 98.0 100.7 104.0 110.5 98.2 100.9
02 100.7 119.9 94.2 98.3 105.4 125.4 98.7 102.9
03 98.8 110.6 99.0 96.0 98.1 109.7 98.4 95.3
04 100.3 107.9 95.4 97.3 100.1 107.6 95.3 97.1
05 99.6 116.8 86.7 97.3 99.4 116.4 86.6 97.1
06 101.2 124.3 86.7 99.0 101.6 124.7 87.2 99.4
07 104.8 134.2 87.2 101.8 104.8 134.1 87.4 101.8
08 101.0 102.6 91.2 99.4 100.5 102.0 90.8 98.9
09 96.2 94.6 95.7 95.9 96.0 94.4 95.7 95.7
10 97.4 103.1 109.6 94.3 97.6 103.2 109.9 94.5
11 101.3 113.8 122.3 96.4 101.3 113.6 122.3 96.4
12 103.2 117.6 129.4 97.3 103.4 117.7 129.8 97.5

01 103.3 113.4 139.1 98.5 103.2 113.1 139.2 98.3
02 103.5 117.4 132.9 98.2 103.6 117.4 133.2 98.3
03 101.8 119.7 115.2 97.1 101.9 119.8 115.5 97.3
04 100.8 121.7 108.1 95.8 100.8 121.6 108.2 95.8
05 100.6 115.8 104.2 95.9 100.6 115.7 104.4 95.9
06 100.9 105.7 105.3 97.5 101.5 106.2 106.1 98.1
07 100.6 104.9 95.4 98.0 101.0 105.2 95.9 98.3
08 99.2 108.3 92.5 97.4 99.4 108.4 92.8 97.6
09 96.7 98.2 86.4 95.3 96.7 98.1 86.6 95.4
10 96.9 102.4 91.9 95.3 97.1 102.6 92.3 95.5
11 98.6 100.8 98.8 95.1 99.1 101.2 99.4 95.6
12 98.8 96.1 99.4 96.8 99.5 96.7 100.3 97.6

01 99.2 97.4 95.3 99.8 99.2 97.4 95.5 99.8
02 98.9 98.9 91.7 99.7 99.0 98.9 91.9 99.8
03 98.3 102.4 98.1 97.6 99.1 103.1 98.9 98.3
04 97.4 101.7 95.2 96.9 97.3 101.5 95.3 96.8
05 99.4 95.5 105.9 98.8 99.1 95.1 105.7 98.4
06 101.7 96.8 102.4 101.6 101.7 96.7 102.5 101.6
07 100.3 95.1 100.4 100.3 100.4 95.1 100.7 100.4
08 100.5 89.5 95.2 101.9 100.5 89.4 95.3 101.9
09 99.8 102.7 101.0 99.8 99.8 102.6 101.1 99.8
10 100.1 104.2 100.4 100.1 100.4 104.4 100.8 100.4
11 102.4 108.9 100.4 102.0 102.6 109.0 100.7 102.2
12 101.8 105.5 114.3 101.4 101.7 105.3 114.3 101.2

01 102.9 99.7 97.8 103.3 102.7 99.4 97.8 103.2
02 103.4 93.8 108.1 104.0 103.4 93.7 108.2 104.0
03 100.5 97.1 114.2 101.5 101.0 97.5 114.9 102.0
04 100.6 97.0 100.6 102.4 101.3 97.6 101.5 103.1
05 103.5 99.6 100.0 105.0 103.8 99.8 100.5 105.4
06 103.8 101.1 98.0 105.7 104.4 101.5 98.7 106.3
07 100.9 108.1 95.3 101.6 101.6 108.7 96.0 102.3
08 98.9 115.8 96.5 100.7 99.7 116.6 97.4 101.5
09 98.2 133.9 95.3 99.4 98.7 134.4 95.9 99.9
10 96.9 141.6 83.3 98.5 96.8 141.4 83.4 98.5
11 98.6 144.9 89.6 99.8 98.4 144.5 89.6 99.6
12 99.4 146.7 100.8 99.2 99.1 146.1 100.6 99.0

90 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Indices, 1997-2008 Endeksler, 1997-2008

2. 9 Ekonomik faaliyetlere göre aylk dú ticaret hadleri, 1997 - 2008 (devam)
Monthly terms of trade by economic activities, 1997 - 2008 (continued)
[2003=100] [USSS 3.Rev - ISIC Rev.3]
ABD Dolar cinsinden - Based on US Dollars Yeni Türk Liras cinsinden - Based on New Turkish Liras
Madencilik Madencilik
Tarm ve ve taú Tarm ve ve taú
ormanclk ocakçl÷ ormanclk ocakçl÷
Ay Genel Agriculture and Mining and ømalat Genel Agriculture and Mining and ømalat
Months General forestry quarrying Manufacturing General forestry quarrying Manufacturing

