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DXk\i`XcjXe[I\jfliZ\j JJ N< <8 DI <H @;


Building materials choices are important tent materials reuse waste products that
in sustainable design because of the exten- would otherwise be deposited in landfills. Fm\im`\nf]C<<;ž
sive network of extraction, processing and Use of local materials supports the local
transportation steps required to process economy and reduces transportation. Use
them. Activities to create building materi- of rapidly renewable materials minimizes DIGi\i\hl`j`k\(
als may pollute the air and water, destroy natural resource consumption and has the JkfiX^\:fcc\Zk`fef]
natural habitats and deplete natural potential to better match the harvest cycle
resources. Construction and demolition of the resource with the life of the material DI:i\[`k(%(
wastes constitute about 40% of the total in buildings. Use of third-party certified DX`ekX`e.,f]<o`jk`e^
solid waste stream in the United States. wood improves the stewardship of forests NXccj#=cffijIff]

Maintaining occupancy rates in existing and the related ecosystems. DI:i\[`k(%)

buildings reduces redundant develop- DXk\i`Xcj:fjk DX`ekX`e0,f]<o`jk`e^
ment and the associated environmental NXccj#=cffijIff]
impact of producing and delivering all While projects are encouraged to de- DI:i\[`k(%*
new materials. Reuse of existing build- termine the actual total materials cost 9l`c[`e^I\lj\Ç
ings, versus building new structures, is (excluding labor and equipment) for cal- Efe$JkilZkliXc<c\d\ekj
one of the most effective strategies for culation purposes, LEED for New Con-
minimizing environmental impacts. struction allows project teams to apply a :fejkilZk`feNXjk\
When rehabilitation of existing build- 45% factor to total costs (including labor DXeX^\d\ekÇ
ings components is included in the and equipment) to establish a default total
materials cost for the project. DI:i\[`k)%)
strategy, waste volumes can be reduced :fejkilZk`feNXjk\
or diverted from landfills. Reuse results DXeX^\d\ekÇ
DXk\i`XcjI\jfliZ\j:i\[`k ;`m\ik.,]ifd;`jgfjXc
in less habitat disturbance and typically :_XiXZk\i`jk`Zj DI:i\[`k*%(
less infrastructure. An effective way to use DXk\i`XcjI\lj\Ç,
salvaged interior components is to specify Table 1 shows which credits were substan-
tially revised for Version 2.2, which credits DI:i\[`k*%)
them in the construction documents. The DXk\i`XcjI\lj\Ç('
actions of an increasing number of public are eligible to be submitted in the Design
and private waste management opera- Phase Submittal, and which project team I\ZpZc\[:fek\ekÇ
tions have reduced construction debris members are likely to carry decision-mak- ('gfjk$Zfejld\i"
ing responsibility for each credit. The (&)gi\$Zfejld\i
volumes by recycling these materials. DI:i\[`k+%)
Recovery activities typically begin with decision-making responsibility matrix is
job-site separation into multiple bins or not intended to exclude any party, rather )'gfjk$Zfejld\i"
disposal areas. In some areas, regional to emphasize those credits that are most (&)gi\$Zfejld\i

recycling facilities are being constructed likely to require strong participation by a DI:i\[`k,%(
particular team member. I\^`feXcDXk\i`XcjÇ
to accept comingled waste and separate ('<okiXZk\[#GifZ\jj\[
the recyclable materials from those that The Materials and Resources credits are DXel]XZkli\[
must go to the landfill. These facilities are organized around several key parameters
achieving waste diversion rates of 80% or and categories. Table 2 shows the metrics I\^`feXcDXk\i`XcjÇ
greater in many areas. used to determine compliance with each )'<okiXZk\[#GifZ\jj\[
credit, such as area, weight and cost. The DXel]XZkli\[
When materials are selected for a proj- I\^`feXccp
ect, it is important to evaluate new and table also shows which materials are in-
different sources. Salvaged materials can cluded and excluded in the calculations. IXg`[cpI\e\nXYc\
be substituted for new materials, save Materials that are blacked out in the table DXk\i`Xcj

costs and add character. Recycled-con- below are excluded from the correspond- DI:i\[`k.
ing credit calculations. :\ik`Ô\[Nff[


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;


Significant Change from Version 2.1

Design Team Decision-Making

Contractor Decision-Making
Owner Decision-Making
Construction Submittal

Design Submittal
MRp1: Storage & Collection of Recyclables * * *
MRc1.1: Building Reuse, 75% of Walls, Floors, Roof * * *
MRc1.2: Building Reuse, 95% of Walls, Floors, Roof * * *
MRc1.3: Building Reuse, Maintain 50% of Interior * * * *
Non-Structural Elements
MRc2: Construction Waste Management * *
MRc3: Resource Reuse * * *
MRc4: Recycled Content * * * *
MRc5: Regional Materials * * * *
MRc6: Rapidly Renewable Materials * * *
MRc7: Certified Wood * * *

Special notes:
T Materials qualifying as reused for MR
Credit 3.1 and 3.2 cannot be applied
to MR Credits 1, 2, 4, 6 or 7.
T Projects that are incorporating exist-
ing buildings but do not meet the
requirements for MR Credit 1 may
apply the reused portions of the exist-
ing buildings towards the achievement
of MR Credit 2, Construction Waste


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;


Based on weight or volume. Include demolition and construction waste MRc2: Construction Waste Management

MRc6: Rapidly Renewable Materials

MRc5: Regional Materials
MRc4: Recycled Content
MRc3: Materials Reuse

MRc7: Certified Wood

MRc1: Building Reuse

Based Based Based on cost of qualifying Based on

on area on materials as a percent of cost of
replacement overall materials cost for FSC wood
CSI Divisions 2 thru 10 value ($) Divisions 2–10 ($) as a
of all new
wood ($)



May be included with

Plumbing Divisions 2–10, if done
consistently for credits 3–7

May be included with

Furniture & Furnishings Divisions 2–10, if done
(CSI Division 12) consistently for credits 3–7


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;



JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

JkfiX^\:fcc\Zk`fef]I\ZpZcXYc\j Gi\i\hl`j`k\(

@ek\ek I\hl`i\[
Facilitate the reduction of waste generated by building occupants that is hauled to and
disposed of in landfills.
Provide an easily accessible area that serves the entire building and is dedicated to the
collection and storage of non-hazardous materials for recycling, including (at a mini-
mum) paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics and metals.
Coordinate the size and functionality of the recycling areas with the anticipated collec-
tion services for glass, plastic, office paper, newspaper, cardboard and organic wastes to
maximize the effectiveness of the dedicated areas. Consider employing cardboard balers,
aluminum can crushers, recycling chutes and collection bins at individual workstations
to further enhance the recycling program.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; JlddXipf]I\]\i\eZ\[ KXYc\(1I\ZpZc`e^8i\X>l`[\c`e\j

Gi\i\hl`j`k\( JkXe[Xi[ Commercial Building Minimum

Square Footage [sf] Recycling
There is no standard referenced for this Area [sf]
credit. 0 to 5,000 82
5,001 to 15,000 125
8ggifXZ_Xe[ 15,001 to 50,000 175
@dgc\d\ekXk`fe 50,001 to 100,000 225
Dense urban areas typically have a recy- 100,001 to 200,000 275
cling infrastructure in place while some 200,001 or greater 500
less populated areas may still be develop-
ing this type of service. Building owners
and designers must determine the most tamination, protection from the elements,
appropriate method for creating a dedi- and security for high value materials.
cated recycling collection area that meets Security of recyclable collection areas
the project occupant’s needs and also should also be designed to discourage
those of the collection infrastructure. It illegal disposal. Allocate recycling space
is possible that recyclable collection and in common areas as well as a centralized
storage space could increase the project collection point. Common areas may be
footprint in some instances. It is important more easily maintained if recycling con-
to address possible indoor environmental tainers are no larger than 20–25 gallons.
quality (IEQ) impacts on occupants due It may be beneficial to specify recycling
to recycling activities. Those activities that bins that have wheeled carts to transport
create odors, noise and air contaminants the recyclables from the common area to a
should be isolated or performed during centralized collection area. At the central-
non-occupant hours to maintain optimal ized collection point, it is useful to design
IEQ. Table 1 provides guidelines for the enough space for a front-loader bin as well
recycling storage area based on overall as a ramp up to the recycling area.
building square footage. The requirements It may be helpful to research local recy-
of this prerequisite do not regulate the size cling programs to find the best method
of the recycling area. The intent is for the of diverting recyclable materials from the
design team to size the facilities appropri- waste stream for your particular building
ate to the specific building operations, location. When allocating space for the
and the information provided below is centralized collection point of recyclables,
intended as a resource for that exercise. it is beneficial to involve the local hauler
Designate well marked collection and who will be providing waste manage-
storage areas for recyclables including ment services to the site. Space allocation
office paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and needs can vary depending upon collec-
metals. Locate a central collection and tion strategies used by the hauler such as
storage area in the basement or at the comingled or source separated recyclables.
ground level that provides easy access for For example, if the local hauler accepts
maintenance staff as well as collection ve- comingled recyclables, then it may be
hicles. For projects with larger site areas, it possible to reduce the area that would
may be possible to create a separate central be required if separate collection bins for
collection area that is not located within each material were required. There is no
the building footprint. requirement for projects to provide proof
Design considerations for recycling areas of contract for hauling services to achieve
should include signage to prevent con- this prerequisite.


