PTE Mock Test A

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Summarize written text-

1) You used to think that being green was a luxury for your company, but climate
change made you realize that you can no longer ignore it. The buzz is about
becoming carbon-neutral, but where do you start ?

Consider your drivers. Do you want to become carbon-neutral for marketing reasons,
for financial reasons or to help save the planet? Simon Armitage of the
CarbonNeutral Company believes” “Your drivers will help you tailor your carbon-
reduction programme and determine key performance indicators” This will help
build a case for going carbon-neutral.

First measure your carbon footprint, or get a specialist to do it for you. That primarily
means taking account of your energy usage and emissions caused through travel.
Before you begin, think about whether you’re collecting the right data and whether
its readily accessible.

When implementing any energy reduction measures, ensure you engage with your
staff. “It’s much better if your people decide for themselves when it’s sensile for
them to travel. “ says Armitage. You’ll also need the to participate in switching off
the lights and other energy-saving measures. Set targets and show its’s not a one-off

Answer –

To be carbon neutral, carbon footprint has to be measured and consider on saving

energy usage and emissions from travel, switch off lights and ensure to perform all
energy saving activities.


Television has two roles- to inform and to entertain.

Explain which is more important. To what extent do you think that TV today
performs each of these roles in an effective way?


Over the past few decades there has been ambivalence over televisions role as
information or entertainment provider. While some cynics claim that it is to provide
information, I sanguinely believe that is mainly for entertainment. This essay would
critique the issue in detail and provide a plausible conclusion.
Conspicuously there are myriad of reasons as to why it is for entertainment. One of
the most compelling reason is that even news channels which is considered as an
informative channel has entertainment in the form of news. Another cogent reason
is that number of informative channels are lesser than the number of entertainment
channels everywhere in the world. For instance, as per the study done by The
University of Melbourne, 80% of the television watching time of most of the
Australians prefers watching entertainment over informative news channels.

Despite these beliefs there are other sceptics who conjecture that television viewers
watch news channels regularly as it is the most required information for their daily
living. Although it seems to be ostensibly verdical, this is not the case as we have
internet and smartphones and role of information provide is now mostly taken by

To recapitulate, the most persuasive arguments are the ones that lean towards
undeniable role of television for entertainment in the contemporary world.
Therefore, I strongly agree television to be for entertainment.

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