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G.R. No.

165448               July 27, 2009 On 23 July 1993, Forest Rangers Ramil Windo, Moises
Sobrepeña, Daniel Salamo, Pablo Guinawan, Antonio
ERNESTO AQUINO, Petitioner, Abellera, and Forester Paul Apilis received information that
vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. pine trees were being cut at Teachers’ Camp without proper
authority. They proceeded to the site where they found Ernesto
DECISION Aquino (petitioner), a forest ranger from CENRO, and Cuteng
supervising the cutting of the trees. They also found sawyers
Benedicto Santiago (Santiago) and Mike Masing (Masing) on
CARPIO, J.: the site, together with Clemente Salinas (Salinas) and Andrew
Nacatab (Nacatab), who were also supervising the cutting of
The Case the trees. The forest rangers found 23 tree stumps, out of
which only 12 were covered by the permit. The volume of the
Before the Court is a petition for review1 assailing the 5 June trees cut with permit was 13.58 cubic meters while the volume
1997 Decision2 and 24 September 2004 Resolution3 of the of the trees cut without permit was 16.55 cubic meters. The
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 17534. market value of the trees cut without permit was ₱182,447.20,
and the forest charges were ₱11,833.25.
The Antecedent Facts
An Information for violation of Section 68 of Presidential
On behalf of Teachers’ Camp, Sergio Guzman filed with the Decree No. 7055 (PD 705) was filed against petitioner,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Cuteng, Nacatab, Masing, and Santiago, as follows:
an application to cut down 14 dead Benguet pine trees within
the Teachers’ Camp in Baguio City. The trees, which had a That on or about the 23rd day of July, 1993, and subsequent
total volume of 13.37 cubic meters, were to be used for the thereto, in the City of Baguio, Philippines, and within the
repairs of Teachers’ Camp. jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused, conspiring, confederating and mutually aiding one
On 19 May 1993, before the issuance of the permit, a team another, and without any authority, license or permit, did then
composed of members from the Community Environment and and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously cut nine (9)
Natural Resources Office (CENRO) and Michael Cuteng pine trees with a total volume and market price as ₱182,447.20
(Cuteng), a forest ranger of the Forest Section of the Office of (Volume 16.55 M3 424 bd. ft./M3 and unit price – ₱26.00 bd.
the City Architect and Parks Superintendent of Baguio City, ft.) and with a total forest charge of ₱11,833.25 or having a
conducted an inspection of the trees to be cut. total sum of ₱194,280.45 at Teachers Camp, Baguio City,
without the legal documents as required under existing forest
laws and regulations, particularly the Department of
Thereafter, Sabado T. Batcagan, Executive Director of the
Environment and Natural Resources Circular No. 05, Series of
DENR, issued a permit allowing the cutting of 14 trees under
1989, in violation of the aforecited law.6lawphil
the following terms and conditions:

Masing alleged that he was not aware of the limitations on the

2. That the cut timber shall be utilized as lumber and fuel-
permit as he was not given a copy of the permit. Masing stated
wood by the permittee;
that he cut 10 pine trees under the supervision of petitioner
who claimed to be in possession of the necessary permit. He
3. As replacement, the permittee shall plant one hundred forty stated that three of the trees were stumps about four or five
(140) pine seedlings in an appropriate place within the area. In feet high and were not fit for lumber. He stated that while he
the absence of plantable area in the property, the same is was cutting trees, petitioner and Salinas were present.
required to plant within forest area duly designated by
CENRO concerned which shall be properly maintained and
Santiago testified that he cut trees under petitioner’s
protected to ensure/enhance growth and development of the
supervision. He stated that petitioner was in possession of the
planted seedlings;
permit. He stated that he cut 10 trees, six of which were cut
into lumber while two were stumps and two were rotten.
4. Violation of any of the conditions set hereof is punishable
under Section 68 of PD 705 as amended by E.O. No. 277,
Salinas testified that Masing and Santiago were merely hired
Series of 1987; and
as sawyers and they merely followed petitioner’s instructions.
5. That non-compliance with any of the above conditions or
Cuteng testified that he was part of the team that inspected the
violations of forestry laws and regulations shall render this
trees to be cut before the permit was issued. He stated that the
permit null and void without prejudice to the imposition of
trees cut by Santiago were covered by the permit.
penalties in accordance with existing laws and regulations.

Nacatab testified that he only went to Teachers’ Camp on 13

This PERMIT is non-transferable and shall expire ten (10)

July 1993 and he saw Santiago and Masing cutting down the
days from issuance hereof or as soon as the herein authorized

trees in petitioner’s presence.

volume is exhausted whichever comes first.4
Petitioner alleged that he was sent to supervise the cutting of sentenced to suffer the indeterminate penalty of six (6) years
trees at Teachers’ Camp. He allegedly informed his superior, and one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum, to fourteen (14)
Paul Apilis, that he was not aware of the trees covered by the years, eight (8) months, and one (1) day of reclusion temporal,
permit. However, he still supervised the cutting of trees as maximum. The award of damages is deleted. No costs.
without procuring a copy of the vicinity map used in the
inspection of the trees to be cut. He claimed that he could not SO ORDERED.9
prevent the overcutting of trees because he was just alone
while Cuteng and Santiago were accompanied by three other The Court of Appeals ruled that as a forest guard or ranger of
men. the CENRO, DENR, petitioner had the duty to supervise the
cutting of trees and to ensure that the sawyers complied with
The Decision of the Trial Court the terms of the permit which only he possessed. The Court of
Appeals ruled that while it was Teachers’ Camp which hired
In its 26 May 1994 Decision,7 the Regional Trial Court of the sawyers, petitioner had control over their acts. The Court
Baguio City, Branch 5 (trial court), ruled as follows: of Appeals rejected petitioner’s claim that he was restrained
from taking a bolder action by his fear of Santiago because
WHEREFORE, the Court finds and declares the accused petitioner could have informed his superiors but he did not do
ERNESTO AQUINO y ESTIPULAR, MICHAEL CUTENG y so. The Court of Appeals further rejected petitioner’s
LESCAO and BENEDICTO SANTIAGO y DOCLES guilty contention that the law contemplated cutting of trees without
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged and hereby permit, while in this case there was a permit for cutting down
sentences EACH of them to suffer an indeterminate penalty of the trees. The Court of Appeals ruled that the trees which were
SIX (6) YEARS of prision correccional, as minimum, to cut by the sawyers were not covered by the permit.
TWENTY (20) YEARS of reclusion temporal, as maximum;
to indemnify, jointly and severally, the Government in the The Court of Appeals ruled that conspiracy was not
amounts of ₱182,477.20 and ₱11,833.25, representing the sufficiently proven. As such, the Court of Appeals found that
market value of and forest charges on the Benguet pine trees the prosecution failed to prove Cuteng’s guilt beyond
cut without permit; and to pay their proportionate shares in the reasonable doubt. The Court of Appeals likewise acquitted
costs. Santiago because he was only following orders as to which
trees to cut and he did not have a copy of the permit.
The chainsaw confiscated from the accused Santiago is hereby
declared forfeited in favor of the Government. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration. In its 24
September 2004 Resolution, the Court of Appeals denied the
On the other hand, the accused ANDREW NACATAB y motion for lack of merit.
DODOY and MIKE MASING y GANAS are acquitted on
reasonable doubt, with costs de oficio, and the cash bonds they Hence, the petition before this Court.
deposited for their provisional liberty in the amount of
₱7,500.00 each under O.R. Nos. 139605 and 139646, dated The Issue
February 4, 1996 and February 23, 1994, respectively, are
ordered released to them upon proper receipt therefor. The only issue in this case is whether petitioner is guilty
beyond reasonable doubt of violation of Section 68 of PD 705.
The Ruling of this Court
The trial court ruled that the trees cut exceeded the allowed
number of the trees authorized to be cut. The trial court further The petition has merit.
ruled that the cutting of trees went beyond the period stated in
the permit.
The Solicitor General alleges that the petition should be
denied because petitioner only raises questions of facts and not
Petitioner, Cuteng and Santiago appealed from the trial court’s questions of law. We do not agree.
A question of law arises when there is doubt as to what the
The Decision of the Court of Appeals law is on a certain state of facts, while there is a question of
fact when the doubt arises as to the truth or falsity of the
In its 5 June 1997 Decision, the Court of Appeals modified the alleged facts.10 For questions to be one of law, the same must
trial court’s Decision as follows: not involve an examination of the probative value of the
evidence presented by the litigants.11 The resolution of the
WHEREFORE, the decision of the court a quo is MODIFIED. issue must rest solely on what the law provides on the given
The accused-appellants Benedicto Santiago and Michael set of circumstances.12
Cuteng are hereby acquitted on reasonable doubt. The

appellant Ernesto Aquino is found guilty, and is hereby

In this case, petitioner challenges his conviction under Section WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition. We SET
68 of PD 705. ASIDE the 5 June 1997 Decision and 24 September 2004
Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 17534.
Section 68 of PD 705 provides: Petitioner Ernesto Aquino is ACQUITTED of the charge of
violation of Section 68 of Presidential Decree No. 705.
Section 68. Cutting, Gathering and/or Collecting Timber or Costs de officio.
Other Forest Products Without License.-Any person who shall
cut, gather, collect, remove timber or other forest products SO ORDERED.
from any forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable
public land, or from private land, without any authority, or
possess timber or other forest products without the legal
documents as required under existing forest laws and
regulations, shall be punished with the penalties imposed
under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code:
Provided, that in the case of partnerships, associations, or
corporations, the officers who ordered the cutting, gathering,
collection or possession shall be liable, and if such officers are
aliens, they shall, in addition to the penalty, be deported
without further proceedings on the part of the Commission on
Immigration and Deportation.

There are two distinct and separate offenses punished under

Section 68 of PD 705, to wit:

(1) Cutting, gathering, collecting and removing timber or

other forest products from any forest land, or timber
from alienable or disposable public land, or from
private land without any authority; and
(2) Possession of timber or other forest products without
the legal documents required under existing forest
laws and regulations.13

The provision clearly punishes anyone who shall cut, gather,

collect or remove timber or other forest products from any
forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable public land,
or from private land, without any authority. In this case,
petitioner was charged by CENRO to supervise the
implementation of the permit. He was not the one who cut,
gathered, collected or removed the pine trees within the
contemplation of Section 68 of PD 705. He was not in
possession of the cut trees because the lumber was used by
Teachers’ Camp for repairs. Petitioner could not likewise be
convicted of conspiracy to commit the offense because all his
co-accused were acquitted of the charges against them.

Petitioner may have been remiss in his duties when he failed

to restrain the sawyers from cutting trees more than what was
covered by the permit. As the Court of Appeals ruled,
petitioner could have informed his superiors if he was really
intimidated by Santiago. If at all, this could only make
petitioner administratively liable for his acts. It is not enough
to convict him under Section 68 of PD 705.

Neither could petitioner be liable under the last paragraph of

Section 68 of PD 705 as he is not an officer of a partnership,
association, or corporation who ordered the cutting, gathering,
or collection, or is in possession of the pine trees.
On 4 April 1990, the team returned to the premises of the
petitioner's lumberyard in Valenzuela and placed under
G.R. No. 104988 June 18, 1996 administrative seizure the remaining stockpile of almaciga,
supa, and lauan lumber with a total volume of 311,000 board
MUSTANG LUMBER, INC., petitioner, feet because the petitioner failed to produce upon demand the
vs. corresponding certificate of lumber origin, auxiliary invoices,
HON. COURT OF APPEALS, HON. FULGENCIO S. tally sheets, and delivery receipts from the source of the
FACTORAN, JR., Secretary, Department of Environment invoices covering the lumber to prove the legitimacy of their
and Natural Resources (DENR), and ATTY. VINCENT A. source and origin.4
ROBLES, Chief, Special Actions and Investigations
Division, DENR, respondents. Parenthetically, it may be stated that under an administrative
seizure the owner retains the physical possession of the seized
DAVIDE, JR., J.:p articles. Only an inventory of the articles is taken and signed
by the owner or his representative. The owner is prohibited
from disposing them until further orders.5
The first and third case, G.R. No. 104988 and G.R. No.
123784, were originally assigned to the Second and Third
Divisions of the Court, respectively. They were subsequently On 10 April 1990, counsel for the petitioner sent a letter to
consolidated with the second, a case of the Court en banc. Robles requesting an extension of fifteen days from 14 April
1990 to produce the required documents covering the seized
articles because some of them, particularly the certificate of
Petitioner, a domestic corporation with principal office at Nos. lumber origin, were allegedly in the Province of Quirino
1350-1352 Juan Luna Street, Tondo, Manila, and with a Robles denied the motion on the ground that the documents
Lumberyard at Fortune Street, Fortune Village, Paseo de Blas, being required from the petitioner must accompany the lumber
Valenzuela, Metro Manila, was duly registered as a lumber or forest products placed under seizure.6
dealer with the Bureau of Forest Development (BFD) under
Certificate of Registration No. NRD-4-092590-0469. Its
permit as such was to expire on 25 September 1990. On 11 April 1990, Robles submitted his memorandum-report
recommending to Secretary Factoran the following:
Respondent Secretary Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr., and
respondent Atty. Vincent A. Robles were, during all the time 1. Suspension and subsequent cancellation of the lumber
material to these cases, the Secretary of the Department of Dealer's Permit of Mustang Lumber, Inc. for operating an
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Chief of unregistered lumberyard and resaw mill and possession of
the Special Actions and Investigation Division (SAID) of the Almaciga Lumber (a banned specie) without the required
DENR, respectively. documents;

The material operative facts are as follows: 2. Confiscation of the lumber seized at the Mustang
Lumberyard including the truck with Plate No. CCK-322 and
the lumber loaded herein [sic] now at the DENR compound in
On 1 April 1990, acting on an information that a huge the event its owner fails to submit documents showing
stockpile of narra flitches, shorts, and slabs were seen inside legitimacy of the source of said lumber within ten days from
the lumberyard of the petitioner in Valenzuela, Metro Manila, date of seizure;
the SAID organized a team of foresters and policemen and
sent it to conduct surveillance at the said lumberyard. In the
course thereof, the team members saw coming out from the 3. Filing of criminal charges against Mr. Ri Chuy Po, owner of
lumberyard the petitioner's truck, with Plate No. CCK-322, Mustang Lumber Inc. and Mr. Ruiz, or if the circumstances
loaded with lauan and almaciga lumber of assorted sizes and warrant for illegal possession of narra and almaciga lumber
dimensions. Since the driver could not produce the required and shorts if and when recommendation no. 2 pushes through;
invoices and transport documents, the team seized the truck
together with its cargo and impounded them at the DENR 4. Confiscation of Trucks with Plate No. CCS-639 and CDV.
compound at Visayas Avenue, Quezon City.1 The team was 458 as well as the lumber loaded therein for transport lumber
not able to gain entry into the premises because of the refusal using "recycled" documents.7
of the owner.2
On 23 April 1990, Secretary Factoran issued an order
On 3 April 1990, the team was able to secure a search warrant suspending immediately the petitioner's lumber-dealer's permit
from Executive Judge Adriano R. Osorio of the Regional Trial No. NRD-4-092590-0469 and directing the petitioner to
Court (RTC) of Valenzuela, Metro Manila. By virtue thereof, explain in writing within fifteen days why its lumber-dealer's
the team seized on that date from the petitioner's lumberyard permit should not be cancelled.
four truckloads of narra shorts, trimmings, and slabs; a
negligible number of narra lumber; and approximately On the same date, counsel for the petitioner sent another letter