Where possible, provide instruction to T Confirm the types of materials that are JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
occupants and maintenance personnel on being collected for recycling.
recycling procedures. Encourage activities Gi\i\hl`j`k\(
T Provide an optional narrative de-
to reduce and reuse materials before re- scribing any special circumstances or
cycling in order to reduce the amount of considerations regarding the project's
recyclable volumes handled. For instance, prerequisite approach.
building occupants can reduce the solid
waste stream by using reusable bottles,
bags and other containers. Consider em- :fej`[\iXk`fej
ploying cardboard balers, aluminum can
crushers, recycling chutes and other waste
management technologies to further en- By creating convenient recycling opportu-
hance the recycling program. nities for building occupants, a significant
portion of the solid waste stream can be
diverted from landfills. Recycling of paper,
:XcZlcXk`fej metals, cardboard and plastics reduces the
There are no calculations required to need to extract virgin natural resources.
demonstrate compliance with this prereq- For example, recycling one ton of paper
uisite. Table 1 is provided as a guideline prevents the processing of 17 trees and
for sizing recycling areas. The values in saves three cubic yards of landfill space.
this table were developed by the city of Se- Recycled aluminum requires only 5%
attle in support of an ordinance requiring of the energy required to produce virgin
minimum areas for recycling and storage aluminum from bauxite, its raw material.
of recyclables in commercial buildings. Recycling also reduces environmental im-
The ordinance is based on the total square pacts of waste in landfills. Land, water and
footage of the building. Minimum areas air pollution impacts can all be reduced
for residential buildings were also speci- by minimizing the volume of waste sent
fied in that reference document. to landfills.
Another potential source of guidelines <Zfefd`Z@jjl\j
for sizing recycling areas is the California
Integrated Waste Management Board’s Recycling requires minimal initial cost
(CIWMB) 1999 Statewide Waste Char- and offers significant savings in reduced
acterization Study, in which the waste landfill disposal costs or tipping fees.
disposal rates of 1,200 businesses were However, recycling activities use floor
measured. See the References section of space that could be used otherwise. In
this prerequisite for details. larger projects, processing equipment
such as can crushers and cardboard bal-
ers are effective at minimizing the space
JlYd`kkXc;fZld\ekXk`fe required for recycling activities. Some
This prerequisite is submitted as part of recyclables can generate revenue which
the Design Submittal. can help to offset the cost of their collec-
tion and processing.
The following project data and calcula-
tion information is required to document
prerequisite compliance using the v2.2 I\jfliZ\j
Submittal Templates: Please see the USGBC Web site at www.
T Confirm that recycling collection areas for more specific
have been provided, per requirements, resources on materials sources and other
to meet the needs of the project. technical information.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; N\YJ`k\j Gi`ekD\[`X

Gi\i\hl`j`k\( California Integrated Waste Manage- Composting and Recycling Municipal Solid
ment Board Waste by Luis Diaz et al., CRC Press, 1993.
Solid Waste Characterization Database, McGraw-Hill Recycling Handbook by Her-
Estimated Solid Waste Generation bert F. Lund, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
California Statewide Solid Waste Char- ;\Ôe`k`fej
acterization Study Recycling is the collection, reprocessing, marketing and use of materials that were
asp?pubid=1097 diverted or recovered from the solid waste
Alternative Waste Calculations
A Landfill is a waste disposal site for
California Integrated Waste Management
the deposit of solid waste from human
Board’s (CIWMB) Statewide Waste Char-
acterization Study in which the waste dis-
posal rates of businesses are measured.
Earth 911
(480) 889-2650 or 877-EARTH911
Information and education programs
on recycling as well as regional links to
Recycling at Work
U.S. Conference of Mayors
(202) 293-7330
A program of the U.S. Conference of
Mayors that provides information on
workplace recycling efforts.
Waste at Work
Inform: Strategies for a Better
(212) 361-2400
An online document from Inform, Inc.,
and the Council on the Environment
of New York City on strategies and case
studies to reduce workplace waste gen-


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

9l`c[`e^I\lj\ :i\[`k(%(
Extend the life cycle of existing building stock, conserve resources, retain cultural
resources, reduce waste and reduce environmental impacts of new buildings as they
relate to materials manufacturing and transport.
Maintain at least 75% (based on surface area) of existing building structure (including
structural floor and roof decking) and envelope (exterior skin and framing, excluding
window assemblies and non-structural roofing material). Hazardous materials that are
remediated as a part of the project scope shall be excluded from the calculation of the
percentage maintained. If the project includes an addition to an existing building, this
credit is not applicable if the square footage of the addition is more than 2 times the
square footage of the existing building.
Consider reuse of existing, previously occupied buildings, including structure, envelope
and elements. Remove elements that pose contamination risk to building occupants and
upgrade components that would improve energy and water efficiency such as windows,
mechanical systems and plumbing fixtures. Quantify the extent of building reuse.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

:i\[`k(%) 9l`c[`e^I\lj\
`eX[[`k`fekf @ek\ek
DI:i\[`k(%( Extend the life cycle of existing building stock, conserve resources, retain cultural
resources, reduce waste and reduce environmental impacts of new buildings as they
relate to materials manufacturing and transport.
Maintain an additional 20% (95% total, based on surface area) of existing building
structure (including structural floor and roof decking) and envelope (exterior skin and
framing, excluding window assemblies and non-structural roofing material). Hazard-
ous materials that are re-mediated as a part of the project scope shall be excluded from
the calculation of the percentage maintained. If the project includes an addition to an
existing building, this credit is not applicable if the square footage of the addition is
more than 2 times the square footage of the existing building.
Consider reuse of existing, previously occupied buildings, including structure, envelope
and elements. Remove elements that pose contamination risk to building occupants and
upgrade components that would improve energy and water efficiency such as windows,
mechanical systems and plumbing fixtures. Quantify the extent of building reuse.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

9l`c[`e^I\lj\ :i\[`k(%*
Extend the life cycle of existing building stock, conserve resources, retain cultural
resources, reduce waste and reduce environmental impacts of new buildings as they
relate to materials manufacturing and transport.
Use existing interior non-structural elements (interior walls, doors, floor coverings
and ceiling systems) in at least 50% (by area) of the completed building (including
additions). If the project includes an addition to an existing building, this credit is not
applicable if the square footage of the addition is more than 2 times the square footage
of the existing building.
Consider reuse of existing, previously occupied buildings, including structure, envelope
and interior non-structural elements. Remove elements that pose contamination risk
to building occupants and upgrade components that would improve energy and water
efficiency, such as mechanical systems and plumbing fixtures. Quantify the extent of
building reuse.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; JlddXipf]I\]\i\eZ\[ :XcZlcXk`fej
:i\[`k( JkXe[Xi[ DI:i\[`k(%(&(%)
There is no standard referenced for this
This credit is based on surface areas of
major existing building structural and
envelope elements. Structural support
8ggifXZ_Xe[ elements, such as columns and beams,
@dgc\d\ekXk`fe are considered to be a part of the larger
surfaces they are supporting and are not
For any project that is reusing portions of
required to be quantified separately. Pre-
an existing building, it is recommended
pare a spreadsheet listing all envelope and
that the project team inventory the ex-
structural elements within the building.
isting conditions. Develop a floor plan
Quantify each item, listing existing area
showing the location of existing structural
(sq.ft.) and retained area (sq.ft.). Deter-
components, finished ceilings, finished
mine the percent of existing elements that
flooring, interior wall partitions, doors
are retained by dividing the total retained
within the interior walls, exterior and
materials area (sq.ft.) by the total exist-
party walls, and exterior windows and
ing materials area (sq.ft.). Projects that
doors. If there are existing built-in case
retain a minimum of 75% of existing
goods that will be reused, they should be
envelope and structural components will
documented as well. The drawings should
be awarded 1 point for MR Credit 1.1.
provide the detail needed to determine
Projects that retain a minimum of 95%
the surface area of all these pre-existing
of existing envelope and structural com-
ponents will be awarded 2 points (MR
Confirm that the items designated for Credit 1.1 and MR Credit 1.2).
reuse can be reused. Take the needed steps
The area measurements are made in the
to retain them in the finished work. Fixed
same way as would be completed by a
items, such as walls and doors that are
contractor preparing a bid for construc-
found on-site are included in this credit
tion of a building. For structural floors
and count toward the percentage of reuse
and roof decking, calculate the square
when they perform the same function
footage of each component. For existing
(i.e., doors reused as doors). If they are
exterior walls and existing walls adjoining
used for another purpose (i.e., doors made
other buildings or additions, calculate
into tables), they contribute to earning
the exterior wall surface area (sq.ft.) only
MR Credits 3.1 and 3.2.
and subtract the area of exterior windows
Projects that are incorporating existing and exterior doors from both the existing
buildings but do not meet the require- and reused area tallies. For interior struc-
ments for MR Credit 1 may apply the tural walls (i.e., shear walls), calculate the
reused portions of the existing buildings surface area (sq.ft.) of both sides of the
toward the achievement of MR Credit existing wall element.
2, Construction Waste Management.
Table 1 below provides an example of the
To do so, project teams will be required
calculations for MR Credit 1.1 and 1.2.
to determine an approximate weight for
existing building elements. Project teams should exclude the fol-
lowing items from this calculation:
non-structural roofing materials; win-
dow assemblies; structural and envelope
materials that are deemed to be unsound
from a structural perspective; structural


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

Structure / Envelope Element Existing Area Reused Area Percentage :i\[`k(

(SF) (SF) Reused (%)
Foundation / Slab on Grade 11,520 11,520 100%
2nd Floor Deck 11,520 10,000 87%
1st Floor Interior Structural Walls 240 240 100%
2nd Floor Interior Structural Walls 136 136 100%
Roof Deck 11,520 11,520 100%
North Exterior Wall (excl. windows) 8,235 7,150 87%
South Exterior Wall (excl. windows) 8,235 8,235 100%
East Exterior Wall (excl. windows) 6,535 6,535 100%
West Exterior Wall (excl. windows) 6,535 5,820 81%
TOTALS 64,476 61,156 95%

and envelope materials that are considered tural walls, determine the finished area be-
hazardous and pose a contamination risk tween floor and ceiling. Note: both sides
to building occupants. of interior non-structural walls should
be calculated. For example: an interior,
DI:i\[`k(%* non-structural wall that is 20 feet long
This credit is focused on reuse of interior, and 10feet high (from floor to finished
non-structural elements, and compares ceiling) should be counted as 400 sq.ft.
the retained/reused elements to the total (20 ft x 10 ft x 2) to account for both
completed area of interior elements. It is sides of the wall.
not necessary to calculate the total area of The surface area of interior doors should
existing interior non-structural elements be calculated and counted only once. In-
prior to demolition. terior casework that is retained should be
Prepare a spreadsheet listing all interior calculated using the visible surface area of
non-structural elements within the build- the assembly. Figure 1 below provides an
ing. Quantify each item, listing total example of how to calculate casework.
area (sq.ft.)—including new construc- Table 2 provides an example of a tabu-
tion—and area (sq.ft.) of retained ele- lation spreadsheet that can be used for
ments. Determine the percent of existing determining credit compliance. In the
elements that are retained by dividing the example, the total area (sq.ft.) of all new
total area (sq.ft.) of all retained interior and existing building materials (follow-
non-structural elements by the total area ing construction) is entered in the “Total
(sq.ft.) of interior non-structural ele- Area” column. The total area (sq.ft.) of
ments. Projects demonstrating that the only the existing/reused components is
total area (sq.ft.) of existing and/or reused then entered in the “Existing/Reused
non-structural interior components ac- Area” column. The sum of the existing
count for a minimum of 50% of the area materials is then divided by the sum of
of all interior non-structural building the total building materials to obtain the
elements will be awarded 1 point for MR overall percentage of reused materials.
Credit 1.3. Achievement of MR Credit Since the overall percentage of reused
1.1 or 1.2 is not required for projects to non-structural interior materials is greater
be considered for MR Credit 1.3. than 50% of the total area of all non-
Finished ceilings and finished flooring structural interior building materials, the
areas (tile, carpeting, etc.) are straightfor- project would be eligible for one point
ward and should be calculated as simple under MR Credit 1.3.
areas (one sided). For interior non-struc-


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;


Surface Area (SF)

Top 8
These credits are submitted as part of the
Left Side 7
Construction Submittal.
Front 14
The following project data and calcula-
Rear 0
tion information is required to document
Right Side 0 prerequisite compliance using the v2.2
TOTAL REUSED CASEWORK 29 Submittal Templates:
Remember to include items that have
been saved but may have been relocated T Confirm whether the project is strictly
in this tabulation, such as full-height a renovation of an existing building
demountable walls and doors that were or a renovation with an addition.
re-hung in a new section of wall. Items For projects with additions, con-
counted in this credit are not to be in- firm the square footage of the new
cluded in MR Credits 3.1 and 3.2. How- addition(s).
ever, if the project includes an addition T Provide a tabulation of the existing and
that is greater than 200% of the existing reused areas (sq.ft.) of each structural/
building’s square footage, the reused exist- envelope element.
ing building’s materials may be included
T Provide an optional narrative de-
in the calculations for MR Credit 2.
scribing any special circumstances or
considerations regarding the project's
<o\dgcXipG\i]fidXeZ\ approach.
There are no exemplary performance
points available for these credits.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
Interior Non-Structural Element Total Area* Existing / Percentage :i\[`k(
(SF) Reused Area (SF) Reused (%)
Gypsum Board Wall Partitions – Full Height 5,400 3,600 67%
Gypsum Board Wall Partitions – Partial Height 650 650 100%
Carpeting 10,000 0 0%
Resilient Flooring 350 350 100%
Ceramic Tile 150 150 100%
Suspended Ceiling Systems 10,400 10,400 100%
Gypsum Board Ceilings 350 350 100%
Interior Doors (Wood) 525 420 80%
Interior Windows / Sidelights 56 56 100%
Interior Doors (Metal) 42 42 100%
Interior Casework / Cabinetry 235 150 64%
TOTALS 28,158 16,168 57%
* Note: The Total Area calculation includes both new and existing/reused materials.

