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Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics Comprehensive Theory with Solved Examples and Practice Questions Ld MADE EASY Publications MADE EASY Publications Corporate Otic: 44-A/4, Kalu Sarai (Near Hauz Khas Moto Station), Now Delhi-110016 Email. infomep@madeeasyin ‘Contact; 011-45124860, 8860378007 Visi us at. wnw madevasypublicatons org Thermodynar © Copyright by MADE EASY Publications, Allrights are reserved, No part of tis publication may be repraduced, stored in or introduced into a rettieval system, of transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photo-copying. recording ot otherwise), without the prior written permission of the above mentioned publisher of this book. First Edition: 2015 Second Eaition:2016 Third Eeltion: 2017 Fourth Edition: 2018 © Alrights reserved by MADE EASY PUBLICAIONS No part of this took may be reproduced rule in any writen permission fom ine shee Contents Thermodynamics Chapter 1 43 Mass Balance and nergy Balance for Basic Concepts & Zeroth Law of ‘Steady Flow Systems, 69 Thermodynamics a 4A. SFEE Applied to Various Devices 7 1) ntvodution : 45. Comparison of SFE with Euler and 12 System Suroundings and Properties Bemoulis Equation s 13 State of the System & Process. 3 46 Unsteady Flow Process 84 14 Pure Substances. * Objective Bran Teasers 104 15 Zetothtawof thermodynamics s Student Aslgnments 108 Objective rain Teasers ° Student Asgnments 10 Chapter 5 Second Law of Thermodynamics... 109 Chapter 2 52. Thermal nergy Reservoir 0 Energy and Energy Interactions .. u 53. Heat Engine, 10 32 Work » 5A Kelinlanck Statement of Second awn 112 33 csea stem anaes S 55 Refrigerators and Heat Pumps 13 asus Statement ofthe Second LW son 1 24 Ideal Gas. 23 oe I Stat of the Second 6 5.7 Equivalence of Klin-anck nd Clousus 25 Heat 26 Statement ne Objective Bran Teasers 30 58 Reversbleand eves Procese5 neue 117 Student Assignments 3 58 TheCamat Ge 12 510. The Cama rnciles, 124 Chapter 5 ; 5.11 The Thermodynamic Temperature Scale... 127 First Law of Thermodynamics... 35 5.12 Maximum Performance Measures for Cycles 52 Fist law ofTheimodynamics * Operating between two Reservoirs, 129 33 Enthalpy: “0 Objective Brain Teasers. 145 34 Hea-TranserinVarious Processes 0 senna * 35. Free Expansion 5 Objective ran Tease ® s Chapter 6 Student Assignments *7 ENtrOpy sesscsscssscsseerneeenseenses 61 Inodvetion 152 Chapter 4 Open System Analysis by First Law Go Gases nega ee Ps y ys y “ 6.3 The Property of Entropy. 155 41. AnOpen System (or Contel Volume) 88 Oo * 42 Steady Flow Systems: “8 65 — Temperature-Entropy Diagram. 159 i) 65. TheT-dSRelations 47 Entropy change fran deal Gas 58 _ Entropy Change of An incompressible 59 Finite Body Analysis 510. Reversible Steady-Flow Work 5.11 Second Law Analysis ofa Control Volume 612. Avalable Energy 613 Availabe nergy Refered toa Cycle 5.14 Heat TansferThough a Finite Temperature Difference 615 Avalabilty and Avallablit function 516. reversibility 5.17 Second Law Efficiency Objective Brain Teasers. Student Assignments. Chapter 7 Properties of Pure Substances ...... 7. Intioducion. 72 Phase Change of aPure Substance 73 Property Diagrams 182 164 mn 13 179 183 190 191 12 195 197 198 216 22 (iv) 74 Qualtyand Saturated Liquid Vapour 228 75 enthalpy and Entropy of Pure Substances 231 75 SteamTables. 2 77 Reference State and Reference Valves. 237 Objective Brain Teasers. a7 Student Assignments 250 Chapter 8 Thermodynamic Relations... 252 1 Mathematical Theorems 232 £2. The Maxwell Relations 253 83. TdsPartia ferential Equations 254 24 SpecifcHeatsc, and, 255 85 Energy Equations. 260 26 The Joule Thomson Coeficent. 262 87 Clausus-lapeyron Equation 266 28° Compressolty Factor 269 89. VanderWaals equation of state 270 Objective Bran Teasers. 292 Student Assignments 286 CHAPTER Basic Concepts & Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics 1.1 INTRODUCTION hermodynamics is the branch of science which deals with the energy and energy interactions, More specifically it deals with energy conversions, energy exchange and the direction of exchange. 