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FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2020

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management

Group Assignment - Semester 2, 2020

Assessment Mark: 20%

(Assignment will be marked out of 100% and converted to a mark out of 20%)
DUE: on or before, 11:59 pm Friday 16th October 2020
American Airlines, Inc. (listed in NASDAQ under the code AAL) is a major American
airline headquartered in, Texas, USA, that offer an average of nearly 6,700 flights daily to
350 destinations in 50 countries. Assume American Airlines has the following cost,
revenue, investment and liability structure.

Jet fuel consumption Quantity Portfolio Beta Representative


July – Dec 2020 (Forecast) 6,031,746 - Crude oil


Revenue forecast from In millions -

Latin America for 2nd half of

Mexican Peso Peso 270.24

Brazilian Real Real 67.73

Commercial Paper US$500 - Euro dollars
Equity investments (US)
US$25 1.15 S&P 500

2-year variable rate loan

US$28,698 -
(next re-set date 31st Dec

Assume that you are a recently appointed hedge strategist for American Airlines Inc. and
that you have been requested to prepare a report on your recommendations of hedging
strategies given the current environment related to COVID-19, for presentation to the
board of directors at its next board meeting. You have been specifically requested to
address the following issues:

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2020

Section I (25%)
(a) To identify the specific financial risk exposures faced by American Airlines
(please limit the financial risks to what is taught in this unit). In this section, you
MUST discuss the outlook (forecast) for each underlying variable and identify
whether it will present a risk to the firm. You need to provide adequate evidence
to support the justification for your responses. (15%).
(b) Make firm recommendations on whether to hedge all, part or none of the
financial risk exposures that you identified in part (a) above. You MUST provide
some explanation for each of your recommendations. (i.e. the reasons for
suggesting this strategy. (You are not required to specify the type of derivative to
be used to hedge in response to this question). (10%)

Section II (25%)
(c) To make recommendations on which derivative instruments (for example,
options, futures, etc.) to use to implement any hedges that you have
recommended in part (b) above. Once again, you MUST explain your
recommendations (i.e. justify the choice of the derivative instrument). This
means that you will need to provide very well researched and fully explained
reasons for your responses to parts (a & b). (15%)
(d) Irrespective of your recommendations in parts (b) and (c) above, assume that
American Airlines wishes to hedge 100 percent of its jet fuel consumption with
exchange-traded futures or options. Provide a schedule that shows
a. the risk you are hedging against
b. the number of futures and/or option contracts that would be required
c. the reason for choosing futures or options
d. the contract months used
e. whether you are going long or short futures and, in the case of options
whether you are buying puts or calls
f. the option strike prices that you recommend, and the premium costs
(Note: in responding to part (d) you only have to implement the hedge – you do not
need to calculate any hypothetical future outcome). In this section, you MUST show
all calculations and include your responses in a table format as presented below.

Please include
calculations of the
number of contracts in
the appropriate cell
Type of Risk
Exposure to be hedged
The proportion of the exposure
to be hedged
Derivatives i.e. Futures/or
Options etc.
Explain the choice of derivative

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2020


No. of Contracts
Contract months
Strike Prices, premiums/Futures
prices etc.

Section III (25%)

(e) Propose ONE option combination strategy that involves more than one option
contract for the Brazilian Real revenue (67.73) for the risk faced by this
exposure. American Airline’s management has expressed a desire to retain some
of the upside benefits that hedging with options can permit but without paying a
lot of money in option premiums. That is, your recommended strategies should
provide a “reasonably effective” hedge but keep the option premium payment
limited to a “reasonable amount” (it does not have to be zero!). As the strategist,
it is up to you what you consider “reasonable” for this purpose. You must also
describe the benefits and possible shortcomings of your proposed option
strategies. You must use actual option data to illustrate your option strategies.
Calculate the number of contracts required for the strategy and provide the
strike prices and total premium costs.
(f) Assume there will be low volatility or relatively flat market in the S&P 500 over
December 2020 and assume American Airlines wishes to take advantage of this
low volatility but unsure in which direction it would be. Propose a speculative
option combination strategy that American Airlines can use to profit from this
market condition. You must also describe the benefits and possible shortcomings
of your proposed option strategies. You must use actual option data to illustrate
your option strategies
Calculate the number of contracts required for the strategy and provide the
strike prices and total premium costs.

Breakdown of assignment marks – Refer assignment rubric on pages 4 - 5

Context and purpose of writing - Introduction = 5%
Content (Relates to sections I- III including recommendations) =
(25 + 25 + 25 = 75%)
Sources and evidence = 10%
Structure, presentation and attention to detail = 5%
Grammar and expression = 5%

Total = 100%

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2020

Word Limit – 3500 words +/- 10%, including executive summary, table of
contents, references and appendices. Exceeding this word limit will carry

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2020

Marking Rubric – FIN30014 Group Assignment (100%)

