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Management of Electrical Risks in

Transmission Line – Pipeline Shared
Jose R. Daconti (*), Shaw Power Technologies, Inc.


Nowadays, the difficulties in establishing new rights-of- Generically, a physical process of transferring disturbances
way for power lines and pipelines increase the need of to a nearby installation requires the existence of a source of
locating these installations in shared corridors. This paper disturbances, a coupling mechanism and a receptor. In the
intends to address the potentially harmful effects for the present analysis, the source of disturbances is the power line,
pipeline due to its proximity to the power line. the receptor is the metallic pipeline and the coupling
Initially, the paper will discuss the pipeline-induced mechanism is the capacitive, inductive and conductive
disturbances. Then, the coupling mechanisms (capacitive, coupling between power line and pipeline.
inductive and conductive) between the two installations will The Capacitive Coupling disturbance is produced by the
be presented. Additionally, the conditions under which the electric field of the power line and needs to be evaluated only
pipeline-induced disturbances should be evaluated will be for above-ground sections of pipeline that are electrically
exposed. isolated from the ground. Any pipeline-to-ground connection
Next, the potential risks for people and pipeline will be makes this disturbance negligible. Usually, the evaluation of
addressed. After that, typically adopted safety limits will be this disturbance is performed only for steady-state operation
presented. condition of the power line, assuming the line operates at its
Then, typical mitigation methods to reduce unacceptable maximum operational voltage.
disturbances to acceptable levels will be discussed.
Finally, typical recommendations for pipeline design,
construction and maintenance in shared rights-of-way will be


Metallic pipelines used for fluid transportation (gas, oil,
water, etc) are typically underground, several kilometers long,
protected by an external anti-corrosive coating and behave
like long conductors insulated from the ground. Sometimes,
these pipelines have above-ground sections which are usually
uncoated (just painted against corrosion) and isolated from the
underground sections by means of insulating joints.
The pipeline-induced disturbances are caused by the power
line operating voltage and circulating currents. These
Figure 1 – Capacitive Coupling
disturbances are basically induced voltages on the pipeline
metal. Some of these disturbances may occur even when the
The Inductive Coupling disturbance is produced by the
transmission line is under steady-state operation condition,
magnetic field of the power line and needs to be evaluated for
while others may occur only during short-circuits on the underground sections of pipeline. It needs to be evaluated for
transmission line. above-ground sections of pipeline, only if these sections are
grounded. This disturbance depends directly on the
Overhead power lines as well as underground power lines transmission line current unbalance. The evaluation of this
can induce harmful effects on nearby metallic pipelines. disturbance is usually performed for steady-state, as well as
short-circuit operational condition of the power line. This
disturbance shall be evaluated taking into account the
maximum planned levels of steady-state and short-circuit
(*) 1 518 395.5090; currents.

The most basic concern regarding the proximity between a

power line and a pipeline is to make sure that the electrical
clearances between the mentioned installations are large
enough to avoid electrical discharges from the former to the
latter. Besides that, the following risks may exist:
- Electric shocks to people who may contact the pipeline: This
can happen at above-ground sections of pipeline and above-
ground metallic accessories connected to underground
sections of pipeline. The tolerability of people to electric
Figure 2 – Inductive Coupling
shocks depends on the shock duration;
The Conductive Coupling disturbance is produced by the
ground potential rise due to the electrical currents injected into
the ground by the transmission line. It needs to be evaluated
for underground sections of pipeline. It needs to be evaluated
for above-ground sections of pipeline, only if these sections
are grounded. The evaluation of this disturbance is performed
only for short-circuit condition of the power line. This
disturbance shall be evaluated taking into account the
maximum planned level of short-circuit current.
It is important to mention that under short-circuit condition
the disturbances due to Inductive and Conductive Coupling
occur simultaneously.

Figure 5 – Electric Shock

- Damage to the pipeline insulating coating: This can happen
at underground sections of pipeline, as a consequence of the
application of an excessive voltage stress across the pipeline
coating. The coating becomes internally exposed to the
pipeline metal electric potential Vp (produced by inductive
plus conductive couplings) while becoming externally
exposed the local ground electric potential Vs (produced by
Figure 3 – Inductive plus Conductive Coupling conductive coupling);



Figure 4 – Electrical Discharge from Power Line to
Figure 6 – Electrical Stress Applied to Pipeline Coating

Damage to the pipeline insulating joints: This can happen to shock current that would produce a ventricular fibrillation
insulating joints used to separate above-ground from probability equal to or less than 0.5% for a 50 kg weight
underground sections of pipeline, or insulating joints used to person, according to Dalziel’s Equation for a shock duration
separate pipeline sections connected to different cathodic time equal to 0.5 seconds). Although these are typical limits,
protection systems. These insulating joints can be damaged if each country or state has its own regulation which must be
exposed to voltage stresses above their maximum voltage respected. For instance, New York State Pipeline Code
withstand capability; requires that long duration voltages induced on pipelines by
electric lines must be limited to 15 volts;
Damage to the pipeline insulating (anti-corrosive) coating
could lead to pipeline corrosion problems. This risk can be
avoided if short-duration voltages applied across the pipeline
external coating are limited to 5 kV. Such a level has been
considered appropriate for the regularly used thicknesses of
VP(L) VP(R) plastic (polyethylene) and bituminous (coal-tar) coatings.
Plastic coatings have high thermal stability whereas
bituminous coatings have low thermal stability.
Damage to the pipeline insulating joints can be avoided if the
voltage stresses across them are limited to a level below the
maximum withstand voltage of the mentioned joints. The
Figure 7 – Electrical Stress Applied to Insulating Joint maximum withstand voltage depends on the type of insulating
joint. Some of them are able to withstand 5 kV when
- Damage to the pipeline cathodic protection system: This can submitted to short-duration voltage stresses. If higher voltage
happen if the pipeline electric potential (at the point of stresses are anticipated, surge arresters should be installed
connection to the cathodic protection system) is above the across the insulating joints. In this case the nominal voltage
maximum reverse tolerable voltage of the cathodic protection and the energy dissipation capability of the surge arrester need
system rectifier. to be appropriately specified.
Damage to the pipeline cathodic protection system (CPS) can
be avoided by limiting the pipeline induced electric potential
at the point of connection to the CPS to a voltage level that is
smaller than the maximum reverse tolerable voltage of the
CPS rectifier, which varies with the type of rectifier. If higher
voltage stresses are anticipated, surge arresters should be
installed. This analysis is usually done for the worst condition
that typically occurs during short-duration disturbances.


