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Surface Engineering

General Introduction ......................... 1125 Indium Plating ................................ 1147 Chemical Vapor Deposition and
Surface Cleaning ” ................................ 1126 Tin Plating ...................................... 1147 Related Processes........................ 1166
Cleaning Process Selection ............. 126 148 Physical Vapor Deposition................. 167
Alkaline Cleaning ........................... 127 148 Surface Engineering of Stainless Steels
Electrolytic Cleaning ....................... 129 Gold Plating.................................... 148 and Heat-Resistant Alloys ........... 170
Solvent Cleaning ............................. 129 Alloy Plating ......................... 149 Surface Engineering of
Emulsion Cleaning .......................... 131 Selective Plating.............................. 150 Stainless Steels 170
Molten Salt Bath Cleaning .............. 131 Electroforming................................. 150 Surface Engineering
Ultrasonic Cleaning ........................ 132 Nonelectrolytic Deposition Processes 151 Heat-Resistant A1 loys ............... 171
Acid Cleaning of Iron and Steel ...... 132 Electroless Nickel Plating ................ 151 Surface Engineering of Nonferrous
Pickling of Iron and Steel ................ 133 Electroless Copper Plating............... 152 Metals ......................................... 172
Abrasive Blast Cleaning- .................. 135 Mechanical Plating ......................... 153 Surface Engineering of Aluminum
Finishing Methods .............................. 1136 Dip, Barrier, and Chemical and Aluminum All 172
Classification of Finishing Methods. 1136 Conversion Coatings _ _ _ _ _ _ _____. _ __ ._ _ _ 1154 Surface Engineering of
Abrasive Finishing Methods ............ 1136 Hot-Dip Coating of Steels ............... 1154 Copper Alloys .......................... 174
E lectropol ish i ng 1138 Continuous Electrodeposited Surface Engineering of Magnesium
Mass Finishing ................................ 1138 Coatings for Steel Strip ............ 1156 Alloys ................................. 176
Shot Peening ................................... 1139 Babbitting ....................................... 1157 Surface Engineering of Nickel and
Electrodeposition Processes 1140 Phosphate Conversion Coatings 1157 Nickel Alloys ........................... 177
Copper Plating ................................ 1140 Chromate Conversion Coatings ....... 1158 Surface Engineering of Zinc Alloys 178
Industrial (Hard) Chromium Plating 1140 Painting ........................................... 1159 Surface Engineering of Titanium
Decorative Chromium Plating 1141 Rust-Preventative Compounds ........ 1160 and Titanium Alloys ................ 179
Nickel Plating ................................. 1143 Weld-Overlay Coatings ................... 1161 Surface Engineering of Zirconium
Iron Plating ..................................... 1144 Thermal Spray Coatings .................. 1162 and Hafnium ........................... 180
Cadmium Plating 1145 Porcelain Enameling 1163 Surface Engineering of Refractory
Zinc Plating .................................... 1146 Ceramic Coatings ............................ 1 164 Metals and Alloys .................... 180

This Section was condensed from Surface Engineering, Volume 5, ASM Handbook, 1994. Supplemental
information was also taken from Materials Selection a n d Design, Volume 20, ASM Handbook, 1997,
pages 470 to 490. Additional information can be found in the selected references cited at the end of
”General Introduction” and by consulting the index to this Handbook.