DI:i\[`k(%* based on typical first costs for a 44,000

T Confirm whether the project is strictly square-foot building. The largest savings
a renovation of an existing building were realized in masonry (87% savings),
or a renovation with an addition. site work (57% savings), concrete (49%
For projects with additions, con- savings) and carpentry (70% savings).
firm the square footage of the new
addition(s). I\jfliZ\j
T Provide a tabulation of the total and Please see the USGBC Web site at www.
reused areas (sq.ft.) of each non-struc- for more specific
tural interior element. resources on materials sources and other
T Provide an optional narrative de- technical information.
scribing any special circumstances or
considerations regarding the project's
approach. How Buildings Learn: What Happens After
They’re Built by Stewart Brand.

Prior Condition is the state the project
Reusing existing buildings significantly re- space was in at the time it was selected.
duces construction waste volumes. Reuse Removing the demolition work from the
strategies also reduce environmental im- project scope by making it the building
pacts associated with raw material extrac- owner’s responsibility defeats the objective
tion, manufacture and transportation. of this credit.
<Zfefd`Z@jjl\j Prior Condition Area is the total area
of finished ceilings, finished floors, full
Reuse of existing components can reduce
height walls and demountable partitions,
the cost of construction substantially. For
interior doors and built-in case goods that
instance, the Southern California Gas
existed when the project area was selected;
Company reused an existing building for
exterior windows and exterior doors are
its Energy Resource Center and estimated
not considered.
savings of approximately $3.2 million,


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; Completed Design Area is the total area
of finished ceilings, finished floors, full
:i\[`k( height walls and demountable partitions,
interior doors and built-in case goods in
the space when the project is completed;
exterior windows and exterior doors are
not considered.
Retained Components are those por-
tions of the finished ceilings, finished
floors, full height walls and demountable
partitions, interior doors and built-in case
goods that existed in the prior condition
that remained in the completed design.
Interior Non-Structural Components
Reuse is determined by dividing the
total area (sq. ft.) of retained interior,
non-structural components by the total
area (sq. ft.) of the interior, non-structural
components included in the completed



K_\ J%K% ;XeX 9l`c[`e^# f] k_\ Le`m\ij`kp f]

D`Z_`^XeËj JZ_ffc f] EXkliXc I\jfliZ\j 
<em`ifed\ekJEI< #_XjY\\eXnXi[\[C<<;>fc[:\ik`ÔZXk`fele[\iC<<;]fiE\n:fe$


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

:fejkilZk`feNXjk\DXeX^\d\ek :i\[`k)%(
Divert construction and demolition debris from disposal in landfills and incinerators.
Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to the manufacturing process. Redirect
reusable materials to appropriate sites.
Recycle and/or salvage at least 50% of non-hazardous construction and demolition.
Develop and implement a construction waste management plan that, at a minimum,
identifies the materials to be diverted from disposal and whether the materials will be
sorted on-site or comingled. Excavated soil and land-clearing debris does not contribute
to this credit. Calculations can be done by weight or volume, but must be consistent
Establish goals for diversion from disposal in landfills and incinerators and adopt a
construction waste management plan to achieve these goals. Consider recycling card-
board, metal, brick, acoustical tile, concrete, plastic, clean wood, glass, gypsum wall-
board, carpet and insulation. Designate a specific area(s) on the construction site for
segregated or comingled collection of recyclable materials, and track recycling efforts
throughout the construction process. Identify construction haulers and recyclers to
handle the designated materials. Note that diversion may include donation of materials
to charitable organizations and salvage of materials on-site (see page 253).


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

:i\[`k)%) :fejkilZk`feNXjk\DXeX^\d\ek
`eX[[`k`fekf @ek\ek
DI:i\[`k)%( Divert construction and demolition debris from disposal in landfills and incinerators.
Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to the manufacturing process. Redirect
reusable materials to appropriate sites.
Recycle and/or salvage an additional 25% beyond MR Credit 2.1 (75% total) of non-
hazardous construction and demolition debris. Excavated soil and land-clearing debris
does not contribute to this credit. Calculations can be done by weight or volume, but
must be consistent throughout.
Establish goals for diversion from disposal in landfills and incinerators and adopt a
construction waste management plan to achieve these goals. Consider recycling card-
board, metal, brick, acoustical tile, concrete, plastic, clean wood, glass, gypsum wall-
board, carpet and insulation. Designate a specific area(s) on the construction site for
segregated or comingled collection of recyclable materials, and track recycling efforts
throughout the construction process. Identify construction haulers and recyclers to
handle the designated materials. Note that diversion may include donation of materials
to charitable organizations and salvage of materials on-site (see page 251).


JlddXipf]I\]\i\eZ\[ Materials can be contaminated by other JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
JkXe[Xi[ construction debris and food waste prod-
ucts. Beverages and other liquids can be :i\[`k)
There is no standard referenced for this particularly harmful to materials that may
credit. absorb these products, eliminating their
ability to be recycled.
8ggifXZ_Xe[ Projects that reuse existing buildings, but
@dgc\d\ekXk`fe do not qualify for MR Credit 1, may ap-
MR Credits 2.1 and 2.2 address the extent ply the reused building materials towards
to which waste material leaving the site achievement of this credit. Materials sal-
is diverted from landfills. The percentage vaged and reused on-site can contribute
represents the amount diverted through to this credit if they are not included in
recycling and salvage divided by the total Credit 3 calculations.
waste generated.
Identify construction haulers and recyclers :XcZlcXk`fej
to handle the designated materials; they of- Calculations for these credits are based
ten serve as valuable partners in this effort. on the amount of waste diverted from the
Make sure jobsite personnel understand and landfill or incineration compared to the
participate in the program, with updates total amount of waste generated on-site.
throughout the construction process. Ob- Convert all materials to either weight or
tain and retain verification records (waste volume in order to calculate the percent-
haul receipts, waste management reports, age. Hazardous waste should be excluded
spreadsheets, etc.) to confirm the diverted from calculations, and should be disposed
materials have been recycled or salvaged as of appropriately according to relevant
intended. Note that diversion may include regulations. Additionally, excavated soil
donations to charitable organizations such should be excluded from calculations.
as Habitat for Humanity®. Projects that crush and reuse existing
The availability of recycling opportunities concrete, masonry or asphalt on-site
tends to vary by region. In urban areas, should include these materials in the cal-
recycling resources are typically more culations for this credit. Table 1 provides
developed, and projects will have choices an example of a summary calculation for
about whether to separate waste on-site or waste diversion.
to hire a comingled waste recycler. Often, If some data need to be converted to the
recycling construction waste can reduce chosen unit of measurement, use the
project costs by significantly reducing conversion factors in Table 2 or other
landfill tipping fees. Comingled recycling defensible conversion (submit explana-
may increase recycling costs but will sim- tion and source for the latter).
plify the waste management effort on-site
For projects that use comingled recycling
and ensure that diversion rates will be
rather than on-site separation, summaries
high. This option is especially useful for
of diversion rates will be required from the
projects with tight site constraints where
recycler. Typically, the recycler should be
there is no room for multiple collection
required to provide monthly reports.
bins. In more rural and remote areas,
recyclers may be harder to find. The en-
vironmental benefits of recycling in these <o\dgcXipG\i]fidXeZ\
cases need to be balanced against the envi- Project teams may earn an Innovation in
ronmental impacts of transporting waste Design point for exemplary performance
long distances to recycling centers.

JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

:i\[`k) Diverted / Recycled Diversion / Recycling Quantity of Diverted / Units

Materials Description Hauler or Location Recycled Waste (tons / cy)
Concrete ABC Recycling 138.0 Tons
Wood Z-Construction Reuse 10.2 Tons
Gypsum Wallboard ABC Recycling 6.3 Tons
Steel Re-Cycle Steel Collectors 1.1 Tons
Crushed Asphalt On-Site Reuse 98.2 Tons
Masonry ABC Recycling 6.8 Tons
Cardboard ABC Recycling 1.6 Tons

Landfill Materials Landfill Hauler or Location Quantity of Diverted / Units

Description Recycled Waste (tons / cy)
General Mixed Waste XYZ Landfill 52.3 Tons

