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PREFACE : “I am a

Mathematics enthusiast. After completing my Engineering in Electronics and

Telecommunications , I started teaching Maths. The love for maths was so much that I
started appearing for competitive examinations which had Maths or Quantitative Aptitude
just a part of it. Exams like AFCAT, LIC ADO ( Mumbai Topper) , Bank PO,
Management Trainee , etc were cleared by me , mostly because i was exceptionally well at

Having said that, and years of experience made me write a fun book for all the math
lovers and Students preparing for competitive exams”.

Er Vikash V. Singh

111 Questions

1] What is the Remainder when 27! is divided by 31? (In other words, what is 27! mod

2] What is the product of all the factors of 60?

3] Find the highest power of 72 in 72!

4] The owner of a local ‘Sapphire Stone store’ hired 3 Security Guards to guard his
Sapphire Stones, but a thief still got in and stole some. On the way out, the thief met each
Security Guard, one at a time. To each he gave 1/2 of the stones he had then, and 2 more
besides. He escaped with only One Sapphire Stone. How many did he steal originally?

5] Three gold coins of weight 780gm, 840gm and 960gm are cut into small pieces, all of
which have the equal weight. Each piece must be heavy as possible. If one such piece is
shared by two persons, then how many persons are needed to give all the pieces of gold

6] Find the Remainder when (11568345876) is divided by 999.

7] What is the minimum number of square marbles required to tile a floor of length 5
meters 78 cm and width 3 meters 74 cm?

8] Given, (X > Y), X and Y are natural numbers such that they satisfy the equation,

(X + Y + XY = 90), then what should be the value of (X—Y)?

9] The sum of three distinct natural numbers is 25. What should be the maximum value of
their product?
10] , has positive real roots. What is the maximum
possible value of (a + b)?

11] If the harmonic mean between two positive numbers is to their geometric mean as 12 :
13 , then the numbers could be in the ratio ?

12] Find the last two digits of .

13] Cost of an Apple = A, Cost of a banana = B, Cost of one cherry = C. Given A, B, C are
positive integers greater than 1, and the cost of B apples , B Bananas and (A+B) cherries is
91 rupees. Find the cost of an Apple, two Bananas and one cherry.

14] Solve the following series, 1—2—3+2—3—4+....+ Up to 100 terms = ?

15] 'Mr. Stone' mixes two kinds of honey putting in double the amount of 33 Paisa per gm.
to 24 Paisa per gm. If the mixture is changed to one part of 33 Paisa per gm. honey and two
parts of 24 Paisa per gm., then how much will 'Mr. Stone' save in blending 50 gm. honey? (
In Rupees)

16] A shopkeeper marks his good at 60% above the cost price. He allows a discount of
12.5%. Also he cheats 14.28% while purchasing and 20% while selling and gives one article
free on purchase of 15 articles. Find the profit/loss in whole transaction.

17] In a mile race A can be given a head start of 128m by B. While B can give a head start
of 4m to C, in a 100m dash. When a race of one and a half mile happens between A and C,
who will win and by how much margin ? (Data : One mile = 1600m)

18] I bought a solid figure which is very complex to understand. Somehow I managed to
count its number of faces which are 48, and the vertices which are 64. Can you tell me the
number of Edges (Sides) it has ?

19] How many zeros are there at the end of

in terms of n ?

20] Total cost of a lodge are partly fixed and partly varying linearly with the number of
customers. The average expense per customer is Rs. 700 when there are 25 customers and
Rs. 600 when there are 50 customers. What is the average expense per customer when
there are 100 customers ?

21] Ching, Ming and Ding travel at 80, 50 and 40 km/hr. They start from the same point in
the same direction. Ching and Ding started at 11 am and 5am respectively. If all three of
them met at the same place at the same time, what time did Ming start?

22] Three runners A, B, C run along a circular track of length 12 km. Speeds are 3, 7, 13
KmpH respectively. They Start from the same point. After how much time will they meet
for the first time ?

23] How many positive integers 'N' are there such that , if 2027 is divided by N, the
Remainder is 7 ?

25] 30% of the men are more than 25 years old and 80% of the men are less than or equal
to 50 years old. 20% of all men play Rugby. If 20% of the men above the age of 50 play
Rugby, what percentage of the Rugby players are less than or equal to 50 years?

26] A person who has a certain amount with him goes to market. He can buy 50 oranges or
40 mangoes. He retains 10% of the amount for taxi fares and buys 20 mangoes and of the
balance, he purchases oranges. Number of oranges he can purchase is ?

27] Tony has Y% more money than Chris and has Y% of sum of Tony and Chris. What is
the value of Y ?

28] In an Industrial Visit, if 50% of the boys were girls, then there would be 50% more
girls than boys. What percentage of the overall group who visited the Industry is girls?

29] Shopkeepers Bruce and Clark buy two goods for Rs. 1000 and Rs. 2000 respectively.
Bruce marks his goods up by Y%, while Clark marks his goods up by 2Y% and offers a
discount of Y%. If both make the same profit, find the value of Y.

30] Scarlett bought a rare earring set for $700, sold it for $800, bought it back for
$900 and sold it again for $1000. How much profit did she make ?

31] It was a Wonderful Saturday Morning. I then decided to check the calendar for what
day will it be after 3³¹² days. Calendar doesn't show this, Can you tell me what day will it be

32] The Compound interest for a given sum of money at 10% P.A exceeds the Simple
Interest by 22,435/- Rs for four years. What is the Principle amount ?

33] If equal numbers of people are born on each day, find the approximate percentage of
the people whose birthday will fall on 29th February. If we are to consider people born in
20th century (1901-2000) and assuming no deaths.

34] If the price of petrol increases by 25% and Mr. Ghost Rider intends to spend only an
additional 15% on petrol, by how much will he reduce the quantity of petrol purchased ?

35] The cost of raw material of a product increases by 30%, the manufacturing cost
increases by 20% and the selling price of the product increases by 60%. The raw material
and the manufacturing cost, originally, formed 40% and 60% of the total cost respectively.
If the original profit was one-fourth the original manufacturing cost, find the approximate
new profit percentage.

36] A merchant can buy goods at the rate of Rs. 20 per good. The particular good is part of
an overall collection and the value is linked to the number of items that are already on the
market. So, the merchant sells the first good for Rs. 2, second one for Rs. 4, third for Rs.
6…and so on. If he wants to make an overall profit of at least 40%, what is the minimum
number of goods he should sell?

37] A Truck consumes diesel at the rate of

1/400[(1000/Y) + Y] litres per km, when driven at the speed of Y km per hour. If the cost of
diesel is Rs 35 per litre and the driver is paid at the rate of Rs 125 per hour then find the
approximate optimal speed (in km per hour) of the Truck that will minimize the total cost
of the trip of 800 kms?