200,000 board feet of lumber and shorts of various species to Robles informing the latter that the petitioner had already

including almaciga and supa.3

secured the required documents and was ready to submit them. general manager, Ri Chuy Po, for violation of Section 68 of
None, however, was submitted.8 P.D. No. 705, as amended by E.O. No. 277. After appropriate
preliminary investigation, the investigating prosecutor, Claro
On 3 May 1990, Secretary Factoran issued another order Arellano, handed down a resolution 11 whose dispositive
wherein, after reciting the events which took place on 1 April portion reads:
and 3 April 1990, he ordered "CONFISCATED in favor of the
government to be disposed of in accordance with law" the WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is hereby
approximately 311,000 board feet of lauan, supa, and almaciga recommended that an information be filed against respondent
lumber, shorts, and sticks found inside the petitioner's Ri Chuy Po for illegal possession of approximately 200,000
lumberyard.9 bd. ft. of lumber consisting of almaciga and supa and for
illegal shipment of almaciga and lauan in violation of Sec. 68
On 11 July 1990, the petitioner filed with the RTC of Manila a of PD 705 as amended by E.O. 277, series of 1987.
petition for certiorari and prohibition with a prayer for a
restraining order or preliminary injunction against Secretary It is further recommended that the 30,000 bd. ft. of narra
Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr., and Atty. Vincent A. Robles. The shorts, trimmings and slabs covered by legal documents be
case (hereinafter, the FIRST CIVIL CASE) was docketed as released to the rightful owner, Malupa. 12
Civil Case No. 90-53648 and assigned to Branch 35 of the said
court. The petitioner questioned therein (a) the seizure on 1 This resolution was approved by Undersecretary of Justice
April 1990, without any search and seizure order issued by a Silvestre H. Bello III, who served as Chairman of the Task
judge, of its truck with Plate No. CCK-322 and its cargo of Force on Illegal Logging." 13
assorted lumber consisting of apitong, tanguile, and lauan of
different sizes and dimensions with a total value of On the basis of that resolution, an information was filed on 5
P38,000.00; and (b) the orders of Secretary Factoran of 23 June 1991 by the DOJ with Branch 172 of the RTC of
April 1990 for lack of prior notice and hearing and of 3 May Valenzuela, charging Ri Chuy Po with the violation of Section
1990 for violation of Section 2, Article III of the Constitution. 58 of P.D. No. 705, as amended, which was docketed as
Criminal Case No. 324-V-91 (hereinafter, the CRIMINAL
On 17 September 1990, in response to reports that violations CASE). The accusatory portion of the information reads as
of P.D. No. 705 (The Revised Forestry Code of the follows:
Philippines), as amended, were committed and acting upon
instruction of Robles and under Special Order No. 897, series That on or about the 3rd day of April 1990, or prior to or
of 1990, a team of DENR agents went to the business premises subsequent thereto, within the premises and vicinity of
of the petitioner located at No. 1352 Juan Luna Street, Tondo, Mustang Lumber, Inc. in Fortune Village, Valenzuela, Metro
Manila. The team caught the petitioner operating as a lumber Manila, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court,
dealer although its lumber-dealer's permit had already been the above-named accused, did then and there wilfully,
suspended or 23 April 1990. Since the gate of the petitioner's feloniously and unlawfully have in his possession truckloads
lumberyard was open, the team went inside and saw an owner- of almaciga and lauan and approximately 200,000 bd. ft. of
type jeep with a trailer loaded with lumber. Upon lumber and shorts of various species including almaciga and
investigation, the team was informed that the lumber loaded supa, without the legal documents as required under existing
on the trailer was to be delivered to the petitioner's customer. forest laws and
It also came upon the sales invoice covering the transaction. regulations. 14
The members of the team then introduced themselves to the
caretaker, one Ms. Chua, who turned out to be the wife of the
petitioner's president and general manager, Mr. Ri Chuy Po, On 7 June 1991, Branch 35 of the RTC of Manila rendered its
who was then out of town. The team's photographer was able decision 15 in the FIRST CIVIL CASE, the dispositive portion
to take photographs of the stockpiles of lumber including of which reads:
newly cut ones, fresh dust around sawing or cutting
machineries and equipment, and the transport vehicles loaded WHEREFORE, judgment in this case is rendered as follows:
with lumber. The team thereupon effected a constructive
seizure of approximately 20,000 board feet of lauan lumber in 1. The Order of Respondent Secretary of the DENR, the
assorted sizes stockpiled in the premises by issuing a receipt Honorable Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr., dated 3 May 1990
therefor. 10 ordering the confiscation in favor of the Government the
approximately 311,000 board feet of Lauan, supa, end
As a consequence of this 17 September 1990 incident, the almaciga Lumber, shorts and sticks, found inside and seized
petitioner filed with the RTC of Manila a petition from the Lumberyard of the petitioner at Fortune Drive,
for certiorari and prohibition. The case (hereinafter, Fortune Village, Paseo de Blas, Valenzuela, Metro Manila, on
the SECOND CIVIL CASE) was docketed as Civil Case No. April 4, 1990 (Exhibit 10), is hereby set aside and vacated, and
90-54610 and assigned to Branch 24 of the said court. instead the respondents are required to report and bring to the
Hon. Adriano Osorio, Executive Judge, Regional Trial Court,

NCR, Valenzuela, Metro Manila, the said 311,000 board feet


In the meantime, Robles filed with the Department of Justice

(DOJ) a complaint against the petitioner's president and
of Lauan, supa and almaciga Lumber, shorts and sticks, to be dealer's permit on 25 September 1990, a fact the petitioner
dealt with as directed by Law; admitted in its memorandum.

2. The respondents are required to initiate and prosecute the The petitioner forthwith appealed from the decision in the
appropriate action before the proper court regarding the Lauan FIRST CIVIL CASE to the Court of Appeals, which docketed
and almaciga lumber of assorted sizes and dimensions Loaded the appeal as CA-G.R. SP No. 25510.
in petitioner's truck bearing Plate No. CCK-322 which were
seized on April 1, 1990; On 7 July 1991, accused Ri Chuy Po filed in the CRIMINAL
CASE a Motion to Quash and/or to Suspend Proceedings
3. The Writ of Preliminary Injunction issued by the Court on based on the following grounds: (a) the information does not
August 2, 1990 shall be rendered functus oficio upon charge an offense, for possession of lumber, as opposed
compliance by the respondents with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this to timber, is not penalized in Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as
judgment;. amended, and even granting arguendo that lumber falls
within the purview of the said section, the same may not be
4. Action on the prayer of the petitioner that the Lauan, supa used in evidence against him for they were taken by virtue of
and almaciga lumber, shorts and sticks mentioned above in an illegal seizure; and (b) Civil Case No. 90-53648 of Branch
paragraphs 1 and 2 of this judgment be returned to said 35 of the RTC of Manila, the FIRST CIVIL CASE, then
petitioner is withheld in this case until after the proper court pending before the Court of Appeals, which involves the
has taken cognizance and determined how those Lumber, legality of the seizure, raises a prejudicial question. 19
shorts and sticks should be disposed of; and
The prosecution opposed the motion alleging that lumber is
5. The petitioner is ordered to pay the costs. included in Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as amended, and
possession thereof without the required legal documents is
SO ORDERED. penalized therein. It referred to Section 3.2 of DENR
Administrative Order No. 19, series of 1989, for the
definitions of timber and lumber, and then argued that
In resolving the said case, the trial court held that the exclusion of lumber from Section 68 would defeat the very
warrantless search and seizure on 1 April 1990 of the purpose of the law, i.e., to minimize, if not halt, illegal logging
petitioner's truck, which was moving out from the petitioner's that has resulted in the rapid denudation of our forest
lumberyard in Valenzuela, Metro Manila, loaded with large resources. 20
volumes of lumber without covering document showing the
legitimacy of its source or origin did not offend the
constitutional mandate that search and seizure must be In her order of 16 August 1991 in the CRIMINAL
supported by a valid warrant. The situation fell under one of CASE, 21 respondent Judge Teresita Dizon-Capulong granted
the settled and accepted exceptions where warrantless search the motion to quash and dismissed the case on the ground that
and seizure is justified, viz., a search of a moving "possession of lumber without the legal documents required
vehicle. 16 As to the seizure of a large volume of almaciga, by forest laws and regulations is not a crime. 22
supa, and lauan lumber and shorts effected on 4 April 1990,
the trial court ruled that the said seizure was a continuation of Its motion for reconsideration having been denied in the order
that made the previous day and was still pursuant to or by of 18 October 1991, 23 the People filed a petition
virtue of the search warrant issued by Executive Judge Osorio for certiorari with this Court in G.R. No. 106424, wherein it
whose validity the petitioner did not even question. 17 And, contends that the respondent Judge acted with grave abuse of
although the search warrant did not specifically mention discretion in granting the motion to quash and in dismissing
almaciga, supa, and lauan lumber and shorts, their seizure was the case.
valid because it is settled that the executing officer is not
required to ignore contrabands observed during the conduct of On 29 November 1991, the Court of Appeals rendered a
the decision 24 in CA-G.R. SP No. 25510 dismissing for lack of
search.18 merit the petitioner's appeal from the decision in the FIRST
CIVIL CASE and affirming the trial court's rulings on the
The trial court, however, set aside Secretary Factoran's order issues raised. As to the claim that the truck was not carrying
of 3 May 1990 ordering the confiscation of the seized articles contraband articles since there is no law punishing the
in favor of the Government for the reason that since the possession of lumber, and that lumber is not timber whose
articles were seized pursuant to the search warrant issued by possession without the required legal documents is unlawful
Executive Judge Osorio they should have been returned to him under P.D. No. 705, as amended, the Court of Appeals held:
in compliance with the directive in the warrant.
This undue emphasis on lumber or the commercial nature of
As to the propriety of the 23 April 1990 order of Secretary the forest product involved has always been foisted by those
Factoran, the trial court ruled that the same had been rendered who claim to be engaged in the legitimate business of lumber

moot and academic by the expiration of the petitioner's lumber dealership. But what is important to consider is that when

appellant was required to present the valid documents showing

its acquisition and lawful possession of the lumber in question, Its motion to reconsider the decision having been denied by
it failed to present any despite the period of extension granted the Court of Appeals in the resolution of 6 February 1996, the
to it. 25 petitioner filed with this Court on 27 February 1996 a petition
for review on certiorari in G.R. No. 123784.
The petitioner's motion to reconsider the said decision was
denied by the Court of Appeals in its resolution of 3 March We shall now resolve these three cases starting with G.R. No.
1992. 26 Hence, the petitioner came to this Court by way of a 106424 with which the other two were consolidated.
petition for review on certiorari in G.R. No. 104988, which
was filed on 2 May 1992. 27 G.R. No. 106424

On 24 September 1992, Branch 24 of the RTC of Manila The petitioner had moved to quash the information in Criminal
handed down a decision in the SECOND CIVIL CASE Case No. 324-V-91 on the ground that it does not charge an
dismissing the petition for certiorari and prohibition because offense. Respondent Judge Dizon-Capulong granted the
(a) the petitioner did not exhaust administrative remedies; (b) motion reasoning that the subject matter of the information in
when the seizure was made on 17 September 1990 the the CRIMINAL CASE is LUMBER, which is neither "timber"
petitioner could not lawfully sell lumber, as its license was nor "other forest product" under Section 68 of P.D. No. 705,
still under suspension; (c) the seizure was valid under Section as amended, and hence, possession thereof without the
68-A of P.D. No. 705, as amended; and (d) the seizure was required legal documents is not prohibited and penalized under
justified as a warrantless search and seizure under Section 80 the said section.
of P.D. No. 705, as amended.
Under paragraph (a), Section 3, Rule 117 of the Rules of
The petitioner appealed from the decision to the Court of Court, an information may be quashed on the ground that the
Appeals, which docketed the appeal as CA-G.R. SP facts alleged therein do not constitute an offense. It has been
No. 33778. said that "the test for the correctness of this ground is the
sufficiency of the averments in the information, that is,
In its decision 28 of 31 July 1995, the Court of Appeals whether the facts alleged, if hypothetically admitted, constitute
dismissed the petitioner's appeal in CA-G.R. SP No. 33778 for the elements of the
lack of merit and sustained the grounds relied upon by the trial offense, 29 and matters aliunde will not be considered." Anent
court in dismissing the SECOND CIVIL CASE. Relying on the sufficiency of the information, Section 6, Rule 110 of the
the definition of "lumber" by Webster, viz., "timber or logs, Rules of Court requires, inter alia, that the information state
especially after being prepared for the market," and by the the acts or omissions complained of as constituting the
Random House Dictionary of the English Language, viz., offense.
"wood, esp. when suitable or adapted for various building
purposes," the respondent Court held that since wood is Respondent Ri Chuy Po is charged with the violation of
included in the definition of forest product in Section 3(q) of Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as amended by E.O. No. 277,
P.D. No. 705, as amended, lumber is necessarily included in which provides:
Section 68 under the term forest product.
Sec. 68. Cutting, Gathering and/or collecting Timber, or
The Court of Appeals further emphasized that a forest officer Other Forest Products Without License. -- Any person who
or employee can seize the forest product involved in a shall cut, gather, collect, remove timber or other forest
violation of Section 68 of P.D. No. 705 pursuant to Section 80 products from any forest land, or timber from alienable or
thereof, as amended by P.D. No. 1775, which provides in part disposable public land, or from private land, without any
as follows: authority, or possess timber or other forest products without
the legal documents as required under existing forest laws and
Sec. 80. Arrest, Institution of Criminal Actions. -- A forest regulations, shall be punished with the penalties imposed
officer or employee of the Bureau or any personnel of the under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal
Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police shall arrest Code: Provided, That in the case of partnerships, associations,
even without warrant any person who has committed or is or corporations, the officers who ordered the cutting,
committing in his presence any of the offenses defined in this gathering, collection or possession shall be liable, and if such
chapter. He shall also seize and confiscate, in favor of the officers are aliens, they shall, in addition to the penalty, be
Government, the tools and equipment used in committing the deported without further proceedings on the part of the
offense, or the forest products cut, gathered or taken by the Commission on Immigration and Deportation.
offender in the process of committing the offense.
The Court shall further order the confiscation in favor of the
Among the offenses punished in the chapter referred to in said government of the timber or any forest products cut, gathered,
Section 80 are the cutting, gathering, collection, or removal of collected, removed, or possessed, as well as the machinery,
timber or other forest products or possession of timber or other equipment, implements and tools illegally used in the area

forest products without the required legal documents. where the timber or forest products are found.
Punished then in this section are (1) the cutting, gathering, information vis-a-vis the law violated must be considered in
collection, or removal of timber or other forest products from determining whether an information charges an offense.
the places therein mentioned without any authority; and
(b) possession of timber forest products without the legal Second, the pleadings and annexes he resorted to are
documents as required under existing forest laws and insufficient to justify his conclusion. On the contrary, the Joint
regulations. Affidavit of Melencio Jalova, Jr., and Araman Belleng, which
is one of the annexes he referred to, 30 cannot lead one to infer
Indeed, the word lumber does not appear in Section 68. But that what the team seized was all lumber. Paragraph 8 thereof
conceding ex gratia that this omission amounts to an exclusion expressly states:
of lumber from the section's coverage, do the facts averred in
the information in the CRIMINAL CASE validly charge a 8. That when inside the compound, the team found
violation of the said section? approximately four (4) truckloads of narra shorts,
trimmings and slabs and a negligible amount of narra lumber,
A cursory reading of the information readily leads us to an and approximately 200,000 bd. ft. of lumber and shorts of
infallible conclusion that lumber is not solely its subject various species including almaciga and supa which are
matter. It is evident therefrom that what are alleged to be in classified as prohibited wood species. (emphasis supplied)
the possession of the private respondent, without the required
legal documents, are truckloads of In the same vein, the dispositive portion of the resolution31 of
the investigating prosecutor, which served as the basis for the
(1) almaciga and lauan; and filing of the information, does not limit itself to lumber; thus:

(2) approximately 200,000 bd. ft. of lumber and shorts of WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is hereby
various species including almaciga and supa. recommended that an information be filed against respondent
Ri Chuy Po for illegal possession of 200,000 bd. ft. of lumber
The "almaciga and lauan" specifically mentioned in no. (1) are consisting of almaciga and supa and for illegal shipment of
not described as "lumber." They cannot refer to the "lumber" almaciga and lauan in violation of Sec. 63 of PD 705 as
in no. (2) because they are separated by the words amended by E.O. 277, series of 1987. (emphasis supplied)
"approximately 200,000 bd. ft." with the conjunction "and,"
and not with the preposition "of." They must then be raw The foregoing disquisitions should not, in any manner, be
forest products or, more specifically, timbers under Section construed as an affirmance of the respondent Judge's
3(q) of P.D. No. 705, as amended, which reads: conclusion that lumber is excluded from the coverage of
Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as amended, and thus possession
Sec. 3. Definitions. -- thereof without the required legal documents is not a crime.
On the contrary, this Court rules that such possession is
x x x           x x x          x x x penalized in the said section because lumber is included in the
term timber.
(q) Forest product means timber, firewood, bark, tree top,
resin, gum, wood, oil, honey, beeswax, nipa, rattan, or other The Revised Forestry Code contains no definition of
forest plant, the associated water, fish game, scenic, historical, either timber or lumber. While the former is included in forest
recreational and geological resources in forest lands. products as defined in paragraph (q) of Section 3, the latter is
found in paragraph (aa) of the same section in the definition of
"Processing plant," which reads:
It follows then that lumber is only one of the items covered by
the information. The public and the private respondents
obviously miscomprehended the averments in the information. (aa) Processing plant is any mechanical set-up, machine or
Accordingly, even if lumber is not included in Section 68, the combination of machine used for the processing of logs and
other items therein as noted above fall within the ambit of the other forest raw materials into lumber, veneer, plywood,
said section, and as to them, the information validly charges an wallbond, blockboard, paper board, pulp, paper or other
offense. finished wood products.

Our respected brother, Mr. Justice Jose C. Vitug, suggests in This simply means that lumber is a processed log or processed
his dissenting opinion that this Court go beyond the four forest raw material. Clearly, the Code uses the term lumber in
corners of the information for enlightenment as to whether the its ordinary or common usage. In the 1993 copyright edition of
information exclusively refers to lumber. With the aid of the Webster's Third New International Dictionary, lumber is
pleadings and the annexes thereto, he arrives at the conclusion defined, inter alia, as "timber or logs after being prepared for
that "only lumber has been envisioned in the indictment." the market." 32 Simply put, lumber is a processed log or
The majority is unable to subscribe to his view. First, his

It is settled that in the absence of legislative intent to the


proposition violates the rule that only the facts alleged in the
contrary, words and phrases used in a statute should be given
their plain, ordinary, and common usage meaning. 33 And included in the term forest product, the same hardly merits
insofar as possession of timber without the required legal further discussion in view of our ruling in G.R. No. 106424.
documents is concerned, Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as
amended, makes no distinction between raw or processed G.R. No. 123784
timber. Neither should we. Ubi lex non distinguere debemus.
The allegations and arguments set forth in the petition in this
Indisputably, respondent Judge Teresita Dizon-Capulong of case palpally fail to shaw prima facie that a reversible error
Branch 172 of the RTC of Valenzuela, Metro Manila, has been committed by the Court of Appeals in its challenged
committed grave abuse of discretion in granting the motion to decision of 31 July 1995 and resolution of 6 February 1996 in
quash the information in the CRIMINAL CASE and in CA-G.R. SP No. 33778. We must, forthwith, deny it for utter
dismissing the said case. want of merit. There is no need to require the respondents to
comment on the petition.
G.R. No. 104988
The Court of Appeals correctly dismissed the petitioner's
We find this petition to be without merit. The petitioner has appeal from the judgment of the trial court in the SECOND
miserably failed to show that the Court of Appeals committed CIVIL CASE. The petitioner never disputed the fact that its
any reversible error in its assailed decision of 29 November lumber-dealer's license or permit had been suspended by
1991. Secretary Factoran on 23 April 1990. The suspension was
never lifted, and since the license had only a lifetime of up to
It was duly established that on 1 April 1990, the petitioner's 25 September 1990, the petitioner has absolutely no right to
truck with Plate No. CCK-322 was coming out from the possess, sell, or otherwise dispose of lumber. Accordingly,
petitioner's lumberyard loaded with lauan and almaciga Secretary Factoran or his authorized representative had the
lumber of different sizes and dimensions which were not authority to seize the Lumber pursuant to Section 68-A of P.D.
accompanied with the required invoices and transport No. 705, as amended, which provides as follows:
documents. The seizure of such truck and its cargo was a valid
exercise of the power vested upon a forest officer or employee Sec. 68-A Administrative Authority of the Department Head
by Section 80 of P.D. No. 705, as amended by P.D. No. 1775. or his Duly Authorized Representative to Order Confiscation.
Then, too, as correctly held by the trial court and the Court of -- In all cases of violations of this Code or other forest laws,
Appeals in the FIRST CIVIL CASE, the search was conducted rules and regulations, the Department Head or his duly
on a moving vehicle. Such a search could be lawfully authorized representative may order the confiscation of any
conducted without a search warrant. forest products illegally cut, gathered, removed, or possessed
or abandoned. . . .
Search of a moving vehicle is one of the five doctrinally
accepted exceptions to the constitutional mandate 34 that no The petitioner's insistence that possession or sale of lumber is
search or seizure shall be made except by virtue of a warrant not penalized must also fail view of our disquisition and ruling
issued by a judge after personally determining the existence of on the same issue in G.R. No. 106424. Besides, the issue is
probable cause. The other exceptions are (3) search as an totally irrelevant in the SECOND CIVIL CASE which
incident to a lawful arrest, (2) seizure of evidence in plain involves administrative seizure as a consequence of the
view, (3) customs searches, and (4) consented warrantless violation of the suspension of the petitioner's license as lumber
search. 35 dealer.