General Introduction
SURFACE ENGINEERING is a multidiscipli- coatings such as diffusion coatings and surface corrosion under the conditions of service to
nary activity intended to tailor the properties of hardening. The latter two coating processes are achieve that same component life. In many in-
the surfaces of engineering components so that described in the Section “Heat Treatment” in stances, it is either more economical or abso-
their function and serviceability can be improved. this Handbook. lutely necessary to select a material with the re-
Surface Engineering, Volume 5 , ASM Handbook Surface treatments are used in a variety of quired bulk properties and specifically engineer
defines surface engineering as “treatment of the ways to improve the material properties of the the surface to create the required interface with
surface and near-surface regions of a material to component. Coating mechanical properties, for the environment, rather than to find one material
allow the surface to perform functions that are example, hardness, strength, and toughness, can that has both the bulk and surface properties re-
distinct from those functions demanded from the improve the component wear, fatigue, and ero- quired to do the job. It is the purpose of this
bulk of the material.” Of concern to the design sion properties, respectively. Electrical properties Section to guide engineers and scientists in the
engineer is the availability of surface-specific in circuit design are dependent on the surface- selection and application of surface treatments
properties for the component that can provide: deposition processes. Similarly, environmental that address a wide range of requirements.
properties, such as resistance to aqueous corro-
0 Protection in a desired environment sion and high-temperature oxidation and sulfida-
Improved mechanical properties tion, can be improved by selective surface treat-
Electronic or electrical properties ments. Environmental Regulation
0 Desired appearance Although the surface normally cannot be made of Surface Engineering
totally independent from the bulk, the demands Environmental protection regulations are often
Of further concern to the designer is the avail- on surface and bulk properties are often quite related directly or indirectly to surface engineer-
ability of economical processes to produce the different. For example, in the case of a turbine ing processes. This is particularly applicable for
required properties. These processes include soli- blade for a high-performance jet engine, the bulk solvent cleaning procedures, cadmium and chro-
dification treatments such as hot dip coatings, of the material must have sufficient creep resis- mium electroplating, chromate conversion coat-
weld-overlay coatings, and thermal spray sur- tance and fatigue strength at the service tempera- ings, and organic coatings containing high
faces; deposition surface treatments such as elec- ture to provide an acceptably safe service life. amounts of volatile organic compounds (sol-
trodeposition, chemical vapor deposition, and The surface of the material, conversely, must vents). The chemicals used for such processes
physical vapor deposition; and heat treatment possess sufficient resistance to oxidation and hot may pose serious health and environmental haz-
1 126 / Surface Engineering

ards. For information about specific regulatory SELECTED REFERENCES 0 C.G. Munger, Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coat-
requirements, permitting conditions, and enforce- ings, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1985
ment issues, the reader is advised to seek assis- 0 S.M. Rossnagel, J.J. Cuomo, and W. Westwood, Ed., Hand-
0 Corrosion Protection Methods, Corrosion, Vol 13, ASM book of Plasma Processing Technology: Fundamentals.
tance from federal, state, and local regulatory Etching, Deposition, and Surface Interactions, Noyes Publi-
Handbook, ASM International, 1987
agencies; consulting engineering firms; and law 0 Design for Surface Finishing, Materials Selection and De- cations, 1990
offices. Another valuable source of information sign, Vol 20, ASM Handbook. ASM International, 1997, p 0 W.A. Safranek, The Properties of Electrodeposited Metals
can he found in the Section “Environmental Pro- 820-827 and Alloys: A Handbook, 2nd ed., American Electroplaters
tection Issues’’ published in Surface E n g i n e e r i n g , 0 L.J. Durney, Ed., Electroplating Engineering Handbook, and Surface Finishers Society, 1986
Volume 5 , ASM H a n d b o o k . Articles contained in 4th ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984 0 K.K. Shuegrat, Ed., Handbook of Thin Film Deposition Pro-
this Section describe various environmental stat- 0 Effects of Surface Treatments on Materials Performance, cesses and Techniques, Noyes Publications, 1988
utes affecting selection of surface engineering Materials Selection and Design, Vol 20, ASM Handbook, 0 K.H. Stem, Ed., Metallurgical and Ceramic Protective
ASM International, 1997, p 470-490 Coatings. Chapman and Hall, 1996
processes and review specific processes that can 0 J.D. Keane, Ed., Steel Structures Painting Manual, Steel 0 Surface Engineering, Vol5, ASM Handbook, ASM Interna-
be used to replace cadmium coatings, chromium Structures Painting Council, 1989 tional, 1994
coatings, and chromate conversion coatings, as 0 G.O. Mallory and J.B. Hajdu, Ed., Electroless Plating: Fun- 0 Surface Treatments and Coatings for Friction and Wear
well as alternatives to vapor degreasing and wipe damentals and Applications. American Electroplaters Soci- Control, Friction. Lubrication, and Wear Technology, Vol
solvent cleaners. ety, 1990 18, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1992

