EEF 262 Resit Exam 2020 PDF

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Course Code: EEF262 Course Title: Physics for Engineering II

Date: …/…/2020 Course Instructors: Dr. DJOB/WATI/NGOA
Time Allowed: 2 hours Credit value: 4
INTUCTIONS: Students should answer questions using clear, well-well
illustrated diagrams.
QUESTION ONE(3 + 9 + 8=20 Marks) Figure 2
2. A rectangular piece of stiff
ff paper measures 20cm×25cm. You hold the
piece of paper in a uniform magnetic field that has a magnitude of
4.0·10−3T. Sketch a diagram showing
wing the magnetic field and the paper, and
determine the magnitude of the magnetic flux through the paper, when the
magnitude of the flux is at its minimum value.
QUESTION TWO (10 + 10=20 Marks)
1. Two wires each carrying current I are perpendicular to xy plane.
plane The
current in one of them is into the plane denoted
deno by a cross sign and the
other wire is out of the plane denoted by a filled circle. If the linear
distance between the positions of two wires is 2a, then find the net
magnetic field at a distance b on the perpendicular bisector of the line
joining the positions
itions of two wires.
2. A long annular cylindrical conductor of radii a and b carries a uniform
current. Determine the magnetic field at a point in the annular region at a
Figure 1 radial distance r from the axis (a<rr<b).

1. Using B-HH curve obtained from a reference book (Figure 1), determine: QUESTION THREE (7+3+3+2= 15 Marks)
a. The amount of magnetizing force (H) required to establishing a 1. A 1.5 kg weight hung on a vertical spring stretches it 0.4 m. The weight is
magnetic flux density of 1 T in a cast-steel core (Use Figure 2).
2 then pulled down 1m and released. Find the differential equation of motion
b. Deduce the MMF, the flowing current and the reluctance of this
of the body with boundary conditions if a damping force numerically equal
to 15 times the instantaneous speed is acting on it (𝑓⃗ = −15𝑣⃗).
2. A wave with 𝜔 = 10 rad/s and 𝑘⃗ = 7𝚤̂ + 6𝚥̂ − 3𝑘 has a phase 𝜑 = 𝜋/3
at the point(0 0 0) at 𝑡 = 0.
2.1. At what time will this value of phase reach the point(1 1 1)m ?
2.2. What is the phase at the point(1 0 0) 𝑚 at 𝑡 = 1𝑠?
2.3. What is the phase velocity of the wave?
QUESTION FOUR (5+5+5=15 Marks)
1. A compressional wave of frequency 300 Hz is set up in an iron rod and
passes from the iron rod into air. The speed of the wave is 4800 m/s in
iron and 330 m/s in air. Find the wavelength in each material.
2. A wave is represented by
𝜓 = cos(2𝑥 + 4𝑡)
Where 𝑥 is measured in metres and 𝑡 in seconds. Find the
wavelength, frequency, wave velocity and the direction of travel of
the wave.
The electric field of a wave is given by 𝐸⃗ = 𝐸 cos(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔𝑡)𝑘, where𝐸 >
3. Explain why the magnetic field for this wave would be given by:
𝐵⃗ = −𝐵 cos(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔𝑡)𝚥̂, where 𝐵 > 0.



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