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Luís Felipe Gomes Marinho et al.

Achieving effective
confinement through
utilization of non-Newtonian fluid mixture as stemming structure
Luís Felipe Gomes Marinho Abstract
Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG The economics of a mining operation is directly influenced by blasting outcomes,
João Monlevade - Minas Gerais - Brasil where blasting aims to comminute the rock mass in order to attain smaller grain sizes to be loaded and hauled at a minimum cost for its first processing stage. In order
to promote adequate rock breakage, the stemming structure needs to provide proper
Hiago Gonçalves Vasconcelos confinement for the borehole charged with explosives, reflecting the energy released
Bacharelando em Engenharia de Minas during the detonation in form of shock waves and gases to act throughout the in situ
Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG rock mass, enlarging its failures and fractures, and also creating new ones. To build
Faculdade de Engenharia up a stemming column, literature recommends the usage of dry granular materials
Assessor de Projetos – Metal Minas Consultoria Jr. instead of elements with plastic behavior. However, a study was performed using Gyp-
Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil sum plaster as stemming; a kind of material that exhibits solid-like behavior when it is dry. Following this theory, this test verified improvements regarding confinement ef-
fectiveness and energy propagation throughout the rock mass when a non-Newtonian
Braden Lusk mixture (NNM) was applied as stemming; a material that shows a solid-like behavior
Researcher, Professor of Mining Engineering and when is under shear stress. When the stemming arrangement was composed of NNM,
Director of Graduate Studies it was able to reduce energy and gas losses to the atmosphere, because of the liquid’s
University of Kentucky property of filling voids into the borehole. The NNM yielded high results due to its
College of Engineering - Mining Engineering better confinement effectiveness, a reduction of air overpressure, and an increase of the
Lexington, Kentucky - United States strain propagation and ground vibration throughout the rock.
Keywords: effective confinement, non-Newtonian mixture, stemming, strain propagation.
Giuliano Antonio Pizzatto Rapucci
Analista Operacional Sênior do VALE S.A, Mestre
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRS
Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil

1. Introduction

The blasting operation is consid- Over the years, mining engineers energy confinement within the hole on
ered one of the most important activities and blasting professionals have used drill top of the explosive charge. When stem-
in Mining due to its capability to make cuttings or coarse materials, such as gravel ming provides adequate confinement,
the fragmentation process considerably or crushed stone, for stemming columns. the resulting benefits include retention of
more economical. During past decades, In fact, since these materials are readily explosives gases within the borehole, gas
stemming, a simple and effective blasting available at the mine site, and, in general, pressure, and efficient rock breakage due
tool, has not received the attention and do not add significant cost to the blasting to maximum energy absorption (RAI et
investments it deserves. Stemming, as process. However, if the fragmentation al., 2008).
highlighted by Rai, Ranjan & Choud- process is analyzed in overall, the ap- Therefore, when stemming columns
hary (2008) "is an important controllable plication of these materials on stemming, are designed to promote maximum energy
parameter that greatly influences [...] the directly influences the confinement ef- confinement, they become able to improve
release of energy from the explosion." ficiency of blastholes and, therefore, the the utilization of blasting rock energy
Since stemming has a great role in blast- quality of rock blasting. instead of losing large amounts through
ing operations, almost on the same level ISEE Blasters' Handbook (2011) propelling rock to the atmosphere. Con-
of the explosives, it should be studied and cites that stemming is a column composed sequently, other aspects are positively
developed in equal proportion. of inert material and is used to promote modified, such as: cost reduction with less
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Achieving effective confinement through utilization of non-Newtonian fluid mixture as stemming structure

application of explosives and time saving The present article shows a study of Mixture (NNM) promoted better energy
with reduction of the secondary blasting; a new stemming application that improved confinement within the hole. The results
increasing the operational efficiency due important parameters considered crucial include improvements on parameters such
to fragment size adequacy for loaders and for promoting blasting optimization. Us- as strain distribution along the rock mass,
trucks specifications; reduction of obstruc- ing a mixture made with cornstarch and losses of energy by air overpressure, stem-
tions on the primary crusher causing bet- water as a stemming component, this ming ejection and audible airblast released
ter performance of the processing plant. test concluded that the non-Newtonian during the detonation.