The choice of an appropriate mitigation method requires a
thorough understanding of the relevant parameters and
physical mechanisms that influence the pipeline induced
voltage levels. Besides that, it is worth to mention that some
of these mitigation techniques require special caution. For
Figure 8 – Electrical Stress Applied to Rectifier instance, the installation of grounding points at the pipeline
can lead to corrosion problems.
A. Mitigation of the Capacitive Coupling Disturbances
V. SAFETY CRITERIA The following techniques have been used:
People who may contact the pipeline can be exposed to - Reducing the electric field produced by the power line;
electric shocks (touch voltages) caused by long-duration - Increasing the separation between power line and pipeline;
pipeline induced voltages (produced during the steady-state - Dividing the pipeline in several sections of smaller length;
operation of the power line) or short-duration pipeline induced - Grounding pipeline above-ground sections.
voltages (produced during short-circuit occurrences on the B. Mitigation of the Inductive Coupling Disturbances
power line). Typically, long duration shocks should be limited
The following techniques have been used:
to 5 mA (estimated shock current that would produce loss of
- Reducing the magnetic field produced by the power line;
muscular control for 0.5% of children) while short duration
- Increasing the separation between power line and pipeline;
shocks should be limited to 164 mA (estimated minimum

- Limiting the parallelism length between installations; voltage between them. It is strongly recommended that
- Crossing the installations with angles near 90º. pipeline maintenance workers use insulating gloves and boots.
C. Mitigation of the Conductive Coupling Disturbances
The following techniques have been used:
- Reducing the short-circuit currents injected into the ground [1] Shaw Power Technologies Course Notes on
“Electromagnetic Compatibility between Power Lines
by the power line;
and Pipelines”, Schenectady, 2004.
- Reducing the pipeline exposure to ground potential rise;
[2] CIGRE Technical Brochure “Guide on the Influence of
- Avoiding the propagation of remote potentials. High Voltage AC Power Systems on Metallic Pipelines”,
Paris, 1995.
[3] CIGRE Session 1986, Paper 36-07, “Experience of
WARNING: These are some generic recommendations that Transmission Lines and Pipelines”, Paris, 1986.
have been used in typical projects. Their application to [4] CIGRE Session 1990, Paper 36-202, “Induced Effects
specific projects need to be assessed with respect to their Caused by Overhead Transmission Lines on Metallic
efficacy and consequences. Neither the Author nor Shaw Structures”, Paris, 1990.
Power Technologies Inc. assume any responsibility about their [5] CIGRE, 2nd Latin American Regional Meeting,
application to specific cases. Those who use these “Calculation of Metallic Pipeline Electrical Parameters”,
recommendations will do this by their own risk and Puerto Iguazu, 1987.
[6] 4th International Symposium on Short-Circuit Currents in
Power Systems, “Effects on Other Installations of the
A. Some Design Recommendations Injection of Short-Circuit Currents into the Ground”,
- Try to avoid approximations between power lines and Liege, 1990.
pipelines near substations; [7] International Symposium on Electromagnetic
- Try to do crossings as far as possible from overhead line Compatibility, “Electromagnetic Compatibility between
towers (if possible, at midspan); Electric Power Systems and Other Installations”, Sao
Paulo, 1994.
- Try to do approximations and crossings with angles near 90º
(the minimum crossing angle should be 60º);
- When power lines and pipelines run in parallel, try to IX. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
minimize the extension of parallelism and to increase the Jose Daconti has worked for Shaw
distance between them; Power Technologies, Inc. since 2001. He
- Try to avoid approximation between power lines and has a MSEE Honors Degree from EFEI-
pipelines in regions of high values of soil resistivity. Federal School of Engineering of Itajuba
- Avoid grounding points at the pipeline; (Brazil) and he is a Cornell University HHH
- Reduce risks of electric shock to people by using Fellow in the areas of Electric Power
underground pipelines; Systems and Electric Power Quality. Since 1978, most of his
- When possible install shield wires on the overhead lines; work has been concentrated in the areas of transmission line
- Use unsymmetrical grounding electrodes at the towers of electrical design and power system electromagnetic
the crossing span; compatibility. In 2000, he was nominated a CIGRE
- When possible reduce the power line protection clearing Distinguished Member. Additionally, he is an IEEE Senior
time; Member and a Full Member of Sigma Xi (Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute Chapter).
B. Some Recommendations for Installation, Maintenance and
Operation of a Pipeline near a Power Line
- Keep minimum safety distances between the overhead line
conductors, vehicles and cranes used for the pipeline
- At the construction site, store the still not used sections of
pipeline transversally to the line direction and far from line
towers and conductors;
- Avoid maintenance services during bad weather conditions
(thunderstorms, strong winds, etc);
- Before performing pipeline maintenance services, the
electric utility shall be required to disable the power line
automatic reclosing scheme;
- Pipeline maintenance workers should avoid simultaneous
contacts between two pipeline sections that could develop a

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