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Instructions: Discuss questions extensively in the light of the theories and principles
discussed in class and as practiced/applied in your own field as a pre-service teacher.
1. Compare and contrast the traditional concept of literacy to the modern view of literacy.
Comparison of the concept of Traditional and Modern Literacy:
 Traditional literacy is the building block for all other literacies; without it, they would
be impossible to master. But with the period of modernity, it further developed the
views of literacies that it integrated and expanded its definitions.
Contrast of the concept of Traditional and Modern Literacy:
 There were less literacies being practiced in the traditional concept of literacy (e.g.
reading, writing, and arithmetic). On the other hand, multiple literacies on the modern
view of literacy were practiced (e.g. aligned to living and working in a globalized
millennium, oral and visual literacy, financial literacy, eco-literacy, media and
information literacy, physical fitness/health and global competencies, etc.).
 The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write,
or the ability to use language–to read, write, listen, and speak. In modern contexts, the
word refers to reading and writing at a level adequate for communication, or at a level
that enables one to successfully comprehend and communicate in print society, thus
literacy plays a role in providing access to power.
2. Describe the changes in the 21st century that have led to the rise of new literacies.
The world of literacy has expanded alongside technology, and new literacies are being
used as an alternative or an addition to traditional text. Traditionally, literacy is “the ability to
read and write.” This is a definition that has spanned many generations, and is still being
taught in schools to this day. Literacy has always been a collection of cultural and
communicative practices shared among members of particular groups. As society and
technology change, so does literacy. Because technology has increased the intensity and
complexity of literate environments, the 21st century demands that a literate person possesses
a wide range of abilities and competencies, many literacies. These literacies are multiple,
dynamic and malleable. The 21st century is distinguished for its new innovations and
dependency on technology, in all parts of life. Therefore, this has led to the rise of new
literacies and it has become increasingly important skills to possess.
3. As a pre-service teacher, what kind of written materials should you able to read and
understand? Are you reading these materials? How well can you understand them?
As the primary pathway to knowledge acquisition, reading is an essential component
of all disciplines of learning and instruction. As a pre-service teacher, especially that I’m a
future language educator, I will be the one immersing my students to interpret complex ideas,
critically analyze documents, synthesize information from multiple sources and that of by
reading will build their knowledge. Of course, the kind of written materials that I should be
able to read and understand are the one’s that is related to my course, mainly literature. As
what my teacher in literature said, our skills should be in analyzing reading texts must be
complex than that of ordinary readers. I should be the one to be actively involved in
expressing my ideas and values about the deeper understanding of a literary work. As of now,
I’m utilizing my quality time to read some novels and articles online. To be able to better
understand them, if I encounter unfamiliar words, I will write it down on my paper and then
trying look its meaning on the dictionary. Also, since I’m continuously practicing my skills in

speaking and writing in English, I find it really helpful in improving my vocabularies and

4. Which of the new literacies are you knowledgeable in? Which of the new literacies do you
lack knowledge in?
The new literacies that I’m knowledgeable are:
 In Global and Multicultural Literacy, I’m aware of that this is knowledge of cultures
and languages. As a matter of fact, were living in a multicultural society. Every day,
we’re socializing and communicating with people different cultures and practices. In
school, since it’s an internationally recognized institution, foreign students would
come and study there. Some of us would try to interact and be friends with them to
build connections. Also, even on my phone, at least I can say that I’m literate of this
for I watched sometimes foreign vlogs and K-Drama, I try to observe and learn the
culture and norms of people on how they live their lives. I believe by embracing that
we are all different, it comes to that we appreciate the wealth of diversity that
surrounds us.
 In Media & Cyber/Digital Literacy, I believe that this is ability to access, analyze,
evaluate, and create media. I clearly have an idea about this for we have a subject,
“Media & Information Literacy” during senior high school. Being media literate, it is
we better able to understand the complex messages we receive from the all forms of
media. From the digital literacy, it helps an individual to be responsible for how they
use technology to interact with the world.
 In Critical Literacy, essentially it is the language use that questions the social
construction of the self. When we are critically literate, we examine our ongoing
development, to reveal the subjective positions from which we make sense of the
world and act in it. As a future English teacher, this literacy would suit me for I
should develop and master the ability to read, analyze, critique, and question the
messages inherently present within any form of text.
 In Eco-literacy, I believe that the survival of the humanity depends on this literacy –
our ability to understand the basic principles of a connected nature and how to live
The new literacy the I lack knowledge is:
 In Social and Financial Literacies, since I don’t have a complex knowledge about
financing, I can’t be able to understand financial options, on how it makes the most of
the new opportunities, and manage traditional relationships with moneylenders as
well as other financial obligations. I’m also quite lacking the ability to understand and
effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial
management, budgeting, and investing.
5. Although reading education in the Philippines aims to develop Functional/Practical literacy
in learners, what level of literacy is being developed when classroom practices focus more on
memorization than on understanding and application?
When the situation is this, the level of literacy could have been developed was just a
basic literacy. If the classroom will be focusing more on memorization, I think that it’s pretty
obvious of the students will be just overwhelmed with the amount of words they need to put
in their head. As we all know, the brain cannot handle too much information. This kind of

practice will lead to the under-developed thinking skills of the students. They will just mouth
platitude the what they’ve memorized. They can’t think on their own because they will have
no idea how to generate original and rigorous thought.

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