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This is a list of commands for the GPS tracker shown in Voltlog #272, click here to watch the video.

Function Command Reply Cancel/Reverse Note

Setting admin number admin123456 0723555666 admin ok noadmin123456 0723555666
Reset factory settings begin123456 begin ok Only possible from admin number
Restart device rst The tracker will immediately restart!
Set password password123456 newpassword password ok
Sleep time sleep123456 time sleep time ok
Shock sleep mode sleep123456 shock sleep shock ok
Sleep mode off sleep123456 off sleep off ok
Set SOS number sos, 0723555666, 0723666555 SOS! S1: S2: sos,, You can set just one sos number
Check SOS number sos SOS! S1:0723555666 S2:0723666555
Set APN server apn123456 apn ok Check with your operator for the correct value
Set APN user apnuser123456 vodafone apnuser ok Check with your operator for the correct value
Set APN passwd apnpasswd123456 internet apnpasswd ok Check with your operator for the correct value
adminip123456 adminip ok Replace ip with actual tracking server ip
Set tracking server SZCS,123456,DOMAIN= 7700 SET IP OK! IP: Replace ip with actual tracking server ip
SZCS,123456, 7700 SET IP OK! Replace domain name with actual tracking server
Enable GPRS gprs123456 gprs ok nogprs123456 Value 10-180 (seconds)
Set upload frequency upload123456 10 upload ok
Set language lag1 Switched to English lag1=english, lag2=chineese
Set time zone timezone123456 +2 time ok gmt number
param1 firmware, ID, IP, port, domain, apn
Read param admin number, sos number, move distance
overspeed, auto arm time, auto diasarm time,
param2 alarm interval
battery level, GPRS, GSM, GPS, ACC, Relay,
Read status status Power
Tracker mode tracker123456 tracker ok
Monitor Mode monitor123456 monitor ok
Arm 111
Disarm 000
Auto arm auto1
Auto disarm auto0
Relay off 555 CUT OIL OK!
Relay on 666 RESUME OIL OK!
Power lost alarm pwr1 OK! Pwr Alarm:SMS pwr0
vibx,y OK! Vibration Time:1S Alarm mode:Call&SMS x=1-3, 1sms, 2call, 3sms+call; y=1-9, 1 means 1 second
Shock alarm vibcall123456 vibrate phone alarm set ok novibcall123456
vibalm123456 vibrate sms alarm set ok novibalm123456
Wake up by shock vibxyz123456,t,x,y,z t=time, x,y,z=triaxial
Move alarm move300 OK! Move alarm:on move0
sosx x=1-3, 1sms, 2call, 3sms+call
Sos alarm sossms123456 sossms ok nosossms123456
soscall123456 soscall ok nososcall123456
Over speed alarm speed123456 080 speed ok nospeed123456 specify speed as 000 km/h
spdx OK! Over speed alarm: x km/h spd0 x=000-300 km/h
Location 123 No response on these commands
DW No response on these commands
Google link
Geo fence stockade123456 long,lat;long,lat stockade ok nostockade123456 stockade123456 114.116500E,22.600000N;114.117000E;22.650000N
IMEI imei12345 will reply with imei
LBS addjz=1 addjz ok addjz=0 Enable location based services to get position info from the gsm network

Note: for an independent setup, using your own tracking server, configure the gps tracker on port 5013

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