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GreekAΓt ßη Motion

Studies ßη honour of SirJohn Boardman οη the

occasion of his 9oth birthday

ediτed by
Rui Morais, Delfim Leδo, Diana Rodriguez ΡÝτεΖ
Daniela Ferreira


John Boardman and Creek Sculpture

Olga Palagia

t am most grateful to the organizers of this conference into ne\v fields, looking α\,ναγ from early Greece ι,vhich he had
for inviting me to participate ßη the celebration of my mastered to perfection, into the art of Rthens ιryhich ιryas still
teacher's 90th birthday. l cannot even begin to enumerate considered the croιηlning glory of classical archaeology. We
his achievements. As γου vgell know, John Boardnran has have come α long \ταγ since then but those \ryere the days of
mastered α great number of fields, from early Greek artΙ to innocence. Boardman's theory ιναò highly original and it ι.ιιαò
Chinese bronzes.' He is driven by cιιriosity, being alιvays sρτιιηg ιιροη αη ιιηsιιsρεòtßηg ιryorld.
ready to take οη ne\ry challenges and expand his horizons.
Even though Greek gems3 and the diffusion of Greek art east The lecture \ryas published ßη ιg77.' The argument, however,
and ιvesta have been his dominant interests, his contribution vvas taken υρ again and refined ßη the proceedings of the
to the stιιdy and understanding of Greek sculptιιre has had Parthenon Congress ßη Base1.6 The frieze presents the modern
αη impact οη the field for he has brought to it αη open mind, vieι,ιler with α number of riddles. Boardman focused οη tι,νο
approaching it from α different perspective and illuminating fundamental questions. Does the frieze break the rule of
it ιryith his expertise ßη other art forms. shoιving οηΙγ gods and heroes οη sacred buildings? Does it
really depict α τeΙßgßοιιò festival enacted by contemporary
His interest ßη Greek sculpture dates from the 1970s. lt seems Athenians as so mαηγ scholars have assunred beginning ιvith
to have begun ιryith α reconsideration of the problems posed Stuart and Revett?' And if it represents the Panathenaic
by the interpretations of the Parthenon frieze. He has left his procession, ιvhere are the hoplites? \ryhy do ιη,e see so many
mark οη this as οη αΙΙ other tasks he has ιιndertaken. lt is my horsemen (rig. 1) and chariots (rig.2) instead of foot soldiers?
special pleasure and privilege to say α feιry ι,vords about my He pointed out that '...there is ηο parallel οη α Greek temple,
teacher's achievements ßη the field of Greek sculpture before before or after, for the depiction of contemporary mortals ßη
ιτε go οη asking ourselves v,ghere do \j/e go from here. such α setting, conducting α peaceful, non-heroic activity...
There is ηο heroic implication ßη α procession to dedicate
John Boardιnan first aired his thoιιghts οη the Parthenon and sacrifice; but there is ßη the cavalcade." He ,yvent οη to
fτßòΖò ßη α lecture given at the lnstitute of Classical Studies suggest that the lnilitary οη the frieze, not οηΙγ the knights
ßη London οη November 15, 1975, ,ahen it was still housed and the apobates jιιmρßηg ιιρ and do,pn their chariots bιιt
ßη Gordon Square. I vras α gradιιate stιιdent ßη Oxford at the also their teenage grooms may be understood as the heroic
time and ιηreηt dοι,ιιη to London to hear him. He νιιαò venturing Athenians ινhο had fought and died ßη the battle of Marathon


Figure 1. Ραττhòηοη, North fτßεΖòΧΧΧγΙΙ- ΧΧΧνΠΙ. London, British Museum . Photo: Olga Palagia.

υ Boardmanl977.
Boardma η L967 ; Boardman 1 998.
υ Boardman 1984.
Boardman 20],0.
See the contribution οf Claudia Wagner ßη this volume. ' Stuart and Revett Ι787 , L2.
Boardman 1994; Boardman 1999; Boardman 2015. ' Boardmanl984,214.

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