2. Methodology

Five rounds of small-scale tests were provided by a non-Newtonian mixture that does not conform to Newton’s law of
conducted at the University of Kentucky used as a stemming component. In addi- viscosity, in that viscosity for these fluids
Explosives Research Team’s (UKERT) tion, the relationship between the material is a function of shear rate (MASSOUD,
laboratory located in an underground employed in the stemming column was 2005). The fluid behaves as a solid when
limestone quarry in Georgetown, Ken- compared to the rock’s absorption of en- a shear stress is applied to it. Therefore,
tucky. The purpose of this testing was ergy provided by the detonation. its viscosity increases as much as the shear
to verify the confinement effectiveness A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid stress applied increases.

2.1 Stemming configurations

Between May 22, 2015 and June performed. The tests were divided into configurations, which are schematically
29, 2015, a battery of 23 tests were five rounds of six different stemming represented in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Boreholes layout.

C1: All NNM (coupling and stem- C5: Sand coupling and the NNM energy into the surrounding rock mass
ming); (non-Newtonian mixture) stemming (a when compared to a fully coupled charge
C2: The NNM coupling and moist half-inch (12.7mm) thick rubber plug using materials such as sand, gravel or
sand stemming. A fifth round with three was used to separate the dry sand from water. Given this knowledge, it can be
shots in this configuration was exclusively the fluid); assumed that the overall energy parti-
carried out on June 29, 2015, in order to C6: No material used for coupling tions will be skewed based on the type
compare its results with the others previ- or stemming (open borehole); of coupling material.
ously obtained in Rounds #1 to #4; The testing of different coupling/ The stemming size, as it is known
C3: All sand (coupling and stemming); stemming combinations allowed com- according to the general rule of thumb,
C4: Air coupling and sand stem- parison of parameters, such as the energy should be no greater than 1/8 of the
ming (a rubber plug was placed above the propagation throughout the rock and hole diameter, and the stemming height
charge and the remainder of the hole was the borehole confinement. For example, should be at least 24 times that of the
stemmed using dry sand); an air coupled charge will transfer less hole diameter.

2.2 Borehole
One single hole was drilled in equipment was moved to half of the was used to remove any drill cut-
the floor of the test area at a distance central point distance toward the tings, and then again after the test to
of 10.4 feet (3.17m) from a central borehole (5.2 feet or 1.58m). The hole remove any fine material created by
point. This point would later serve was drilled in laboratory scale using a the blast. After each shot, the hole
as the geophone and seismograph hammer drill with a 7/8 inch (0.022m) was re-drilled in order to guarantee
mounting location during Round #1 bit to a depth of approximately 30 a uniform depth of approximately 30
of testing. From Round #2 on, the inches (0.762m). Compressed air inches (0.762m).

2.3 Charges
Round #1 was conducted on May clusively to calibrate the equipment, set When movement and breakage are
22, 2015, using 18 inches (0.46m) of 25 up the explosives charge, and guarantee eliminated and the hole has just one de-
grain per foot detonating cord (yielding elimination of movement and breakage gree of freedom, the explosive’s energy is
0.0054 lbs. (0.0024kg) of explosives) ex- from the rock mass. transferred to the rock through ground
78 REM: Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 70(1), 77-83, jan. mar. | 2017
Luís Felipe Gomes Marinho et al.

vibration. Airblast, stemming ejection the explosive weight used in Round #1 give more stemming depth, increase
and heat are all uses of the explosive (50 grain per foot detonating cord), charge weight, and increase the stem-
energy or results of the blast. with the exception of using 16 inches ming height. This time, the detonating
For the other four rounds, the (0.41m) of detonating cord folded charge yielded 0.0095 lbs. (0.0043kg)
test procedure was modified to double into four inch (0.10m) sections to of explosives.