KXYc\)1Jfc`[NXjk\:fem\ij`fe=XZkfij general description of each type/cat-

egory of waste generated; location of
Material Density receiving agent (recycler/landfill) for
waste; quantity of waste diverted (by
Cardboard 100 category) in tons, or cubic yards.
Gypsum Wallboard 500 T Provide a narrative describing the
Mixed Waste 350 project's construction waste manage-
Rubble 1,400 ment approach. The narrative should
Steel 1,000
include the project’s Construction
Waste Management Plan. Please pro-
Wood 300
vide any additional comments or notes
to describe special circumstances or
considerations regarding the project's
in Construction Waste Management credit approach.
when the percent of total waste diverted
is 95% or greater.
JlYd`kkXc;fZld\ekXk`fe <em`ifed\ekXc@jjl\j
These credits are submitted as part of the Construction and demolition (C&D)
Construction Submittal. activities generate enormous quantities
The following project data and calcula- of solid waste. The U.S. EPA estimates
tion information is required to document that 136 million tons of C&D debris
prerequisite compliance using the v2.2 (versus 209.7 million tons of municipal
Submittal Templates: solid waste) was generated in 1996—57%
of it from non-residential construction,
T Complete the construction waste renovation and demolition activities.
calculation tables in the Submittal This equates to 2.8 pounds per capita per
Template. The following information day. Commercial construction generates
will be required to fill in these tables: between 2 and 2.5 pounds of solid waste


per square foot, and the majority of this materials marketplace that processes JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
waste can potentially be recycled. and resells construction debris did not
exist. In recent years, particularly with :i\[`k)
The greatest environmental benefit is
achieved by source control—reducing the the advent of international competition
total waste generated. for both raw and recycled materials, the
economics of recycling have improved.
Recycling opportunities are expanding During this same period disposal costs
rapidly in many communities. Metal, veg- have increased. Recognition for, and en-
etation, concrete and asphalt recycling op- actment of, more stringent waste disposal
portunities have long been available and regulations coupled with ever decreasing
economical in most communities. Paper, landfill capacity have changed the waste
corrugated cardboard, plastics and clean management equation.
wood markets vary by regional and local
recycling infrastructure, but are recycled Waste management plans require time
in most communities. Some materials, and money to draft and implement but
such as gypsum wallboard, have recycling they can also provide the guidance to
opportunities only in communities where achieve substantial savings throughout
reprocessing plants exist or where soil can the construction process.
handle the material as a stabilizing agent. Recyclable materials have differing market
The recyclability of a demolished mate- values depending on the presence of lo-
rial is often dependant on the amount of cal recycling facilities, reprocessing costs
contamination attached to it. Demolished and the availability of virgin materials on
wood, for instance, is often not reusable the market. In general, it is economically
or recyclable unless it is deconstructed beneficial to recycle metals, concrete,
and de-nailed. asphalt and cardboard. In most cases it
Recycling of construction and demoli- is possible to receive revenue as well as
tion debris reduces demand for virgin to avoid paying a landfill tipping fee.
resources and, in turn, reduces the Market values normally fluctuate from
environmental impacts associated with month to month. When no revenue is
resource extraction, processing and, in received for materials, as is often the case
many cases, transportation. Landfills for scrap wood and gypsum wallboard, it
contaminate groundwater and encroach is still possible to benefit from potentially
upon valuable green space. Through effec- shorter hauling distances and by avoiding
tive construction waste management, it is landfill tipping fees.
possible to extend the lifetime of existing
landfills, avoiding the need for expansion I\jfliZ\j
or new landfill sites.
Please see the USGBC Web site at www.
<Zfefd`Z@jjl\j for more specific
resources on materials sources and other
In the past, when landfill capacity was
technical information.
readily available and disposal fees were
low, recycling or reuse of construction N\YJ`k\j
waste was not economically feasible.
Construction and Demolition Debris
Construction materials were inexpensive
Recycling Information
compared to the cost of labor; thus,
construction jobsite managers focused California Integrated Waste Manage-
on worker productivity rather than on ment Board
materials conservation. In addition,
recycling infrastructure and a recycled
(916) 341-6499

JJ N< <8 DI <H @; A program by the California Integrated Specification language from city of Seattle
Waste Management Board including case and Portland Metro projects on construc-
:i\[`k) studies, fact sheets and links. tion waste management.
Construction Materials Recycling A Sourcebook for Green and Sustain-
Association able Building
(630) 585-7530 ConstructionWaste.html
A nonprofit dedicated to information A guide to construction waste manage-
exchange within the North American ment from the Sourcebook for Green and
construction waste and demolition debris Sustainable Building.
processing and recycling industry. Environmental Specifications for Re-
Construction Waste Management search Triangle Park
Handbook U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Smart Growth Online specs.htm
asp?art=15 Waste management and other specifica-
(202) 962-3623 tions.
A report by the NAHB Research Center Waste Spec: Model Specifications for
on residential construction waste man- Construction Waste Reduction, Reuse
agement for a housing development in and Recycling
Homestead, Florida. Triangle J Council of Governments
Contractors’ Guide to Preventing Waste
and Recycling wastspec.htm
Resource Venture (919) 558-9343 Model specifications developed by Tri-
building/publications/index.php angle J Council of Governments in North
(206) 389-7304 Carolina. Ten case studies show results of
using the specifications (downloadable
A guidebook on waste prevention in con- PDF document).
struction from the Business and Industry
Resource Venture.
Government Resources
Construction and Demolition (C&D)
Check with the solid waste and natural
Debris includes waste and recyclables
resources departments in your city or
generated from construction, renovation,
county. Many local governments provide
and demolition or deconstruction of pre-
information about regional recycling op-
existing structures. Land clearing debris
including soil, vegetation, rocks, etc. are
Recycling and Waste Management Dur- not to be included.
ing Construction
Recycling is the collection, reprocessing,
King County, OR marketing and use of materials that were diverted or recovered from the solid waste
wastemgt.htm stream.


Reuse is a strategy to return materials JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
to active use in the same or a related
capacity. :i\[`k)
Tipping Fees are fees charged by a landfill
for disposal of waste volumes. The fee is
typically quoted for one ton of waste.



Fe DXiZ_ )+# )''+# :c\Xim`\n <c\d\ekXip

JZ_ffc `e ?Xefm\i# G8# XZ_`\m\[ C<<;ž m)%' IfY\ikB`dYXccXe[8jjfZ`Xk\j
]ifd k_\ cXe[Ôcc Yp i\ZpZc`e^ dXk\i`Xcj# jlZ_ Xj k_\ ZfeZi\k\ ]ifd k_\ gifa\ZkÇn_`Z_
kf ZfejkilZk`e^ X C<<; Z\ik`Ô\[ Yl`c[`e^# k_\ jZ_ffc [`jki`Zk _Xj ]lik_\i Zfdd`kk\[ kf


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;



JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

DXk\i`XcjI\lj\ :i\[`k*%(
Reuse building materials and products in order to reduce demand for virgin materi-
als and to reduce waste, thereby reducing impacts associated with the extraction and
processing of virgin resources.
Use salvaged, refurbished or reused materials such that the sum of these materials con-
stitutes at least 5%, based on cost, of the total value of materials on the project.
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing components and specialty items such as elevators
and equipment shall not be included in this calculation. Only include materials per-
manently installed in the project. Furniture may be included, providing it is included
consistently in MR Credits 3–7.
Identify opportunities to incorporate salvaged materials into building design and
research potential material suppliers. Consider salvaged materials such as beams and
posts, flooring, paneling, doors and frames, cabinetry and furniture, brick and decora-
tive items.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

:i\[`k*%) DXk\i`XcjI\lj\
`eX[[`k`fekf @ek\ek
DI:i\[`k*%( Reuse building materials and products in order to reduce demand for virgin materi-
als and to reduce waste, thereby reducing impacts associated with the extraction and
processing of virgin resources.
Use salvaged, refurbished or reused materials for an additional 5% beyond MR Credit
3.1 (10% total, based on cost).
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing components and specialty items such as elevators
and equipment shall not be included in this calculation. Only include materials per-
manently installed in the project. Furniture may be included, providing it is included
consistently in MR Credits 3–7.
Identify opportunities to incorporate salvaged materials into building design and
research potential material suppliers. Consider salvaged materials such as beams and
posts, flooring, paneling, doors and frames, cabinetry and furniture, brick and decora-
tive items.


JlddXipf]I\]\i\eZ\[ for reuse are not limited to materials JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
JkXe[Xi[ used in buildings. These materials may
be purchased as salvaged, similar to any :i\[`k*
There is no standard referenced for this other project material, or they may be
credit. relocated from another facility (including
one previously used by the occupant). The
8ggifXZ_Xe[ salvaged materials from both on-site and
@dgc\d\ekXk`fe off-site can be applied to MR Credit 5,
Regional Materials, if they comply with
Use of salvaged and refurbished materials the requirements of that credit. Materi-
in new building projects extends the life als contributing toward achievement
of materials and can reduce overall first of Credit 3 cannot be applied to MR
costs of construction materials. Use of Credits 1, 2, 4, 6 or 7. If MRc3 is not
salvaged materials can also add character being attempted, applicable materials
to the building and can be used effectively can be applied to another LEED credit
as architectural details. Some areas of the if eligible.
United States, such as New England, the
Pacific Northwest and California, have Furniture and furnishings (CSI Division
well-developed markets for salvaged mate- 12 components) are excluded from the
rials while other regions are just beginning calculations for this credit, unless they are
to develop these markets. included consistently across MR Credits
3–7. This credit applies primarily to CSI
For reused materials found on-site, there MasterFormat 1995 divisions 2–10. Me-
are two major groups. First are those chanical and electrical components, along
items that were “fixed” components on- with appliances and equipment cannot be
site before the project started. To qualify included in this credit, as they are gener-
as reused for this credit, these fixed items ally not appropriate and/or feasible. This
must no longer be able to serve their exclusion is consistent with MR Credits
original function, and must then have 4 and 5.
been reconditioned and installed for a
different use or in a different location. An
example would be a fire door removed and :XcZlcXk`fej
modified to serve as the counter top for List the reused or salvaged materials
the receptionist station. The remaining used on the project. Table 1 provides an
fixed items, such as walls, ceilings and example of a salvaged materials tracking
flooring that remain as such in the new log. Determine the cost of each mate-
building are excluded from this credit, but rial. This cost will either be the actual
are covered by MR Credits 1.2 and 1.3. cost paid or the replacement value, if the
Another type of reused material found material came from on-site. The replace-
on-site is “finish” material that can be kept ment value can be determined by pricing
and refurbished. These reused compo- a comparable material in the local market.
nents may continue to serve their original When the actual cost paid for the reused
function, but have undergone refurbish- or salvaged material is below the cost of
ment to become functional. An example an equivalent new item, use the higher
would be refurbished door hardware. value (or replacement cost) in the calcula-
tions. When the cost to reclaim an item
For reused materials obtained from off-
found on-site is less than the cost of an
site, the primary stipulation for qualify-
equivalent new item, use the cost of the
ing as reused is that they must have been
new item (or replacement cost) in the
previously used. Note: Materials eligible


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
Salvaged / Reused Source for Salvaged / Value / Product Cost ($)
:i\[`k* Material Description Reused Material
Salvaged Brick ABC Salvage Suppliers $62,500
Salvaged Wood Floor Salvage Company Y $24,200
Remanufactured Wood Doors On-Site Salvage / Remanufacture $4,200
(Used as Built-in Countertops)



Determine the Total Materials Cost for The following project data and calcula-
the project. The Total Materials Cost tion information is required to document
may be derived by multiplying the total prerequisite compliance using the v2.2
construction cost (hard costs only in CSI Submittal Templates:
MasterFormat 1995 divisions 2–10) by T Provide the total project materials cost
0.45. Alternately, the Total Materials Cost (Divisions 2–10) or provide the total
may be a tally of actual materials cost in project cost for Divisions 2–10 to ap-
CSI MasterFormat 1995 divisions 2–10 ply the 45% default materials value.
from the project Schedule of Values or a
similar document. The benefit of using T Provide a tabulation of each salvaged/
actual materials costs, as opposed to the reused material used on the project.
default 45%, is that projects with less The tabulation must include a descrip-
than 45% materials cost would find it tion of the material, the source/vendor
easier to achieve the 5% and 10% credit for the material and the product cost.
thresholds, since total materials cost is in T Provide a narrative describing the ma-
the denominator of the equation below. terials reuse strategy implemented by
Calculate Percent Reuse Materials ac- the project. Include specific informa-
cording to Equation 1. tion about reused/salvaged materials
used on the project.