1.1.1 Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach + Macroscopic Approach: In this approach individual molecular behaviour of a gas is not taken into consideration and the average behaviour of all the molecules is studied. This approach is applied when the continuum concepts vali. You being present. Know @ * 1202820 gasesitis vali when mean free path (average alstance traveled by amolecule between two successive collisions) is much smaller than the system dimensions, is ? * Continuum hypothesis suggests that the matter is continuously distributed with no voids + Microscopie Approach: In this the individual molecular behaviour is taken into consideration. For example Itis used in space exploration Remember : For our use, in classical thermodynamics, we often use Macroscopic Approach, 1.2. System, Surroundings and Properties 1.2.1 System, Surroundings and Properties © System: A thermodynamics system is defined as the fixed mass or fixed region in space (also called control volume) upon which our study is focussed, ‘© Surroundings: Everything external to the system is called surroundings © Boundary: itis areal or imaginary surface which separates system from the surroundings. A boundary can be fixed or movable, A boundary has zero thickness, no mass and no volume, ( MADE ERSY Theory with Solved Examples [J 2 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Study Package EXE] MADE EASY Imaginary boundary \— Movable boundary ‘system Fixed boundary Figure 1.1 Fixed Mass System Figure 1.2 Fixed Region in Space (Control Volume) gorized as given .2.2 Types of System Based on energy-mass interaction with the surroundings the system has been cat bolow. “Type of systom | Energy transfor | Mass transfer Example Open ‘Yes Yes Piston oyinder arrangement with valves Closed Yes: No Piston ojinder arrangement witout valves Isolated No No Universe Remember : Control volume is a volume surrounding an open system on which study is focussed. The boundaries of a Control Volume is called Control Surface. .2.3 Properties of a System ‘+ Properties are macroscopic characteristics of a system such as mass, volume, energy, pressure and temperature to which numerical values can be assigned ata given time without knowledge of the past history of the system. They have been classified as follows: 1, Intensive (Intrinsic) Properties: The properties which are independent of the mass of system under consideration, For examples: Pressure, temperature, density, viscosity etc All specific properties are intensive properties, eg. specific volume, specific heat, specific. Remember internal energy ete. 2, Extensive (Extrinsic) Properties: The properties which are dependent on the mass of system under consideration. For examples: Mass, energy, volume NOTE : While deciding the type of property we should not change the system under consideration. Gq Theory with Solved Examples MADE ERSS ) MADE EASY 1.5.3 Calibration of Thermometers Postal Study Package BIE) Thermodynamics | 9 ‘+ Iftwo different thermometers using alcohol and mercury respectively, are calibrated atice point and steam point and the distance between ice point and steam points divided into 100 equal parts then they are not guaranteed to give the same reading anywhere between the calibration points, bi will always give the same readings at the calibration points itself we “The reasings willbe same at calibration points J cfeonorc ” Butaary pint in botwaon they may ator Mercury Alcohol Thermometer Thoemometor Summary + Thetmodynamicsis the science that primarily deals with energy. A system with fixed mass is called a closed system and a system that involves mass transfer across it boundary is called an open system, Mass dependent properties are called extensive properties and mass independent properties are called intensive properties. All temperature measurements are based on Zeroth law. ‘Temperature scales are arbitrary/random in nature, @ Objective Brain Teasers Q.1_ Anopen system is one in which Q.4- Which of the followings the basis of temperature (@) Hoat and work cross the boundary, but the measurement? mass does not (@) Zeroth law of thermodynamics (b) Mass crosses the boundary, but the heat (0) First law of thermodynamics ‘and work do not (6) Second law of thermodynamics (6) Heat, work and mass cross the boundary (@) Third law of thermodynamics (@) None of heat, work and mass cross the @§ The absolute zoro pressure willbe