Yoga 255

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Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

History of Yoga:

Yoga was introduced into America in the 1800’s. The concepts of connecting body, spirit
and mind come from is from Indian philosophers. Famous people such as Charlie Chaplin and
Greta Garbo attending yoga seminars in the 1930’s. They spread the word and got yoga a lot of
popularity. A major resource for yoga is the book Hatha Yoga: The Report of a Personal
Experience by Theos Bernard. Richard Hittleman is credited for bringing yoga to America in the
1950s because of his non-religious yoga, emphasizing physical benefits. Yoga’s popularity has
risen and in 2016, 90% of Americans have heard of yoga. And there are 36.7 million Americans
who practice it. Yoga focuses a lot on personal growth and connecting the mind, body and spirit.
There is however a section of yoga that is competitive. This changes the dynamic of yoga and
creates a sport out of it. The yoga is scored on a weighted scale of 60, each pose can be 10 points


Asana (Ah-SUN-ah)- term for any yoga posture or pose

Chakra (Ch-ah-KRA-ah)-describes the spiritual energies found in your body

Namaste (NAH-mah-stay)- is the greeting used to show respect and gratitude

Om (Uh-mmm)-used to connect the mind, body, and spirit

Pranayama (Prah-nuh-YAH-ma)- awareness of breath and the ability to control breaths

Vinyasa (Vin-nyaa-suh) characterized by stringing together poses into a flowing sequence

Ujjayi (ooh-JAI-YEE) involves breathing in and out of your nose with deep inhales and exhales

Drishti (dri-shti) a focused gaze meant to draw awareness, concentration, and intent to your yoga
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019


● Relax for 10 seconds at least after each yoga exercise.

● Avoid excessive intake of tea or coffee when you are practicing yoga

● Wear comfortable clothes for practicing yoga.

● First begin with easy poses and thereafter you can advance to the tough ones.

● Morning is the best time to prepare for yoga and it is always better to practice yoga where
there is abundant clean air.
● Don't do yoga twenty minutes before and after taking a shower as blood circulation could
speed up after taking a shower. It is better to take a cold shower after practicing.

Rationale: This unit is representing the three domains in a variety of different ways. One way
that the unit represents the three domains is by going in depth with the content to help students
grasp a better understanding of what is expected of them. It also teaches students to be patient
and listen when told what to do and how to do it, which is an example of demonstrating
responsible personal and social behavior. Lastly, this unit enhances various skills in Yoga for
students and allows them to practice and learn from mistakes. This is developmentally
appropriate because in order to learn you have to mess up/make mistakes and grow from it.
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

● At the end of a demonstration students will compare and contrast the difference
between the chair pose and twisted chair pose using all the important cues.
● At the end of class students will describe the correct cues for the chair pose and get
100% of them correct
● During a group activity students will identify the proper form for the bridge pose
using all of the cues
● During the lesson closure students will answer questions about the garland pose
getting ⅗ questions correct.
CONNECTION TO NYS AND NASPE: (S2.12.8)- Describes and applies mechanical
advantages for a variety of movement patterns.

● At the beginning of class students will be instructed by the teacher to follow directions
in at all times.
● At the beginning of the lesson, all students will be instructed to set up 21 mats in
staggered order.
● During the group activity students will be able to assess others performance by using a
● At the beginning of class students will partner up and describe the proper form to a
classmate while using the cues the teacher had on the board.
CONNECTION TO NYS AND NASPE: (S3.M9.7) - Describes and demonstrates the dif-
ference between dynamic and static stretches.

● The student will demonstrate downward facing dog with proper form for 5 to 10
● During the activity, students will demonstrate competency of the cobra pose by using 3
out of the 4 cues.
● During the activity, students will perform downward facing dog, cobra and child’s
pose, 3 times while using proper form.
● During the sun salutation, students will demonstrate downward facing dog, upward
facing dog, chaturanga, plank pose, standing forward bend, upward salute, prayer
pose and standing forward bend, 5 times to show proper understanding.
CONNECTION TO NYS AND NASPE: (S3.M5.7) - Participate in a variety of lifetime dual
and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities.
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Important Guidelines for Yoga

