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Lab 3 TUPLE >>> tup1=(5,10,15,20,25) >>> print(len(tupt)) 5 >>> print(tup1[4]) 25 >>> print(tup[5]) #fifth index not present Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in print(tup[5]) NameError: name ‘tup! is not defined >>> print(tup1[4:5]) (25,) >>> tup1[2]=12 #tuples are immutable Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in tup1[2]=12 TypeError: ‘tuple’ object does not support item assignment >>> print(tup1) (5, 10, 15, 20, 25) >>> tup1=tup1+(8,9) #adds 8 and 9 to the tuple >>> print(tup1) (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 8, 9) gem_prices = { "Emerald": 1760, “Ivory”: 2119, "Jasper": 1599, uby": 3920, "Garnet”: 3999 } t{input("how many different gem stones you want:")) req_gem=dict() for jin range(0,n): str=input(“enter the stone:") p=int(input("enter its quanti req_gem[str]=p bill_amount = 0 for gem in req_gem: if gem in gem_prices: price = gem_prices[gem] * req_gem{gem] bill_amount += price else: elif bill_amount>30000: bill_amount=bill_amount-(bill_amount*0.05) print("Final Price:",bill_amount) a,b,c=map(int,input().split()) if(((a+b)<=c)or((b+c)<=a)or((c+a)<=b)): print(“cannot form triangle") else: print("triangle can be formed”) counter1=0 counter2=5 it=counter2 while countert<5: sta while counter2>counter1: star=start"*" counter2-=1 print (star) counter1+=1 counter: heads = int(input('Enter the total number of heads:’)) legs = int(input(‘Enter the total number of legs:")) if legs % 2 !=0 or heads ==0 or heads > legs: print('No solution’) else: int((legs + (-2*heads))/2) c= int(heads - r) print(‘)} Q-format(c,r))

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