01 100.0 156.2 91.4 101.0 100.5 156.8 91.9 101.5
02 100.6 159.1 92.9 101.7 100.8 159.3 93.3 102.0
03 100.8 163.9 87.7 102.4 101.7 165.3 88.6 103.4
04 98.8 174.9 80.3 100.9 99.4 175.8 80.9 101.5
05 100.4 158.6 82.6 102.4 100.9 159.3 83.2 103.0
06 101.5 153.9 78.4 104.9 101.8 154.3 78.7 105.2
07 100.9 167.6 73.6 105.7 101.4 168.3 74.1 106.2
08 100.1 160.0 67.2 105.6 100.7 160.9 67.7 106.3
09 99.5 168.3 70.5 104.1 99.9 168.9 70.9 104.6
10 97.6 149.6 65.9 104.2 98.0 150.1 66.2 104.7
11 98.3 153.7 72.3 104.1 98.8 154.2 72.7 104.5
12 97.4 148.0 71.1 103.0 97.9 148.7 71.6 103.5

01 97.6 153.0 64.3 104.0 97.9 153.4 64.7 104.4
02 97.4 143.5 66.3 104.1 97.8 144.1 66.7 104.6
03 97.7 148.2 67.4 103.8 98.1 148.6 67.8 104.2
04 96.1 142.6 66.8 103.3 96.4 142.9 67.1 103.5
05 95.5 127.7 76.4 101.9 96.7 129.2 77.4 103.1
06 96.2 124.0 69.1 103.4 97.0 125.0 69.8 104.3
07 94.5 111.2 64.4 102.7 94.6 111.2 64.5 102.8
08 92.7 123.2 68.0 99.7 93.2 123.7 68.4 100.2
09 92.2 115.0 79.7 98.7 92.7 115.5 80.2 99.2
10 92.1 117.1 77.3 98.4 92.6 117.5 77.8 98.9
11 93.9 120.7 67.5 100.7 94.4 121.3 68.0 101.3
12 94.0 118.4 67.4 100.5 94.4 118.8 67.8 101.0

01 98.1 131.0 77.5 103.6 98.5 131.3 77.9 104.0
02 98.1 132.6 71.0 103.8 98.5 133.0 71.3 104.1
03 97.6 135.5 75.1 103.7 97.9 135.7 75.4 104.0
04 97.6 138.7 86.9 103.1 97.7 138.7 87.1 103.2
05 97.6 120.4 81.6 104.1 98.0 120.7 82.0 104.5
06 98.2 114.2 82.5 105.2 98.4 114.4 82.8 105.5
07 98.0 128.0 76.6 105.4 98.4 128.3 76.9 105.8
08 97.6 126.6 80.0 104.7 98.6 127.8 80.9 105.8
09 97.3 132.5 75.1 104.5 97.2 132.3 75.1 104.4
10 96.9 141.6 75.0 104.6 97.5 142.3 75.5 105.2
11 96.7 135.0 70.4 104.9 97.2 135.6 70.9 105.4
12 97.2 130.7 67.4 106.0 97.6 131.2 67.8 106.5

01 96.1 131.2 60.3 106.5 97.1 132.4 61.0 107.5
02 96.3 113.6 61.2 107.4 96.8 114.1 61.6 107.9
03 96.6 109.1 66.2 107.5 97.4 110.0 66.9 108.5
04 94.6 117.7 62.2 106.5 95.2 118.2 62.7 107.1
05 94.5 105.1 55.7 108.7 94.6 105.2 55.8 108.8
06 93.3 91.0 56.3 108.1 93.4 91.1 56.4 108.3
07 93.5 89.0 53.5 109.4 93.9 89.2 53.7 109.9
08 93.8 91.3 56.1 109.0 94.3 91.7 56.5 109.5
09 94.6 99.1 58.6 109.7 95.4 99.8 59.1 110.6
10 89.3 105.3 57.3 101.9 93.8 110.5 60.3 107.0
11 90.0 98.1 53.1 101.8 90.9 98.9 53.7 102.7
12 93.9 106.2 53.1 104.5 94.1 106.3 53.3 104.8


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Yoğunlaşma, 1988-2008 Concentration, 1988-2008