We also affirm the rulings of both the trial court and the Court All told then, G.R. No. 104988 and G.R. No. 123784 are
of Appeals that the search on 4 April 1990 was a continuation nothing more than rituals to cover up blatant violations of the
of the search on 3 April 1990 done under and by virtue of the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines (P.D. No. 705), as
search warrant issued on 3 April 1990 by Executive Judge amended. They are presumably trifling attempts to block the
Osorio. Under Section 9, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court, a serious efforts of the DENR to enforce the decree, efforts
search warrant has a lifetime of ten days. Hence, it could be which deserve the commendation of the public in light of the
served at any time within the said period, and if its object or urgent need to take firm and decisive action against despoilers
purpose cannot be accomplished in one day, the same may be of our forests whose continuous destruction only ensures to
continued the following day or days until completed. Thus, the generations to come, if not the present, an inheritance of
when the search under a warrant on one day was interrupted, it parched earth incapable of sustaining life. The Government
may be continued under the same warrant the following day, must not tire in its vigilance to protect the environment by
provided it is still within the ten-day period. 36 prosecuting without fear or favor any person who dares to
violate our laws for the utilization and protection of our
As to the final plea of the petitioner that the search was illegal forests.
because possession of lumber without the required legal
documents is not illegal under Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered

amended, since lumber is neither specified therein nor

1. (a) GRANTING the petition in G.R. No. 106424; (b) b) the accused ALEJANDRO TAN, ISMAEL RAMILO and
SETTING ASIDE and ANNULLING, for having been CRISPIN CABUDOL GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of
rendered with grave abuse of discretion, the challenged orders the crime of illegal possession of lumber under the
of 16 August 1991 and 18 October 1991 of respondent Judge Information, dated March 16, 1990, under Section 68, P.D.
Teresita Dizon-Capulong, Branch 172, Regional Trial Court of No. 705, as amended by Executive Order No. 277, and
Valenzuela, Metro Manila, in Criminal Case No. 324-V-91, sentences each of them to an indeterminate sentence of SIX
entitled "People of the Philippines vs. Ri Chuy Po"; (c) (6) MONTHS, as minimum, to FOUR (4) YEARS and TWO
REINSTATING the information in the said criminal case; and (2) MONTHS, as maximum, with the accessory penalties of
(d) DIRECTING the respondent Judge or her successor to hear the law, and to pay the costs.
and decide the case with purposeful dispatch; and
The two (2) terms of imprisonment of each of the accused
2. DENYING the petitions in G.R. No. 104988 and in G. R. shall be served successively under Article 70, RPC.
No. 123784 for utter failure of the petitioner to show that the
respondent Court of Appeals committed any reversible error in The preventive imprisonment which any of the accused may
the challenged decisions of 29 November 1991 in CA-G.R. SP have suffered is credited in his favor to its full extent.
No. 25510 in the FIRST CIVIL CASE and of 31 July 1995 in
CA-G.R. SP No. 33778 on the SECOND CIVIL CASE. The Court further orders the confiscation of the lumber
described in the aforesaid Informations in favor of the
Costs against the petitioner in each of these three cases. government.


 G.R. No. 115507 May 19, 1998 The Facts

ALEJANDRO TAN, ISMAEL RAMILO and FRED On October 26, 1989, about 6:30 p.m., in the town proper of
MORENO, petitioners, vs. THE PEOPLE OF THE Cajidiocan, Sibuyan Island, Romblon, Forest Guards Joseph
PHILIPPINES and THE COURT OF Panadero and Eduardo Rabino intercepted a dump truck
APPEALS, respondents. loaded with narra and white lauan lumber. The truck was
driven by Petitioner Fred Moreno, an employee of A & E
PANGANIBAN, J.: Construction. Again, about 8:00 p.m. on October 30, 1989,
this time in Barangay Cambajao, Forest Guards Panadero and
In denying this petition, the Court reiterates that the gathering, Rabino apprehended another dump truck with Plate No. DEK-
collection and/or possession, without license, of lumber, which 646 loaded with tanguile lumber. Said truck was driven by
is considered timber or forest product, are prohibited and Crispin Cabudol, also an employee of A & E Construction.
penalized under the Forestry Reform Code, as amended. Both motor vehicles, as well as the construction firm, were
owned by Petitioner Alejandro Tan. In both instances, no
The Case documents showing legal possession of the lumber were, upon
demand, presented to the forest guards; thus, the pieces of
lumber were confiscated.
In this petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the
Rules of Court, petitioners seek to set aside the Decision 1 of
the Court of Appeals 2 in CA-GR No. CR-12815 promulgated On March 16, 1990, Tan and Moreno, together with Ismael
on July 30, 1993, and its Resolution 3 promugated on April 28, Ramilo, caretaker and time keeper of A & E Construction,
1994. The assailed Decision affirmed the judgment 4 of the were charged by First Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Felix R.
Regional Trial Court of Romblon, Branch 81, 5 which, in the Rocero with violation of Section 68, 6 PD No. 705, as
complaint against petitioners for violation of Section 68, PD amended by EO No. 277, in an Information 7 which reads:
705 (Forestry Reform Code) as amended, disposed as follows:
That on or about the 26th day of October, 1989, at around 6:30
WHEREFORE, this court finds: o'clock in the Poblacion, municipality of Cajidiocan, province
of Romblon, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the said accused, conspiring, confederating
a) the accused ALEJANDRO TAN, ISMAEL RAMILO and and mutually helping one another, with intent of gain and
FRED MORENO GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the without the legal documents as required under existing forest
crime of illegal possession of lumber under the Information, laws and regulations, did then and there willfully, unlawfully
dated March 16, 1990, under Section 68, P.D. No. 705, as and feloniously have in their possession and under their
amended by Executive Order No. 277, and sentences each of custody and control 13 pieces narra lumber about 171 board
them to an indeterminate sentence of SIX (6) MONTHS, as feet and 41 pieces tanguile lumber about 834 board feet valued
minimum, to FOUR (4) YEARS and TWO (2) MONTHS, as

at P8,724.00, Philippine currency, to the damage and prejudice

maximum, with the accessory penalties of the law, and to pay of the government in the aforestated amount.

the costs, and

In another Information, 8 Tan and Ramilo, together with "wood" which is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "the hard
Crispin Cabudol, were also charged for the same violation in fibrous substance beneath the back of trees and shrubs."
connection with the October 30, 1989 incident. Respondent Court succinctly ruled that to construe "sawn
lumber" as not covered by "sawn timber" would defeat the
On April 26, 1990, all the accused, assisted by counsel, were evident intent and purpose of the law, for "what would prevent
arraigned on the basis of the aforementioned Informations; an illegal logger [from bringing] with him a portable saw and
each pleaded not guilty. 9 The cases were thence jointly tried, having the timber illegally cut/gathered [and] sawn right on
pursuant to Section 14, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court. 10 the spot, thus gaining immunity for himself[?]" 14

During the trial, the defense did not contest the above factual As to the next three assigned errors which relied heavily on
circumstances except to deny that the forest guards demanded, Prisco Marin's testimony, Respondent Court dismissed the
on either of the two occasions, papers or documents showing said witness' account as "anything but credible." It added that
legal possession of the lumber. Additionally, Prisco Marin, Marin's testimony largely focused on a certification he made
who claimed to have been the officer-in-charge (OIC) of the stating that, five years ago, he inspected the same confiscated
Bureau of Forest Development of Sibuyan, testified that the lumber which were to be used for the repair of school building
seized pieces of lumber were bought by Tan's Cajidiocan by A & E Construction in Sibuyan. But during the cross-
Trading, one of the licensed lumber dealers in the island, from examination, he admitted that he made the inspection in
Matzhou Development Corporation ("Matzhou") which thus December 1989. The appellate tribunal noted that, by then, he
delivered to the former Auxiliary Invoice No. 763850 11 dated had already been relieved of his position as OIC of the Bureau
March 19, 1987 issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue of Forest Development in Romblon; hence, he had no business
office in Romblon. According to Marin, the director of inspecting the lumberyard of Petitioner Tan. In fact, he
forestry had granted Matzhou a Tree Recovery Permit admitted that in December 1989, it was Romulae Gadaoni who
covering the entire island of Sibuyan. He added that he had was already the highest forest officer in the island. 15
inspected the lumber in question in the compound of A & E
Construction or Cajidiocan Trading, where he was shown the As to the fifth and sixth alleged errors, Respondent Court
auxiliary invoice covering the subject. 12 ruled that corpus delicti does not refer literally to the object of
the crime — in this case, the forest products possessed without
Ruling of the Trial Court the required legal documents. The fact that the crimes charged
were perpetrated by the petitioners was credibly and amply
The trial court brushed aside the version of the defense and proven by the detailed testomonies of the prosecution
ruled that the confiscated pieces of lumber which were witnesses, including the admission of Defense Witness Ismael
admittedly owned by Accused Tan were not legitimate Ramilo. The seizure receipts merely served to corroborate
deliveries but aborted nocturnal hauling. It convicted all the their testimonies. 16
accused as charged, for their failure to comply with the
Forestry Reform Code, which requires the following legal The seventh and ninth assigned errors were deemed answered
documents: (1) an auxiliary invoice, (2) a certificate of origin, in the foregoing discussions. As to the eighth, no other than
(3) a sales invoice, (4) scale/tally sheets and (5) a lumber the admission of his caretaker or katiwala, Co-Accused
dealer permit. Ramilo, proved that Tan was involved in the conspiracy.
Ramilo testified that the deliveries of lumber on the subject
Ruling of Respondent Court of Appeals dates (October 26 and 30, 1989) were made pursuant to the
instruction of Tan; and that the latter owned said lumber, the
trucks and the construction firm. The two accused truck
On appeal, the accused assigned to the trial court these ten drivers who were caught in flagrante delicto were mere
errors: (1) holding them liable under Section 68 of EO 277; (2) employees of Tan. 17
ruling that their possession of the lumber were unauthorized or
illegal; (3) retroactively applying E.O. 277; (4) ruling that the
accused did not have the necessary documents to make their The last assigned error was set aside by Respondent Court as
possession legal; (5) convicting them despite the absence of unnecessary. Absolutely of no concern to the petitioners, who
the corpus delicti; (6) admitting in evidence the alleged were caught in possession of lumber without the required legal
seizure receipts or, assuming their admissibility, considering documents, was the alleged unconstitutionality of the inclusion
them as evidence of corpus delicti; (7) finding that the of "firewood, bark, honey, beeswax, and even grass, shrub,
deliveries were aborted nocturnal hauling; (8) convicting 'the associated water' or fish" in EO 277. There being other
Alejandro Tan on the ground of conspiracy; (9) ruling that the grounds to resolve the case, the constitutionality of said phrase
guilt of the accused was proved beyond reasonable doubt; and was not passed upon. 18
(10) sustaining the constitutionality of EO 277. 13
In their motion for reconsideration, petitioners raised these
As regards the first assigned error, the Court of Appeals held additional grounds: (1) the Forestry Reform Code and the laws
petitioners' "artful distinction between timber and lumber" "to and regulations of the Department of Environment and Natural

be fallacious and utterly unmeritorious." It thereby upheld the Resources (DENR) distinguish between timber and lumber

solicitor general's manifestation that "forest products" include and between lumber and other forest products; (2) the
Informations alleged and the facts proved that lumber is not
covered by the provision supposedly violated; (3) judicial equipment, implements and tools illegally used in the area
interpretation or construction may not be resorted to in order where the timber or forest products are found.
to fill a gap or clear an ambiguity in penal statutes and,
assuming the propriety thereof, construction should be in favor Petitioners aver that the above provision is violative of
of the accused; (4) lack of documents for possession of lumber substantive due process, because it requires the possession of
is not punishable under the law; and (5) the perceived certain legal documents to justify "mere possession" of forest
weakness in the testimony of Defense Witness Prisco Marin products which, under Section 3(q) of PD 705, includes,
should not strengthen the case for the prosecution. In its April among others, "firewood, bark, honey, beeswax, and even
28, 1994 Resolution, Respondent Court found "no cogent grass, shrub, flowering plant, 'the associated water' or fish"
reason for the reversal or modification" of its Decision. Hence, and penalizes failure to present such required documents.
this petition. 19
One of the essential requisites for a successful judicial inquiry
The Issues into the constitutionality of a law is the existence of an actual
case or controversy involving a conflict of legal rights
Petitioners now ask this Court to likewise pass upon their susceptible of judicial determination. 21 As Respondent Court
foregoing submissions. Many of the errors raised, however, of Appeals correctly pointed out, petitioners were not "charged
involve factual questions, the review of which is not within the with the [unlawful] possession of firewood, bark, honey,
ambit of this Court's functions, particularly in this case where beeswax, and even grass, shrub, 'the associated water' or fish";
the findings of the trial court were affirmed by the appellate thus, the inclusion of any of these enumerated items in EO 277
court and where petitioners failed to show any misappreciation "is absolutely of no concern" to petitioners. They are not
of the evidence presented. 20 We shall therefore limit our asserting a legal right for which they are entitled to a judicial
review only to questions of law. determination at this time. Besides, they did not present any
convincing evidence of a clear and unequivocal breach of the
Accordingly, we shall rule on the following legal issues: (1) Constitution that would justify the nullification of said
the constitutionality of Section 68 of EO 277, (2) the treatment provision. 22 A statute is always presumed to be constitutional,
by the lower court of lumber as timber and/or forest product and one who attacks it on the ground of unconstitutionality
within the contemplation of PD 705, as amended, and (3) the must convincingly prove its invalidity. 23
alleged retroactive application of EO 277.
Main Issue: Under PD 705 and EO 277,
The Court's Ruling
Is Lumber Considered Timber or Forest Product?
The petition is not meritorious.
Petitioners contend that possession of manufactured lumber is
Preliminary Issue: not punishable under the Forestry Reform Code, as amended.
As explicitly provided in Section 68 of both PD 705 and EO
Constitutionality of Sec. 68, E.O. 277 277 (the law that amended the former), only the cutting,
gathering, collecting and/or possession, without license, of
timber and other forest products are prohibited. As expressly
The impugned legal provision reads: defined under Section 3(q) of PD 705, lumber is not timber or
a forest product. It is only in Section 79 of the same law where
Sec. 68. Cutting, Gathering and/or Collecting Timber, or other the sale of lumber, without compliance with established
Forest Products Without License. — Any person who shall grading rules and standards, is prohibited. Petitioners submit
cut, gather, collect, remove timber or other forest products that the forest laws and regulations sufficiently differentiate
from any forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable between timber and lumber; therefore, court should not
public land, or from private land without any authority, or construe lumber as timber.
possess timber or other forest products without the legal
documents as required under existing forest laws and The question of whether lumber is excluded from the coverage
regulations, shall be punished with the penalties imposed of Section 68 of PD 705, as amended, has been settled
under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal in Mustang Lumber, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 24 in which this
Code: Provided, That in the case of partnerships, associations Court expressly ruled that "lumber is included in the term
or corporations, the officers who ordered the cutting, timber." 25 We quote at length the Court's discussion:
gathering, collection or possession shall be liable and if such
officers are aliens, they shall, in addition to the penalty, be
deported without further proceeding on the part of the The Revised Forestry Code contains no definition of either
Commission on Immigration and Deportation. timber of lumber. While the former is included in forest
products as defined in paragraph (q) of Section 3, the latter is
found in paragraph (aa) of the same section in the definition of
The Court shall further order the confiscation in favor of the "Processing plant," which reads:

government of the timber or any forest products cut, gathered,


collected, removed, or possessed, as well as the machinery,

(aa) Processing plant is any mechanical set-up, machine or 1987, or more than two and a half years prior to the
combination of machine used for the processing of logs and apprehension and seizure that gave rise to this case. It is highly
other forest raw materials into lumber, veneer, plywood, doubtful if the lumber bought at the earlier date was the very
wallboard, blackboard, paper board, pulp, paper or other same lumber confiscated in October 1989. No evidence was
finished wood products. presented to overcome this veritable doubt. Third and most
important, assuming that indeed they were the very same
This simply means that lumber is a processed log or processed lumber, forest laws and regulations also require the following
forest raw material. Clearly, the Code uses the term lumber in documents: (1) certificate of lumber origin, (2) sales invoice,
its ordinary or common usage. In the 1993 copyright edition of (3) delivery receipt, (4) tally sheet, and (5) certificate of
Webster's Third New International Dictionary, lumber is transport agreement. 30 None of these documents were
defined, inter alia, as "timber or logs after being prepared for proffered in court or elsewhere. Petitioners' unlawful
the market." Simply put, lumber is a processed log or timber. possession of the subject lumber occurred in October 1989.
EO 277, which specifically included "possession" of timber
It is settled that in the absence of legislative intent to the and other forest products within the contemplation of PD 705,
contrary, words and phrases used in a statute should be given had already been issued and in effect more than two years
their plain, ordinary, and common usage meaning. And insofar previous thereto. Nothing will prevent the indictment of
as possession of timber without the required legal documents petitioners for violation of EO 277 at the time they were
is concerned, Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as amended, makes caught by the forest guards in flagrante delicto. The
no distinction between raw or processed timber. Neither do prohibited act is a malum prohibitum, and absence of malice
we. Ubi lex non distinguit nec nos distinguire debemus. 26 or criminal intent will not save the day for them. 31

Mustang was recently reiterated in Lalican WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for utter lack of merit.
vs. Vergara, 27 where we also said that "'[t]o exclude The questioned Decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby
possession of 'lumber' from the acts penalized in Sec. 68 AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioners.
would certainly emasculate the law itself. . . . After all, the
phrase 'forest product' is broad enough to encompass lumber SO ORDERED.
which, to reiterate, is manufactured timber" Indeed, to mention
lumber in the aforesaid section would simply result in

In addition, under American jurisprudence, lumber has been

legally accepted as a term referring to the manufactured
product of logs 28 or to timber sawed or split into marketable
form, especially for use in buildings. 29

Consistent with Mustang, we find no error in the holding of

both lower courts. Clearly, petitioners are liable for violation
of Section 68 of the Forestry Reform Code, as amended.