2.4 Non-Newtonian fluid mixture preparation

T he non-New tonian mix ture material used to make this mixture is very reached a true solid-like behavior, when
(NNM) ingredient was selected to be tested inexpensive and easy to find. Third, this after applying a shear stress to the mix-
due to three main reasons: first, because the ingredient is largely employed in mining ture, it behaves like a solid. The NNM
mixture created using this material has ad- for the flotation process of some ores, such needs to be mixed before hole charging
equate physical properties that are able to as iron, and therefore is readily available. in order to have a uniform concentration
hold high levels of shear stress. Second, the The NNM was prepared until it and viscosity.

2.5 Instrumentation
To accurately capture as many tion during the blasting events. velocities, and vibrations are listed in
variables as possible, a wide array of The instrumentation used to the Table 1.
sensors were deployed for data collec- measure the various blast pressures,

Serial Distance from Hole

Instrument Channel Purpose
Number ft. (m)

PCB Piezotronics
9870 1 2 (0.61) Measure pressure
Pencil Pressure Sensor

PCB Piezotronics
9871 2 4 (1.22) Measure pressure
Pencil Pressure Sensor

PCB Piezotronics 4 (1.22) -

5878 3 Measure pressure
Pencil Pressure Sensor (above hole)

PCB Piezotronics 6 (1.83) -

5877 4 Measure pressure
Pencil Pressure Sensor (above hole)

PCB Piezotronics
3865 5 2 (0.61) Measure strain
Strain Sensor

PCB Piezotronics
3867 6 3 (0.91) Measure strain
Strain Sensor

White Mini-Seis Measure vibration

Table 1 Seismograph
5595 - 5.2 (1.58)
& sound

The free-field pressure sensors at distances of 4 and 6 feet (1.22 and shown in the Figure 2 below.
were mounted co-linearly on a frame 1.83m) high from the borehole collar as

Figure 2
Typical Pressure Sensors set up on high.
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Achieving effective confinement through utilization of non-Newtonian fluid mixture as stemming structure

The pencil pressure sensors were set up on the hole at a 45-degree angle as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Typical Pencil Pressure Sensor Array.

The frame was positioned at a 45 captured by the sensors at this inclination. the rock floor was cleaned using acetone
degree angle to the borehole based on Strain sensors were placed transverse at the locations for the strain sensors, and
the assumption that the air overpressure to the orientation of the force of the ex- these were attached to the rock using a
shell would expand hemispherically, as is plosion as it propagates through the rock specific super glue brand recommended
commonly witnessed in explosive charges in order to measure the expansion of the by the sensor manufacturer, as shown in
detonated at ground level, and then be rock due to blast pressure. The surface of the Figure 4 below.

Figure 4
Typical Strain Sensor Set Up.

The seismograph was used for vibra- array was connected to the rock via a steel
tion measurements. The hole geophone plate, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5
Typical Geophone and Seismograph Array.

T he seismog raph was posi- Round #1, when the instrumentation was closer to the borehole.
tioned at the center of the test area, being calibrated. From Round #2 on, this A high-speed camera, as shown in
10.4 feet (3.17m) from the borehole for equipment was moved 5.2 feet (1.58m) Figure 6, was used to record each blast.

Figure 6
High-Speed Camera Set Up.
80 REM: Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 70(1), 77-83, jan. mar. | 2017
Luís Felipe Gomes Marinho et al.

3. Procedure

i) The instruments of measurement rule of thumb specified in the Stemming re-drilled and cleaned out after each shot
(high-speed camera, sensors, seismograph, Assays section. In each shot a different to prepare for the next test.
laptop…) and the illumination were set as coupling and stemming combination was The tests were performed again fol-
described in the Instrumentation section. tested, which means that for each round, lowing the abovementioned steps until six
The hole was charged using detonat- five different shots were carried out. stemming combinations (totaling a round
ing cord and blasting caps. The explosive iv) Following the standard detona- of test) were tested. A fifth round of three
was placed at the bottom of the hole. tion procedure, the blaster shot the hole, shots [of the NNM coupling and sand
ii) The hole was charged by the while an auxiliary worker triggered the stemming] was carried out on June 29th,
blaster that used explosives, specified in high-speed camera through wireless re- 2015, in order to compare its results with
the Charges section. mote control. After the detonation, the the others previously obtained in Rounds
iii) After the hole was charged, the blaster checked the test area and finally #1 to #4. At the end of each round, the
coupling and stemming material were checked if the equipment recorded the data equipment was stored, except for rounds
placed into the hole, following the general and the images. Meanwhile, the hole was 3 and 4, which were done on the same day.