38] If A, B, C are distinct positive integers, what is the highest value A × B × C can take if
A+B+C = 31 ?

39] A quadratic function f(x) attains a maximum of 3 at x = 1. The value of the function at x
= 0 is 1. What is the value of f(x) at x = 10?

40] Scott has a certain amount of money in only $1 and $10 bills. The number of $1 bills
multiplied by the number of $10 bills is equal to the total money (in $) that he has. The
number of $10 bills is less than ten. What are the possible number of total bills he can

41] An unknown Amount was lent at 10% p.a Simple Interest. After 1 year, Rs 4400 is
repaid and the rest of the amount is repaid at 20% p.a. If the 2nd year’s interest is 11/7 of
the first year’s interest, find the amount of money that was lent out initially ?

42] Barry takes a loan of Rs $20000 from Bruce at a simple interest of 20%. He agrees to
clear the loan, along with the interest, in four equal installments, each at the end of one
year, for four years. But, Bruce puts forward a condition that he will continue to calculate
the interest on the original amount lended till Barry completely pays off his loan. What is
the value of each installment?

43] A stairway 10ft high is such that each step accounts for half a foot upward and one-foot
forward. What distance will a beetle travel if it starts from ground level to reach the top of
the stairway?

44] James invested one half of his savings in a bond that paid simple interest for 2 years
and received Rs.550 as interest. He invested the remaining in a bond that paid compound
interest, interest being compounded annually, for the same 2 years at the same rate of
interest and received Rs.605 as interest. What was the value of his total savings before
investing in these two bonds?

45] A book worth Rs 600 was bought by paying a down payment of Rs 100 and 6 equal
monthly installments of Rs 100 each. Calculate the rate of interest.

46] Remainder when (16! + 86) is divided by 323 is __ ?

47] A Van and a truck are available to cross a Bridge. The speed of the truck is thrice that
of the Van. The capacity of the truck is 50 persons and that of Van is 30 persons. The
average occupancy of the Van is twice that of the truck. The tickets for the Van and the
truck cost Re 1 and Re 1.50 respectively. What is the ratio of the average rupee collection
of the truck to that of the Van in a day? Assume there is no wastage time between trips and
the occupancy of the Van/truck is defined as the ratio of the actual number of persons
boarding it and its capacity.

48] Aan, Baan , Shaan have some stones with each of them. Five times the number of stones
with Baan equals seven times the number of stones with Aan, while five times the number
of stones with Aan equals seven times the number of stones with Shaan. What is the
minimum number of stones that can be there with all three of them put together?

49] The cost of an article (which is composed of raw materials and wages) was 3 times the
value of the raw materials used. The cost of raw materials increased in the ratio 3: 7 and
wages increased in the ratio 4: 9. Find the present cost of the article if its original cost was

50] Chris has chocolates of types A and B in the ratio 3 : 7, while Drax has chocolates of
types B and C in the ratio 5 : 4, and Morty has chocolates of types C and A in the
ratio 3 : 5. If there are more chocolates of type C than of type B, and more of type B than of
type A, what is the minimum possible number of chocolates overall?

51] George does half of work what Clooney does in one sixth of the time. They take 10 days
to complete a work together. How much time does Clooney take to do it alone?

52] A water tank has three taps : A, B and C. A fills 4 buckets in 24 min, B fills 8 buckets
in 1 hr and C fills 2 buckets 20 min. If all the taps are opened together, a full tank is
emptied in 2 hr. If a bucket contains 5 L water, what is the capacity of the tank?

53] A fill pipe can fill a tank in 20 hours, a drain pipe can drain a tank in 30 hours. If a
system of n pipes (fill pipes and drain pipes put together) can fill the tank in exactly 5
hours, which of the following is/are possible values of n ?
(A) 32 (B) 54 (C) 29 (D) 40

54] The number of units of Donuts that can be produced by a factory is directly
proportional to the square of the number of workers, square root of the number of
machines and to the number of hours put in. The factory produces 200 Donuts when 4
people work for 8 hours each with 4 machines. When 3 people work for 12 hours each with
9 machines, how many Donuts will be produced ?

55] A certain number of marbles were distributed among a class of students. The student
who got 1/6th of the total number of marbles actually got 5 times the average number of
marbles the others got! How many students were there in the class?

56] Two tanks of similar volume are full of a mixture of oil and water. In the first, the ratio
of oil and water is 5:8 and in the second, it is 7:19. If both these tanks are poured in a
larger tank, what would be the resultant ratio of oil and water?

57] There are 500 rooms in a multi-floored hotel. However, due to a change in rule, the
hotel has to decrease the number of floors by 5. However, the management is able to put 5
more rooms in each floor. Over all, the number of rooms in the hotel decreases by 10%.
Find the number of floors and the number of rooms/floor the hotel originally had ?

58] Three runners A, B, C run along a circular track of length 12km. Speeds are 3, 7, 13
Kmph respectively. They Start from the same point. After how much time will they meet
for the first time ?

59] In a race, A beats B by 100 m over 1km, A beats C by 200m over 3km. Who will win the
race between B and C over 2.8km and by how much?

60] 30 men are supposed to do a work in 38 days. After 25 days, 5 more men were
employed on work for which the work is completed 1 day before. If 5 more men had not
worked then how many days would the work get delayed by ?

61] Find the number of consecutive zeros immediately after the decimal in

62] Bison the milkman dishonestly mixed water in a container of milk and marked it up by
25% to earn a profit of 20%, after giving a discount of 20%. If the cost of water is 1/5th of
the milk, find the ratio of water and milk in the mixture.

63] A Cruise-Ship is 77 Km away from shore and there is hole in the ship which pumps
inside 2(¼) tons of water in 5(½) minutes. There is a motor which pumps out 12 tons of
water in 1 hrs. If a rescue boat started from shore at a speed of 6kmph, in what speed the
ship should move to catch the rescue boat before it sinks which requires only 69 tons of

64] A certain job is assigned to three persons, Ewie, Dewie and Lewie, such that exactly one
of them works on the job on each day. The person who works on Day 1, works on Day 4,
Day 7 and so on; the person who works on Day 2, works on Day 5, Day 8 and so on, and the
person who works on Day 3, works on Day 6, Day 9 and so on. If Ewie, Dewie and Lewie
work on Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 respectively, the work gets over in 17 days. If Ewie, Lewie
and Dewie work on Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 respectively, the work gets over in 16(½) days.
If Dewie, Lewie and Ewie work on Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 respectively, the work gets over
in 16(⅓) days. Find the time taken to complete the job, if Lewie, Ewie and Dewie work on
Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 respectively.