Corollary Issue:

No Retroactive Application of EO 277

Petitioners insist that EO 277 is not applicable to them,

because the seized lumber had been lawfully possessed by
Cajidiocan Trading since March 1987, while the amendatory
law was issued only on July 25, 1987, and took effect fifteen
days after publication. This strained reasoning deserves scant
consideration. First, at no time during the apprehensions did
petitioners claim that the lumber belonged to Cajidiocan
Trading. In fact, Petitioner Ramilo and the drivers openly
claimed that the lumber and the trucks belonged to A & E
Construction which was, in turn, owned by Petitioner Tan. It
was only during the course of the trial, through the testimony
of Prisco Marin (characterized by the appellate court as
"anything but credible"), that the alleged ownership thereof by

Cajidiocan Trading was brought out. Second, the supposed

sale of the subject lumber by Matzhou to Cajidiocan Trading,

as evidenced by the auxiliary invoice, occurred in March

Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45
of the Rules of Court, assailing the December 6, 1995
Decision1 and the June 3, 1996 Order2 of the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) of Calbayog City (Branch 32) in Criminal Case
No. 1958. The assailed Decision disposed as follows:

"WHEREFORE, for insufficiency of evidence, the Court

hereby declares accused GREGORIO DARAMAN and
NARCISO LUCENECIO acquitted of the crime charged, with
costs de [o]ficio.

"The bond of the accused is hereby cancelled.

"The court hereby orders the CENR Officer of Samar, or any

DENR employee who is taking custody of the Holy Cross
Funeral Services vehicle ‘St. Jude’, with Plate No. HAJ-848,
to return the said vehicle to the owner thereof."3

The assailed Order denied the Motion for Reconsideration

challenging the last paragraph of the Decision regarding the
return of the subject vehicle to herein respondents.

The Facts

In the assailed Decision, the trial court summarized the facts

of this case as follows:

"The accused herein Gregorio Daraman and Narciso

Lucenecio are charged [with] violation of Section 68 of
Presidential Decree No. 705 as amended by Executive Order
No. 277 in an information which is quoted herein below:
G.R. No. 125797               February 15, 2002
‘That on or about the 30th day of November, 1993, at about
1:00 o’clock in the afternoon, at Barangay Bulao, Municipality
DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT and NATURAL of San Jorge, Province of Samar, Philippines, and within the
RESOURCES (DENR), Region VIII, Tacloban City, jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
Represented by Regional Executive Director Israel C. accused, conspiring, confederating together and mutually
Gaddi, petitioner, helping one another, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully
vs. and feloniously gather, collect and possess seventy two (72)
GREGORIO DARAMAN, NARCISO LUCENECIO and pieces of assorted sizes of lumber, with a total volume of
Hon. CLEMENTE C. ROSALES, Presiding Judge, 72.93 board feet valued at SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY
Regional Trial Court, Branch 32, Calbayog NINE PESOS (P729.30) and THIRTY CENTAVOS, without
City, respondents. first securing and obtaining any permit or license therefor
from the proper authorities, thus Violating Section 68 of
DECISION Presidential Decree No. 705, as amended and further
Amended by Executive Order No. 277, series of 1989.
Under the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines,
particularly Section 68-A, the Department of Environment and "Assisted by their counsels, the accused were arraigned and
Natural Resources secretary or a duly authorized they entered the plea of not guilty.
representative may order the confiscation in favor of the
government of, among others, the vehicles used in the "Thereafter trial was conducted.
commission of offenses punishable by the said Code.
"The prosecution presented Pablo Opinion who testified as
The Case follows:
"That he is an employee of the Department of Environment already in the furniture shop where they got the wood
and Natural Resources as a Forest Ranger. On November 30, shavings. On their way home as they passed by Brgy. Bulao,
1993 at about 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon, while he was in Pablo Opinion stopped him and took the wood shavings.
his house in Brgy. Bulao, San Jorge, Samar, a vehicle named Opinion also inquired about the assorted lumber and he told
‘St. Jude’ with Plate No. HAJ-848 coming from barangay him that they were owned by Asan, owner of the furniture
Blanca Aurora passed by. He stopped the said vehicle and shop in Brgy. Blanca Aurora, who loaded them in his vehicle
found some lumber of assorted sizes [and] wood shavings to be brought to his (Asan’s) house in Barangay Obrero,
inside. The lumber consisted of 62 pieces of 1" x 2" x 4", 16 Calbayog City. He told Opinion also that Asan advised him
pieces of 1" x 24" x 2.3" and 1 piece of 1" x 2" x 4." In his that if somebody would [ask] about his lumber, just to tell the
estimate at the price of ₱10.00 per board foot the total value of person that Asan had the papers for the lumber with him in his
the lumber would be ₱729.30. He asked the driver for [the] furniture shop at Brgy. Blanca Aurora, San Jorge, Samar.
owner of the lumber and he was informed that it was a certain Pablo Opinion, however, did not take his word and he instead
Asan of Brgy. Blanca Aurora. The driver also informed him impounded the vehicle together with the assorted lumber. At
that the vehicle was owned by his employer, Narciso about 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon, the vehicle was still not
Lucenecio of the Holy Cross Funeral Services in Calbayog returned to him and so Gregorio Daraman left and returned to
City. He then took hold of the vehicle and the assorted lumber his employer at Brgy. Obrero, Calbayog City and told the
and, thereafter, he issued a Seizure Receipt marked as Exhs. latter about what happened."4
‘B’ and series. He also took photographs of the lumber which
are now marked as Exhs. ‘C’ and series. Besides, he signed a After trial, the RTC acquitted both accused and ordered the
Joint Affidavit with Oligario Mabansag, also a Forest Ranger. return of the disputed vehicle to Lucenecio.
When he asked the driver Gregorio Daraman for some papers
for the assorted lumber, the latter replied that he had none Prior to these court proceedings, the Department of
because they were not his. Daraman further told him that Environment and Natural Resources-Community and
[they] went to Brgy. Blanca Aurora to secure some wood Environment and Natural Resources Office (DENR-CENRO)
shavings from the furniture shop owned by Asan and Asan of Catbalogan, Samar conducted administrative confiscation
merely asked him a favor of loading his assorted lumbers in proceedings on the seized lumber and vehicle in the presence
the vehicle of the Holy Cross Funeral Services to be brought of private respondents.5 The two failed to present documents to
to his (Asan’s) house in Barangay Abrero, Calbayog City. show the legality of their possession and transportation of the
lumber seized. Hence, CENRO Officer Marciano T. Talavera
"The prosecution has still another witness in the person of recommended to the Regional Executive Director (RED) the
Oligario Mabansag, but both the prosecution and the defense final confiscation of the seized lumber and conveyance.6 Atty.
agreed to dispense with his testimony considering that the case Pastor C. Salazar filed a Memorandum dated January 26,
would be merely corroborative [of] those already offered by 1994, concurring with the recommendation to forfeit the
Pablo Opinion. The prosecution rested its case with the lumber and the vehicle seized from private respondents. The
admission of Exhs. ‘A’ and ‘B’ and their series. Its Exhs. ‘C’ Memorandum was approved by RED Augustus L. Momongan
and series were rejected because the photographer who took and Arty. Fiel I. Marmita, chief of the Legal Division of the
them did not testify to identify [them]. DENR, Region VIII, Tacloban City.7

"For the defense, only accused Gregorio Daraman testified Atty. Rogelio G. Bato Jr. of DENR, Region 8, Tacloban City,
because his co-accused would merely offer corroborative moved for the reconsideration of the assailed Decision, only
testimony. From his testimony, the following facts have been insofar as it ordered the "return of the said vehicle to the
established: owner thereof."8 He contended that the vehicle had already
been administratively confiscated by the DENR on December
"That on November 30, 1993 in the afternoon his employer 2, 1993, and that the RED approved its forfeiture on January
Baby Lucenecio instructed him to procure some wood 26, 1994.9 He further claimed that the DENR had exclusive
shavings (‘sinapyo’) in San Jorge, Samar. He used the service jurisdiction over the conveyance, which had been used in
vehicle of the Holy Cross Funeral Services. His companion[s] violation of the Revised Forestry Code pursuant to Section 68-
were Melio Bedoya, Fanny Fiel and Ragi Mabutol. They went A of PD 705, as amended by EO 277.
to barangay Blanca Aurora, San Jorge, Samar and thereat, they
got some wood shavings from the furniture shop owned by a The trial court denied the Motion via the assailed Order.
certain Asan Abing. They loaded 20 sacks of wood shavings,
each sack measuring 22 inches in height by 32 1/2 inches in Ruling of the Trial Court
circumference as he demonstrated in court. The wood
shavings [were] being used by the Holy Cross Funeral
Services as cushions in the coffin. After the 20 sacks of wood The trial court acquitted private respondents for insufficiency
shavings were loaded, Asan Abing asked him a favor to bring of evidence. The unrebutted testimony of Respondent
his (Asan) assorted lumber to his house in Brgy. Obrero, Daraman was that, in exchange for the wood shavings from
Calbayog City where the Holy Cross Funeral Services [was] Asan, the former agreed to take the lumber to the latter’s

also located. Asan himself personally loaded his assorted house in Calbayog City, where the Holy Cross Funeral

lumber into the vehicle. The subject assorted lumber were Services office was also located. Asan advised Daraman to
reply, when asked, that the papers showing the authorization "(A) Regional Trial Courts have no jurisdiction and/or
for the lumber were in the former’s shop in Barangay Blanca authority to order x x x the return of property already owned
Aurora. Finding the evidence against Respondent Lucenecio to by the government.
be likewise insufficient, the RTC considered the vehicle as an
effect of the crime and ordered its delivery to him. (B) Respondent judge utterly disregarded and/or
misinterpreted the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 705,
In the challenged Order, the trial court ruled that the Motion as amended by Executive Order No. 277, otherwise known as
for Reconsideration was untenable on procedural and the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines.
substantive grounds. Since Assistant Provincial Prosecutor
Feliciano Aguilar did not sign the Motion, the RTC deemed (C) The government is not estopped from protecting its
his silence a sign of his disapproval of the Motion. interest by reason of mistake, error or failure of its officers to
perform their duties."12
Substantively, the trial court ruled:
Stated simply, the issues are: (1) whether the RTC had
"x x x [T]he Court finds the motion still wanting in merits jurisdiction to release the confiscated vehicle; (2) whether the
considering that as found by the Court the owner of the trial court misconstrued PD 705, as amended; and (3) whether,
vehicle in question, ‘St. Jude,’ which is the Holy Cross as a result of its filing of the criminal action, petitioner is
Funeral Parlor owned by accused Narciso Lucenecio, did not estopped from confiscating the vehicle administratively.
commit any violation of P.D. 705. Likewise, the prosecution
failed to sufficiently establish that accused Gregorio Daraman The Court’s Ruling
had taken or kept control of the lumber subject of the motion
which would thereby demonstrate that he had x x x possession The Petition is meritorious.
of the subject forest products. Instead, as established by the
evidence it was a certain Asan who owned the subject lumber.
xxx. First Issue:

x x x           x x x          x x x Jurisdiction to Order Return of Vehicle

"The decision of the Court has never been brought on appeal, Petitioner contends that the RTC overstepped its jurisdiction
thereby the same has long become final and executory. when it ordered the return of the disputed vehicle, because the
vehicle had already become government property by virtue of
the forfeiture Order issued by DENR on January 26, 1994. The
"Again, as shown by the evidence in the alleged confiscation DENR secretary or his duly authorized representative, under
proceedings conducted by the OIC DENR Officer Marciano Section 68-A of PD 705 as amended by EO 277, may order
Talavera of Samar on December 2, 1992, the lumber in the confiscation and disposition of all conveyances -- by land,
question [was] found to be owned by Asan Abing. But water or air -- used in illegally cutting, gathering, removing,
notwithstanding this fact, for reasons not known to the Court, possessing or abandoning forest products.
the said Asan Abing was never made an accused in the present
We agree. Jurisdiction is conferred by substantive law.13 A
comparison of the provisions of the two relevant sections of
"Sec. 68-1 of P.D. 705 contemplates a situation where the PD 705, as amended, shows that the jurisdiction of the RTC
owner of the vehicle is himself a violator of P.D. 705 or has covers the confiscation of the timber or forest products as well
been found to have conspired with any other persons who as the machinery, equipment, implements and tools illegally
committed the violation of Sec. 68 of P.D. 705 or consented to used in the area where the timber or forest products are found;
the use of his vehicle in violating the said law. In the present it is the DENR that has jurisdiction over the confiscation of
case as shown by the evidence, neither the Holy Cross Funeral forest products and, to stress, all conveyances used in the
Parlor or its owner accused Narciso Lucenecio has committed commission of the offense. Section 68 reads:
a violation of P.D. 705 as already declared by the Court in its
decision of December 6, 1995 nor the driver, accused
Gregorio Daraman. In fact both were declared acquitted of the "Section 68. Cutting, Gathering and/or Collecting Timber, or
violation charged, and the decision has not been appealed."10 Other Forest Products Without License. -- Any person who
shall cut, gather, collect, remove timber or other forest
products from any forest land, or timber from alienable or
Hence, this Petition.11 disposable public land, or from private land, without any
authority, or possess timber or other forest products without
Issues the legal documents as required under existing forest laws and
regulations, shall be punished with the penalties imposed
In its Memorandum, petitioner raises the following issues for under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code: x x x.

the Court’s consideration:

"The Court shall further order the confiscation in favor of the proper authorities, x x x." The Information did not contain any
government of the timber or any forest products cut, gathered, allegation pertaining to the transportation or conveyance of
collected, removed, or possessed, as well as the machinery, illegally cut, gathered, possessed or abandoned lumber in
equipment, implements and tools illegally used in the area violation of Section 68-A of PD 705, as amended.
where the timber or forest products are found."14
Confiscation Without Due Process
Section 68-A, in contrast, provides:
Private respondents’ main defense is that the Order of
"SEC. 68-A. Administrative Authority of the Department Forfeiture (Annex "C") is a "false, falsified and perjurious
Head or His Duly Authorized Representative to Order document." The Order was attached to and made part of the
Confiscation. -- In all cases of violations of this Code or other record only when petitioner filed its Motion for
forest laws rules and regulations, the Department Head or his Reconsideration dated February 6, 1996, or only after the trial
duly authorized representative, may order the confiscation of court rendered the assailed Decision. Petitioner made it
any forest products illegally cut, gathered, removed, or appear, according to the private respondents, that RED
possessed or abandoned, and all conveyances used either by Momongan had approved the Memorandum on January 26,
land, water or air in the commission of the offense and to 1994. This does not appear to be true because Atty. Marmita,
dispose of the same in accordance with pertinent laws, officer-in-charge (OIC) of the DENR Legal Division of
regulations or policies on the matter."15 Tacloban City, signed the Memorandum recommending
approval only on January 31, 1994.
If a statute is clear, plain and free from ambiguity, it must be
understood in its literal meaning and applied without resort to Further, on April 6, 1995, Judge Rosales of the RTC of
interpretation, on the presumption that its wording correctly Calbayog City (Branch 32) ordered the provincial
expresses its intent or will. The courts may not construe it environment and natural resources officer to transfer the
differently.16 confiscated vehicle and pieces of lumber in connection with
the prosecution of Criminal Case 1958.22 Reynaldo R.
Machinery is a collective term for machines and appliances Villafuerte, OIC of the Provincial Environment and Natural
used in the industrial arts;17 equipment covers physical Resources Office (PENRO), replied that his office could not
facilities available for production, including buildings, deliver the vehicle because it was not in running condition.23
machineries and tools;18 and implements pertains to whatever
may supply a want, especially an instrument, tool or We are not persuaded. The validity and legality of the Order of
utensil.19 These terms do not include conveyances that are Forfeiture falls outside the ambit of the review of the assailed
specifically covered by Section 68-A. The implementing Decision and Order. The basis for the assailed Order to release
guidelines of Section 68-A define conveyance in a manner that the vehicle was private respondents’ acquittal of the charge of
includes "any type or class of vehicle, craft, whether violating Section 68. On the other hand, the forfeiture Order
motorized or not, used either in land, water or air, or a issued by the DENR was based on Section 68-A, which
combination thereof or any mode of transport used in the involved a distinct and separate matter cognizable by it.
movement of any forest product."20 Petitioner is questioning only the RTC’s jurisdiction over the
assailed Order to release the confiscated vehicle. Private
Hence, the original and exclusive jurisdiction over the respondents have not appealed the DENR’s Order of
confiscation of "all conveyances used either by land, water or Forfeiture, the validity of which can thus be presumed.24 The
air in the commission of the offense and to dispose of the genuineness of the Order and its proper service upon them are
same" is vested in the Department of Environment and Natural factual issues that will not be dwelt upon by this Court, which
Resources (DENR) secretary or a duly authorized is not a trier of facts.25
representative. The DENR secretary has supervision and
control over the enforcement of forestry, reforestation, parks, The jurisdiction of this Court, under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules
game and wildlife laws, rules and regulations.21 of Court, is in the main limited to reviewing legal errors
committed by a lower court.26 Under PD 705, the actions and
To implement Section 68-A, DENR promulgated the decisions of the DENR are reviewable by the courts only
Administrative Order (AO) No. 54-93, amending Department through special civil actions for certiorari or prohibition.27
Administrative Order (DAO) No. 59-90. AO 54-93 provides
the guidelines for the confiscation, forfeiture and disposition Second Issue:
of conveyances used in violation of forestry laws, rules and
regulations. Construing PD 705, as Amended

Even the Information filed in Criminal Case No. 1958 limited Petitioner alleges that the RTC misinterpreted the law when it
the acts attributed to private respondents to "willfully, held that Section 68-A, PD 705 contemplated a situation in
unlawfully and feloniously gather, collect and possess seventy

which the very owner of the vehicle was the violator or was a
two (72) pieces of assorted sizes of lumber, x x x without first conspirator with other violators of that law. Department Order

securing and obtaining any permit or license therefor from the No. 54, Series of 1993, provides that the proceedings for the
confiscation and the forfeiture of the conveyance shall be WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED and the assailed
directed against its owner, and that lack of knowledge of its Decision and Order are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. No
illegal use shall not bar its forfeiture. costs.

