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Minutes of Annual General Conference of International Church of Christ

Nigeria. Held on 8 June, 2019 at 16/18, Akanbi Onitiri Close, Surulere, Lagos.
The meeting started at 10.30am at our Surulere facility with a prayer by Mr. Dotun
Olutunbi. The Mc for the day Mr. Wasiu Ajao welcomed everyone and invited the Board
Members to the high table.

The minutes of the last AGC meeting for year 2018 was read and was adopted by Mr.
Ndu Eke and seconded by Mr. Abolade Abolarinwa.


Chairman Valedictory Speech

The Board Chairman Dr Francis Okogwu went ahead to give his speech. He informed the
house that the Board has been operating with standing Committees.

He said this was the first time the Board was run by committees, chaired and supported
by men and women of skill, integrity and courage. He introduced the chairmen of these
committees as follows:

 Finance Committee – Mr. Uwamai Igein

 Land and Building Committee – Mr. Omoruyi Iyamu
 Risk Management Committee – Mrs. Belema Osibodu
 Human Resources Committee – Mr. Imagbe Igbinoba
 Communication And Multimedia – Mr. Darwin Orhewere
He thanked them for their efforts.

ICOC Agric ventures

He reported that ICOC Agric ventures has been successfully re-engineered with its board
headed by Mr Uwamai Igein, it is presently running and taking decisions on the way
forward, its fruitful decision will soon be seen by everyone.

He also stated that to ensure compliance with the budget a quarterly report of budget
compliance is produced by the church administration to the Board. This brings
accountability and prudence. He thank various disciples who have contributed financially
in various ways to support the church. God bless you.
Risk Management – Health Safety Environment Audit Report and Security

He reported that the health and safety status of the regions and churches nationwide have
been assessed by the risk & safety Committee and the assessment will be sent to the
various regions and churches for necessary changes.
It was reported that four of the Churches assessed were declared unsafe for human use
and attention to be taken immediately to correct these.

Land and Building:

In his report he mentioned that the dream of the church at all leadership level is that the
church should stop renting building facilities (N45 Million Naira was spent in 2018 and
the cost is climbing yearly), to own its properties and complete all uncompleted
properties dotting the country. For this to happen the church needs hundreds of millions
of naira, an amount that cannot be achieved through our weekly and monthly contribution
or various church ventures, present or proposed.

He said the Board in a majority vote on the 29th of March 2019 decided that the sale of
the church property in Surulere – 16/18 Akanbi Onitiri close will be able to meet these
needs and it will be accompanied by consultation and sensitization with different groups
in the church.

He said that consultation and sensitization was taken first to the Leadership group on the
31st of October 2019 that unanimously agreed to the sale, then to the church staff on the
1th of January 2019 who also agreed to the sale, to the deacons, family group leaders,
bible talk leaders on the 2nd of March 2019 they also agreed to the sale.
There was an engagement with the Surulere Region on the 19th of May 2019 with other
meetings that produced useful feedbacks.

The proceeds from the sale of our church property in Surulere will not be used for any
recurrent expenses like salary, staff matters or administration, only strictly for building
projects of various kinds for worship and staff accommodation, for all our regions and
churches in Nigeria. A committee with wide representation from our church will be set
up to determine the sharing formula for the different regions and churches. A formula
that will be openly presented to all disciples and acceptable. The building constructed
will follow the different prototype designed by our church architects.
Furthermore the funds from the sale of the proceeds will be invested in the bank and
managed by the banking unit of the finance committee of the Board.

He said that the self help one storey project of the Benin Church is at the roofing state.
Asaba church few weeks ago moved to their landed property at GRA Asaba,
commencing work on their temporary structure with support from the Lagos church.