65] Two friends Bunny and Sunny simultaneously start running around a circular track .
They run in the same direction. Bunny travels at 6 m/s and Sunny runs at Y m/s. If they
cross each other at exactly two points on the circular track and Y is a natural number less
than 30, how many values can Y take?

66] Two friends Ashton and Butcher leave City P and City Q simultaneously and travel
towards Q and P at constant speeds. They meet at a point in between the two cities and
then proceed to their respective destinations in 54 minutes and 24 minutes respectively.
How long did Butcher take to cover the entire journey between City Q and City P?

67] Davidson, a Biker, rides to his office from his home at a uniform speed. While
returning, he covers two-sevenths of the total distance at two-sevenths of the speed
maintained during the onward journey. Then he increases his speed by 50% and covers
three-fifths of the remaining distance at this speed. He finally reduces his speed by 66.67%
and maintains this speed till he reaches his home. If his average speed for the to-and-fro
journey is 14 km/h, find the speed (in km/h) at which Davidson rides to the office.
68] A faulty clock is set to the correct time at 12:00 noon. If the clock gains 5 minutes per
hour, what is the correct time when the faulty clock indicates that 13 hours have passed?

69] Andrew decided to walk down the escalator in a Mall. He found that if he walks 26
steps, he requires 30 secs to reach the bottom. However, if he walks 34 steps he would only
require 18 secs to reach to the bottom. If the escalator is moving downwards, find the
number of steps in the escalator.

70] A and B run around a circular track of length 510 meters, starting from the same point,
simultaneously and in the same direction. A who runs faster laps B in the middle of the 5th
round. If A and B were to run a 3km race long race, how much start, in terms of distance,
should A give B so that they finish the race in a dead heat?

71] Two solutions of acid and water have concentration of acid in the ratio 4:5. They are
mixed in the ratio 4:5 by volume. What will be the maximum possible concentration of the
resultant mixture ?

72] Milk of two different types , A and B are mixed and sold at Rs. K per/litre giving 20%
profit. If type A milk is sold at Rs. K per/litre, then there will be a loss of 12%. If in the
mixture the ratio of type A to type B milk is 3 : 13, then what is the approximate
percentage profit when type B milk is sold at Rs K per/litre ?

73] If where n is real, the minimum value of x is ?

74] Six Jobs are to be assigned to Six people. Job 1 cannot be assigned to person 1 or person
2. Job 2 must be assigned to person 3 or person 4. Every person must be assigned one job.
In how many ways can the assignment be done ?

75] A group of 5 Boys and 5 Girls went to a restaurant. There were 10 seats. Two boys
wanted to sit with their respective girlfriends. Others, did not bother much and can get
seated anywhere. In how many ways can this be done ?
76] How many Rectangles are there in an 8×8 Chessboard ?

77] Howard lies 3 statements out of 4. What is the probability of him lying in at least one of
the three statements ?

78] Leonard and Raj are two players who wish to win a game with the help of two dice.
Leonard starting first and players taking turns alternately. Leonard wins if he throws an
8, and Raj wins if he throws a 7. What is the probability that Leonard will win ?

79] The probability that two two Rummy players, Penny and Bernadette will say the truth
is ⅗ and ⅔ respectively. A card is drawn at a random and they both agree that it is a King.
What is the probability that it is really a King ?


80] Refer fig below.

∆ ABC is an Equilateral triangle. Lines AD, BE and CF are trisectors. Find the ratio of
Areas of Triangle PQR to Triangle ABC.
81] In the rectangle, find the area of the shaded region. (Pic Below , Source )

82] An ant is trying to find the distance 'X’ from its current position to the vertex of the
square. Other three distances are 7cm , 35cm , 49cm. What is X ? { Refer pic below ,
Source }

83] In the figure below, you're given a triangle with the respective divisions of the sides, i.e,
AP:PB = 3:2 and so on. Find the ratio of Area of ∆PQR to ∆ABC.
84] Radius of the medium blue circle is 50 cm , the green large circle has a radius of 128
cm. What is the radius of the small red circle ?
85] Given below, are the areas of smaller sections (triangles) of a larger triangle. Find the
area of unknown part.

86] Find the area of the shaded region in the square with a side length of 10 cm.
87] The base and height of a triangle are 10 cm and 12 cm respectively. What is the
maximum possible area of a rectangle that can be inscribed in this triangle ?

88] My friend was eating an ice-cream which was in the form of an exact cone. (No
hemispherical Cream). I wanted to have some, so she decided to allow me to chisel out the
maximum possible Cubical part from that cone. Given that, radius and height of the cone
was 4 cm and 8 cm respectively, what will be the volume of my cubical part ?
89] In the figure given below, find the distance 'd’ between the incenter ‘I’ and the
circumcenter 'O’.

90] What is the area enclosed in the region defined by

y = |x – 1| + 2, line x = 1, X–axis and Y–axis?

91] Find the area of the region that comprises all points that satisfy the two conditions

x² + y² + 6x + 8y ≤ 0 and

4x ≥ 3y.

92] Three co-ordinates of a triangle are as follows, (-3,-4) , (-2, 3) , (4,2). What is the area of
the triangle so formed ?

93] ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. There are towers placed at points B and D. The angle
of elevation from A to the tower at B is 30 degrees, and to the top of the tower at D is 45
degrees. What is the ratio of the heights of towers at B and D ?

94] The maximum and minimum value of [8Cos(X) + 15Sin(X) + 15]

95] A man standing on top of a lighthouse sees a ship coming towards the lighthouse. If it
takes 20 minutes for the angle of depression to change from 30° to 60°, what is the time
remaining for the ship to reach the lighthouse ?

96] There are two buildings, one on each bank of a river, opposite to each other. From the
top of one building , 60 m high, the angles of depression of the top and the foot of the other
building are 30° and 60° respectively. What is the height of the other building?

97] Find the minimum value of

[25Sec²A + 4Cos²A]

98] If the angle of elevation of cloud from a point 500 metres above sea is 45° and the angle
of depression of its reflection in the sea is 60° , then the distance of the cloud from the point
of observation is ?

99] Find the Remainder when

[ 222³³³ + 333²²²] is divided by 7

100] The area of a Triangle with three sides √13 , √80 , √61 will be ?

101] A Pen and a Pencil together cost 1rs 10 paise, and it is Given that the pen costs 1 rupee
more than the pencil. What is the cost of a pencil ?

102] If X, Y, and Z are in AP and X², Y², Z² are in GP with the common ratio R, what is the
possible value of R ?

103] The angle formed by the hour hand and the minute hand at 3:10 A.M will be doubled
for the very first time at ?

104] The equation,

X² + AX + (B+2) = 0 , has real roots. What is the minimum value of (A² + B²) ?

