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NRC 2466

Presentado por:

Erika Useche

ID 603739


Oscar Javier Jiménez




“Public transport should be free”

Why should transport be free?

In my opinion, it would be a good idea for transportation was free.

Since the benefits are course, it would ease the financial burden on low-income people who spend
a significant portion of their income on bus fares.

And it promotes a more environmental and sustainable form of transport than the private car.

Since the benefits are clear, it would ease the financial burden on low-income people who spend a
significant portion of their income on bus fares.

And it promotes a more environmental and sustainable form of transport than the private car.

Providing unconditional access to public transport can directly address the problem of social
exclusion, inequality and quality in transport. Increasing accessibility for low-income passengers
means creating a fairer transport system

Transport, such as water, health, energy or education, cannot be a business, its objective should
not be to maximize profits but to maximize the well-being of society. It is a common right that we
also pay with our taxes.

Because discussing public transport also means talking about a whole model of coexistence.

A society that lives better and without fear of tomorrow is a healthier, more innovative and more
intelligent society, and therefore one that has a greater projection for the future.

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