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En Colombia el desarrollo está enfocado hacia el crecimiento económico, procurando que haya

una mejor calidad de vida en la sociedad. Sin embargo, no se tiene un objetivo claro en cuál es el
papel que las empresas y grandes industrias deben tener en este desarrollo ay que son protegidas
por la ley para seguir contaminando sin medida, por ello no se logra una mejora en la calidad de
vida de las comunidades, es decir el desarrollo está enfocado en realidad únicamente hacia el
crecimiento económico.

Me encuentro en una sociedad donde los temas ambientales aún no han tomado la importancia
que debería, a pesar de que tener una legislación avanzada para Latinoamérica, las leyes y
partidos políticos solo buscan el beneficio de unos pocos y no el beneficio para toda la sociedad.

0:09Skip to 0 minutes and 9 secondsSPEAKER: Climate change at

its core is a change in the pattern of weather. Weather is the state
of the atmosphere, including temperature, humidity, wind, rainfall,
and so on over a specific period of time. Weather is influenced by
the land surfaces, oceans, and ice sheets, which together with the
atmosphere, form what's called the climate system. Climate
change is more than just changes in weather, but it's a change in
the patterns of weather over longer periods of time, decades or
more. The Earth is basically a greenhouse with a blanket of
atmosphere, which makes the planet habitable. The atmosphere
consists of layers of gases held in place by gravity.

0:59Skip to 0 minutes and 59 secondsThe Earth's atmosphere is

around 78% nitrogen, which is inert, roughly 21% oxygen, which
we breathe, and around 1% a mix of other gases, including carbon
dioxide in trace amounts and water vapour. There's been
fluctuations in each of these gases over extended periods of time.
Think ice ages. A key part of understanding climate change is
understanding the relationship between climate change and
carbon dioxide. There have been fluctuations in CO2 levels, which
correspond to the temperature changes over the last 800,000
years. However, the concentrations of CO2 have stayed within
fairly tight boundaries. During the ice ages, they were around 200
parts per million. Between ice ages, they were around 280 parts
per million.

1:50Skip to 1 minute and 50 secondsCO2 levels went above 400

parts per million in 2013 for the first time. This vast rise is
consistent with human CO2 emissions, primarily fossil fuel
burning. NASA data shows that if CO2 emissions remain
unchecked, CO2 concentrations could go as high as 1,500 parts
per million. Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations increases
the amount of solar radiation retained in the atmosphere,
increasing the temperature. Temperatures will continue to rise for
a decade as a result of existing greenhouse gas increases. The
decisions we make now for future emissions are critical.

2:37Skip to 2 minutes and 37 secondsThe impact of human-induced

climate change is incredibly wide-ranging. The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, stated that the net damage
cost is significant and will increase over time. The existing impact
of climate change can be seen in the loss of sea ice with the Arctic
likely to become ice-free in summer by mid-century. We can look
forward to accelerated sea level rise. Sea levels will rise up to 1
metre by 2100. If carbon emissions are not stabilised below 700
parts per million, sea levels will continue to rise to 3 metres.
Temperatures will continue to rise. We'll have longer, more
intense heat waves.

3:23Skip to 3 minutes and 23 secondsChanging temperatures will

impact where and when crops can be grown and are likely to lead
to an increase in the spread and incidence of infectious diseases.
There will be changes in rainfall. There will be more significant
weather events, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes and storms.

3:46Skip to 3 minutes and 46 secondsThere are two approaches to

dealing with climate change. Given that CO2 remains in the
atmosphere for decades, we have to deal with existing impacts as
well as reducing future impacts. The first approach is mitigation,
the urgent reduction and stabilisation of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. The second approach is adaptation, which requires
us to adapt to the climate change that's unavoidable due to human
behaviour to date.

4:23Skip to 4 minutes and 23 secondsOcean acidification has been

called climate change's evil twin. Around 30% to 40% of CO2 from
human activity is absorbed by the ocean. Chemical reactions
occur that reduce the pH of seawater, acidification, and cause
changes in carbonate ions and calcium carbonate saturation
levels. From the Industrial Revolution to now, pH of the ocean
surface has dropped by 0.1 pH. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's
roughly a 30% increase in acidity.

