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© 2009 The DBQ Project This page may be reproduced for classroom use
Answer the following questions in depth. Each answer should be roughly one paragraph.

1. In your own words, what is the main idea of the Madison quote? How would historical
experiences and authors have influenced Madison?

2. Does Madison say it is possible to have both tyranny and democracy? Explain.
*tyranny = abuse of power

3. According to the first three Articles of the Constitution, what is the primary job of each
branch? Why is the government set up this way? How does this reflect ideas taken from
the Enlightenment era philosophers?

4. How does the separation of powers guard against tyranny?

5. Imagine that someone is elected to Congress and nominated to serve on the

Supreme Court. What would James Madison think about this person serving both
roles at the same time? Explain.

© 2009 The DBQ Project This page may be reproduced for classroom use

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