105] X and Y are 60 km apart. A car starts from X to Y along straight road XY with speed
10 kmph. At the same time Mr. 'Broom' starts from Y along a road perpendicular to road
XY, with a speed of 5 kmph. After how many hours will the distance between them be the

106] Last two digits of 39³⁴².

107] A sphere of radius r is cut by a plane at a distance of h from its center, thereby
breaking this sphere into two different pieces. The cumulative surface area of these two
pieces is 25% more than that of the sphere. Find h.

108] The circumference of the front wheel of a cart is 30 ft long and that of the back wheel
is 36 ft long. What is the distance travelled by the cart, when the front wheel has done five
more revolutions than the rear wheel?
109] In the figure below, there's a chord and two squares, one of area 144cm² amd other of
16cm². Find the Radius of the circle. ( Note : The chord is not equal to the side of the
square) Source

110] The surface area of the three coterminous faces of a cuboid are 6, 15, 10
respectively. Find the volume of the cuboid

111 In the (13 cm ,14cm ,15cm) Triangle below, there's a quarter circle, a Semicircle and a
small circle. Find the Radius of the smallest circle.

1] By Wilson's theorem,

29! Mod 31 = 1 Mod 31

28×29×27! Mod 31 = 1 Mod 31

(-3)×(-2)×27! Mod 31 = 1 Mod 31

Multiplying by -5 on both sides,

-30×27! Mod 31 = -5 Mod 31

27! Mod 31 = 26 Mod 31

Hence Remainder = 26.

2] 60 = 2²×3×5 ,

Total factors of 60 = 3×2×2 = 12

Product of all factors = 60^(Total factors ÷2) = 60^6

3] 72 = 2³×3² ,

Finding the highest power of 72 in 72! , We find the powers of 2³ and 3² .


Power of 2³ = ([72/2]+[72/4]+....[72/64])/3 = 69/3 = 23

Power of 3² = ([72/3]+[72/9]+[72/27])/2 = 34/2 = 17.

Hence, highest power of 72 in 72! = 17.

4] Let the total number of Stones be x then :

To Security Guard one the thief gives :

= x/2 + 2
Remaining : x - x/2 - 2= x/2 - 2
To Security Guard two the thief gives :

1/2(x/2 - 2) = x/4 - 1 + 2 = x/4 + 1

Remaining : x/2 - 2 - x/4 - 1 = x/4 - 3
To Security Guard 3:

= 1/2(x/4 - 3) + 2 = x/8 - 1.5 + 2 = x/8 + 0.5

Remaining : x/4 - 3 - x/8 - 0.5 = x/8 - 3.5

x/8 - 3.5 = 1

x/8 = 4.5

x = 4.5 × 8
x = 36
There were 36 Stones.

5] HCF(780, 840, 960) = 60

Thus total number of pieces

780/60 + 840/60+ 960/60

Total number of person required =43×2= 86.

6] Remainder when 1000 is divided by 999 = 1 ,

Using this concept,

11568345876 Mod 999

= (11+568+345+876) Mod 999 = (1800) Mod 999 =

(1 + 800) Mod 999 =

801 Mod 999

Hence Remainder = 801.

7] Convert the dimensions into cm.

HCF ( 578 , 374) = 34 cm , is the length of each square tile.

Thus the total number of tiles required = (578×374)/(34×34) = 187.

8] X + Y + XY = 90 , add 1 on both sides, (X+1)(Y+1) = 91 , thus X+1 = 13 , X = 12 and Y+1
= 7, Y = 6,

the difference (X-Y) = 6.

9] When the sum of three integers is given, the max product should be for the values of
integers, near the average value of all three. Here, A+B+C = 25 ,for the max value A,B,C
must be near 25/3 ~= 8. We see that (7,8,10) are three such values that satisfy.

{Also, recall A.M ≥G.M concept.

Here (A+B+C)/3 ≥ (ABC)⅓ , thus (ABC) ≤ 15625/27 ≤ 578.7 }

Hence ABC = 7×8×10 = 560.

10] In this equation , sum of the roots = 4 ,

Product of the roots = 1, thus all roots are equal to 1. Hence, this equation is nothing but
expansion of (X-1)⁴.

Hence a = 6 , b = 4 , thus a+b = 10.

11] Let a and b be two numbers.

Harmonic Mean, HM = 2ab/(a+b)

geometric Mean, GM = √(ab)

2ab(a+b) : √(ab) = 12:13

(a+b)/√(ab) = 13/6

√(a/b) +√(b/a) = 13/6

Let √(a/b) = x

x + 1/x = 13/6

6x² - 13x + 6 = 0

x = 2/3 or 3/2

a/b = x²

a/b = 4/9 or 9/4.

12] The last two digits of = 7²⁴³×(2³)²⁴³×2⁴³²×3⁴³²×13⁴³² =

43×(01)×2×24×76×24×41×81 = 43×52×41×81 = 56×01 = 56.

13] [AB + B² + (A+B)C] = 91 , [(A+B)(B+C)] = 13×7, thus, A+B = 13 and B+C = 7 ,

[A+2B+C] = 20 rs

14] The positive terms are (1+2+3….+33+34), while the negative terms are –(2+3+...+34)
and –(3+4+...35) , adding all we get [595–594–627] = –626

15] Consider 50 gm honey, Initial Cost = (100/3)×33 + (50/3)×24 = 1500 Paise.

Final Cost = (50/3)×33 + (100/3)×24 = 1350 Paise.

Total savings = 150 paise = 1.5 Rs.

16] Consider a Trade of 1000 gm for 1000 rs. Shopkeeper marks it up to 1600
rs. Now, he cheats 14.28% while buying, means he bought 8000/7 gms at
1000 rs.

Whereas he cheats 20% while selling, means he sells only 800 gms. So, the CP of
Shopkeeper = 700 rs.

Now, he offers two discounts, one 12.5% and other of 1/(1+15)×100 = 100/16%. Hence,
effective discount = [12.5+100/16–{12.5×100/16/100} = 575/32 %. Thus, Actual SP after
deducting discount on thr marked price of 1600 rs = 1312.5 Rs.

Profit = 1312.5–700 = 612.5 rs. Profit % = 612.5/700×100 = 87.5.

17] Let the speeds be A , B , C respectively. Thus, 1600/B = 1472/A and 100/B =
96/C, thus, 1536/C = 1472/A. One and half mile = 1.5×1600 = 2400. Doing this
Operation above, we get 2400/C = 2300/A. Thus, C will win by 100 m.

18] Euler's formula ,

[F + V = E+2 ] , [48+64 = E+2], thus E = 110.