An Innovation in Design point for ex-
emplary performance is available when <em`ifed\ekXc@jjl\j
a project documents that the value of Reuse strategies divert material from the
salvaged or reused materials used on the construction waste stream, reducing the
project is equal to at least 15% of the total need for landfill space and environmental
materials cost. impacts pertaining to associated water and
air contamination issues. Use of salvaged
JlYd`kkXc;fZld\ekXk`fe materials also reduces the environmental
impacts of producing new construction
These credits are submitted as part of the
products and materials. These impacts
Construction Submittal.
are significant since buildings account for


Percent Reuse Materials = Cost of Reuse Materials ($)

Total Materials Cost ($)


a large portion of our natural resources Government Resources JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
consumption, including 40% of raw stone, Check with the solid waste authority and
gravel and sand, and 25% of virgin wood. :i\[`k*
natural resources departments in your city
<Zfefd`Z@jjl\j or county. Many local governments pro-
vide information about regional materials
Some salvaged materials are more costly exchanges and other sources.
than new materials due to the high cost
of labor involved in recovering and re- Guide to Resource-Efficient Building
furbishing processes. However, salvaged Elements
materials are often of higher quality
and more durable than available new The Center for Resourceful Building
materials. Local demolition companies Technology Directory of environmen-
may be willing to sell materials recovered tally responsible building products. This
from existing buildings to avoid landfill resource provides introductory discus-
tipping fees and to generate income. In sions per topic and contact information
some areas, municipalities and waste for specific products, including salvaged
management companies have estab- materials. (The CRBT project is no lon-
lished facilities to sell salvaged building ger active, and the CRBT Web site is no
materials at landfill sites. Sometimes longer updated. The National Center for
salvaged materials are offered at prices Appropriate Technology is providing this
that appear to be cost-effective but may Web site for archival purposes only).
include hidden costs such as the need
for reprocessing, exorbitant transporta- Materials Exchanges on the Web
tion costs or liabilities associated with Industrial Materials Exchange (IMEX)
toxic contamination. Conversely, certain Local Hazardous Waste Management
salvaged materials may be impossible to Program in King County, OR
duplicate (such as turn-of-the century
lumber and casework) and may well be
worth the higher cost compared to new (206) 296-4899
but inferior materials. A listing of materials exchanges on the
I\jfliZ\j Reuse Development Organization
Please see the USGBC Web site at www. for more specific
resources on materials sources and other (410) 669-7245
technical information.
A national nonprofit located in India-
N\YJ`k\j napolis, Indiana, that promotes reuse as
an environmentally sound, socially ben-
California Materials Exchange Cali-
eficial and economical means of managing
fornia Integrated Waste Management
surplus and discarded materials. See the
List of ReDO Subscribers for contacts around the United States.
(877) 520-9703 Salvaged Building Materials Exchange
A program of the California Integrated Green Building Resource Guide
Waste Management Board, this site al-
lows users to exchange non-hazardous
discarded materials online.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; A searchable database of salvaged building
Building Materials Reuse Association
(formerly Used Building Materials As-
(877) 221-UBMA
BMRA is a nonprofit, membership-based
organization that represents companies
and organizations involved in the ac-
quisition and/or redistribution of used
building materials.
Used Building Materials Exchange
(519) 767-2913
A free marketplace for buying and selling
recyclables and salvaged materials.
Old to New: Design Guide, Salvaged
Building Materials in New Construc-
The Greater Vancouver Regional Dis-
trict (GVRD)
A useful and detailed guide book, pro-
duced by the Greater Vancouver Regional
District, to the use of salvaged materials,
with real-life case studies.

Chain-of-Custody is a tracking proce-
dure to document the status of a product
from the point of harvest or extraction to
the ultimate consumer end use.
Salvaged or Reused Materials are con-
struction materials recovered from exist-
ing buildings or construction sites and
reused in other buildings. Common sal-
vaged materials include structural beams
and posts, flooring, doors, cabinetry, brick
and decorative items.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

I\ZpZc\[:fek\ek :i\[`k+%(
Increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled content materials,
thereby reducing impacts resulting from extraction and processing of virgin materials.
Use materials with recycled content such that the sum of post-consumer recycled content
plus one-half of the pre-consumer content constitutes at least 10% (based on cost) of
the total value of the materials in the project.
The recycled content value of a material assembly shall be determined by weight. The
recycled fraction of the assembly is then multiplied by the cost of assembly to determine
the recycled content value.
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing components and specialty items such as elevators
shall not be included in this calculation. Only include materials permanently installed
in the project. Furniture may be included, providing it is included consistently in MR
Credits 3–7.
Recycled content shall be defined in accordance with the International Organization for
Standardization document, ISO 14021—Environmental labels and declarations—Self-
declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labeling).
Post-consumer material is defined as waste material generated by households or by
commercial, industrial and institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the prod-
uct, which can no longer be used for its intended purpose.
Pre-consumer material is defined as material diverted from the waste stream during
the manufacturing process. Excluded is reutilization of materials such as rework, re-
grind or scrap generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same
process that generated it.
Establish a project goal for recycled content materials and identify material suppliers that
can achieve this goal. During construction, ensure that the specified recycled content
materials are installed. Consider a range of environmental, economic and performance
attributes when selecting products and materials.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

:i\[`k+%) I\ZpZc\[:fek\ek
`eX[[`k`fekf @ek\ek
DI:i\[`k+%( Increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled content materials,
thereby reducing the impacts resulting from extraction and processing of virgin ma-
Use materials with recycled content such that the sum of post-consumer recycled con-
tent plus one-half of the pre-consumer content constitutes an additional 10% beyond
MR Credit 4.1 (total of 20%, based on cost) of the total value of the materials in the
The recycled content value of a material assembly shall be determined by weight. The
recycled fraction of the assembly is then multiplied by the cost of assembly to determine
the recycled content value.
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing components and specialty items such as elevators
shall not be included in this calculation. Only include materials permanently installed
in the project. Furniture may be included, providing it is included consistently in MR
Credits 3–7.
Recycled content shall be defined in accordance with the International Organization for
Standardization document, ISO 14021—Environmental labels and declarations—Self-
declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labeling).
Post-consumer material is defined as waste material generated by households or by
commercial, industrial and institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the prod-
uct, which can no longer be used for its intended purpose.
Pre-consumer material is defined as material diverted from the waste stream during
the manufacturing process. Excluded is reutilization of materials such as rework, re-
grind or scrap generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same
process that generated it.
Establish a project goal for recycled content materials and identify material suppliers that
can achieve this goal. During construction, ensure that the specified recycled content
materials are installed. Consider a range of environmental, economic and performance
attributes when selecting products and materials.


JlddXipf]I\]\i\eZ\[ which models of a certain product line fea- JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
JkXe[Xi[ ture the desired recycled content (examples
include carpet and ceramic tile). :i\[`k+
@ek\ieXk`feXcJkXe[Xi[@JF(+')( The project team should work with
Æ(000$<em`ifed\ekXcCXY\cj subcontractors and suppliers to verify
Xe[;\ZcXiXk`fejÇJ\c]$;\ZcXi\[ availability of materials that contain
<em`ifed\ekXc:cX`djKpg\@@ recycled content. The contractor should
<em`ifed\ekXcCXY\c`e^ run preliminary calculations based on
International Organization for Standard- the construction budget or schedule of
ization (ISO) values during the preconstruction phase whenever possible. This will allow the
construction team to focus during the
This International Standard specifies re- buy-out phase on those materials with
quirements for self-declared environmental the greatest contribution to the project
claims, including statements, symbols and recycled content value.
graphics, regarding products. It further
describes selected terms commonly used The project team is typically responsible
in environmental claims and gives quali- for documenting the amounts and values
fications for their use. This International of recycled content of any given material
Standard also describes a general evaluation used on the project. The project team
and verification methodology for self-de- must identify products which contain
clared environmental claims and specific recycled content and pursue documenta-
evaluation and verification methods for tion from suppliers, manufacturers and
the selected claims in this standard. The vendors directly or through the subcon-
definitions section for this credit contains tractors to confirm the actual recycled
the relevant details, and thus the standard content for each product.
need not be acquired. It is also important to distinguish be-
tween post-consumer and pre-consumer
recycled content when tracking materials
for the purpose of credit calculations.
@dgc\d\ekXk`fe Detailed definitions of these terms are
Recycled content goals should be estab- provided in the Definitions section of
lished during the design phase. Careful this guide.
research may be required to determine
the percentages of recycled content that
can realistically be expected in specific
products and materials. Project teams are To calculate the percentage of recycled
encouraged to run a preliminary calcula- content materials used on a project, list
tion during the design phase as soon as a all recycled content materials and prod-
project budget is available in order to set ucts and their costs. For each product,
appropriate recycled content targets. Many identify the percentage of post-consumer
standard materials in the marketplace and/or pre-consumer recycled content
contain recycled content as a matter of by weight, and list the recycled content
course due to the nature and economics of information source. Note that LEED
their manufacture (examples include steel, requires that the information be from a
gypsum board, and acoustical ceiling tile). reliable, verifiable source.
Other materials may require research by Calculate the Recycled Content Value
design and construction teams to achieve of each material according to Equa-
higher levels of recycled content or to verify tion 1.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
Recycled Content Value ($) = (% post-consumer recycled content x material cost) + 0.5 x
:i\[`k+ (% pre-consumer recycled content x material cost)

;\k\id`e\k_\KfkXcDXk\i`Xcj:fjk ing the incentive to use recycled-content

]fik_\gifa\Zk% in high-mass materials.
The Total Materials Cost may be derived ;\]XlckI\ZpZc\[:fek\ek
by multiplying the total construction cost
(hard costs for CSI MasterFormat 1995 For steel products where no recycled
divisions 2–10 only) by 0.45. Alternately, content information is available, assume
the Total Materials Cost may be a tally of the recycled content to be 25% post-
actual materials cost (CSI MasterFormat consumer. No other material has been
1995 divisions 2–10 only) from the project recognized as having a similar consistent
Schedule of Values or similar document. minimum recycled content. Note that
The benefit of using actual materials costs, many steel products will contain 90%, or
as opposed to the default 45%, is that higher, recycled content if manufactured
projects with less than 45% materials cost by the electric arc furnace process, so it
would find it easier to achieve the 10% and may be beneficial for a project to obtain
20% credit thresholds, since total materials actual information from the manufacturer
cost is in the denominator of the equation rather than relying on the default value.
below. The purpose of the default value is :XcZlcXk`e^8jj\dYcpI\ZpZc\[
to streamline the documentation process, :fek\ek
as it can be challenging to separate the
materials costs from labor and equipment Assemblies include all products that are
costs for all materials on the project. composed of multiple materials, either
in reaching a formulation for a material
Calculate the project Percent Recycled (i.e., composite wood panels), or of all the
Content according to Equation 2. sub-components (i.e., a window system).
Furniture and furnishings (CSI Division For assembly recycled content values,
12 components) are excluded from the consider the percents by weight of the
calculations for this credit, unless they post-consumer recycled content and the
are included consistently across MR pre-consumer recycled content in the as-
Credits 3–7. This credit applies primar- sembly. When there are sub-components,
ily to CSI MasterFormat 1995 divisions the final two percentages (post-consumer
2–10. Mechanical, electrical and plumb- and pre-consumer) must be determined
ing components, along with appliances by using the weights of the smaller sub-
and equipment cannot be included in component elements. No consideration
this credit. These are excluded because, is given to relative costs of the materials
when compared with structural and fin- or the sub-components, when calculating
ish materials, mechanical and electrical these percentages of recycled content. For
equipment tends to have a high dollar example, a pound of steel in a window
value relative to the amount of material assembly is of equal significance in deter-
it contains. That high dollar value would mining recycled content of an assembly as a
skew the results of the calculation, reduc- pound of fabric on a movable wall panel.


