Week 4 Newsletter

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Hello & Welcome!

Dates to Remember:
As our 2020-2021 school with all of my students and their
● Friday, August 7 year kicks-off, I want to welcome parents throughout the year, so
Spanish Club Interest/Info you to my Span- please don’t
Meeting—after school ish class! Things hesitate to
● Wednesday, August 12
may look a little reach out to me
different this year, with any ques-
XYZ High School Family
Fun Night @ 7pm
compared to years tions or con-
past, but I am ex- cerns you may
cited and ready to have. I look
face these challenges and together forward to meeting you and work-
I know we will make the coming ing with you as we navigate these
school year our best yet! uncharted waters towards success!
I want to keep an open dialogue

High Expectations
Too often students approach with Spanish by the end of this
second-language learning with course. Write down your goal on
low-expectations. Students, I the inside cover of your folder/
want to encourage you to set a binder that you use for this
challenging but attainable goal course, where you can see it and
for yourself as you begin this refer back to it. Parents, ask your
course. Your goal should be student to show you their written
more than just a letter grade goal for the course and help keep
that you hope to achieve. Your them accountable for their learn-
goal should be specific, stating ing. I have faith that you will
what you want to be able to do achieve your goal!

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