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Lab-1 Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3.8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:43:08) [MSC v.1926 32 win32 Type “help”, “copyright” (Intel)] on redits" or "license()" for more information. QUE-A 1.>>> Age=20 >>> Age 20 2.>>> Name="Ar >>> Name ‘Amit! string type >>> Name=Amit Traceback (most recent call last): File “", line 1, in ‘#wrong initialization 3.>>> Laptop@=10000000 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in Laptop@=10000000 NameError: name ‘Laptop’ is not defined >>> Laptop=10000000 >>> Laptop 10000000 4,>>> Surname=Sharma Traceback (most recent call last): #Sharma isn't variable it is, string File “", line 1, in Surmame=Sharma ame ‘Sharma’ is not defined >>> Surname ‘Sharma’ QUE B 1. 5.>>> class="Advanced Theoretical Zymurgy’ ‘SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> class1="Advanced Theoretical Zymurgy’ >>> class1 "Advanced Theoretical Zymurgy’ 6. >>> zip code=2492 >>> zip code 2492 #octal value SyntaxError: leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted; use an Oo prefix for octal integers #correct syntax for declaring octal value >>> phone 2016437 SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> _Street="for big parade’ hyphen can be used for declaration >>> _Street ‘for big parade" >>> minute=59 9. >>> x 0,9833333333333333 D247 7 Dep x 0,9833333333333333 >>> xH17 17.983333333333334 >>> miles=26. 2 >>> print miles*1.61__ parentheses for print () ‘SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to ‘print’. Did you mean print(miles*1.61)? >>> print (miles*1.61) 42.182 >>> print 1 SyntaxError: Mi print(1)? >>> print (1) 1 ing parentheses in call to ‘print’ >>> x=2 10. >>> print(x) 2 11. >>> x1 3 Quec >>> width=17 >>> height=12.0 >>> delimiter=" QUE-D >>> type >>> type(height) >>> type(delimiter) >>> width/2 85 >>> type(width) >>> width/2.0 85 >>> type(width/2) >>> type(width/2.0) >>> height/3 40 >>> type(height/3) >>> type(1#2*5) >>> 142°5 " >>> delimiter *5 >>> type(delimiter *5) >> 442°3 10 >p> (4+2)'3 8 >>p 44(2"3) 10 pop 22 0 >>> pow(2,2) 4 >>> 243"(3+4)-pow(2,2) #braces,exponents, muti and division,add su 19 QUE-E- Simple interest computati >>> p=1000 >>> rst5 poe te3 >>> si=(p*r't/100_ # calculating simple interest >>> si 450.0 >>> type(si) >>> QUE-F - Compound Interest computation Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3.8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:43:08) [MSC v.1926 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type “help”, “copyright information. >>> psint(input("enter principal amount:")) #input principal amount enter principal amount:5000 >>> r=int(input(“enter interest rate:")) #input interest rate enter interest rate:7 input("enter frequency of compoun enter frequency of compounding:2 >>> teint(input("enter no of years:")) #years enter no of years:15 >>> I=(p"(pow((1#(rin)),(n*t))))-p computing Cl >>> print("compound interest is:",I) #printing CI compound interest is: 1.97399213329033e+23 , “credits” or “license()" for more QUE-G- Force calculation >>> Fsfloat(input("enter the force:")) enter the force:10 >>> mefloat(input("enter the mass value:")) enter the mass value:10 >>> a=float(input("enter the acceleration:")) enter the acceleration:22.5, >>> Femta #computing force >>> print("TOTAL FORCE IS:",F) TOTAL FORCE IS: 225.0 QUE-H- fahrenheit to celcius >>> Fsfloat(input("enter the temperature in Fahrenhei enter the temperature in Fahrenheit:76.833, >>> C=(F-32)*(5/9) >>> print("temperature in celcius is:",C) 14.907 222222222224 QUE4-celcius to fahrenheit >>> C=float(input(“enter the temperature in celsius:")) enter the temperature in celsius:24.9072 >>> FaC*(9/5)}+32 >>> print("temperature in fahrenheit is: temperature in fahrenheit is: 76.83296 QUE. J- Circle area >>> r=float(input( enter the radius:5.6 >>> A=(22/7)"pow(r.r) >>> print("area of circle i area of circle is: 48660.61483834473 QUE-K - volume of cylinder >>> r=float(input("enter the radius of cyli enter the radius of cylinder:4.2 >>> h=float(input("enter the height of cylinde enter the height of cylinder:15 >>> V=(22/7)"pow(r,r)"h >>> print("Volume of cylinder is:",V) Volume of cylinder is: 19546.226162632567 QUE-L - Surface area of cylinder >>> r=float(input("enter the radius of cylinder:")) enter the radius of cylinder:4.2 >>> h=float(input("enter the h enter the height of cylinder:10 >>> AR(2"(22/7)"r1}#(2"(22/7)*r*h) >>> print("Surface area of cylinder is:",A) Surface area of cylinder is: 374.88 QUE-M- area of rectangular prism >>> h=float(input("enter the h:")) enter the h:12, >>> defloat(input("enter the d:")) enter the >>> wefloat(input("enter the w:")) enter the w:5.9 >>> area=2*((h*d)+(h*w)+(d*w)) >>> print("“area of rectangular prism is:",area) area of rectangular prism is: 306.28 QUE-N- volume of rectangular prism >>> h=float(input("enter the h:")) enter the h:12 >>> d=float(input(“enter the d:")) enter the d:4.6 >>> wefloat(input("enter the w:")) enter the w:5.9 >>> volume=h*d'w >>> print("volume of rectangular prism:",volume) volume of rectangular prism: 325.68

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