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One of the key tenets of this design is beginning of the game, the rebel Washington were fairly invulnerable

the vulnerability of the respective capital is flanked by a small, but to capture, as it is in most other
capitals and the high payoff achieved strategically-placed Union force at strategic Civil War designs, the
if a capital is captured. This dynamic Fort Monroe and multiple north- player can use the Army of the
tension ensures that both players will south routes that need to be de- Potomac in fairly unrealistic man-
keep strong forces in the Eastern fended. Although both capitals begin ners. McClellen's Peninsula cam-
theater to both protect their own the game fortified, this is an insuffi- paign was a high risk operation in
capital while threatening their cient defense. game terms. Lincoln insisted that a
opponents. strong covering force remain behind
During the Civil War, the effect of to prevent a Confederate thrust at
When I learned that FOR THE forts were wide ranging. The unify- DC. It was this force, and the
PEOPLE would be reprinted by GMT, ing historical thread is that a fort was Confederacy's desire not to trade
I set out to pour more history into the as strong as the men and leaders who capitals, which prevented Lee from
design. One of the things that I had manned them. Each turn of FOR THE moving North until the threat to
noticed since the original publication PEOPLE represents around four Richmond was neutralized. Lincoln's
of the game was the lack of play on months. If the fort is manned with decision to withhold McDowell's
the Peninsula and more obviously in sufficient forces and adequate die roll corps from McClellen will occur in
the Shenandoah valley. My analysis modifiers (DRMs), then the fort will the game, because to do otherwise is
of the situation revealed that the key hold. If the attacker is superior in to court disaster. In game terms, the
problems were 1) the weakness of these dimensions, then it is assumed Peninsula campaign finds the Army
forts in preventing river crossings that over the course of four months of the Potomac (AoP) in the
and 2) how the map captured the they will prevail. Upon examining Williamsburg space and the Army of
various historical routes of advance. the lengthy siege of Petersburg, you Northern Virginia (AoNV) in Rich-
My alterations to the map and rules find that it is the growing weakness mond while McDowell sits in
were minor, but their impact on play of the Confederate forces coupled Manassas with four strength points
has been profound. This article will with the threat to their last remaining (SPs). The best move for the Confed-
discuss the new operational thinking lines of communication that results in erates in this situation is to attack the
that is required for solid play in the the loss of the fort. On the other end AoP, which results in the Seven Days
GMT edition of the game. of the spectrum, Forts Henry and battle.
Donaldson were captured in about a
A View from the President's Desk week. Battles on the Flanks
Loss of the capital for either side is However, not all in the first edition
not a game-ending event, but a very One of the design's other intents is to was as it should be. In the AH
painful one. The Union stands to lose use the simulation dynamics to give version, it was too easy for players to
thirty percent of its initial Strategic the player good reasons to take attack directly from Manassas to
Will (SW) if Washington DC is historically-motivated decisions. If Washington. The game didn't have
captured. Just as Lincoln did the proper historical rationale
historically, your attention is for forcing the Confederates to
focused on this potential maneuver to the west as they
problem. If, despite your best did historically. During the
efforts, you still lose Washing- Antietam campaign the Confed-
ton to the rebels, then your eracy crossed from Manassas to
situation is more difficult, but Frederick. During the
not impossible. Assuming you Gettysburg campaign they
relocate the capital to some- came through the Shenandoah
where in the West out of harms valley. What I didn't adequately
way, it is very unlikely for the factor into the original design
Union to lose their capital twice was the impact forts had on
in a game. river crossing operations. It was
too easy for forces to cross
The corollary is that the loss of rivers and directly assault forts.
Richmond drives Confederate A small, but significant, rule
SW down 27 points while the change now prevents direct
Union gains 12 points for a net attacks on forts across rivers.
change of 39 points. At the You either need to Amphibious

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