19] Clearly the unit digit of [1*1! + 2*2! + 3*3! + 4*4! ] = 1+4+8+6 = 9. Remaining numbers
will have unit digit as Zero, hence final unit digit = 9+0 = 9. Hence, No zeros at the end.
20] Given, 25C + F = 25×700 , 50C + F = 50×600 , solving these equations, we get C =
500 and F = 5000. Final equation is [100C + F] , which would be 100×500+5000 =

Thus average cost = 55000÷100 = 550 rs.

21] Initially Ding starting at 5 a.m ,covers a distance of 40×6 = 240 Km till 11 a.m. Now,
Ching starts at 11 a.m to meet Ding who is already at a distance of 240Km. So, (80-40) =
240/time , time = 6 hrs. Which means Ching will meet Ding after 6 hrs from 11 a.m. i.e, 5
P.m. Ching and Ding are at 480 Km from start.

This is the same time when Ming will also meet them as given. Thus Ming has to cover a
distance of 480 Km at a speed of 50 Kmph in 480/50 = 9 hrs and 36 mins. Subtracting this
from 5 P.m we get that Ming must start at 7:24 A.m.

22] Time of first meet =

L.C.M { 12/(13-7) , 12/(13-3) } = L.C.M { 12/6 , 12/10} = 12/2 = 6 hrs.

23] Since the remainder is 7, the numbers must be factors of 2020. Factors of 2020 =
2²×5×101 , total factors = 3×2×2 = 12. Now, the numbers cannot be 1, 2, 4, 5 as the
remainder is 7. Thus, neglecting these factors from the total of 12 factors we get that there
are a total of ‘8’ factors which when divide 2027 will leave a Remainder 7.

24] Multiply the qiven equation by A , then by B , then by C. Afterwards, add all the three
equation and you'll get the required equation as equal to Zero.
25] Let there be 100 men, thus , 80 Men ≤ 50 yrs , 20 Men ≥ 50 yrs , 20
Men = Rugby, [ 4 Men ≥ 50 yrs play Rugby] , thus remaining
16 Men are ≤ 50 yrs. Thus, 16/20×100 = 85% .

26] Clearly, cost of 50 Oranges = cost of 40 mangoes. Let him have 200 rs, thus CP of
orange = 4 rs and CP of mango = 5 rs. He retains 20 rs with him. Out of remaining 180 rs
he buys 20 mangoes => 20×5 = 100 rs. Remaining 80 rs is used in buying 80/4 = 20 oranges.

27] T = C*(1+ Y/100)

= Y/100*(T+C) , Let Y/100 = K. Upon solving the above equations we get an

equation in terms of only 'K’ , [ (1/K – 1)(1+K) = 1] , we get K = (√5 –1)/2 = apprx 0.618,
Thus, Y = 61.8% .

28] Let there be ‘100B’ boys and ‘100G’ girls. Given, [100G+50B] = 1.5×50B , thus B=

Which means there are 100G girls out of 500G students. Which is 1/5th or 20%.

29] It is clear that Bruce makes a profit of 10Y, which is same as Clark's. Our job is to find
the profit of Clark and solve the equation to get Y. Thus, Clark marks up by 2Y% and
gives a discount of Y%, effective change = [2Y–Y–2Y²/100]% = Y(1– 2Y/100) %.
Thus, Clark's effective increase or profit is 20Y(1– 2Y/100) = 10Y.
We get the value of Y = 25%.

30] Imagine Scarlett had $900 of her own. Now, she buys at $700 ( still has $200 with her)
and sells at $800. Total amount she has now is = $1000. Again, she buys at $800 ( now has
$200 with her) and sells at $900. Thus, final amount she has = $1100. Initially she had $900
, now she has $1100 , Profit she made = $200.

31] A multiple of 7 will be Saturday itself. Let's see what Remainder 3³¹² yields when
divided by 7. R[3³¹²/7] = R[(3³)¹°⁴/7] = R[(–1)¹°⁴/7] = R[1/7] , which means Remainder is 1.
Hence after 3³¹² days it would be = Sunday.

32] For 4 years,

C.I–S.I =

P(R/100)²[2 + (R/100 + 2)²] ,

Plugging in the value of C.I–S.I = 22435 and R = 10%, we get P = 3,50,000 Rs.

33] Consider one person being born on each day. Total People born in 100 years = 36500.
Total leap years = 25 (1904,1908,....2000). Hence total percentage of people having birthday
on 29th feb = 25/365 = 0.068 % .
34] Consider Mr Rider has 100rs and purchases petrol at 1 re/lit. So he purchases 100 litres
initially. Now, 25% increment in petrol price means 100×25/(100+25)% = 20% decrement
in consumption. So he will get 80 lit of petrol in 100 rs(at 1.25re/lit).

But, he intends to spend 15% extra. So, in 115 rs he will get 92 litres of petrol. So his
consumption will fall down by 8%.

35] Let the total initial cost of the product be Rs 100.

manufacturing cost = Rs 60
Raw materials cost = Rs 40

Also, original selling price=Rs100+60/4

= Rs115
New raw material cost =Rs40+30% of 40=Rs52.

New manufacturing cost =Rs60+20% of 60=Rs72

New cost of the product = Rs124
New selling price =115+60% of 115 = Rs184

New profit percentage =60/124×100= 48.39%

36] CP for 'N’ goods = 20N. SP = 1.4×20N = 28N. Hence, [2+4+6+....N terms] = 28N ,
applying A.P Summation formula, N/2[4+(N–1)2] = 28N, thus N = 27 items.

37] Given that the diesel consumption is at the rate 1/400[(1000/Y) + Y] Cost of
diesel = Rs 35 per litre

Payment to the driver = Rs 125 per hour.

Also given that the truck is driven at the speed of Y km per hour.
Total cost (c)
=1/400[(1000/Y) + Y]×800×35+ 125×800/Y

Now differentiating both sides in the above equation with respect to Y.

dc/dY= −170,000/Y² + 70=0

⇒ Y = 49 km per hour. Apprx

38] A similar problem was solved above, using the same concept, A, B, C can take the
values 9, 10, 12 … hence maximum value of ABC = 1080.

39] Let the quadratic equation be f(x) = ax²+bx+c , differentiating w.r.t x, we get , f’(x) =
2ax+b = 0. Given that max value is 3 at x = 1. Substituting these values above we get –b/2a
= 1 , a+b+c = 3 and hence c–a = 3. Also, at X = 0 , f(0) = c = 1 , hence a = –2, and b = 4.

The required equation is [–2x²+4x+1] , thus f(10) = –159.

40] Let him have , X $1 bills and Y $10 bills. Thus,

[X + 10Y = XY] , ..( Y < 10), we see, that Y can take only three values 2 , 3 , 6. Thus X
would be , 10, 5 , 2. Total bills that he can have is 12 or 8 , so Two possibilities.

