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Aborigine- noun
one of the original or earliest known inhabitants of a country or region.

Ex. Another species of aborigine does not similarly thrive in the path of the rifle.

Access- noun
the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance:

Ex. Have you tried to access the research that your tax dollars finance, almost all of which is kept behind a paywall?

Accommodate – verb
to do a kindness or a favor to; oblige:

Ex. Oxygen levels will be decreased to accommodate fewer people.

Accurate - adjective
free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact.

Ex. I have it on good authority these quotes are 100 percent accurate, if not 100 percent verbatim.

Acquaint - verb (used with object)

to make more or less familiar, aware, or conversant (usually followed by with):

Ex. Before going to hear an artist sing, acquaint yourself as much as possible with the program.

Adhere - verb
to stay attached; stick fast; cleave; cling (usually followed by to)

Ex. The mud adhered to his shoes.

Aerobic - adjective
(of an organism or tissue) requiring the presence of air or free oxygen for life.

Ex, But the science reveals that aerobic training is the best form of exercise for weight loss.
Aesthetic - adjective
relating to the philosophy of aesthetics; concerned with notions such as the beautiful and the ugly.
Ex. For aesthetic reasons, ski resort operators try to limit the noise and infrastructure associated with producing

Afloat - adverb, adjective

floating or borne on the water; in a floating condition:

Ex. The ship was set afloat.

Alarmed – adjective
Feeling sense of danger

Ex. The public is alarmed to vacate the area anytime.

Altruism- noun
the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others (opposed to noun
the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others (opposed to egoism).

Ex. Of course, Ford was motivated more by self-interest than by altruism.

Ambiguous - adjective
open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal:

Ex. We can only speculate as to the intentions behind these ambiguous words.

Analytic - adjective
open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal:

Ex. We can only speculate as to the intentions behind these ambiguous words.

Antecedent - noun
a preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon, etc.
preceding; prior:

Ex. Little is known about his birth and antecedents.

Anxious - adjective
full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; solicitous:

Ex. He said Jay was anxious and wondering why it was taking so long for the police to arrive.

Archive - noun
a written or printed paper furnishing information or evidence, as a passport, deed, bill of sale, or bill of

Ex. The School archive was opened to get relevant evidences

Aristocrat – noun
a member of an aristocracy, especially a noble.

Ex. He was a lowly country lawyer and she a Kentucky aristocrat who had come to visit her older sister in Illinois.

Auditory - adjective
Anatomy, Physiology. pertaining to hearing, to the sense of hearing, or to the organs of hearing.

Ex. Readers who respond more readily to auditory than to visual or motor stimulus are therefore Poe's chosen

Authentic - adjective
not false or copied; genuine; real:

Ex. An authentic document of the Middle Ages; an authentic work of the old master.

Beneficiary - noun, plural ben·e·fi·ci·ar·ies.

a person or group that receives benefits, profits, or advantages.

Ex. In 2014, Facebook has become an avatar, promoter, and beneficiary of the social media-related bubble.

Benign - adjective
Pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous.
Characterized by good taste, comfort, ease, or luxury:

Bizarre - adjective
markedly unusual in appearance, style, or general character and often involving incongruous or unexpected
elements; outrageously or whimsically strange; odd:

Ex. The source added that the staffers “hated” the bizarre alleged practice.

Brother - oun, plural brothers, (Archaic) brethren.

a male offspring having both parents in common with another offspring; a male sibling.

Ex. The brother of a girl who made her debut in New Orleans society was shaking his fists in excitement.

Cache - noun
a hiding place, especially one in the ground, for ammunition, food, treasures, etc.:

Ex . She hid her jewelry in a little cache in the cellar.

Calm - adjective
without rough motion; still or nearly still:

Ex. The government continues to call for calm while warning people to be on their guard.

Campaign - noun
A systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose.

Ex. The U.S. campaign against ISIS leans on two pillars: conducting airstrikes, and beefing up local forces.

Cathartic - adjective
Of or relating to catharsis.
Also ca·thar·ti·cal. evacuating the bowels; purgative

Ex. It was a cathartic moment for the brand, though far from a guarantee to help restore it to its glory days.

Certain – adjective
Not having any dout about something

Ex. I’m fairly certain that I’ll be on time

Chaos – noun
A complete confusion and disorder.

Ex. The loss of electricity caused chaos throughout the city.

Characters- Noun
The way someone thinks feels and behaves.

Ex. Their family has a lot of character.

