My Thoughts On Atmanirbhar Bharat

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Atmanirbhar , the word meaning a self-reliant one. This idea can turn into an amazing reality, with the
future generations of India seeing a fully developed nation. The best example of a self- reliant today would
be Japan, at a time when the whole world codes in English, every thing in japan runs in a intricately woven
process where culture, technology go hand in hand. Another obvious fact here is that atmanirbhata does
not mean isolation, as Indians by virtue believe in “vasudaiva kutumbakam”

In the wake of a situation as the present one, when not a landmass is blissful or unaffected by the virus,
the need of atmanirbhatra can be seen very clearly. The fact that a country of population over a hundred
and a thirty crore has managed to remain in the battle when the best of economies with the least of
populations are seen losing highlights that we are already on the path to what we aspire to become.

This August 15th as India turns 73 ,as we proudly look at where visionaries of the past have bought us we
must start reflecting on how we are to carry this mantle forward , this brings us to the central theme of this
essay , of inculcating or rather making school going a part of this initiative because it is not a system that
can be imposed , it needs to be a lifestyle.

Another reason for this is that students like are aware of the basics with technology if not experts, which
the generations of our some of parents and grandparents, are reluctant to accept. For eg , My mother , an
educated , Free thinking lady , still prefers to get all of her work, legal, documental, done in an office
rather than doing it online even if it involves the huge traffic of a city and not to mention, huge amounts of
time. People may have varying opinions on technology but one de facto here is that we can’t live without it

The economics textbook of grade 9 taught me a very important line I still remember;” the most precious
resource is Human resource that can turn into a liability if not utilized properly”. The Secondary School
boards in India , introduce vocational educational courses in India, but the question here lies about how
much of it actually helps , schools in India choose the courses based on their affordability of teachers, and
students are most often taught theoretical stuff, much out of their interest, only to pass exams and to help
the schools create fancy portfolios.

A rather practical alternative to this would be to make all the courses digitally available allowing the
students to choose themselves and allotting any weekday only for these courses, that involves learning and
occasionally a simple, affordable, activity to understand the practical reality of it. I don’t of where this write
up would land or if someone would even read it, but anyone whose reading this please make an effort to
spread this message

There is a high chance of people being skeptical School going students playing a role, psychologically a
child’s brain is creative, bold. Many citizens have nowadays become aware about issues like waste
management, cleanliness of public places is still considered trivial and there exists significant population
which though appreciates the cleanliness of Scotland, and a second later throws a tissue paper on the
footpath. Even the likes of such pick up the tissue on being questioned upon by the child and having seen
shame in the eyes of the child.

The economics textbook of grade 9 taught me a very important line I still remember;” the most precious
resource is Human resource that can turn into a liability if not utilized properly”. The Secondary School
boards in India, introduce vocational educational courses in India, but the question here lies about how
much of it actually helps.
The Indus valley civilization or even the era’s after that saw a India as golden bird, a prosperous and
globalized nation , and we citizens must make efforts so that history repeats itself.

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