41] Let the amount be P.

After 1 year the amount becomes 1.1P out of which 4400 is repaid.
Interest for second year = 20% of (1.1P–4400)
(1.1P–4400)/5 = 11/7 (0.1P)
7.7P-30800 = 55(0.1P)
2.2P = 30800
P = 14000
Rs 14000 was lent initially.

42] The loan is taken for simple interest,

=> The interest for each of the four years is the same, which is equal to {20000×20×1}/{100}
= $4000.
Interest for four years = 4×4000 = $16000.
Total amount = 20000 + 16000 = $36000
=> Each equal installment = {36000}÷{4} = $9000.

43] Each stair is 1/2 foot high and the stair case is 10ft high, there must be 10÷(½) = 20

We already know the Beetle has to travel 10 ft. up. And in order to reach the top it only has
to go across nineteen 1ft. long stairs.

10 + 19 = 29 ft.

44] Let the savings be 2P. Clearly, He invested P, P respectively at C.I and S.I for 2 years.
S.I = 550 = P×2×R/100 , PR = 275. We know that for two years, C.I–S.I = PR²/100² , Thus ,
(605–550) = 275R/100, R= 20% . Substituting above we get P = 2750/2 , thus 2P = 2750 Rs.

45] One month equivalent Principal =

[500+400+300+200+100] = 1500.

S.I = 600–500 = 100 Rs. Thus, 100 = 1500×(1/12)×R/100 , thus, R = 80% .

46] 323 = 17×19.

[16! + 1] is divisible by 17 …. {Wilson's theorem} , therefore [16! +1 +85] is divisible by 17.

Similarly, [16! + 10] is divisible by 19 , which means [16!+10+76] is divisible by 19. Since it
is divisible by both the numbers, rhe Remainder when [16!+86] is divided by 323 is Zero.

47] Average Rupee collection = (Speed× capacity × Occupancy × Ticket rate)

Ratio of average Rupee collection of Truck to that of Van = product of above rates

⇒(3×50×1×1.5):(1×30×2×1)= 15:4

48] 5B = 7A ,

5A = 7B , Total Number of Stones = A+B+S

= A+ 7A/5 + 5A/7

= 109A/35. Since minimum number of stones is asked and every number is an integer ,
A must be = 35 atleast. Thus total minimum stones = 109.

49] Let Original cost = raw material + 2(wages)

Cost = 36, so material = 36/3 = 12

Hence wages = 24.

Now new raw material = 12*7/3 = 28

And new wages = 24*9/ 4= 54

Hence new cost = 28+54 = $82.

50] Let Chris have 3x chocolates of type A and 7x of type B

Let Drax have 5y chocolates of type B and 4y of type C
Let Morty have 3z chocolates of type C and 5z of type A

So in total A=3x+5z ; B=7x+5y ; C=4y+3z

Since C>B we get solving y<3z-7x —>(1)

Since B>A we get solving 5y>5z-4x —> (2)

What gets inferred from above 2 statements is z>=3. so when x=1,z=3, we get only y=1 as
choice, for which second condition doesnt satisfy.

So, when x=1,z=4, we get y<5 from first condition and when y > 3.2 from second condition.
so which gives choice the only y=4.

Hence x=1,y=4 and z=4 works and is the best possible answer.

For these values, we get A=23,B=27,C=28.

Minimum possible number of chocolates overall is 78.

51] 1/G = 3/C , [1/G+1/C] = 10 , on solving we get, C = 40 days.

52] Since a bucket holds 5 litres of water, Tap A discharges 20 litres of water in 24 minutes
or 5/6 litres of water in 1 minute.

Tap B discharges 40 litres in 1 hours or 2/3 litres in 1 minute.

Tap C discharges 10 litres in 20 minutes or 1/2 litres in 1 minute.

If A, B & C are all opened simultaneously, total discharge = (5/6 + 2/3 + 1/2) = 2 litres in 1

So in 2 hours after all taps are opened, the discharge would be 240 litres, which should be
the capacity of the tank.

53] Let X fill pipes and (n–X) drain pipes. Also,

[X/20 – (n–X)/30] = ⅕ ,

(3X–2(n–X)) = 12,

(5X–2n) = 12,

[ n = 2.5X –6 ], X can take even values and from options 'n’ can take 29 and 54 for X = 14
and 24.

54] G α W²

G α √(No.ofMachines)
G α Hrs

200 α 4²×√4×8
200 α 16 x 2 x 8
200 α 256
200 = k x 256

K=25/32 , Hence for 3 people, 12 hrs and 9 machines,

G = 25/32×3²×√9×12 = 253.125 units.

55] Let the total students be (n + 1)
Let total marbles be x
Let the average of ‘n’ students be y

The student who got 1/6th of x = 5y

Or y = x/30

Therefore ‘n’ students got 1/30th of total share each

Or n * x/30 + 1 * x/6 = x
nx + 5x = 30x
n + 5 = 30
Or n = 25
Total = n + 1 = 26.

56] Similar Volumes have been given, So let First tank contain 10 and 16 lit of Oil and
water. Second tank contain , 7 and 19 lit of oil and water. Mixing them together gives Oil =
10+7 = 17 and water = 16+19 = 35 , thus ratio = 17:35.

57] Let the number of floors be x and rooms per floor be y

So, xy = 500
After the change,
(x-5) * (y+5) = 450
xy – 5y + 5x – 25 = 450
500 – 5(y-x) – 25 = 450 (As, xy = 500)
5(y-x) = 25
y-x = 5 , on solving X = 20 and Y = 25.

58] LCM [ 12/(13-3) , 12/(13-7) ] = LCM [12/10 , 12/6 ] = 6hrs.

59] 1000/A = 900/B ,

3000/A = 2800/C , thus,

2700/B = 2800/C , Hence C will beat B by 100 m.

60] Total time = 38-1 = 37,

35 men do rest of the work in (37-25) = 12 days,
This work will be done by 30 men in = D = 35*12 / 30 = 14 days
=>Total time = 25 + 14 = 39
=>One more day would be required.

61] Taking log to this will give log(1/20)^37

this can be written as (log1-log20)^37

log 1=0

log 20 can be written as -(log 2+log 10)^37

log 10 = 1 log 2=0.3010


= -48 … hence 48 zeros.

62] Let Milk be 100rs/litre and water = 20rs/litre. Let him mix 'M’ lit of milk and 'W’ lit of
water. Thus his cost is,

CP = [100M+20W].

While he wishes to sell this at price of milk i.e [100M + 100W] rs.

M.P = [125(M+W)] ,

discount = 20% = [25(M + W)] , S.P = 100(M+W) ,

Profit = S.P–C.P = 80W => which is 20% , thus

80W = 20M+4W,

Thus M:W = 19:5.