3. 1 Ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma oran, 2008

Concentration rates of countries, 2008
øhracat - Exports øthalat - Imports
Pay Yo÷unlaúma oran Pay Yo÷unlaúma oran
Ülke Share Concentration rate Ülke Share Concentration rate
Country (%) Country (%)

Almanya - Germany 9.8 CR1 9.8 Rusya Fed. - Russia Fed 15.5 CR1 15.5
øngiltere - United Kingdom 6.2 CR2 16.0 Almanya - Germany 9.3 CR2 24.8
BAE - UAE 6.0 CR3 22.0 Çin - China 7.8 CR3 32.5
øtalya - Italy 5.9 CR4 28.0 øtalya - Italy 5.5 CR4 38.0
Fransa-France 5.0 CR5 33.0 A B D - USA 5.9 CR5 43.9
Rusya Fed. - Russia Fed 4.9 CR6 37.9 Fransa - France 4.5 CR6 48.4
A B D - USA 3.3 CR7 41.1 øran - Iran 4.1 CR7 52.4
øspanya - Spain 3.1 CR8 44.2 Ukrayna - Ukraine 3.0 CR8 55.5
Romanya - Romania 3.0 CR9 47.2 øsviçre - Switzerland 2.8 CR9 58.2
Irak - Iraq 3.0 CR10 50.2 øngiltere - United Kingdom 2.6 CR10 60.9
Hollanda - Netherlands 2.4 CR11 52.6 øspanya - Spain 2.3 CR11 63.1
øsviçre - Switzerland 2.2 CR12 54.7 Güney Kore - South Korea 2.0 CR12 65.1
Yunanistan - Greece 1.8 CR13 56.6 Japonya - Japan 2.0 CR13 67.1
Suudi Arabistan - Saudi Arabia 1.7 CR14 58.2 Romanya - Romania 1.8 CR14 68.9
Ukrayna - Ukraine 1.7 CR15 59.9 Suudi Arabistan - Saudi Arabia 1.6 CR15 70.5
Bulgaristan - Bulgaria 1.6 CR16 61.5 Cezayir - Algeria 1.6 CR16 72.2
Belçika - Belgium 1.6 CR17 63.1 Belçika - Belgium 1.6 CR17 73.7
øran - Iran 1.5 CR18 64.7 Hollanda - Netherlands 1.5 CR18 75.2
øsrail - Israel 1.5 CR19 66.1 Hindistan - India 1.2 CR19 76.5
Azerbaycan - Azerbaijan 1.3 CR20 67.4 Kazakistan - Kazakhstan 1.2 CR20 77.6
Cezayir - Algeria 1.2 CR21 68.6 Polonya - Poland 1.0 CR21 78.6
Polonya - Poland 1.2 CR22 69.8 øsveç - Sweden 0.9 CR22 79.5
Çin - China 1.1 CR23 70.9 Bulgaristan - Bulgaria 0.9 CR23 80.4
Msr - Egypt 1.1 CR24 72.0 Tayvan - Taiwan 0.8 CR24 81.3
Güney Afrika - South Africa 0.9 CR25 72.9 Avusturya - Austria 0.8 CR25 82.0

(%) 3.1 Ülkelerin yoğunlaşma oranı, 2008

(%) Concentration
3.1 Ülkelerin ratio oforan,
yo÷unlaúma countries,
90 Concentration ratio of countries, 2008


60 øhracat-Exports





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
C1R C2R CR3 CR4 CRR5 CRR6 CR R7 CR R8 CR R9CR1 10CR1 1C1R1 1C2R1 C1R31 C1R41 CR115 CR116 CR117 CR118 CR2 19 CR2 20CR2 21CR2 2C2R2 2C3R2 24 25

Türkiye'nin 2008 yl ihracatnn %9.8'ini (CR1) Almanya'ya In 2008, 9.8 % of the Turkey's exports was made to
gerçekleútirilmiútir. øhracatmz içerisinde bu ülkeyi izleyen Germany, 6.2% to the United Kingdom and 6% to the UAE.
øngiltere'nin pay %6.2, BAE'nin pay %6.0 düzeyindedir. The concentration ratio, for the first 8 countries (CR8) was
Yo÷unlaúma oran (CR) ilk 8 ülke için (CR8) %44.2; ilk 44.2%, for the first 25 countries (CR25) was 72.9%.
25 ülke için (CR25) %72.9 dur.

