Up Algebra

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GENERAL  ❖ Critical and creative thinking 

CAPABILITIES   ➢ Inquiring - identifying, exploring and organizing information and ideas  
■ Identify and clarify information and ideas 
■ Organize and process information  
➢ Reflecting on thinking and processes 
■ Reflect on processes  
❖ Numeracy 
➢ Estimating and calculating with whole numbers 
■ Estimate and calculate 
■ Understand and use numbers in context 

ACHIEVEMENT  By  the  end  of  Year  7,  students  solve  problems  involving  the  comparison,  addition  and  subtraction  of  integers.  They  make  the 
STANDARD  connections  between  whole  numbers  and  index  notation  and  the  relationship  between  perfect  squares  and  square  roots. 
They  solve problems involving percentages and all four operations with fractions and decimals. They compare the cost of items 
to  make  financial  decisions.  ​Students  represent  numbers  using  variables.  ​They  connect  the  laws  and properties for numbers to 
algebra.  They  interpret  simple  linear  representations  and  model  authentic  information.  Students  describe  different  views  of 
three-dimensional  objects.  They  represent  transformations  in  the  Cartesian  plane.  They  solve  simple  numerical  problems 
involving  angles  formed  by  a  transversal  crossing  two  lines.  Students  identify  issues  involving  the collection of continuous data. 
They describe the relationship between the median and mean in data displays. 

CURRICULUM LINKS  ➢ Introduce the concept of variables as a way of representing numbers using letters (ACMNA175) 
  ➢ Create algebraic expressions and evaluate them by substituting a given value for each variable (ACMNA176)  

LEARNING   Introduction to Algebra  Whiteboards 

SEQUENCE  What is a variable?    
ONE    = a variable is a letter that takes the place of an unknown number  SmartBoard  
Learning intention:   ^ repeat with students multiple times!  
By the end of the lesson 
Activity: Solving basic algebra questions 
we will know what a 
variable is and how to 
All students will have their own whiteboard and will be solving questions on the board 
solve for one.   For example: 
2 + C = 6, C =  
4 + B = 10, B =  
A - 6 = 4, A =  
D +1 = 7, D =  
*Reminder, what are operations?  
Students to highlight the operations in a range of equations: 
4 / C = 2 
16 X B = 32 
9 - A = 3  

LEARNING   Rote Learning   Rote learning activities  

SEQUENCE  *Recap last learning sequence  
TWO  Rote learning activities to ensure students have understood what a variable is, and how to solve for one 
Learning intention:   ^ all rote learning activities are focussed on solving for a variable  
By the end of the lesson 
*pull away small group if needed 
we will know what a 
variable is and how to 
*keep checking in to ensure all students have understood learning intention  
solve for one.  

LEARNING   Introduction to Table & Rules   


LEARNING   Independent Learning  Algebra activities 

SEQUENCE  - Students are all moving at own pace, working on activities that are real-life related   (attached)  
FOUR  - Money problems 
Learning Intention:   - Planting 
I will understand that 
when there is a variable 
next to a number, I times 


LEARNING   Introducing Implied Multiplication   Whiteboards 

SEQUENCE  All students will have their own whiteboard and will be solving questions on the board   
FIVE  Place algebraic equation on board:   SmartBoard  
4 x C + 2 = 10  
*erase x symbol 
Pose question to students, ​What have I done?  
Explicit: When there is a variable next to a number, we always times it! *Repeat with students*  
Teacher: I am going to write an algebraic expression, and you guys are going to write it with implied 
I DO: 3 X G = 18 YOU DO: 3G = 18 
I DO: 6 X R = 24 YOU DO: 6R = 24, etc.  
Teacher: I am going to write it with implied multiplication, and you guys are going to write it normally: 
I DO: 8M + 2 = 88 YOU DO: 8 x M + 2 = 88, etc.  
Continue until all students have grasped* 

LEARNING   Algebra Test   Algebra diagnostic 


Challenges placed on the board to allow/encourage students to push themselves  

Continuously checking in with students - trying to keep all at a similar pace 
Gradually increase level of complexity during learning sequence 3 to ensure engagement remains  
Shannon: working at year 4 level, hence focussing only on patterns  
Austin: Rote learning for entire unit (5 problems each lesson)  

➔ Continuous assessment  
➔ Checking in with students  
➔ Algebraic test  


positives  Change in future 

★   ➶  

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