63] Amount of water getting in per hour = (2.25/5.5)*60 - 12

= 138/11 litres

It will take 69/(138/11) hours for ship to sink. = 5.5 hours.

Hence 77 kms needs to be covered in 5.5 hours, ie at 14 kmph.


[6 + speed of ship] = 14

Speed of ship = 8 kmph.

64] Let them be named A, B, C. First condition says

[ 6/A + 6/B + 5/C = 1 ] , Second Condition says

[ 6/A + 5.5/C + 5/B = 1] , Third condition

[ 6/B + 16/3C + 5/A = 1] ........ Thus we get

A = 30 days, B = 20 days and C = 10 days. Required Answer = 15(5/6) days.

65] Number of meeting points on the track = Time taken to meet at starting point/Time
taken for first meeting = Relative speed / HCF (6,b).

So, in essence we have to find values for b such that

(6−Y)/HCF(6,b) = 2 or

(Y−6)/HCF(6,b) = 2

Y = 2, 10, 18 satisfy this equation. So, there are three different values that Y can take.

66] Let us assume Ashton travels at a speed of ‘a’ and Butcher travels at a speed of ‘b’.
Further, let us assume that they meet after t minutes.

Distance traveled by A before meeting B = a * t. Likewise distance traveled by B before

meeting A = b * t.

Distance traveled by A after meeting B = a * 54. Distance traveled by B after meeting car
A = 24 * b.

Distance traveled by A after crossing B = distance traveled by B before crossing A (and vice

=> at = 54b ---------- (1)

and bt = 24a -------- (2)

Multiplying equations 1 and 2

we have ab * t² = 54 * 24 * ab
=> t² = 54 * 24
=> t = 36

So, both would have traveled 36 minutes prior to crossing each other. Or, B would have
taken 36 + 24 = 60 minutes to travel the whole distance.

67] Let the distance between Home and office be D and the uniform speed during onward
journey be S.
While coming back, 2D/7 was covered with a speed of 2S/7
Remaining distance = 5D/7 and 3/5th of this is 3D/7 which is covered with a speed of 3S/7.
He finally reduces the speed to 3S/7 - 12S/42 = S/7 (as 66.67% is equivalent to 2/3rd) and
cover the remaining distance, 2D/7.

Average speed for the total journey = 14 kmph

2D/14 = D/S + (2D/7) * (7/2S) + (3D/7) * (7/3S) + (2D/7) * (7/S)
D/7 = D/S + D/S + D/S + 2D/S
1/7 = 5/S
S = 35 kmph.

68] 1:05 - 1
2:10 - 2
3:15 - 3
4:20 - 4
5:25 - 5
6:30 - 6
7:35 - 7
8:40 - 8
9:45 - 9
10:50 - 10
11:55 - 11
13:00 - 12

69] Let the speed of escalator be 'N’ steps per second. Thus, 26+30N = 34+18N = Total
Steps , on solving we get N = ⅔ and total steps = 46.

70] A and B run around a circular track. A laps B in the middle of the 5th lap. i.e. when A
has run four and a half laps he has covered a distance which is 1 lap greater than that
covered by B's.

Therefore, when A runs 9/2

laps, B runs 7/2 laps.

This is same as saying when A runs 9 laps, B runs 7 laps.

i.e in a race that is 9 laps long, A can give B a start of 2 laps.

So, if the race is of 3000 metres long, then A can give B a start of (2/9)×3000= 666.67

71] Since Maximum possible concentration has been asked, let's assume initially there's 1
litre of both the mixtures with 4/5 and 1 lit of Acids respectively ! Now, ⅘ th of first is
mixed with 1 lit of second.... Hence total Acid = (4/5)² + 1 = 41/16 lit out of a total of (1+4/5
= 9/5 lit ).... Hence Max Concentration = 41/25 ÷ 9/5 = 41/45 = 91.11 %

72] Let K = 264 rs. Now, C.P = (3A+13B)/16 = K/1.2 = 220 rs , Also Given, A = K/0.88 = 300

Thus, we get B = 201.53 rs , Profit if sold at 264 rs = 62.46 rs which is 62.46/201.53 ×100 =
31% apprx.

73] Let 5ⁿ = Y , thus we have

[ X = Y/5 + 1/5Y ] ,

5X = Y + 1/Y , we know that minimum value of Y + 1/Y = 2 , thus minimum value of 5X is 2

, we write 5X ≥ 2 ,

X ≥ ⅖.

74] Select a person to complete task 2

Since task 2 must be assigned to either person 3 or person 4, we can complete stage 1 in 2

Select a person to complete task 1

There are 5 people remaining who have not been assigned a task
However, task 1 cannot be assigned to person 1 or to person 2
So, there are only 3 people to choose from.
So we can complete stage 2 in 3 ways.

Now, we have 4 people and 4 tasks, so they can be arranged in 4! Ways. Total = 2×3×4! =
144 ways.

75] Assuming these two couples are one unit, there would be 8 persons to be arranged. So
total ways = 8! , but the two couples can be arranged in 2×2 ways among themselves, so
total number of ways = 8!×2×2.

76] To make a rectangle, we need 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines. In a Chessboard there
are 9 vertical and 9 horizontal lines. Hence, total number of ways = 9c2 × 9c2.

77] P(at least one) = 1–P(none) , thus Answer = 1 – ¾ × ¾ × ¾ = 37/64.

78] {Leonard wins if he throws 8 in first chance}


{Leonard wins if he doesn't throw 8 in first chance and Raj doesn't throw 7 in first chance
and Leonard throws 8 in second chance}

OR …… so on ….. thus Answer = 5/36 + 31/36×5/6×5/36 +...... = 5/36×{ 1/(1–155/216) }

= 30/61.

79] Given that event B has happened through one of many events in which A is included,
the Probability that B has happened through A = {Probability of B through A / Total
Probability of B happening }.

Here, Either Both are lying or both are telling the truth, hence the required probability =
1/13× 3/5×2/3/[1/13× 3/5×2/3 + 12/13× 2/5×1/3 ]

= ⅕.

80] ∆AFP and ∆ABD are similar. The ratio of their areas = 1/7 ….. { since length of a
trisector = √7/3 ×Side }. Now, by symmetry ∆PQR is also equilateral.

Assume A(∆AFP) = X unit² , we get A(∆ABC) = 21X , and A(∆PQR) = 3X , required ratio =

81] Here's the trick,

First find the area under Segment BC = A(Sector ABC) – A(∆ABC). Now, add
4 times the Segment area and 2 times the equilateral Triangle Area to get the desired

= [ 98π/3 – 49√3/2 ] =

60.23 unit². (Apprx)

82] X² – 7² = 49² – 35² ,

X = 35cm.