boundary (@) When molecular momentum of the system Q.2 Which of the following is not a point function? becomes zero (@) Temperature (b) Pressure (6) atsea level ©) Energy (@) Power (©) atatomporature of -273.15 K Q.3._ Which of the following is an intensive property of (@) under vacuum coneitions a thermodynamics system? Q6_ The standard fixed point of thermometry is the (@) Volume (b) Temperature (@) ico point (6) Mass (a) Energy (6) triple point of water ( MADE ERSY ‘Theory with Solved Examples [J 10 | Mechanical Engineering (6) boiling point of water (d) sulphur point Q7_ Asystem comprising of a single phase is callod (@) Closed system (b) Open system (c) Heterogeneous system (a) Homogeneous system QB Amixture of air and liquid air is (@) apure substance (b) nota pure substance (c) homogeneous and invariable in chemical ‘composition throughout its mass (a) one having relative proportions of oxygen and nitrogen constant in gas and liquid phases Q.9 When mean free path of the molecules of a gas approaches the order of magnitude of the dimensions of the vessel, which concept of the following loses its validity? (o) Stability {d) Entropy Q.10 Most of the real processes are (@) quasi-static (b) non-quasi-static () adiabatic (@) isothermal (@) Continuum (©) Equiliorium CG theory with Solved Examples ee 2079) ANSWERS MADE EASY © 2) 3) 4@ 5. @ (b) 7.) 8b) 9. (@)— 10. (b) =? ‘STUDENT'S ASSIGNMENTS: ‘Arnew temperature scale NV is to be defined The boiling and freezing points of water on this scale are 100°N and 400°N respectively. Then (a) What will be the reading on the new scale corresponding to 60°C? (b) Atwhat temperature both the Celsius and the new temperature scale reading would be same? [Ans.(a)220°N, (b) 100") The reading tan fg for centigrade thermometer Aand B graded atice point 0°C and steam point 100°C are related by the equation ta = 1+ mtg + nf where J, m, n are constants. When both are immersed in a liquid, A reads 51°C and Breads 50°C. Determine the reading of A when B reads 25°C? Comment on which thermometer is correct. (Ans. (a) 25.75°C; (b) not possible to say] . ) CHAPTER Energy and Energy Interactions 2.1 INTRODUCTION ‘+ Energy can existin numerous forms such as thermal, mechanical, kinetic, potential, electrical, magnetic, chemical and nuclear, and their sum constitutes total energy E of the system. Thermodynamics provides no information about the absolute value of the total energy. It deals only with the change of the total energy, ‘+ In thermodynamics, the various forms of energy are considered in two groups, macroscopic and microscopic forms of energy. ‘+ The energy possessed by the system as a whole with respect to an external reference frame constitute macroscopic forms of energy, such as kinetic and potential energies. ‘+The energy possessed by the system with respect to then molecular structure and molecular level interactions constitute microscopic forms of energy. The sum of all microscopic forms of energy of a system is called its internal energy and is denoted by U. [+ kinotc onoray [Sensible oneray (uk motion) L___,. Potential enaray | Latent eneray (ik poston) [+ chemical energy L__. nuciear oneray NOTE —_ Sensible energy —> due to molecular kinetic energy and is temperature depencient. Latent energy — associated with phase of the system and comes into picture during phase ae Chemical energy > associated with atomic bonds in a molecule. Nuclear energy — associated with strong bonds within the nucleus, ( MADE ERS Theory with Solved Examples [J al Engineering Postal Study Package BLEEK] MADE EASY ee pe ‘Sensiole ad latent energy Chemical energy Nuclear eneray Figure 2.1 Internal energy of a system is sum ofall microscopic energies + Energy interaction for a closed system with its surroundings can take place in two ways: (@) by work transfer (b) by heat transfer ‘* Work and heat are modes of energy transfer. The discussion related to thelr quality will be done later inthe second law of thermodynamics. 