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Assessment 4: Case Study 2

Due Date: Friday 12th October, 2018 (Week 13)

Cutoff Date: Friday 26th October 2018 (Week 15)
Value: 20%


For this Case study, you will need to work in a group of 5 to 6. Your group will need a copy of
your country’s curriculum for learning and care.

1. Read through the curriculum to find out if it includes children’s cultural identity, competency
and cross-cultural understanding.
2. Explain how it includes children’s identity, competency and cross-cultural understanding.

3. Read the case study below and find out if children’s cultural identity, competency and cross-
cultural understanding are included in its practice in the centre.

Aqua leaning Centre caters for a diverse community and has an enrollment of one hundred and
twenty, whereby sixty children are enrolled in the morning session and another sixty in the
afternoon. Children from different cultural background such as itaukei, Fijian Indian, Rotuman,
Chinese, Japanese, Tongan, Samoan, Vanuatu and Australian are facilitated by four teachers, who
teach both sessions. English is the only medium of communication however there are quite a number
of children who do not speak English at all. Educarers continues to speak English to these children
believing that this will help them learn English quickly and parents are very happy with this
approach. Although the Centre has a cultural space however not all cultural artifacts, information
and pictures from the different cultures the children represent are displayed. The Centre has a lot of
play equipment and toys for children to play with as well as charts on songs, rhymes, numbers,
letters, shapes and colours written only in English, all displayed and are well organized. Throughout
the year, only Easter and Diwali are celebrated whereby all parents and children participate. There
are a culture day planned at the beginning of the year but due to the bad weather it was postponed
and has yet to happen.

4. Record your findings from (3).

5. Analyse and compare your findings in (1&2) and (3).
6. Make suggestion for improvement in the curriculum and in practice.
7. Present all information in a power point slide which your group will be presenting to the rest
the class during tutorial.
Marking Rubric for Assessment 4: Case Study 2
Course Code: CEE52
Student’s Name:
Marker’s Name & Signature:
Date Received Date of Marking: Date returned:
Criteria Marks Feedback from Marker
1. Reads through the curriculum to find
out if it includes children’s cultural
identity, competency and cross-cultural 1
understanding and it is evident in the
2. Explains how it includes children’s
identity, competency and cross-cultural 2
3. Records findings from the case study 2
4. Analyses and compares findings in
Country’s curriculum (1&2) and the 2.5
case study (3).
5. Makes suggestion for improvement to
the curriculum practice in the Centre 4
6. Demonstrates full knowledge through
explanation and elaboration in a
logical, interesting sequence which the 1.5
audience can follow.
7. All group members contributed and
participated in the presentation 1
showing positive team work.
8. Each group member uses clear voice,
correct and precise pronunciation of all 1.5
terms so all audiences present can hear.
9. Demonstrates effective use of graphic
designs, is orderly, visually appealing 1.5
and enhances readability and creativity.
10. Reference
Citations are formatted correctly and 3
each citation has matching reference.
Total 20%

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