83] We know A(∆ ABC) = ½AB×AC×sinA, using this concept , we write

∆APR/∆ABC = 9/35 = 63/245

∆BPQ/∆ABC = 10/35= 70/245

∆CQR/∆ABC = 8/49= 40/245 , let A(∆ABC) = 245 , thus A(∆PQR) = 245–[63+70+40] = 72

unit². Thus A(∆PQR)/A(∆ABC) = 72/245.

84] 1/√r = 1/√50 + 1/√128 , thus, r = 3200/169 = 18.93 units.

85] Using Extended ladder theorem,

1/∆ + 1/17 = 1/(13+17) + 1/(8+17) , ∆ = 2550/37 unit² and reqd area = 2550/37 – 38 = 30.91~

86] Required Area = ½{A(Square) – A( Circle ( Sum of two Semicircles)} = ½[100–25π] =

~10.73 unit².
87] Maximum possible area of a rectangle that can be inscribed in any triangle = ½Areaof
Triangle = 1/2×60 = 30 unit².

88] The largest cube that can be chiseled out from a cone of height ‘h’ and radius ‘r’ c.m.
then cube edge =

hr√2/(h+r√2) , here

X = 8×4√2/(8+4√2)

= 8√2/(2+√2) = 8(√2–1) cm. Thus Volume of Cube = X³ = 36.38 cm³.

89] Using Euler's formula,

d² = R² – 2Rr , now, Area of triangle = 84cm².

R = abc/4A = 65/8 = 8.125 cm.

r = ∆/s = 84/21 = 4 cm.

Thus d = 1.015625 cm.

90] Following graph will make it clear ,

We have to find the area of ABCD = Triangle + Rectangle = 0.5+2 = 2.5 unit².

91] So we have to find the area of a Semicircle, R = 5 units. Thus Area =

25π/2 unit².

92] Area of a triangle using Shoelace formula =

|½[-3(3-2) + -2(2-(-4)) + 4(-4-3)]| = |½[ -3-12-28]| = 21.5 unit².

93] Let side of the Hexagon be X cm. We see that, Height of tower at B = X/√3 and Height
of tower at D = 2X. Thus, ratio = 1/2√3.

94] The equation can be written as [8Cos(X) + 15Sin(X) + 15] = 17×Sin(X+A) + 15. Hence,
Max value = 17+15 = 32 and Min Value = 15–17 = –2.

95] Let the height of the lighthouse be √3 unit. Ship travels 2 unit in 20 mins and
remaining distance = 1 unit, thus it will take 10 mins to reach the lighthouse.

96] Tan(30°) = X/Base , thus Base = X√3 and Tan(60°) = 60/X√3 , thus X = 20 cm. Height
pf tower = 60–20 = 40cm. Base = 20√3 cm.

97] Since the coefficient of Secant is greater we cannot use A.M ≥ G.M concept. Thus, we
differentiate and always in such case Min value = 25+4 = 29.

98] The diagram below will make it clear,

99] Remainder when

[ 222³³³ + 333²²²] ÷ 7 can be found by Euler's remainder theorem.

222^6 Mod 7 = 1 , so 222³³³ Mod 7 = 1×222³ Mod 7 = 6. Similarly , 333²²² Mod 7 = 1 , thus [6
+ 1] Mod 7 = 0.

100] After looking at the diagram below , it becomes very easy to calculate the area,
A = 48 – ½[6+30+32] =

14 Unit².

101] X+Y = 110,

X = Y +100 , thus Y = 5 paise.

102] Given, Y = (X+Z)/2 , and

Y⁴ = (X²Z²) , Y² = XZ

{ X²/Y² = Y²/Z² = R} , X² = RY² , Z² = Y²/R.

4Y² = X²+2XZ+Z²

4Y² = RY² + 2Y² + Y²/R ,

4 = R + 2 + 1/R ,

R² – 2R + 1 = 0

Solving, for R , we get R = 1.

103] Angle at 3:10 A.M can be found out using |30H–5.5M| = |30×3–5.5×10| = 35°.

Now, the angle must be 70° for the first time after 3:10 A.M, so we calculate Using the same

|30×3–5.5M| = 70 ,

For ± value we get ,

M = 40/11 mins or M = 320/11 mins. We see that 320/11 is what satisfies and hence at 3:
(320/11) A.M the angle would be double.

104] Differentiating [X² + AX + (B+2) = 0] w.r.t X , we get

f’(X) = 2X+A = 0 , thus

X = –A/2.

Substituting it in given eqn we get, A²/4 –A²/2 + B+2 = 0 ,

A²/4 = B+2 , [A² = 4B+8].

Now, we have to Find the minimum value of A²+B² which is f(B) = B²+4B+8 , thus f’(B) =
2B+4 = 0 , means B = -2, so minimum value = 4-8+8 = 0.

105] Let the time be 'T’ hours after which the distance is minimum.

Car covers 10T km and Biker covers 5T km. Distance between them ( from point Y) by
Pythagorean theorem

= Sqrt[(60–10T)² + 5T²]
= Sqrt[3600–1200T+105T²]

Differentiating we get

210T –1200 = 0 ,

T = 40/7 hrs.

106] Last two digits can be found by dividing by 100 and obtaining the remainder.

39³⁴² Mod 100 by Euler's Remainder Theorem.

Totient function of 100 = 100×(1–1/2)(1–1/5) = 40.

Thus 39³⁴² Mod 100

= 39²² Mod 100

So we need to find the last two digits of 39²² = 21¹¹ = 21.

107] Total area of the two pieces = 25% more than the by square.
Area of 2 pieces = 1.25 × 4π² = 5πr²
Extra area = πr²
Extra area = area of two new circles that are now created circles.
Area each new circle = πr²/2

Radius of new circle = r/√2 ,

Thus height can be found out by Pythagoras theorem

h = r/√2.

108] 36N = 30(N+5) , N = 25 and distance = 36×25 = 900 ft.

109] Observe the figure below,

Basically we need to find the circumradius of ∆ABC ,

We have Area ABC = ½×12×16 = 96 cm².

Sides AB and BC xan be found out using Pythagoras theorem. AB = 8√5 and BC = 4√17.

R = abc/4A ,

= 8√5×4√17×12/4×96
= √87 cm.

110] We are given with

LB = 15, BH = 6 , LH = 10,

Thus (LBH)² = 900

Volume = LBH = 30 cm³.

111] Observe the diagram below,

We have to apply Similarity in the given set of triangles.

We get Radius of Quarter Circle = 840/103 cm ,

Radius of Semicircle

= 1.21 cm~
And finally radius of small Circle = 0.3 cm.

**Thank You for Enjoying this Book**

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