Percent Recycled Content = Total Recycled Content Value ($)

Total Materials Cost ($)


Jlggc\d\ekXip:\d\ek`k`flj Submittal Templates: JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
DXk\i`Xcj T Provide the total project materials cost
In the case of supplementary cementitious (Divisions 2–10) or provide the total
materials (SCMs) used in concrete that are project cost for Divisions 2–10 to ap-
recycled from other operations, it is allow- ply the 45% default materials value.
able to calculate the recycled content value T Provide a tabulation of each mate-
based on the mass of the cementitious rial used on the project that is being
materials only, rather than on the entire tracked for recycled content. The
concrete mix. For example, if 150 pounds tabulation must include a description
of coal fly ash is used per yard of concrete, of the material, the manufacturer of
the fly ash would represent only a small the material, the product cost, the
fraction (5%) of the roughly 3,000 pounds pre-consumer and/or post-consumer
of materials in that concrete. The project recycled content percentage, and the
team can choose instead to calculate it as source of the recycled content data.
a fraction of the cementitious materials
only. To accomplish this, the value of the T Provide an optional narrative de-
cementitious materials will have to be scribing any special circumstances or
obtained from the concrete supplier sepa- considerations regarding the project's
rately from the total cost of the concrete. credit approach.
(See Example 1.) Note: fly ash is a Pre-
Consumer Recycled Content material. :fej`[\iXk`fej
Building products with recycled content
Project teams may earn an Innovation in are beneficial to the environment because
Design point for exemplary performance they reduce virgin material use and solid
when the requirements reach the next waste volumes. Success breeds future
incremental step. For recycled content, success: as the number of building prod-
the total recycled value must be 30% or ucts containing recycled content grows,
greater. the marketplace for recycled materials
JlYd`kkXc;fZld\ekXk`fe <Zfefd`Z@jjl\j
These credits are submitted as part of the
Many commonly used products are now
Construction Submittal.
available with recycled content, including
The following project data and calcula- metals, concrete, masonry, acoustic tile,
tion information is required to document carpet, ceramic tile and insulation. Most
prerequisite compliance using the v2.2 recycled content products exhibit per-

Mix # Mass of Mass of Mass of SCMs as a Dollar value Recycled

Portland recycled total percentage of all content
cement* SCMs cementitious of total cementitious value per
[lbs] [lbs] materials cementitious materials yard
[lbs] materials (from [(SCM/2) x
[%] concrete dollar value]
2 200 50 250 20% $35 $3.50
3 300 100 400 25% $45 $5.63
*This column also includes any other cementitious ingredients that are not recycled.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; formance similar to products containing for specific products, including salvaged
only virgin materials and can be incorpo- materials. (The CRBT project is no lon-
:i\[`k+ rated into building projects with ease and ger active, and the CRBT Web site is no
minimal to no cost premium. longer updated. The National Center for
Appropriate Technology is providing this
Web site for archival purposes only).
Please see the USGBC Web site at www. for more specific
resources on materials sources and other A searchable directory of resource-
technical information. efficient building products and sustain-
able design educational resources.
“Recycled Content: What is it and
Recycled Content Product Directory
What is it Worth?”
California Integrated Waste Manage-
Environmental Building News, February
ment Board
(916) 341-6606 cfm?filename=140201a.xml
A searchable database for recycled content U.S. EPA Comprehensive Procurement
products, developed by the California Guidelines Program
Integrated Waste Management Board.
Government Resources
Contains EPA information on recycled
Check with the solid waste and natural content materials with guidelines for re-
resources departments in your city or cycled percentages. Includes a searchable
county. Many local governments provide database of suppliers.
information on recyclers and recycled
content product manufacturers within
their region. ;\Ôe`k`fej
GreenSpec Assembly Recycled Content includes
the percentages of post-consumer and
BuildingGreen, Inc. pre-consumer content. The determina- tion is made by dividing the weight of the
cfm recycled content by the overall weight of
(802) 257-7300 the assembly.
Detailed listings for more than 1,900 Post-Consumer Waste is material gener-
green building products, including envi- ated by households or by commercial,
ronmental data, manufacturer informa- industrial and institutional facilities in
tion and links to additional resources. their role as end-users of the product
which can no longer be used for its in-
Guide to Resource-Efficient Building tended purpose. This includes returns
Elements of materials from the distribution chain (Source: ISO 14021). Examples of
The Center for Resourceful Building this category include construction and
Technology Directory of environmen- demolition debris, materials collected
tally responsible building products. This through curbside and drop-off recycling
resource provides introductory discus- programs, broken pallets (if from a pallet
sions per topic and contact information refurbishing company, not a pallet mak-


ing company), discarded products (e.g. JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
furniture, cabinetry and decking) and
urban maintenance waste (leaves, grass :i\[`k+
clippings, tree trimmings, etc.).
Pre-Consumer Content, previously
referred to as Post-Industrial Content, is
defined as material diverted from the waste
stream during the manufacturing process.
Excluded is reutilization of materials such
as rework, regrind or scrap generated in
a process and capable of being reclaimed
within the same process that generated
it (Source ISO 14021). Examples in the
pre-consumer category include planer
shavings, plytrim, sawdust, chips, ba-
gasse, sunflower seed hulls, walnut shells,
culls, trimmed materials, print overruns,
over-issue publications, and obsolete


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;



JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

I\^`feXcDXk\i`Xcj :i\[`k,%(
Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manu-
factured within the region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous resources and
reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation.
Use building materials or products that have been extracted, harvested or recovered,
as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of the project site for a minimum of 10%
(based on cost) of the total materials value. If only a fraction of a product or material
is extracted/harvested/recovered and manufactured locally, then only that percentage
(by weight) shall contribute to the regional value.
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing components and specialty items such as elevators
and equipment shall not be included in this calculation. Only include materials per-
manently installed in the project. Furniture may be included, providing it is included
consistently in MR Credits 3–7.
Establish a project goal for locally sourced materials, and identify materials and mate-
rial suppliers that can achieve this goal. During construction, ensure that the specified
local materials are installed and quantify the total percentage of local materials installed.
Consider a range of environmental, economic and performance attributes when select-
ing products and materials.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

:i\[`k,%) I\^`feXcDXk\i`Xcj
`eX[[`k`fekf @ek\ek
DI:i\[`k,%( Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manu-
factured within the region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous resources and
reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation.
Use building materials or products that have been extracted, harvested or recovered,
as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of the project site for an additional 10%
beyond MR Credit 5.1 (total of 20%, based on cost) of the total materials value. If only
a fraction of the material is extracted/harvested/recovered and manufactured locally,
then only that percentage (by weight) shall contribute to the regional value.
Establish a project goal for locally sourced materials and identify materials and material
suppliers that can achieve this goal. During construction, ensure that the specified local
materials are installed. Consider a range of environmental, economic and performance
attributes when selecting products and materials.


JlddXipf]I\]\i\eZ\[ values of regionally harvested and manu- JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
JkXe[Xi[ factured materials used on the project.
The general contractor must track the :i\[`k,
There is no standard referenced for this materials cost of each locally harvested
credit. and manufactured product that will be
applied to the LEED credit.
@dgc\d\ekXk`fe :XcZlcXk`fej
Careful research may be required to deter- List those products that are believed to
mine what products can be sourced locally be extracted/harvested/recovered and
and can realistically be expected to be pur- manufactured within 500 miles of the
chased for the project. As a result, it may project site.
be beneficial to evaluate this credit early in
Indicate the name of the manufacturer,
the design process, despite the appearance
the product cost, the distance between
of it being exclusively a construction con-
the project site and the manufacturer, and
sideration. Project teams are encouraged to
the distance between the project site and
run a preliminary calculation during the
the extraction site for each raw material
design phase, as soon as a project budget
contained within each product.
is available, in order to set appropriate
regional materials targets. For example, ;\k\id`e\k_\KfkXcDXk\i`Xcj:fjk
if the project has a $10 million budget, ]fik_\gifa\Zk%
the materials cost (and subsequently
The Total Materials Cost may be derived
10% of that cost) can be estimated using
by multiplying the total construction
the 45% default rate. The team would
cost (hard costs for CSI MasterFormat
calculate that the project would need to
1995 divisions 2–10 only) by 0.45. Al-
use at least $450,000 of materials meeting
ternately, the Total Materials Cost may
the requirements of this credit to achieve
be a tally of actual materials cost (CSI
MR Credit 5.1 ($450,000 is 10% of $4.5
MasterFormat 1995 divisions 2–10 only)
million, which is 45% of the $10 million
from the project Schedule of Values or
project cost). This estimate will likely be
similar document. The benefit to using
high, since the final calculation is based
actual materials costs, as opposed to the
on Divisions 2–10, but it is still useful as
default 45%, is that projects with less
a conservative estimate.
than 45% materials cost would find it
The general contractor should work easier to achieve the 10% and 20% credit
with subcontractors and suppliers to thresholds, since total materials cost is in
verify availability of materials which the denominator of the equation below.
are extracted/harvested/recovered and The purpose of the default value is to
manufactured locally (within 500 miles streamline the documentation process,
of the project site). The contractor should as it is often challenging to break out the
run preliminary calculations based on materials costs from labor and equipment
the construction budget or schedule of costs for all materials on the project.
values during the preconstruction phase
Calculate the Percent Local Materials
whenever possible. This will allow the
according to Equation 1.
construction team to focus on those mate-
rials with the greatest contribution to this Furniture and furnishings (CSI Division
credit during the buy-out phase. 12 components) are excluded from the
calculations for this credit, unless they
The general contractor is typically respon-
are considered consistently across MR
sible for documenting the amounts and

JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
Percent Local Materials = Total Cost of Local Materials ($)
:i\[`k, Total Materials Cost ($)

Credits 3–7. This credit applies primar- the 500-mile radius, list a single item
ily to CSI MasterFormat 1995 divisions with the greatest distance. If a portion
2–10. Mechanical, electrical and plumb- of the material was either manufactured
ing components, along with appliances or extracted beyond the 500-mile radius,
and equipment cannot be included in this list only that portion and associated cost
credit for reasons of fairness and simplifi- satisfying the credit requirement.
cation: limited manufacturing locations, For assemblies or products manufactured
skewed results due to relatively high cost within the 500-mile radius but contain-
compared to the actual mass of materials ing only some components that also were
in the product, and the complexity of extracted within the 500-mile radius,
some systems is not conducive to gather- use multiple lines in your list. Base the
ing the data needed for LEED credits proportionality of such products’ costs on
(the exclusion also applies to credits 3 the weight of their various components.
and 4). (See the example for concrete shown in
Table 1 and Table 2.)
DXk\i`Xcj <o\dgcXipG\i]fidXeZ\
Reused and salvaged materials that satisfy An Innovation in Design point for ex-
the requirements of MR Credits 3.1 and emplary performance may be available
3.2, may also contribute to MR Credits when the next incremental percentage
5.1 and 5.2. The location from which threshold is achieved. For regionally
they were salvaged is to be used as the harvested, extracted and manufactured
point of extraction, and the location of the materials, the credit calculation must be
salvaged goods vendor is to be used as the 40% or greater.
point of manufacture. On-site salvaged
materials automatically qualify.
For a material with more than one point
of manufacture or extraction, all within These credits are submitted as part of the
Construction Submittal.