4. Results

From Round #1 conducted on May were applied. The subsequent rounds and charge weight. Table 2 contains the
22, 2015, five shots were carried out. were performed using double charge average results calculated from 18 shots
For shots 1, 2, 3 and 4, the stemming explosives (16 inches (0.41m) of 50 grain performed in Rounds #2 to #5. The re-
columns were blown out from the hole, per foot detonating cord) folded into four sults are classified according to the type
and in shot 5, no stemming and coupling inch sections to increase stemming length of coupling and stemming material tested.

Table 2. Average assays

Explosive charge 50 gr/ft. - 16" (4.3g) Pressure (Pa) Strain (µε) Seismograph Data (1.58m)

CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 CH 5 CH 6
Acoustic Radial Vert. Transv.
Shots Code Coupling Stemming
(Pa) (mm/s) (mm/s) (mm/s)
0.61m 1.22m 1.22m 1.83m 0.61m 0.91m

9, 14, 17 C1 NNM NNM 1937 2172 2468 2751 54.25 10.75 63 0.203 1.194 0.330

21, 22, 23 C2 NNM Sand 531 876 531 524 43.69 19.36 * * * *

8, 11, 16 C3 Sand Sand 3944 4613 15954 10901 16.13 2.41 86 0.076 0.076 0.076

7, 13, 20 C4 Air Sand 5288 3282 15065 8860 14.16 2.14 233 0.051 0.178 0.178

6, 12, 19 C5 Sand NNM 6129 3358 11976 7784 12.88 2.88 186 0.127 0.178 0.076

10, 15, 18 C6 Air Air 20257 8350 18209 9363 8.72 1.54 399 0.178 0.330 0.178

Round #2 was conducted on May tured by channels 1, 2, 3 and 4), it can on June 1, 2015. As before in Round
27, 2015. Through the image analysis be inferred that the hole with all NNM #1, through the image analysis taken by
taken by the high-speed camera, it was (arrangement C1) had the lowest values, high-speed camera, it was observed that
observed that the stemming structures while the shot with sand stemming and air the stemming structures were blown
were blown out from the borehole in all coupled (arrangement C4) had the highest out from the borehole in all shots. In
shots, and shots 8 and 9 (configurations air overpressure values (excluding the non- shots 14 and 17 (arrangement C1), lower
C3 and C1, respectively) had quieter au- stemmed hole). Moreover, when the strain noise was observed from the detonation
dible airblasts. distributed to the rock was analyzed, the than from shots 12 and 19 (arrange-
When the explosions have low air NNM, applied in arrangements C1 and ment C5). In the laboratory analysis it
overpressures, it means that the stemming C2, was the material with the highest was observed through the seismograph
structure held the shockwave and the gas- values for channels 5 and 6, which means analysis that shots 14 and 17 had the
es within the borehole, allowing for more that the borehole was better confined with lowest air overpressures.
energy to be transmitted into the borehole this mixture, distributing more energy and On shot 17 of Round #3, when the
wall and thus, the surrounding rock. vibration around the rock mass rather NNM was used for coupling and stem-
Also, when air overpressure was than letting it escape to the atmosphere. ming, it was observed that the stemming
compared between those shots (cap- Rounds #3 and #4 were conducted blew out of the hole and also some crack-
REM: Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 70(1), 77-83, jan. mar. | 2017 81
Achieving effective confinement through utilization of non-Newtonian fluid mixture as stemming structure

