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I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. define intentional injuries;
b. describe the types of intentional injuries; and
c. demonstrate ways to prevent and control intentional injuries.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Intentional Injuries

Reference: Physical Education & Health page 371-386
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation
Values Integration: Matthew 22: 39 “Love your neighbor as yourself”

III. Procedure:
Teacher Activity Students Activity
A. Preparatory Activity

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

Before we start our lesson kindly Yes ma’am

arrange your chairs.

Kindly lead us a prayer.

Who is absent today? None ma’am

B. Motivation

I have here headlines of different injuries of

people. I will let you read them one by one
then answer the following questions after
each headline.
1. What is the cause of injury/death?
2. Who made the cause of
injury/death? (own self or other
Now that you have answered all the
questions for each headline, I will now give
you the last question. If there is one word
that will describe all the injuries occurred to
the following individual in the headlines, Intentional Injuries
what do you think is that word?

C. Presentation

Thank you for your answers. So, your

answer has something to do with our topic
for today the intentional injuries.

D. Lesson Proper

What comes first into your mind when you

hear the word intentional injury?

An injury that occurs as the result of willful
Very good! act meant to cause harm.

What else?

A planned action of harming yourself or

other people.
Very good!
Your answers are all correct, based from the
pictures and answers of your classmates;
you can now exactly define what intentional
injury is.

Intentional Injuries are referring to injuries

resulting from purposeful human action.

Intentional injuries are resulting from

violence. It can be divided into two: self-
inflicted, when a person harms
himself/herself on purpose and assault,
when person/persons harm another on

Now let us move on to the types of

intentional injuries.
What are the different types of intentional
injuries based on the pictures that you have
seen earlier?

Very good! 1. Suicide and Parasuicide

2. Domestic Violence
3. Bullying
4. Stalking and Extortion
This time, I will group you into five. Read
the topic that will be assigned to you. Refer
to the guide questions and answer them.

Guide Questions:
What is its meaning/definition?
What are its categories/classifications/
Why do these intentional injuries happen? Group 1- Suicide and Parasuicide
Group 2-Domestic Violence
Group 3-Bullying
Group 4-Stalking and Extortion
Write your answers in manila paper and
afterwards you will share it to the class.

Is it clear?

(Teacher will give handouts about the

topic.) Yes ma’am
After 15 minutes all manila papers will be
posted on the blackboard and choose one
representative to read your answers.

Is it clear?
Yes ma’am

Very good! All your answers are correct.

E. Generalization

Based on our lesson a while back, who can

identify intentional injury?

What are the types of intentional injuries? An injury that occurs as the result of willful
act meant to cause harm.

Suicide and parasuicide, domestic violence,

bullying, stalking and extortion
Why do these intentional injuries happen?

Some people are depressed, problematic,

influenced by bad people that’s why they
end up hurting themselves and other people
which intentional injuries takes in.

F. Valuing

How are we going to avoid ourselves from

committing or getting involved in different
intentional injuries?


Very good! I will give importance to myself and asking

advice from my family and friends.

What else?

Attend church from time to time. Attend

School and listen to my teachers.
Are there some more?

Choose good friends and always listen to

IV. Evaluation the good teachings of parents.

I will group you into two and each group

will have a role play. Group 1 will have a
role play about the domestic violence.
Group 2 will be about the bullying.
In your role play include the ways to
prevent and control intentional injuries
Your performance will be graded according
to the following criteria.

Performance- 10 points
Cooperation-10 points (Students do the activity)
Cohesion- 5 points
Consistency- 5 points
30 points

V. Assignment

Read about Unintentional


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