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RUTGERS a RIAS PHASE II User Guide WEB ADI (Application Desktop Integrator) Contents WEB ADI... Esse 2005 vee 200, Journal Header ecto Journal Lines Section, Uploading a Journal. ‘rel eon in xe 3508, Upto WEB ADI Excel 2008 ‘The Web ADI (Application Desktop Integeter ia cestomized Microsc Face template with Visual Base macros desged tobe aed wh Mirsoft cel versions 1p through Office XP. Inoeder te use Web ADI Excl template, on gat ‘hunge your security stings to able the Visual Basic mre trun. Detaled Intraions ave in Desktop Cenigutions guile, which posted on the RIAS webu Joumal eases are created hy erteng data at template. There ase 4 templates {ht youcan dornowd from the TUAS weit under fhe frm sposory and sve ‘on your desktop. The templates ae RU Actuals RUDudget~Temp Aa RU Budget Permanent Adj RU Mantel Encuibrance ‘Non salary badge adjustments ca ony be crated wing the Web ADI Template Alter you compote a our can thon be upload othe General Lager using the ‘Web ADItooL ‘TheWeb ADLis nt supported on MACs. Anyone using « MAC wal have to create thei journals dawlly i the LAS ppliation For MAC unr, ere willbe « RU MAC Budget -Poomanont Adj and RU MAC Budgot~Temporary Adj emai Trihout embedded macros thatcan be aed to create non salary dg! adjutant Juma These templates can be fount onthe IAS wnt ner forme epoitony [NIAC unre cam then el ira fo the Budget Oicn The Bagel Osi wal approve and upload the journals to the Genera Ledger. ‘When you cpen the Web ADI ampte in Excel 93, a Secusity Warning window ppears, Cleon Enable Macros om this window inorder to have the template swonk comets Meas ay cnn vues. uso date mao, the nats engines, yuri ene nena a Excel 2007, ‘Woon You cpen the Web ADI template i Bxcel 2097, a Soca Warning bar peer Slot Options om the Sxusty Warning bar A secuty window appons. Select Enable this content in ordrto have the Macros ‘rable afr the template 0 wark correct Slat OK Peaoaton 00 Web ADI Template Sections ‘The una template consists of thee major aes + Context Section:Theso ks re non entcable an are p-pepalate with {nfortion sesoctted with the jana * Jouenat Header Section where you entersaformatien about the joa * Journal Lines Section wher you ster information fr specie scouts ‘Ald witha astro () moana ta requir eld, Peaoaton 00 Journal Header Section 1L The Accounting Date a rou fd. Double cck in he Accounting Date {ila to start the RLASsppcrtion. 2 The Rutgers Login Seen appa. as 8. Enter your NetID and Password ‘Notice your pasword lees nt appear you type his prevents thers FRomscong Keep your passer conidental fo provent unauthonced ses fom gaining occess to oS Applications A. Clicken the Lagin baton 5. TheSeict Responsibly dalog ox appears, Highlight the RU GL Journal and slkon Select 1+ RUGL Journal- A porin aceigne to the role site 4 Preparer Approver who can eateactaly manval encumbrances or aonsaley ‘budget adstment, ‘The acces that has been assigned 0 yon determines ‘whether you can only prepare or approve prepare oural eis. Peaoaton 00 6 The Accounting Date stday’s date. Pick an Accounting Date from the Cauda am kk Soest ‘The dae you ssa wl pepe Aceon Date onthe WEE ADI Excel telat 17. Revie required id, Double lickin the Period ld to bing up deo own list l open porns: Highlights Pood wo ick Selec. The esd yon {lect yal populate the Period dd on he WES AD Excl empl 5. Line Descriptions require fld, This description should deserbotho [purpae of te journal ie ld length 240 cracls 5. Alternate Approve i an optional ld. 12 propare wikhos to slat diferent ther than the