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Name: ____neha nepal____________________

Quiz 1 – OB

Answer the following as briefly as possible. The score will be based on the
context of the answer. Each question has 25 points. Write legibly.

1) Discuss the growing importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace.

Interpersonal skill is the ability of the employees and the employer to communicate and work well.
The advantage of interpersonal skill is ;
*employess stay motivated leading to better performance and that may indicate that the company is
likely to make more profit.
* the relationship between each individual becomes more healthy
*good communication skill leads to better productivity
*less chances of employees leaving the job
* less money and time spent on recuiting new employees
*more chances for employees to raise their concern and voice their opinions
*more voices and ideas have better chances to improve the organization.

2) Explain three different kinds of workplace discrimination.

Discrimination based on sex: it is the practice of treating someone badly because of their sex.
Treating women differently because of the belief than men can do work better for no other reason
than their sex has been a unfair practice in the society. they belief that women are more sensitive,
they prioritise their home, donot have quick problem solving ability. Women earn less even if they do
the same amount and quality of job as men.
Discrimination based on age: it is a practice of treating someone badly or unevenly because of their
age. Even the amount and the quality of work is same it is believed that older people have lower work
performance than younger people even when the studies show that absenteeism rates are lower
among older workers. Younger people have higher turnover rates compared to older people according
to the study.
Discrimination based on religion: it is a practice of treating people different because of their religion.
This is most common on muslim people as they are treated unfairly due to their religion very often,
Even if the job performance is same or even better at some cases.

3) What is organizational behavior?

Organizational behavior is the practice in which they study the behavior of individual or groups
within the organization. Later the information collected is used to make or better the organization.

4) Explain the play of surface-level similarity and deep-level diversity in a workplace environment
with the help of an example.
Diversity management is divided into two sub groups; surface level similarity and deep level
Surface level similarity are demographic traits like gender, race, ethnicity and deep level diversity is
traits that are psychological such as personality, decision making ability.

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