Communication and Multimedia

In his report he motioned that the dream of the church was to have efficient and excellent
communication and multimedia facilities. The role was as following:

1. Excellent communication and multimedia activities in all our regions and

churches. There will be an upgrade in the quality of our services in this area.
2. Recording, storage/retrieval of services and activities of the church anywhere in
3. Streaming of important services and activities online to be viewed nationally and
4. Multimedia library for storage, indexing, retrieval of both national and
international materials for our use e.g. Retrieval of excellent messages by our past
evangelist, teachings, including visitors.
5. Disciples and staff data storage and protection.

He said as part of the development that are taking place in the finance and administration
of the church, the following offices have been created and vacancies to fill them will be
advertised soon.

 Events Manager – ICOC Associates Ltd.

 Estate Manager – Estate Unit in the Church.
 Communication and Media Director – Church Office.

The Board Chairman thanked the Board for the support they gave him and
thanked everybody for their support to the Board.

Evangelist Report

This was followed by the Lead Evangelist report. He said Teachers are essential to
helping people grow in their knowledge of the faith and in their walk with GOD.
Appointment of Teachers

This was an historic occasion for the Lagos Church on Sunday, August 19 as
teachers were appointed. The new teachers are Fred George, Emmanuel Emeh,
and Gilbert Kimeng. These appointments to the role of teacher happens to be the
first time ever teachers were appointed on the continent of Africa by our
movement of Churches. He encouraged the women to aspire to be teachers.

Youth and Family

In his report he said the Lagos church held its First ever International Youth &
Family Conference at the National Arts Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos on the 18th of
August 2018. There were 1,600 participants from all over Nigeria and Africa in
attendance. The theme of the conference was “Building Strong Families”. A
unique feature of August event was its reflection of true African family as all age
groups of the church from teens to parents, singles to campus students and older
disciples were taught the importance of building their part of the family wall. The
conference was also graced with international facilitators. Doug Wens, Lead
evangelist of the Houston church USA and coordinator of the African Youth &
Family Circle, taught the singles, while Damon Curtis, also an evangelist and Youth
& Family minister with the Houston church, inspired the teens to discover the
amazing Jesus. Dr. Steve Kinnard, Kingdom teacher with the New York church,
rekindled the vibrancy of the campus ministry as he spoke to the students on
“God restores our Dreams”. Paul Ramsey, Executive Director of the African
Missions Association, spoke to older disciples on “Life to the Full”. David and
Robin Weidner of Purity Restored Ministries, USA, taught on the crucial topic of
sexual purity for all age brackets and further equipped parents on how to handle
this topic with their children. There was an entertaining drama as well that drove
home the message of the day and the next day was a colorful “Family Sunday
Service” with lots of praise, food and fellowship, which had more than 2,000
people in attendance.

In his report he informed the house of 2018 growth of Nigeria churches as


Church Growth: 2018

Actual Growth –
Current Membership Total: 2,942.

He spoke about the 2018 special WAM meeting held in Ibadan, informing the
house that the West Africa Missions (WAM) held its 2018 Management and
General Assembly in Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria, from 12th-16th August 2018.
He said WAM now have a total of 28 Churches spread across six countries,
namely- Ghana, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Liberia, Guinea Bissau and Nigeria. Well
over 80 WAM delegates from all the six countries were in attendance.
Also in attendance were three special guests from our partner churches in the
USA: Douglas Wens from the Greater Houston Church, Damon Curtis from
Greater Houston Church and Paul Ramsey the Executive Director of African
Missions Association.

He informed the house on the special highlight of the meeting, that Mr. Omoruyi
Iyamu, who has been the Chairman of WAM Executive and General Assembly
completed a 5 years tenure.

The name ‘WAM General Assembly’ was changed to ‘WAM Council’.

Proposals from four Standing Committees and one Adhoc Committee were
presented to the WAM Council for consideration and adoption.

Special Highlights

He also gave special highlights of other activities during the year which includes
and not limited to the following:

He said there was great jubilation in the Egbeda region of the Lagos church when
Joseph Ahiri, a young man in his early thirties, and his mother got baptized and
was added to the Body of Christ.
It was indeed a harvest of souls at the Oshodi-Isolo region’s Special Thanksgiving
and Harvest service in Lagos on Sunday 29 April, 2018 as three souls were added
to God’s eternal Kingdom! Bright Ukoha, Onyeama Nduidi and Adejoke Afe.