øthalatta ilk sray Rusya Federasyonu almaktadr. Russia Federation was main partner country in imports.
Rusya Federasyonu 'ndan yaplan ithalat 2008 Imports from Russia Federation constitued 15.5% of the total
ylndaki toplam ithalatmzn %15.5 'i düzeyindedir. of imports (CR1). The concentration ratio for the first 8 countries
øthalatta en yüksek paya sahip ilk 8 ülkenin pay (CR8) was 55.5% and the first 25 countries(CR25) was 82.0%.
(CR8) %55.5; ilk 25 ülkenin pay ise %82.0'dr.

92 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Concentration, 1988-2008 Yoğunlaşma, 1988-2008

3. 2 Fasllarn yo÷unlaúma oran, 2008

Concentration rates of chapters, 2008

øhracat - Exports øthalat - Imports

Pay Yo÷unlaúma oran Pay Yo÷unlaúma oran
Fasl Share Concentration rate Fasl Share Concentration rate
Chapter (%) Chapter (%)
87 13.9 CR1 13.9 27 23.9 CR1 23.9
72 11.3 CR2 25.2 72 11.5 CR2 35.4
84 7.8 CR3 33.0 84 11.2 CR3 46.5
85 6.0 CR4 39.0 85 6.9 CR4 53.4
61 5.9 CR5 44.9 87 6.3 CR5 59.7
27 5.7 CR6 50.6 39 4.6 CR6 64.4
73 4.3 CR7 55.0 71 2.8 CR7 67.2
71 4.1 CR8 59.1 29 2.2 CR8 69.4
62 4.0 CR9 63.1 30 2.2 CR9 71.5
39 2.7 CR10 65.8 90 1.7 CR10 73.2
8 2.2 CR11 68.0 74 1.6 CR11 74.9
89 2.0 CR12 70.0 48 1.3 CR12 76.2
25 1.7 CR13 71.7 76 1.3 CR13 77.4
63 1.6 CR14 73.3 52 1.2 CR14 78.6
94 1.4 CR15 74.7 73 1.1 CR15 79.7
40 1.4 CR16 76.1 40 1.1 CR16 80.8
76 1.3 CR17 77.4 10 1.1 CR17 81.8
52 1.2 CR18 78.7 38 0.9 CR18 82.7
20 1.1 CR19 79.8 55 0.8 CR19 83.5
54 1.0 CR20 80.8 28 0.8 CR20 84.4
57 0.9 CR21 81.7 15 0.8 CR21 85.2
74 0.9 CR22 82.5 88 0.8 CR22 86.0
68 0.9 CR23 83.4 32 0.8 CR23 86.7
60 0.9 CR24 84.3 54 0.7 CR24 87.5
48 0.8 CR25 85.1 31 0.7 CR25 88.2

3.2 Fasılların yoğunlaşma oran,oranı,

2008 2008
( %) )
3.2 Fasllarn yo÷unlaúma
Concentration ratesrates 2008 2008
of chapters,
of chapters,



70 øhracat-Exports
70 İhracat-Exports




















































































En çok ihracat gerçekleútirilen motorlu kara taútlarnn (Fasl no; The exports of the "vehicles other than railway"
87) pay (CR1) %13.9, ikinci srada yer alan demir ve çelik (chapter 87) constitued 13.9% and "iron and steel"
(Fasl no; 72) pay ise %11.3 olarak gerçekleúmiútir. (chapter 72) constitued 11.3% of the total exports. The
øhracatta en yüksek paya sahip ilk 8 fasln pay concentration ratio of exports for the first 8 chapters (CR8)was 59.1
(CR8) %59.1 ilk 15 fasln pay (CR15) %74.7 ve %, the first 15 chapters was 74.7% and the first 25 chapters
ilk 25 fasln pay (CR25) %85.1'dir. (CR25) was 85.1%, respectively.

Fasllara göre ithalatn yo÷unlaúma oran ihracata göre daha Concentration ratio of imports by chapters is greater than exports.
yüksektir. 2008 yl ithalatnda CR1 (Mineral ya÷lar, yaktlar) Ratio of "mineral fuels and oils" (CR1) in imports was 23.9%,while
%23,9; CR8 %69.4 ve CR25 %88.2 düzeyindedir. the first CR8 was 69.4% and for the first CR25 was 88.2%.