Performance Fail (N) /0-49
High Distinction (HD)/80-
Distinction (D)/ 70-79 Pass (P)/ 50-59 Poor/unacceptable/Not
100 Credit (C)/60-69
Very good/ exceeds Acceptable/Satisfactory/ attempted/requires further
Excellent/exemplary/exceed Good/Well done
Indicators expectations Proficient development/needs
ing high standard
CRITERIA improvement
Outstanding, insightful work. Very good work. Good work. Generally clear, Satisfactory work. Shows Unsatisfactory work. Fails to
Goes beyond requirements Purposefully and logically accurate and relevant. basic understanding of address the topic in a
of the task to develop a developed. Thoroughly Adequately addresses all concepts with minimal meaningful way. May be
response, which is addresses all aspects of the requirements of the task. evidence of reflection or extremely brief, inaccurate,
thoughtful, reflective, and task. Synthesis of details and Demonstrates understanding thoughtful analysis. illogical or undeveloped.
considers alternative views concepts from various of course concepts, with Complies with the basic
and makes connections sources or topics shows evidence of some thoughtful requirements, relies on
among ideas and information evidence of sound examination and reflection. limited sources of
from different sources or understanding and Development is generally information, little integration
from different aspects of the thoughtful examination. logical, facts generally of concepts.
course. correct. Tends to focus on
one interpretation.
Context of and purpose for Demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates an Demonstrates awareness of Demonstrates consideration Demonstrates minimal or no
writing (5%) - Introduction understanding of context, understanding of context, context, audience, and of context, audience, and attention to context,
audience, and purpose of the audience, and purpose of the purpose of the assignment. purpose. Submission covers audience, purpose, and/or to
assignment. Submission is assignment. Submission is Submission covers all the majority of the required the assigned tasks(s) (e.g.,
responsive to the assigned responsive to the assigned required elements. elements expectation of instructor).
task(s) and comprehensively task(s) and covering all Some expected elements may
and competently covers all expected elements have been omitted
Content (75%) – Relates to Uses appropriate, relevant, Uses appropriate, relevant, Uses appropriate and Uses appropriate and Uses inappropriate and/or
sections I- III including and compelling content to and compelling discipline relevant content to develop relevant content to develop irrelevant content to develop
recommendations. illustrate mastery of the related content to explore and explore ideas through simple ideas throughout the ideas in the assignment
ideas and shape the content the assignment
assignment topic, conveying assignment
of the assignment
the writer's understanding,
and shaping the whole
Sources and evidence (10%) Demonstrates skilful use of Demonstrates consistent use Demonstrates effective use Demonstrates an attempt to Demonstrates little attempt
high-quality, credible, of credible, relevant sources of appropriate and relevant use credible and/or relevant to use sources to support
relevant sources to develop to support ideas that are sources to support ideas that sources to support ideas that ideas in the writing

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2020

ideas that are appropriate for situated within the discipline are situated within the are appropriate for the
the discipline and genre of and genre of the writing. discipline and genre of the discipline and genre of the
the writing writing. writing.
Demonstrates detailed Demonstrates consistent use Follows expectations Attempts to use a consistent Minimal, inappropriate or no
Structure, presentation and
attention to detail (5%) – attention to and successful of important conventions appropriate to the assigned system for basic organization attempt to use a consistent
Should include the following execution of a wide range of particular to the assigned task as such as organization, and presentation system to organise and
structure: Executive conventions particular to the task, including organization, content, and presentation present assignment
Summary, Introduction assigned task including content, presentation, and
(brief), body (where you will organization, content, stylistic choices
answer parts to the presentation, formatting, and
assignment), conclusion
stylistic choices
(brief), References,
Appendices (optional)

Grammar and expression Uses sophisticated, Uses expressive and Uses language that generally Uses straightforward Uses language that
(5%) expressive and appropriate appropriate business conveys meaning to readers language that generally sometimes impedes meaning
business language that language that competently with clarity. Attention to conveys meaning to readers. because of errors in usage.
skillfully communicates communicates meaning to detail is evident. The language is
meaning to readers readers with clarity and understandable but there
eloquently and is fluency and is grammatically may be room for
grammatically error free correct grammatical improvement.

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2019

1. You are expected to use actual data for your recommended hedging strategies for
requirement (d). Futures and option prices can be found at and
2. The price data you use in your assignment will depend on the prices on the date that
you access the data. That is, assignments submitted by different students will most
likely have different prices.
3. It is your task to research the necessary futures and options contracts and the
contract specifications to implement your proposed hedge strategies.
Assistance will only be provided if it is clear that you have made a substantive
research effort.
4. See marking rubric on pages 4-5.
5. Answers to each part should be strictly separated. Answers to different parts
should NOT be combined under any circumstance.
6. There are no definitive answers to this assignment. Your submission will be
evaluated based on the clarity of your report and the quality of your arguments as
responses to the requirements.
7. The assignment is to be done in a group of 3. You cannot submit an
individual assignment, nor in pairs, without the consent of your tutor. If you
do so, you will be penalised.
8. To avoid the penalties associated with a late submission you should commence
thinking about the issues and researching for this assignment as soon as possible.
Refer to late submission penalties in the Unit Outline.

Submission Requirements
1. Please ensure that you are allocated to the correct group on Canvas before
submitting the assignment.
2. You MUST submit the assignment via the Canvas assessment submission system.
Check the draft in the “draft submission” link before doing the final submission.
3. No hardcopy is required.
4. An assignment cover sheet must be attached to your submission (see Canvas for
assignment cover sheet).
5. Your submission is to take the form of a business report. It should be concise,
spell-checked for obvious errors, professional and be clearly expressed. The
assignment should include the following sections:
6. Executive Summary, Introduction (brief), body (where you will answer parts
to the assignment), conclusion (brief), References, Appendices (optional)
7. The assignment should be a total of 3500 words, including the executive summary,
table of contents, references and appendices.
8. E-mailed assignments will not be accepted, the assignment must be submitted via
9. Make sure that you allow yourself adequate time to complete this report
because these guidelines will be strictly enforced and without exception.

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2019

10. Conduct research as widely as possible (up to 8 -12 sources). You MUST use sources
that are considered academically reputable.
If you have any issues with your group members, please inform your tutor, 3
weeks before the assignment is due.

Plagiarism - Please read the notes on plagiarism in the Unit Outline.

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