Before the Practice
● Śauca means cleanliness - an important prerequisite for Yogic practice. It includes
cleanliness of surroundings, body and mind.
● Yogic practice should be performed in a calm and quiet atmosphere with a relaxed body
and mind
● Yogic practice should be done on an empty stomach or light stomach. Consume small
amount of honey in lukewarm water if you feel weak.
● Bladder and bowels should be empty before starting Yogic practices.
● A mattress, Yoga mat, durrie or folded blanket should be used for the practice.
● Light and comfortable cotton clothes are preferred to facilitate easy movement of the
● Yoga should not be performed in-state of exhaustion, illness,in a hurry or in acute stress
● In case of chronic disease/ pain/ cardiac problems, a physician or a Yoga therapist should
be consulted prior to performing Yogic practices.
● Yoga experts should be consulted before doing Yogic practices during pregnancy and
During the Practice
● Practice sessions should start with a prayer or invocation as it creates a conducive
environment to relax the mind.
● Yogic practices shall be performed slowly, in a relaxed manner, with awareness of the
body and breath.
● Do not hold the breath unless it is specially mentioned to do so during the practice.
● Breathing should be always through the nostrils unless instructed otherwise.
● Do not hold body tightly, or jerk the body at any point of time.
● Perform the practices according to your own capacity.
● It takes some time to get good results, so persistent and regular practice is very essential.
● There are contra-indications/ limitations for each Yoga practice and such contra-
indications should always be kept in mind.
● Yoga session should end with meditation/ deep silence / Śhānti paṭha.

After Practice

● Bath may be taken only after 20-30 minutes of practice

● Food may be consumed only after 20-30 minutes of practice.
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Block Plan
Day 1 Day 2
Lesson One of Twelve: Introduction of Lesson Two of Twelve: Sitting poses
Instant Activity: Safety rules and guidelines
Instant Activity: On index cards, students for yoga
will match the yoga pose with the picture with
a partner. Lesson Focus: Basic sitting poses

Lesson Focus: How to properly breathe, and Term of the day: Sitting poses
how it can be effective
Activity Close/Lesson Closure: Answer any
Introduction of Yoga terms: Breathe, Inhale, questions about poses that students do not
Exhale understand how to perform

Activity Close/Lesson Closure: Answer any Assessments: Provide checklist to assess

questions on how breathing is used effectively students on demonstrating with proper cues

Assessments: Check for understanding, Keywords: Cow face pose, Easy pose, Fire
feedback from students verbally log pose, Head to knee bend pose

Keywords: Breathe: Take air into the lungs

and then expel it
Inhale: Taking in air into the lungs
Exhale: Taking air out of the lungs
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Day 3 Day 4
Lesson Three of Twelve: Standing poses Lesson Four of Twelve: Combination of
Sitting and Standing poses
Instant Activity: Get with a partner and work
on breathing techniques Instant Activity: On index cards, students
. will match the yoga pose with the picture of
Lesson Focus: Basic Standing poses the pose, as a competition, in groups.

Term of the day: Standing poses Lesson Focus: Transition between sitting and
standing positions
Activity Close/Lesson Closure: Exit slip –
write down your favorite pose and the cues Terms of the day: Standing and Sitting Poses
used for that pose
Activity Close/Lesson Closure: Quiz that
Assessments: Exit slip will assess the students ability to know the
cues for 5 of the poses used on Day 2, 3 and 4
Keywords: Downward Facing Dog, Mountain
pose, Full Forward Fold Assessments: Quiz
Keywords: Mountain Pose, Easy Pose, Cow
Face Pose
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Day 5 Day 6
Lesson Five of Twelve: Sun Salutations First Lesson Six of Twelve: Sun Salutations
Half Second Half

Instant Activity: To incorporate the affective Instant Activity: To work on the affective
domain we will do a partner activity. Students domain students will partner up and use a
will get creative and use their knowledge from checklist to assess a partner on the poses for
previous lessons to make up their own yoga the first half of the sun salutation. They will
sequence. They can use either standing poses, check yes or no to say if the student is using
seated poses, oro combine both types. the critical elements involved in the pose.

Yoga terms: prayer pose, upward salute, Yoga terms: sun salutation, upward facing
standing forward bend, plank pose and dog, downward facing dog, standing forward
chaturanga bend, prayer pose, sequencing, routine

Lesson Focus: Sun Salutations – teach half of Lesson Focus: Sun Salutations – teach the
the sun salutations.The poses will be the other half of the poses for the sun salutation,,
prayer pose, upward salute, standing forward the poses will be upward facing dog,
bend, plank pose and chaturanga downward facing dog, standing forward bend,
and end with prayer pose again.
Closure: Ask questions to make sure the
students understand each pose and their cues. Closure: Check for understanding of all of the
Ask questions related to the cues for each of Sun Salutation poses, review the order of the
the poses, and the order the poses should be poses, ask questions about the critical
in. elements and cues involved in each pose