93 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Yoğunlaşma, 1988-2008 Concentration, 1988-2008

3. 3 Firmalarn yo÷unlaúma oran, 2008

Concentration rates of firms, 2008

øhracat - Export øthalat - Import

Pay Yo÷unlaúma oran Pay Yo÷unlaúma oran
Firma sra no Share Concentration rate Firma sra no Share Concentration rate
Firms number (%) Firms number (%)

1 3.4 CR1 3.4 1 9.2 CR1 9.2

2 2.9 CR2 6.3 2 7.6 CR2 16.8
3 2.5 CR3 8.8 3 1.3 CR3 18.2
4 1.9 CR4 10.6 4 1.2 CR4 19.4
5 1.8 CR5 12.4 5 1.0 CR5 20.4
6 1.7 CR6 14.1 6 1.0 CR6 21.4
7 1.6 CR7 15.7 7 0.9 CR7 22.3
8 1.2 CR8 17.0 8 0.9 CR8 23.2
9 1.2 CR9 18.2 9 0.8 CR9 24.0
10 1.1 CR10 19.3 10 0.8 CR10 24.8
11 1.1 CR11 20.4 11 0.7 CR11 25.5
12 1.1 CR12 21.6 12 0.7 CR12 26.2
13 1.0 CR13 22.6 13 0.7 CR13 26.9
14 1.0 CR14 23.6 14 0.6 CR14 27.5
15 0.9 CR15 24.5 15 0.6 CR15 28.1
16 0.8 CR16 25.2 16 0.6 CR16 28.6
17 0.7 CR17 25.9 17 0.6 CR17 29.2
18 0.7 CR18 26.6 18 0.5 CR18 29.8
19 0.7 CR19 27.2 19 0.5 CR19 30.3
20 0.6 CR20 27.8 20 0.5 CR20 30.8
21 0.5 CR21 28.4 21 0.5 CR21 31.4
22 0.5 CR22 28.9 22 0.5 CR22 31.8
23 0.5 CR23 29.3 23 0.5 CR23 32.3
24 0.5 CR24 29.8 24 0.4 CR24 32.7
25 0.5 CR25 30.2 25 0.4 CR25 33.2

(%) 3.3 Firmaların yoğunlaşma oranı, 2008

(%) 3.3 Firmalarn yo÷unlaúma oran, 2008
Concentration rates of firms, 2008
Concentration rates of firms, 2008
35 İthalat-Imports
35 øthalat-Imports









CR 4

CR 5



12 13

13 14

14 15

15 6

16 7
CR R18

CR 19

CR 20

CR 21

CR 2

CR 3



































2008 ylnda Türkiye ihracatnn %30.2'si; Türkiye ithalatnn ise In 2008, 30.2% of Turkey’s exports and 33.2% of Turkey is
%33.2' si 25 firma (CR25) tarafndan gerçekleútirilmiútir. En çok imports were made by the first 25 firms (CR25). Concentration
ihracat yapan ilk firma toplam ihracatn %3.4’ünü, ilk 8 firma ratio of the first firm (CR1) was 3.4% in exports and the
%17.0'n gerçekleútirmiútir. first 8 firms (CR8) was 17.0%.

Firmalara göre yo÷unlaúma; ithalatta ihracata göre daha Concentration ratio of imports by firms was greater than
yüksek görünmektedir. øthalatta ilk firmann (CR1) pay %9.2, exports. For the first firm (CR1) was 9.2%, while 23.2% for the
ilk 8 firmann (CR8) pay %23.2 düzeyindedir. first 8 firms (CR8) .

94 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008 94
Concentration, 1988-2008 Yoğunlaşma, 1988-2008

3. 4 øhracatta ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008

Concentration criterions of countries in exports, 1988 - 2008

Yl CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 CR8

Years (%) H-I

1988 18.4 26.9 35.1 41.6 46.5 51.2 55.5 58.6 0.066
1989 18.7 27.1 35.5 41.5 46.8 52.0 56.8 60.6 0.068
1990 23.6 32.2 39.6 45.4 51.1 55.2 59.0 62.4 0.084
1991 25.1 32.3 39.0 44.0 49.0 53.5 57.1 60.7 0.088
1992 24.9 31.3 37.2 42.7 48.1 51.5 54.8 57.9 0.084
1993 23.8 30.2 35.7 40.7 45.6 49.8 53.2 56.6 0.078
1994 21.7 30.1 35.8 40.7 45.4 50.0 53.4 56.8 0.071
1995 23.3 30.3 37.0 42.7 48.0 52.8 56.2 58.3 0.077
1996 22.3 29.4 35.9 42.1 47.6 52.1 55.4 57.5 0.073
1997 20.0 27.9 35.6 41.3 46.6 51.1 54.0 56.2 0.066
1998 20.2 28.5 35.0 40.7 45.7 50.6 53.9 56.3 0.066
1999 20.6 29.8 36.6 43.0 48.9 52.4 55.2 57.6 0.066
2000 18.6 29.9 37.3 43.7 49.7 52.8 55.4 57.7 0.067
2001 17.1 27.1 34.6 41.5 47.6 50.6 53.6 56.4 0.061
2002 16.3 25.6 34.0 40.6 46.5 49.7 52.9 55.8 0.057
2003 15.8 23.8 31.5 38.3 44.3 48.1 51.3 54.2 0.053
2004 13.9 22.6 30.3 37.7 43.5 47.6 51.0 54.0 0.050
2005 12.9 20.9 28.6 35.2 40.4 44.5 48.3 51.6 0.046
2006 11.3 19.3 27.2 33.1 38.5 42.9 46.6 49.7 0.042
2007 11.2 19.2 26.2 31.8 36.2 40.4 44.3 47.7 0.040
2008 9.8 16.0 22.0 28.0 33.0 37.9 41.1 44.2 0.034