In the present Petition, the trial court ruled in the assailed SO ORDERED.
Order that Section 68-A of PD 705 contemplated a situation in
which the very owner of the vehicle violated this law or
conspired with other persons who violated it or consented to
the use of his or her vehicle in violating it. Respondents
Lucenecio and Daraman were not shown to have violated PD
705, and their acquittals were not appealed.

We side with petitioner. The guilt or the innocence of the

accused in the criminal case is immaterial, because what is
punished under Section 68 is the transportation, movement or
conveyance of forest products without legal documents. The
DENR secretary or the authorized representatives do not
possess criminal jurisdiction; thus, they are not capable of
making such a ruling, which is properly a function of the
courts. Even Section 68-A of PD 705, as amended, does not
clothe petitioner with that authority.

Conversely, the same law takes out of the general jurisdiction

of the regional trial courts the confiscation of conveyances
used in violation of forestry laws.1âwphi1 Hence, we cannot
expect the DENR to rule on the criminal liability of the
accused before it impounds such vehicles. Section 68-A
covers only the movement of lumber or forest products
without proper documents. Where the language of a statute is
clear and unambiguous, the law is applied according to its
express terms, and interpretation is resorted to only where a
literal interpretation would lead to either an absurdity or an

We also uphold petitioner’s argument that the release of the

vehicle to private respondents would defeat the purpose and
undermine the implementation of forestry laws. The preamble
of the amendment in EO 277 underscores the urgency to
conserve the remaining forest resources of the country for the
benefit of the present and future generations. Our forest
resources may be effectively conserved and protected only
through the vigilant enforcement and implementation of our
forestry laws.29 Strong paramount public policy should not be
degraded by narrow constructions of the law that frustrate its
clear intent or unreasonably restrict its scope.30

Third Issue:


In view of the foregoing, it becomes unnecessary for this

Court to resolve petitioner’s third issue. It is no longer
material to rule on whether it was erroneous for the RTC to
hold that the assistant provincial prosecutor’s failure to
comment on petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration was an
implied disapproval thereof. The public prosecutor’s
disapproval does not vest in the trial court the jurisdiction or

authority to release the vehicle to private respondents.

At around 10:00 o'clock of November 14, 1992, police officers
of the Municipality of Hinunangan, Southern Leyte
apprehended Dionisio Golpe while he was driving his truck
loaded with illegally cut lumber. The truck and logs were
impounded. A complaint was filed against Basilio Cabig, the
alleged owner of the logs. After conducting the preliminary
investigation, respondent Judge Rafael B. Omipon found that
a prima facie case exists against Mr. Cabig but he ordered the
release of the truck inasmuch as the owner/driver, Mr. Golpe,
was not charged in the complaint.

Regional Director Augustus L. Momongan of the Department

of Environment and Natural Resources filed the instant
complaint against respondent Judge alleging that his order
releasing the truck used in the transport of illegally cut forest
products violated Presidential Decree 705, as amended by
Executive Order No. 277, Section 68 and 68-A1 and
Administrative Order No. 59, Series of 1990.2 Complainant
claims that respondent Judge has no authority to order the
release of the truck despite the non-inclusion of Mr. Golpe in
the complaint. The truck should have been turned over to the
Community Environment and Natural Resources Office of San
Juan, Southern Leyte for appropriate disposition as the same
falls under the administrative jurisdiction of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources Office.

In his comment, respondent Judge explained that after

conducting the preliminary investigation, he found that Golpe,
the owner of the truck, is principally engaged in the hauling of
sand and gravel and the delivery of hollow blocks. On his way
home after delivering hollow blocks in Barangay Sto. Niño II,
he met his friend Cabig who requested him to load sliced
lumber and deliver the same at Brgy. Lungsod-daan,
Hinundayan to be used for the construction of a barangay high
school building. They were apprehended when the truck had a
flat tire. After changing the tire, both the lumber and the truck
were ordered deposited at the police station of Hinunangan.

Respondent Judge observed that Golpe has a lesser

participation in the crime of illegal logging and, being a mere
accessory, he might be utilized by the Acting Chief of Police
  as prosecution witness against Cabig. More importantly, the
fact that the complaint charged only Cabig, respondent Judge,
A.M. No. MTJ-93-874 March 14, 1995 in the exercise of his sound discretion, ordered the release of
the truck owned by Golpe.
AUGUSTUS L. MOMONGAN, Regional Director,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, The Memorandum of the Office of the Court Administrator
Region VIII, Tacloban City, petitioner, recommended that a formal investigation be conducted. An
vs. excerpt from its Memorandum states:
JUDGE RAFAEL B. OMIPON, 6th Municipal Circuit
Trial Court, Hinunangan Silago, Southern
Leyte, respondent.


We find the explanation of respondent unsatisfactory. While Except for the 21 January 1994 motion for reinvestigation of
he is authorized to conduct preliminary investigation in all DENR counsel Esber which sought for the inclusion of jeep
cases of violations of P.D. 705, as amended, otherwise known owner and driver Dionisio Golpe in the criminal information,
as the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines, Sec. 68-A there is nothing new that can be added to the facts found by
thereof provides that it is the Department Head or his duly the Honorable Deputy Court Administrator as reflected in his
authorized representative who may order the confiscation and Memorandum for the Honorable Chief Justice dated 12
disposition of the forest products illegally cut, gathered, October 1993.
removed, or possessed or abandoned, and all conveyances
used either by land, water or air in the commission of the There being no actual investigation conducted, no additional
offense and to dispose of the same in accordance with facts could be reported and consequently, there is no basis for
pertinent laws, regulations or policies on the matter. a recommendation on the basis of facts.

There may be some facts that are not extant in the records This investigator can only recommend appropriate action by
which can only come out during a formal investigation to the Supreme Court on the basis of the facts already extant in
better establish clear culpability or exoneration over the the records with a prayer for consideration of respondent
respondent. plight especially so since on account of this investigation his
health has deteriorated and may affect his efficiency output as
In view thereof, and to give respondent an opportunity to clear a judge. Perhaps, allowing him to bow out of the service with
himself, it is respectfully recommended that this matter be honor and corresponding benefits.5
referred to Acting Executive Judge Leandro T. Loyao, Jr.,
RTC, Branch 26, San Juan, Southern Leyte, for investigation, During the pendency of this case, respondent Judge filed for
report and recommendation within sixty days from receipt of disability retirement. His application was approved but his
the records.3 pension was not released pending the outcome of this case.

In the Resolution of November 8, 1993, the Court resolved to We find respondent Judge's order to release the truck owned
refer the case to Acting Executive Judge Leandro T. Loyao, and driven by Mr. Dionisio Golpe legally justifiable, hence, he
Jr., RTC, Branch 26, San Juan, Southern Leyte, for is not subject to any disciplinary sanction.
investigation, report and recommendation, within sixty (60)
days from receipt of the records.4 According to the Revised Penal Code, Art. 45, first paragraph:
"[E]very penalty imposed for the commission of a felony shall
During the first two hearing dates, complainant was unable to carry with it the forfeiture of the proceeds of the crime and the
attend but sent his representatives, DENR lawyer Constantino instrument or tools with which it was committed." However,
Esber and legal assistant Romeo Gulong. Respondent Judge this cannot be done if such proceeds and instruments or tools
appeared with his counsel. However, on the third hearing date, "be the property of a third person not liable for offense." In
respondent Judge failed to appear as he suffered a stroke and this case, the truck, though used to transport the illegally cut
was hospitalized. Thereafter, DENR counsel Esber manifested lumber, cannot be confiscated and forfeited in the event
that their office has filed a motion for reinvestigation and for accused therein be convicted because the truck owner/driver,
the turnover of the jeep to the PNP and subsequently, to the Mr. Dionisio Golpe was not indicted. Hence, there was no
DENR. He also manifested that the complainant is submitting justification for respondent Judge not to release the truck.
the administrative matter for resolution and recommendation
without adducing evidence against respondent. Respondent's Complainant is correct in pointing out that based on Pres.
counsel did not object to complainant's manifestation. The Decree No. 705, Sec. 68-A and Adm. Order No. 59, the
counsel of both complainant and respondent jointly agreed to DENR Secretary or his duly authorized representative has the
submit the case for appropriate action. power to confiscate any illegally obtained or gathered forest
products and all conveyances used in the commission of the
The Investigating Judge's confidential report, in part, states: offense and to dispose of the same in accordance with
pertinent laws. However, as complainant himself likewise
In view of this development in the course of an intended pointed out, this power is in relation to the administrative
investigation this investigator could not elicit additional facts jurisdiction of the DENR.
than are found in the records, whether inculpatory or
exculpatory. Respondent was given an opportunity to explain We do not find that when respondent Judge released the truck
the unfavorable circumstances against him but he was after he conducted the preliminary investigation and satisfied
overtaken by a serious illness. So much was expected from the himself that there was no reason to continue keeping the truck,
complainant to supply the facts not extant in the records, but he violated Pres. Decree No. 705 and Adm. Order No. 59. The
he lost interest in substantiating his April 1993 report to the release of the truck did not render nugatory the administrative
Supreme Court. In fact, he was submitting this administrative authority of the DENR Secretary. The confiscation
matter for resolution without adducing evidence against proceedings under Adm. Order No. 596 is different from the

respondent. confiscation under the Revised Penal Code, which is an


additional penalty imposed in the event of conviction. Despite

the order of release, the truck can be seized again either by AMADO TAOPA, petitioner,
filing a motion for reinvestigation and motion to include the vs.
truck owner/driver, as co-accused, which complainant has PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondent.
done as manifested before the lower court or by enforcing
Adm. Order No. 59. Section 12 thereof categorically states RESOLUTION
that "[t]he confiscation of the conveyance under these
regulations shall be without prejudice to any criminal action CORONA, J.:
which shall be filed against the owner thereof or any person
who used the conveyance in the commission of the offense."
On April 2, 1996, the Community Environment and Natural
Resources Office of Virac, Catanduanes seized a truck loaded
Petitioner is of the opinion that under the circumstances, with illegally-cut lumber and arrested its driver, Placido
respondent Judge should have turned over the truck to the Cuison. The lumber was covered with bundles of abaca fiber
Community Environment and Natural Resources Office to prevent detection. On investigation, Cuison pointed to
(CENRO) of San Juan, Southern Leyte for appropriate petitioner Amado Taopa and a certain Rufino Ogalesco as the
disposition. No doubt, this would have simplified matters and owners of the seized lumber.
prevented the present situation from occurring wherein one
government official files a complaint against another. Under
Sec. 4 of Adm. Order No. 59, if the apprehension is not made Taopa, Ogalesco and Cuison were thereafter charged with
by DENR field offices, deputized military personnel and violating Section 68 of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 705,1 as
officials of other agencies apprehending illegal logs and other amended, in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Virac,
forest products and their conveyances shall notify the nearest Catanduanes. The information against them read:
DENR field offices and turn over said forest products and
conveyances for proper action and disposition. A period of That on or about the 2nd day of April 1996 at around 9:00
about two weeks lapsed from the time the seizure was made o'clock in the morning at Barangay Capilihan, Municipality of
before a complaint was filed. During this period, the Virac, Province of Catanduanes, Philippines, and within the
apprehending policemen had enough time to turn over the logs jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
and the truck to the nearest DENR field office for proper accused, with intent to possess, conspiring, confederating and
action and disposition since the duty to turn over the truck to helping one another, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully,
the nearest DENR field office rests on the officials criminally possess, transport in a truck bearing Plate No. EAS
apprehending the illegal logs. There being no mandatory duty 839 and have in their control forest products, particularly one
on the part of respondent Judge to turn over the truck, he hundred thirteen (113) pieces of lumber of Philippine
should not be visited with disciplinary sanction when he did Mahogany Group and Apitong species with an aggregate net
not refer the same to the DENR field office in San Juan, volume of One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Four (1,684)
Southern Leyte. board feet with an approximate value of Ninety-Nine
Thousand One Hundred Twenty (Php99,120.00) Pesos,
The Court takes this opportunity to enjoin the National Police, Philippine Currency, without any authority and/or legal
the DENR, the prosecutors, and the members of the bench to documents as required under existing forest laws and
coordinate with each other for a successful campaign against regulations, prejudicial to the public interest.
illegal logging. It behooves all the concerned agencies to
seriously strive for the attainment of the constitutionally- ACTS CONTRARY TO LAW.2
declared policy to "protect and advance the right of the people
to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm Taopa, Ogalesco and Cuison pleaded not guilty on
and harmony of nature"7 in order to preserve our natural arraignment. After trial on the merits, the RTC found them
resources for the benefit of the generations still to come. guilty as charged beyond reasonable doubt.3

WHEREFORE, the complaint is DISMISSED. Only Taopa and Cuison appealed the RTC decision to the
Court of Appeals (CA). Cuison was acquitted but Taopa's
SO ORDERED. conviction was affirmed.4 The dispositive portion of the CA
decision read:

WHEREFORE, the Decision appealed from

is REVERSED with respect to accused-appellant Placido
Cuison, who is ACQUITTED of the crime charged on
reasonable doubt, and MODIFIED with respect to accused-
appellants Amado Taopa and Rufino Ogalesco by reducing the
penalty imposed on them to four (4) years, nine (9) months
and eleven (11) days of prision correccional, as minimum, to

G.R. No. 184098             November 25, 2008 ten (10) years of prision mayor, as maximum.

In this petition,6 Taopa seeks his acquittal from the charges The actual market value of the 113 pieces of seized lumber
against him. He alleges that the prosecution failed to prove was P67,630.9 Following Article 310 in relation to Article 309,
that he was one of the owners of the seized lumber as he was the imposable penalty should be reclusion temporal in its
not in the truck when the lumber was seized. medium and maximum periods or a period ranging from 14
years, eight months and one day to 20 years plus an additional
We deny the petition. period of four years for the excess of P47,630.

Both the RTC and the CA gave scant consideration to Taopa's The minimum term of the indeterminate sentence10 imposable
alibi because Cuison's testimony proved Taopa's active on Taopa shall be the penalty next lower to that prescribed in
participation in the transport of the seized lumber. In the RPC. In this case, the minimum term shall be anywhere
particular, the RTC and the CA found that the truck was between 10 years and one day to 14 years and eight months
loaded with the cargo in front of Taopa's house and that Taopa or prision mayor in its maximum period to reclusion
and Ogalesco were accompanying the truck driven by Cuison temporal in its minimum period.
up to where the truck and lumber were seized. These facts
proved Taopa's (and Ogalesco's) exercise of dominion and The maximum term shall be the sum of the additional four
control over the lumber loaded in the truck. The acts of Taopa years and the medium period11 of reclusion temporal in its
(and of his co-accused Ogalesco) constituted possession of medium and maximum periods or 16 years, five months and
timber or other forest products without the required legal 11 days to 18 years, two months and 21 days of reclusion
documents. Moreover, the fact that Taopa and Ogalesco ran temporal. The maximum term therefore may be anywhere
away at the mere sight of the police was likewise largely between 16 years, five months and 11 days of reclusion
indicative of guilt. We are thus convinced that Taopa and temporal to 22 years, two months and 21 days of reclusion
Ogalesco were owners of the seized lumber. perpetua.

However, we disagree with both the RTC and CA as to the WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. The January
penalty imposed on Taopa. 31, 2008 decision and July 28, 2008 resolution of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 30380
Section 68 of PD 705, as amended,7 refers to Articles 309 and are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. Petitioner Amado
310 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) for the penalties to be Taopa is hereby found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt for
imposed on violators. Violation of Section 68 of PD 705, as violation of Section 68 of PD No. 705, as amended, and
amended, is punished as qualified theft.8 The law treats sentenced to suffer the indeterminate penalty of imprisonment
cutting, gathering, collecting and possessing timber or other from 10 years and one day of prision mayor, as minimum, to
forest products without license as an offense as grave as and 20 years of reclusion temporal as maximum, with the
equivalent to the felony of qualified theft. accessory penalties provided for by law.

