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Micheal Perkins

Louisiana State University (LSU), Baton Rouge, LA May/2024
Animal Sciences, Pre-Vet

Jr. Naturalist May 2018 – July 2018
Audubon Nature Institute Aquarium/Insectarium
• Responsible for crafting a conservation message and sharing it with the general public. I made them aware of
issues and provided resources with how they can help.
• Learn about different bio-artifacts and present them to the public.
• Learn about the species the facilities carry to be proficient in recalling facts and information from memory
and be able to answer questions when prompted by either staff or visitors.
President May 2019 – May 2020
Orchestra BFHS
• Responsible for coordinating school performances. Planned 2 concerts per year (Winter and Spring). Planned
2 showcases per year.
• Responsible for planning annual Spring Break Trip. Worked directly with the touring company, and bus
company. Overseen all forms and fees associated with the trip.
• Responsible for updating the orchestra on different events. Events included performances, fundraisers, trips,
and important deadlines.
Librarian May 2017– May 2020
Orchestra BFHS
• Responsible for working directly with the conductor to choose music for all performances.
• Organize the music within the music department.
• Worked directly with players to make sure they always had the appropriate music, and enough copies.
• MANNRS member
• Church Orchestra
• High School Mascot
• Cheer/Dance Team Manager
• Varsity Volleyball Team Manager
• High School Ambassador
• Audubon Nature Institute
• Mission Ignition (United Way)
• Honorable Mention on the National German Exam
• Carmen White ’96 Arts and Theater Scholarship

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