Assessments: Checklist to see if they hit each Assessments: Checklist to see if they hit each
of the poses in the first half of the sun- of the poses in the second half of the sun
salutation salutation

Key Words: Heart rate, dynamic, prayer Key Words: critical elements, sun salutation,
pose, upward salute, standing forward bend, upward facing dog, downward facing dog,
plank pose and chaturanga standing forward bend, prayer pose,
sequencing, routine
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Day 7 Day 8
Lesson Seven of Twelve: Sun Salutation Lesson Eight of Twelve: Moon Salutation
Sequence First Half

Instant Activity: Students will play “model Instant Activity: Get with a partner and
and clay”, one partner will pick a pose and the practice meditation. Make sure students focus
other will try to mimic the pose. They will on remembering to breathe in through the
respect each other and take turns being the nose, hold it, and out through the mouth.
clay and the model.
Yoga terms: squat, donkey kicks, core,
Yoga terms: mimic, core, stability, balance, stability, meditation, breathing moon
chaturanga, prayer pose, upward salute, salutation, mountain pose, upward salute side
standing forward bend, plank pose, upward bend/half moon, goddess squat, star
facing dog, downward facing dog pose,extended triangle pose, pyramid pose,
low crescent lunge, low side lunge, garland
Lesson Focus: All of the Sun Salutation poses pose
will now be put in a yoga sequence. Start with
the prayer pose, upward salute, standing Lesson Focus: Moon Salutations – teach half
forward bend, plank pose, chaturanga, of the moon salutation poses, mountain pose,
upward facing dog, downward facing dog, upward salute side bend/half moon, goddess
standing forward bend, and end with prayer squat, star pose, extended triangle pose,
pose again pyramid pose, low crescent lunge, low side
lunge, and garland pose
Closure: Exit slip, on the sun salutation
poses. Closure: Ask questions about the Moon
Salutation poses and their cues to make sure
Assessments: Peer assessment checklist for the students understand. They will also reflect
the downward dog and upward dog on the lesson and write on an exit slip about
what parts of the routine they struggled with
Key Words: mimic, core, stability, balance, and enjoyed.

Assessments: use a rating system for the

goddess squat, star pose and pyramid pose

Key Words: squat, donkey kicks, core,

stability, meditation, breathing moon
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Day 9 Day 10
Lesson Nine of Twelve: Moon Salutation Lesson Ten of Twelve: Moon Salutation
Second Half Sequence

Instant Activity: grab a partner and work on Instant Activity: grab a partner and make up
moon salutation poses already taught a yoga sequence using the moon salutation
Lesson Focus: Moon Salutations – teach the
other half of the moon salutation poses. Lesson Focus: Combine all of the Moon
Salutation poses into a yoga sequence
Yoga terms: Soothe and calm your body,
engaging core muscles, improves respiration, Yoga terms: Breathe in, Breathe out, extend
strengthens the arms, aliens the spine arms

Activity close/ Lesson closure: Check for Activity close/ Lesson closure: Exit slip, on
understanding on the moon salutation as a all of the moon salutation poses.
whole. Make sure students know that the best
time to do these poses are right before Assessments: Rubric to see where the
bedtime for a good night's rest. students are at in the poses and to see what
kind of help that they are going to need in the
Assessments: Check-list to make sure that future.
students are in the proper form
Keywords: Bring arms out, tip body to each
Keywords: Core muscles, strengthens, side, bend knees, cooling, quiet, breathing,
respiration, mountain pose, bend to the sides, squat, extend out, belly down, bring arms up,
interlock fingers, step aside to goddess pose, sink into the hip, into a lunge
extend arms, to triangle pose, side pyramid
pose, sink hips into crescent lunge, to garland
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Day 11 Day 12
Lesson Eleven of Twelve: Peer teaching of Lesson Twelve of Twelve: Sun Salutations
Sun and combined sequence
Moon Salutations
Instant Activity: UNIT TEST – 25 multiple
Instant Activity: On index cards, students choice questions on the Sun Salutations,
will match the yoga pose with the picture of breathing techniques and safety.
the pose, as a competition, in groups.
Lesson Focus:Sun Salutations will be
Lesson Focus: Students will be broken up combined into one yoga sequence.
into groups and have to go around in stations
and practice the moon and sun salutations Yoga terms: Inhale, Exhale, energy,
hardiness, body control
Yoga terms: sun salutation, downward facing
dog, lunge Activity close/ Lesson closure: Ending the
unit as a whole, talk about the importance of
Activity close/ Lesson closure: Talk about breathing correctly and how yoga can be used
next class and the Unit Test. Check for outside of school as well.
understanding on all of the moon and sun
salutations. Assessments: rubric for when grading the
test, a rating scale when giving scores
Assessments: Study guide for students to take
home about the poses that they have been Keywords: knowledge, exercises, ask the
doing in class. children what they have learned during the
unit, ask what teachers should do for the next
Keywords: moon salutation, sun salutation, unit.
toes pointed, back straight, meditation, flow
with the movements, knowledge of the poses,
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Cognitive Assessment
#1: Exit Slip