2.2. Work «+ The wrk's sald to be done by a force when taeta.on albody moving in the draction of force. This defniton of work is more suitable from mechanics point of view © Inthermodynamics, work transfer is considered occurring between the system and the surroundings. Work is said tobe done by the system the sole effect an ho things external othe system can be converted nto raising of weights though the weight may nat be actually raised ‘* InFig, 2.2 (a), a battery is connected to a motor which is in turn driving a fan. The system is doing work onthe surroundings. When the fants replaced by a puley and a weight as shown in Fig. 2.2(b) the gol ettcton things extemal tothe system is then the raising ofa weight i an Wier FHT] uty syion“ PH gem : boundary boundary i | [Baty i { 1 A. Woight Figure 2.2 (a) Figure 2.2 (b) Remember : Force should act on the system boundary and it should cause some displacement in the surroundings. Hence this is also called boundary work. Types of Work Interaction (Expansion and compression work (Displacement work) -this has been dealt with in detail later. (il) Stretching of wire: If a wite is stretched by length dL due to farce F, then work done on the system 8WV = Fadl CG theory with Solved Examples MADE Enss ) 34 | Mecha 15, az CG theory with Solved Examples B) al Engineering (a) Aller the boiling temperature is reached water tarts boiling off, Heat required to boil dry = (084x108 998)x 2286 Cue ) Clearly he area enclosed on the p-V diagram under the path Dis maximum \Wrk done on that pats also maximum (@ For adiabatic reversible process PV" = constant Taking log, log, + ylog¥ log,P = ~ylog,V + « Which is equation of form, y=mx+0 With m being -ve @ STUDENT AssicxmENTs ‘An imaginary engine receives heat and performs: work on a slowly moving piston at such a rate that the cycle of operation of 1 kg of fluid can be represented as a circle of 10 cm diameter on p-V diagram, The scale is 1 cm = 300 kPa on yeaxis and = 0.1 m? on x-axis. Find the net work done. [Ans: 2356.2 kd] A spherical balloon of 1 m diameter contains a gas at 150 kPa, The gas inside balloon is heated until pressure reaches 450 kPa. During the process of heating the pressure of gas inside the balloon is proportional to cube of the diameter of the balloon. Find the work done by the gas, [Ans: 314.16 kJ] ee 2079) a3 a4 as ae MADE EASY An ideal gas is heated at constant volume unti its temperature is S times the orginal temperature. itis then expanded isothermaly til treaches its original pressure. The gas is then cooled at constant pressure tits restored to the original stale. Represent this cycle on p-V diagram and find the net work for 1 kg gas. Represent your answer in terms of gas constant Rand take intial temperature as 350K. (Ans: 453.52 ki] Apiston cylinder arrangement contains 0.05 m? of a gas intially at 200 kPa. At this state a linear spring which has a spring constant of 150 kNim is just touching the piston but exerting no force ‘on it. Now heats transferred to the gas causing the piston to rise and to compares the spring Lntl the volume inside the eylincer doubies. If the cross section area of piston is 0.25 m?. Find (i) The final pressure inside the cylinder (i) Work done by the gas [Ans: 320 kPa, 13 kd] ‘Atthe beginning of the compression stroke of a 2-cylinder internal combustion engine the air is at a pressure of 101.325 kPa. Compression reduces * pV’? = constantulfthe bore and stroke of each [ans 17.7 KW] ‘A monatomic ideal gas (y= 1.67 and molecular weight = 40) is compressed adiabatically trom (0.1 MPa, 300 K to 0.2 MPa, The universal gas constant is 8.314 ku/kmol K. The work of compression of gas in ki/kg will be? [Ans: 9.86 klk] ) CHAPTER First Law of Thermodynamics ER Le ately Inthe early part of nineteenth century the scientists developed the concept of energy and the hypothosis that it can neither be created nor destroyed; this came to be known as the law of conservation of energy. The first law of thermodynamics is merely one statement of this general law with particular reference to heat and work. 3.2 First Law of Thermodynamics ‘+ When a closed system undergoes a complete cycle net work is done on or by the system. The only other energy involved in the cycle is heat which is supplied or rejected during various processes ‘+ The first law relates these two forms of energy in the following statement. “For a closed system undergoing a cycle the net energy interaction in the form of heat is equal to the net energy interaction in the form of work’ BMojie = FEM. J= 1 Nm e 2o= Ew {(or