Not. CR ve H-I için Açklama bölümüne baknz. Note. See the Explanation for CR and H-I.

3.4 øhracatta ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1998 - 2008
Concentration criterions of countries in exports, 1998 - 2008

3.4 İhracatta ülkelerin yoğunlaşma ölçütleri, 1998 - 2008
58 Concentration criterions of countries in exports, 1998 - 2008

58 CR8





1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008
TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Yoğunlaşma, 1988-2008 Concentration, 1988-2008

3. 5 øhracatta fasllarn yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008

Concentration criterions of chapters in exports, 1988 - 2008

Yl CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 CR8

Years (%) H-I

1988 12.5 21.3 28.8 35.4 40.9 44.9 48.9 51.8 0.049
1989 10.3 19.8 28.3 34.2 38.9 43.4 47.5 50.2 0.045
1990 11.1 21.4 30.6 38.2 43.5 48.0 51.7 55.1 0.051
1991 13.1 21.7 30.0 36.6 40.8 45.0 49.0 52.9 0.050
1992 16.4 25.1 33.6 39.2 43.6 46.9 49.7 52.1 0.056
1993 16.1 27.3 36.2 42.2 46.3 49.3 52.2 54.9 0.060
1994 14.3 25.4 33.8 40.0 44.1 47.4 50.5 53.2 0.054
1995 15.9 26.1 34.1 39.9 44.4 47.6 50.6 53.3 0.057
1996 15.4 24.6 32.2 37.9 42.8 46.3 49.8 52.5 0.053
1997 15.1 23.9 31.5 37.0 42.0 45.8 48.8 51.4 0.051
1998 15.7 24.9 31.7 37.6 42.4 46.7 50.2 53.1 0.054
1999 14.2 23.3 29.5 35.3 40.9 45.6 50.3 53.9 0.045
2000 13.4 22.4 29.6 35.4 41.2 46.3 50.0 53.6 0.049
2001 11.6 20.0 27.5 34.7 41.3 46.9 50.7 54.1 0.047
2002 12.3 21.5 30.5 38.5 44.8 50.7 54.2 57.6 0.053
2003 12.1 23.3 31.4 38.7 45.0 51.3 54.8 57.7 0.054
2004 13.1 23.0 31.5 39.1 46.2 52.8 56.3 59.3 0.056
2005 13.0 22.0 29.4 36.5 43.3 49.9 53.6 57.2 0.053
2006 13.9 22.0 29.6 37.0 44.4 49.9 54.1 58.0 0.054
2007 14.8 23.0 30.8 38.3 45.2 50.3 55.1 58.9 0.057
2008 13.9 25.2 33.0 39.0 44.9 50.6 55.0 59.1 0.058

Not. CR ve H-I için Açklama bölümüne baknz. Note. See the Explanation for CR and H-I.

(%(%) )
3.5 øhracatta
3.5 İhracattafasllarn
yoğunlaşma ölçütleri,
ölçütleri, 1998
1998 - 2008
- 2008
Concentration criterionsofof chapters
chapters in exports,
in exports, 1998
1998 - 2008
- 2008







1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


96 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Concentration, 1988-2008 Yoğunlaşma, 1988-2008

