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The Blue Ridge Zeitgeist Movement is having a monthly meeting at the Firestorm Cafe and Books...

would be great for all interested to join us in support of spreading the idea of The Venus Project, which is
educated to confronting our environmental problems by actively engaging in the research, development,
and application of workable solutions. Through the use of innovative approaches to social awareness,
educational incentives, and the consistent application of the best that science and technology can offer
directly to the social system, The Venus Project offers a plan for social reclamation in which human
beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable state of dynamic

Firestorm Cafe and Books

48 Commerce St, Asheville, NC 28801
The BRZM meets regularly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:00pm, (next meeting taking places
on February 3rd)
Meeting Agenda BRZM (2-03-2011)
NCZM webpage:
v=info&ref=sgm (BRZM Facebook)
· (new NCZM website)
1.  Introduction-members introduce themselves/interest in TZM (5-10 min)

2. Screening venues “Zeitgeist: Moving Forward” - update group on how event went (things that
worked well, things that could be improved); discuss any needs for upcoming shows (15-30 min)
a.    Asheville (2 dates/15th and 20th),

3.    Promoting - each person to share ideas on current promotion - Suggestions – pass out flyers at
coffee houses, put flyers on cars, posting tear-flyers on telephone poles/signs (in pedestrian areas),
highway blogging (holding up banner on overpass), posting events on facebook, holding movie showings,
holding discussion groups (15-30 min)

1. Asheville Cultural Project (Feb. 15th at 7pm)

2. Zday event(s) March 12th and 13th
3. Ideas for additional venues to show Z3, example: UNCA, Firestorm, etc...

4.  Z-Day event - each person share ideas on current plans for Z-Day in March 12th and 13th in Asheville
(15-30 min)

5. Why "I advocate TZM" Youtube videos, a laptop an webcam will be available for those interested in
making a video.(15-30 min)..

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