Name_____________________ Score __________________

Cognitive assessment: Exit slip

Circle either True or False for each question

1. You hold downward facing for 5-10 seconds. True False

2. You should exhale before you inhale. True False

3. Balance is important for downward facing dog. True False

4. You do not have to breathe in order to rest your body to get into the pose. True False
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Cognitive Assessment
#2: Checking for Cues

Name: _______________________ Score ___________________

Match each set of cues with the correct skill:

1. List at least one cue for Downward Facing Dog.

2. List at least one cue for the Full Forward Fold.

3. List at least one cue for the Mountain Pose.

4. Give at least one cue for the Cobra Pose.

Psychomotor Assessment
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019


Pre-assessment Psychomotor Domain: if student met the criteria check yes/no, students must
have proper form and hold each pose for 5 seconds.


Prayer Pose

Salute Pose

Front Forward Fold



Upward Dog

Downward Dog

Forward Fold

Prayer Pose

Total Yes_____ Total No______

Psychomotor Assessment
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019


Pre-assessment Psychomotor Domain: if student met the criteria check yes/no, students must
have proper form and hold each pose for 5 seconds.

Moon Salutation Yes No

Standing Mountain Pose

Salute Pose

Goddess Squat

Star Pose

Triangle Pose

Pyramid Pose

Low Crescent Lunge

Low Side Lunge

Garland Pose

Low Side Lunge

Low Crescent Lunge

Pyramid Pose

Triangle Pose

Star Pose

Goddess Squat

Salute Pose

Standing Mountain Pose

Total Yes_____ Total No______

Affective Assessment
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Name: _________________________ Score: _____________________

Exit slip

Circle one answer for each question

1. How challenging were the poses that we did in class today?

Easy Medium Hard

2. Do you think breathing helps you focus while in a pose?

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

3. How do you feel about the cues?

Understandable Confusing Difficult

4. Do you like working on the poses with a partner?

Yes No

5. Did you think that meditation and working on breathing helped in the beginning of
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Affective Assessment
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Name: _________________________

Cooperation Rubric

Score Description
4 The student does each pose for the amount of time the teacher tells them
to and stays on task

3 The student engages in the poses but gets off task after doing it twice

2 The student does the pose only once after the teacher tells them to do it a
few times

1 The student is part of the group activity

Strategies, concepts, skills [with cues]:

Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

Students should know the cues for each of the poses that we went over in class with them.
Some strategies that students can use when learning yoga is to make sure that they are in a quiet
spot so that they can focus on breathing and not be distracted, roll the stress off their shoulders,
this will help when focusing on breathing and not having distractions. Twisting away tension in
your body because once tension is in one part of your body then it can spread around and then
the last thing to do to help is to rest and relax afterwards. Some concepts to know when learning
yoga is the names of the poses, and the cues that go along with the poses. Most of the concepts
for yoga have to do with different breathing methods and poses that have to do with yoga and

End of unit performance task:

At the end of the unit students should be able to perform both of the routines that they
were taught. They will be assessed based on a checklist. The checklist will assess if the poses
within each routine were hit with proper form and held for at least five seconds.
Aissatou Barry, Savanna Caso, Meagan Bonesteel EDU 255 Fall 2019

1. Competitive Yoga Is a Thing - the Extreme World Behind the Oxymoronic Sport. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
2. General Guidelines for Yoga Practice. (n.d.). Retrieved from
3. Line Tag. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4. Murphy, C. (2018, January 14). The History of Yoga in the US. Retrieved from
5. Murphy, C. (2018, January 14). The History of Yoga in the US. Retrieved from
6. The Yoga Dictionary: A Beginner's Breakdown of Yoga Vocabulary. (n.d.). Retrieved
7. Tran, P. (2015, April 12). How to Do a Moon Salutation in Yoga. Retrieved from
8. Yoga Poses : Some Important Rules. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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