CBT Labelling Emotions

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Online courses for Anxiety and Depression


Mindfulness-Based CBT Program

for Depression and Anxiety
Labelling Emotions

As you practice mindfulness and become more aware of how thoughts

and feelings tend to come and go, one of the skills to develop is to
identify and label what emotion (or feeling) you experience. One of
the tricks is to be as specific as possible in labelling the emotion. We
have put these into broad themes in each section below. You can use
the guide below to learn to identify and observe the emotion you feel
in response to the thoughts that come into your mind. You can
practice labelling emotions during any of the mindfulness exercises
(e.g., Body Scan, 3-Minute Breathing Space, etc). You may find it
helpful to also look at this resource as you complete your thought
monitoring forms in order to accurately record the emotions that your thoughts trigger.

Emotion Words

Anger words

Angry Irritated Enraged Contempt Bitter Exasperated

Aggravated Irate Seething Disgusted Grouchy Jealous

Agitated Furious Outraged Spiteful Hateful Hostile

Frustrated Annoyed Ropable Scornful Resentful Vengeful

Sadness words

Sad Dejected Hopeless Miserable Rejected Hopeless

Depressed Despair Insecure Woeful Distraught Grief

Deflated Gloomy Lonely Sorrowful Disappointed Weary

Fear words

Afraid Horrified Anxious Worried Dread Panic

Frightened Tense Fearful Concerned Nervous Uneasy

Terrified Diffident Wary Shocked Scared Bewildered

Material in this resource is adapted from Skills Training Manual for Borderline Personality Disorder by Marsha
Linehan. ©1993 The Guildford Press

Shame words

Shame Regret Remorseful Guilty Mortified

Humiliated Embarrassed Contrite Insulted Humbled

Love words

Love Exhilarated Attracted Sentimental Fond Desire

Adore Lust Sympathetic Affection Infatuated Passionate

Tender Compassionate Patient Accepting Warmth Enchanted

Joy words

Happy Hopeful Interested Delighted Glad Joyful

Content Motivated Blissful Eager Jovial Satisfied

Excited Cheerful Calm Proud Jubilant Relaxed

Optimistic Amused Elated Confident Engaged

We hope you have found this resource helpful.

If you have any questions at any stage of this program, feel free to contact us by email
(research@thiswayupclinic.org) or phone (02) 8382 1400. We are available Monday to Friday
between 9am – 5pm AEST. If we are busy and cannot take your call, please leave a message and
we will contact you as soon as possible.

Good luck!

The team from THIS WAY UP Clinic


Material in this resource is adapted from Skills Training Manual for Borderline Personality Disorder by Marsha
Linehan. ©1993 The Guildford Press


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