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Education empowerment through advocacy and community.

SC for Ed was troubled by the memo distributed in Berkeley County School District
today. We believe that education is a public concern and continually requires that
teachers and educational stakeholders use their voices to advocate for safety,
transparency, and direct communication in order to ensure the well-being of all involved.

Based on the precedent set by Pickering vs. The Board of Education (1968) there must
be a manner by which educators can bring up concerns and have them addressed.
This is why we will continue to support the filing and passage of a bill to protect teacher
free speech. When educators feel unsafe, bullied, or threatened by their
administrations or districts, as demonstrated by today’s memo, there is often no other
recourse than a public statement of fact. As the media has followed the continued story
of teacher advocacy, they are often reaching out to educators to get a truthful
perspective of the classroom environment.

SC for Ed continues to support educators as they advocate for themselves, their

profession, and their students.

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