Components Weight [lbs] Distance between Weight

Project & Contributing
Extraction Site to Regional
[miles] Extraction [lbs]
Cement 282 1,250 0
Fly Ash 282 125 282
Water 275 1 275
Slag 750 370 750
Recycled Concrete & Aggregate 1,000 8 1,000
Sand 1,200 18 1,200
Component Totals 3,789 3,507
Percent Regionally Extracted Materials [3,507 / 3,789] 92.6%


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
Product Manufacturer Distance Distance Product Value Information
Between Between Cost [$] Qualifying Source
Project & Project & as
Manufacturer Extraction/ Regional
[mi] Harvest
Plant Green’s 5 5 $6,770 $6,770 contractor
material Landscape submittal
Concrete Joe’s 15 15 $21,000 $21,000 contractor
aggregate Concrete submittal
Insulation UR Warm 105 1,080 $9,250 - product cut
Gypsum Gypsum R Us 75 288 $8,550 $8,550 letter from
board manufacturer
Carpet Fiber Good 355 721 $15,333 - letter from
Casework Top Counter 18 320 $12,200 $12,200 contractor
Lumber My Mill 110 320 $38,990 $38,990 contractor
Wood Doors Closeby 71 320 $7,000 $7,000 contractor

Total Cost of Regional Materials $94,510

Total Materials Cost (Divisions 2–10) $751,000

Percent Regional Materials 13%

Points Earned 1

The following project data and calcula- T Provide an optional narrative de-
tion information is required to document scribing any special circumstances or
prerequisite compliance using the v2.2 considerations regarding the project's
Submittal Templates: credit approach.
T Provide the project’s total project
cost (for application of 45% default :fej`[\iXk`fej
factor) or total materials cost. Note
this reported value must be consistent <em`ifed\ekXc@jjl\j
across all MR credits. By purchasing regionally manufactured
T Complete the regional materials calcu- building materials, the local economy is
lation table in the Submittal Template. supported, transportation costs and envi-
The following information will be ronmental impacts are reduced, and money
required to fill in this table: product paid for these materials is retained in the
name for each tracked material; mate- region, supporting the regional economy.
rial manufacturer; total product cost The availability of regionally manufactured
for each tracked material; percentage building materials is dependent on the
of product, by weight, that meets both project location. In some areas, the major-
the extraction and manufacture crite- ity of products needed for the project can
ria; distance between the project site be obtained within a 500-mile radius. In
and extraction/harvest/recovery site; other areas, only a small portion or none
distance between the project site and of the building materials can be sourced
the final manufacturing location. locally. It also is important to address the


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; source of raw materials used to manufac- installation of finished components, as
ture building products. Raw materials for in structural steel, miscellaneous iron or
:i\[`k, some building products are harvested or ex- systems furniture.
tracted far from the point of manufacture, Regionally Extracted Materials, for use
contributing to air and water pollution due in this credit, must have their source as
to environmental impacts associated with a raw material from within a 500-mile
transportation between point of extraction radius of the project site.
and point of manufacture.
The use of regional building materials
reduces transportation activities and the
accompanying pollution associated with
delivering materials to the job site. Trucks,
trains, ships and other vehicles deplete
finite reserves of fossil fuels and gener-
ate air pollution. By selecting building
materials that are produced from regional
materials, transportation impacts are
further reduced.
Regional building materials are more
cost effective for projects due to reduced
transportation costs. Also, the support of
regional manufacturers and labor forces
retains capital for the community, con-
tributing to a more stable tax base and a
healthier local economy.

Please see the USGBC Web site at www. for more specific
resources on materials sources and other
technical information.
Check with your local Chamber of Com-
merce and regional and state economic
development agencies for building mate-
rials manufacturers in your area.

Regionally Manufactured Materials,
for use in this credit, must be assembled
as a finished product within a 500-mile
radius of the project site. Assembly, as
used for this credit definition, does not
include on-site assembly, erection or


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

IXg`[cpI\e\nXYc\DXk\i`Xcj :i\[`k-

@ek\ek (gf`ek
Reduce the use and depletion of finite raw materials and long-cycle renewable materials
by replacing them with rapidly renewable materials.
Use rapidly renewable building materials and products (made from plants that are
typically harvested within a ten-year cycle or shorter) for 2.5% of the total value of all
building materials and products used in the project, based on cost.
Establish a project goal for rapidly renewable materials and identify products and sup-
pliers that can support achievement of this goal. Consider materials such as bamboo,
wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber, linoleum, wheatboard, strawboard and cork. During
construction, ensure that the specified renewable materials are installed.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; JlddXipf]I\]\i\eZ\[ See examples of rapidly renewable ma-
JkXe[Xi[ terials in Table 1. During construction,
:i\[`k- ensure that the specified rapidly renewable
There is no standard referenced for this materials are installed.

Identify those products that are consid-
ered rapidly renewable and their material
After the project goal has been established costs to the project.
for the use of rapidly renewable materi-
als, identify the materials and suppliers ;\k\id`e\k_\KfkXcDXk\i`Xcj:fjk
that meet the stated criteria and that can ]fik_\gifa\Zk%
achieve this goal, and incorporate prod- The Total Materials Cost may derived
ucts into the project specifications and by multiplying the total construction
plans. Project teams are encouraged to cost (hard costs for CSI MasterFormat
run a preliminary calculation during the 1995 divisions 2–10 only) by 0.45. Al-
design phase, as soon as a project budget ternately, the Total Materials Cost may
is available, in order to determine the be a tally of actual materials cost (CSI
feasibility of this credit. For example, if MasterFormat 1995 divisions 2–10 only)
the project has a $10 million budget, the from the project Schedule of Values or
materials cost (and subsequently 2.5% of similar document. The benefit to using
that cost) can be estimated using the 45% actual materials costs, as opposed to the
default rate. The team would calculate default 45%, is that projects with less than
that the project would need to use at 45% materials cost would find it easier
least $112,500 of materials meeting the to achieve the credit thresholds, since
requirements of this credit ($112,500 is total materials cost is in the denomina-
2.5% of $4.5 million, which is 45% of the tor of the equation below. The purpose
$10 million project cost). This estimate of the default value is to streamline the
will likely be high, since the final calcula- documentation process, as it is often chal-
tion is based on Divisions 2–10, but it is lenging to break out the materials costs
still useful as a conservative estimate. from labor and equipment costs for all
materials on the project.
Calculate the Percent of Rapidly Re-
newable Materials using Equation 1.
Examples of Rapidly Renewable Materials
Bamboo Flooring
Cotton Batt Insulation
Assemblies include all products that are
Linoleum Flooring
made of multiple materials, either in
Sunflower Seed Board Panels reaching a formulation for a material (i.e.,
Wheatboard Cabinetry particle board), or of all the subcompo-
Wool Carpeting nents (i.e., a work surface). For assembly
Cork Flooring
rapidly renewable content, the fraction
of the assembly that is considered rapidly


Percent of Rapidly Renewable Materials = Total Cost of Rapidly Renewable Materials ($)
Total Materials Cost ($)


renewable is determined by weight. That idly renewable materials generally require JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
fraction is then applied to the material less of these inputs and are therefore likely
cost to determine the rapidly renewable to be more environmentally responsible. :i\[`k-
material cost for that assembly. Rapidly renewable resources are those
materials that substantially replenish
themselves faster than traditional extrac-
tion demand (i.e., planted and harvested
An Innovation in Design point for ex- in less than a 10-year cycle).
emplary performance may be available
Rapidly renewable resources sometimes
when the next incremental percentage
provide the opportunity to displace raw
threshold is achieved. For rapidly renew-
materials that have greater environmen-
able materials, the percentage must be
tal impacts. Common examples include
5% or greater.
composite panels that are made from ag-
ricultural fiber such as wheat, substituting
JlYd`kkXc;fZld\ekXk`fe for composite wood panels. Irresponsible
This credit is submitted as part of the forestry practices cause ecosystem and
Construction Submittal. habitat destruction, soil erosion and
stream sedimentation. Rapidly renewable
The following project data and calcula- crops require significantly less land—often
tion information is required to document due to higher density and shorter growing
prerequisite compliance using the v2.2 cycles—to produce the same amount of
Submittal Templates: end product, and are often by-products
T Provide the project’s total project that are otherwise considered waste. Bio-
cost (for application of 45% default based plastics (e.g., from corn starch)
factor) or total materials cost. Note and other rapidly renewable resources are
this reported value must be consistent beginning to provide alternatives to some
across all MR credits. petroleum-based plastics.
T Complete the rapidly renewable mate- <Zfefd`Z@jjl\j
rials calculation table in the Submittal
Template. The following information Because rapidly renewable resources may
will be required to fill in this table: be harvested more quickly, they tend to
product name for each tracked ma- give a faster payback on investment for
terial; material manufacturer; total manufacturers. As demand increases, they
product cost for each tracked material; are expected to become cost-competitive
percentage of product, by weight, for with conventional materials.
each material that meets the rapidly The land saved from the production re-
renewable criteria. quirements of rapidly renewable resources
T Provide an optional narrative de- may be used for a variety of other uses, in-
scribing any special circumstances or cluding open space and other agricultural
considerations regarding the project's products. Rapidly renewable materials,
credit approach. by virtue of a more consistent harvesting
cycle, may sustain a community over a
longer period than the steady and even-
:fej`[\iXk`fej tual depletion of finite resources or the
degradation of a productive ecosystem.
Many conventional building materials
require large inputs of land, natural re-
sources, capital and time. Conversely, rap-

JJ N< <8 DI <H @; I\jfliZ\j ;\Ôe`k`fej
:i\[`k- Please see the USGBC Web site at www. Rapidly Renewable materials are consid- for more specific ered to be an agricultural product, both
resources on materials sources and other fiber and animal, that takes 10 years or
technical information. less to grow or raise, and to harvest in an
ongoing and sustainable fashion.
Environmental Building News
BuildingGreen, Inc.
(802) 257-7300
An article in Environmental Building
News on bamboo flooring, including a
listing of bamboo flooring suppliers.
Environmental Design + Construction
(search for Highlights of Environmental
An Environmental Design + Construc-
tion article providing information on
bamboo flooring, linoleum and wool
BuildingGreen, Inc.
(802) 257-7300
Detailed listings for more than 1,900
green building products, including envi-
ronmental data, manufacturer informa-
tion, and links to additional resources.
A searchable directory of resource-
efficient building products and sustain-
able design educational resources.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @;

:\ik`Ô\[Nff[ :i\[`k.

