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Activity Name Input Output What it does ?

ProcessInternalOrders CO -ID None This activity will inturn call other activities. TO DO

While looping, modify PegaComm-FW-OF-Work-

to return a Boolean that will be true if the
dependencyList of an IO contains other IOs.

If true, then Update all WO in the dependencyList

with startDate as MAX(ALL IOs ENDDATE) and
endDate as startDate + 1 day.

SortInternalOrders CO-ID Sorts all IOs of a given customer order based on its TO DO
dependency chain (using activity:
RetrieveDependencyListOfIO) and inturn calls
UpdateDatesOfWorkOrder for each IO.

UpdateDatesOfWorkOrd WO-ID Sets the startDate and EndDate of the passed in with RE-USE
er startDateOfWO : the dates.
Current Date
EndDateofWO : Current -ReUse SaveWorkOrderInfo and the declare
Date + 1 expression to auto calculate EndDate of a WO.

DependencyListHasIO - param : loops through and checks if list contains IO. ?? TO DO

DependencyList of IO
Use default prpc methods to check for IO in page list.
MaxEndDateOfIOs IO-ID Loops through DependencyListOfIO and retrieves Checked in / Not tested
max value of end dates of IOs. MaxEndDateOfInternalO
MinStartDateOfWOs IO-ID Loops through DependencyListOfIO and retrieves Checked in / Not tested
min value of start dates of WOs. MaxEndDateOfInternalO
DefaultDatesToCurrent pzInsKey Sets the startDateTime and EndDateTime for a TO DO
particular IO to @CurrentDateTime() and
@addToDate(@CurrentDateTime(), 1, 0, 0, 0)
NotifyDependencies Modify existing activity to handle not only status but TO DO
also start and end date time changes.

New Parameter : Boolean : NotifyStatusOnly

If true, Update status
If false, Update dates within Dependency list.

RetrieveDependencyList IO-ID Returns up the dependencyList of the IO passed in as NOT REQD

OfIO param.
BuildIOListOfCO Retrieves all IO's of a given CO and builds a page list NOT REQD
(IOListOfCO) holding CO-ID, IO-ID,IO-StartDate,IO-
EndDate and IOStatus.
BuildWOListOfIO Builds a (page)list (WOListOfIO) of WO ( and sets it to NOT REQD
IO class), each element holds IO-ID,WO-ID,WO-
StartDate,WO-EndDate and WOStatus.

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