3. 6 øthalatta ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008

Concentration criterions of countries in imports, 1988 - 2008

Yl CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 CR8

Years (%) H-I

1988 14.2 24.8 34.8 41.9 47.7 52.8 57.4 61.3 0.062
1989 14.0 27.2 37.7 44.5 49.2 53.8 57.7 61.1 0.066
1990 15.7 25.9 33.7 39.7 45.3 50.3 55.0 59.5 0.061
1991 15.4 26.1 34.8 43.5 49.4 54.9 60.1 65.3 0.067
1992 16.4 27.8 36.2 43.5 49.4 54.6 59.4 64.0 0.067
1993 15.4 26.8 35.5 42.1 47.6 52.9 58.1 63.2 0.064
1994 16.4 32.6 41.1 48.9 53.4 57.4 60.9 64.1 0.077
1995 15.5 26.0 34.9 40.7 46.3 51.5 55.4 59.2 0.061
1996 17.9 27.7 35.8 42.1 47.9 52.3 56.2 59.5 0.066
1997 16.5 25.7 34.6 40.7 46.4 50.9 55.1 58.1 0.061
1998 15.9 25.1 34.0 40.6 46.4 51.1 55.6 58.7 0.060
1999 14.5 22.3 30.0 37.6 43.4 48.8 52.3 55.7 0.047
2000 13.2 21.2 28.3 35.5 41.9 47.0 50.1 53.1 0.050
2001 12.9 21.3 29.6 37.5 43.0 47.6 50.8 53.7 0.051
2002 13.7 21.6 29.2 35.2 41.1 45.8 50.0 52.8 0.049
2003 13.6 21.5 29.4 35.4 40.4 45.5 49.8 53.5 0.049
2004 12.8 22.1 29.1 35.5 40.4 44.9 49.4 52.9 0.049
2005 11.7 22.7 29.2 35.1 40.1 44.7 48.8 52.2 0.048
2006 12.7 23.3 30.2 36.4 41.6 46.1 50.2 53.9 0.050
2007 13.8 24.1 31.9 37.8 42.6 47.2 51.1 54.3 0.053
2008 15.5 24.8 32.5 38.0 43.9 48.4 52.4 55.5 0.055

Not. CR ve H-I için Açklama bölümüne baknz.

Note. See the Explanation for CR and H-I.


60 3.6 øthalatta ülkelerin yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri , 1998 - 2008
3.6 İthalatta ülkelerin
Concentration yoğunlaşma
criterions ölçütleri
of countries , 1998
in imports, 1998 -- 2008
Concentration criterions of countries in imports, 1998 - 2008

58 CR8
58 CR8







1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Yoğunlaşma, 1988-2008 Concentration, 1988-2008

3. 7 øthalatta fasllarn yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1988 - 2008

Concentration criterions of chapters in imports, 1988 - 2008

Yl CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 CR8

Years (%) H-I

1988 21.2 38.0 49.5 57.0 61.9 64.7 67.5 70.0 0.100
1989 20.6 34.5 46.8 53.7 58.8 62.4 64.6 66.8 0.090
1990 20.7 37.7 45.1 52.4 57.4 61.3 63.8 66.3 0.091
1991 18.0 35.9 45.2 53.0 57.9 62.1 65.0 67.4 0.088
1992 17.8 34.3 42.3 49.8 55.6 59.8 62.8 65.8 0.081
1993 17.9 31.4 40.4 47.7 54.8 59.6 63.1 65.9 0.077
1994 15.7 26.1 34.7 41.0 46.3 51.3 55.8 60.0 0.061
1995 16.1 29.0 37.5 43.8 48.6 53.0 56.9 60.7 0.066
1996 19.4 33.0 39.8 46.1 52.3 56.1 59.7 62.1 0.076
1997 18.8 31.3 39.8 47.8 53.9 57.8 61.3 63.6 0.075
1998 19.4 29.3 38.8 47.0 53.0 57.2 60.8 63.3 0.074
1999 15.7 28.9 41.5 49.1 54.1 58.6 62.6 65.1 0.070
2000 17.5 31.8 43.1 53.1 58.2 62.2 65.9 68.2 0.083
2001 20.1 35.4 44.2 48.6 52.9 57.1 61.0 63.6 0.083
2002 17.9 33.7 42.2 47.8 52.4 56.9 60.6 63.6 0.078
2003 16.7 31.5 39.5 47.3 54.1 58.8 62.8 66.1 0.076
2004 14.8 28.6 39.1 47.6 55.9 60.8 64.6 67.7 0.074
2005 18.2 32.2 41.3 49.6 57.7 62.6 66.2 69.3 0.082
2006 20.7 34.3 42.5 50.6 58.4 63.4 66.6 69.2 0.088
2007 19.9 33.2 42.7 50.5 57.8 62.9 66.4 68.8 0.085
2008 23.9 35.4 46.5 53.4 59.7 64.4 67.2 69.4 0.098

Not. CR ve H-I için Açklama bölümüne baknz.