approver atigned ine prepares squiton ‘rary. Deutch in the Alternate Approver fd to sel the name om the doop down hat cick on ON to get skate, Peaetaon 2 0 (Change the search tel from Vale to Descripion. Typein thename you ‘want the witdean) and ccken Ge. Alte will pas that mth the ‘itera you haveentoved. Highlight the same you wont and clich Select. The ‘ae yon sletod wil appear on the Web ADI Fx template Sewenand ele Bterate prov oot cone Dimcraralfawrnd fn aus Se BB emmen pass uae = Fn ri Canal cans A Stan TET al aa Peaoaton 00 Journal Lines Section 10, Enteran Account umber A Preparer can type the suber sn det, cut and pesto rom anther exe spreadchect o seat the accourt by double cing in {ny ofthe account Hels (Fund Group, Fund Soune Orgonizaon Natura ‘Accoua, Peoject or Future Use) fo dplaya drop downlst of vali A ‘preparer is responsible for populating informatie inthe Fad Source, COntenzation snd NetpalAccour. Pun Group, Project and Fate Use default fs Preparerisenteig aural for PlanyConstuction accounts, then the and Group must be changed 0 (Constr Furs) when working wh accounls TRNAX and 7HNAX or 17 (BOG Construction and RAR Fad) when ‘orking woth accounts ?7IXAX and 772NXX bythe Ppa. {IL Aeaser way to ge asc information fo ype ifort in ier te TFundSousce, Organica or Natural Account snd slat Combinations. & listing ef valid aevount combination appear matching the criteria you cnered, Highlight the accnt you ae loking for and hen ck Select. | E Peaetaon 2 0 2 Ala box appears wih the description ofthe acount you higighte. Clicke ‘M. The acoustinforraton eutomutically populate onthe Web ADIEscd template Thesyster hs abo generated aig sn the pl (plod coe 9 incite this soe naling to Ue uploaded to he General nigr sytem. Enfor Dent enous == = Peaetaon 2 0 15. Double cic in Dept Actisity 1,2 fle to display the Enter Fouad Lines ree. “Alte sk are opin on this screon. Tei lng area follows + Deptactiaty1-s0chancters + DeptActbty 2~30charates + coos Referee 18 characters Any informationcan be entered in thee fisis. Some amples are Proj Names, Oborlaveice information, Once you have entered slermation cick Sele 16. Avalid infomation screen appears. Cckon Select agin. |B Move‘ the nests and repeat Steps 10-16 foreach ational line ety. ‘When shed eeu the nal te make sur te Debit Totals equal the Cee Total. 1B. Save the ile on your desktop Slat Save As rom the omen anderen He ‘name fr your journal Peaoaton 00 : Uploading a Journal Oracle lean in Excel 2003, “The Oraceiconin Excel 209s lead within the Ease 2008 toolbar [8} fle cee ow beet Fema Tole ‘Oracle Feon in Excel 2007 “The Oracle icon in Enel 2007 locale under Ue Addn a Upload AL. Salsc Upload fcr the Once pall doen mem onthe oaks. 12. The Upload Parameters roen appears. Koop llthe das, Salat ho Upload bution A. The Processing: Upload screen appesintkating your Journal sin the press tbeing plone tothe IAS application, Thosysim Rte pecesing ate ed hacks off each ask as itis complatd by the system. Ifyou sect Caneel the ‘peat wil sop Processing: Upload |S. ACoafiation Screen appeats when the upload proces as heen completed and dents the numer of rows sicesfuly upload. sc camped sey. Fl tee acm reap D wae posse stm goers TaSB, rene sxceatiy wate. 1 Smatinpoteqat © 7022240 {6 Aller you have reviswod the conimtion mesage elect Clare 17. Smiley coin he Message corm indicate the journal entry has Been foceanulyuplonded. Nets here ere longer age nthe Uplate. The journal il bereviewed by your Approver for approval and posting othe econ aaa RUTGERS | Peaetaon 2 0

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