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iLearn and Share Activity: English for

Academic and Professional Purposes

This iLearn and Share (iLS) aims to apply and demonstrate the skills that are discussed in the subject by creating
a strand-specific magazine.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the iLearn and Share Activity, the students should be able to:

 create a strand-specific magazine.

Procedure and/or Evaluation Guideline

1. Form yourselves into groups with five (5) members each.

2. After you are assigned to your respective groups, read amongst yourselves the Performance Task for
the iLearn and Share Activity given below:

Performance Task:

The company that you are working for wanted to give free educational magazines to
Grade 11 and 12 students in your area. Your group, the research, and development
team were tasked to create the magazine.

The magazine should include different feature articles and make sure that there are
good illustrations or photographs to keep the magazine interesting for the students.

3. Each of you should participate in all the tasks in order for you to accomplish the project.

4. Your group should also create a group journal to monitor your contribution to the project. This journal is
subject for submission to your instructor and will be checked regularly.

Note: The journal should include only the contribution for this iLS activity related to this subject. A
different journal is to be submitted for the other integrated subjects.

5. The deadline for submission will be on the 2nd Periodical Exam date.

6. Below are the criteria for grading:

Ideas/Information: = 40%
Organization: = 20%
Graphics: = 20%
Writing Convention: = 20%
Total: 100%

iLS Guide for Students *Property of STI

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