Procedure Unit

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Procedure writing

Year level: Subject: Acara: General capabilities Cross-curricular

7 English (ACELY1725)  (ACELY1726)
(ACELY1721) (ACELY1719)

Unit overview
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Brainstorming and Editing/ Individual writing Individual writing: Peer editing
exploring genre, improving Write goal and materials- how Write method Reflections
following a origami to make a tiktok, makeup *focus on structure *focus on structure
procedure origami procedure, tutorial, game walkthrough (but edit for all
activity how could etc areas)
we improve *focus on structure
the text?
2 Verb use mini Adverbs Complex sentences mini Peer editing -
lesson and lesson Reflections
adjective *focus on language
Planning in mini lesson Writing in partners features (but edit
partners *focus on language features for all areas)
Writing in
*focus on
3 Explore recipe Writing Writing Peer editing -
procedure *focus on *focus on audience reflections
- Discussing audience *focus on audience
topic (but edit for all
specific areas)
writing for
4 Writing Writing/ Conferencing Conferencing Conferencing
- Own publishing Writing/publishing Writing/publishing Writing/publishing
choice for
class to
- Give
on rubric
writing to
5 How do the Filming Filming video tutorials
features of a video
procedural text tutorials
change when in
video format?
Filming video
Learning experiences
Monday 24/8 Resources: Notes:
- Class brainstorm on mindmap (labels: language features, Mindmap template Class engaged well in
structural features, purpose, when and where, examples) Origami procedure the origami task. The
activity achieved the
- *Mindmap made online using interactive whiteboard. Saved Paper intention as it showed
for students to access in future lessons them the importance
Students follow procedure- origami activity of structure and clear
 Half of the class are given a procedure without a title, goal or steps.
Oto and Theoh knew
pictures, half gets the full procedure how to make origami
 Follow the origami boat procedure to see the effects of a boat already so
procedure with structural elements missing or not enough finished quickly and
detail helped peers

Tuesday 25/8 Resources: Notes:

- Read the various procedure text examples to explore/discuss Origami procedure The different examples
different structural features (e.g. time, difficulty etc) examples linked well with the
discussion from
- scientific procedure example
previous lesson
- how to take care of a dog example Improving text was too
- recipe long, class became
- ‘how to break a curse’ video disengaged due to the
length. In future don’t
- as a class, edit and improve procedure text from yesterday re-write whole
procedure or have a
- “after following the procedure, how could we improve it?” brain break halfway
- *using interactive whiteboard with full version of yesterday’s
origami procedure, class collaborates to re-write it. As we go, I
have some input to verbally express my thoughts as a writer.
- *Students follow procedure and make origami boat as we
write to help them explain
Wednesday 26/8 Resources: Notes:
- Review what we have learnt so far about procedure High engagement in
- Students write a title, goal and materials list for: this activity due to
including student
- How to make a tiktok, makeup tutorial, game walkthrough or interest. In future,
other change topics to suit
- *linking to student interests class
- *students focus on writing using the structure of a procedural
Thursday 27/8 Resources: Notes:
- Continue on from yesterday- Encourage students to
- write method think about how much
detail they really need-
- *focus on structure begin introducing
- *encourage students to think about their intended audience- audience more
is the person familiar with the topic, how old are they etc? explicitly

Friday 28/8 Resources: Notes:

- peer editing Check peer editing-
- students swap work with a peer and edit for ensure quality
feedback between
spelling/grammar/punctuation, structural features, word students
choice, fluency/ how easy is it to understand, what to improve Glow and grow
on strategy not as
- *allows students to apply their knowledge of procedural texts effective as intended
due to class seeing it as
in a different way a bit babyish. Aim for
- Self-reflection something more open-
- students write down things they learnt throughout the week, ended next week
things they did well in their writing, what they want to
improve in their writing and anything they’d still like to learn.
- *allows students to keep a record of their improvements as
they complete reflections each week
6. Monday 31/8 Resources: Notes:
- Explicit teaching of verbs in procedure (10 mins) Verb activity was
- Activity: highlight verbs in recipe method Activity sheets suitable as the class
had a good
- *discuss as a class (think, pair, share method) understanding already.
- Class in pairs to plan procedure Would need to be
- Topics: altered to something
How to do your homework, how to use schoology, how to more explicit if class
did not have this
order your lunch, how to do maths mentals, how to line up knowledge
outside *Random partners
- (must be at least 10 steps) worked well
- *collaborative writing means students must begin justifying Specify planning time-
some planned while
their decisions as writers (important in high school)
others didn’t (the
- planned ones were
7. Tuesday 1/9 Resources: Notes:
- Explicit teaching of adverbs and adjectives (10 mins) The adverb and
- Activity: match the adverbs to the verb in procedure method. adjective activity were
not overly effective.
- (some answers not clear- focus more on the understanding of Although they did
what makes sense in the sentence rather than ‘correct’) make students reflect
- Highlight the adjectives on their knowledge of
- *discuss as a class (think, pair, share method) these features, it didn’t
improve their ability to
- Pairs continue writing their procedure use them
- *encourage pairs to act out their method to check for
effectiveness in description
Wednesday 2/9 Resources: Notes:
- Explicit teaching of language- complex sentences (10 mins) Complex sentence
- Activity: divide class into groups. Give each a sheet of paper activity was great. Class
was highly engaged
with a very simple written step on it (from topics that class is and provided high
writing this week) quality responses. High
- Each group re-writes the step they have to include descriptive quality discussion also
language and be complex. After 3 minutes or so, swap papers occurred. It would be
good to include more
so ever group writes every step. activities like this in the
- Share one step from each sheet to class future.
- *encourages group to think about various ways to include
descriptive language to make the steps complex
- Continue writing
- *conferencing with pairs
Thursday 3/9 Resources: Notes:
- Peer editing Reflection sheet Peer editing improved
- students swap work with a peer and edit for from last week due to
spelling/grammar/punctuation, structural features, word Learning log successful-
choice, fluency/ how easy is it to understand, what to improve allowed for more
on student agency
- *allows students to apply their knowledge of procedural texts
in a different way
- Self-reflection
- students write down things they learnt throughout the week,
things they did well in their writing, what they want to
improve in their writing and anything they’d still like to learn.
- *allows students to keep a record of their improvements as
they complete reflections each week
Monday 7/9 Resources: Notes:
- Discussion about considering audience when writing Discussion was
(language choice, length of steps, how detailed, what’s effective due to the
nature of the class but
included etc) in future an activity
- *these have been discussed with students individually during might be useful
their conferencing with me, so a discussion means they can
share their individual knowledge with peers (links to
- Recipe writing introduction
- Decide on recipes to write
Tuesday 8/9 Notes:
- Independent writing
- *students focus on intended audience as well as applying
knowledge of structure and language from previous weeks
Wednesday 9/9 Resources: Notes:
- Independent writing rubric
- Introduce rubric
- *showing students rubric gives them a clear understanding of
what they are expected to achieve. The recipe will be
formatively assessed using the rubric to show where
improvements are needed for summative
- *students focus on intended audience as well as applying
knowledge of structure and language from previous weeks
Thursday 10/9 Resources: Notes:
- Peer editing Teacher Make notes and mark
- students swap work with a peer and edit for conferencing sheet procedures using rubric
to give students
spelling/grammar/punctuation, structural features, word rubric feedback
choice, fluency/ how easy is it to understand, what to improve
- *allows students to apply their knowledge of procedural texts
in a different way
- Self-reflection
- students write down things they learnt throughout the week,
things they did well in their writing, what they want to
improve in their writing and anything they’d still like to learn.
- *allows students to keep a record of their improvements as
they complete reflections each week
- *collect recipes for formative assessment
Monday 14/9 Notes:
- Students choose own topic- something class can follow Some students
- Independent writing struggled to decide- in
future be prepared
- Return rubrics from recipes from last week to students with with a list for them.
written feedback. Discuss improvements based on rubric for
students to consider while writing final summative procedure.
Tuesday 15/9 Teacher Notes:
- Independent writing/ publishing conferencing sheet Ask students for a
- * Conferencing with students who have completed- does it check-in at this point.
Some seemed to not
have all structure and language features, it is detailed, is have made significant
audience clear etc? **refer to rubric progress yet (may have
produced better quality
work if not rushing
towards the end of the
Wednesday 16/9 Resources: Notes:
- Independent writing/ publishing Teacher Be strict about
- Conferencing with students who have completed- does it conferencing sheet everyone having a
conference. Some
have all structure and language features, it is detailed, is students chose not to
audience clear etc? **refer to rubric and would have
benefited. Overall,
conferencing was a
great idea and very
helpful for students.
Thursday 17/9 Notes:
- Publishing and conferencing
- Conferencing with students who have completed- does it
have all structure and language features, it is detailed, is
audience clear etc? **refer to rubric
Friday 18/9 Resources: Notes:
- Publishing and conferencing Assessment rubric Conferencing
- Conferencing with students who have completed- does it successful- use for
every writing unit in
have all structure and language features, it is detailed, is the future
audience clear etc? **refer to rubric
Monday 21/9 Resources: Notes:
- Progress through PowerPoint Very successful lesson.
- Review of whole unit- discussion (structure, language PowerPoint Tied in well with
student knowledge and
features, audience etc) – 5-10 mins iPads interest to promote
- Introduce idea of video procedure YouTube links high engagement.
o ‘tutorial’ paper for mind Students demonstrated
o Where do we predominantly get our procedures maps their knowledge of
procedural texts that
these days? microphones they had developed
- Students into groups, number each group. Have links to tripods over the unit through
YouTube tutorials numbered to match each group. Give piece cameras? applying it in the first
of paper to mind map: activity.
Filming was also
o Procedure features successful- however
o Different/same^ different classes may
o Good and bad qualities of video- what impact do they not be responsible
have? enough to film outside
- “you will make your own ‘YouTube’ video that will be posted
on seesaw for parents to see”. Needs to be finished
Wednesday so no filming 7 takes or spending 3 hours editing.
- In groups, choose a procedure for the group to do- choose
one procedure that a group member had written
- Due Wednesday end of lesson
Tuesday day 22/9 Resources: Notes:
- Continue filming and editing
Wednesday 23/9 Resources: Notes:
- finish filming and editing Quality work

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