Articles 309 and 310 read: SO ORDERED.

Art. 309. Penalties. - Any person guilty of theft shall be

punished by:

1. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium

periods, if the value of the thing stolen is more 12,000 pesos
but does not exceed 22,000 pesos; but if the value of the
thing stolen exceeds the latter amount, the penalty shall be
the maximum period of the one prescribed in this
paragraph, and one year for each additional ten thousand
pesos, but the total of the penalty which may be imposed shall
not exceed twenty years. In such cases, and in connection with
the accessory penalties which may be imposed and for the
purpose of the other provisions of this Code, the penalty shall
be termed prision mayor or reclusion temporal, as the case
may be. (emphasis supplied)

2. xxx

Art. 310. Qualified theft. - The crime of theft shall be

punished by the penalties next higher by two degrees than

those respectively specified in the next preceding

articles xxx (emphasis supplied).
GALO MONGE, petitioner,



This is a Petition for Review1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of

Court whereby petitioner Galo Monge (petitioner) assails the
Decision2 of the Court of Appeals dated 28 June 2005 which
affirmed his conviction as well as the discharge of accused
Edgar Potencio (Potencio) as a state witness.

The factual antecedents follow. On 20 July 1994, petitioner

and Potencio were found by barangay tanods Serdan and
Molina in possession of and transporting three (3) pieces of
mahogany lumber in Barangay Santo Domingo, Iriga City.
Right there and then, the tanods demanded that they be shown
the requisite permit and/or authority from the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) but neither
petitioner nor Potencio was able to produce any.3 Petitioner
fled the scene in that instant whereas Potencio was brought to
the police station for interrogation, and thereafter, to the
DENR-Community Environment and Natural Resources
Office (DENR-CENRO).4 The DENR-CENRO issued a
seizure receipt for the three pieces of lumber indicating that
the items, totaling 77 board feet of mahogany valued
at P1,925.00, had been seized from Potencio.5 Later on,
petitioner was arrested, but Potencio’s whereabouts had been
unknown since the time of the seizure6 until he surfaced on 3
January 1998.7

An information was filed with the Regional Trial Court of

Iriga City, Branch 35 charging petitioner and Potencio with
violation of Section 688 of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No.
705,9 as amended by Executive Order (E.O.) No. 277, series of
1997. The inculpatory portion of the information reads:

That on or about the 20th day of [July 1994], at about 9:30

o’clock in the morning, in Barangay Sto. Domingo, Iriga City,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
Court, the above-named accused, conspiring, confederating
with each other, without any authority of law, nor armed with
necessary permit/license or other documents, with intent to
gain, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously,
transport and have in their possession three (3) pieces of
Mahogany of assorted [dimension] with a[n] appropriate
volume of seventy-seven (77) board feet or point eighteen
(0.18) cubic meter with a total market value of P1,925.00,
Philippine currency, to the damage and prejudice of the DENR
in the aforesaid amount.


At the 26 November 1996 arraignment, petitioner entered a


negative plea.11

G.R. No. 170308             March 7, 2008

Trial ensued. On 17 June 1997, Serdan testified on the forest products may be proven by the authorization duly issued
circumstances of the apprehension but for failing to appear in by the DENR. In the second offense, however, it is immaterial
court for cross examination, his testimony was stricken whether or not the cutting, gathering, collecting and removal
out.12 On 16 January 1998, Potencio was discharged to be used of forest products are legal precisely because mere possession
as a state witness on motion of the prosecutor.13 Accordingly, of forest products without the requisite documents
he testified on the circumstances of the arrest but claimed that consummates the crime.20
for a promised fee he was merely requested by petitioner, the
owner of the log, to assist him in hauling the same down from It is thus clear that the fact of possession by petitioner and
the mountain. Potencio’s testimony was materially Potencio of the subject mahogany lumber and their subsequent
corroborated by Molina.14 Petitioner did not contest the failure to produce the requisite legal documents, taken
allegations, except that it was not he but Potencio who owned together, has already given rise to criminal liability under
the lumber. He lamented that contrary to what Potencio had Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, particularly the second act
stated in court, it was the latter who hired him to bring the log punished thereunder. The direct and affirmative testimony of
from the site to the sawmill where the same was to be sawn Molina and Potencio as a state witness on the circumstances
into pieces.15 surrounding the apprehension well establishes petitioner’s
liability. Petitioner cannot take refuge in his denial of
The trial court found petitioner guilty as charged. Petitioner ownership over the pieces of lumber found in his possession
was imposed nine (9) years, four (4) months and one (1) day nor in his claim that his help was merely solicited by Potencio
to ten (10) years and eight (8) months of prision mayor in its to provide the latter assistance in transporting the said lumber.
medium and maximum periods and ordered to pay the costs.16 P.D. No. 705 is a special penal statute that punishes acts
essentially malum prohibitum. As such, in prosecutions under
Aggrieved, petitioner elevated the case to the Court of Appeals its provisions, claims of good faith are by no means reliable as
where he challenged the discharge of Potencio as a state defenses because the offense is complete and criminal liability
witness on the ground that the latter was not the least guilty of attaches once the prohibited acts are committed. 21 In other
the offense and that there was no absolute necessity for his words, mere possession of timber or other forest products
testimony.17 The appellate court dismissed this challenge and without the proper legal documents, even absent malice or
affirmed the findings of the trial court. However, it modified criminal intent, is illegal.22 It would therefore make no
the penalty to an indeterminate prison sentence of six (6) years difference at all whether it was petitioner himself or Potencio
of prision correccional as minimum to ten (10) years and eight who owned the subject pieces of lumber.
(8) months of prision mayor as maximum.18 His motion for
reconsideration was denied, hence the present appeal whereby Considering the overwhelming body of evidence pointing to
petitioner reiterates his challenge against the discharge of nothing less than petitioner’s guilt of the offense charged,
Potencio. there is no cogent reason to reverse his conviction.

The petition is utterly unmeritorious. Petitioner’s challenge against Potencio’s discharge as a state
witness must also fail. Not a few cases established the doctrine
Petitioner and Potencio were caught in flagrante that the discharge of an accused so he may turn state witness is
delicto transporting, and thus in possession of, processed left to the exercise of the trial court’s sound
mahogany lumber without proper authority from the DENR. discretion23 limited only by the requirements set forth in
Petitioner has never denied this fact. But in his attempt to Section 17,24 Rule 119 of the Rules of Court. Thus, whether
exonerate himself from liability, he claims that it was the accused offered to be discharged appears to be the least
Potencio, the owner of the lumber, who requested his guilty and whether there is objectively an absolute necessity
assistance in hauling the log down from the mountain and in for his testimony are questions that lie within the domain of
transporting the same to the sawmill for processing. The the trial court, it being competent to resolve issues of fact. The
contention is unavailing. discretionary judgment of the trial court with respect this
highly factual issue is not to be interfered with by the appellate
Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as amended by E.O. No. 277, courts except in case of grave abuse of discretion.25 No such
criminalizes two distinct and separate offenses, namely: (a) the grave abuse is present in this case. Suffice it to say that issues
cutting, gathering, collecting and removing of timber or other relative to the discharge of an accused must be raised in the
forest products from any forest land, or timber from alienable trial court as they cannot be addressed for the first time on
or disposable public land, or from private land without any appeal.26
authority; and (b) the possession of timber or other forest
products without the legal documents required under existing Moreover and more importantly, an order discharging an
laws and regulations.19 DENR Administrative Order No. 59 accused from the information in order that he may testify for
series of 1993 specifies the documents required for the the prosecution has the effect of an acquittal.27 Once the
transport of timber and other forest products. Section 3 thereof discharge is ordered by the trial court, any future development
materially requires that the transport of lumber be showing that any or all of the conditions provided in Section

accompanied by a certificate of lumber origin duly issued by 17, Rule 119 have not actually been fulfilled will not affect the
legal consequence of an acquittal.28 Any witting or unwitting

the DENR-CENRO. In the first offense, the legality of the acts

of cutting, gathering, collecting or removing timber or other error of the prosecution, therefore, in moving for the discharge
and of the court in granting the motion—no question of
jurisdiction being involved—will not deprive the discharged
accused of the benefit of acquittal and of his right against
double jeopardy. A contrary rule would certainly be unfair to
the discharged accused because he would then be faulted for a
failure attributable to the prosecutor. It is inconceivable that G.R. No. 144640             June 26, 2006
the rule has adopted the abhorrent legal policy of placing the RODOLFO TIGOY, Petitioner,
fate of the discharged accused at the mercy of anyone who vs.
may handle the prosecution.29 Indeed, the only instance where PHILIPPINES, Respondents.
the testimony of a discharged accused may be disregarded is DECISION
when he deliberately fails to testify truthfully in court in
accordance with his commitment,30 as provided for in Section AZCUNA, J.:
18, Rule 119. Potencio lived up to his commitment and for
that reason, petitioner’s challenge against his discharge must
This is a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of
be dismissed.
Court assailing the decision and resolution, dated March 6,
2000 and August 23, 2000, respectively, of the Court of
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the assailed Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 20864 entitled "People of the
decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED. Philippines v. Nestor Ong and Rodolfo Tigoy," acquitting
Nestor Ong for insufficiency of evidence, while convicting
SO ORDERED. Rodolfo Tigoy for violating Section 68 of Presidential Decree
(P.D.) No. 705 or the Revised Forestry Code of the
Philippines, as amended by Executive Order (E.O.) No. 277,
Series of 1987, in relation to Articles 309 and 310 of the
Revised Penal Code.

The facts of the case are as follows:

On August 3, 1993, Nestor Ong, who had been engaged in the

trucking business in Iligan City since 1986, was allegedly
introduced by his friend Gamad Muntod to Lolong Bertodazo
who signified his intent to rent the trucks of Ong to transport
construction materials from Larapan, Lanao del Norte to
Dipolog City. A Contract to Transport was supposedly entered
into between Ong and Bertodazo, the salient portions of which

1. That the party of the First Part is an owner of Cargo Trucks

with place of business at Iligan City;

2. That the party of the Second Part is a businessman dealing

in buy and sell of General Merchandise, dry goods and
construction materials;

3. That the party of the Second Part will engage the services of
the two (2) cargo trucks of the party of the First Part;

4. That the services agreed upon should be rendered by the

party of the First Part on August 3, 1993 from Larapan,
Linamon, Lanao del Norte to Dipolog City for an agreed
amount of TEN THOUSAND (P10,000.00) Pesos per truck or
a total of TWENTY THOUSAND (P20,000.00) Pesos,
Philippine Currency for the carriage of cement and other
merchandise owned by the party of the Second Part;

5. That any legal controversy involving the cargo or of and

when the cargo trucks are not actually used for the purpose

herein stipulated, it is agreed that the same is the sole

responsibility of the party of the Second Part without any

liability of the party of the First Part.1

In the evening of October 3, 1993, Ong allegedly ordered were instructed by Sumagang to inform Nestor Ong of the
Nestor Sumagang and petitioner Rodolfo Tigoy who had been incident.
employed by him as truck drivers for two (2) years and ten
(10) years, respectively, to bring the two trucks to Lolong Afterwards, the group of Tome proceeded back to the ICC
Bertodazo in Larapan, Lanao del Norte which is about fifteen Arts Center and informed the Provincial Director of the
(15) minutes away from Iligan City. He instructed the two apprehension. Meanwhile, the drivers, Tigoy and Sumagang,
drivers to leave the trucks in Larapan for the loading of the were detained at the Ozamis City Police Station while Arante
construction materials by Lolong Bertodazo, and to go back at and Lopez were released.5
dawn for the trip to Dipolog City. Thus, after meeting with
Bertodazo, Sumagang and petitioner Tigoy allegedly went Meanwhile, Ermelo delos Santos, Chief of the Department of
home to return to Larapan at four o’clock in the morning the Environment and Natural Resources – Community and
next day. When they arrived, the trucks had been laden with Environment and Natural Resources Office (DENR-
bags of cement and were half-covered with canvas.2 Before CENRO),6 after receiving a call from the Ozamis City Police
departing, they allegedly checked the motor oil, water, engine Station that two trucks were apprehended transporting sawn
and tires of the trucks to determine if the same were in good lumber without a permit and were brought to the City Hall,
condition. sent Rolando Dingal, Forester of the DENR, together with
Teodoro Echavez, Juanito Taruc and Lucio Penaroya, to
That same morning of October 4, 1993, Senior Inspector Rico investigate.
Lacay Tome (then Deputy Chief of Police of Ozamis City),
while escorting Provincial Director Dionisio Coloma at the Petitioner Tigoy and Sumagang presented to Dingal the
ICC Arts Center in Ozamis City, along with the members of registration papers of the two trucks and appearing therein was
the Special Operation Group, received a dispatch from the the name of Nestor Ong as the owner. After ascertaining that
466th PNP Company situated at Barangay Bongbong, Ozamis the sawn lumber loaded on the two trucks did not have
City, informing him that two trucks, a blue and green loaded supporting documents, Dingal and his companions scaled the
with cement, that were going towards Ozamis City did not subject lumber and prepared a tally sheet. Loaded in the blue
stop at the checkpoint. Upon receiving the report, Tome, along Nissan ten-wheeler truck were 229 pieces of lumber with a
with PO2 Peter Paul Nuqui and PO3 Bienvenido Real, total volume of 6,232.46 board feet; and, in the green Isuzu
boarded their patrol vehicle, a mini cruiser jeep, to intercept eight-wheeler truck, 333 pieces of lumber with a total volume
the two trucks at Lilian Terminal, Ozamis City.3 of 5,095.5 board feet.7 Consequently, the lumber and the
vehicles were seized upon the order of the DENR Regional
At the Lilian Terminal, PO2 Nuqui, who was the only one in Executive Director.8
uniform among the police officers, flagged down the two
trucks but the same just sped away and proceeded towards the On October 6, 1993, an Information was filed against Nestor
direction of Oroquieta City. Aboard their patrol vehicle, they Ong, Sumagang, Lolong Bertodazo and petitioner Tigoy for
chased the trucks and overtook the same at Barangay possession of forest products without legal permit, thus:
Manabay. They blocked the road with their vehicle causing the
two trucks to stop.
That on or about the 4th day of August, 1993 at Barangay
Catadman, Ozamiz City, Philippines, and within the
According to Senior Inspector Tome, he asked the driver who jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
had alighted from the green truck why he did not stop at the accused, conspiring and confederating together and mutually
checkpoint but the latter did not answer. When he inquired helping each other, for a common design, did then and there
what was loaded in the truck, the driver replied that there is willfully, unlawfully, feloniously and illegally possess and
"S.O.P," which means grease money in street parlance. 4 This transport without the necessary legal documents nor permit
raised the suspicion of Tome that the trucks were loaded with from the lawful authorities, sawn dipterocarp lumbers
"hot items." (Philippine Mahogany), in the following manner, to wit:
accused Nestor Ong, being the owner of 2 ten wheeler trucks
Meanwhile, the blue truck which had been speeding behind with Plate Nos. GDA-279 and PNH-364 facilitated and
the green truck and was being driven by Sumagang was allowed the use and transport of above-stated sawn [lumber]
intercepted by PO3 Real. Upon inspection, the police officers from Larapan, Lanao del Norte, but intercepted by the PNP
discovered piles of sawn lumber beneath the cement bags in authorities in Ozamiz City; while the accused Lolong
both trucks. Tome inquired if the drivers had a permit for the Bertodazo facilitated the loading and transport of said sawn
lumber but the latter could not produce any. lumbers, while accused Nestor Sumagang y Lacson drove the
Nissan 10 wheeler cargo truck bearing Plate No. GDA-279
The drivers were brought and turned over to the investigator at which was loaded with 333 pieces of said sawn dipterocarp
the City Hall in Ozamis City. The truckmen, namely, Felix lumbers (Philippine Mahogany) of assorted sizes equivalent
Arante and Doro Lopez, and another passenger whom Tigoy [to] 5,095.5 board feet which was concealed under piled bags
identified as Lolong Bertodazo, who were riding with them in of cement, which lumbers [were] valued at P134, 242.36;

the trucks, were not investigated. According to Nuqui, they did while accused Rodolfo Tigoy drove the 8 wheeler Isuzu truck

not notice that the group had left. It was later learned that they bearing Plate No. ONH-364, which was loaded and
transported with 229 pieces of sawn dipterocarp lumbers
(Philippine Mahogany) of assorted sizes equivalent to On March 24, 2000, petitioner filed with the Court of Appeals
6,232.46 board feet which was concealed under piled bags of a Motion for Reconsideration praying for his acquittal but the
cement which lumbers [were] valued at P92,316.77 or total same was denied on August 23, 2000.
value of P226,559.13, without, however, causing damage to
the government, inasmuch as the aforestated lumbers were Hence, this petition, with the following assignment of errors:
CONTRARY to Section 68 of Presidential Decree 705, as "COLLUSION" BETWEEN LOLONG BERTODAZO AND
amended by Executive Order No. 277, Series of 1987, in PETITIONER TIGOY;
relation to Article 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code.9
Ong and petitioner Tigoy entered pleas of not guilty during the DISREGARDING THE AFFIDAVIT OF LOLONG
arraignment. Sumagang died after the case was filed while the BERTODAZO AGAINST HIS PENAL INTEREST;
other co-accused, Lolong Bertodazo, was not arrested and has
On October 11, 1996, the Regional Trial Court rendered its LUMBER HE WAS TRANSPORTING; AND,
Decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:
Tigoy [GUILTY] beyond reasonable doubt of possession of POSSESSION OF THE UNDOCUMENTED LUMBER.12
dipterocarp lumber [VALUED] at more than P22,000.00
without the legal documents as required by existing laws and Stated otherwise, the core issue presented is whether or not
regulations, penalized as qualified theft, this Court sentences petitioner Tigoy is guilty of conspiracy in possessing or
them to an indeterminate penalty of ten (10) years and one (1) transporting lumber without the necessary permit in violation
day of prision mayor to eighteen (18) years and three (3) of the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines.
months of reclusion temporal. The lumber and the
conveyances used are forfeited in favor of the government.
With costs. Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as amended by E.O. No. 277,
otherwise known as the Revised Forestry Code of the
Philippines, provides:
The DENR is ordered to sell/dispose of the lumber and
conveyances in accordance with the existing laws, WITHOUT
DELAY. Let the Court of Appeals, Fourteenth Division, Section 68. Cutting, Gathering and/or Collecting Timber or
before which accused Ong’s appeal of this Court’s denial of Other Forest Products Without License. – Any person who
his action for replevin relative to his trucks is pending, be shall cut, gather, collect, remove timber or other forest
furnished with a copy of this judgment. products from any forest land, or timber from alienable or
disposable public land, or from private land, without any
authority, or possess timber or other forest products without
With costs. the legal documents as required under existing forest laws and
regulations, shall be punished with the penalties imposed
SO ORDERED.10 under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code. . . .