@ek\ek (gf`ek
Encourage environmentally responsible forest management.

Use a minimum of 50% of wood-based materials and products, which are certified
in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council’s (FSC) Principles and Criteria,
for wood building components. These components include, but are not limited to,
structural framing and general dimensional framing, flooring, sub-flooring, wood
doors and finishes.
Include materials permanently installed in the project. Wood products purchased for
temporary use on the project (e.g., formwork, bracing, scaffolding, sidewalk protection,
and guard rails) may be included in the calculation at the project team’s discretion. If
any such materials are included, all such materials must be included in the calculation.
If such materials are purchased for use on multiple projects, the applicant may include
these materials for only one project, at its discretion. Furniture may be included, pro-
viding it is included consistently in MR Credits 3–7.

Establish a project goal for FSC-certified wood products and identify suppliers that can
achieve this goal. During construction, ensure that the FSC-certified wood products are
installed and quantify the total percentage of FSC-certified wood products installed.


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; JlddXipf]I\]\i\eZ\[ T Forest Management Certification is
JkXe[Xi[ awarded to responsible forest manag-
:i\[`k. ers after their operations successfully
Forest Stewardship Council’s Principles complete audits of forestry practices
and Criteria and plans. T Chain-of-Custody (COC) Certifica-
(877) 372-5646 tion is awarded to companies that pro-
Certification is a “seal of approval” award- cess, manufacture and/or sell products
ed to forest managers who adopt environ- made of certified wood after audits
mentally and socially responsible forest verify proper accounting of material
management practices, and to companies flows and proper use of the FSC name
that manufacture and sell products made and logo.
from certified wood. This seal enables con-
sumers, including architects and specifiers, 8ggifXZ_Xe[
to identify and procure wood products @dgc\d\ekXk`fe
from well-managed sources and thereby
use their purchasing power to influence Establish a project goal for FSC-certified
and reward improved forest management wood products and identify suppliers that
activities around the world. can achieve this goal. Research the avail-
ability of the wood species and products
LEED accepts certification according to that you wish to use to ensure that they are
the comprehensive system established available from FSC-certified sources. An-
by the internationally recognized Forest other method for lowering the impact of
Stewardship Council (FSC). FSC was wood resources is to research and specify
created in 1993 to establish international quality grades that are most readily avail-
forest management standards (known as able from well-managed forests. Using
the FSC Principles and Criteria) to assure lower grades of wood can dramatically
that forestry practices are environmen- reduce pressure on forests, which pro-
tally responsible, socially beneficial and duce only limited quantities of top-grade
economically viable. These Principles and timber (i.e., Architectural Woodwork
Criteria have been established to ensure Institute [AWI] Grades 2 or 3 for lumber
the long-term health and productivity of or veneer rather than Grade 1).
forests for timber production, wildlife
habitat, clean air and water supplies, cli- At the earliest opportunity make contact
mate stabilization, spiritual renewal, and with local vendors, suppliers and manu-
social benefit, such as lasting community facturers that provide FSC-certified prod-
employment derived from stable forestry ucts. Provide project bidders with a list
operations. These global Principles and of certified vendors and encourage them
Criteria are translated into meaningful to make contact early in the project to
standards at a local level through region- establish product availability and pricing.
specific standards setting processes. See the Resources section for information
on product databases and boilerplate
FSC also accredits and monitors certifica- forms. As the availability of certain certi-
tion organizations. These “certifiers” are fied wood products may vary over the life
independent, third-party auditors that are of a project, consider having the owner
qualified to annually evaluate compliance pre-purchase, store and supply particular
with FSC standards on the ground and to items to the contractor (“Furnished by
award certifications. There are two types the Owner, Installed by the Contractor,”
of certification: or FOIC). Finding a storage location that


best mimics the final ambient moisture of the end consumers; they can demonstrate JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
the space will ensure proper installation. with copies of invoices (if requested) the
Because of the typically high ambient quantity purchased for the job and their :i\[`k.
moisture present during construction, a suppliers’ COC numbers. For example,
job site is not the best location to store a contractor or subcontractor that installs
wood if FOIC is being implemented. non-labeled FSC wood panels is not
Specify in contract documents that wood required to have COC certification; its
products shall come from forests that are supplier must have COC certification. A
certified as well-managed according to the manufacturer that installs its own product
rules of the FSC, and require chain-of- (e.g. custom cabinetry) is not required to
custody documentation. Wherever pos- have COC certification.
sible, employ a line-item strategy based
on current availability of specific products :XcZlcXk`fej
rather than a blanket approach.
List all new wood on the project and iden-
:_X`e$f]$:ljkf[pI\hl`i\d\ekj tify which components are FSC-certified.
Using Equation 1, tally both the new
COC certification is required to different
wood and the FSC-certified wood.
extents based on two scenarios: products
with and without the on-product FSC 8jj\dYc`\j
label. If a manufacturer places its FSC
In the case of an assembly, only the per-
COC label on product packaging used
centage of FSC-certified wood can be
for individual sale (generally applying
applied toward the credit. Wood com-
to fabricated products), then subsequent
ponents that are labeled “FSC Pure” or
entities in the supply chain are not
“FSC Mixed” are 100% FSC (the latter
required to have COC certification un-
is assured via volume credit accounting).
less the product’s packaging or form is
Determine the amount of new wood as a
changed before it reaches the end con-
percent of the total weight, volume or cost
sumer. (Note: this instruction is meant
and the amount of FSC-certified wood
for LEED compliance only; it varies from
as a percent of the total weight, volume
FSC rules). For example, a wholesaler or
or cost. The cost basis is expected to be
retailer does not need COC to market
useful for veneer. Enter these amounts
a packaged case good kit that is labeled
in the MRc7 Submittal Template along
with the manufacturer’s COC number.
with the total value of the product. The
A fabricator using a labeled product as
template’s spreadsheet will calculate all
a component of a larger assembly will
certified wood value as a percent of all
need to have COC certification since it
new wood materials.
is altering the product’s packaging, and
possibly its form. Project teams should develop a separate
spreadsheet to calculate the amount of
For products that are not individually
new wood and amount of FSC-certified
packaged for sale to be sold as FSC-cer-
wood for complicated assemblies and
tified, the vendor to the consumer is
enter the summary data as one line item
required to have COC certification. Con-
in the Submittal Template.
tractors and subcontractors are considered


Certified Wood FSC-certified Wood Material Value ($)

Material =
Percentage Total New Wood Material Value ($)


JJ N< <8 DI <H @; The calculations for certified wood shall forest ecosystems. From an environmental
include only new wood products. The perspective, the elements of responsible
:i\[`k. value of any recycled wood fiber content FSC-certified forestry include sustainable
of a product that qualifies as contribut- timber harvesting (i.e., not removing more
ing to MR Credit 4, Recycled Content timber volume than replaces itself over the
Materials, shall be excluded. cutting interval or rotation), preserving
wildlife habitat and biodiversity, maintain-
ing soil and water quality, minimizing the
use of harmful chemicals, and conserving
Project teams may earn an Innovation in high conservation value forests (e.g., en-
Design point for exemplary performance dangered and old-growth forests).
when the requirements reach the next
incremental step. For FSC-certified wood, <Zfefd`Z@jjl\j
the credit calculation must be 95% FSC- World trade in forest products has in-
certified wood or greater. creased dramatically in the last 30 years,
from $47 billion in 1970 to $139 billion
JlYd`kkXc;fZld\ekXk`fe in 1998. As more developing countries
embrace world forest product markets
This credit is submitted as part of the and their growing economies encourage
Construction Submittal. domestic consumption, the protection
The following data and calculation infor- of forests will become a critical issue.
mation is required in order to complete Currently, the costs of FSC-certified
the v2.2 Submittal Templates: wood products are equal to or higher
T A list of items (and/or components of than conventional wood products and
products) claimed as FSC certified, availability varies by region. The price of
including product type, manufacturer, FSC-certified wood products is expected
and the appropriate entity’s COC to be more competitive with conven-
certification number. Each product tional wood products in future years as
name can then be cross-referenced the world’s forest resources are depleted
with the manufacturer or vendor COC and the forest industry embraces more
number during the LEED certification widespread adoption of sustainable busi-
review. ness principles.
An optional narrative can be submitted Irresponsible logging practices can have
describing any special circumstances or negative social impacts. Thus, the so-
considerations regarding the project's cioeconomic and political components
credit approach. to FSC certification include respecting
indigenous people’s rights and adher-
ing to all applicable laws and treaties.
:fej`[\iXk`fej Certification also involves forest workers
and forest-dependent communities as
stakeholders and beneficiaries of respon-
The negative environmental impacts of sible forest management. Through the
irresponsible forest practices can include encouragement of responsible forest
destruction of forests, loss of wildlife practices local timber economies are
habitat, soil erosion and stream sedi- stabilized and forestland is preserved for
mentation, water and air pollution, and future generations.
waste generation. The FSC Standard
incorporates many criteria that contribute
to the long-term health and integrity of


I\jfliZ\j A Vendor is defined as the company JJ N< <8 DI <H @;
that supplies wood products to building
N\YJ`k\j project contractors or subcontractors for :i\[`k.
Forest Stewardship Council, United on-site installation.
(202) 342-0413
For information and practical tools such
as databases of certified product suppliers,
referral service, specification language,
and the “Designing & Building with
FSC” guide and forms.
Sustainable Forestry: Philosophy, Science,
and Economics by Chris Maser, DelRay
Beach, St. Lucie Press, 1994.
The Business of Sustainable Forestry:
Strategies for an Industry in Transition by
Michael B. Jenkins and Emily T. Smith,
Island Press, 1999.

Chain-of-Custody (COC) is the path
taken by raw materials, processed materi-
als, and products from the forest to the
consumer, including all successive stages
of processing, transformation, manu-
facturing and distribution. The COC
certificate number is listed on invoices
for non-labeled products to document
that an entity has followed FSC guidelines
for product accounting. COC is not re-
quired by distributors of a product that
is individually labeled with the FSC logo
and manufacturer’s COC number.
Sustainable Forestry is the practice of
managing forest resources to meet the
long-term forest product needs of hu-
mans while maintaining the biodiversity
of forested landscapes. The primary goal
is to restore, enhance and sustain a full
range of forest values—economic, social
and ecological.



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