ing at the borehole collar occurred. Collar blasthole very well. configuration (C3), the average of results
damage is indicative of stemming failure; Analyzing channels 1 to 4, it can is 2.71 times higher in channel 5 and 8.03
however this damage was expected, due be concluded that the C1 and C2 ar- times higher in channel 6.
to the existence of a bedding plane at the rangements (NNM/NNM and NNM/ In terms of acoustic analysis, the
borehole’s collar prior to several blasts. sand for coupling/stemming) had the NNM/NNM configuration (C1) had the
Round #5 was conducted on June two lowest air blasting and overpressure best performance in all the average tests,
29, 2015. Through the images taken by values compared to those obtained from 84.11% lower air overpressure than the
the high-speed camera, it was observed, the other configurations. highest-pressure test (open borehole) and
however, that the stemming structures Regarding strain measurements 26.4% lower air overpressure than sand
had minimal movement. Additionally, a (taken by channels 5 and 6), both ar- stemmed and coupled (C3).
preliminary analysis of the audible airblast rangements (C1 and C2) were the ones The absence of acoustic, radial,
concluded that the lowest noise was heard with the highest values compared to all vertical and transversal values from the
from all the rounds. This low audible air- the other arrangements. Comparing the seismograph for the NNM/sand con-
blast made the blaster think, instinctively, first one to configuration C3 (sand/sand), figuration is explained by the fact that
that a misfire had happened. However, he the average of these results are 3.36 times the strain transmitted through ground
concluded that, in fact that explosive had higher in channel 5 and 4.46 times higher vibration in the explosion was lower than
detonated and the quieter noise heard was in channel 6. When the second one (con- the seismograph set range of 2.5x10-2 in.s-1
because the stemming structure held the figuration C2) is compared to sand/sand (6.4x10-1 mm.s-1).

5. Conclusion and future works

From the results and data collected, more confinement to the borehole and is plication provides higher strain propa-
the non-Newtonian mixture presented the capable of holding the gas pressure and gation through the rock, it also would
best option in terms of confinement per- shock wave to act throughout the rock allow the reduction of explosive charges
formance in two different arrangements: mass and direct more ground vibration per hole, giving blasters higher control
the non-Newtonian mixture coupling and in larger distances. The mixture can also in energy distribution. It could be an
stemming (C1), and non-Newtonian mix- be considered the best coupling material advantage in mines where fragmenta-
ture coupling and sand stemming (C2). due to a better shock reflective effect over tion needs to be avoided – dimension
Both presented the two lowest air larger distances. stone quarrying, for instance.
overpressure measurements and highest Since the NNM was able to reduce For future studies, it is recom-
strain values. In other words, the stem- considerably the air overpressure created mended to perform tests in real scale
ming column reduced the energy loss to by the explosion, this product could be (mining operations) and apply different
the atmosphere due to the better con- highly recommended for surface mines types of explosives, such as ANFO,
finement given to the explosive charge, located near urbanized regions, consider- emulsions, and dynamite. Also, it is
and consequently, this energy was better ing the large number of complaints from recommended to verify the effective-
transferred to the surrounding rock mass. mine neighbors due to the loud noises ness of this material applied to blast
In addition, the audible airblasts emitted created by blasting operations. operations where fragmentation is
by the detonation of both configurations When considering the maximizing occurring. Additionally, it is recom-
were noticeably lower in intensity. of blasthole confinement, it could allow mended to test this material as a delay
Considering the energy propagation, the explosive charge to be increased, per- deck column in order to apply more
the NNM allowed a maximization of mitting the length of burden and spacing explosives into only one borehole. Fi-
energy transmission to the rock, and at to be increased as well, and consequently nally, it has been proven that a deeper
the same time reduced the loss of energy reduce the number of drilled holes and study of the configurations of sand and
to the atmosphere through air overpres- minimize drilling costs (CEVIZCI, 2013). the NNM switched between coupling
sure, which affirms that this mixture gives In addition, as the mixture ap- and stemming was necessary.


The authors thank Capes and CNPq for the given opportunity and the financial support, and the University of Kentucky for hosting
the research. Additionally, the University of the State of Minas Gerais (UEMG) for providing the Brazilian students a high quality education.


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