Note. See the Explanation for CR and H-I.

(%) 3.7 øthalatta fasllarn yo÷unlaúma ölçütleri, 1998 - 2008

Concentration criterions of chapters in imports, 1998 - 2008
70( %) 3.7 İthalatta fasılların yoğunlaşma ölçütleri, 1998 - 2008
Concentration criterions of chapters in imports, 1998 - 2008
70 CR8




62 60

60 58
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


98 TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008
Appendix Ek

ølgili bilgilere ulaúmak için………..

To reach the related information………

øçerik/Content Biçim/Format
Haber Bülteni:Ulusal Veri Yaymlama takviminde belirtilen açklanma Metin Ka÷t
periyodunda en güncel bilgilerin yer ald÷ son haber bültenine ve önceki Tablo Excel
saylarna, internet sayfamzn istatistikler/ Dú Ticaret/Dú Ticaret østatistikleri Grafik Word
Bölümünün son haber bülteni baúl÷ndan ulaúabilirsiniz. Harita PDF
http://www.tuik.gov.tr/takvim/tkvim.zul#tb1 Html
News Bulletin: The latest news bulletin including the most recent data and Text Paper
previous news bulletins can be reached from the heading of Latest News Table
Bulletin in Foreign Trade / Foreign Trade Statistics of Graphic
http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/ingtakvim/tkvim.zul#tb1 according to the period of Map
National Data Release Calender.
Yayn: ølgili yaynlar internet sayfamzda yer alan yayn katalo÷umuzdan Metin Ka÷t
inceleyebilir ve bilgi satú bölümünden talep edebilirsiniz. Tablo CD-Rom
http://www.tuik.gov.tr/yayinupload/katalog Grafik PDF
http://www.tuik.gov.tr/Satis.do?metod=Giris Harita
Publication: You can examine the related publications from the catalogue and
request them from info market on our web site. Text Paper
http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/yayinupload/katalog.pdf Table
http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/Satis.do?metod=Giris Graphic

Tablo: Özet ve ayrntl tablolarna internet sayfamzn istatistikler/ Dú Ticaret/Dú Tablo Excel
Ticaret østatistikleri Bölümünün veri baúl÷ndan ulaúabilirsiniz.
Table: You can reach the summary and detailed tables from the heading of Data Table
in Foreign Trade / Foreign Trade Statistics Section of Statistics page of our web
Veri taban: Dinamik sorgulama yapma imkan sa÷layan veri tabanndaki ayrntl Tablo Excel
bilgi internet sayfamzn istatistikler/ Dú Ticaret/Dú Ticaret østatistikleri/ Veri PDF
bölümündeki Dinamik Sorgulama veya veritabanlar baúl÷ndan ulaúabilirsiniz. Html
Database: You can reach the detailed data in database providing dynamic Table
search option on Databases heading or Dynamic Search on Data section of
Foreign Trade / Foreign Trade Statistics on Statistics page of our web site.
Mikro veri: Mikro verileri karúlkl protokol ile kullanclara sa÷lanmaktadr. Veri/Data CD-ROM
Microdata: Microdata are provided to users by bilateral protocol. Tablo/Table ASCII

østatistik Bilgi Hatt: Düzenli olarak güncellenen özet bilgilerine, Özet bilgi Sesli Yant
+ 90 312 410 0 410 numaral telefonun 8 ve 2 tuúlanarak otomatik sesli yant Sistemi
sisteminden ulaúabilirsiniz.
Statistics Information Line: You can reach the summary information updated Summary Voice Response
regularly from automatic voice response system of the phone number; information System
+ 90 312 410 0 410/Ext 8 and 2.
Mobil Telefon: Güncel bilgilerine TURKCELL ve AVEA hatl cep telefonlarndan Özet bilgi KMS
DTI yazarak 3737’ye ksa mesaj gönderebilirsiniz.
Mobile Phone: You can reach the updated information by sending SMS to DTI Summary SMS
3737 from TURKCELL and AVEA cell phones. information
TRT-Telegün Sayfas:Güncel özet bilgilerine haber bülteni yaymlama takvimine Özet bilgi Teletekst
paralel olarak TRT Telegün yaynndan ulaúabilirsiniz.
Sayfa: 590
TRT-Telegun Page: You can reach the recent summary information from TRT Summary
Telegun broadcasting according to national release calender. information Teletext
Page: 590

TÜİK, Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2008

TurkStat, Foreign Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2008

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