5:01Skip to 5 minutes and 1 secondSome algae and seagrass may

benefit, but shelled organisms can have problems with creating or
maintaining shells, which are calcium-based. This can negatively
impact coral reefs as well as shellfish. For example, oysters,
clams, sea urchins, shallow water corals, deep sea corals, and
calcareous plankton. The entire marine food web could potentially
be at risk as well as associated economic issues of fisheries

5:39Skip to 5 minutes and 39 secondsReduce CO2 emissions, and

this will, of course, contribute to climate change also.

Human development at odds with our


Development can have a high cost for the planet.

The exploitation of natural resources introduces a clear tension

between maintenance of environmental sustainability and human

Looking at the whole spectrum of human development over the

past 10,000 years, particularly the past 100 years, it is difficult to
measure the real impact that human development has had on the
environment. One way to do this is to use the notion of planetary
boundaries developed by the Stockholm Resilience Institute.
© Deakin University based on data from Fig 3. Steffen, et al (2015)

The planetary boundaries graphic represents significant negative

impacts that humans have had on the environment. The
boundaries are environmental limits within which life on earth can
operate safely. (Steffen et al, 2015).

Research by Steffen et al (2015) shows that four of the nine

planetary boundaries have now been crossed, namely climate
change, biosphere integrity, land system change and alternation
of biogeochemical cycles.

You can learn a little more about the details of the planetary
boundaries by reading the Stockholm Resilience Institute’s

Leí tres artículos muy interesantes dos de ellos (Are Tiny Houses The Next Big Move Toward
Sustainable Living? And How much water is in your shirt?) enfocados a como el consumo que
tenemos determina nuestro compartimento con el medio y le impacto negativo que tiene el
consumo excesivo, en estos artículos se discute como el cambio en nuestros patrones de consumo
puede aportar al medio ambiente de manera negativa, el cómo no nos damos cuenta de que lo
que adquirimos ya sea por habito o necesidad tiene un impacto en el medio en el que nos
desarrollamos, y aunque esto genera un crecimiento económico, también genera un deterioro al
medio ambiente.

El otro artículo que leí fue: 3 Reasons Why Nuclear is Clean and Sustainable, es interesante como
se habla de la energía nuclear como una energía limpia que puede ser mucho más viable que las
energías renovables que ya conocemos, esto podrá ayudar mucho a las economías en desarrollo
para poder generar energía de una manera más viable y con una inversión que se verá a corto o
mediano plazo, generando un menor impacto sobre el ambiente.

I read three very interesting articles, two of them (Are Tiny Houses The
Next Big Move Toward Sustainable Living? And How much water is in
your shirt?) Focused on how the consumption that we have determines
our compartment with the environment and the negative impact that the
excessive consumption, in these articles it is discussed how the change
in our consumption patterns can contribute to the environment in a
negative way, how we do not realize that what we acquire either by habit
or need has an impact on the environment in the that we develop, and
although this generates economic growth, it also generates a
deterioration of the environment.
The other article I read was: 3 Reasons Why Nuclear is Clean and
Sustainable, it is interesting how nuclear energy is talked about as a
clean energy that can be much more viable than the renewable energies
that we already know, this will help economies a lot under development to
be able to generate energy in a more viable way and with an investment
that will be seen in the short or medium term, generating less impact on
the environment.

Bono argumenta en su presentación varias cifras positivas en cuanto a la lucha que se ha

mantenido contra la pobreza extrema en el mundo y como para el 2030 puede ser una meta que
la cifra disminuya de manera positiva, sin embargo, un gran problema para que esto se puede
lograr es la corrupción que hay en los países que utilizan los recursos destinados para la educación,
tecnología y demás, en cosas que no se deberían quitando importancia a la mejora de la calidad de
vida de las comunidades. En el discurso de Bono se resalta la importancia de la educación de la
correcta inversión de los recursos y de la ética de los gobiernos como parte primordial apura lograr
un desarrollo sostenible.

En Colombia la población comenzó a incrementar desde 1800, ya somos casi 50 millones

de habitantes donde la mayoría están concentrados en las ciudades grandes como Bogotá
o Medellín debido al auge económico que han tenido, así mismo, se ha visto una
disminución en la población de las zonas rurales debido al conflicto armado lo cual genera
que hayan espacios en el país que no se desarrolle la población y el ambiente sea casi

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