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TAMARA ALO-EMILE  0466 887 293 5/24A Fifth Avenue, St Peters 5069


My reasoning behind wanting to become a teacher have expanded over the past four
years since beginning my teaching journey. During my schooling experience,
particularly within the primary educational setting, there have been many teacher
role models I have admired and had the privilege of learning from. These teachers
have allowed me to see the important role that teachers play in children’s lives and
has encouraged me to undertake this role in my own life. I was able to be inspired by
a handful of teachers within my primary school experience. This was evident when
they were genuinely interested in my learning, recognised my abilities and was then
able to challenge it. These meaningful actions from these teachers motivated and
inspired my reasoning to become a teacher. Becoming a teacher also provides
amazing opportunities that other workforces may not be able to offer. Firstly, there
is always a demand for teaching across the world where educators are able to
experience a wide range of cultures and religion. Teaching also allows individuals to
work with a diverse range of students and staff and offers an array of environments
to be employed within. I want to become a teacher so that I am able to help students
achieve their goals, whether it is academically or socially. I believe that students
learning should be challenged and expanded on and that I can be that mentor to
assist students to achieve this.  

I believe I have great strengths that I can bring to a classroom. Firstly, I have been
informed from a previous mentor teacher that I am a very organised individual which
will be efficient when managing and controlling a classroom. Having great
organisation skills has allowed me to create effective lesson plans, manage
commitments and control schedules and timetables. I am also an effective
communicator where I am able to discuss lesson planning with the mentor teacher
and students, seek feedback on a lesson I have conducted or review schedules with
staff. My social skills are also suitable where I am able to form relationships with the
staff, students and fellow peers.

I hope that in my future career as a teacher, I am able to develop a range of teaching

skills such as lesson planning, behaviour management and the ability to differentiate
tasks across a range of learning abilities and ages. I am excited to work with a diverse
range of staff and students in a school setting and I look forward to expanding my
teaching pedagogies.

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