a closed system undergoing a cycle) NOTE There canbe other statements which pertain to fist law. * The first law cannot be proved analytically, but experimental evidence have repeatedly Ina certain steam plant the turbine develops 1100 kW. The heat supplied to the steam in the boiler is 2900 kJ/kg, the heat rejected by the steam to the cooling water in condenser is 2200 ku/kg and the feed pump work required to pump the condensate back into the boiler is 5 kW. Calculate the steam flow rate. ( MADE ERSY Theory with Solved Examples [J 36 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Study Package BIRE) Solution : a Refer to figure below for the mentioned cycle. | For the given cycle, MADE EASY ‘Syston boundary “ Boter Heat per unit mass flow rates, BO = 0,-Q, 2900 ~ 2200 = 700 kulkg EW = Waa Wp = 1100-5 = 1096 kW Assuming sit as steam flow rate in kg/s and by first aw ~Q = Iw rox ih = 108 { m = 1.564 kg/s oa, 3.2.1 Total Energy * Amajor consequence of the first law is the existence and the definition of the property called total cneray E:Itis to be noted that the value of total energy storedin a closed system ata state is not defined rather the change in total energy has been dealt wit, + Consider a system which changes its stale from state (1) to state (2) bby following path A and returned via path B from 2 to 1. (Fig. 2.1) Applying frst law, EQ). = EWy.g Qyg2* Coan = Wise + We “i Now assume the same system returns via path Cinstead of B Applying first law, ZQxo = LW so ipo + roy = Waza + Moo i) Applying (i) - (i). Qea1— Qacy = Was — ocr ogy Wes, = Qoer ~ Woes o (Q= Magy = (O= Macy (i) ation (i) implies that (QW) represents the change in quanily which is only dependent on initial and final states (1) and (2) respectively andi not the path followed This property was named as energy E 80-8W = aE ce 30 = E+ aw he above eqjuation is the general statement ofthe first law of thermodynamics for a closed system. Remember + EQ = EWis also a first Jaw equation but is applicable only in a cycle, however 8Q= dE + bWis applicable to a cycle as well as a process in a closed system. DB. teecyess (1) Property of the system (Extensive) (2) Point function (8) Exact differential (4) §dE=0 as itis a point function CG theory with Solved Examples MADE EASY Postal Study Package PUNE) Thermodynamics | 41 Remember AU=mc,AT is applicable for ¢ () Constant volume process for any substance or (i) Ideal gas and any process (as for ideal gas U= f(T) only) 3.4.2 Reversible Constant Pressure (or Isobaric) Process ‘+ The boundary of the system is again the limits of volume occupied by the gas and it moves as piston moves to maintain constant pressure when heat is supplied (figure 3.4) Final Position f=" Inilal Postlon-—=————. — ston Gas yw vs @) Figure 3.4 Isobaric Process From first law of thermodynamics for process 1 - 2 80- gu+aw 8Q= dU+pav (Assumption: (1) closed system, (2) Quasistatic, (3) Stationary) o a= dU+ apy) (as Pis constant) +PVY) (6Q,= 4H (by definition, H= U+ PY) but (6), = me,dT (by defintion of ¢,) or me,AT Hoattransforat constant pressure, Qp = AH= mc,AT Remember AH =/mc,AT is applicable for () Constant pressure process for any substance or (i) Ideal gas and any process (as for ideal gas H= f(T) only) A fluid system undergoes a non-fiow frictionless process following the pressure volume relation as P Re 3 where Pisin bar and Vis in m?. During the process the volume changes from 0.2 m? to 0.05 m? and the system rejects 200 ki of heat. Determine: (Change in internal energy (ii) Change in enthalpy ( MADE ERSY ‘Theory with Solved Exar tw 42 | Mechanical Engineering Solution = Given: Pressure volume relation, P Inival volume, V, ‘al volume, V, Heat rejected by the system, Q Assumption (i) The process is quasi-static, The thermodynamic work done, w w ee 2079) MADE EASY (i28)o 0.2m? 0.05 m® 200 ks (i) AKE = aPE=0 Peav £(B+s}av y oS . [ont +2tu -¥)] x 10% Y he 1431.29 kd () Applying fst aw equation, aus Ww ie ‘AU + (-1431.29) 1231.29 kJ Hence th inemalenereyinefoases (i) Changoin enthalpy Woknow n= OB aH = AUP) AU+(P,V,-P,Y,) 10,4. 10 Now , = Bao-2249-sabe 10) 10 . +32! 