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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
A. identify the theme of the story entitled “Bantugan” through story telling;
B. appreciate the theme of the story; and
C. create a story map effectively.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Content/Topic: The Story of Bantugan
B. Skills: Listening
C. Reference: English – Grade 6 Developing Reading and Language Skills, pp. 231-
D. Materials: Laptop, Projector, Envelope, Bond paper, Pencil, Illustration board,
E. Value Focus: Self-sacrifice

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

“Good morning Class” “Good morning Teacher Anne”

“Let us pray first, Krizel lead the (Krizel will lead the prayer)

“Who are absent today?” “No one, Teacher”

“Very good!”

“Before you take your seat, kindly

check if there are pieces of paper
under your chair, pick it up and
arrange your seats properly”

B. Motivation
I have here three different pictures: (The students will look closely to the



Motivational Questions:
1. Who are these characters? “Teachers those are superhero”
2. What are the similarities “They have superpower and they help
between these characters? to save the earth”
3. What makes these characters’ “They become superhero because of
heroes? their supernatural power”
(Pick 3 Students to answer)

“Very good class, all of your answer

are correct. Those pictures are
superhero that poses a supernatural
power. Because of the supernatural
power that they pose they became
hero they use their power in fighting
the villain.”
C. Vocabularies
Before moving on to our topic, let us
first unlock the difficult words that are
present in the selection.

The letters of the words below are

jumbled. Use the meaning clues to
figure out what the words is and write
it on the blank line provided.
1. lledappa - ___________
2. ralutnaerpus - __________ 1. appalled
3. nedteislg - ___________ 2. supernatural
4. redewempo - _________ 3. glistened
5. ldiehs - ____________ 4. empowered
5. shield
“Very good, class!”

D. Lesson Proper 1. Filled with dismay or horror

The teacher will read the story out 2. Outside the natural or known
forces of nature
loud to the students. Throughout the
3. Sparkled, as with reflected
course of the reading, the teacher will light.
stop and ask questions such as: 4. Authorized
5. A piece of defensive armor
- What is this character like?

- What do you think will happen


- Why did the Sultan consult the

elder in the village if he can give
the princess away in marriage? - He is a good son, he obeyed his
father despite the risks that he
Once the story is finished, the teacher knew he would face.
will introduce the concept of the moral
- He will face many obstacles along
or the lesson of the story by asking
the way before he can reach the
students the following question: kingdom of the princess.
- What did you learn from listening - Because they believed that the
to the story? elders know what is the best for
the young ones.
E. Synthesis
If you were “Bantugan” would you do
the same not to use your power in
battle against the enemy? Explain your

- I learned the importance of

following the elders and the love
for others.

F. Interactive Activity
“Did you understand the story” - Yes, because it saved the lives of
“Very good!” the people that he loved. If he
“Now, I will group you into 3 group used he’s power, he may have lost
by rows.” control of it and create damage
“I have here an envelope. Inside the and harm to the people in his
envelope are materials that you are kingdom.
going to use to create a story map. I
will give you 10 minutes to finish the - No, I will use the power that I
activity.” possess to defeat the enemy.
“After ten minutes’ group leaders will
post your work in the board and I will
be checking your story map, “Yes, Teacher!”
understood class”
“Okay 1 to 3 group leaders get your
envelope here in front. And you may
start immediately.”
(Teacher checks the work of the
students after ten minutes)

“Yes, Teacher!”

(The group will start to make their

story map)

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: In ½ sheets of paper. Identify the characteristics of the natives that could
be mirrored in the following events in the story justify your answer.
1. The attitude of Bantugan’s son when he obeyed his father despite the risks that he
knew he would face.
2. The determination of Bantugan’s warriors when they vowed to carry the fight
until the end.

V. Assignment:
Answer the following question:
Myths are believed to be a mirror of the people’s way of life. What Filipino customs
and traditions are reflected in the following events in the story.
1. When Bantugan sent his own son, Balatama, to ask for the princess hand in
2. When the Sultan consulted the elder folks in the village whether or not he would
give the prince away in marriage
3. When the Sultan learned that his father and Bantuga’s father had pledge the
marriage of their children or their children’s children

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