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ngani Msiska
ements Analysis |
ay 11, 2020
nwich Course
Dr. Simon Scola
se: COMP1645
r ID: 001074104
bia Centre for
ntancy Services
er: Mr. S Mfune
This coursework looks at the South 2 Help case study by understanding its environment. Part A gives
the audience a view of what is going on in the organization by using Rich Pictures. Part B looks at the
Requirements analysis using Use Case modelling in order for us to develop the understanding of the

Abbreviations and Acronyms

SMT Senior Management Team
MIS Management Information System
S2H South 2 Help
IQO Information Quality Officer
AC Area Controller
KPI Key Performance Indicator
SWA South West Area
HO Head Office

Acronyms and Abbreviations
PART A: Rich Picture Analysis and Discussion
A.1. Rich Picture of S2H Environment
A.2.Understanding of S2H Environment
A.3.Rich Picture of South West Area
A.4.Understanding of South West Area Environment
Part B: Requirements Analysis using Use Case Modelling
B.1 Use Case Diagram
B.2 Primary Scenario
B.3 Secondary Scenario
B.4 Use Case Modelling Understanding

PART A: Rich Picture Analysis and Discussion
This case study looks at a not-for-profit organization known as South 2 Help based in south of
England. The organization has a Board of trustees that are made up of from the business community
that make sure that they approve any decisions so that the organization is run properly. In this section
our focus is the Head office and we shall see the key actors that play a pivotal role. The Head office is
where we find the Chief Executive Toby Watson who heads the organization with his admin team.
The head of each department is what makes up the Senior Management Team (SMT). Looking at the
case study, we can safely assume that the organization is ran by funders and well-wishers.
The Key Actors:
The keys actors in this environment are the ones that play a key role in presenting the Key
Performance Indicators (KPI) to the funders.
Toby Watson the Chief Executive is a key actor in this environment as his role roles provides him
with the platform with overseeing and representing the organizations processes. His desire to bring in
new systems having noticed the ‘the change of times’ gives the organization an advantage as it speeds
its internal processes.
Amy Wong the Head of Projects understands that the funders need to see value for money hence the
emphasis on capturing the correct and accurate project data. The Head of projects is also part of the
team tasked to develop the MIS.
John Kwesu the Head of Contracts is another key actor because of his role and the amount of
experience he brings to the table. Another plus would be his desire to have a new system installed but
unfortunately, he has shown attributes that would drawback the team. Furthermore, John understand
the importance of drawing up sensible contracts that show how money is been spent which is vital to
the organization. He is also part of the team tasked to develop the MIS.
Lynette Monteiro the Information Quality Officer Is part of the SMT as the above mentioned by is a
key actor because Amy asked her to manage the development of the MIS. Also Lynette’s role aligns
with the objectives of the projects as has a positive attitude of persuading area controllers to send
accurate KPI information. The case study shows us ho she collects project data that is later presented
to SMT.
Sally Tong the new Head of IT who is one of the staff tasked to develop the system and seeing that
the designated department is getting more funding shows how a key actor he is.
Govt and Trustees who fund the project. These are also key actors as the review the KPI’s and
reports in-order for them to fund the organization.
Area Managers for South east and South west are also key actors
Finance this department is also key as they record the information about the funds they have received

The Key Issues
The desire for the organization is to have the MIS implemented so that they can have access to
accurate information. Therefore, Ade Adetayo has shown no desire to have the MIS system work by
not providing head office with the necessary data. This shows that there is no collaboration in the
Sally highlights to SMT how that data is the centre of the organization and it we should develop a
standard way to for the project to record information.
Data Security

Lynette’s main concern is that there are no records of contracts. The issue being faced that is that it is
very difficult to collect KPI information and the information being sent is very poorly recorded

- The key actors in this environment as the ones who names are mentioned in the case study, I
could not included anyone for example from the finance dept and funding dept although it
indicates the types of systems they used.


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