Surface Cleaning

and quenching and lubricating oils, can be effec- ‘Removal of Rust and Scale
Cleaning tively removed by several different cleaners. The seven basic methods used for removing
Table 1 lists cleaning methods frequently used
Process Selection for removing oils and greases.
rust and scale from ferrous mill products, forg-
ings, castings, and fabricated metal parts are:

IN SELECTING A METAL CLEANING PRO- 0 Abrasive blasting (dry or wet)

CESS, many factors must he considered, includ- Removal of Chips and 0 Tumbling (dry or wet)
ing (a) the nature of the soil to he removed, (b) Cutting Fluids from Steel Parts 0 Brushing
the substrate to be cleaned (i.e., ferrous, nonfer- Cutting and grinding fluids used for machining 0 Acid pickling
rous, etc.), (c) the importance of the condition can be classified into three groups: 0 Salt bath descaling
of the surface to the end use of the part, (d) the 0 Alkaline descaling
degree of cleanliness required, (e) the existing 0 Acid cleaning
capabilities of available facilities, (f) the environ- 0 Plain or sulfurized mineral and fatty oils (or
mental impact of the cleaning process, (8) cost combination of the two), chlorinated mineral
The most important considerations in selecting
considerations, (h) the total surface area to be oils, and sulfurized chlorinated mineral oils
one of the previous methods are:
cleaned, (i) effects of previous processes, (j)rust 0 Conventional or heavy-duty soluble oils with
inhibition requirements, (k) materials handling sulfur or other compounds added and soluble
grinding oils with wetting agents 0 Thickness of rust or scale
factors, and (I) surface requirements of suhse- 0 Composition of metal
quent operations, such as phosphate conversion 0 Chemical cutting fluids, which are water-solu-
0 Condition of metal (product form or heat treat-
coating, painting, or plating. ble and generally act as cleaners. They contain
Types of soil can he broadly classified into six soaps, amines, sodium salts of sulfonated fatty
alcohols, alkyl aromatic sodium salts of sulfo- 0 Allowable metal loss
groups: pigmented drawing compounds, unpig- 0 Surface finish tolerances
mented oil and grease, chips and cutting fluids, nates, or other types of soluble addition agents
0 Shape and size of workpieces
polishing and buffing compounds, rust and scale, 0 Production requirements
and miscellaneous surface contaminants, such as Usually, all three types of fluids are easily re- 0 Available equipment
lapping compounds and residue from magnetic moved, and the chips fall away during cleaning, 0 cost
particle inspection. unless the chips or part become magnetic. Plain 0 Freedom from hydrogen emhrittlement
boiling water is often suitable for removing these
soils, and in some plants, mild detergents are Combinations of two or more of the available
Removal of Pigmented added to the water to increase its effectiveness. processes are frequently used to advantage.
Drawing Compounds Steam is widely used for in-process cleaning, es-
All pigmented drawing lubricants are difficult pecially for large components. Table 1 indicates
to remove from metal parts. Consequently, many cleaning processes typically used for removing Removal of Residues from
plants review all aspects of press forming opera- cutting fluids to meet specific production require- Magnetic Particle and
tions to avoid the use of pigmented compounds. ments. Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
Table 1 indicates cleaning processes typically se- Successful removal of the iron oxide particles
lected for removing pigmented compounds from deposited on ferrous parts during magnetic parti-
drawn and stamped parts. Removal of Polishing cle inspection requires complete demagnetization
and Buffing Compounds of the part. After demagnetization, emulsion
Table 1 lists preferred and alternate methods cleaning is an effective and practical means of
Removal of Unpigmented for removing polishing and buffing compounds removing both the iron oxide residues and oil.
Oil and Grease from sheet metal parts. However, some modifica- Fluorescent pigments used for similar inspection
Common shop oils and greases, such as unpig- tion may be required for complete removal of all of aluminum parts can be removed with hot alka-
mented drawing lubricants, rust-preventive oils, classes of these soils. line cleaners.

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