Declaring that "constructive possession" of unlicensed lumber There are two ways of violating Section 68 of the above Code:
is not within the contemplation of Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, 1) by cutting, gathering and/or collecting timber or other forest
and for failure by the prosecution to prove the complicity of products without a license; and, 2) by possessing timber or
Ong, the Court of Appeals rendered its decision on March 6, other forest products without the required legal documents.
2000 modifying the ruling of the lower court, thus:
Petitioner was charged with and convicted of transporting
WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is hereby lumber without a permit which is punishable under Section 68
MODIFIED in that accused-appellant Nestor Ong is acquitted of the Code. He, Sumagang and the rest of their companions
for insufficiency of evidence and his two (2) trucks are were apprehended by the police officers in flagrante delicto as
ordered returned to him. The conviction of Rodolfo Tigoy is they were transporting the subject lumber from Larapan to
upheld and the decision dated October 11, 1996 is Dipolog City.
AFFIRMED in all respects.
Petitioner maintains that he could not have conspired with
SO ORDERED.11 Lolong Bertodazo as he did not know about the unlicensed
lumber in the trucks. He believed that what he was

transporting were bags of cement in view of the contract


between Ong and Bertodazo. Also, he was not around when

Bertodazo loaded the trucks with the lumber hidden under the findings of the trial court, when adopted and confirmed by the
bags of cement. Court of Appeals, are generally final and conclusive.20

This contention by petitioner, however, was not believed by WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the Decision
the lower court. In declaring that petitioner connived with and Resolution, dated March 6, 2000 and August 23, 2000,
Bertodazo in transporting the subject lumber, the court a respectively, of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No.
quo noted: 20864 are hereby AFFIRMED.

x x x The evidence of the prosecution established that the two Costs against petitioner.
drivers of accused Ong refused to stop at a checkpoint, a fact
admitted by both in their affidavit, Exhs. "E" and "E-2". SECOND DIVISION
Likewise, the two drivers refused to stop on the national
highway near a bus terminal when required by a uniformed
policeman. When finally accosted, one of the drivers, whom
witness Tome identified as the driver of the green truck,
Sumagang, but who actually was Tigoy (as he was the driver
of the green truck and who came to the road block first, being
the lead driver) offered "S.O.P." which to witness Tome meant
that the trucks were carrying "hot items."
G.R. No. 131270             March 17, 2000
Why would the drivers refuse to stop when required? Did they
fear inspection of their cargo? Why would "S.O.P." (which in PERFECTO PALLADA, petitioner,
street parlance is grease money) be offered to facilitate the vs.
passage of the trucks? The only logical answer to all these PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondent.
questions is that the drivers knew that they were carrying
contraband lumber. This Court believes that the drivers had MENDOZA, J.:
knowledge of the fact that they were transporting and were in
possession of undocumented lumber in violation of law.13
This is a petition for review of the decision 1 of the Court of
Appeals affirming petitioner's conviction of illegal possession
In offenses considered as mala prohibita or when the doing of of lumber in violation of §68 2 of the Revised Forestry
an act is prohibited by a special law such as in the present Code 3 (P.D. No. 705, as amended) by the Regional Trial
case, the commission of the prohibited act is the crime itself. It Court, Branch 8, Malaybalay, Bukidnon.
is sufficient that the offender has the intent to perpetrate the
act prohibited by the special law, and that it is done knowingly
The facts are as follows:
and consciously.14
Sometime in the latter part of 1992, the Department of
Direct proof of previous agreement to commit an offense is
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) office in
not necessary to prove conspiracy.15 Conspiracy may be
Bukidnon received reports that illegally cut lumber was being
proven by circumstantial evidence.16 It may be deduced from
delivered to the warehouse of the Valencia Golden Harvest
the mode, method and manner by which the offense is
Corporation in Valencia, Bukidnon. The company is engaged
perpetrated, or inferred from the acts of the accused when such
in rice milling and trading.
acts point to a joint purpose and design, concerted action and
community of interest.17 It is not even required that the
participants have an agreement for an appreciable period to DENR officers, assisted by elements of the Philippine
commence it.18 National Police, raided the company's warehouse in Poblacion,
Valencia on the strength of a warrant issued by the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 8, Malaybalay, Bukidnon and found a
Petitioner’s actions adequately show that he intentionally
large stockpile of lumber of varying sizes cut by a chain saw.
participated in the commission of the offense for which he had
As proof that the company had acquired the lumber by
been charged and found guilty by both the trial court and the
purchase, petitioner produced two receipts issued by R.L.
Court of Appeals.
Rivero Lumberyard of Maramag, Bukidnon, dated March 6
and 17, 1992. The DENR officers did not, however, give
Finding that petitioner’s conviction was reached without credit to the receipt considering that R. L. Rivero
arbitrariness and with sufficient basis, this Court upholds the Lumberyard's permit to operate had long been suspended.
same. The Court accords high respect to the findings of facts What is more, the pieces of lumber were cut by chain saw and
of the trial court, its calibration of the collective testimonies of thus could not have come from a licensed sawmill operator.
the witnesses, its assessment of the probative weight of the
evidence of the parties as well as its conclusions 19 especially

The team made an inventory of the seized lumber which, all in

when these are in agreement with those of the Court of
all, constituted 29,299.25 board feet, worth P488,334.45 in

Appeals, which is the case here. As a matter of fact, factual

total. The following day, September 29, 1992, the first batch
of lumber, consisting of 162 pieces measuring 1,954.66 board Accused Isaias Valdehueza and Noel Sy are ACQUITTED for
feet, was taken and impounded at the FORE stockyard in lack of evidence against them.
Sumpong; Malaybalay, Bukidnon. The seizure order 4 was
served on petitioner Perfecto Pallada as general manager of Petitioner and Francisco Tankiko appealed to the Court of
the company, but he refused to acknowledge it. Appeals, which, on October 31, 1997, affirmed petitioner's
conviction but acquitted Tankiko for lack of proof of his
On October 1, 1992, raiding team returned for the remaining participation in the purchase or acquisition of the seized
lumber. Company president Francisco Tankiko and a certain lumber. 8
Isaias Valdehueza, who represented himself to be a lawyer,
asked for a suspension of the operations to enable them to seek Hence this petition which raises the following issues: 9
a lifting of the warrant. The motion was filed with the court
which issued the warrant but, on October 5, 1992, the motion I. WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT OF
was denied. 5 Accordingly, the remaining lumber was APPEALS WAS CORRECT IN UPHOLDING THE
confiscated. By October 9, 1992, all the lumber in the RULING OF THE TRIAL COURT THAT THE
warehouse had been seized. As before, however, petitioner PROSECUTION HAD PROVED BEYOND REASONABLE
Pallada refused to sign for the seizure orders issued by the DOUBT THE GUILT OF THE ACCUSED-PETITIONER
DENR officers (Exhs. E, F & G). PALLADA.

On February 23, 1993, petitioner, as general manager, together II. WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT OF
with Noel Sy, as assistant operations manager, and Francisco APPEALS WAS CORRECT IN UPHOLDING THE
Tankiko, as president of the Valencia Golden Harvest DECISION OF THE TRIAL COURT THAT THE
Corporation, and Isaias Valdehueza, were charged with CERTIFICATE OF TIMBER ORIGIN WAS NOT THE
violation of §68 of P.D. No. 705, as amended. The PROPER DOCUMENT TO JUSTIFY PETITIONER'S
That on or about the 1st day of October, 1992, and prior
thereto at the Valencia Golden Harvest Corporation III. WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT OF
Compound, municipality of Valencia, province of Bukidnon, APPEALS WAS CORRECT IN UPHOLDING THE
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable RULING OF THE TRIAL COURT THAT THE PRESENCE
Court, the above-named accused, conspiring, confederating OF ERASURES IN THE CERTIFICATE OF TIMBER
and mutually helping one another, with intent of gain, did then ORIGIN RENDER THEM VALUELESS AS EVIDENCE.
and there willfully, unlawfully and criminally possess 2,115
pieces [of] lumber of different dimensions in the total volume
of 29,299.25 board feet or equivalent to 69.10 cubic meters First. During the trial, the defense presented the following
with an estimated value of FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY documents, as summarized by the trial court, to establish that
EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR Valencia Golden Harvest Corporation's possession of the
PESOS AND 45/100 (P488,334.45) Philippine Currency, seized lumber was legal: 10
without any authority, license or legal documents from the
government, to the damage and prejudice of the government in 1. Exh. 6 — Certificate of Timber Origin (CTO for short),
the amount of P488,334.45. dated December 15, 1991, for 56 pieces of flitches equivalent
to 12.23 cubic meters, transported from Bombaran, Lanao del
Contrary to and in violation of Section 68, P.D. 705 as Sur of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. Taken
amended by E.O. 277. from the forest area of Wahab and H.D. Pangcoga.

As all the accused pleaded not guilty, trial ensued. Then on Exh. 6-A — Auxiliary Invoice
July 27, 1994, judgment was rendered as follows: 7
Exh. 6-B — Certificate of Transport Agreement (CTA, for
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered finding accused short)
Perfecto Pallada and Francisco Tankiko guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of having in their possession timber products Exh. 6-C — Tally Sheet, dated December 14, 1992, for 463
worth of P488,334.45 without the legal documents as charged pieces of lumber equivalent to 5,056.94 board feet
in the information in violation of Section 68 of Presidential
Decree 705, as amended and are, therefore, each sentenced to Exh. 6-D — Delivery Receipt, dated December 16, 1991, from
suffer imprisonment of TEN (10) YEARS of prision mayor as WHP Enterprises of Maguing, Lanao del Sur, to the
minimum to TWENTY (20) YEARS of reclusion temporal as Corporation for the lumber mentioned in Exh. "6-C"
maximum. The lumber subject of the crime are confiscated in
favor of the government. Exh. 6-F — Cash Voucher for P58,832.45 in payment to WHP

Enterprises, dated December 16, 1992, for the 5,056.94 board


feet of lumber
Exh. 6-D-1 — [C]arbon copy of Exh. "6-D" above Exh. 9-E — Official Receipt for environmental fee

2. Exh. 7 — CTO, (undated), for 961 pieces of log equivalent Exh. 9-F — Cash Voucher, for P64,299.50 to pay [for] 5,189
to 25.4 cubic meter[s] taken from the forest area of a certain board feet of lumber
Somira M. Ampuan in Lama Lico, Bombaran of the ARMM.
Exh. 9-D-1 — Xerox copy of Exh. "9-D"
Exh. 7-A — Auxiliary Invoice
The trial court acted correctly in not giving credence to the
Exh. 7-B — CTA Certificates of Timber Origin presented by petitioner since the
lumber held by the company should be covered by Certificates
Exh. 7-C — Tally Sheet, dated February 6, 1992, for 961 of Lumber Origin. 11 For indeed, as BFD Circular No. 10-
pieces of lumber equal to 10,758.2 board feet 83 12 states in pertinent parts:

Exh. 7-D — Delivery Receipt to Golden Harvest Corporation In order to provide an effective mechanism to pinpoint
issued by SMA Trading Company, dated February 6, 1992 accountability and responsibility for shipment of lumber . . .
and to have uniformity in documenting the origin thereof, the
Exh. 7-E — Official Receipt for environmental fee issued to attached Certificate of Lumber Origin (CLO) . . . which
Somira N. Ampuan, dated August 9, 1991 form[s] part of this circular [is] hereby adopted as accountable
forms for official use by authorized BFD officers . . . .
Exh. 7-F — Cash Voucher for P126,562.05 issued by the
Corporation in payment to SMA Trading Company for 5. Lumber . . . transported/shipped without the necessary
10,758.02 board feet of lumber, dated February 6, 1992 Certificate of Lumber Origin (CLO) . . . as herein required
shall be considered as proceeding from illegal sources and as
such, shall be subject to confiscation and disposition in
3. Exh. 8 — CTO for 678 pieces of chain-sawn lumber with an accordance with LOI 1020 and BFD implementing guidelines.
equivalent volume of 18.93 cubic meter from the forest area of
Wahab Pangcoga and H.D. Pangcoga, dated February 25,
1992 Petitioner contends that the term "timber" includes lumber
and, therefore, the Certificates of Timber Origin and their
attachments should have been considered in establishing the
Exh. 8-A — Auxiliary Invoice legality of the company's possession of the lumber. 13 In
support of his contention, petitioner invokes our ruling
Exh. 8-B — CTA. in Mustang Lumber, Inc. v. Court of Appeals. 14

Exh. 8-C — Tally Sheet for the 678 pieces of lumber. The contention has no, merit. The statement in Mustang
Lumber that lumber is merely processed timber and, therefore,
Exh. 8-D — Delivery Receipt to Golden Harvest Corporation the word "timber" embraces lumber, was made in answer to
issued by WHP Enterprises, the lower court's ruling in that case that the phrase "posses
timber or other forest products" in §68 of P.D. No. 705 means
Exh. 8-E — Official Receipt for environmental fee that only those who possess timber and forest products without
the documents required by law are criminally liable, while
those who possess lumber are not liable. On the other hand,
Exh. 8-F — Cash Voucher for P93,614.50 in payment for
the question in this case is whether separate certificates of
8,024.99 board feet of lumber issued by the Corporation
origin should be issued for lumber and timber. Indeed,
payable to WHP Enterprises
different certificates of origin are required for timber, lumber
and non-timber forest products. 15 As already noted, the
4. Exh. 9 — CTO for 426 pieces of logs (?) with an equivalent opening paragraph of BFD Circular No. 10-83 expressly states
volume of 12.24 cubic meters from licensee Somira M. that the issuance of a separate certificate of origin for lumber
Ampuan of Lama Lico, Bombaran, Lanao del Sur, consigned is required in order to "pinpoint accountability and
to the Corporation, (undated). Stamped "Release 3/2/92" responsibility for shipment of lumber . . . and to have
uniformity in documenting the origin thereof."
Exh. 9-A — Auxiliary Invoice
Even assuming that a Certificate of Timber Origin could serve
Exh. 9-B — CTA, dated March 20, 1992 as a substitute for Certificate of Lumber Origin, the trial court
and the Court of Appeals were justified in convicting
Exh. 9-C — Tally Sheet, dated March 20, 1992 petitioner, considering the numerous irregularities and defects
found in the documents presented by the latter. According to

Exh. 9-D — Delivery Receipt issued by SMA Trading the trial court: 16
Company to the Corporation, dated March 20, 1992
Although the CTO marked Exh. "6" mentions 56 pieces of came from lumber dealers. In addition, it is contended that the
flitches, the supporting documents, like the Tally Sheet, the CTOs and Auxiliary Receipts, being public documents, should
Delivery Receipt from the lumber dealer and the Cash be accorded the presumption of regularity in their execution. 20
Voucher describe 463 pieces of lumber. . . .
This contention is untenable. What render these documents
In like manner, Exh. "7" and Exh. "9" mention 961 and 420 without legal effect are the patent irregularities found on their
pieces of log, respectively. But the supporting documents faces. That petitioner may not have any responsibility for such
describe the forest product[s] as lumber. irregularity is immaterial. In any case, as the corporate officer
in charge of the purchase of the lumber, petitioner should have
The CTO marked Exh. "[8]" reveals a half-truth: it mentions noticed such obvious irregularities, and he should have taken
678 pieces of hand-sawn lumber. Its Auxiliary Invoice also steps to have them corrected. He cannot now feign ignorance
states the same load of lumber. Someone may have noticed the and assert that, as far as he is concerned, the documents are
"mistake" of mentioning lumber in the Auxiliary Invoice and regular and complete. 21
so the words "flitches 87 pieces" were written down and
enclosed in parenthesis. The presence of such glaring irregularities negates the
presumption that the CTOs were regularly executed by the
The said exhibits also appear to be questionable, [t]hus[:] DENR officials concerned. The presumption invoked by
petitioner applies only when the public
The CTO marked Exh. "6" is consigned to "any buyer (sic) accomplished.22 documents are, on their faces, regular and
Cagayan de Oro", but its Auxiliary Invoice (Exh. "6-A") properly accomplished. 22
mentions Valencia Golden Harvest Corporation as the
consignee. Moreover, the CTO states (at the back page) that Second. The penalty imposed should be modified. Art. 309 of
the same is covered by Auxiliary Invoice No. 00491; in fact, the Revised Penal Code, made applicable to the offense by
the Auxiliary Invoice (Exh. 6-A) has invoice number 000488. P.D. No. 705, §68, provides:

In the CTO marked Exhibit "7", the original typewritten name Art. 309. Penalties. — Any person guilty of theft shall be
of the consignee was clearly erased and changed to "Valencia, punished by:
Golden Harvest Corporation, Valencia, Bukidnon". In the
Auxiliary Invoice (Exh. "7-A") the blank space for the name 1. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium;
and address of the consignee was smudged with a typewriter periods, if the value of the thing stolen is more than P12,000
correction fluid (the better to erase what was originally pesos but does not exceed P22,000 pesos; but if the value of
typewritten in it?) and changed to "Valencia Golden Harvest the thing stolen exceeds the latter amount, the penalty shall be
Corporation, Valencia, Bukidnon". the maximum period of the one prescribed in this paragraph,
and one year for each additional ten thousand pesos, but the
The CTO marked Exh. "9" and its Auxiliary Invoice marked total of the penalty which may be imposed shall not exceed
Exh. "9-A" [were] "doctored" in the same manner as Exh. twenty years. In such cases, and in connection with the
"[7]" and Exh. "[7-A]". 17 accessory penalties which may be imposed and for the purpose
of the other provisions of this Code, the penalty shall be
Additionally, all the Auxiliary Invoice were not properly termed prision mayor or reclusion temporal, as the Case may
accomplished: the data required to be filled are left in blank. be. . . .