43=203 bar and b= Besa ies cosa Substituting ‘AHS 1031 28 45 (2080.05 0580.2) x 10? AH = 1186.29 kJ process at P= 1.6 bar, changed from v, = 0.3 m*/kg, T, = 20°C to v, = 0.55 m*/kg, T, specific heat of the fluid is given by 15 1S kJ / kg*C, where T c ou (154,28, }urto. eer Determine: () Heat added per kg (li) Work done per kg (ii) Change in internal energy per kg (jv) Change in enthalpy per kg CG Theory with Solved Examples MADE EASY Postal Study Package PUNE) Thermodynamics | 43 Solution = Given: Initial volume, vy = 0.3 mkg Initial temperatu T, = 0c Final volume, v, = 0.55 m%/kg Final temperature, I, = 267°C Pressure (constant P = 1.6barand process is reversible 75 Ais c= (15+ Jurore ‘Assumptions: (System is closed (i) AKE= APE=0 (i) Heat added per kg is given by a Keo = far tig} 260 +45 20+45 [: (260 -20)+75 wf: )| = 475.94 kutkg (i) Work done per kg is given by 2, w= [)Pdv As itis a constant pressute process W = Ply,—v) = 1.6% 102 (0.55 ~ 0.8) kulkg = 40 kulkg (ii) Changs in intemal energy Using first law for closed system, Au= q=w-= 475.94 40 = 435.94 kulkg (iv) Change in enthalpy: 6g = ah-vaP oP =0 ah = 8q. As itis a constant pressure process: Ah = (bp 475.94 kJ/kg kgota process. During this process 45 kiJ of internal energy Is decreased. Determine the work during the process. Take c, = 850 Jikg°C and ¢, = 620 Jikg’C Solu Given: Mass of gas, m= 15kg Change ininternal energy, AU = —45 kd Gp = 850 Jikg°C = 0.85 ku/kg*C c, = 620 Jikg"C = 0.62 ki/kg*C ‘ot the change in temperature of gas during the process = AT ‘Assumptions: () Closed system (i) AKE= APE=0 (i) Gas is an ideal gas, ( MADE ERSY ‘Theory with Solved Exa tw EASY vupiatione & D sruvenr's Assiovments Q.1 Aninsulated rigid pressure vessel is divided into two portions by a movable parttion. One partof the vessel is occupied by the an deal gas ata pressure P,, volume V, and temperature 7, The other part I occupied by the same ideal gas butat apressure P, volume V, and temperature T,, The parton is removed andl two portions mix adiabatically, Show thatthe final pressure P, and final temperature T, as given by P+ PMs PV, + BV, lore MABRY BI, mh P, Q.2_ The following equation gives the internal energy of a certain substance u= 3.64 Py + 90 whete U is in ki/kg. Pin kPa and vis in m*kg. A system composed of 3.5 kg of this substance expands from an intial pressure of 500 kPa and a volume of 0.25 m? to a final pressute of 100 kPa ina process in which the law followed is given by PV25 = constant. (). the expansion isreversible find Q, AUand Wor the process. In another process all conditions remains same except that the heat transfer in this case is 32 kd. Find the work transfer for this. process, Explain the difference. in. work. transfer. in parts (i) and (i. (Ans. (i) Q Ww (i) 2.4 ki, A 25.2kd W= 187.6 kd (il) W= 187.2 kd] a3 A rectangular box as shown in the figure has a partition which slides without friction along the length of the box. Initially the 2 chambers of the box have 1 kg each of an ideal gas (y= 5/3) at a pressure P,, volume V, and temperature T,, The chamber on the left is slowly heated by an oloctric heater. The walls of the box and partition is thermally insulated. The gas in the loft chamber, expands pushing the partition until the final ( Postal Study Package BIE) a4 as MADE ERSY Thermodynamics | 67 pressure in both the chambers is 243F Determine the final temperature of the gas in each chamber in terms of T,, Py, Vp and WD by the gas in the right chamber. a insulation (Ans, T,=2.28 T, 7, = 1297, W=-1.875 PV] 0.1 m® of an ideal gas at 300 K and 1 bar is compressed adiabatically to 8 bar. It is cooled at constant volume and further exoanded isothermally so as to reach back the initial condition. () Plot the P-Vdiagram for the above cycle, (i) Calculate pressure at the end of isochoric process, (ii) AU. during isochoric process. (iv) Network done and heal transferred during the cycle Assume c, = 14.3 kulkgk and 6, = 10.2 kulkoK [Ans. (i) P, =4.4 barr; (ill) AU: (iv) W, Astationary system consisting 2 kg of fluid with Gp= 1.008 kulkak = 0.718 kuikgk P= 0.287 (T+ 273) U= 196 + 0.7187 (Vis in kikg) expands in an adiabatic process according to P¥'?-=constant. The inal conditions are 1 MPa and 200°C and the final pressure is 0.1 MPa Find W and AE for the process. Why is work transfer not equal to f Pdv? (An W= 216.66 kJ] ‘Theory with Solved Examples [J

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