State Anti Conversion Laws

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India is a country where diversity of religion prevails. Around Four major religions of the world i.

Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jain. Can be traced here whereby many can be found originated in this holy
land itself. Their also prevails jews, Christian, Portuguese in some part of the county for example in
north east we’ll find ample numbers of christian, where as in Northern side we’ll find muslim
dominated areas. Due to presence of different type of religion there also occur a feeling of
dominance in this area dominated by subsequent religious people.
Also people are being forced to convert to a religion which is in dominance in that area.
These people often contended that its there fundamental right under article 25-28 to freely
propagate their respective religion, but that article also include word like ‘without any sense of fear’
which on the contrary is happening. People are been made to convert to other religion under a
sense of fear towards them or their families. Also their often occurs instance of riot in this religion
dominated are for example in

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