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My Emotional Needs Bucket

Just like physical needs (food, water, shelter, clothes), we have emotional needs. When these
needs aren’t met, we might feel a little empty inside. Each day, it’s best for our emotional needs
bucket to be full so we can feel good. Below are some examples of emotional needs. Use a
crayon or marker to draw in the bucket next to each need how “full” you feel, meaning how
much you are feeling like those needs are being met for you by those who love you.

Feeling listened to by others, being paid
attention to without the other person being
distracted and with some eye contact.
Everyone needs some quality time with
those they love once in a while.

Many people feel loved through physical
touch, like hugs, a pat on the back,
cuddling, or an arm around the shoulder.

Feeling Wanted
Kids need to know that they are likable and
not a burden to others. Sometimes, a
person needs reassurance that they are
loved, accepted, and wanted.
Knowing and feeling that you are valued by
others, that your opinions and feelings are
heard, and that you are most often treated
in a way that makes you feel smart.

Feeling like you have some power over your
choices and what happens in your life.
When you get to choose for yourself
sometimes, things like picking out your
clothes, deciding what kind of cereal you
want for breakfast, or whether or not you
want to participate in a school sport.

When other people point out that you have
strengths and make you feel like you’ve got
what it takes to be successful and happy in

Having people who are there for you when
you are feeling sad or upset who you know
will do their best to make you feel better and
will care that you are having a hard time.

Safe Environment
Knowing and feeling safe at home and never
having to worry that someone else would
hurt you, not feeling scared because of yelling
or fighting, but rather feeling peaceful at
What bucket(s) is lowest and why?

If your “bucket” is low, you can ask for what you need in order to feel “full” and good again.
What are some things you can do to get fill your “bucket” when you are feeling down?

Example: Think about people who have told me nice things about myself.____
Example: Ask for a hug from my dad.__________________________________
Example: Make a list of what you can control.___________________________


What bucket is most full for you and why do you think that bucket doing so well?
What are some ways you can help make sure the people you love have “full” buckets?

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