Administrators Report

Then the Administrator gave his report which was as followed:

He quoted the ICOCN core mission objective is HAVING WELL EQUIPPED


He said that the church has continues to grow in spite of the economic dynamics
that prevailed in the country, with such undercurrents that commanded lots of
adjustments in all spheres of life for Nigerians, and had materials impact in our
activities in the year under reviews.

He mentioned that in spite of this, the Membership of our Church grew from 2841
in 2017, and is currently standing at the end of April 2019.

He said the membership size for the past three years is as follows:
2016 2017 2018
MEMBERSHIP SIZE: 2731 2841 2847

At our 2018 AGC we reported the following number of local governments’
coverage in line with our mission statement: 2018 2019
North Central 4 13
South West 10 12
South-South 7 12
South-East 5 14
Lagos 18 20
Total 44 71
The spread is reflecting in how much we have spread alongside local government
coverage in aligning with the ICOCN Mission Statement.
As at today as illustrated in the above slide, we have covered 71 Local
Government areas out of the 774. We still have a huge number of 703 LGAs yet to
cover. This shows increase coverage of 27 LGAs from the last count in 2018 AGC.


He reported that ICOCN accounts are prepared in accordance with IFRS and
audited by Board-approved independent auditors.
He said that as a result of astute management of its finite resources by its
Executive Management, ICOCN has continuously maintained stability in paying its
staff salaries, social security scheme, benefits and entitlements, while covering its
operating expenditures without recourse to borrowings, nor suffered any kind of
financial embarrassment or financial illiquidity.

He said ICOCN has set up internal controls and financial policies that adheres to
strong process and procedures that are very significant to funding its operations
to align with the Board approved budgets. Some specifics:

2018 2018 2017


Family System 15,988,715 32,244,800 12,784,283

Missions Expenses 85,496,541 124,255,731 94,275,887

Leadership Development 18,254,949 39,787,000 28,584,648

Staff Cost 150,221,309 193,996,934 135,891,501

Administrative Expenses 55,364 86,762,183 43,976,592
Total expenses 322,716,877 477,046,648 315,512,911
He informed the house that throughout the year under review there was strict
adherence to budget provisions, we focused on matching authority with
responsibility by insisting on budgetary compliance and controls.
We owe our financial management accomplishments, to sound fundamentals and
rigorous process provided by the Board of Trustees and Leadership Group of the


He informed the house that at the Annual General Conference 2018, Gbolahan
Oyegoke &Co, were re-appointed to audit our ICOCN accounts.
The result of 2018 Financial Statements has been distributed to disciples via the
Church website, which were considered and recommended by the ICOCN Board
of Trustees at its meeting of June 7th, 2019 for your consideration, approval and
Below are the highlights of the year 2018 Financial Statements:



% N N
N %
TOTAL ASSETS 456,811,017 455,666,765 1,144,252
TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,207,700 23,428,825
19,221,12 82.0%
TOTAL FUNDS AND RESERVES 452,603,317 432,237,940 20,365,377
TOTAL FUNDS AND LIABILITIES 456,811,017 432,237,940 30,365,377
ACCUMULATED FUNDS 436,788,662 413,132,140 23,656,522
TOTAL INCOME 333,948,201 308,187,212 25,760,989
TOTALEXPENDITURE 332,416,867 315,512,911 16,903,956
TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 1,531,334 (7,325,699)
(5,794,365) 79.0%
The audited report shows a total income of N333.95 million as against N308.19
million in 2017, representing a percentage increase of 8.36%
A total expenditure of N332.42 million as against N315.51 million in 2017,
representing a percentage increase of 5.36%;
Operating Surplus of N1.53 million as against operating deficit of (N7.3) million
recorded in 2017.
Total assets grew from of N455.6 million in 2017 to N456.8 million as at end of
December 31, 2018.
The details are as contained in the circulated audited financial statements that
will be shortly presented by the auditors.
Despite the challenging and harsh macroeconomic environment, with the
resultant double digits increase in the cost living, cost of price inflationary index of
about 15.9% and cost of doing business, total expenditure during the year under
review increased only marginally by 5.36%.
We however recorded 8.36% increase in total income as a result of sacrificial
hearts and commitment of our members to the

