Involved in The Case, Date of The Case Upon Court Decision Member of Persons Involve in The Case

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Work Sheet 2

Name: Date:January 19,2010

Course/Year: BSHTM- HRM1


Directions: As you listen to the reports on the different genres of academic writing, fill in
the table with the most important characteristics of each genre.

1.Autopsy Content: Contains the medical findings of a forensic pathologist
Length: Generally brief and exact, depends on extent of findings
Language: Use of medical terms
Tone: Formal
Author: Autopsy Surgeon, Forensic Pathologist
2.Legal Citation Content: Identity of the legal court issuing the desicion, name of persons
Other Names: involved in the case, date of the case upon court decision
Criminal Case Length: Varies according to pronouncement of the court desicion and the
Report, Law member of persons involve in the case
Report, Court Language: Uses legal terms
Desicion Tone: Formal
Author: Lawyer or Judge
3.News Report Content: Factual
Parts: Headline, Lead paragraph, Other details
Length: Varies according to complexity
Language: Common terms
Tone: Formal
Form: News Column
Author: News Writer, Journalist
4.Feature Articles Content: A combination of facts and opinions but more of the subjective
and personal descriptions/views of the feature writer
Length: Usually longer than the news as the feature plays on the human
feelings or emotions to make treatment of the news interesting
Language: Uses common literary terms, also uses figurative language
Tone: Formal
Author: Journalist
Form: Paragraph
5.Poem Content: Facts and Opinions
Parts: Verses, Lines in a poem
Length: Depends on the writer
Language: Metaphorical or Figurative, Picture- making details
Tone: Formal
Form: Verse form
Author: Poet
6.Personal Essay Content: A personal statement about one’s life and experiences written in
one’s own words
Purpose: To prevent oneself or one’s experiences and ideas about life
Form: Essay form using standard format
Language: Good English
Tone: Either formal or informal
Parts: Introduction, Body, Conclusion
Types: Literary types: 5-paragraph essay, admission, argumentative,
cause and effect,classification, comparison, critical, deductive, definition,
descriptive, evaluative, explanatory, expository, illustration, informal,
literature, narrative, persuasive, scholarship, etc.
Non Literary Types: Visual aids, music, film, photo- essay
Writer: Essayist (student, teacher, any individual)
7.Response Papers Content: Personal viewpoints or learnings about a material read
Basis: Book, Essay,Paper,Article,etc.
Purpose: To give reaction to an assigned readings
Nature: Agree/Disagree, Interpretive/Reflective, Analytic
Form: Essay form
Parts: Summary, Critical response and Analysis, Synthesis
Language: Good English
Tone: Formal
8.Journal (Diary) Content: An account of an individual’s experience written daily or at
regular intervals
Purpose: To record regularly one’s daily experiences
Types: Free writing, Structured/Guided format
Kinds: Creative writing, Scrapbook, Travel- journal, Sketchbook
Elements: General comments, Concrete experience, Reflective
observation, Abstract conceptualization
Writer: Anyone
9.Position Paper Content: A reasoned defense or a critique of an ethical thesis
Purpose:To present one’s personal opinion about an issue
Format: Consisitent with standard guidelines
Parts: Summary, Background, Discussion supported by reasons,
Evidences, Authorities, Resolution, Conclusion
10.Reviews Content: An evaluation of a publication(movie, video,music,
composition, or recording) book, piece of hardware(car,computer,etc.) ,
performance(concert, show, play, etc.)
Purpose: To present an evaluation or assesment of what is reviewed
Writing Style: Use good English sentences, standard review format
Tone: Formal
Parts: Introduction, Summary of content, Analysis/Evaluation,
Conclusion, References
Writer: Reviewer
11.Informative Content: A factual presentation of the result of a laboratory work
and Lab report Purpose: Written for several reasons
Parts: Abstract, Introduction, Procedures, Results/Discussions,
Conclusions, Appendices
Format: Standard format
Types: Lab Report Research
Writers: Reaserchers, Scientists
12.Research Content: A research study on any field of endeavor
Report Purpose: To document/report on the result of a study
Parts: Introduction,Procedure,Conclusion,Appendices
Format: Standard research format
Types: Argumentative, Compare and Contrast, Research, Cause and
Effect, Interpretative,Analytical, Definition
Writers: Researcher
13.Field Content: A study of human behavior lifestyle, culture and tradition
Observation Purpose: To understand people better
14. Proposal Content: A plan for solving problems
Purpose: Present a plan of action
Types: Budget Proposal, Business Proposal
Parts: Tiltle, Name/Date written, Introduction, Statement of the
problem,objectives, Action Plan, Management Plan, Conclusion,
Tone: formal
15. Web- Based Content: Element of text forms, images

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