Charisma- noun
A personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for public figure.

Ex: The candidate was lacking of charisma.

A person whose job is to drive people around a car.

Ex: He chauffeurs for s millionaire.

Choir-A group of singers especially in a church.

Ex: I joined the choir for next year.

Using time as a measurement.

Ex. Her art is displayed in roughly chronological order.

Cloth – noun
Material that is made by waving together threads of cotton, wool, nylon and etc.

Ex. The dress is made out of beautiful silk cloth

Coherent – adjective
Logical and well organized easy to understand.

Ex. They are able to function as a coherent group.

Colloquial – adjective
Used when people in an informal way.

Ex. A colloquial essay on what makes a marriage successful.

Colonel – noun
An officer in high rank in an army, air force or marine.

Ex. He retires as a colonel in an air force.

Committee – noun
A group of people who are chosen to do a particular job or to make decisions about something.

Ex. We are waiting for recommendations from the advisory committee.

Commotion – noun
Noisy excitement and confusion.

Ex. There was a sudden commotion when the actress entered the restaurant.

Community – noun
A group of people who lives in the same area.

Ex. The festival was a great way for the local community to get together.

Comparison – noun
The act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different.

Ex. The comparison of monkeys to humans.

Competitive – adjective
Having a strong desire to win or be the best at something.

Ex. You need a degree to be competitive in todays job market.

Compromise – noun
Something that combines the qualities of two different things

Ex. To avoid an argument, always be ready to seek compromise.

conclusion – noun
The final decision or judgment and opinion or decision that is formed after a period of thoughts or research.

Ex. The logical conclusion is that she was negligent.

Conscientious – adjective
Very careful aboutdoing what you are supposed to do.

Ex. She was always been a conscientious worker.

Contribute – verb
To help to cause something to happen.

Ex. The volunteers contributed their time towards cleaning up the city.

coup d' etat – noun

A sadden attempt by a small group of people to take over the government usually through violence.
Ex. Amelitary coup d’etat of the Philippines was headed by Aquinos.

Critic- noun
One who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value.

Ex. The Judges are the final critic for all outputs.

Cruise –verve
To travel on a boat or ship to a number of places.

Ex. We cruise for a week down the Youngtze river

Cuff – noun
Something encircling the wrist.

Ex. The police put a plastic cuff on both hand of the man.

Curious – adjective
Having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone.

Ex. We’re curious about why you never called us.

Cyst – nown
A growth filled with liquid that forms in or on your body.

Ex. The surgeon took the patients cyst on his face.


Declaration – noun
The act of making an official statement about something.

Ex. The case was ended by declaration of a mistrial.

Denouement – noun
A final part of something such as a book a play or series of events.

Ex. In the place denouement the two lovers killed themselves.

Deus ex machina – noun

A character or thing that suddenly enters the story.

Dread – verb
to fear something that will or might happened .

Ex. He can’t swim and dreads going in the water.


Eccentric – adjective
Tendint to act in strange or unusual way.

Ex. He was a kinf but eccentric man.

Editorial- noun
A newspaper or magazine article that gives the opinions of the editors or publishers.

Ex. The paper publish an editorial strongly criticizing the mayors action.

Effort – noun
Work done by mind or body.

Ex. He puts a lot of effort on finishing the project on time.

Elaborate – adjective
Made or dome with great care or with much detail.

Ex. I seenoe the their behavior was part of an elaborate plan.

Epidemic- adjective.
Affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals with in a population.

Ex. The little girls giggle were epidemic and soon the entire gathering was already laughing.

Epilogue – noun
A final section or speech after the main part.

Ex. The book epilogue was torn and found missing.

Esprit de corps – noun

feeling of loyalty enthusiasm and devotion.

Ex. The troops shown great esprit de corps

Euphemism- noun
A mild or pleasant word or phrase.

Ex. Using “ eliminate” as a euphemism for “kill”

Exhibit – verb
T make a painting sculpture available for people to see.

Ex. He proudly exhibited his trophy.

Expedition – noun
A journey especially by a group of people.
Ex. A scientific expedition to Antarctica.

Expensive – adjective.
Costing a lot of money.
Ex. The lights were expensive to install.

Experience – npon
The process of doingand seeingthing and of having things happened to you.

Ex. The best way to learn is by experience.

Explicit – adjective
Very clear and complete

Ex. They are given explicit instruction .

Exposure – noun
The fact or condition of being affected by something or by experiencing something.