He however gave special recognition to some disciples across our churches

especially in Lagos, who responded positively to the church leadership call for
special FINANCIAL DONATIONS to meet noticeable funding gaps in the execution
and implementation of approved church missions programs and activities for the
year under review. These sacrificial and good hearted members, gave generously
to the tune of N11.9MILLION recorded as special donations during the year under
The Administrator report was followed by the Auditors report. The auditor said he
has seen total compliance, openness and integrity in an uncommon environment.
Our system is recommended to any organization in Nigeria.

There were no comments or observations on the Accounts reported. The

accounts was adopted by Mr. John Kenneth and seconded by Mr. Ndu Eke.

Appointment of auditor. There was a reappointment of the auditors for another

year. The motion for reappointment was moved by Mr. Abolade and seconded by
Mr. Tafa Oloyede.

Retirement of Board Members

The Chairman informed the house of the retirement of two Board Members.

Two member’s tenure has ended. The members are the Chairman, Dr Francis
Okogwu and Mr. Uwamai Igein.

New members have been appointed for ratification at the AGC to replace the
retiring ones.

The new members were as follows:

Mr. Sunny Uwagboi

Barrister Emeka Anolefo

There was a voice vote to ratify the two members on the Board to replace the
retiring members by the house.

After the ratification, they were asked to join the other members at the high

Sale of Surulere Property

Due to the conduct of some aggrieved disciples on the sale of the land, the Board
stepped down the approval of the sale of the land by the house. The Chairman
said the approval would not be done at the 2019 AGC meeting until the
sensitization is done across regions and churches in Nigeria before that can go

The Lead evangelist encouraged everyone to be godly over the sale of Surulere


Abiodun Abatan asked for the plans on ground to resuscitate the unsafe facilities.
He asked if the HSE team went to the Kaduna and Jos church. He said that for the
prototype of building for Churches, the size of the land should be put into
Titi George said marriage registry amount went down in 2018 to #11,000. She
asked for the reason for the decrease and if it affects other incomes too.

John Kenneth thanked the Board and asked for the cost to all the prototype

Victor Ajufo also appreciated the Board and said that talents on music are area
that was not mentioned at all. He wants the Board to invest in the music ministry
and should have a studio where children can learn.

Jide Fabuluje asked for the plans for us to have joint service if the land is sold. He
also said he needs more clarification on the sharing formula. And asked what
control we have on the prototype building that a church will build.

Segun Oladeinde asked if it is only the staff members of the church that should be
awarded for long service.

Bode Adefolu also wants gifts to be given to older disciples. He also advised that
we should look at other areas to cut cost in our finances.

Ogochukwu Egbu said we should contribute money weekly to help in building and
helping other people.


Response from the Board

 Kaduna church will be audited. Jos has been audited for HSE.

 Land and building committee has taken note of size of land of the

 Prototype is for a bigger auditorium.

 The Board shall put cost of the prototype of building together for each
church to know the estimated cost of the prototype they want to choose.

 Talent in music will be put into consideration.

 The Church will rent a facility whenever there will be a joint service after
the sale of Surulere property.

 He Board mentioned that they are on top of the finances of the Church,
expenses are being monitored.

 The Board is not a representation of a member but in blocs.

The assured members that all comments are noted.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was raised by Mrs. Ovota Iyamu and it was
seconded by Mr. Kessiena Esievo. The meeting came to an end with a prayer led
by Mr. Kemi Olufowobi at 1.58pm

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