Indeed, aside from the fact that the Certificate of Timber As the lumber involved in this case is worth P488,334.45, and
Origin in Exh. 7 bears no date, the dorsal side bears the applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, 23 the penalty to be
certification that the logs were "scaled on August 7, 1991," imposed should be six (6) years of prision correccional to
while the receipt attached to that Certificate is dated February twenty (20) years of reclusion temporal.
6, 1992. Moreover, the four delivery receipts list in sizes and
volume of the lumber sold, indicating that the company WHEREFORE the decision of the Court of Appeals, dated
purchased cut lumber from the dealers, thus belying the October 31, 1997, is AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION
testimony of petitioner that when the company bought the that petitioner is sentenced to six (6) years of prision
forest products, they were still in the form of flitches and logs, correccional, as minimum, to twenty (20) years of reclusion
and they were cut into lumber by the company. 18 temporal, as maximum.

These irregularities and discrepancies make the documents in SO ORDERED.

which they are found not only questionable but invalid and,
thus, justified the trial court in giving no credence to the
same. 19

It is argued that the irregularities in the documentary exhibits

should not be taken against petitioner because the documents
G.R. No. 120365 December 17, 1996

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

WILSON B. QUE, accused-appellant

PUNO, J.:p

Accused-appellant Wilson B. Que appeals from his conviction

for violation of Section 68 of Presidential Decree (P.D.)
705 1 as amended by Executive Order (E.O.) 277. 2

The facts show that two weeks before March 8, 1994, SPO1
Dexter Corpuz, a member of the Provincial Task Force on
Illegal Logging, received an information that a ten-wheeler
truck bearing plate number PAD-548 loaded with illegally cut
lumber will pass through Ilocos Norte. Acting on said
information, members of the Provincial Task Force went on
patrol several times within the vicinity of General Segundo
Avenue in Laoag City. 3

On March 8, 1994, SPO1 Corpuz, together with SPO1 Zaldy

Asuncion and SPO1 Elmer Patoc went on patrol around the
area. At about 1:00 in the morning, they posted themselves at
the corner of General Segundo Avenue and Rizal Street.
Thirty minutes later, they saw a ten-wheeler truck with plate
number PAD-548 pass by. They followed the truck and
apprehended it at the Marcos Bridge. 4

There were three persons on board the truck: driver Wilfredo

Cacao, accused-appellant Wilson Que, and an unnamed
person. The driver identified accused- appellant as the owner Accused-appellant denied the charge against him. He claimed
of the truck and the cargo. 5 that he acquired the 258 pieces of tanguile lumber from a legal
source. During the trial, he presented the private land timber
SPO1 Corpuz checked the cargo and found that it contained permits (PLTP) issued by the Department
coconut slabs. When interviewed, accused-appellant told of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to Enrica
SPO1 Corpuz that there were sawn lumber inserted in between Cayosa 13 and Elpidio Sabal. 14 The PLTP authorizes its holder
the coconut slabs. 6 to cut, gather and dispose timber from the forest area covered
by the permit. He alleged that the tanguile lumber came from
SPO1 Corpuz asked accused-appellant for the cargo's the forest area covered by the PLTP's of Cayosa and Sabal and
supporting documents, specifically: (1) certificate of lumber that they were given to him by Cayosa and Sabal as payment
origin, (2) certificate of transport agreement, (3) auxiliary for his hauling services. 15
invoice, (4) receipt from the DENR, and (5) certification from
the forest ranger regarding the origin of the coconut slabs. Accused-appellant also objected to the admission of the 258
Accused-appellant failed to present any of these documents . pieces of lumber as evidence against him. He contended that
All he could show was a certification 7 from the Community they were fruits of an illegal search and seizure and of an
Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO), uncounselled extrajudicial admission.
Sanchez Mira, Cagayan that he legally acquired the coconut
slabs. The certification was issued to facilitate transport of the The trial court found accused-appellant guilty and sentenced
slabs from Sanchez Mira, Cagayan to San Vicente, Urdaneta, him to reclusion perpetua. It also ordered the confiscation of
Pangasinan. 7 the seized lumber and the ten-wheeler truck owned by
accused-appellant. The dispositive portion of the
SPO1 Corpuz brought accused-appellant to the office of the Decision 16 states:
Provincial Task Force at the provincial capitol. Again,
accused-appellant admitted to the members of the Provincial WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered declaring
Task Force that there were sawn lumber under the coconut accused Wilson B. Que guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
slabs. 9 violation of Section 68 of PD 705, as amended by Executive
Order No. 277 and he is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty
At 10:00 o'clock in the morning, the members of the of RECLUSION PERPETUA, plus all the accessory penalties
Provincial Task Force, together with three CENRO personnel provided by law. The bail bond filed for the provisional liberty
examined the cargo. The examination confirmed that the cargo of the accused is CANCELLED.
consisted of coconut slabs and sawn tanguile lumber. The
coconut slabs were piled at the sides of the truck, concealing The two hundred fifty-eight (258) pieces of lumber (tanguile
the tanguile lumber. 10 When the CENRO personnel specie) and the ten-wheeler truck bearing plate No. PAD-548
inventoried and scaled the seized forest products, they counted which was used in the commission of the crime are hereby
two hundred fifty eight (258) pieces of tanguile lumber with a ordered confiscated in favor of the government to be disposed
total volume of 3,729.3 board feet (8.79 cubic meters) and of in accordance with law.
total assessed value of P93,232.50. 11
Costs against the accused.
On June 23, 1994, accused-appellant was charged before the
Regional Trial Court of Laoag with violation of Section 68 of SO ORDERED.17
P.D. 705 as amended by E.O. 277. The Information alleged:
Appellant now comes before us with the following assignment
That on or about the 8th day of March, 1994, in the City of of
Laoag, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this errors: 18
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, being then the
owner of an I(s)uzu Ten wheeler Truck bearing Plate No. 1. It was error for the Court to convict accused under Section
PAD-548, with intent of gain, did then and there willfully, 68, PD 705 as amended by EO 277 for possessing timber or
unlawfully and feloniously have in possession, control and other forest products without the legal documents as required
custody 258 pieces of various sizes of Forest Products under existing forest laws and regulations on the ground that
chainsawn lumber (species of Tanguile) with a total volume of since it is only in EO No. 277 where for the first time mere
3,729.3 bd. ft. or equivalent to 8.79 cubic meters valued in the possession of timber was criminalized, there are no existing
total amount of P93,232.50 at P25.00/bd. ft., necessary permit, forest laws and regulations which required certain legal
license or authority to do so from the proper authorities, thus documents for possession of timber and other forest products.
violating the aforecited provision of the law, to the damage
and prejudice of the government.
2. The Court erred in allowing evidence secured in violation of
12 the constitutional rights of accused against unlawful searches

and seizures.
3. The Court erred in allowing evidence secured in violation of xxx xxx xxx
the constitutional rights of accused under custodial
investigation. 3.3 Lumber. Unless otherwise herein provided, the transport of
lumber shall be accompanied by a CERTIFICATE OF
On the first assignment of error, appellant argues that he LUMBER ORIGIN (CLO) issued by the CENRO or his duly
cannot be convicted for violation of Section 68 of P.D. 705 authorized representative which has jurisdiction over the
because E.O. 277 which amended Section 68 to penalize the processing plant producing the said lumber or the lumber firm
possession of timber or other forest products without the authorized to deal in such commodities. In order to be valid,
proper legal documents did not indicate the particular the CLO must be supported by the company tally sheet or
documents necessary to make the possession legal. Neither did delivery receipt, and in case of sale, a lumber sales invoice.
the other forest laws and regulations existing at the time of its
enactment. x x x           x x x          x x x

Appellant's argument deserves scant consideration. Section 68 When apprehended on March 8, 1994, accused-appellant
of P.D. 705 provides: failed to present any certificate of origin of the 258 pieces of
tanguile lumber. The trial court found:
Sec. 68. Cutting, Gathering and/or Collecting Timber, or other
Forest Products Without License. — Any person who shall xxx xxx xxx
cut, gather, collect, remove timber or other forest products
from any forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable . . . When apprehended by the police officers, the accused
public land, or from private land without any authority, or admittedly could not present a single document to justify his
possess timber or other forest products without the legal possession of the subject lumber. . . .
documents as required under existing forest laws and
regulations, shall be punished with the penalties imposed
under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Significantly, at the time the accused was apprehended by the
Code: Provided, That in the case of partnerships, associations, police offices, he readily showed documents to justify his
or corporations, the officers who ordered the cutting, possession of the coconut slabs. Thus, he showed a
gathering, collection or possession shall be liable and if such certification issued by Remigio B. Rosario, Forest Ranger, of
officers are aliens, they shall, in addition to the penalty, be the DENR, CENRO, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan (Exhibit "E")
deported without further proceedings on the part of the and a xerox copy of the original certificate of title covering the
Commission on Immigration and Deportation. parcel of land where the coconut slabs were cut.(Exhibit "F").

The Court shall further order the confiscation in favor of the It is worthy to note that the certification dated March 7, 1994
government of the timber or any forest products cut, gathered, states:
collected, removed, or possessed, as well as the machinery,
equipment, implements and tools illegally used in the area THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the one (1) truckload of coconut
where the timber or forest products are found. (emphasis slabs to be transported by Mr. Wilson Que on board truck
supplied). bearing Plate No. PAD 548 were derived from matured
coconut palms gathered inside the private land of Miss
Appellant interprets the phrase "existing forest laws and Bonifacia Collado under OCT No. P-11614(8) located at
regulations" to refer to those laws and regulations which were Nagrangtayan, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan.
already in effect at the time of the enactment of E.O. 277. The
suggested interpretation is strained and would render the law This certification is being issued upon the request of Mr.
inutile. Statutory construction should not kill but give life to Wilson Que for the purpose of facilitating the transportation of
the law. The phrase should be construed to refer to laws and said coconut slabs from Sanchez Mira, Cagayan to San
regulations existing at the time of possession of timber or Vicente, Urdaneta, Pangasinan and is valid up to March 11,
other forest products. DENR Administrative Order No. 59 1994 or upon discharge of its cargoes at its final destination,
series of 1993 specifies the documents required for the whichever comes first.
transport of timber and other forest products. Section 3 of the
Administrative Order provides: It is crystal clear, therefore, that the accused was given permit
by the DENR to transport one (1) truckload of coconut
Section 3. Documents Required. slabs only between March 7 to 11, 1994. The accused was
apprehended on March 8, 1994 aboard his truck bearing plate
Consistent with the policy stated above, the movement of logs, number PAD-548 which was loaded not only with coconut
lumber, plywood, veneer, non-timber forest products and slabs but with chainsawn lumber as well. Admittedly, the
wood-based or nonwood-based products/commodities shall be lumber could not be seen from the outside. The lumber were
covered with appropriate Certificates of Origin, issued by placed in the middle and not visible unless the coconut slabs

authorized DENR officials, as specified in the succeeding which were placed on the top, sides and rear of the truck were

sections. removed.
Under these circumstances, the Court has no doubt that the x x x           x x x          x x x
accused was very much aware that he needed documents to
possess and transport the lumber (b)ut could not secure one Accused-appellant's possession of the subject lumber without
and, therefore, concealed the lumber by placing the same in any documentation clearly constitutes an offense under
such a manner that they could not be seen by police authorities Section 68 of P.D. 705.
by merely looking at the cargo.
We also reject appellant's argument that the law only penalizes
In this regard, the Court cannot give credence to his alleged possession of illegal forest products and that the possessor
letter dated March 3, 1994 addressed to the OIC CENRO cannot be held liable if he proves that the cutting, gathering,
Officer, CENRO, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan informing the collecting or removal of such forest products is legal. There
CENRO that he would be transporting the subject lumber on are two (2) distinct and separate offenses punished under
March 7, 1994 from Sanchez Mira, Cagayan to Sto. Domingo, Section 68 of P.D. 705, to wit:
Ilocos Sur but was returned to him for the reason that he did
not need a permit to transport the subject lumber. (Exhibits (1) Cutting, gathering, collecting and removing timber or other
"8", "8-A"). forest products from any forest land, or timber from alienable
or disposable public land, or from private land without any
While it is true that the letter indicates that it was received by authority; and
CENRO on March 4, 1994, the Court has doubts that this was
duly filed with the concerned office. According to the accused, (2) Possession of timber or other forest products without the
he filed the letter in the morning of March 4 and returned in legal documents required under existing forest laws and
the afternoon of the same day. He was then informed by an regulations.
employee of the CENRO whom he did not identify that he did
not need a permit to transport the lumber because the lumber
would be for personal used (sic) and ". . . came from PLTP." In the first offense, one can raise as a defense the legality of
(Ibid) The letter-request was returned to him. the acts of cutting, gathering, collecting or removing timber or
other forest products by presenting the authorization issued by
the DENR. In the second offense, however, it is immaterial
The fact that the letter-request was returned to him creates whether the cutting, gathering, collecting and removal of the
doubts on the stance of the accused. Documents or other forest products is legal or not. Mere possession of forest
papers, i.e., letter-request of this kind filed with a government products without the proper documents consummates the
agency are not returned. Hence, when a person files or submits crime. Whether or not the lumber comes from a legal source is
any document to a government agency, the agency gets the immaterial because E.O 277 considers the mere possession of
original copy. The filer only gets a duplicate copy to show that timber or other forest products without the proper legal
he has filed such document with the agency. Moreover, his documents as malum prohibitum.
avoidance as regards the identity of the employee of the
CENRO who allegedly returned the letter-request to him also
creates doubts on his stance. Thus, on cross-examination, the On the second and third assignment of error, appellant
accused, when asked about the identity of the employee of the contends that the seized lumber are inadmissible in evidence
CENRO who returned the letter-request to him answered that for being "fruits of a poisonous tree". Appellant avers that
he could recognize the person ". . . but they were already these pieces of lumber were obtained in violation of his
reshuffled." (TSN, February 8, 1995, p. 104) At one point, the constitutional right against unlawful searches and seizures as
accused also said that he did not know if that person was an well as his right to counsel.
employee of the DENR. (Ibid, p. 105)
We do not agree.
Be that as it may, the Court finds significance in the last
paragraph of this letter-request, to wit: The rule on warrantless search and seizure of a moving vehicle
was summarized by this court in People vs. Bagista, 20 thus:
x x x           x x x          x x x
The general rule regarding searches and seizures can be stated
Please consider this as my Certificate of Transport Agreement in this manner: no person shall be subjected to a search of his
in view of the fact that I am hauling and transporting my own person, personal effects or belongings, or his residence except
lumber for my own needs. by virtue of a search warrant or on the occasion of a lawful
arrest. The basis for the rule can be found in Article III,
Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution, which states:
Thus, the accused through this letter considered the same as
his certificate of transport agreement. Why then, if he was
telling the truth, did he not take this letter with him when he The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
transported the lumber on March 7, 1994? papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures
of whatever nature and for any purpose, shall be inviolable,

and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except

All these circumstances clearly show that the letter comes

upon probable cause to be determined personally by the judge

from a polluted source. 19 after examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant
and witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized.

Article III, Section 3 (2) further ordains that any evidence

obtained in violation of the aforementioned right shall, among
others, "be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding."

The constitutional proscription against warrantless searches

and seizures admits of certain exceptions. Aside from a search
incident to a lawful arrest, a warrantless search had been
upheld in cases of moving vehicles, and the seizure of
evidence in plain view.

With regard to the search of moving vehicles, this had been

justified on the ground that the mobility of motor vehicles
makes it possible for the vehicle to be searched to move out of
the locality or jurisdiction in which the warrant must be

This in no way, however, gives the police officers unlimited

discretion to conduct warrantless searches of automobiles in
the absence of probable cause. When a vehicle is stopped and
subjected to an extensive search, such a warrantless search has
been held to be valid as long as the officers conducting the
search have reasonable or probable cause to believe before
search that they will find the instrumentality or evidence
pertaining to a crime, in the vehicle to be searched. (citations
omitted; emphasis supplied)

As in Bagista, the police officers in the case at bar had

probable cause to search appellant's truck. A member of the
Provincial Task Force on Illegal Logging received a reliable
information that a ten-wheeler truck bearing plate number
PAD-548 loaded with illegal lumber would pass through
Ilocos Norte. Two weeks later, while members of the
Provincial Task Force were patrolling along General Segundo
Avenue, they saw the ten-wheeler truck described by the
informant. When they apprehended it at the Marcos Bridge,
accused-appellant, the owner of the truck and the cargo,
admitted that there were sawn lumber in between the coconut
slabs. When the police officers asked for the lumber's
supporting documents, accused-appellant could not present
any. The foregoing circumstances are sufficient to prove the
existence of probable cause which justified the extensive
search of appellant's truck even without a warrant. Thus, the
258 pieces of tanguile lumber were lawfully seized and were
thus properly admitted as evidence to prove the guilt of

The foregoing disquisition renders unnecessary the issue of

whether appellant's right to counsel under custodial
investigation was violated. The Resolution of the issue will not
affect the finding of guilt of appellant.

IN VIEW WHEREOF, the instant appeal is DISMISSED. The

Decision appealed from is AFFIRMED. Costs against


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