Ex. Children’s exposure to violence on television.

Finely done or made.

Exquisite – finely done or made.

Ex. A move executed with explicates precision.

extemporaneous – adjective
Made up or done without special preparation.

Ex. Caught by surprise , I have to make an extemporaneous speech


Factual – adjective
Limitted to envolving or based on facts.

Ex. The report filled with factual errors.

Famous – adjective
Known or recognize by very many .

Ex. Some truly famous southern style cooking.

Finite – adjective
Having a limited nature

Ex. The earths finite supply of natural resources.

Flashback – Verb
To focus ones mind on or vividly remember the past.

Ex. The Flashback of the party scenario.

Fluctuate - verb
to change continually; shift back and forth; vary irregularly:

Ex. Student newspapers tend to fluctuate between male and female editorships.

Focus - noun
a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity:

Ex. The need to prevent a nuclear war became the focus of all diplomatic efforts.

Foreign - adjective
of, relating to, or derived from another country or nation; not native:

Ex. Cambodia, with its seemingly free press, is also a haven for foreign journalists.

Foreshadow- verb
to show or indicate beforehand; prefigure:

Ex. A little occurrence, toward evening, however, seemed to foreshadow it.

Fragment - noun
a part broken off or detached:

Ex. It really is startling that not one fragment of an airplane that weighed 250 tons has yet turned up.

Frequency - noun
Also fre·quence. the state or fact of being frequent; frequent occurrence:

Ex. The Facility Officer demand s frequency status of cleaning .

Frequent - adjective
happening or occurring at short intervals

Ex. It shows what the experience of any frequent flyer already demonstrates.

Fuchsia- Noun
a plant belonging to the genus Fuchsia, of the evening primrose family, including many varieties cultivated
for their handsome drooping flowers.
Ex: The final dresses, in fuchsia with embroidery, appliqué, layering and all manner of technical wizardry were a
Cinderella dream.
Gesture- noun
a movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that is expressive of an idea, opinion, emotion,

Ex: I wanted to gesture at the sheer number of designers who were involved.

Habituate- verb.
to accustom (a person, the mind, etc.), as to a particular situation:

Ex: Wealth habituated him to luxury.

Heap- noun
a group of things placed, thrown, or lying one on another; pile:

Ex: A heap of stones.

Hover- verb
to hang fluttering or suspended in the air:

Ex: The helicopter hovered over the building.

Humanitarian- adjective
having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people.

Ex: The precious cargo: two American humanitarian workers with Ebola.

Humor- noun
a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement:

Ex: he humor of a situation.


Illuminate- verb
to supply or brighten with light; light up.

Ex: Reading them will illuminate your own life and make it better.
Immerse- verb.
to plunge into or place under a liquid; dip; sink.

Ex. She is totally immersed in her law practice

Immigration – noun
- The movement of non-native people into a country in order to settle there
- The part of a port, airport, etc where government employees examine the passports, visas, etc of
foreign nationals entering the country

Ex. As a man who helped people become fugitives to save their skins, his focus on immigration is rooted in a
personal life experience.

Incision - noun
a cut, gash, or notch.

Ex. That type of incision is rarely performed on large breasts, according to Levine.

Incriminate - verb
to accuse of or present proof of a crime or fault

Ex. Hernandez began to incriminate himself only after more than an hour of questioning.

Indict - verb
(of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against, as a means of bringing to trial.

Ex. The grand jury indicted him for murder.

Infectious - adjective
communicable by infection, as from one person to another or from one part of the body to another.

Ex. Any time there is a new outbreak of infectious disease, it can be alarming.

Ingenious - adjective
characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction.

Ex. We came up with an ingenious plan that would light a fire in the belly of the digital revolution.
Innovation - noun
something new or different introduced:

Ex. The result was a system not open to alternatives from the outside and with no internal incentives for

Insinuate - verb
to bring or introduce into a position or relation by indirect or artful methods:

Ex. To insinuate oneself into favor.

Interior - adjective
being within; inside of anything; internal; inner; further toward a center:

Ex. The interior video shows the gunman firing the shot through the window.

Intimate - adjective
associated in close personal relations:

Ex. An intimate friend.

Irrational - adjective
without the faculty of reason; deprived of reason.

Ex. To a certain degree, there is an irrational sense of betrayal.

Jovial - adjective
endowed with or characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of good-fellowship:

Ex. Scott was jovial and candid in his conversation.


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